

发布时间:2024-07-06 10:23:25



随着世界经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,旅游已经成为人们休闲度假的主要选择方式之一。旅游业的发展不仅给许多国家提供了大量的就业机会,而且还为它们带来丰厚的外汇收入。因此,旅游业日益引起各国政府的重视。 据世界旅游组织今年年初发表的年度报告统计,2002年世界各国和地区入境旅游人数达7.15亿人次,创历史最高记录。其中,欧洲入境旅游人数仍居世界第一位,为4.11亿人次,占世界旅游市场的57.5%。近年来,亚洲旅游业蓬勃发展,已成为全球旅游业最兴旺的地区之一。2002年前往亚太地区的国际游客达1.31亿人次,仅次于欧洲。美洲地区也是世界旅游的热点地区,2002年入境旅游人数为1.21亿人次。非洲的远古文明和原始风光也开始吸引游客的视线,去年入境旅游人数达到2410万人次。 世界旅游组织公布的统计数字显示,法国仍是世界第一旅游大国,2002年法国接待的外国游客人数突破了历史记录,达7670万人次,占世界旅游市场的10.7%。其次是西班牙、美国和意大利,接待人数分别为5130万人次、4540万人次和3950万人次。中国的悠久历史、秀丽风光、博大精深的文化和多样化的民风民俗以及安全的旅游环境等,产生了巨大吸引力,使得去年中国入境旅游者总数达到3680万人次,居世界第五位。 今年上半年由于受伊拉克战争和非典疫情的影响,全球旅游业一度疲软。从下半年开始,欧洲旅游业增长较明显,非洲和美洲也有增长。亚洲一些地区的旅游及相关服务行业也开始逐步恢复正常。世界旅游组织乐观地表示,亚洲支柱产业之一的旅游业将会在今年年底全面复苏。 目前,世界旅游业正朝着区域化、多样化趋势发展。多年来,世界旅游业主要以欧洲为主体,现在逐渐形成欧洲、亚太地区和美洲三足鼎立的局面。在旅游方式的选择上,一些国家采取以“新”、“异”取胜的战略,除一些传统旅游项目外,文化旅游、商务旅游、生态旅游和网络旅游等特色旅游,以其新颖、别致、时代性强和内容丰富多彩等特点吸引游客,取得了很好的经济效益。另外,由于受世界经济因素影响,未来国际旅游市场的竞争亦将日趋激烈。 如何更好地开发旅游资源、吸引更多旅游者、增加本国的外汇收入和就业机会,已经成为各国共同面对的问题。许多国家通过颁布旅游组织法或旅游基本法、直接投资或减税、设立旅游发展基金、制定休假制度、实行“低门槛”入境和“低门槛”收费政策等,以保证和支持本国旅游业的健康发展。

