

发布时间:2024-07-05 22:30:39


一、英语的重要性 英文 英语的重要性的英文翻译是The importance of English. importance的英式读法是[ɪm'pɔːtns];美式读法是[ɪm'pɔːrtns]。 单词直接源自中世纪拉丁语的importantia,意为重要,重要性。 作名词意思是重要;重要性。 english的英式读法是['ɪŋɡlɪʃ];美式读法是['ɪŋɡlɪʃ]。 单词直接源自古英语的Englisc;最初源自该语的Engle,意为盎格鲁人,传说这个称呼的来由是:当年这群人原来居住在一个叫Angul的岛上,这个岛状似鱼钩。 作名词意思有英语;英国人,作形容词意思有英语的;英国人的;英国的。 相关例句: 1、In the past, many students did not know the importance of English. 过去,好多学生不知道英语的重要性。2、We're beginning to realize the importance of English. 我们开始认识到了英文的重要性。 扩展资料: 一、importance的单词用法 n. (名词) 1、importance是不可数名词,作“重要(性)”解,强调不受任何事物限制的重要或重要性,也可指一件重要的事或一种重要的东西,前面加不定冠词。 指人时表示“傲慢”。 2、importance后可接to或for。 3、(be) of importance表示“某事〔物〕重要”。 二、词义辨析 n. (名词) importance, consequence 这两个词的共同意思是“重要,重要性”。 其区别在于: 1、importance意为“重大,重要性”,强调不受任何事物的限制的重要或重要性。 如:The test is of special importance. 这次试验特别重要。 2、consequence强调不可忽视的或对随后的事件颇有影响的事物的“重要,重要性”。 如:The matter is of no consequence. 这问题毫不重要。 二、(英语的重要性)英语演讲稿,及翻译,麻烦一下, As the deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especially for those who municate with foreigners. For one thing, English is an essential tool to know the outside world. Nowadays, most information broadcast in English, especially the advanced information. For another, learning English well, we can see a totally different world. For example, we can read original novels or enjoying English movies better. Sometimes, translation may eliminate the essence of original languages. We even would develop a different way of thinking, the English way, so different from Chinese way. In short, as a municating tool, English plays an important role in our lives.随着全球化的不断加深,英语显得十分重要,特别是对于那些要与外国人交流的人来说。 一方面,英语是了解外界的必备因素。当今世界,大多数信心的传递都是通过英语这种语言形式来实现的,特别是先进的信息。 另外,学好英语,我们能看到一个全新不同的世界。例如,我们可以更好地欣赏原著小说或是英语电影。 有的时候,翻译可能会使源语言的精华得不到很好的展现。我们甚至还能培养一种不同的思维方式,用英语的思维去思考问题,这与中文的思维方式是不同的。 简单来说,英语作为一种交流工具,在我们的生中扮演了重要的角色。 三、求一篇英语范文 关于学习英语的意义的 学习英语的一些心得体会之时间安排英文版 as to experience of English learning, I'm afraid I don't have much more to say than what I have written in the article of Chinese version that I wrote the other day. One thing that I often say to my friends is about time arrangement. In my opinion, time is like water in sponge, :P you never get any unless you squeeze it. Time is considered the most valuable thing by many who finally make the grade in life, and I hope I'll be able to join them. Some people, though, are willing to spend a few hours trying to get a ten or more yuan off the list price of a coat; they are also always ready to chitchat with each other till the end of time. munication does play an important part in our life, huh. It takes time, though. Let's talk about the balance among four aspects of English study then. It's actually simple. After you've read for some time, you might get tired and feel bored. It's the time you stop reading and get up to have some listening prehension training. Repeat what they say and how they say when listening. Go somewhere with no people around if you find it weird to do so. By doing this you are practising your spoken English. After some time of such study, you'll be in the mood to write something, using what have learned over the days or weeks. Your writing skills improve continuously once you keep writing because others may reply to you after reading yours, and to be a responsive writer, you'll just have to follow and make the topic further discussed. With luck you are drawing attention from those whose English are better than yours and by exchanging ideas with this group you are beneficially influenced. On the other hand, though, the chance is the same that you might be adversely influenced by some lousily written replies with chatting style English high and low in the reply. Just be careful then. You are not far wrong when assuming I have to do my everyday errands; I wasn't born to the purple, anyway. :P You'll have to agree that when cleaning your house or doing some laundry, it's a good time to put on your earphone of the player and get some listening work to do. It's true that you can't spin and reel all at the same time, but in terms of getting some listening prehension it all depends. English is something that you'll lose before you know if you don't keep using it. It after all is not our mother tongue. English forums on Inter are a good place to use your English like no others. You not only get help and encouragement there, but you build up your interest and confidence as well, seeing how you are progressing. I am not trying to sugar the pill a bit because that's my true experience in my favorite English forum, Canuck's ments. You might get your own extraordinarily inspiring experience, too, only if you study hard and then give it a try. I'm afraid I'd better stop here now or it'll bee another piece of lengthy examples. Only my two cents worth, though. Pan.。 四、英语作文英语的重要性 English is the most widely spoken in the world. It's spoken by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It's also very widely used as a foreign language in many other countries of the world. It's widely used for business between different countries. More than three quarters of the information on the Inter is in English, too. It is really a bridge to so much knowledge . English is used by travellers and business people around the world. It's one of the world's most important languages as it is so widely used. That's why more and more people in China are interested in learning is so useful that we must learn it well . Now let's work hard at it and see who learns it faster and better in our class 。 .。 五、学习重要性英语范文 It is very important to learn English because English is widely accepted in the world in business and munication。 