

发布时间:2024-07-07 03:56:48


It is a really hot topic now as many city had opened high-speed railway. Many people said that high-speed railway is much better than the other transportation . and as also some people believe that it is no future .to my point of view ,high-speed railway bring us real convenient . My reasons are as follows: First ,the stations of the high-speed railway are much closer to our living area ,like buses . and it is much more convenient to transport goods . for example ,a businessman in Shanghai want go to Sichuan with 1000kg goods,if he go to Sichuan by plane ,he need go to suburbs because the airports always in the suburbs, and it cost much money to checked the goods. if he go by train ,he need to go to the railway station far away from home ,and the train take much more time .and if he take bus,though it is convenient, it not only cost much money ,but also waste much time. Secondly,the most important disadvantage of high-speed railway is that it need a great number of passengers .As the second most populous countries of the world, Chinese has no pressure. What's more ,China is developing in a "high speed",even though high-speed railway cost much money , I believe China can hold it . As all above ,I firmly believe that the future of high-speed railway is shinning!这是一个很热的话题现在很多城市已经开通高速铁路。很多人说,这条高速铁路是比其他交通工具要好很多。也有些人相信它是没有什么未来。我认为,高速铁路给我们带来真正的方便。我的理由如下: 首先,高速铁路站是更接近我们的生活区,像公交车一样。和运输要方便得多。例如,一个在上海的商人要去四川与 1000 公斤的物品,如果他去四川乘飞机,他需要去郊区因为总是在郊区,和它机场需要花多少钱来检查货物。如果他乘火车去,他要从家里,很远的地方去火车站和火车带更多的时间而且如果他乘公共汽车,虽然很方便,它不仅需要花多少钱,而且还浪费太多时间。其次,高速铁路的最重要的缺点是它需要有大量的乘客。中国作为世界人口第二多的国家,没有压力。更重要的是,中国正在"高速"发展中,即使高速铁路花很多钱,我相信中国可以承受得起。综上所述,我坚信未来的高速铁路未来一片光明 !

Dear Tom, It is a pleasure to receive and read your letter in which you are intended to visit China in July this year. Since you are expecting to learn what means of transportation is suitable while you are travelling in China, I'd like to tell you the answer here. It is nothing but CRH, China Raiway High-speed, that suits you perfectly. To strat with, as is known to all, not only does CRH bring a passenger high speed, but also it makes his or her journey both comfortable and convenient. In addition, it is quite safe to take a CRH that always arrives on time. In the end, CRH tickets, whose prices are resonable, are accessible easily either at railway stations or on the Internet. Self-service ticket machines can be of much help, on which you can buy CRHticketsanytimeasyoulike.Any further questions,please? Just inform me of them. I'm looking forward to seeing you in China. Yours truly,Li Hua

中国高速铁路,常被简称为“中国高铁”。高速铁路作为现代社会的一种新的运输方式,中国的高铁速度代表了目前世界的高铁速度。中国是世界上高速铁路发展最快、系统技术最全、集成能力最强、运营里程最长、运营速度最高、在建规模最大的国家。China's high-speed railway is often referred to as "China's high-speed rail". As a new mode of transportation in modern society, China's high-speed rail speed represents the current high-speed rail speed in the world. China is the country with the fastest development speed, the most complete system technology, the strongest integration capability, the longest operating mileage, the highest speed of operation and the largest scale of construction in the world.

高铁的英语作文 篇1 First built in 20xx, the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway went into operation on December,26th,20xx. Overall length of its main line is 1068 kilometers, and it goes through the foll...



















