

发布时间:2024-07-07 11:34:30


中国成语“血浓于水”比喻“骨肉亲情难以割舍”,英语中能找到特别对应的表达, “blood is thicker than water”, 也是“亲情至上,家人比外人亲”的意思,乍一看似乎是Chinglish,但的确是这么说的哦!造个句,When you get into trouble, usually your family will be the ones to help you out. After all, blood is thicker than water.”就是“当你遇到困难,通常是家人帮你走出困境,毕竟血浓于水”的意思。

Blood is thicker than water.

团结就是力量 :Unity is strength 一方有难,八方支援 :When disaster struck,help came from all sides 患难见真情 :A friend in need is a friend indeed 血浓于水:Blood is thicker than water


1、评论英文:comment on; discuss;make comment on;deliver oneself of sth; 2、例句: I dont feel I can comment on their decision.我觉得我无法对他们的决定作出评论。 3、相似短语: to comment on 评论。 no comment 不予置评。 comment card 注解卡片,注释卡片。 general comment 一般注释。 ask for comment 征求意见。

对...发表评论 用英文怎么翻译.? ment...on 求采纳 发表对....的看法用英语这么说? 发表对....的看法 Publish a view of...发表对....的看法 Publish a view of... 评论 用英语怎么说 评论 pínglùn [ment] 批评或议论的文章 时事评论 评论 pínglùn [ment on; discuss] 对于人物或事理加以批评议论 评论是非 对......进行评价用英语怎么说 make an evaluation of the............... evaluate the..........弧...... 发表你的看法用英语怎么说 What about your idea?can you say something about it? 这是比较地道的说法 “对……作出评价”用英文怎么说? 30分 to evaluate something, to assess something,to ment on sth, to *** yze sth. to score sth. etc. 高评价用英文怎么说 高评价 [名] high asses *** ent; [例句]他们不仅会给那瓶酒更高评价,而且似乎他们大脑对此的体验也有所不同。 Not only do they rate the wine more highly, but their brains seem to process the experience differently.

voice your opinion



英 ['kɒment] 美 ['kɑːment]

n. 注释,评论,闲话

v. 评论,注释

例句:He commented that it was an excellent film.


短语:have comments 有意见







compliment  英 [ˈkɒmplɪmənt , ˈkɒmplɪment]  美 [ˈkɑːmplɪmənt , ˈkɑːmplɪment]

n.恭维;称赞;赞扬;致意;问候;祝贺    vt.赞美;称赞;钦佩

comment  英 [ˈkɒment]  美 [ˈkɑːment]

n.;指责    v.表达意见




compliment可作 名词和及物动词,含义为“恭维”、 “赞扬”、“问 候”、“祝贺”、“赞美”、“钦佩”;

comment:名词: 评论,意见,批评,描述;不及物动词:发表评论,发表意见;及物动词:为……作评语。做动词不带宾语。



——He's always criticizing her, and never pays her a compliment.


——It's a great compliment to be asked to do the job.


——Don't be upset ─ I'm sure she meant it as a compliment.



——There was a lot of comment about his behaviour.


——Three days is the most you can escape without comment.


——I have some comments to make in relation to this matter.




对...发表评论 用英文怎么翻译.? ment...on 求采纳 发表对....的看法用英语这么说? 发表对....的看法 Publish a view of...发表对....的看法 Publish a view of... 评论 用英语怎么说 评论 pínglùn [ment] 批评或议论的文章 时事评论 评论 pínglùn [ment on; discuss] 对于人物或事理加以批评议论 评论是非 对......进行评价用英语怎么说 make an evaluation of the............... evaluate the..........弧...... 发表你的看法用英语怎么说 What about your idea?can you say something about it? 这是比较地道的说法 “对……作出评价”用英文怎么说? 30分 to evaluate something, to assess something,to ment on sth, to *** yze sth. to score sth. etc. 高评价用英文怎么说 高评价 [名] high asses *** ent; [例句]他们不仅会给那瓶酒更高评价,而且似乎他们大脑对此的体验也有所不同。 Not only do they rate the wine more highly, but their brains seem to process the experience differently.

1.在这里,用户不但可以通过单击标题阅读感兴趣的新闻故事,还可以选择使用网上投票和评论系统对新闻发表意见。A user clicks on a story of interest and reads and optionally uses the Web-based voting andcommenting system. 评论说;评价或发表意见。To say something; make a comment or remark. provided by jukuu3该城市应该让美国食品及药物管理局在管理过程中,考虑这些问题,并允许公众发表评论和机构基于科学证据发表意见。The City should allow the FDA to consider these issues in due course in the context of aregulatory process that allows for public comment and agency consideration of scientificevidence. 4网络新闻评论是指在网络媒体上发表的,就当前新闻事件或事态发表的评价性意见。Comment of Netnews is appraisal idea about current news on web. 5.我们欢迎你就这项调查发表意见。We would welcome your views about the survey.

主要是comment用法上的区别make comments on 此处的 comment为名词性;comment on 此处的 comment为动词性;建议使用comment on

The children of the "dart clan" are not a new word, but an increasingly fierce phenomenon. To stop them from not looking for jobs, they give up employment opportunities. They not only rely on their parents for basic necessities of life, but also have the same cost. They are "parasitic" among people over the age of, and have strong ability to earn a living, but still do not "wean". They must rely on the support of their parents, sociologists say According t o the statistics of relevant experts, in the city, there are% of the young people who rely on "livi ng", and% according to the survey of Chinese media, the "problem" and "parasite" in the famil y may become the "first killer" affecting the future family life. At present, there are mainly six t ypes of "parasite": one is university graduates who find satisfactory jobs for finding jobs The s econd reason is that they are too tired and too nervous to adapt to the environment. They feel very comfortable at home. About percent of them fee


1、评论英文:comment on; discuss;make comment on;deliver oneself of sth; 2、例句: I dont feel I can comment on their decision.我觉得我无法对他们的决定作出评论。 3、相似短语: to comment on 评论。 no comment 不予置评。 comment card 注解卡片,注释卡片。 general comment 一般注释。 ask for comment 征求意见。

1.在这里,用户不但可以通过单击标题阅读感兴趣的新闻故事,还可以选择使用网上投票和评论系统对新闻发表意见。A user clicks on a story of interest and reads and optionally uses the Web-based voting andcommenting system. 评论说;评价或发表意见。To say something; make a comment or remark. provided by jukuu3该城市应该让美国食品及药物管理局在管理过程中,考虑这些问题,并允许公众发表评论和机构基于科学证据发表意见。The City should allow the FDA to consider these issues in due course in the context of aregulatory process that allows for public comment and agency consideration of scientificevidence. 4网络新闻评论是指在网络媒体上发表的,就当前新闻事件或事态发表的评价性意见。Comment of Netnews is appraisal idea about current news on web. 5.我们欢迎你就这项调查发表意见。We would welcome your views about the survey.