By learning English well, we can talk to people around the world, read books that are originally scripted in English to experience originality, enjoy English movies without lost in translation, listen to English songs sharing the wonderful experience with artists, and at last add a useful tool on our belt when it es to knowledge。 In our daily lives, learning English well is essential since we can help foreigners on the streets when they need assistance for directions or information。 On the go, we can utilize English to municate with others when we are traveling overseas。 Finally, the world is going globalization; it is absolutely valuable for us to learn English well to keep up with fast pace of global expansion。 。 六、英语作文英语的重要性 English is the most widely spoken in the world. It's spoken by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It's also very widely used as a foreign language in many other countries of the world. It's widely used for business between different countries. More than three quarters of the information on the Inter is in English, too. It is really a bridge to so much knowledge . English is used by travellers and business people around the world. It's one of the world's most important languages as it is so widely used. That's why more and more people in China are interested in learning English. English is so useful that we must learn it well . Now let's work hard at it and see who learns it faster and better in our class . 七、初三英语作文范文以‘英语的重要性’为话题 The Importance of English There call be no doubt that English is one of the world's most widely used languages. People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign languge. English is spoken as a native language by over three handred million people in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some caribbean countries and South Africa. As a second language, English is often necessary for official business, education, information and other activities in many countries, it is one of the few "working" languages of the United Nations. It is said that English has bee the language of international trade and transport. Most pilots in planes travelling from one country to another use it to talk with airports. All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it. It has been said that 60 percent of the world's radio broad casts and 70 percent of the world's mail uses English. At international sports meets, and international of scientists English is the language most monly used and the most widely used. English has in fact bee the language of international cooperation is science and technology. The most advanced resuits in space, nuclear and puter research are published in it. A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesn't. 八、(英语的重要性)英语演讲稿,及翻译,麻烦一下, As the deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especially for those who municate with foreigners. For one thing, English is an essential tool to know the outside world. Nowadays, most information broadcast in English, especially the advanced information. For another, learning English well, we can see a totally different world. For example, we can read original novels or enjoying English movies better. Sometimes, translation may eliminate the essence of original languages. We even would develop a different way of thinking, the English way, so different from Chinese way. In short, as a municating tool, English plays an important role in our lives. 随着全球化的不断加深,英语显得十分重要,特别是对于那些要与外国人交流的人来说。一方面,英语是了解外界的必备因素。当今世界,大多数信心的传递都是通过英语这种语言形式来实现的,特别是先进的信息。另外,学好英语,我们能看到一个全新不同的世界。例如,我们可以更好地欣赏原著小说或是英语电影。有的时候,翻译可能会使源语言的精华得不到很好的展现。我们甚至还能培养一种不同的思维方式,用英语的思维去思考问题,这与中文的思维方式是不同的。简单来说,英语作为一种交流工具,在我们的生中扮演了重要的角色。 九、阐述英语重要性的英语作文 There are thousands of languages in the world. English is one of the world's most widely used languages. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people: in the United States, Britain, Canada, some Caribbean countries, and South Africa. As a second language, English is often necessary for business, education, information and other activities in a great many countries such as India, Pakistan and so on. It is also one of the working languages in the United Nations and is more used than the others. English has bee the language of international trade and transportIt has been said that 60 percent of the world's radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the world's mail are in English. At international sports meets, at meetings of scientists from different countries and at talks of writers and artists from the corners of the earth, English is mostly used. English has in fact bee the language of international cooperation in science and technology 一、英语的重要性 英文 英语的重要性的英文翻译是The importance of English. importance的英式读法是[ɪm'pɔːtns];美式读法是[ɪm'pɔːrtns]。 单词直接源自中世纪拉丁语的importantia,意为重要,重要性。 作名词意思是重要;重要性。 english的英式读法是['ɪŋɡlɪʃ];美式读法是['ɪŋɡlɪʃ]。 单词直接源自古英语的Englisc;最初源自该语的Engle,意为盎格鲁人,传说这个称呼的来由是:当年这群人原来居住在一个叫Angul的岛上,这个岛状似鱼钩。 作名词意思有英语;英国人,作形容词意思有英语的;英国人的;英国的。 相关例句: 1、In the past, many students did not know the importance of English. 过去,好多学生不知道英语的重要性。 2、We're beginning to realize the importance of English. 我们开始认识到了英文的重要性。 扩展资料: 一、importance的单词用法 n. (名词) 1、importance是不可数名词,作“重要(性)”解,强调不受任何事物限制的重要或重要性,也可指一件重要的事或一种重要的东西,前面加不定冠词。指人时表示“傲慢”。 2、importance后可接to或for。 3、(be) of importance表示“某事〔物〕重要”。 二、词义辨析 n. (名词) importance, consequence 这两个词的共同意思是“重要,重要性”。其区别在于: 1、importance意为“重大,重要性”,强调不受任何事物的限制的重要或重要性。 如:The test is of special importance. 这次试验特别重要。 2、consequence强调不可忽视的或对随后的事件颇有影响的事物的“重要,重要性”。 如:The matter is of no consequence. 这问题毫不重要。

