

发布时间:2024-07-07 09:37:06


Mechanical and electrical integration to intelligent direction of.机械和电气集成到智能方向。20 in the late 90's, the major developed countries began a new stage electromechanical integration technology to intelligent 世纪90年代末,主要发达国家开始了一项新的机电一体化技术,向智能方向发展。On the one hand, the optical communication technology into the mechanical and electrical integration, micro machining technology in Mechatronics in coming to the fore, the emergence of a new branch of optical mechanical electrical integration and microelectromechanical integration;一方面,光通信技术进入机电一体化,机电一体化的微加工技术,出现了光学机电一体化和微机电集成的新分支;on the other hand, modeling design, analysis and integration method of mechatronics system, discipline system and the development trend of the electromechanical integration of further research.另一方面,机电一体化系统的建模设计、分析和集成方法、学科体系和进一步研究的机电一体化的发展趋势。At the same time, because of the great progress of artificial intelligence technology, neural network technology and fiber optic technology and other fields, has opened up a vast world for the development of the electromechanical integration technology, but also for the industry to provide a solid foundation.与此同时,由于人工智能技术、神经网络技术、光纤技术等领域的巨大进步,为机电一体化技术的发展开辟了广阔的天地,同时也为业界提供了坚实的基础。

Nurse is the most beautiful occupation in the take good care of patients regardless of the mess and always show their enthusiasm and patience with bright smile to other give their support to those patients and make them feel warm and their scrupulous and thoughtful cares,the patinet's condition gets well gradually and become more and more want to bring my support to those patients who need it and spread my warmth like those believe I will be a nurse who can help patients to relieve their pain not only physically but also mentally.

摘要- Cobots是一类机器人的使用不断 无级变速发展高保真可编程 约束的表面。 Cobots消耗很少的电力 即使在提供高输出部队,其传输效率高众多的 传动比。 Cobotic变速箱也有能力 采取行动作为一个制动器或将成为完全免费。设计 和性能Cobotic手控制器,最近 发达国家六自由度触觉显示器,是审查。 这个装置表明,高动态范围和低功耗 消费实现的cobots 。彻底的比较 电源效率cobotic系统与传统的 机电系统提供。 三个关键要求机器人技术用于 假肢和康复是低体重,低功耗 消费和安全性。我们建议cobotic技术作为 传输架构,可以处理这些问题。 Cobots是机器人利用非完整约束 的指导车轮的相对速度有关的 机制的联系。阿cobotic传播是一个不断 无级变速器(无级变速器)之间的积极和消极 比率,可以涉及两个平移速度,两个 旋转速度,或旋转速度为平移 速度[ 1 ] 。我们最近推出了Cobotic手 控制器(图1 ) ,六自由度动力 合作机器人,并阐述其能力作为触觉界面[ 2 , 3 ] 。通过本论文中,我们表明, 机械结构和传输中使用 Cobotic手控制器处理所有三个以上 上述要求的假肢和机器人 康复。


Abstract— Cobots是连续地使用机器人的类 开发高保真度可编程序的variable传输 constraint表面。 Cobots消耗很少电能 ,既使当提供高产力量和他们的传输横跨各种各样是非常有效率的transmission比率。 Cobotic传输也有能力 to作为闸或变得完全地自由。 设计 Cobotic手控制器的and表现,最近a developed六程度自由触觉显示,被回顾。 This设备说明高力学范围和低功率 consumption可达成由cobots。 彻底的比较 the一个cobotic系统的出力效率对常规 提供electro-mechanical系统。机器人技术的Three关键要求使用为 prosthetics和修复是低重量,低功率 consumption和安全。 我们提出cobotic技术作为a 可能论及所有这些问题的transmission建筑学。 Cobots是运用nonholonomic限制的机器人 of 操纵 轮子 关连 相对 速度 mechanism链接。 cobotic传输连续地是a variable传输(CVT)在正面和阴性之间 ratios, 并且 能 关连 二 平移 速度, 二 rotational速度或者对平移的旋转的速度 velocity [1]。 我们最近介绍了Cobotic手 Controller (图 1), a 供给动力的六程度自由 cobot和描述它的能力作为一个触觉接口[2, 3]。 通过本文路线,我们显示出, mechanical 建筑学 并且 传输 使用 在 Cobotic手控制器地址全部三在上面 机器人学的mentioned要求的弭补科和 rehabilitation.

