

发布时间:2024-07-06 05:08:20


[ 1 ] 崔玉敏. 小公司病. 黑龙江科学技术出版社, 2002. 01;[ 2 ] 刘志远. 候青川. 财务管理. 中国经济出版社, 2000. 01;[ 3 ] 袁建国. 财务管理. 东北财经大学出版社, 2001. 07;[ 4 ] 李海波. 财务管理. 高等教育出版社, 2000. 08;[ 5 ] 梁继先. 中小企业如何加强财务管理[ J ]濮阳职业技术学院报, 2005, ( 03);[ 6 ] 李冬梅. 中小财务管理存在的问题及对策[ J ]河北职业技术学院报, 2005, ( 04);[ 7 ] 张树森. 浅谈我国中小企业财务管理存在的问题于对策[ J ]山西青年管理干部学院报, 2008, ( 01);[ 8 ] 何学红. 中小企业财务管理的问题及对策[ J ]中国西部科技,2008, ( 10);[ 9 ] 王沛宁. 中小企业财务管理的问题及对策[ J ]甘肃亚盛集团,2008, ( 03);[ 10 ] 曹伟. 我国利润分配会计的几个问题研究[ J ]中国人民大学商学院, 2004, ( 02)



[1]Allport, G. W. Personality: A psychological interpretation. New York: Holt,Rinehart & Winston, 1937.

[2]DeVellis, R. Scale development: Theory and application. London: Sage. 1991.

[3]Anderson,J. R. Methodologies for studying human knowledge. Behavioural and Brain Sciences,1987,10(3),467-505

[4]Aragon-Comea, J. A. Strategic proactivity and firm approach to the natural environment. Academy of Management Journal,1998,41(5),556-567.

[5]Bandura, A. Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 2001,52,1-26.

[6]Barr, P. S,Stimpert,J. L,& Huff,A. S. Cognitive change,strategic action and organizational renewal. Strategic Management Journal, 1992,13(S1),15-36.

[7]Bourgeois, L. J. On the measurement of organizational slack. Academy of Management Review, 1981,6(1),29-39.

[8]Belkin, N. J. Anomalous state of knowledge for information retrieval. Canadian Journal of Information Science, 1980,5(5),133-143.

[9]Bentler,P. M,& Chou C. P. Practical issues in structural equation Methods and Research,1987,16(1),78-117

[10]Atkin, C. K. Instrumental utilities and information seeking. New models for mass communication research, Oxford,England: Sage,1973.


[1]Antelo,M. Licensing a non-drastic innovation under double informational asymmetry. Rese arch Policy,2003,32(3), 367-390.

[2]Arora, A. Patents,licensing, and market structure in the chemical Policy, 1997,26(4-5), 391-403.

[3]Aoki,R.,& Tauman,Y. Patent licensing with spillovers. Economics Letters,2001,73(1),125-130.

[4]Agarwal, S,& Hauswald, R. Distance and private information in of Financial Studies,2010,23(7),2757-2788.

[5]Brouthers, Hennart, . Boundaries of the firm: insights from international entry mode research. Journal of Management, 2007,33,395-425.

[6]Anderson, J. E. A theoretical foundation for the gravity equation. American Economic Review, 1997,69(1),106-116.

[7]Barkema,H. G.,Bell,J. H. J.,& Pennings, J. M. Foreign entry,cultural barriers,and learning. Strategic Management Journal, 1996, 17(2),151-166.

[8]Bass, B.,& Granke, R. Societal influences on student perceptions of how to succeed in organizations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1972,56(4),312-318.

[9]Bresman, H.,Birkinshaw, J.,& Nobel, R. Knowledge transfer in international acquisitions. Journal of International Business Studies,1999,30(3),439-462.

[10]Chesbrough, H. W.,& Appleyard,M, M. Open innovation and Management Review, 2007,50(1),57-76.