English is one of the most common languages that are speaking in the world. According to the research, there is nearly one person in every ten people can speak English. We need to learn English because as our country's economy's developes, there are more and more oppotunities for us to visit other countries. If we want to communicate with foreigners who don't know how to speak Chinese, we need to speak English. It's important for us to learn English because we want to learn other people's technologies and cultures, therefore we can improve our knowledge.

English is one of the most important subjects in middle everyone knows that we should learn English well,but few of us know how to learn it Marx has set a good example for once said,"When one is learning a foreign language,he must use the foreign language." In this way,he could use several saying goes,"Practice makes perfect." When we learn English,we should read more,speak more,listen to English from time to time and practise writing every 't be afraid of making in this way can we learn it English takes time so if we want to learn it well,we should spend much time practicing using English every should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework we have time,we'd better isten to English radio programmes,read English stories and newspapers,watch English films and TV programmes ,keep a diary in English .If we make mistakes,correct them at once and try not to make the same 's more,we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before believe if we work hard and have good ways of learning English,we will learn English well..

The Importance of English Nowadays, with the prevalence of learning English, more and more peoplerealize the importance of Engilsh. English is not our mother language, but it’svery important for us to learn it. The reasons are as follow.如今,随着学习英语的普及,越来越多的人意识到英语的重要性。英语虽然不是我们的母语,但学好它对我们来说是很重要的。理由如下。First of all, English is the only international standard language. China has developed rapidly in recent years. Now he is towards to the global level. Being the unique communication way, English is of great concern. Or we can say that English is essential to strengthen our country. Secondly, due to the development of our society, there are more and more foreigners in China. Especially in some big cities,there are so many foreign people around us. They may be our workmates, classmates, neighbors, friends or even soul mates and so on. Therefore, it is so necessary for our ordinary people to understand English. Otherwise, how can we get along well with them. How can we make our life much more colorful.


英语的重要性 英语的重要性在于,它被世界上大多数国家作为语言交流的工具.例如一个德国人和一个中国人彼此都不会讲对方的语言,但他们都懂英语,于是他们之间的语言交流就不成问题.我们每个人都能够认识它的重要性,都能够认真学习. 要想学好英语,关键是背单词.单词是语言大厦的墙砖.认识了它们才能驾驭好他们.学好英语还要多听英语广播、多接触外国人,锻炼自己的听力,这样才能学有所用. The importance of English rests with the language being used in most countries in the world as a municating example,a German and a Chinese can't speak opposite side's language,but they both know then there is no problem between their language must know the importance and learn the language earnestly. The key to learn English well is to recite are the bricks of language keeping them in our mind,can we master learn English well,we need to listen more English broadcast and contact with more foreingers so that we can practise our listening in this way,can we study for the purpose of application

English is one of the most important subjects in middle everyone knows that we should learn English well,but few of us know how to learn it Marx has set a good example for once said,"When one is learning a foreign language,he must use the foreign language." In this way,he could use several saying goes,"Practice makes perfect." When we learn English,we should read more,speak more,listen to English from time to time and practise writing every 't be afraid of making in this way can we learn it English takes time so if we want to learn it well,we should spend much time practicing using English every should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework we have time,we'd better isten to English radio programmes,read English stories and newspapers,watch English films and TV programmes ,keep a diary in English .If we make mistakes,correct them at once and try not to make the same 's more,we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before believe if we work hard and have good ways of learning English,we will learn English well..