IntroductionMachining aims to generate the shape of work-piece form a solid body,or to improve the tolerances and surface finish of a previously formed work-piece,by removing excess materials in the form of chips. Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations,tolerances, and surface finishes often unobtainable by any other , machining removes materials, which has already been paid for, in the form of relatively small particles that are more difficult to recycle and are in greater danger of becoming mixed. Therefore,developments often aim at reducing or-if at all possible-eliminating machining, especially in mass these reasons, machining has lost some important markets, yet, at the same time, it has also been developing and especially having captured new markets with the application of numerical feel for the important of machining may be gained from the observation that in 1983 there were about 2 million metal-cutting machine tools in the unite states ( of which some 5% were numerically controlled ) and that labor and overhead costs amounted to $125 billion, or 3% of the GNP.

发明提到供酒吧或导线材料具体增强圈的生产使用打算的弯曲机器的一个自动控制设备,所有弯曲的过程必要对圈生产关于各自的边的圈,方向感各自的弯曲的过程和相当数量的长度弯角度,以及切断从酒吧或导线材料的完成的圈的过程可以存在。 有顺序控制机制建立弯曲机器的各自的工具行动相当确定连续的弯曲机器知道。 对于预先设定将弯曲的酒吧材料必须推进在连续弯曲的过程之间为了得到边的期望长度在弯之间的旅行的长度,以及预先设定的相当数量弯每个角度,在步开关机制驾驶,并且沿圆周停止或微联络被安排的已知的控制机制鼓使用,因此他们可以被移动和被修理。 这些鼓,在弯曲机器以后的每个经营周期前进以部分地按步方式,因此下中止或下在工作位置微联络到达。 接触或,在酒吧材料包括的饲料冲程的依赖性将弯曲,或者在枢轴角度由弯曲的工具通过转动,沿轨道跑被移动与伴生的鼓平行,与在鼓的中止或microcontacts合作的中止。 当伴生的中止允诺,或者伴生的microcontacts相符,酒吧的边框形式饲料冲程报道了或弯曲的工具通过枢轴边框形式角度转动了,并且自动地介绍所提供在顺序控制下个工作步骤。 这些已知的控制机制遭受几缺点。 中止或microcontacts的设置和定象沿经常不是欣然容易接近的鼓的是困难和可能性的推测的数量期望设置的由鼓的可利用的圆周限制。 由于设置过程的相对地大数,但是首先,不同的圈的合理的生产不是可能的。























论文题目: 浅谈初中英语有效课堂导入法

摘要: 俗话说“良好胡开头是成功的一半”,因此在英语课堂教学中,课堂导入犹如一本小说中的“引子”、一首交响乐中的“序曲”、一部电视剧中的“序幕”,起着提领主题、渲染气氛、抓住人心、提升效果的作用。导入设计得巧妙、合理,能迅速集中学生的注意力,激发学生对即将进行的课堂教学产生兴趣与求知欲,消除学生对新课、对学业的恐惧、怀疑心理,为高效的课堂学习奠定坚实的基础。本文就是对英语课堂导入所进行的探讨。

关键词: 英语课堂 导入 意义 基本要求 方法




















如在教学新目标英语七年级(下)Unit7《 What does he look like?》时,可以让学生扮演有不同外貌特征的人物上台表演,这样导入:

Teacher:Oh,Tom,you look so cool.

Student A: have a new look.

Teacher(to other students):What does he look like?

Student B:She is she has black straight hair.

Student C:She´s of medium height.

再如在讲七下Unit5 I´m watching TV 中,如jump,run, clean, swim, talk on the phone等,让学生做,老师问,学生答的方式来介绍现在进行时态,学生会更好理解。





如:教师(指着书):What´s this?

学生:It´s a book/pen/pencil.

再如:学习七上Unit6 Do you like bananas?这一新句型时,教师在导入新课时,可用事先准备好的实物,banana, pear, apple.

T: What´s this in English? (熟句型)

S: It´s a banana/pear/apple.

