

发布时间:2024-07-07 06:45:20




2012年02月13日 09时56分,《2011英语:英语论文:浅析跨文化交际下的旅游英语翻译[1]》由英语我整理. 参观红楼大观园时,肯定会涉及到《红楼梦》中的人物,里面有几百号人,如果都采用音译的话,译名没有任何内涵,听者肯定是如一头雾水,大倒胃口。其情形正如我们读外国作品一样的感觉。这也可以解释我们小时候一看到外国影片就调台的缘故。实在是太多没有任何意义的姓名,纵然情节曲折,内容丰富,可由于一点都记不住纷繁复杂的人名,根本谈不上对文学作品的深层次欣赏了。因此作为译者,我们有义务帮助没有任何文化背景的读者来理解译文的内涵。 三潭印月是被誉为水上仙境一蓬莱仙岛之我们经常看到的译名是:Xiaoying Island,Xiaoyingzhou Island, Lesser Yingzhou等。其实这种译法是采用的最简单处理一音译法。但是这种处理使得外国游客根本无法领略西湖美景的绚丽,更不用说给人以“湖中有岛,岛中有湖”的意境了,只留下一堆拼音的拼凑。对旅游景点的翻译最终的目的是让外国游客看到译名不仅能产生出美妙的联想,而且对旅游境地更有向往的想法。其实我们可以按照这个构思,把它译成Fairy Is-let(海上小仙岛)。这里面就涉及到了意义对应问题。在翻译过程中,如果为了翻译简单,进行懒惰的处理,这样不仅是对外国游客的一种敷衍。使得译名没有任何内涵,而且对本国的旅游文化传播也极为不利。关于旅游景点翻译,不应该是逐字逐句地译,关键是要把它所包含的内涵显示出来。因此这类翻译是讲究活译,让读者能够领略到其中的意境之美。 2. 2对于诗词典故中的人物,尽t采取类比法 对于诗词典故中的人物,我们如何来诊释?其实,最重要的方法就是设法把我们文化中的内容类比成西方文化中的内容,这样外国游客可以一下子就懂得其中的深刻含义。如把梁山伯与祝英台比喻成中国的罗密欧与朱丽叶,孔夫子即希腊的亚里斯多德,济公为中国的罗宾汉,观音菩萨为中国的圣母玛利亚。这样,外国游客顿时感到很亲切,很容易接受眼前的中国古代文化。我们在进行此类旅游翻译时,要尽可能地考虑到这种情况的转变性。 2. 3在处理特殊情况的旅游翻译时要进行必须的删减和增添,和意义的联想 中国人在介绍名胜古迹的时候,大多数情况是有感而发,主要取决于自己的主观思想。一般它的脉络是景点的历史,历代名人和景点的关系。景点具有如此深厚的文化底蕴,才会吸引这么多的文人墨客争相一睹其风姿,当然此次游览也有所值,增添了游客对旅游景点的吸引力。如果把这些都翻译为英语的话,就显得拖沓冗长,不着重点,外国游客也不知我们到底想要表达什么概念。所以我们一定要采取相应的变通手法,删去汉语介绍中主观性比较浓的词汇,着重进行客观介绍,语言层次分明,结构严谨,主要是让外国游客体验异域的不同历史变化和风土人情。 两种文化背景下的人用语言进行交流时,一般来说,只有听懂或读懂对方所表达的内涵时这次交际的目的才能算达到,而且内涵中所具有的联想意义也是非常重要的。外国游客一听到北京,马上会联想起the Great Wall和the Forbid-den City等;一说到杭州,就会想起West Lake等;一听到少林寺,马上会摩拳擦掌地来比划几下。为什么他们会有如此反应呢?理由很简单,他们知道这些蕴含中国文化特色的专有名词所具有的意义。所以景点的翻译应尽可能地让对方知道它们的内涵意义,甚至是联想意义。让外国游客看了此类翻译能理解该名词的基本内涵,能产生出我们所希望达到的效果,这种跨文化交流应该是良性循环的。 论文论文参考网2. 4体现在中西方文化差异上的功能对等,从而引申出适宜原则和对等原则 我们根据当代翻译理论得知,由于两国语言和文化方面存在差异的原因,使得我们无法做到全方位的对等,但功能对等的提出应该是一种新思路。它要求译文尽可能的在多方面进行对等。因为世界.上没有两片完全相同的叶子,更何况我们人类语言的诊释呢? 中国古代许多思想家强调的是天人关系,天人合一,爱护自然,维持生态和谐。西方人所看重的是克服自然,战胜自然。同时中国比较重视人伦,我们每个人都应该遵守人伦的原则;西方重视个人,自由,强调个人独特性。这些都会在译文中碰到,我们怎样把这两种思想在不同文化中的出现演绎得真实自然。 当我们在看到松、竹、梅的时候,自然会联想起岁寒三友,斗霜熬雪、高风亮节的情感。可英语中的相应词语却不能使操这种语言的人引起联想,也没有类似的联想意义。这就涉及到了翻译中的适宜原则和对等原则。我们的译者一手要拉两个朋友,让他们进行默契的交流。因此必须深刻理解两种文化的差异,对这两种文化差异所持的态度,都会在旅游翻译文本中得到最真实的体现。因为我们在进行文本翻译时,肯定会无意识地对两种文化进行对比,这也是情理中的事。只要是具有不同文化


