

发布时间:2024-07-04 08:24:51


比较“通用”的原因:提交的稿件还不完善,有一些错误,需要补充试验等,所以需要撤回。Dear Editor,We submitted a manuscript to the journal XXX two months ago. The submission ID is are sorry to tell you that we have to withdraw this manuscript. The current result about the part of XXXX (具体的实验内容)needes to be validated by more experiments and data. To make sure this manuscript is reliable and repeatable, we need to carefully revise it.或者:We are sorry to tell you that we want to withdraw this manuscript. To make our study more comprehensive and informative, we want to do more experiments / data collection / data analysis / for your time!I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXXDear Editor,I submitted a manuscript (submission ID XXX) to the journal Euphytica a few days ago. Although it was rejected, the Submission Editorial Advisor Ken Cheng suggested four other journals to submit. We really appreciated his recommendations. After further careful revisions, we decided to submit the manuscript to Genetica, one of ken's my assistant accidentally submitted the revised manuscript to Euphytica again and the submission ID is XXX. So, we have to withdraw this manuscript from Euphytica. Sorry for this inconvenience!Thanks for your time! I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXX写在最后:一般来说,我们上边的撤稿邮件都是编辑在找到审稿人之前,比如我们刚提交不久就发现有些问题,所以赶紧撤稿;或者是提交都两个来月了,稿件还是迟迟没有进入到审稿程序,我们等不及了,所以赶紧撤稿。最好不要在稿件被审稿期间撤稿,毕竟都已经等到这一步了!比较“通用”的原因:提交的稿件还不完善,有一些错误,需要补充试验等,所以需要撤回。Dear Editor,We submitted a manuscript to the journal XXX two months ago. The submission ID is are sorry to tell you that we have to withdraw this manuscript. The current result about the part of XXXX (具体的实验内容)needes to be validated by more experiments and data. To make sure this manuscript is reliable and repeatable, we need to carefully revise it.或者:We are sorry to tell you that we want to withdraw this manuscript. To make our study more comprehensive and informative, we want to do more experiments / data collection / data analysis / for your time!I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXXDear Editor,I submitted a manuscript (submission ID XXX) to the journal Euphytica a few days ago. Although it was rejected, the Submission Editorial Advisor Ken Cheng suggested four other journals to submit. We really appreciated his recommendations. After further careful revisions, we decided to submit the manuscript to Genetica, one of ken's my assistant accidentally submitted the revised manuscript to Euphytica again and the submission ID is XXX. So, we have to withdraw this manuscript from Euphytica. Sorry for this inconvenience!Thanks for your time! I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXX写在最后:一般来说,我们上边的撤稿邮件都是编辑在找到审稿人之前,比如我们刚提交不久就发现有些问题,所以赶紧撤稿;或者是提交都两个来月了,稿件还是迟迟没有进入到审稿程序,我们等不及了,所以赶紧撤稿。最好不要在稿件被审稿期间撤稿,毕竟都已经等到这一步了!



































5、还应留意某些可能的错误,包括无关资料(比如引用某些您先前进行的与现在文稿不相关的研究)、干扰性细节(比如列出样本大小和 p 值)及信息重复等。



Acknowledge First and foremost, I appreciate my college which gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Zhang, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.

Dear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, whichwe wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict ofinterest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approvedby all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of myco-authors that the work described was original research that has not beenpublished previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, inwhole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper issuitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forwardto receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’thesitate to contact me at the address you and best sincerely,××××××Corresponding author: Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××参考:查尔斯沃思论文润色小贴士




比较“通用”的原因:提交的稿件还不完善,有一些错误,需要补充试验等,所以需要撤回。Dear Editor,We submitted a manuscript to the journal XXX two months ago. The submission ID is are sorry to tell you that we have to withdraw this manuscript. The current result about the part of XXXX (具体的实验内容)needes to be validated by more experiments and data. To make sure this manuscript is reliable and repeatable, we need to carefully revise it.或者:We are sorry to tell you that we want to withdraw this manuscript. To make our study more comprehensive and informative, we want to do more experiments / data collection / data analysis / for your time!I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXXDear Editor,I submitted a manuscript (submission ID XXX) to the journal Euphytica a few days ago. Although it was rejected, the Submission Editorial Advisor Ken Cheng suggested four other journals to submit. We really appreciated his recommendations. After further careful revisions, we decided to submit the manuscript to Genetica, one of ken's my assistant accidentally submitted the revised manuscript to Euphytica again and the submission ID is XXX. So, we have to withdraw this manuscript from Euphytica. Sorry for this inconvenience!Thanks for your time! I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXX写在最后:一般来说,我们上边的撤稿邮件都是编辑在找到审稿人之前,比如我们刚提交不久就发现有些问题,所以赶紧撤稿;或者是提交都两个来月了,稿件还是迟迟没有进入到审稿程序,我们等不及了,所以赶紧撤稿。最好不要在稿件被审稿期间撤稿,毕竟都已经等到这一步了!比较“通用”的原因:提交的稿件还不完善,有一些错误,需要补充试验等,所以需要撤回。Dear Editor,We submitted a manuscript to the journal XXX two months ago. The submission ID is are sorry to tell you that we have to withdraw this manuscript. The current result about the part of XXXX (具体的实验内容)needes to be validated by more experiments and data. To make sure this manuscript is reliable and repeatable, we need to carefully revise it.或者:We are sorry to tell you that we want to withdraw this manuscript. To make our study more comprehensive and informative, we want to do more experiments / data collection / data analysis / for your time!I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXXDear Editor,I submitted a manuscript (submission ID XXX) to the journal Euphytica a few days ago. Although it was rejected, the Submission Editorial Advisor Ken Cheng suggested four other journals to submit. We really appreciated his recommendations. After further careful revisions, we decided to submit the manuscript to Genetica, one of ken's my assistant accidentally submitted the revised manuscript to Euphytica again and the submission ID is XXX. So, we have to withdraw this manuscript from Euphytica. Sorry for this inconvenience!Thanks for your time! I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXX写在最后:一般来说,我们上边的撤稿邮件都是编辑在找到审稿人之前,比如我们刚提交不久就发现有些问题,所以赶紧撤稿;或者是提交都两个来月了,稿件还是迟迟没有进入到审稿程序,我们等不及了,所以赶紧撤稿。最好不要在稿件被审稿期间撤稿,毕竟都已经等到这一步了!





您好,我理解你的心情,如果已经被踢出SCI,发表肯定对你来说没有意义了。所以肯定要坚持撤稿但是这个代价挺大的,已经收录的文章再撤稿,杂志社会非常不爽,毕竟确认如他们所说,审稿确实耽误了时间。但是,换一种角度,SCI期刊如果要比提出目录,杂志社本身早就知道的,而且有义务通知作者。以下是撤稿信模板,仅供参考:Dear Editor:Thanks for allowing us the opportunity to revise our work. However, after carefully reading the comments posed by your referees, we are sorry to say that our work has serious problems that need to be addressed before it can be resubmitted for your consideration. In addition, we found mounting up to date information is missing and many parts need to be re-written. It is therefore we decide to withdraw our manuscript from the journal because we are afraid we can not finish so many changes in a reasonable you very much for your