T: Do you like bananas? (过渡)

S: Yes/No.

又如Unit7 How much are these pants? 也可用实物导入。


如学习七下Unit1 Where´s the post office? 用求先准备好的一张城市平面图,建筑物的关系一目了然,路线图也能看的清清楚楚。


教育心理学表明:音乐教育与智育教育相辅相成。音乐以其优美的旋律和动听的曲词活跃和丰富听者的思维和想象力,使学生在这音乐声波刺激下思维活动处于敏捷和活跃状态。唱歌不但可以吸引学生的注意力,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,还是进行审美教育的重要途径。Bodylanguage时我用If you´re happy ,clap your hands《如果高兴,你就拍拍手》这首歌导入课文;在导入形容词的比较级教学过程中,我采用了The more we get together,the happier we will be《人越多,越高兴》这首简单易学的英文歌,学生在轻松愉悦的气氛中对语法点的认识加深了,教语法let sb do sth , see sb do sth和can 等情态动词后接动词原形时, 课堂就引用《挥着翅膀的女孩》导入,let me fly,I´m singing in the sky believe me, I can fly…… see me fly…


谜语(Guess riddles)导入法


如在教学新目标七年级下Unit5 Why do you like pandas?教师教学动物类单词时:

Teacher: They´re black and white. They´re from chengdu. They eat bamboo.

What kind of animal is it?

Students: They are pandas.








[1]苏霍姆林斯基:《教育的艺术》 《给教师的100条建议》



[4]教育部:《英语课程标准》 人民教育出版社




[8]张厚 粲 :《心理学》(南开大学出版社2002年版)


LAW AND ORDER 可以在某种意义上理解为 法 与 治。法治国家 翻译过来就是 a country under the rule of law-法律统治的国家。法律统治的国家,国家里面的人与人会有ORDER, 但是在中国历史上,却更多的是人治-君主统治的国家,国家里面的人与人也会有ORDER。问题出现了,你现在的题目是LAW AND ORDER 而不是 KING AND ORDER. 所以这篇论文你可以将题目作为一个整体,然后从这2者的殊同来立意。最终通过这样一种对比来阐释LAW AND ORDER。这样我觉得题材比较丰富。为什么? 因为你写的是中国,中国进入近代社会在法律范畴内研究最多的便是中国历史的法治与人治,从西周的“明德慎罚”思想到孔子的“为政以德”思想,“为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之”,再到民国 “东学西渐” 民主思想。中国的历史太多的素材可以挖掘。 这紧紧是我的一个思想,希望能开拓你的写作思维。

Law is to open one of the categories of institutions of higher learning, one of China's top ten universities disciplines, including law, political science, public security science and sociology of four main is also called the law, legal science, is based on law, legal phenomenon and its regularity of science that studies the is the study of specialized knowledge and law related issues, is about the legal problems of knowledge and theory is about the science of direct


Law is also called the law, legal science, is based on law, legal phenomenon and its regularity of science that studies the is the study of specialized knowledge and law related issues, is about the legal problems of knowledge and theory is about the science of law.


The direct purpose of law, is to maintain social order, and by order of the construction and maintenance, to realize social take law as the research object of law, its core is in for the research of order and justice, is the knowledge of order and justice.