最近这两周,欧洲的多个国家以及北美逐渐开始复工了。然而,在阿根廷、巴西、墨西哥等地,感染的人数仍然在持续攀升,其中一些国家的新增病例数在两个星期内翻了倍。就在上周,世卫组织宣布,继欧洲之后,美洲地区成为疫情的新“震中”。可以说,这次疫情的暴发就像“多米诺骨牌”一样,而且我们还不知道,这个多米诺骨牌会不会出现“回潮”的现象。面对这样的可能性,不少行业的从业者不得不开始重新做打算。此前大家只是觉得,扛过这段就好了,但现在得调整思路了,得琢磨如果跟疫情长期共存,怎么能杀出一条出路来。旅游业,可能就是一个不得不做出改变的行业。最新一期的《经济学人》杂志有一篇文章指出,这次疫情将会给人们的旅行习惯,带来长期的、根本性的改变。Airbnb的创始人BrianChesky,管这种改变叫做“旅行的再分配”。我们先来说说,为啥旅游业可能是个不得不改变的行业。我们都知道,在疫情期间,旅游行业是一个受冲击格外大的行业。这个行业的“外伤”,我们都能看到,也很容易理解,就是需求锐减。就拿航班来说吧。国际旅行数据提供商OAG做了一个统计,进入五月,全球航班的数量相比起去年下降了70%左右。在疫情较为严重的美国和欧洲,5月航班数量同比下滑接近85%。像是伦敦的希思罗机场,去年4月总计承接了680万的旅客,今年4月只有20万人;而美国的交通安检部门呢,去年4月经手的旅客有7000万,今年只有320万。相比起欧美,中国的情况当然好很多,不过从数据来看,恢复的过程仍然路漫漫。根据OAG的统计,截止到5月份,中国航班数量相比起去年仍然低30%。不过,如果单看需求的下降,我们还不能完全理解这件事对于旅游业的冲击。旅游业是个很特殊的行业,它的特殊之处就在于,这个行业的商业模式决定了,这本来就是一个抗压能力比较弱的行业。需求锐减,是旅游业的外伤;旅游业自己本身的脆弱性,也同时在制造“内伤”。我们还是拿航空业来举例。如果你不了解这个行业,可能会觉得,这个行业财大气粗啊,毕竟坐一次飞机那么贵,飞机上还有各种各样的收费服务。但实际情况完全不是这样。航空业是一个“薄利多销”的行业,利润薄到什么程度呢?《华尔街日报》做过一个分析,说在国外,如果一趟航班有100个座位,利润有多少呢?利润只有1个座位赚的钱。剩下的99个座位,覆盖了各种各样的成本,比如燃油的费用需要29个座位的收入来覆盖,人员薪水需要20个座位,政府税费需要14个座位,维修费用需要11个座位等等。反正这么算下来,这么一趟100人的飞机,得有99%的上座率才能赚到钱。当然,平均下来没有那么夸张。总体来说,对于国外的航空公司来说,上座率达到2/3,才有赚钱的可能。那咱们国内的情况是什么样的呢?我在公众号“蓝翼说”上看到一个分析,说国内一趟航班,从每个乘客身上,也就能赚到一两杯星巴克的钱。如果把国内三大航的利润拿出来,除以运送的旅客人数,你会发现,国航平均运送一个旅客,赚63块;东航赚27块;南航赚20块,而这三大航的业绩已经算非常不错了。当然,这种计算方式比较粗暴,不过通过这笔账,我们能很直观地理解,为什么旅游业的抗打击能力不强。所以你看,为什么我说,旅游业可能不得不做出改变:如果疫情持续,或者说,在不同地点、不同季节反复暴发,旅游业现在这么脆弱的经营模式,是很难抵抗住这样的风险和不确定性的。那么,旅游业具体有啥应对方法呢?难道只能大规模裁员么,缩减成本么?没这么简单。《经济学人》的这篇文章引用了Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky的观点,说现在旅游业面临的情况不仅仅是规模缩小。就像我们在开头提到的,他认为,整个行业正在经历一场“再分配”redistribution,旅游行业需要为“后疫情时代”主动做出调整。什么意思呢?首先是旅行消费的再分配:人们选择旅行的地点,将会本地化、乡镇化。本地化,很好理解。不少国家关闭了国境,或者要求跨境旅游进行隔离,所以很多人就转而选择了国内出游。比如,韩国4月份出去旅游的人里,有四分之三都是国内旅游。相比之下,平时这个比例只有一成左右。再比如,Airbnb发现,从全球来看,国内预订现在已经占据平台上80%的订单。还有不少人预订离自己家不超过80公里的民宿。《经济学人》分析,这有可能是人们怕隔离策略临时改变;距离近的话,即便隔离政策改变,也能开个车就回家。不过,对于旅游行业来说,国内游客不是替代了国际游客这么简单。国内游的地点,也发生了变化。一句话概括这个变化就是,小镇雄起。你想啊,一个大城市为啥吸引人?不就是生活方式嘛。比如去纽约,得去百老汇看场演出吧?来北京,得泡泡三里屯的酒吧吧?但是疫情之下,大部分人可能更想找个没人的地方,摘了口罩,享受一下自然风光。更何况,展览、演出、社交场所本来也恢复得缓慢。这么一来,大城市的吸引力就下降了。《经济学人》观察到的趋势是,越来越多的人开始选择农村乡镇或者更偏远的地区旅游。比如,在美国,酒店连锁IHG,生意最好的酒店都是海边的;美国南部一些海边景点,入住率甚至高达六成。Brian Chesky认为,其实这种从城到乡的旅游偏好,本来就是一个长期趋势。只不过,在疫情发生之前,他预计这种趋势得二三十年才能成气候,没成想,疫情让它大大加速了。游玩的地点变了,人们策划出行的方式,也变了。过去出门旅游,大部分人会提前做规划,比如提前几个月、半年。但《经济学人》采访的一位旅游业专家指出,人们现在预订机票,要么是提前特别久,要么就是拖到不能再拖的最后一刻。这位专家甚至开玩笑说,以前有人last minute最后一分钟预订,现在的做法可以算是last second最后一秒预订。背后的原因是担心疫情变化打乱出行计划嘛。









2003年始发于中国的SARS疫情蔓延全球,中国成为受灾最大的国家,2002年11月-2003年7月期间,中国确诊病例7429例,死亡病例685例, 死亡率高达。 回顾2003年的SARS疫情对我国旅游行业的影响,人们的出游大幅减少,当年国内的出游游客流同比下滑13%。

整体旅游业的收入增速降低了28%,黄山、泰山、峨眉山等著名国内景区也大受疫情影响,客流量出现下滑,而在2002年的客流量增长超过50%,对比之下,可见SARS疫情对旅游业的影响巨大。 除了国内游客的减少,出境游也受到严峻的影响。