原文:The Importance of EnglishAs the deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especially for those who communicate with foreigners. For one thing, English is an essential tool to know the outside world. Nowadays, most information broadcast in English, especially the advanced information. For another, learning English well, we can see a totally different world. For example, we can read original novels or enjoying English movies better. Sometimes, translation may eliminatethe essence of original languages. We even would develop a different way of thinking, the English way, so different from Chinese way. In short, as acommunicating tool, English plays an important role in our lives.作文翻译:英语的重要性随着全球化的不断加深,英语显得十分重要,特别是对于那些要与外国人交流的人来说。一方面,英语是了解外界的必备因素。当今世界,大多数信息的传递都是通过英语这种语言形式来实现的,特别是先进的信息。另外,学好英语,我们能看到一个全新不同的世界。例如,我们可以更好地欣赏原著小说或是英语电影。有的时候,翻译可能会使源语言的精华得不到很好的展现。我们甚至还能培养一种不同的思维方式,用英语的思维去思考问题,这与中文的思维方式是不同的。简单来说,英语作为一种交流工具,在我们的生中扮演了重要的角色。


关于英语专业的论文题目,学术堂整理了十五个好写的,供大家参考:1.《红字》中海丝特 白兰不理智的一面(The Irrational Side of Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter)2. 《董贝父子》中的矛盾冲突(The Conflict in Donbey and Son)3. 论文化不同对联想意义及翻译的影响(On Influence of Cultural Differences on Associative Meanings and Translation)4. 美国教育的衰弱(The Drop of American Education)5. 19世纪欧洲移民对美国工业化的积极影响(The Positive Impacts of European Immigration on American Industrialization in the 19th Century。6. 朱丽叶之人物分析(Character Studies in Juliet)7. 主述理论在文学中的运用(The Application of the Thematic Theory in Literature)8. 语用学中的会话含义理论(Conversational Implicature Theory in Pragmatics)9. 英语语音简析及对提高初学者口语的指导(A Brief Analysis of English Phonetics as well as a Guide to Improve Learners’ Oral English)10. 比较两种对于哈姆雷特复仇的评论(Comparison on Two Kinds of Comments on Hamlet’s Revenge)11. 英语语言中的性别歧视 (Sexism in English Language)12. 英语的学与教 (English Learning and Teaching)13. 由美国2004年总统选举所想到的 (More than 2004 Presidential Election)14. 论腐朽世界中的纯洁品质——关于《雾都孤儿》的赏析 (The Purity in a Corrupt World—An Analysis of Oliver Twister)15. 论理智与情感之关系——对《理智与情感》的人物分析