Travel A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same. Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic spots or historic sites, that will make great difference. Travel can widen one’s knowledge. The farther you go, the more you will learn about different politics, economics, customs as well as geography. If you travel the whole world some day, you will fully understand the globe on which we live. However, too much travel causes tiredness. You get on a bus or a taxi, you travel on the train or in a plane, being patient with the hours needed on your mute from one place to another, that will make you exhausted after a while. 旅游 看不完的美景使人感到愉快。长期呆在一个地方令人乏味。日常工作常使人感到厌倦。假如你在假期中去名胜古迹旅游,情况就不同了。 旅游可以增长人们的知识。你走得越远,你就会学到不同的政治、经济、风俗和地理知识。如果有朝一日你周游世界,你就会完全懂得我们所生活的这个地球。 然而,过多的旅游会使人感到疲劳。不管你乘坐公共汽车或出租车,还是乘坐火车或飞机从一个地方到另一个地方,你得耐心的坐着熬时间,这很快就会使你疲劳。 Travel "People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning. They go on to point out that touring will provide more chance for them to enjoy food and try on clothes that they otherwise cannot possibly have. Those who dislike travelling have their reasons. They would argue that travelling means a considerable amount of money and energy. For example, traffic and accommodation require money walking while seeing sights often tires you. In practice, travelling does more good than harm. If you finance and health permit, you might as well do some travelling from time to time. It will at least enable you to get familiar with people and thing that you will probably grow to like and love. "有些人喜欢旅行旅行有他们的原因的."他们主张, 旅行可能帮助他们扩展他们的范围知识, 特别地理和历史学会。他们指出, 游览为他们将提供更多机会享用食物和尝试他们无法可能否则有的衣裳。那些烦恶旅行有他们的原因。他们会争辩说, 旅行意味可观的相当数量金钱和能量。例如, 交通和适应要求金钱走当看见看见经常疲倦您。实践上, 旅行做好比害处。如果您提供经费和健康许可证, 您不妨做一些时常旅行。它至少将使您得到熟悉您大概将学会成长和爱. I Love Traveling I like travel very much. I often go to travel. It meets a lot of people when traveling. It can touch not only the person but also the region. Therefore, it comes to want to go even times how many. I was traveling and all the people met had a very warm mind. It was very kind. There is a person who taught variety of land, too. I do not think meeting with two another degrees in the person. However, I do not think that I forget. Because, The reason is that there are a lot of very good memories. Therefore, travel is not stopped. It went to not only the country but also foreign countries. The communication of the intention can have been done with the person in the country though the word did not run well. However, I thought that the handicap of the word was large. I thought it was good if the word could be understood more many times. Therefore, I think that I should study the language study more. It can meet the one different according to the land when traveling. The tourist spot is, and there is a lot of one not so either. There are a lot of very good points of the place taught to the person in local. Therefore, it is always made to speak. I have not traveled still alone. I want to go out to travel alone sometimes. How about you? Traveling with someone is also good. However, I yearn to the solitary journey very much. It is not, and yearns for the destination to free travel. I want to go out to unrestrained travel some time. Finally, I yearn to the solitary journey. However, I do not hate tour travel. I think that there is a merit also in the tour. I think that traveling with the person who does not know also has the enjoyment. However, I like independent tour more. Which do you like? 