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茶原本不是姓茶,是姓荼、姓槚,是神农尝百草而得之,故先为药用。经过多少人的演化、改进,去粗取精,终于形成了茶。中国唐朝是茶文化的发端,期间不但有陆羽的《茶经》问世和禅宗"吃茶去"公案的诞生,中国茶还漂洋过海到达日本,这也为以后日本茶道的演进和发展奠定了基础。 "茶兴于唐而盛于宋",这种说法可能和风行宋朝的"斗茶"有关,除此之外,在宋徽宗赵佶的《大观茶论》,也记载着宋代对茶之产地、茶季、采茶、蒸压、制造、品质鉴评等发展情况。 在公元4-5世纪,中国茶最早传到了朝鲜(古高丽国)。到了明代嘉靖年间,中国茶文化知识开始在欧洲传播,这在威尼斯作家拉摩晓写就的一本《中国茶摘记》里有详尽的说明。明代万历年间,中国茶开始传入沙俄。明崇祯年间,英国威特斯船长专程率船从中国购买茶叶。到了清代顺治年间,中国茶开始传入到德国。十九世纪末期,中国茶叶、茶树、茶种又先后传入了印度尼西亚、印度、锡兰、乌干达、马来西亚等国……中国古代茶文化之花可谓遍地开放,在世界各地显示出不同的文化风采。于是中国这朵民族文化的奇葩一变成为世界的了,及至今日,这个世界已经变成了没有不饮茶的国家,没有不饮茶的民族"了。 中国茶文化的关键不在于茶叶的本身,而在于茶文化的内涵上。从茶文化的内涵上来看,其"精神"层面上的东西最为重要,它是一种行为文化和心态文化,属于精神文明的范畴,将饮茶与人生处世哲学相结合,上升至哲理高度,"茶是人生"便由此而发,若再品出更深的境界,就成了"吃茶去"公案的禅宗开示以及茶道的精神之源。茶文化由于有了中国儒、释、道思想的加盟,形成了茶礼、茶德、茶道、茶艺等等,这就是中国茶文化的核心部分。但是它又不是完全脱?quot;物质文明"的文化,而是两者相结合。先前,中国老百姓不太注重茶文化,因为每天要饮茶,方知青、红、黄、绿茶之类,这多半是和自己的饮茶习惯有关。但是,真正喜爱和关心茶文化的人,并不注重茶类之分,茶品之分。茶类、茶品他们早已烂熟于心中了。比如龙井、碧螺春、铁观音、君山银针、毛尖、毛峰、云雾等,谁人不知?而是注重着这些茶的"味"外之音--感兴着一种民族的审美趣尚,浸润着一派清雅的文化氛围,涵养着一个廉净的精神境界,充溢着一缕优美茵蕴诗意,提升着一种道德的精神素质。所以我说,茶文化精神层面上的一切是关键。在这一点上,日本的茶道体现的较为深刻。 星换斗移,时移势迁,人们常说的"三十年河东、三十年河西",我认为是适用于宇宙间万事万物,茶文化何能例外!在举世审美价值、审美标准、审美观念剧变的情况下,青年人首当其冲。中国的美食甲天下,然而抵挡不住麦当劳、肯德基等等的冲击,茶不也难逃可口可乐、百事可乐、星巴克咖啡等洋饮料的夹击吗?遑论茶文化!令人难过的是,时下一些"酒文化"、"咖啡文化"、"可乐文化"等这些不在精神文明范畴的亚文化,倒是充塞在各种媒体的时尚版块中大放异彩,真叫人看不懂了。振兴中国茶文化的呼声已经响起了许多年,然而,一直到今天,却收效甚微,有识之士,憬然忧之。我想,现在国内寥寥可数的几本茶刊,如上海的《茶报》杂志、杭州的《茶博览》杂志、广州的《茶文化》杂志等且都是内部刊物,流通范围太小。唯江西的《中国茶文化》号虽为公开发行,但也只能将就在《农业考古》编辑部的名下。这不能不说是中国茶文化刊物的悲哀,但无论怎样讲,这些办刊之人毕竟是弘扬中国茶文化的领头羊,他们真是劳苦功高,让读者能深刻而又具体的感悟中国茶文化的博大精深,茶文化中有许多细致的情况,圈外人是难以知识的,通过这些刊物,大大地开阔了我们的眼界,我想读者对此会十分感激的。 这样能不能就振兴和弘扬中华茶


I have a happy are 4 people in my father is a mother is a teacher .My sisiter is 5 years old And i am a middle school love my family. 我有一个幸福的家庭。有4人在我的家人。我的父亲是一个医生。我妈妈是一名教师。我妹妹5岁,我是一个中学生。我爱我的家人。

There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my elderly brother and I. My father is a computer engineer. He works in a big company in my city.

My mother is a nurse. She works hard to help patients. But she is always busy and always comes home late tiredly.

My brother is three years older than me. Now, he is a middle school student. He is sunny and easygoing. He can help me a lot in my study. I am primary school student. I love my families. So do they.














Uncle (Husband of Aunt)叔叔(阿姨的丈夫)






Cousin’s wife堂兄的妻子



Cousin’s husband表姐的丈夫







My Family

Hi, Mike. Let me introduce my family this time. There are three people in my family: my father, my mother and I. My father is a doctor. He is very busy. My mother is a teacher. She is very busy too. But they love me very much. I want to be good people like them when I grow up. What about your family. Look forward to your letter.