对于会计专业的论文来说,拟定一个好的题目很重要,好的题目能够提供论文的核心信息、方便读者快速地了解一篇论文大致内容,还能方便审稿者迅速评价论文,决定该论文的取舍。本文整理了 100个“会计专业毕业论文题目范例”, 以供参考。 会计专业毕业论文题目范例一: 1、基于作业成本法的物流成本控制研究 2、我国自主品牌汽车车联网服务的盈利模式创新研究 3、建筑业人工成本上涨趋势及应对策略研究 4、我国军民融合产业融资问题研究 5、电动汽车充电基础设施投资价值驱动因素研究 6、基于面板数据的中国股份制商业银行资本效率实证分析 7、我国商业银行盈利模式市场化转型研究 8、融资约束与企业贸易模式选择 9、我国纺织服装上市公司社会责任履行能力的提升研究 10、挣值法用于建筑工程成本控制的研究 11、事务所行业专长与审计质量的关系 12、煤炭上市公司资本结构对企业价值影响的实证研究 13、制造业上市公司成本费用变动对财务竞争力的影响 14、化石能源低位下的中国碳减排成本研究 15、融资方式对我国医药制造业技术创新产出影响的区域差异研究 16、S公司物流海运成本优化 17、N公司EPC项目成本超支原因分析与对策研究 18、内部控制视角下高等学校财务风险及其防范研究 19、HQ公司物流成本的控制与优化 20、大型设备吊装总承包项目的费用控制 21、 2017年第四季度金融会计动态 22、 企业金融会计风险及防范措施浅析 23、 关于强化金融会计内部审计的对策探讨 24、 基于金融会计视角分析金融风险的合理防控 25、 网络经济对传统金融会计的影响 6、 新型金融环境下金融会计风险的原因分析 27、 浅述互联网金融会计核算及税收管理 28、 浅谈互联网金融会计核算问题 29、 2018年第一季度金融会计动态 30、 商业银行金融会计风险防范与控制 31、 企业金融会计风险原因的分析及防范措施 32、 浅析大数据时代下金融会计面临的机遇与挑战 33、 企业金融会计的风险因素及合理化防范路径分析 34、 金融会计理论探索与制度创新——中国会计学会金融会计专业委员会2017年学术年会综述 35、 新形势下金融会计风险成因与防范措施研究 36、 基于金融会计视角分析金融风险的合理防控策略 37、 基于金融会计视角分析金融风险的合理防控 38、 分析金融会计视角下的金融风险防范 39、 应用型高校金融会计创新创业教育体系研究 40、 互联网金融会计核算问题分析 41、 中国会计学会金融会计专业委员会2018年学术年会召开 42、 企业金融会计的风险因素及防范路径 43、 信息化背景下的金融会计风险分析 44、 加强企业金融会计制度建设促进企业可持续发展 45、 浅析金融会计 46、 浅谈金融会计综合效益指标创新管理问题 47、 企业金融会计风险原因的分析及防范措施 48、 企业金融会计风险原因的分析及防范措施 49、 金融会计信息系统市场环境的塑造 50、 企业金融会计的风险因素及合理化防范对策 会计专业毕业论文题目范例二: 51、ZL公司出口退税税收筹划问题研究 52、NX电力公司全面预算管理问题研究 53、制造业上市公司负债融资对投资行为影响的实证研究 54、辽宁装备制造业上市公司可持续增长能力评价研究 55、J银行N支行操作风险内部控制的研究 56、K银行信贷风险内部控制研究 57、基于商誉-净资产模型的商业银行价值评估研究 58、我国金融类上市公司社会责任绩效和财务绩效的关系研究 59、表外业务发展对商业银行绩效和风险水平影响的实证研究 60、在华外资银行盈利能力差异性与影响因素研究 61、H银行基于平衡计分卡的绩效管理研究 62、评估机构伦理气氛与评估师越轨行为关系研究 63、会计师事务所合伙人内部治理机制研究 64、地方高校预算控制体系研究 65、建设银行黑龙江省分行会计业务操作风险管理研究 66、我国上市钢铁企业财务危机预警及应用研究 67、政治关联对铁路债务融资能力影响及风险管控研究 68、农民专业合作社绩效及影响因素研究 69、医药制造业上市公司广告支出与财务绩效的关系研究 70、岳池县农村白酒企业财务风险研究 71、基于财务视角的电力基建工程风险控制研究 72、流通成本变动与制造业空间集聚的机制分析 73、出口代理企业内部控制体系构建与评价 74、利率市场化环境下HF农商行内部资金转移定价系统构建研究 75、绿色建筑运营阶段隐性成本估算模型研究 76、齐二机床公司成本控制问题研究 77、我国小额贷款公司债权融资问题研究 78、A航运公司内部控制缺陷研究 79、我国制造业上市公司信用风险评估研究 80、制造业企业预算管理的完善研究 81、 金融会计风险在企业中的原因和防范措施 82、 如何防范与化解金融会计风险 83、 企业金融会计风险原因的分析及防范措施 84、 如何发挥金融会计在金融风险防范中的作用 85、 安徽省金融会计学会召开第四次会员代表大会暨四届一次理事会 86、 浅谈金融会计在防范金融风险中的作用 87、 保险行业金融会计在防范金融风险中的作用 88、 新型金融环境下金融会计风险成因与防范措施分析 89、 互联网金融会计监督探讨 90、 企业金融会计的风险因素及合理化防范路径思考 91、 金融会计国际化对我国商业银行的影响研究 92、 企业金融会计的风险防范及控制 93、 企业金融会计的风险防范及控制 94、 企业金融会计的风险防范及控制 95、 结合金融会计的角度探讨金融风险防范 96、 金融会计理论在茶叶经济中的应用 97、 以金融会计服务促进区域茶产业发展模式研究 98、 浅析商业银行金融会计风险防范与控制 99、 金融会计风险及其防范措施分析 100、 企业金融会计的风险防范及控制


Accounting as a common business language, a growing particular, since China's accession to the WTO, more and more involved in international competition. Therefore, the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the general accounting staff, have to face a growing number of international the national perspective, economic globalization, economic management personnel in need of international and economic management of accounting personnel as an important component of human resources to speed up the process of internationalization has more practical significance. From the enterprise perspective, in order to improve the competitiveness of enterprises in China's economic globalization, large international situation, the principle of corporate management, internal management, and so on must also be in transition, thus accounting personnel must also be international. Industry from an accounting perspective, the accounting profession in China has improved continuously, but in comparison with the international accounting profession is still a certain gap. Under the new circumstances, China's accounting staff must have a certain sense of urgency and mission, to enhance the accounting industry standards, enabling them to participate in international talent to the , the accounting staff to learn English to improve their ability to discipline an indispensable