[1]. 张先治。 现代财务分析程序与方法体系重构[J]. 求是学刊, 2002,(04)。

[2]. 朱晶。 试论企业并购中财务分析及作用[J]. 黑龙江科技信息, 2007,(13)。

[3]. 倪霞丽。 财务分析应注意啥[J]. 中国统计, 2005,(04)。

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[1]Antelo,M. Licensing a non-drastic innovation under double informational asymmetry. Rese arch Policy,2003,32(3), 367-390.

[2]Arora, A. Patents,licensing, and market structure in the chemical Policy, 1997,26(4-5), 391-403.

[3]Aoki,R.,& Tauman,Y. Patent licensing with spillovers. Economics Letters,2001,73(1),125-130.

[4]Agarwal, S,& Hauswald, R. Distance and private information in of Financial Studies,2010,23(7),2757-2788.

[5]Brouthers, Hennart, . Boundaries of the firm: insights from international entry mode research. Journal of Management, 2007,33,395-425.

[6]Anderson, J. E. A theoretical foundation for the gravity equation. American Economic Review, 1997,69(1),106-116.

[7]Barkema,H. G.,Bell,J. H. J.,& Pennings, J. M. Foreign entry,cultural barriers,and learning. Strategic Management Journal, 1996, 17(2),151-166.

[8]Bass, B.,& Granke, R. Societal influences on student perceptions of how to succeed in organizations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1972,56(4),312-318.

[9]Bresman, H.,Birkinshaw, J.,& Nobel, R. Knowledge transfer in international acquisitions. Journal of International Business Studies,1999,30(3),439-462.

[10]Chesbrough, H. W.,& Appleyard,M, M. Open innovation and Management Review, 2007,50(1),57-76.


[1]Allport, G. W. Personality: A psychological interpretation. New York: Holt,Rinehart & Winston, 1937.

[2]DeVellis, R. Scale development: Theory and application. London: Sage. 1991.

[3]Anderson,J. R. Methodologies for studying human knowledge. Behavioural and Brain Sciences,1987,10(3),467-505

[4]Aragon-Comea, J. A. Strategic proactivity and firm approach to the natural environment. Academy of Management Journal,1998,41(5),556-567.

[5]Bandura, A. Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 2001,52,1-26.

[6]Barr, P. S,Stimpert,J. L,& Huff,A. S. Cognitive change,strategic action and organizational renewal. Strategic Management Journal, 1992,13(S1),15-36.

[7]Bourgeois, L. J. On the measurement of organizational slack. Academy of Management Review, 1981,6(1),29-39.

[8]Belkin, N. J. Anomalous state of knowledge for information retrieval. Canadian Journal of Information Science, 1980,5(5),133-143.

[9]Bentler,P. M,& Chou C. P. Practical issues in structural equation Methods and Research,1987,16(1),78-117

[10]Atkin, C. K. Instrumental utilities and information seeking. New models for mass communication research, Oxford,England: Sage,1973.


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[1]Allport, G. W. Personality: A psychological interpretation. New York: Holt,Rinehart & Winston, 1937.

[2]DeVellis, R. Scale development: Theory and application. London: Sage. 1991.

[3]Anderson,J. R. Methodologies for studying human knowledge. Behavioural and Brain Sciences,1987,10(3),467-505

[4]Aragon-Comea, J. A. Strategic proactivity and firm approach to the natural environment. Academy of Management Journal,1998,41(5),556-567.

[5]Bandura, A. Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 2001,52,1-26.

[6]Barr, P. S,Stimpert,J. L,& Huff,A. S. Cognitive change,strategic action and organizational renewal. Strategic Management Journal, 1992,13(S1),15-36.

[7]Bourgeois, L. J. On the measurement of organizational slack. Academy of Management Review, 1981,6(1),29-39.

[8]Belkin, N. J. Anomalous state of knowledge for information retrieval. Canadian Journal of Information Science, 1980,5(5),133-143.

[9]Bentler,P. M,& Chou C. P. Practical issues in structural equation Methods and Research,1987,16(1),78-117

[10]Atkin, C. K. Instrumental utilities and information seeking. New models for mass communication research, Oxford,England: Sage,1973.