Good morning , ladies and gentlemen. And now I will introduce my families to you. There are four people in my family all together, and they are my father, my mother, my XXX and I. My father is a XXX, and my mother works as a XXX, my XXX is already retired and I am a middle school student as you know. My family is a very kind and happy family. All of my families love pandas. And also, we are all fond of watching the TV program "Animal World". Now the weather is fine ,and my father and my mother are busy doing their work. My XXX is doing some shopping in the supermarket. And I am doing my lessons. What a kind family we have! 专业原创翻译,值得信赖!希望你满意哦^_^。

My FamilyI have a happy family .There are three people in my family ----my mother,my father ,my grandmother and me. My father is a engineer of a factory, and my mother is a housewife,her work is responsible for us daily for my grandmother ,she always doing some exercise with her friends because she is too old to do the mon work. Of course, I am a student who study at a middle school. So,it's my duty to study my free time, I always help my mother to do some housework bacause that makes me learn more knowledge which we can't learn from my family members all give me great and happy time and praise me because my carefulness .Can you say this is not a very happy family? 译:我的家人我有一个快乐的家庭。






It was a very busy evening, I wasdoing my homework at my home. Myfather was writing a position inthe study room. My mother wasinterested in Shanghai opera. She waswatching a Shanghai opera apartment was very the light went out. It was ablackout, but I liked it very much. Itcame and I didn't have to do myhomework. We went to the livingroom very slowly. After 5 minutes, weall sat in the sofa. It was a lucky,fortunate day. I said that let's held aconcert. My parents agreed with me. Itook out some candles and lighted were singing, laughing and had a really good time. But while Iwas singing, the light suddenly turnedon. Oh, my God. My father went backto his room went on writing. Mymother turned on the TV and said tome “Dear, do your homework!” Ifelt very frustrated. I sat at the deskand thought I hated light. I hopedthere would be a blackout the nextday. I thought I would enjoy myselfmore and more. I went into adream……。

My family There are 5 members in my family, my father,mother,elder brother, elder sister and brother and sister were married,my brother has a 4 years old daughter. We moved to Shanghai when i was 3 years old, my parents are running business in a pany until now. My father is a little bit childish, he feel that nothing is important than children happy, so he always satisfy to what we want since we were *** all. my mother take much care to this family, i used to feel than my mother is annoying, but now i understand what my mom did was for our own good. My brother is cuteand very tolerate, my sister is a strong-determination women, we fought everyday when we were *** all, but our relationship is close. I feel happy to have such family.


I live with every day and their families, very lively

My father:41-year-old. Is full of passion, he often point to things on the excitement, but very gentle personality.

My mother:

Forty-year-old. I highly respect her, but she will be able to see through, I have a mind of the terrible ability oh


Fourteen-year-old. The beginning of puberty, which is in the eyes of most *** s would give rise to problems of the age. In short - I am a ghost crying. Is a special feeling rich, very simply, that the gas on gas, joking *** ile on people

My big sister:

Twelve-year-old. The younger sister in school or on the very character admit defeat. Recently, however, like a lot of convergence.

My Dadi:

Eleven-year-old. He is a terrorist Jiepi the little devil. To this kid, I sometimes had to play his brother. For example, his biological parents as a *** all black love (my dog).

My younger brother:

20-year-old. Abnormal rich imagination, not only do a little bit.

My young girl:

Two-year-old. She has her mother's and father's hair looks - especially the eyes, like the 8:20 point of view - very cute.

This is my family and I are very lovely family.

Fourteen-year-old, the future is what I am looking forward to!

My youth has just begun!

I have a happy are five people in my are my father,my mother,my brother,my sister and father is a worker,he works in a factory,and he likes rice and chicken very mother is a nurse,she works in a hospital,and she likes coffee and fruit a lot,but she doesn't like chicken at brother and my sister are still little kids,they all like bananas and I like most food,because they are good for my health!I love my happy family。

my family

I love my family,because I have a happy family.

My father is an English name is is likes playing 's my mother jop?Is she a teacher?Yes,you're right!My mother is very kind and nice,she is mother is always laborious love my parents!

On Staurday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano,My father go to play watch TV and listen to music at home.

I love my I'm very happy to live with my parents together!







There are five members in my family, my parents, o younger brothers and me. My father is a worker who works in a factory. He is more than 40 years old. He is very kind and always *** iles to us. He likes kids very much so he treats us three very well. My mother is a teacher in a primary school. She likes teaching very much and she has many successful students. But she is a little bit strict. My o younger brothers are very naughty but cute. They are both in primary school. They don't study hard, but I know they are very bright. They like playing outside after school together. My mother is always getting angry with them, but my father always says, “it is better for a child to play outside than to stay at home”. In my opinion, I agree with my father. The last one is me. I am in middle school now. I study hard and get good scores in school. I often help my mother with the housework.

We always go to park to celebrate holidays when there is a big holiday. We go out for dinner once a week. We often discuss among ourselves to solve problems. We are in a harmonious environment. So I love my family deeply.

I have a happy are 4 people in my father is a mother is a teacher .My sisiter is 5 years old And i am a middle school love my family.我有一个幸福的家庭。有4人在我的家人。我的父亲是一个医生。我妈妈是一名教师。我妹妹5岁,我是一个中学生。我爱我的家人。