我非常喜欢旅行。我经常去旅行。它遇见很多人民当旅行。它可能接触不仅人而且区域。所以, 它来想要是均匀时期多少。我旅行并且所有人民遇见有一个非常温暖的头脑。它是非常亲切的。有教土地品种的人, 也是。我不认为会议以二其它度在人。但是, 我不认为, 我忘记。由于, 原因是有很多非常好记忆。所以, 旅行不被停止。它去不仅国家而且外国。意图的通信可能完成与人在国家虽然词很好没有运行。但是, 我认为, 词的障碍是大的。我认为它是好的如果词能被了解更多许多时期。所以, 我认为, 我应该学习语言研究更。它可能遇见那个不同根据土地当旅行。旅游胜地是, 并且有很多一个不那么或者。有地方的很多非常好观点被教对人在本机。所以, 它总被做讲话。我单独仍然未旅行。我想要出去有时单独旅行。您怎么样? 旅行与某人是还好的。但是, 我非常盼望对孤零零旅途。它不是, 和盼望目的地释放旅行。我想要出去对无限制的旅行某个时候。终于, 我盼望对孤零零旅途。但是, 我不恨游览旅行。我认为, 有并且优点在游览。我认为那旅行与并且不知道有享受的人。但是,我喜欢独立游览更。哪些您喜欢? Travel to the forest Have you ever been fed up with the boring life in the city? Should you be tired of the crowded roads and endless noises, you might want to have a glimpse of the primary forest with me. As soon as you open the mysterious door of the forest, you may ask,“ Have I entered the palace or the paradise?” The breath-taking scenery makes you forget everything but exploring what the forest has to offer. With tens of thousands of trees surrounding you, straight or winding, tall or short , you feel like floating on the ocean of green. All kinds of fragrant flowers lie peaceful and shy under the leaves. Take a close look at them , and you can even see the fresh drops of water ,which makes the flowers look like beautiful girls who have just had a bath. The most enjoyable thing is to feel the thick fog among the whole forest, which makes the view of the living creatures disappear at times. When the sun comes up, the fog rises at once .The dreaming image is then replaced by the lively scene. A wide variety of birds are singing happily in the trees. Lots of little animals are running busily across the paths. Wander in the forest, you will have the feeling of returning to nature. Well, in addition to enjoying the scenery on the ground, keep an eye out for the sky! The clear blue with pure white will give your eyes a feast . 旅行对森林您曾经厌烦乏味生活在城市吗? 如果您对拥挤路和不尽的噪声会是疲乏, 您也许想要有原始森林的瞥见与我。当您打开森林的神奇门, 您可以要求, "有我进入了宫殿或天堂?" 惊人的风景牌子您忘记一切但探索什么森林必须提供。用成千上万棵树围拢您, 直接或包缠, 高或短, 您感觉象漂浮在绿色海洋。各种各样的芬芳花谎言平安和害羞在叶子之下。采取仔细的审视在他们, 并且您能甚而看水新滴, 做花看起来象美丽的女孩有浴。最令人愉快的事是感觉厚实的雾在整个森林之中, 做景色的生存生物时常消失。当太阳过来, 雾上升The 作图象由活泼的场面然后立即替换。各种各样的鸟愉快地唱歌在树。许多小的动物繁忙地运行横跨道路。漫步在森林里, 您将有返回的感觉到自然。很好, 除享受风景之外在地面, 保留一只眼睛为天空! 清楚的蓝色以纯净的白色将给您的眼睛一个宴餐。 Train Travel Air Travel Air travel has two advantages over train travel. First, it can save much can fly from Beijing to Guangzhou jusi in two hours, but by train, we have to spend 24 hours or more. Second, air travel is more comfortable, because the plane flies so smoot qly that we can rest well during the trip, while the train is crowded sometimes and passengers have to sit for a long time, which makes them tired. But train travel also has its advantages. For example, traveling by train costs only 250 yuan while traveling by air will cost 900 this, outside of the train’s windows, we can enjoy the views of many big cities, such as Zhengzhou, Wuhan,ad Changsha. So I think different people like different ways of traveling. 坐火车旅行还是乘飞机旅行 乘飞机旅行比坐火车旅行有两大优点。第一,可以节约时间。从北京到广州乘飞机只用两个小时,而坐火车需要二十四个小时甚至更多。第二,乘飞机更舒适。飞机飞得很平稳,我们可以休息得很好;而火车有时很拥挤,而且要坐好长时间,容易疲劳。但是坐火车旅行也有它的优点。例如,坐火车旅行只花250元而乘飞机则需900元。除此之外,透过火车的窗口,我们可以欣赏郑州、武汉和长沙等大城市的风光。