[1]Antelo,M. Licensing a non-drastic innovation under double informational asymmetry. Rese arch Policy,2003,32(3), 367-390.

[2]Arora, A. Patents,licensing, and market structure in the chemical Policy, 1997,26(4-5), 391-403.

[3]Aoki,R.,& Tauman,Y. Patent licensing with spillovers. Economics Letters,2001,73(1),125-130.

[4]Agarwal, S,& Hauswald, R. Distance and private information in of Financial Studies,2010,23(7),2757-2788.

[5]Brouthers, Hennart, . Boundaries of the firm: insights from international entry mode research. Journal of Management, 2007,33,395-425.

[6]Anderson, J. E. A theoretical foundation for the gravity equation. American Economic Review, 1997,69(1),106-116.

[7]Barkema,H. G.,Bell,J. H. J.,& Pennings, J. M. Foreign entry,cultural barriers,and learning. Strategic Management Journal, 1996, 17(2),151-166.

[8]Bass, B.,& Granke, R. Societal influences on student perceptions of how to succeed in organizations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1972,56(4),312-318.

[9]Bresman, H.,Birkinshaw, J.,& Nobel, R. Knowledge transfer in international acquisitions. Journal of International Business Studies,1999,30(3),439-462.

[10]Chesbrough, H. W.,& Appleyard,M, M. Open innovation and Management Review, 2007,50(1),57-76.






M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章

J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告



①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, .,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的'首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & .;

②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。





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[9] Spivak,G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?”[A]. In & L. Grossberg(eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, .

[10] Almarza, . Student foreign language teacher’s knowledge growth [A]. In and (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. .




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【格式】[序号]原著作者. 书名[M].译者,译.出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.