2002年,中国大陆入境客流每个月在800 至900万人次之间,在2003年3-6月SARS的高峰期,入境客流急速下降至500至900万人次每月,虽然2003年7月SARS疫情已基本消灭,但直到8月中旬,入境客流才逐渐恢复至常态,目前是国内游客都在家里防控肺炎病毒而国外游客也基本全部停滞,可见,在疫情消灭之后,人们对出游还需要一段时间的恢复期。

截至2020年2月14日11时,本次中国的肺炎疫情在全国累计确诊病例63932例,疑似病例10109例,累计死亡病例 1381例,死亡率约。


疫情下研究旅游景区改革的意义疫情下研究旅游景区改革的意义主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 提高景区管理效率和服务质量:疫情期间,旅游景区的管理和服务受到了很大的考验,一些景区的管理混乱、服务不到位等问题暴露出来。研究旅游景区改革,可以探讨如何加强景区管理,提高服务质量,提高景区的管理效率和服务水平,满足游客不断提高的旅游需求。2. 推动旅游业转型升级:疫情对旅游业的冲击非常大,一些传统旅游景区的经营模式和管理方式已经无法适应新的市场需求和消费习惯。研究旅游景区改革,可以探讨如何推动旅游业的转型升级,推进旅游业的智慧化、数字化、绿色化等方面的改革,促进旅游业的可持续发展。3. 增强景区的抗风险能力:疫情期间,旅游景区的抗风险能力面临很大的考验,一些景区的生存和发展面临很大的压力。研究旅游景区改革,可以探讨如何增强景区的抗风险能力,建立健全的风险管理体系,提高景区的应急反应能力,降低景区的经营风险。综上所述,疫情下研究旅游景区改革的意义非常重大,可以促进旅游业的发展和转型升级,提高景区的管理效率和服务质量,增强景区的抗风险能力,为旅游业的可持续发展提供有力的支持。


Eco-tourism Ancient Village Eco-tourism is based on the ecological concept of an ancient village proposed tourism activities, with ancient villages in the background to the ancient village landscape in order to attract objects, and environmentally responsible travel and tourism behavior. Primarily through the protection of the environment to make local sustainable development of ecological and demographic purposes. Eco-tourism is to implement an effective sustainable tourism ancient village ways and means. At present, eco-tourism because of its advocacy of human production and life and social harmony to achieve the regional vision for sustainable development in popular favor. With the continuous development of eco-tourism, it is no longer confined to a number of natural areas, but also includes some unique socio-cultural regions, mainly because some need people to make efforts to protect the culture of fragile zone. Eco-tourism development model with the conventional model of tourism development concept in the development of a fundamental difference. The ancient village of eco-tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model mainly to appreciate the ancient Ming Ju, ancient architecture, rural scenery, feel the ancient culture so as to achieve self-cultivation and relax for the purpose. The same time, tourists can also participate in the ancient village of farming activities, taste the local cuisine, painting, embroidery and other activities. Ancient village tourism recreation and tourism development model should try to create an ancient village in the ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The characteristics of ancient village tourism resources: old buildings and cultural atmosphere; poetry throughout their homes; quiet nature; Qishanxiushui Ancient Village Landscape Heritage Protection and Eco-museum building Development model Due to the impact of the industrial revolution and social progress, China has been gradually abandoned the traditional way of life, aroused the people's unique traditional way of life and ancient crafts of the attention and attachment, which makes the ancient village tourism have developed rapidly. However, due to the scarcity of ancient villages in the landscape and its historical value makes it had to strengthen the protection of the landscape of ancient villages. Protection of the heritage of ancient village landscape architecture from space, it is divided into four regions on the protection of: (1) core areas (sensitive areas) - it is not subject to interference or subject only to minimal interference. (2) buffer (dispersed recreation areas) - at the periphery of the core area, are subject to certain human interference in natural ecosystems. (3) intensive recreation areas - are in the periphery of the buffer zone, and residents are closely linked settlements, land-use intensity greater control of certain tourist services and facilities, the main landscape resort, provide an excellent natural environment. (4) to serve the community - located on the periphery of intensive recreation area is the tourism infrastructure and service facilities are concentrated region, is the tourists and managers living region, which in strict accordance with the relevant standards required to deal with garbage and solid waste The landscape of ancient villages, the protection is mainly reflected in two aspects: (1) The physical geography ecology and environmental protection - mainly manifested in the ancient villages, ancient towns on the mountain style landscape features, landscape is the body and blood of ancient cities and towns; (2) Ancient Villages in human ecology and environmental protection - mainly reflected in the protection of ancient buildings of the original style original, ancient folk customs, rhyme lingering cultural atmosphere, protecting the ancient villages of the whole eco-system of human authenticity is an ancient village in the heart of tourism development and utilization. In order to enhance the landscape of ancient villages, heritage conservation and promotion of local tourism and better development, the building of eco-museum in the old village will be of great significance. Eco-museum of the definition: through science, education and cultural practices, management, research and open community heritage, including the natural environment and cultural heritage. Therefore, the Eco-museum is a kind of public participation in planning and development means. Eco-museum, the application of local language, daily real-life, specific to the physical environment to obtain the desired changes. Eco-museum focusing on the protection of the same time, the use of protected natural ecology and human ecology as a tourist attraction, a modest eco-tourism development, so that local residents benefit from tourism, in the protection and development to establish a balance between the more better resolve the nation's cultural heritage protection and tourism development, the contradiction between increased awareness of ethnic identity and enhance a culture of self-transmission capabilities. Eco-museum tour of a cultural experience of a cultural nature of tourism, eco-museum in the old village center set up a display room, display promotional materials and display pictures, kind, and the introduction of the Eco-museum, the characteristics of goods and customs, to reflect the unique culture of the ancient village. Eco-museum at the same time focus on community involvement, attention to intangible heritage and intangible heritage protection.不是GOOGLE翻译