活动名称:探寻瑶族发源地—灌阳千家峒(级别2:美景+艰难+技巧)活动时间:五月二日到五月五日(四天)活动目的地:千家峒原始森林活动内容:观赏自然美景、摄影、野外露营、登山、挑战自我千家峒的传说:传说瑶族的始祖盘瓠是一只龙犬,帮助皇帝打败了对手,娶了三公主为妻,来到这里过起了世外桃源的生活。他们生下6男6女,皇上赐姓为:盘沈郑黄李邓周冯赵胡雷蒲。数百年后,这里发展到几千户人家、数万亩良田,生活富足。元朝年代,有人偶然路过这里,当作美事传说,不料竟招来灭顶之灾――官府进山收税。热情好客的瑶民家家轮流做东,款待官员,三年过去了,收税的还没走遍千家峒。官府以为他们被抗税瑶民杀了,进军围剿,血流成河……幸存者不得不逃离家园。临走时,千家峒的族人拿出一只牛角,锯成12节,每姓一节,发誓500年后,要让12节牛角重新接拢,返回千家峒团聚。然而,岁月流逝,历史变迁,千家峒的具体位置已被人淡忘。700年过去了,无数瑶民仍在寻找千家峒……1998年,据武汉大学宫哲兵教授及国家有关部门考证,这块位于都庞山脉广西灌阳县东部、湖南道县西部、江永县西北部的神秘土地就是瑶族同胞的发源地――千家峒。海拔2009米,从地形图上看,掩隐在茫茫原始森林中的千家峒是一个高山环抱的小小盆地;通往千家峒的山路,像高空摄影中的万里长城,绵延曲折,绕了半个灌阳县境。千家峒是一个神秘而又神圣的地方,古迹斑斑,田园犹在。放眼望去,夹在原始森林中的上万亩只长青草不长树木的土地,犹如正在耕种的田园,阡陌纵横,芳草青青,踏进这里,顿时有一种到家的感觉。第一天早上九点在桂林汽车站集中,乘车去灌阳,午餐,采购上山油盐柴米酱醋茶--4天晚餐需要的食品。到达千家峒自然保护区,开始徒步登山,傍晚到达原始森林边缘的最后一户人家,扎营,埋锅造饭,饮山泉吃野餐,艰难行程前的最后Fb。第二天早餐后,赏“牛鼻子出水”瀑布,黄泥江瀑布,开始艰难行程。傍晚扎营黑山漕,晚餐,品尝山村野味--腊肉土鸡野菜第三天早餐,整理装备,全力登顶,穿原始森林,渡道江河,攀古怪冲,抵达千家峒。赏高山草甸,观石山猴群,吃原汁原味都庞岭顶峰韭菜岭的野生韭菜!做一回真正与世隔绝的原始人:)第四天早餐,开始下撤,傍晚回到灌阳县城,腐败一顿以弥补多日的艰苦生活,乘车返回桂林。全程预计AA费用:200元左右/人(四天,多退少补)包含如下:交通费、向导费、森林保护费、山中四天野外晚餐及烧烤食品(如队员需要另请山民挑行装,费用由队员自负,约45元/天)俱乐部收取费用:公共器材费:5元/人/天活动组织费:非会员30元/人/天 会员10元/人/天领队工资: 非会员15元/人/天 会员5元/人/天说明:公共器材费及活动组织费、领队工资为俱乐部收取的经营成本费用。领队的AA费用由全体队员共同分担,原则上8个队员配一个领队个人自带物品:45升以上背包、野外食品8餐、登山鞋及备用鞋、睡袋、保暖衣物、防潮垫、帐篷,防雨服装、手电(建议使用头灯)、水壶(1升以上)、哨子、小刀、替换内外衣袜、个人常用药品、防晒用品、个人卫生用具、娱乐用品、防水袋、蛇药、个人餐具个人如需防潮垫及帐篷、睡袋,可向俱乐部租用,具体价格见装备出租价格单。俱乐部提供:防水天盖、营灯、备用炉具、垃圾袋、医药用品、烧烤用具考虑到山中实际情况,若全部吃自带干粮太过艰苦,准备每日晚餐时埋锅做饭,佐以腊肉土鸡野菜为食,充分补充体能,以便第二天能挑战新的艰苦环境,所以请大家携带好个人餐具。四天时间每日以坡度较大的狭窄山路为主,所以大家可以根据自己体力情况尽量携带轻便实用的物品。众所周知户外探险活动潜藏有不可预见的意外情况发生,请准备参加活动的人员充分了解这一危险性,在决定参加活动前参照自身情况综合考虑清楚。本俱乐部组织的户外活动只是一种自愿性质的AA制活动,并不能保证参加人员不会因突发情况意外受伤,建议个人向保险公司购买相应保险,当发生意外时,保险公司将按不同情况的理赔标准给予赔付,本俱乐部不另外承担赔付责任,但本俱乐部将尽一切努力进行救护与援助。每位队员必须与俱乐部签订自愿参加协议书,才能参加活动。