参考文献与文中注(王小龙,2005)对应。标号在标点符号内。多个都需要标注出来,而不是1-6等等 ,并列写出来

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This will be the goal of financial management is to ensure the promotion of the Operational funds required to achieve the mission of the Organization and to the sustainable Exhibition. According to the experts pointed out that the profit-making organizations and non-profit organizations in the fiscal Treasury management objectives on the difference (the following table), but as a non - Profit organizations, in this financial operation will also focus on security (Flow Mobility), the long-term stability and development, expectations by a different cast Financing portfolio, spread financial risk, and the smallest in the financial winds Danger, the pursuit of a reasonable financial return. This will be the main financial management To the project, in addition to manage projects and the use of funds, is also responsible for Long-term financing plan and the recovery of funds management, and short-term vote Funding. Described as follows: The use of funds The funds will be used mainly divided into the Fund and the annual income of two Points, including funds to cover long-term financing (loans), long-term vote Financing and credit guarantee business, including the remaining funds allocated or have not yet fixed Unsigned amount, for the storage of banks, short-term bills, bonds, Funds, shares and other assets. The Fund's income from the use of these funds, including long-term Interest income from loans, credit guarantee fee income and short-term investments to Into the main branch should be the year for the financial services, international human Development, technical cooperation, business planning and the total cost, and other expenses. As at December 31, 2004 only, the overall situation such as the use of funds The right upper plans: Long-term financing (loans) case management plan As at December 31, 2004 only, this will be long-term financing plan Total 66, the program loan, the loan interest rate, grace period and signed About the amount of loans, and other major conditions as follows: Juan Financial Management Other 2% Long-term investment 3% Have been signed For not moving The amount of 16% Unsigned The Dui 43% Long-term financing 36% Long-term investment 59% Long-term financing (loan) program main conditions Project average Loan period (years) Lending rate (%) (Note) Grace period (years) The amount of credits (1,000 . dollars) 7,484 Note: non-small-scale loans In 2004 the use of funds Other 23% More than the current situation 2% Business Planning Expenditure 8% Technical cooperation expenditure 14% International human Development expenditures 21% Financial operating expenses 12% Management and General costs 20% 2004 income ratio use Profit and non-profit organizations financial management objectives of the similarities and differences - Profit organization's goals of the objectives of non-profit organizations Shares of great security and stability The most marginal benefit mission responsibility Acts of target goals Social responsibility of social responsibility Source: Shim, Jae K. & Joel G. Siegel (1997) Chapter IV of organizational and operational management 73 As at December 31, 2004 only, this Council has signed the financing Amounted to 400 million million . dollars, of which 300 million the amount of funding million . dollars, the total amount of principal repayments for the 100 million million . dollars; Fixed rate of percent for, principal repayments rate of percent. Observation of the long-term financing plan will be signed over the years accumulated amount (deduction In addition to the amount of cancellation), and the amount of funds on account of the changes (as above), Can be found both for signing, funding and principal payments, showed a Slowly growing trend, with the signing of the gap between the amount of funding, Dynamic is illustrated in a year to improve conditions for the phenomenon. This will provide more Yundang the quality of the assets, depending on asset class If other receivables, long-term lending and collection, and other subjects mentioned money Allowance for doubtful accounts are prepared, as at December 31, 2004 only, accounts out Allowance for doubtful accounts for the balance of 300 million NT 1,528 million. Case management of short-term investments In order to maintain a long-term stability of this source of income and to meet industry Treasury characteristics, capital of the first re-use of safety and mobility, taking into account Value-added revenue, in 2004 the short-term investments for banks to asset allocation Deposit, bonds (including government bonds, financial bonds and corporate bonds, etc.) The main assets and bills, the Board authorized another 500 million . Yuan limit, some professional bodies appointed by the full commission operation. As at December 31, 2004 only, short-term investments of the assets allocated Purchase of the following plans. In the past year, when interest rates since the calendar History of low upward reversal, in order to avoid bombs or interest rate risk, maturity 1996 Signing of Dollars (100 million) Allocation of principal payments 2003 2004 5 4 3 2 1 0 () Stock 2% Coupons 10 percent bonds 30% Survival 2% CDs 56% Cash 0% Signing long-term financing plan for funding and principal payments accumulated Short-term investments of asset allocation ratio 74 Of the first temporary storage in the bank CDs, so obviously the proportion of CDs High, will look to the future as interest rates rise gradually adjust the asset allocation Home proportion. And from the next calendar year will map the actual short-term rate of return on investments, and The one-year bank interest rates, can also be found through the above-mentioned With the allocation of assets, has effectively will be the overall short-term fluctuations in investment income The rate slowed down, and short-term investments in the year to maintain the yield on one-year Bank interest rates above the standard. Future This will be the last major asset investment of NT dollar and . dollar assets, Based on the actual needs of borrowing countries and spread the risk of exchange rate considerations, not Will be to meet business needs a different currency, to enhance the funding will The production value of stability. In fact, the relevant laws and regulations governing repair funds After the change, the assets of the future will be towards a more diversified use, depending on the whole - Economic performance in different parts of the appropriate distribution of assets to achieve the full San risk purposes. 2003 2004 One-year bank interest rates on short-term investments yield Over the years the actual investment income and short-term interest rates on one-year Comparison

真不好意思 以我的水平翻不行我也找不到中文版 您再找找吧不过一楼的肯定不对 是机翻



[1]. 张先治。 现代财务分析程序与方法体系重构[J]. 求是学刊, 2002,(04)。

[2]. 朱晶。 试论企业并购中财务分析及作用[J]. 黑龙江科技信息, 2007,(13)。

[3]. 倪霞丽。 财务分析应注意啥[J]. 中国统计, 2005,(04)。

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[1]Antelo,M. Licensing a non-drastic innovation under double informational asymmetry. Rese arch Policy,2003,32(3), 367-390.

[2]Arora, A. Patents,licensing, and market structure in the chemical Policy, 1997,26(4-5), 391-403.