2 ancient village eco-tourism development model Eco-tourism Ancient Village Eco-tourism is based on the ecological concept of an ancient village proposed tourism activities, with ancient villages in the background to the ancient village landscape in order to attract objects, and environmentally responsible travel and tourism behavior. Primarily through the protection of the environment to make local sustainable development of ecological and demographic purposes. Eco-tourism is to implement an effective sustainable tourism ancient village ways and means. At present, eco-tourism because of its advocacy of human production and life and social harmony to achieve the regional vision for sustainable development in popular favor. With the continuous development of eco-tourism, it is no longer confined to a number of natural areas, but also includes some unique socio-cultural regions, mainly because some need people to make efforts to protect the culture of fragile zone. Eco-tourism development model with the conventional model of tourism development concept in the development of a fundamental difference. The ancient village of eco-tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model mainly to appreciate the ancient Ming Ju, ancient architecture, rural scenery, feel the ancient culture so as to achieve self-cultivation and relax for the purpose. The same time, tourists can also participate in the ancient village of farming activities, taste the local cuisine, painting, embroidery and other activities. Ancient village tourism recreation and tourism development model should try to create an ancient village in the ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The characteristics of ancient village tourism resources: old buildings and cultural atmosphere; poetry throughout their homes; quiet nature; Qishanxiushui. Ancient Village Landscape Heritage Protection and Eco-museum building Development model Due to the impact of the industrial revolution and social progress, China has been gradually abandoned the traditional way of life, aroused the people's unique traditional way of life and ancient crafts of the attention and attachment, which makes the ancient village tourism have developed rapidly. However, due to the scarcity of ancient villages in the landscape and its historical value makes it had to strengthen the protection of the landscape of ancient villages. Protection of the heritage of ancient village landscape architecture from space, it is divided into four regions on the protection of: (1) core areas (sensitive areas) - it is not subject to interference or subject only to minimal interference. (2) buffer (dispersed recreation areas) - at the periphery of the core area, are subject to certain human interference in natural ecosystems. (3) intensive recreation areas - are in the periphery of the buffer zone, and residents are closely linked settlements, land-use intensity greater control of certain tourist services and facilities, the main landscape resort, provide an excellent natural environment. (4) to serve the community - located on the periphery of intensive recreation area is the tourism infrastructure and service facilities are concentrated region, is the tourists and managers living region, which in strict accordance with the relevant standards required to deal with garbage and solid waste . The landscape of ancient villages, the protection is mainly reflected in two aspects: (1) The physical geography ecology and environmental protection - mainly manifested in the ancient villages, ancient towns on the mountain style landscape features, landscape is the body and blood of ancient cities and towns; (2) Ancient Villages in human ecology and environmental protection - mainly reflected in the protection of ancient buildings of the original style original, ancient folk customs, rhyme lingering cultural atmosphere, protecting the ancient villages of the whole eco-system of human authenticity is an ancient village in the heart of tourism development and utilization. In order to enhance the landscape of ancient villages, heritage conservation and promotion of local tourism and better development, the building of eco-museum in the old village will be of great significance. Eco-museum of the definition: through science, education and cultural practices, management, research and open community heritage, including the natural environment and cultural heritage. Therefore, the Eco-museum is a kind of public participation in planning and development means. Eco-museum, the application of local language, daily real-life, specific to the physical environment to obtain the desired changes. Eco-museum focusing on the protection of the same time, the use of protected natural ecology and human ecology as a tourist attraction, a modest eco-tourism development, so that local residents benefit from tourism, in the protection and development to establish a balance between the more better resolve the nation's cultural heritage protection and tourism development, the contradiction between increased awareness of ethnic identity and enhance a culture of self-transmission capabilities. Eco-museum tour of a cultural experience of a cultural nature of tourism, eco-museum in the old village center set up a display room, display promotional materials and display pictures, kind, and the introduction of the Eco-museum, the characteristics of goods and customs, to reflect the unique culture of the ancient village. Eco-museum at the same time focus on community involvement, attention to intangible heritage and intangible heritage protection.纯手工翻译,绝非假货,希望能帮助你