Higher Tourism English professional English teaching model to explore scenarios[Abstract] the primary characteristics of vocational education to write papers on behalf of students is to cultivate the ability to integrate theory with practice, this paper discusses the characteristics of tourism in English and discusses the use of more on the way to - scenes approach, noting that such Method The advantages and problems, and Tourism English Teaching Problems also included in the scope of discussion.[Key words] Vocational Education Tourism English teaching methods and problem scenariosFirst, several characteristics of Tourism English1. Practical strong. We often talk about the theory and practice should be a combination of (theory must be integrated with practice), the theory of learning is to better guide the practice, guides the work of one of the characteristics is to practice. Guides, known as civil ambassadors and image ambassador, who in the international exchanges of the role is particularly important, even if they have a solid theoretical knowledge, but it can not be used for practical work, this is not a qualified tour . Specialized. There is no doubt that in the tourism teaching English inevitably involves travel to the deep expertise. The six basic elements of tourism, food, shelter, transportation, travel purchase, entertainment and tourism resources, tourism planning, hotels, travel agencies, tourist attractions such as the various departments of knowledge, requires students to master these basic professional basic knowledge. If the creation of the relevant professional courses on tourism professionals to learn and understand English will be of great . Comprehensive and strong. Involved in the tourism industry knowledge is very complex, politics, history, literature, art, architecture, religion, gardening, such as multi-disciplinary knowledge, I have seen a few of the basic teaching materials are in accordance with the six elements of tourism know-how into the above into which constitute a , tourism scene in English TeachingAs the saying goes, interest is the best teacher, then how to train students interested in teaching has become one important aspect. Above have already said that guides the work of highly practical, but also in certain scenes occurred, such as tours at the airport shuttle, how welcoming and farewell speech, to move into the hotel, along the guided tours, attractions and so on , the author based on different scenarios into the training purposes of which have achieved good results, the following I would like to give one example, Unit 11 WaterTour: Lijiang . BACKGROUND introduced (backgroundinformation)This is paving the way each unit of knowledge and information to add, so that students of the natural resources of water have a total understanding, it can generally be divided into several categories: rivers, lakes, sea, hot springs, waterfalls, each category is a list of the most distinctive examples, such as: the Yangtze River, the West Lake, Jinan's Baotu Spring, Guizhou Huangguoshu waterfall, and then broken down into each, such as: What are the sites of West Lake, and the English translation shown to students, the I have followed each of the modules in this order, descending from a whole to partial, and the use of courseware ppt documents, first introduced after the display picture. Here I want to say is, the traditional template significantly those of very old, very old-fashioned style, teachers can browse the Web in the process of peace will be their favorite picture or interesting for tourism save the picture of English language teaching, and their ppt documents into standby, the best choice of picture and each unit can be relevant to the subject, of course, need to spend a lot of work, but good value for money, students in the learning process can inspire their . Courseware on specific (detailed explanation)The theme of this module is to introduce the world famous Lijiang River in