以史为镜。我不得不承认学习和熟练掌握英文的重要性和必要性。读大学懒散如和尚,愤青于英文教授的课太烦胃,从进大学的第二期开始,几乎逢E必翘(一期还是乖乖生,课还不敢翘)。四级考试不是忘记参考,就是交白卷。终于在大三的二学期面临拿学位的压力下,幸运过关。阿弥陀佛,当时心想,这辈子不用在受背单词语法的苦。毫无疑问,我是大学中众多视六级如粪土的同志中的中坚力量。不过,别人是E文太好,不屑于这类考试;我是E文太烂,过不了才不得不鄙视。毕业工作了,内资事务所用E文的机会简直如同大海里看见老虎--没可能。即使偶尔使用E文,也是仅限于shit、kill等不能登大堂之雅之词。……接着,在一家披外资之名,行内资之实的国有外资集团做,开始要向香港总部报一些英文报表。不过,只是小菜菜的那种。连同和香港同事沟通,都用普通话,不是香港话,更不是英文,如此衍生出一个严重的后果,直接导致我还是粤语盲。(郁闷啊,E文不好,粤语不会,就连家乡话也是吞吞吐吐)慢慢的接到猎头的电话,外资的,四大的什么,都考虑自己E文薄,主动放弃。那时侯很会自我安慰:不去外资,职业天花板太低,你永远做不了财务高层,甚至财务总监的。目前,在国内一集团,虽然也有子公司海外上市,虽然也会与外资银行打交道,但是E文仍然停滞不前。也没有把E文的重要性摆在革命的高度,依然得过且过。好景不长。毕竟,不学E文的日子于我是欢乐的,而欢乐都是短暂的,短暂的欢乐过后,带来的是更多的痛苦。今年,持续接到猎头的电话:外资亚太区高级主管 直接汇报:国外经理 年薪**万外资金融集团高级经理 直接汇报:国外财务老总 年薪**万(几年后足够买车买房的薪水)看着这些职位,我只有咽着口水往肚里吞的份,直接向鬼佬汇报,我那可怜的E文,让我自卑的不敢面对试一试的机会,每次委婉并虚伪的拒绝:对不起,我对目前的工作很满意也很开心,暂时没有考虑过换环境。其实,看着房子和车子离我渐行渐远,我的心在滴血。天气热的南方,心象寒冷冬天。再也没有勇气重复:不学E文,不去外资。同时,海龟同事一直鼓励我去国外读MBA,并愿意给我写推荐信,然后给我描绘一幅非常美妙的海市蜃楼,让我跃跃欲试。可是E文却在一个黑暗的角落里嘲笑我、鞭打我。第三点,我不能流利的看关于吸血鬼的英文原著书籍。木有办法。人不可能脱离大环境。中国目前属于发展中国家,没有NB到鬼佬都来学中文。国情如此,我等小辈,只有顺势而行从头再来学英文。以上血的教训,望各位学弟学妹谨记之:可以不考cpa,可以专业得过且过,但千万不能不学英文。话不多说,我得去背新概念了。

At present, almost every school hundreds of colleges and universities in our country have a financial professional, especially in the accounting are tens of thousands of university graduates in accounting into the talentmarket every year, although accounting is a popular occupation, in this situationthe ordinary and primary financial personnel also apparent accounting professional talent demand gradually heat. According to statistics from related departments, as at present, lacking of 90000 with the international market international accounting talents in China, a huge gap talentsmeans that we are facing to broaden international vision and the ability to deal with new challenges, to the internationalization, specialization. Students can also be the development to their own understanding and evaluation, found himself still exist in the learning problem, although able to constantly update their knowledge, canquickly accept new things; but learning is not careful enough, resulting ininefficient. Doing things are always hard. Careful, careless but do financial a taboo, so it must be in the future study, life and work in the continuous improvement.

给你推荐2篇:1:What is the accounting? For many years the popular saying, accounting is accounting, scores and accounting. Ancient China "accounting" arising out of the Western Zhou Dynasty, mainly referring to the activities of the income and expenditure records, inspection and supervision. In the Qing Dynasty scholar Jiao Xun "Mencius justice", a book on the "will" and "dollars" for the general explained: "it is sporadic in terms of the total cost-effective it will," it is necessary to carry out the accounting for the individual accounts, individual accounts should be integrated, comprehensive accounting system. 或者2:Accounting concept: Accounting is the currency as a major units of measurement, using a series of specialized method, the economic activities of enterprises continuous, systematic, comprehensive and integrated accounting and oversight and based on this analysis of economic activity, forecast and control to improve the economy the effectiveness of a management activities.还行吧??希望采纳.