旅游管理毕业论文题目1 浅析生态旅游中的导游服务2 浅谈我国的乡村旅游3 社会局势对旅游业的影响4 当代大学生旅游消费行为探析5 饭店员工流失的原因、影响及对策6 浅论我国文化旅游资源的开发7 饭店服务质量管理研究8 试述对文化旅游的认识及其实现途径9 我国酒店业服务质量存在的主要问题及对策研究10 浅论民俗文化旅游的开发与利用11 古镇旅游开发及发展策略12 我国旅游目的地网络信息化建设方略探悉13 我国饭店员工培训策略14 试论我国导游管理制度的革新对策15 试述导游风格的塑造及培养对策16 民营企业开发旅游景区问题的分析及对策17 酒店差异化营销研究18 试论导游回扣问题及其改革对策19 ****市乡村旅游发展分析20 风景区开发生态旅游的潜力及建议21 试论体育赛事旅游--以08年北京奥运旅游为例22 风景名胜区的休闲旅游功能研究23 关于我国会展旅游的初步探讨24 对乡村旅游发展的思考25 旅游景区淡季营销现状与对策研究26 我国饭店企业员工流失原因及对策分析27 西部非物质文化旅游资源开发利用28 分时度假在中国的本土化问题29 浅析西双版纳旅游业可持续发展30 对我国导游薪酬体制创新的探讨31 关于我国热点景区门票价格的思考32 旅游景区的主要危机类型及其管理对策33 试论品牌旅游资源的可持续开发34 新形势下提升国内酒店服务质量的对策研究35 饭店员工流动原因及对策分析36 风景名胜区的保护及其可持续发展研究37 论我国旅行社跨国经营的现状与基本战略选择38 浅论中国民俗旅游的开发39 浅论休闲旅游的发展40 试论旅行社服务质量管理改革对策41 少数民族地区旅游开发存在的问题及其对策研究42 试论酒店内部营销策略43 略论少数民族贫困地区的旅游扶贫开发44 论旅游活动中的文化交流问题45 浅谈中国酒店网络系统建设46 论景区旅游氛围的营造和管理47 古镇古村落遗产旅游与新农村建设48 分时度假在中国的发展对策研究49 试述我国旅行社经营管理改革对策50 饭店大学生流失的原因、影响及其对策研究51 塑造旅游社品牌提高市场竞争力52 基于价值观领导的酒店员工流失对策研究53 人本管理——我国旅游企业人力资源可持续开发策略54 试析现行导游薪金制度弊端及其改革对策55 论饭店服务质量管理改进56 我国旅游电子商务的现状和应对策略57 体验经济时代中国饭店业个性化服务策略探讨58 我国旅游企业员工的流失及应对措施探析59 中小旅行社员工流失原因与管理对策研究60 略论都市旅游发展的模式与对策61 试论酒店服务营销62 我国会展旅游市场营销初探63 饭店员工激励研究64 浅析我国平民旅游及其营销策略65 饭店竞争优势的培育66 我国饭店人力资源现状及开发策略探析67 试论我国旅行社网络营销的发展对策68 论旅游目的地品牌营销的途径69 浅析我国家庭自助旅游70 酒店品牌经营71 恐怖活动给旅游业带来困扰72 旅行社员工的激励研究73 浅谈自然保护区生态旅游开发74 中国酒店文化营销现状及对策研究75 员工对我国饭店服务质量的影响研究76 论酒店企业CIS形象塑造77 我国旅游执法的特征和发展对策78 对饭店员工流失的思考79 浅论影视旅游的开发80 我国酒店员工职业生涯规划81 旅行社奖励旅游产品的开发82 我国乡村旅游发展的问题及对策研究83 论古镇旅游商品的开发84 试述我国旅行社服务质量问题及其改善对策85 乡村旅游吸引物论略86 试论我国旅行社业集团化对策87 打造特色农业旅游产品的经营策略探讨88 浅析旅游产品定价策略89 我国饭店管理中的人本策略90 我国饭店业中存在的服务质量问题及对策研究91 酒店CRM应用研究楼主可以参考下~~希望对你有帮助~