Guilin landscape, the article is mainly to readers as a tourist, took us to visit the scenic甲天下, Castle Peak, Xiushui, Qishi, reflection ..., the article is more inclined to the narrative is a Field guides word. In order to allow students to Lijiang's landscape there is a general understanding, I will introduce into the relevant spots in which, such as the Reed Flute Cave, Cheung Pei Shan, Qixingyan and so on, to the students a whole . Scenarios interpretation (situational presentation)This is the most difficult step in the process of belonging to the output. At the end of each unit after the lecture, I will place the students of this unit have learned the content of drilling can be carried out group work, to enable students through role-playing (role play), so that students feel like, and give full play to their own imagination, and promote active learning students enthusiasm. Another method is to knowledge in their own language to organize themselves, and then they speak out, each class 10 minutes before I do, so can study the effect of book knowledge. However, in the course of the author, Professor, students or the existence of certain problems will arise, if students are too rigidly adhere to teaching materials, as well as the students are short of certain cross-cultural communication of knowledge, in exchange they would often make the phenomenon of culture shock. Such as in teaching to join the cross-cultural communication on the knowledge, you can play with the foreign exchange the role of lubricants to avoid conflict, do not be embarrassed to enable the two , the main problems1. Materials relatively singleMost of the tourism professional teaching English only for the province or a region, there is no nationwide introduction of the overall attraction, and the same theme, introducing a time when almost all of the same language, the lack of reference materials; part of teaching materials to more Tourism deep expertise in the overall translated into English, which is no tourism expertise to pave the way for English learners is difficult to understand, but such a career as higher vocational institutions, such as pure things significantly less useful, specific spots should be introduced to include a good word to focus on a good sentence, such as better able to recite in order to achieve the purpose of training. In addition, if the publication of these films all over the scenery of the English version of CD-ROM, coupled with on-site tour guides, students can imitate, or if there is mute function to allow students to come under the shooting scene with their own explanations, so the skills the requirements and further improved, for those who have a higher base and capacity of . The lack of professional teaching English for TourismAt present, the majority of teachers are tourism management professional or graduate English majors, specialized school English teachers very little tourism, so it is very difficult to teach the process of grasping the curriculum focus, or not grasped, may be the beginning of the semester or students, and gradually becomes a monologue students became teachers, Ap Lei like to listen to teaching. I think the teachers can take part in some training activities, continue to accumulate experience, check the length of others make up for our own short, At the same time, teachers can also go to the first line of services for others to experience the pleasure brought about by, to better promote classroom . The lack of school internship training baseAt present most of the opening of Tourism English professional school, the teaching and practice are basically out of touch. First of all, to impart theoretical knowledge, and then make use of other practical semester. If we can combine theory and practice so that you can receive good results. However, due to practical needs some practice material support, so most students will need on their own to sum up in practice, so that delayed a lot of valuable time.