the-; them-, thes-, thet- +(Latin: placing, setting; to place, to put)anathema1. A formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by . Someone or something that is greatly disliked or detested and is therefore . Someone or something which is cursed, denounced, or excommunicated by a religious . A curse from a religious authority that denounces something or excommunicates . Etymology: from Latin anathema, "an excommunicated person, the curse of excommunication"; from Greek anathema, "a thing accursed"; originally, "a thing devoted". Literally, "a thing set up (to the gods)" from ana-, "up" + tithenai, "to place".anathematizationThe formal act of pronouncing (someone or something) . To formally curse, to denounce, or to excommunicate someone or . To curse or to declare to be evil or anathema or to threaten with divine . The complete or exact opposite of something; opposition; contrast: "His behavior is the antithesis of right and wrong."2. A use of words or phrases that contrast with each other to create a balanced effect: "Give me liberty or give me death."3. A proposition that is the opposite of another already proposed . Etymology: from Late Latin antithesis, from Gk. antithesis "opposition," lit. "a placing against," noun of action from antitithenai, "to set against, to oppose"; a term in logic, from anti-, "against" + tithenai, "to place".apothecary1. A pharmacy, drugstore, or a place where medical prescriptions can be filled and . From Latin apotheca "storehouse"; which came from Greek apotheke "storehouse". Literally, "a place where things are put away", from apo- "away" + tithenai "to put".boutique1. A small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories, or food, for . A small shop located within a large department store or . A small business offering specialized products and . Etymology: from Old French botique, "small shop"; from Old Proven鏰l botica, from Latin apothca, "storehouse". Related to the etymological origin of . A susceptibility to a disease or set of diseases such as allergies or . A constitutional predisposition or tendency, as to a particular disease or . A constitution or condition of the body which makes the tissues react in special ways to certain extrinsic stimuli and therefore tends to make a person more than usually susceptible to certain . Etymology: from Greek, "disposition, condition"; from diatithenai, diathe-, "to dispose"; from, dia-, "through, across" + tithenai, "to place". epithet (EP i thet", EP uh thet")1. A descriptive name or title given to express some quality considered characteristic of a person or thing; such as, "Richard, the Lion Hearted" or "America, the Beautiful".2. Sometimes a disparaging name; such as, "egghead" for someone who is an . Etymology: from epitithenai, "to add on"; from epi-, "in addition" + tithenai, "to put". Strictly speaking, an epithet is not necessarily derogatory, but the term is commonly used as a simple synonym for some term of abuse or slur: "There is no place for racial epithets in a radio, or TV, program."epithetic, epithetical1. Any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual or attributed quality: "Richard the Lion-Hearted" is an epithet of Richard . A characterizing word or phrase firmly associated with a person or thing and often used in place of an actual name, title, or the like; such as, "man's best friend" when referring to a "dog".3. A word, phrase, or expression used invectively as a term of abuse or contempt, to express hostility, . A tentative theory about the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true it would explain certain facts or . A proposal intended to explain certain facts or . A message expressing an opinion based on incomplete . Etymology: from Middle French hypothese, from Late Latin hypothesis, from Greek hypothesis, "base, basis of an argument, supposition". Literally, "a placing under", from hypo-, "under" + thesis, "a placing, proposition". hypothesize1. To theorize, speculate, guess, suppose, and to . To give a possible but not yet proved explanation for somethinghypothetical1. Of, relating to, or based on a hypothesis: a hypothetical . Suppositional; uncertain; conditional; of the central area of an opacified (opaque, unclear) cornea by . A reversal of the order of two sounds or letters in a word, either as a mispronunciation or as a historical . A "rhetorical transposition of words"; from Greek, then Late Latin metathesis, "change of position, transposition"; from the stem of metatithenai, "to transpose" from meta-, "to change" + tithenai, "to place, to set".parenthesis (s), parentheses (pl)1. One of a pair of shallow, curved signs, ( ), used to enclose an additional inserted word or comment and to distinguish it from the sentence in which it is . Either, or both, of the upright curved lines, ( ), used to mark off explanatory or qualifying remarks in writing or printing or to enclose a sum, product, or other expression considered or treated as a collective entity in a mathematical . A word or phrase that comments on, or qualifies part of the sentence, in which it is found and is isolated from it by parentheses or . A piece of speech or writing that wanders off from the main . Something that acts as a pause or a break in ."In parenthesis" may refer to an additional qualifying, explanatory, or otherwise separate . Etymology: "words, clauses, etc. inserted into a sentence", from Middle French parenth镳e, from Late Latin parenthesis, "addition of a letter to a syllable in a word"; from Greek parenthesis. Literally, "a putting in beside", from parentithenai, "put in beside"; from para-, "beside" + en-, "in" + tithenai, "to put, to place".Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; stato-. parenthesizeTo put in, to insert, to add, or to throw in an additional statement, often as an ad lib which is something thought of and said on the spur of the (s), prostheses (pl)1. An artificial device used to replace a missing body part, such as a limb, tooth, eye, or heart . Replacement of a missing body part by an artificial substitute; such as, an artificial . A device to augment performance of a natural function; such as, a hearing . In linguistics, the addition of a letter or a syllable to a . The "addition of a letter" or "syllable to a word"; from Late Latin, from Greek prosthesis, "addition" from prostithenai, "add to", from pros, "to" + tithenai, "to put, to place". The reference to "artificial body part" is first recorded in 1706. prothesis (s), protheses (pl)1. The addition of a sound or sounds at the beginning of a word to make the word easier to . In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the preparations for the offering of (s), syntheses (pl)1. The combination of ideas into a complex . The process of producing a chemical compound (usually by the union of simpler chemical compounds).3. Reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect).4. A new unified whole resulting from the combination of different ideas, influences, or . The process of combining different ideas, influences, or objects into a new . The formation of compounds through one or more chemical reactions involving simpler . The production of music or speech using an electronic . The expression of syntactic relationships by means of inflections rather than word order or prepositions and other function . In Hegelian philosophy, the new idea that resolves the conflict between the initial proposition thesis and its negation . An intellectual who synthesizes or uses synthetic . Someone who composes or combines parts or elements so as to form a . Made artificially by chemical synthesis, especially so as to resemble a natural . Not of natural origin; prepared, or made, . Not genuine, especially expressed but not genuinely felt: "He made synthetic expressions of sympathy."4. A description of a proposition whose truth or falsity is a matter of facts and not merely a matter of the meaning of the words in the . A description of a language that expresses syntactic relationships by means of inflections rather than word order or prepositions and other function . Etymology: via French or modern Latin from Greek sunthetikos, "component", from sunthetos, "combined". theme1. the subject of a discourse, discussion, piece of writing, or artistic . A distinct, recurring, and unifying quality or idea: "Efficiency will be the theme of this energy organization."3. A melody that is repeated, often with variations, throughout a piece of music; such as, one of the themes of the . A song or tune that is played at the beginning, or end of, or during, a movie or television program and is identified with it: "We always loved to hear the theme from "The Magnificent Seven".5. A short essay or written exercise for a . Etymology: from Old French tesme; from Latin thema, "a subject, a thesis"; from Greek thema, "a proposition, a subject, a deposit". Literally, "something set down", from the root of tithenai, "to put down, to place".thesauralA reference to a thesaurus or a list of subject headings or descriptors usually with a cross-reference system for use in the organization of a collection of documents for reference and (or thesauruses)The plural form of (s), thesauroi (pl)A treasury much like a naiskos (small Greek temple or shrine) and located in a temenos as storage of the valuables of foreign states. There is an elaborate series of thesauroi in Delphi leading up to the sacred way. A temenos relates to Greek antiquity, the enclosure of a sanctuary, the holy ground belonging to the god and governed by special rules, or the sacred precinct at a cult center; containing the altar, temple, and other might be numerous buildings for the main cult and a series of thesauroi, stoas (classical Greek building with a long open colonnade), and dedications from worshipers. In Egyptian architecture, loosely applied to the area within the enclosure wall of a (s)1. A book that lists words related to each other in meaning, usually giving synonyms and . A dictionary of words relating to a particular subject. 3. A place in which valuable things are . Etymology: from 1823, "treasury, storehouse"; from Latin thesaurus "treasury, treasure"; from Greek thesauros, "a treasure, treasury, storehouse, chest"; from root of tithenai "to put, to place". The meaning "encyclopedia filled with information" is from 1840, but it existed earlier as thesaurarie (1592), used as a title by early dictionary compilers. The meaning, "collection of words arranged according to sense" is first attested 1852 in Roget's title. Thesaur is attested in Middle English with the meaning, "treasure" (about 15th century-16th century).thesis1. An unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument; a proposition advanced as an . A dissertation based on original research, especially as work toward an academic degree. Other words for long research papers include: "treatise, dissertation, monograph, disquisition, research, essay", or "investigation".3. A treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic . An "unaccented syllable" or "note", from Latin thesis, "unaccented syllable in poetry"; later "a stressed part of a metrical foot", from Greek thesis, "a proposition"; also, "downbeat" (in music). Originally, "a setting down" or "placing"; from root of tithenai, "to place, to put, to set".thesmothete, ThesmotheteA law-maker; a law-giver. A thesmothete was a legislator, originally any of the six inferior archons [chief magistrates] in ancient Athens. The Oxford English Dictionary defines thesmothete as: "Each of the six inferior archons in ancient Athens, who were judges and law-givers; hence, one who lays down the law" and a thesmophilist is "someone who loves the law".Thesmos is "that which is laid down, the law".thetic, thetical, thetically1. In classical poetry, relating to or having . Constituting or beginning with a poetic . Etymology: from Greek thetikos, thetos, "placed, stressed"; tithenai, "to place".Ubi est thesaurus tuus, ibi est et cor your treasure is, there is your heart also. [Vulgate, Matthew 6:21].Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; stato-.