Eco-tourism Ancient Village Eco-tourism is based on the ecological concept of an ancient village proposed tourism activities, with ancient villages in the background to the ancient village landscape in order to attract objects, and environmentally responsible travel and tourism behavior. Primarily through the protection of the environment to make local sustainable development of ecological and demographic purposes. Eco-tourism is to implement an effective sustainable tourism ancient village ways and means. At present, eco-tourism because of its advocacy of human production and life and social harmony to achieve the regional vision for sustainable development in popular favor. With the continuous development of eco-tourism, it is no longer confined to a number of natural areas, but also includes some unique socio-cultural regions, mainly because some need people to make efforts to protect the culture of fragile zone. Eco-tourism development model with the conventional model of tourism development concept in the development of a fundamental difference. The ancient village of eco-tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model mainly to appreciate the ancient Ming Ju, ancient architecture, rural scenery, feel the ancient culture so as to achieve self-cultivation and relax for the purpose. The same time, tourists can also participate in the ancient village of farming activities, taste the local cuisine, painting, embroidery and other activities. Ancient village tourism recreation and tourism development model should try to create an ancient village in the ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The characteristics of ancient village tourism resources: old buildings and cultural atmosphere; poetry throughout their homes; quiet nature; Qishanxiushui Ancient Village Landscape Heritage Protection and Eco-museum building Development model Due to the impact of the industrial revolution and social progress, China has been gradually abandoned the traditional way of life, aroused the people's unique traditional way of life and ancient crafts of the attention and attachment, which makes the ancient village tourism have developed rapidly. However, due to the scarcity of ancient villages in the landscape and its historical value makes it had to strengthen the protection of the landscape of ancient villages. Protection of the heritage of ancient village landscape architecture from space, it is divided into four regions on the protection of: (1) core areas (sensitive areas) - it is not subject to interference or subject only to minimal interference. (2) buffer (dispersed recreation areas) - at the periphery of the core area, are subject to certain human interference in natural ecosystems. (3) intensive recreation areas - are in the periphery of the buffer zone, and residents are closely linked settlements, land-use intensity greater control of certain tourist services and facilities, the main landscape resort, provide an excellent natural environment. (4) to serve the community - located on the periphery of intensive recreation area is the tourism infrastructure and service facilities are concentrated region, is the tourists and managers living region, which in strict accordance with the relevant standards required to deal with garbage and solid waste The landscape of ancient villages, the protection is mainly reflected in two aspects: (1) The physical geography ecology and environmental protection - mainly manifested in the ancient villages, ancient towns on the mountain style landscape features, landscape is the body and blood of ancient cities and towns; (2) Ancient Villages in human ecology and environmental protection - mainly reflected in the protection of ancient buildings of the original style original, ancient folk customs, rhyme lingering cultural atmosphere, protecting the ancient villages of the whole eco-system of human authenticity is an ancient village in the heart of tourism development and utilization. In order to enhance the landscape of ancient villages, heritage conservation and promotion of local tourism and better development, the building of eco-museum in the old village will be of great significance. Eco-museum of the definition: through science, education and cultural practices, management, research and open community heritage, including the natural environment and cultural heritage. Therefore, the Eco-museum is a kind of public participation in planning and development means. Eco-museum, the application of local language, daily real-life, specific to the physical environment to obtain the desired changes. Eco-museum focusing on the protection of the same time, the use of protected natural ecology and human ecology as a tourist attraction, a modest eco-tourism development, so that local residents benefit from tourism, in the protection and development to establish a balance between the more better resolve the nation's cultural heritage protection and tourism development, the contradiction between increased awareness of ethnic identity and enhance a culture of self-transmission capabilities. Eco-museum tour of a cultural experience of a cultural nature of tourism, eco-museum in the old village center set up a display room, display promotional materials and display pictures, kind, and the introduction of the Eco-museum, the characteristics of goods and customs, to reflect the unique culture of the ancient village. Eco-museum at the same time focus on community involvement, attention to intangible heritage and intangible heritage protection.