[3]Aoki,R.,& Tauman,Y. Patent licensing with spillovers. Economics Letters,2001,73(1),125-130.

[4]Agarwal, S,& Hauswald, R. Distance and private information in of Financial Studies,2010,23(7),2757-2788.

[5]Brouthers, Hennart, . Boundaries of the firm: insights from international entry mode research. Journal of Management, 2007,33,395-425.

[6]Anderson, J. E. A theoretical foundation for the gravity equation. American Economic Review, 1997,69(1),106-116.

[7]Barkema,H. G.,Bell,J. H. J.,& Pennings, J. M. Foreign entry,cultural barriers,and learning. Strategic Management Journal, 1996, 17(2),151-166.

[8]Bass, B.,& Granke, R. Societal influences on student perceptions of how to succeed in organizations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1972,56(4),312-318.

[9]Bresman, H.,Birkinshaw, J.,& Nobel, R. Knowledge transfer in international acquisitions. Journal of International Business Studies,1999,30(3),439-462.

[10]Chesbrough, H. W.,& Appleyard,M, M. Open innovation and Management Review, 2007,50(1),57-76.


[1]Allport, G. W. Personality: A psychological interpretation. New York: Holt,Rinehart & Winston, 1937.

[2]DeVellis, R. Scale development: Theory and application. London: Sage. 1991.

[3]Anderson,J. R. Methodologies for studying human knowledge. Behavioural and Brain Sciences,1987,10(3),467-505

[4]Aragon-Comea, J. A. Strategic proactivity and firm approach to the natural environment. Academy of Management Journal,1998,41(5),556-567.

[5]Bandura, A. Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 2001,52,1-26.

[6]Barr, P. S,Stimpert,J. L,& Huff,A. S. Cognitive change,strategic action and organizational renewal. Strategic Management Journal, 1992,13(S1),15-36.

[7]Bourgeois, L. J. On the measurement of organizational slack. Academy of Management Review, 1981,6(1),29-39.

[8]Belkin, N. J. Anomalous state of knowledge for information retrieval. Canadian Journal of Information Science, 1980,5(5),133-143.

[9]Bentler,P. M,& Chou C. P. Practical issues in structural equation Methods and Research,1987,16(1),78-117

[10]Atkin, C. K. Instrumental utilities and information seeking. New models for mass communication research, Oxford,England: Sage,1973.


[1]Adams, M. and Hardwick, P. An Analysis of Corporate Donations: UnitedKingdom Evidence [J], Journal of Management Studies, 1998,35 (5): 641-654.

[2]Aronoff,C.,and J Ward. Family-owned Businesses: A Thing of the Past or Model of the Future. [J]. Family Business Review, 1995,8(2); 121-130.

[3]Beckhard,R“Dyer Jr.,. Managing continuity in the family owned business [J]. Organizational Dynamics, 1983,12 (1): 5-12.

[4Casson, M. The economics of family firms [J]. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 1999' 47(1):10 - 23.

[5]Alchian,A.,Demsetz, H. Production, information costs, and economic organization. American Economic Review [J]. 1972,62(5): 777-795.

[6]Allen, F,J, Qian and M, J. Qian. Law,Finance and Economic Growth in China [J], Journal of Financial Economics, 2005,77: .

[7]Amato,L. H.,& Amato,C. H. The effects of firm size and industry on corporate giving [J]. Journal of Business Ethics,2007,72(3): 229-241.

[8]Chrisman, ., Chua,., and Steier, L. P. An introduction to theories of family business [J]. Journal of Business Venturing, 2003b, 18(4): 441-448




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[2]. 朱晶。 试论企业并购中财务分析及作用[J]. 黑龙江科技信息, 2007,(13)。

[3]. 倪霞丽。 财务分析应注意啥[J]. 中国统计, 2005,(04)。

[4]. 董玉。 企业财务分析存在问题及其改进[J]. 商业会计,2005,(24)

[5]迟红梅:发挥财务分析在企业财务管理中的核心作用的研究[J]. 时代金融(下旬),2011(8).