EducationEducation in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to , the word education is derived from educare (Latin) "bring up", which is related to educere "bring out", "bring forth what is within", "bring out potential" and ducere, "to lead".[1]Teachers in educational institutions direct the education of students and might draw on many subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics, science and history. This process is sometimes called schooling when referring to the education of teaching only a certain subject, usually as professors at institutions of higher learning. There is also education in fields for those who want specific vocational skills, such as those required to be a pilot. In addition there is an array of education possible at the informal level, such as in museums and libraries, with the Internet and in life experience. Many non-traditional education options are now available and continue to evolve. Systems of formal educationEducation is a concept, referring to the process in which students can learn something:Instruction refers to the facilitating of learning toward identified objectives, delivered either by an instructor or other refers to the actions of a real live instructor designed to impart learning to the refers to learning with a view toward preparing learners with specific knowledge, skills, or abilities that can be applied immediately upon EducationPrimary (or elementary) education consists of the first 5–7 years of formal, structured education. In general, main education consists of six or eight years of schooling starting at the age of five or six, although this varies between, and sometimes within, countries. Globally, around 70% of primary-age children are enrolled in primary education, and this proportion is rising.[2] Under the Education for All programs driven by UNESCO, most countries have committed to achieving universal enrollment in primary education by 2015, and in many countries, it is compulsory for children to receive primary education. The division between primary and secondary education is somewhat arbitrary, but it generally occurs at about eleven or twelve years of age. Some education systems have separate middle schools, with the transition to the final stage of secondary education taking place at around the age of fourteen. Schools that provide primary education, are mostly referred to as primary schools. Primary schools in these countries are often subdivided into infant schools and junior educationIn most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education comprises the formal education that occurs during adolescence. It is characterized by transition from the typically compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors, to the optional, selective tertiary, "post-secondary", or "higher" education (., university, vocational school for adults. Depending on the system, schools for this period, or a part of it, may be called secondary or high schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, middle schools, colleges, or vocational schools. The exact meaning of any of these terms varies from one system to another. The exact boundary between primary and secondary education also varies from country to country and even within them, but is generally around the seventh to the tenth year of schooling. Secondary education occurs mainly during the teenage years. In the United States, Canada and Australia primary and secondary education together are sometimes referred to as K-12 education, and in New Zealand Year 1-13 is used. The