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旅游业在海南产业布局中处于非常重要的地位,是海南经济的支柱产业。目前海南旅游开发,主要是优越自然环境吸引游客,椰风海韵,白浪沙滩,自然之美固然让人心旷神怡,旅游更应该挖掘人文之美,人文之美到达人的心灵深处,是更高层次的审美。人文之美,除了挖掘海南历史文化与民族风情之外,海南红色文化是一个值得关注的领域。海南革命是中国革命版图的重要组成部分,孤岛奋战,二十三年红旗不倒在全国都极为罕见。由中国工农红军女子军特务连英雄事迹改编的电影《红色娘子军》更是家喻户晓,成为一代中国人的集体记忆。讲好海南革命故事,开发红色旅游,是海南旅游往纵深发展的必然选择。一、海南红色旅游发展现状海南红色旅游资源丰富,但是开发不足。海南红色旅游资源多,内涵丰富,开发现状却不容乐观。据2009年省委党史研究室最新的普查数据,海南省境内红色资源有革命遗址和其他遗址598个,其中,革命遗址有501处。革命遗址覆盖面广,全省每个市县均有分布,无论是沿海平原地区,还是中部山区;无论是汉族聚居地区,还是少数民族地区,都有革命遗址存在。纪念性楼堂馆所方面,目前条件比较好的有海南史志馆、红色娘子军纪念园、张云逸将军纪念园、周士第将军纪念馆,陵水苏维埃政府旧址,定安母瑞山革命纪念馆。其余楼堂馆所的情况不容乐观,图片和实物资源比较少,对历史资料收集不全,文字组织相当零乱,没有体系,许多景点陈列的资料相互抄袭,展示历史的形式单一,多为橱窗式陈列。纪念性楼堂馆所缺乏专业的讲解员,讲解词没有经过专业党史研究者润色,基本停留在介绍基本情况的水平,对游客没有吸引力。海南红色旅游的游客数量占游客总量很少,处于“绿肥红瘦”的局面。与全国红色旅游景区接待游客占国内旅游总数1/4的成果相比,海南红色旅游景区接待游客数量在全省游客总数中的比例微乎其微[1]。已开发有一定游客规模的红色旅游景区,存在后劲不足的问题。海南红色旅游第一品牌是红色娘子军纪念园。纪念园位于高速路旁,区位极佳。电影《红色娘子军》使红色娘子军的故事家喻户晓,纪念园对全国游客有很强的吸引力。红色娘子军纪念园对红色文化挖掘不足,导游讲解词非常简单,领着游客半个小时浏览完毕,没有给游客留下深刻印象,坐车来纪念园的时间超过了游览时间,让很多游客觉得十分乏味。二、海南红色旅游开发不足的原因首先是海南红色旅游处于起步阶段,红色文化的宣传远远不够,没有讲好海南革命故事。目前全省除红色娘子军纪念园被世人知晓外,还有很多红色故事不为人知。一些游客听过洪常青不认识冯白驹,认识红色娘子军不知琼崖纵队,这说明,海南红色文化宣传还需要加大力度。海南的红色资源非常丰富,值得大力弘扬。海南党史研究与红色文化宣传要改变封闭保守、孤芳自赏、自说自话的孤岛状态,要走出海南讲好海南革命故事,让更多游客熟悉海南红色革命故事。其次是海南红色旅游普遍存在遗址遗迹保护不足的问题。红色旅游开发的一个重要基础是历史遗迹,中国传统文化有怀古忧伤的审美情趣,唐诗宋词中有大量怀古忧思的作品。革命历史遗迹遗址让游客产生时空交错感,身临其境进入一种共情模式,去理解革命者当年的信仰与激情,从而完成精神洗礼与审美熏陶。红色旅游比较红火的地区,都在遗址遗迹保护修复工作上比较成功,井冈山与延安都有大面积的遗址遗迹得到很好的修复。在遗址遗迹保持方面,海南红色旅游面临着严峻挑战,海南革命遗址遗迹,保存完整非常之少,使红色旅游开发陷入巧妇难为无米之炊的困境。陵水苏维埃旧址保存完好、中共琼崖一大会址、冯白驹故居、云龙改编旧址得到较好修复,其他革命遗址遗迹保护情况不容乐观。以琼崖革命史上占有重要地位、被称为“琼岛井冈”的母瑞山革命根据地为例,保留下来的遗址遗迹几乎没有,原因是当年根据地条件非常艰苦,大部分建筑如红军医院、琼崖特委都是茅草屋,敌人进攻根据地时一把火就破坏殆尽。后来根据幸存的革命老人指认确定遗址遗迹的方位,修复却成了大问题,茅草屋虽然简陋,修复却不容易。不能修旧如旧,开发了很多现代设施,这样的设计游客并不满意,游客需要真实的历史遗迹,而不是山寨替代品。最后是海南红色旅游基础设施不足,游客旅游获得感低。海南红色旅游开发,还处于各自为战的状态,没有形成全省统一规划,也没有一条完整具有历史逻辑的成熟路线。红色旅游景区一般都位于较为偏僻的地方,基础设施建设普遍不完善。首先是交通不便,没有公共交通可以抵达,路况也不容乐观。其次是缺乏相关配套设施,基本的旅游配套设施跟不上。母瑞山革命纪念园,周围只有两个简陋旅馆供游客住宿。海南红色旅游项目单一,主要是听讲解,比较单调乏味,缺乏体验式旅游项目。现代人经过信息时代洗礼,单纯靠听觉接受信息难以给游客留下深刻印象,需要运用多媒体声光电等体验才能使游客做到情景交融,进而理解当时的历史场景,在这方面海南红色旅游普遍不足。三、海南红色旅游的出路红色旅游背后是红色文化,国内红色旅游比较红火的地区都在红色文化上挖掘深入,突出了地方特色。因此,破解海南红色旅游的困境关键是挖掘海南红色文化。首先要深入挖掘海南红色文化,讲好海南革命故事。海南革命最为经典的表述是聂荣臻元帅的题词:孤岛作战,艰苦卓绝,二十三年,红旗不倒。海南孤悬海外,长期远离中央,在空间狭小与物资缺乏的不利局面下,创造了海岛长期坚持革命并取得胜利的典范。海南革命的最大意义是琼崖地方党组织长期坚持武装斗争,在解放海南的过程中,接应解放大军,成功解放海南岛,维护了中国的统一和领土完整。在解放海南岛的过程中,琼崖纵队发挥了重要作用,如果没有琼崖纵队的有力接应,解放大军渡海作战抢滩登陆势必要付出重大伤亡,甚至有可能导致战役失败。解放海南岛,中国的生命线——南海就顺势回归。因此,从维护中国领土完整角度看海南革命,其重要性不言而喻。海南革命不应被一些人所认识只是中国革命的支流,无足轻重,而应从维护国家领土主权的角度进行深入研究。其次要加强红色旅游顶层设计,进行高起点开发。深入开展全省红色旅游资源调查和普查,切实摸清家底,找准特色,科学定位,全面发掘海南省有旅游开发潜力的各类革命遗址遗迹。注重把海南红色旅游景点作为一个整体进行规划设计、宣传推广,要连点成线,形成规模化集群效益。对部分有条件的景区如定安母瑞山、万宁六连岭纪念园要按国家A级旅游景区标准进行规划和建设,开展标准化示范景点建设。高起点的开发,要改变过去只是把游客带到遗址遗迹听讲解的单一模式,红色文化要以多种形式呈现给游客。以红色娘子军纪念园为例,游客参观完毕,印象不深就离开,并没有达到深度旅游的目标。如果能开发夜间项目,让游客住下来看一场高水平的芭蕾舞《红色娘子军》,既能让游客留宿产生经济效益,又能通过艺术的形式让游客进一步感受红色娘子军精神,让经济效益与社会效益相得益彰。最后,海南红色旅游开发要遵循市场化的路径,提高游客的获得感。红色旅游,基色是红色,旅游是本质,旅游要让人放松身心,获得审美享受。红色旅游不是意识形态说教,不能板着面孔教训人,要遵循旅游的本质、充分发挥市场的力量开发有吸引力的旅游产品,让红色旅游真正地产生效益,扩大影响。党的十九大强调:“使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用”[2]。海南红色旅游,要在政府的扶持下,实行企业化的运营模式,以红色资源为载体,形成吃、住、行、游、购、娱一条龙的产业链,促进当地经济的发展[3]。旅游公司开发的红色旅游产品,要与其他旅游有机融合,使游客在海南旅游获得红色(革命)、绿色(生态)、蓝色(海洋)三种体验。陵水坡村是陵水第一任县委书记黄振士的故乡,是陵水革命的起源地。坡村吸引社会资金,以革命遗址、乡村风情、农家乐等方式建设红色旅游主题公园,既吸引外地游客,也使本地游客周末有很好的选择,是市场化开发的成功案例。海南红色旅游开发,挖掘红色文化内涵是重点,要加强党史基础研究,加强红色文化的推介与宣传;市场化开发是方向,政府搭台,企业唱戏,市场化开发让游客愉悦身心同时受到红色文化的感染熏陶;创新融合发展是灵魂,红色旅游要与其他旅游相得益彰,三管齐下,海南红色旅游的发展才能真正“红”起来。From梁 科