[7]陈 敏:论财务分析在财务管理中的作用[J].中国电子商务,2011(1).


[1]Antelo,M. Licensing a non-drastic innovation under double informational asymmetry. Rese arch Policy,2003,32(3), 367-390.

[2]Arora, A. Patents,licensing, and market structure in the chemical Policy, 1997,26(4-5), 391-403.

[3]Aoki,R.,& Tauman,Y. Patent licensing with spillovers. Economics Letters,2001,73(1),125-130.

[4]Agarwal, S,& Hauswald, R. Distance and private information in of Financial Studies,2010,23(7),2757-2788.

[5]Brouthers, Hennart, . Boundaries of the firm: insights from international entry mode research. Journal of Management, 2007,33,395-425.

[6]Anderson, J. E. A theoretical foundation for the gravity equation. American Economic Review, 1997,69(1),106-116.

[7]Barkema,H. G.,Bell,J. H. J.,& Pennings, J. M. Foreign entry,cultural barriers,and learning. Strategic Management Journal, 1996, 17(2),151-166.

[8]Bass, B.,& Granke, R. Societal influences on student perceptions of how to succeed in organizations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1972,56(4),312-318.

[9]Bresman, H.,Birkinshaw, J.,& Nobel, R. Knowledge transfer in international acquisitions. Journal of International Business Studies,1999,30(3),439-462.

[10]Chesbrough, H. W.,& Appleyard,M, M. Open innovation and Management Review, 2007,50(1),57-76.


[1]Allport, G. W. Personality: A psychological interpretation. New York: Holt,Rinehart & Winston, 1937.

[2]DeVellis, R. Scale development: Theory and application. London: Sage. 1991.

[3]Anderson,J. R. Methodologies for studying human knowledge. Behavioural and Brain Sciences,1987,10(3),467-505

[4]Aragon-Comea, J. A. Strategic proactivity and firm approach to the natural environment. Academy of Management Journal,1998,41(5),556-567.

[5]Bandura, A. Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 2001,52,1-26.

[6]Barr, P. S,Stimpert,J. L,& Huff,A. S. Cognitive change,strategic action and organizational renewal. Strategic Management Journal, 1992,13(S1),15-36.

[7]Bourgeois, L. J. On the measurement of organizational slack. Academy of Management Review, 1981,6(1),29-39.

[8]Belkin, N. J. Anomalous state of knowledge for information retrieval. Canadian Journal of Information Science, 1980,5(5),133-143.

[9]Bentler,P. M,& Chou C. P. Practical issues in structural equation Methods and Research,1987,16(1),78-117

[10]Atkin, C. K. Instrumental utilities and information seeking. New models for mass communication research, Oxford,England: Sage,1973.


[1]Adams, M. and Hardwick, P. An Analysis of Corporate Donations: UnitedKingdom Evidence [J], Journal of Management Studies, 1998,35 (5): 641-654.

[2]Aronoff,C.,and J Ward. Family-owned Businesses: A Thing of the Past or Model of the Future. [J]. Family Business Review, 1995,8(2); 121-130.

[3]Beckhard,R“Dyer Jr.,. Managing continuity in the family owned business [J]. Organizational Dynamics, 1983,12 (1): 5-12.

[4Casson, M. The economics of family firms [J]. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 1999' 47(1):10 - 23.

[5]Alchian,A.,Demsetz, H. Production, information costs, and economic organization. American Economic Review [J]. 1972,62(5): 777-795.

[6]Allen, F,J, Qian and M, J. Qian. Law,Finance and Economic Growth in China [J], Journal of Financial Economics, 2005,77: .

[7]Amato,L. H.,& Amato,C. H. The effects of firm size and industry on corporate giving [J]. Journal of Business Ethics,2007,72(3): 229-241.

[8]Chrisman, ., Chua,., and Steier, L. P. An introduction to theories of family business [J]. Journal of Business Venturing, 2003b, 18(4): 441-448

































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