purpose of secondary education can be to give common knowledge, to prepare for higher education or to train directly in a emergence of secondary education in the United States did not happen until 1910, caused by the rise in big businesses and technological advances in factories (for instance, the emergence of electrification), that required skilled workers. In order to meet this new job demand, high schools were created and the curriculum focused on practical job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or skilled blue collar work. This proved to be beneficial for both the employer and the employee, because this improvement in human capital caused employees to become more efficient, which lowered costs for the employer, and skilled employees received a higher wage than employees with just primary educational educationHigher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or post secondary education, is the non-compulsory educational level that follows the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school. Tertiary education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education. Collectively, these are sometimes known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic education includes teaching, research and social services activities of universities, and within the realm of teaching, it includes both the undergraduate level (sometimes referred to as tertiary education) and the graduate (or postgraduate) level (sometimes referred to as graduate school). Higher education generally involves work towards a degree-level or foundation degree qualification. In most developed countries a high proportion of the population (up to 50%) now enter higher education at some time in their lives. Higher education is therefore very important to national economies, both as a significant industry in its own right, and as a source of trained and educated personnel for the rest of the educationAlternative educationIndigenous education在最大的意义,教育是任何行为或经验,有一个心灵上形成的影响,性格或个人体能。在其技术意义上说,教育是社会的过程,从一代人故意传输其积累的知识,技能和价值观到另一个地方。 词源学,文字教育是从教育保育(拉丁)派生出来的“造就”,这是有关educere“带出”,“内带出什么”是“带出潜力”和ducere,“领导”。 在教育机构教师指导学生的教育,可能会借鉴很多科目,包括阅读,写作,数学,科学和历史。这个过程有时被称为上学时,指的是教学的教授通常只为某一个课题,在高等院校的教育。也有在教育领域,谁想要这些具体要求,如,职业技能是一个飞行员。此外,还有一个是在非正式的教育水平数组,例如可能在博物馆和图书馆,与互联网和生活经验。许多非传统教育的选择,现已并继续得到发展。 系统的正规教育 教育是一个概念,指的是过程,学生可以学到一些东西: 教学是指对确定的学习目标,无论是由导师或其他形式交付便利。 教学是指一个真正的生活,旨在向学生传授学习教练的行动。 学习是指与一对准备与具体知识,技能,或可用于完成后立即查看学习能力的学习者。 幼儿教育 小学(或小学)教育由5-7首次正式,结构化教育。一般来说,主要包括教育,在五,六,虽然这之间不等,有时内,国家开始对6岁或8年的学校教育。就全球而言,约70小学适龄儿童入学%小学教育,这一比例上升[2]在教科文组织教育驾驶的所有方案。,大多数国家都致力于实现普及小学教育入学率在2015年,在许多国家,它是为儿童义务接受初级教育。中,小学和中学教育科是有点武断,但它通常在大约11或12岁发生。一些教育系统中有独立的学校,向发生在中学教育的最后阶段过渡大约在14岁。学校提供初级教育,大多是被称为小学。在这些国家的小学通常分为幼儿学校和初中。 中学教育 在世界上最现代的教育系统,中学教育包括正规教育,在青春期发生。它的特点是从典型的过渡义务教育,小学全面的未成年人教育,可选的,有选择性的成人高等教育,“大专”或“较高”教育(如大学,职业学校。根据系统,学校这段期间,或其中的一部分,可称为中学或高中,体育场馆,公立中学,中等学校,学院,或职业学校。任何对这些条款的确切含义不同从一个系统到另一个。之间的精确边界小学和中学教育也因国家而异,甚至在其中,但一般在对学校教育的第七次是第10个年头。主要是在青少年时期出现的中学教育。在美国,加拿大和澳大利亚一起小学和中学教育有时被称为K - 12教育,并在新西兰使用1-13年。中等教育的目的,可以给予常识,准备接受高等教育或专业培训,直接。 在美国中学教育的出现并没有发生,直到1910年,由于在大企业和工厂的技术进步引起的(例如,电气化)的出现,这需要熟练的工人。为了满足这种新的就业需求,创造了高中课程和实际工作技能,更好地准备白领或学生熟练的蓝领工作的重点。这被证明是为雇主和雇员有利,因为这导致人力资本改善员工变得更有效率,降低了雇主的成本,只收到了小学教育程度较高的工资比员工熟练的员工。 高等教育 高等教育,也叫三级,第三阶段,或专上教育,是在非义务教育阶段的教育水平,遵循了一个提供诸如高中,中等学校中学教育,学校完成。高等教育是通常采取的包括本科和研究生教育,以及职业教育和培训。学院和大学是提供大专教育的主要机构。总的来说,这些有时被称为大专院校。高等教育一般的结果是把证书,文凭或学位收据。 高等教育包括教学,科研和社会服务活动的大学,并在教学领域,它包括了大学本科水平(有时称为大专教育)和研究生(或研究生)级(有时称为研究生院) 。高等教育通常涉及建立一个学位程度或基础学位的工作。在大多数发达国家的人口(50%)高比例现在进入一些在他们的生活时间高等教育。因此,高等教育是非常重要的国家经济,既是一个重要的行业在它自己的权利,并作为培训和教育的人员为其他经济来源。 成人教育 另类教育 土著教育