根据学术堂的了解,参考文献是英语论文的重要组成部分,也是编辑加工和重要内容。接下来就为大家介绍英语论文参考文献格式要求,欢迎阅读。I.文内引用(一)直接引用1.引用中的省略原始资料的引用:在正文中直接引用时,应给出作者、年份,并用带括号的数字标出页码。若有任何资料省略,使用英文时,应用3个省略号在句中标出(…),中文用6个(……);若两句间的资料省略,英文应用4个省略号标出(‥‥),中文用6个(……)。若要在直接引用插入自己的解释,应使用方括号[ ]。若在资料中有什么错误拼写、错误语法或标点错误会使读者糊涂,应在引用后立即插入[sic],中文用[原文如此]。下面是一些示例:例一:The DSM IV defines the disorder [dysthymic] as being in a chronically depressed mood that occurs for "most of the day more days than not for at least two years (Criterion A) .... In children, the mood may be irritable rather than depressed, and the required minimum duration is only one year" (APA, 1994, p. 345).例二:Issac (1995) states that bipolar disorder "is not only uncommon but may be the most diagnostic entity in children and adolescents in similar settings .... and may be the most common diagnosis in adolescents who are court-remanded to such settings" ().2.大段落引用当中文引用超过160字时,不使用引号,而使用“块”的形式(引用起于新的一行,首行缩进4个空格,两端对齐,之后每行都缩进)。当英文引用超过40字时,不使用引号,而使用“块”的形式(引用起于新的一行,首行缩进5个空格,左对齐,之后每行都缩进)。Elkind (1978) states:In general, our findings support Piaget's view that perceptionsas well as intelligence are neither entirely inborn nor entirely innate but are rather progressively constructed through the gradual development of perceptual regulations. The chapter has also attempted to demonstrate the applicability of Piaget's theory to practical issues by summarizing some research growing out of an analysis of beginning reading. ()(二)间接引用1.基本格式同作者在同一段中重复被引用时,第一次必须写出日期,第二次以后则日期可省略。a.英文文献:In a recent study of reaction times, Walker (2000) described the method…Walker also found…。b.中文文献:李福印(2004)提出概念隐喻的重要性,…;李福印同时建议…。2. 单一作者a. 英文文献:姓氏(出版或发表年代)或(姓氏,出版或发表年代)。例如:Porter (2001)…或…(Porter, 2001)。b. 中文文献:姓名(出版或发表年代)或(姓名,出版或发表年代)。例如:杨惠中(2011)…或…(杨惠中,2011)。3.两个作者英文引用时,在圆括号内使用两名作者的姓氏,并使用“&”来连接,在正文中,使用“and”连接两名作者。中文引用时,在圆括号内使用两名作者的姓名,并用顿号“、”来连接,在正文中,使用 “和”、“与”、“及”等字连接两名作者。例如:(Smith & Jones, 1994), or Smith and Jones (1994) found....In 1994 Smith and Jones researched.... Always cite both names in text.陈国华和田兵(2008)认为…或…(陈国华、田兵,2008)4.三至五个作者英文第一次引用参考资料时,列出所有的作者的姓氏,除最后一名作者之前在正文中使用逗号加“and”、在圆括号内使用逗号加“&”连接外,之前的其他作者之间使用逗号“,”;之后引用时,英文用第一个作者的姓随之以“et al.”。中文第一次引用参考资料时,列出所有作者的姓名,除最后两名作者之间用“和”连接外,之前的其他作者之间使用顿号“、”;之后引用时,用第一名作者加“等”字。例如:Strasburger, Jorgensen, and Randles (1996) found differences.... (第一次使用).Strasburger et al. (1996) also created tests.... (在段落中第二次使用).Starsburger et al. found discrepancies.... (在同一段落中再次使用,此时省略年份).卫乃兴、李文中与濮建忠(2005)指出…或…(卫乃兴、李文中、濮建忠,2005)。(第一次使用)卫乃兴等(2005)指出…或…(卫乃兴等,2005)。(第二次使用)5.六个作者及以上使用英文时,只用第一个人的姓氏加“et al.”;使用中文时,只列出第一名作者的姓名,再加上“等”。例如:Pouliquen et al. (2003)……或……(Pouliquen et al., 2003)王洪俊等(2007)…或…(王洪俊等,2007)6.团体作者使用中文时,第一次用全称,比如,(首都师范大学教育科学学院[首师大教科院],2001);之后可以用简称,比如,首师大教科院(2001)的调查表明……。使用英文时,第一次引用时,拼出团体,比如, (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 1996);以后用团体缩写加年份表示,比如,The NIMH (1996) examined....。7.没有作者的文献当一部作品没有作者时,在文中引用参考文献目录单中的前几个字(通常是标题)和年份。比如,一项关于成年人抑郁症的调查(“Study Finds”, 1997)报告……。当某作品的作者列为“Anonymous”、中文使用“匿名”或“无名氏”时,英文引用时用“Anonymous”加逗号及年份,即(Anonymous, 1997),中文用“匿名”加逗号及年份,即(匿名,1997)。8.英文文献作者姓氏相同英文文献作者姓氏相同时,相同姓氏之作者于论文中引用时均引用全名,以避免混淆。例如:R. D. Luce (1995) and G. E. Luce (1988)…。9.多篇文献a. 多篇文献,同一作者若一作者有多篇你想引用的文献,只需用逗号“,”来区隔作品的发表年份(最早到最晚依序排列)。若多篇文献在同一年内发表,请在年份后面加上a、b、c……等标注。(按:abc的使用需与参考文献部分有所对应,而这些文献的编排以标题名称的字母来决定。)例如:1)A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2004, 2005a, 2005b).2)Pauling (2004, 2005a, 2005b) conducted a study that discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholismb.多篇文献,多位作者文献依姓氏字母(笔画)、出版年代等顺序排列,不同作者之间用分号“;”分开,相同作者不同年代之文献用逗号“,” 分开。例如:…(Pautler, 1992; Razik & Swanson, 1993a, 1993b)。例如:…(董伟,2010;周音,2011a,2011b)。











