授之以鱼不如授之以渔!蛋卷是某大学国际贸易学系学生,很高兴能帮上你。其实有个很好的办法可以让你迅速拿到这样的文献。我们一般找中英文的文献和论文都是用这样的办法。上google,然后收索你要的作品名称或者重点词汇在后面加.pdf.例如 “旅游.pdf”或者“旅游.doc” 这样。你要找什么论文或者文献就重点词+.pdf 或者重点词+.doc 蛋卷用这个办法屡试不爽,你可以多找几篇,看看论文的架构和作者的思路,并且适当参考。蛋卷提醒使用此方法应该注意的问题:1.一定要用google,因为只有google带有强大的pdf文件检索功能,baidu效果会偏差。 2.注意重点词,如果用一个重点词找不到合适的论文,建议换几个重点词试试,肯定可以下到论文 3.尽量从检索页第一页偏下方开始找论文。因为google也是有检索排行的,所以一些论文网站会排在你检索到的信息前面,一般都是需要注册或者付费下载。一般直接点开链接就出现下载的页面在检索页第一页靠后一点的位置开始。 4.多试试,肯定有。相信蛋卷。5.另外,推荐SINA的网络互动硬盘,里面有很多人上传的资料。直接关键词汇查找,会找到比较多的结果,然后找不需要积分下载的(非常多),无需注册!SINA互动网络地址: 希望蛋卷的回答可以帮上你。

旅游区的可持续发展 在我看来,不少旅游区更多是只注重前期的开发,忽略了后期的投入。我想你可以就这个问题写很多东西出来。