用Times New Roman.每一条目顶格,如某一条目超过一行,从第二行起“悬挂缩进”2字符。参考文献中所有标点与符号均在英文状态下输入,标点符号后空一格。






Brinkleyork: Knopf, 1993.



Dunn, Richard J ed. Charlotte Bront: Jane EyreNew York: Norton, 1971.





第一作者姓名(姓在前,名在后,中间加逗号)后接“et al.”,其他作者姓名省略。


University of Hawaii Press, 1997.


Widdowson, Henry G1998a.

Widdowson, Henry G. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1998b.



Thompson, Pett. “Modal Verbs in Academic Writing”. In Ben Kettlemann & York: Rodopi, 2002: 305-323.



Fagan, Jeffrey. “Gangs and Drugs”. ork: Macmillan, 2001.



Murphy, Karen. “Meaningful Connections: Using Technology in Primary Classrooms”.



“Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About URL”.



皮亚杰.结构主义[M] .北京:商务印书馆,1984.
















[N]-- 报纸文章


[D]--学位论文 :不区分硕士还是博士论文


[S]-- 标准





[DB/OL] --联机网上数据(database online)

[DB/MT] --磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape)

[M/CD] --光盘图书(monograph on CDROM)

[CP/DK] --磁盘软件(computer program on disk)

[J/OL] --网上期刊(serial online)

[EB/OL] --网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online)






[1] 周融,任志国,杨尚雷,厉星星。对新形势下毕业设计管理工作的思考与实践[J].电气电子教学学报,2003(6):107-109.

[2] 夏鲁惠。高等学校毕业设计(论文)教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52.

[3] Heider, . The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 67.




[4] 刘国钧,王连成。图书馆史研究[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1979:15-18,31.

[5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45.




[6] 李大伦。经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27(3)。

[7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33)。


【格式】[序号]作者。篇名 [C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码。


[8] 伍蠡甫。西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17.

[9] Spivak,G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?”[A]. In & L. Grossberg(eds.)。 Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, .

[10] Almarza, . Student foreign language teacher's knowledge growth [A]. In and (eds.)。 Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. .




[11] 张筑生。微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所, 1983:1-7.




[12] 冯西桥。核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院, 1997:9-10.






[14] GB/T 16159-1996, 汉语拼音正词法基本规则 [S].




[15] 中华人民共和国科学技术委员会。科学技术期刊管理办法[Z].1991-06-05




[16] 王明亮。关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展[EB/OL].

[17] 万锦。中国大学学报论文文摘(1983 1993)。英文版 [DB/CD]. 北京: 中国大百科全书出版社, 1996.


【格式】[序号] 主要责任者。文献题名[Z].出版地:出版者, 出版年。



(1)中文标点+ 全角:这时输入的标点是这样的,:【1】-(而这时,我没有找到哪个键可以输入 / 符号)也就是说,这些符号是一定不能出现在“参考文献”中的;

(2)中文标点+半角:这时输入的标点是这样的,:【1】-(这时,我还是没有找到哪个键可以输入 / 符号)也就是说,这些符号也不能出现在“参考文献”中的;





所以,很多人在写“参考文献” 时,总是觉得用英文标点+半角很不清楚,间距也太小,其实这点完全不用担心如果你觉得真的太小不好看,就用英文标点+全角吧而在[1] 之后,一般也都有一个空格。


①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是:姓,名字的首字母。 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, .,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & .

②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly.