More and more college students choose self-help trayelijig rather than arranged tours when they plan to travel. The reason inay be that by ananging the route, booking cheaper hotels and taking cheaper transportation means by themselves, they can save a lot of money.

Convenient and economical as self-help traveling sounds, it still has some potential problems Perhaps the most important one is the safety hazard. Being alone without a group or a tour guide, a traveler may be helpless in face of danger, . robbery, wild animal attacks, etc. In addition, they are more Eikely to be at risk of getting lost when traveling alone in a strange city or in the remote countryside.

In my view, self-help traveling can be exciting and challenging which is worth trying. However, before setting out alone on a tour, travelers should make good preparations. Besides, they should hear security in mind all the time and keep ia touch with their friends or relatives. By doing soa they can enjoy the pleasure of exploring a strange city safe and sound.

Self-help traveling enjoys great popularity among college students today. The reason may be that they can save a lot of money by arranging the routes, booking cheaper hotels and deciding cheaper transportation tools all by themselves.

Convenient and economical as self-help traveling sounds, they still have some potential problems. Perhaps the most important one is the safety problem. Being alone without a group or a tour guide, a traveler may be helpless in face of danger, . robbery, wild animal attacks, etc. In addition, they are more likely to be at risk of getting lost when traveling alone in a city strange to them or in the remote countryside.

In my view, self-help traveling can be exciting and challenging and is worth trying. However, before setting out alone, travelers should make good , they should bear safety and security in mind all the time and keep in touch with their friends or , they can enjoy both safety and pleasure of exploring different places.

So called self-help traveling refers that travelers themselves arrange travel route, travel time, and all the other matters during travel, without any guide and team leader. Nowadays this kind of traveling model is gaining more and more popularity among college students. According to the survey, over 80% of college students prefer self-help traveling to following a tour group.

Why are college students so fond of self-help traveling? Above all, self-help traveling gives travelers more freedom and space. College students don’t like being restricted. They want to arrange their travel as they wish. Moreover, self-help traveling provides college students a good chance to improve their adaptability and viability. Besides, the expenses in self-help traveling are controlled by travelers themselves. It is a good choice for those college students who have not much money for their disposal.

As a college student, I enjoy self-help traveling very much, and I have benefited a lot from it. For one thing, I have appreciated many amazing scenery that those travelers who follow tour groups can not. For another, self-help travel helps me learn how to deal with people better.

1、I went to three cities to play during last summer holidays. They are Beijing, Dalian and HuHehot. 我去了三个城市,在去年夏天的假期。他们是北京,大连和呼和浩特。 2、I went to Beijing more than eight times. Beijing is the capital of China. It’s a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing. It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to Beijing by plane. There are many tall buildings in Beijing. It’s a modern city. My family visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Beihai Park, the Space Museum, etc. I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting. I went shopping in WangFuJing. I bought lots of souvenirs and other things. I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious. It is really nice. 北京是中国的首都。这是一个很大的城市。我对北京很熟悉。它需要一个小时和四十分钟从南通到北京乘飞机。在北京有许多高大的.建筑物。这是一个现代化的城市。我的家人参观了长城,颐和园,故宫,北海公园,太空馆,等我去了北京农村去划船和钓鱼。这是非常有趣的。我去了王府井。我买了很多纪念品和其他东西。我喜欢吃北京小吃。他们很美味。这真是太好了。 3、Dalian is a beautiful city. Dalian is close to Beijing. I spent 5o minutes on the plane. Dalian is near the sea. I smelled the salty taste in the air. The roads are clean. There are lots of trees and flowers near the roads. There are many esplanades and Japanese buildings. There are some fountains in one of the esplanades. Some people flew kites and walked on the esplanades. We went to see the beach and the sea. The sea is blue. There were many swimmers in the sea. I lay on the beach to see the is a very nice place to live. 大连是一个美丽的城市。大连离北京很近。我在飞机上度过了5o分钟。大连附近海域。我闻到了咸咸的味道在空气中。道路是干净的。有许多树木和花草附近的道路。有许多esplanades和日本的建筑物。有一些喷泉中esplanades之一。有些人放风筝的esplanades走去。我们去看海滩和大海。海是蓝色的。在海中有许多游泳者。我躺在沙滩上,看天空。大连是一个很好的地方。 4、Huhehot is in Inner Mongol. There are lots of large grasslands. The grasslands are endless. The sky is bright blue. There were a lot of horses and sheep. They were running or eating grass. I rode a horse on the graland. I picked some colourful flowers. We drank the tea with milk. There is a small desert, it was very hot。 内蒙古呼和浩特。有很多的大草原。草原是无穷无尽的。天空是明亮的蓝色。有一个很大的马和羊。他们正在运行或吃草。我骑着马在草原。我挑选了一些五颜六色的花朵。我们喝的茶与牛奶。有一个小的沙漠,这是非常热的。 5、These trips helped me open my eyes. I enjoyed my day. 这些旅行使我打开我的视野。我很喜欢。


翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。下文是我为大家整理的关于的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 篇1 简论英文合同翻译概论 摘 要:随着中国成功加入世界贸易组织,商务英语的重要性是不可忽视的,尤其是在英语合同的翻译过程中。此文章就从英文合同的定义、结构以及英文合同的词语特点等方面加以论述。 关键词:英文合同 翻译 结构 词语特点 综述: 在英文合同翻译中,前提条件是弄懂合同的定义,包括合同中应有的基本要素,下面就从合同的定义着手,并提出一些在英文合同翻译中应注意的事项,笔者对英文合同作了以下论述: 第一,英文合同的定义 1.在英文中,合同一般称为Contract或者Agreement。 1999年中国《合同法》第二条将contract定义为:A contract in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations”。根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。 Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“Contract is a promise,or a set of promises,for breach of which the law gives remedy,or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看作是一种补偿。 2. 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素。 它们要约和承诺构成的由协议、约因、设立法律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成。 Curzon编著的“A Diction of Law”提到:“Contract generally involves” 1. offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance 要约和绝对接受 2. consensus ad idem 意思表示一致,也叫meeting of minds 3. intention to create legal relations 建立合同关系的意愿 4. genuineness of consent 同意的真实性 5. contractual capacity of the parties 合同当事人的缔约能力 6. legality of object标的物的合法性 7. possibility of performance 履行的可能性 8. certainty of terms条款的确定性 9. valuable consideration等价有偿 第二,英文合同的结构特点 合同类法律档案用以规定当事人的权利与义务,是预防与解决争议的依据。合同英语行文缜密而准确,历史悠久,深含法律文化底蕴。 中文的合同开头一般先罗列当事人的名称、姓名、住所或营业场所,然后是合同正文,结尾是当事人印章、授权代表签字、职务及签字日期。而英语合同一般以下面这类句式为开头: This agreement/contract is made and entered in to this ______day of______month,______year by and between Party A hereinafter called “ Party A ”and Party Bhereinafter called “ Party B ” 然后是开始陈述: WHEREAS...THEREFORE ... It is hereby agreed as follows: 或以: WITNESSETH, WHEREAS... NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 接着是正文,最后是证明部分: IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and years first above written. 随后还包括当事人和见证人的签字。签字日期一般在英文合同里搬弄是非是找不到的。 第三,英文合同翻译的用词特点formal term 合同英语的用词极其考究,具有特定性。要求选词专业化professional、正式formal、准确accurate。具体体现在下列方面: 1. may,shall,must,may not或shall not的使用;may,shall, must,may not 或shall not对学过英语的人来说再熟悉不过了,但在合同中用这些词时要极其谨慎。 权利义务的约定部分构成了合同的主体。这几个词如选用不当,可能会引起纠纷。 may旨在约定当事人的权利可以做什么,shall约定当事人的义务应当做什么时候,must用于强制性义务必须做什么,may not 或shall not用于禁止性义务不得做什么。may do不能说成can do,shall do,不能说成should do或ought to do, may not do,在美国一些法律档案里可以用shall not,但绝不能用can not do或must not,例如,在约定解决争议的途径时,可以说: The parties here to shall, first of all, settle any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract by friendly negotiations. Should such negotiations fail, such dispute may be referred to the People’s Court having jurisdiction on such dispute for settlement in the absence of any arbitration clause in the disputed contract or in default of agreement reached after such dispute occurs. 本句中的shall和may表达准确。出现争议后应当先行协商,所以采用了义务性“约定”,如果协商解决不了,作为当事人的权利,用选择性约定may也很妥当。如果may和shall调换位置会怎么样?前半句的shall换用may后,意思变成了当事人可以通过协商解决,意思上说得过去,但后半句的may换用shall后,变成了应当诉讼解决,好像一出事,就要先见官,这就有些不友好了。 本句可译:双方首先应通过友好协商,解决因合同而发生的或与合同有关的争议。如果协商未果,合同中又无仲裁条款约定或争议发生后未就仲裁达成共识的,可将争议提交给有管辖权的人民法院解决。 2.正式用语formal term 合同英语有着严肃的风格,与其它英语作品有着很大不同之处。 例如: “因为”的短语多用“by virtue of ”,远远多于“due to”,一般不用“because of ”; “财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”; “在……之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用“before”; “关于”常用“as regards”,“concerning”或“relating to”,而不会用“about”; “事实上”用“in effect”,而不用“in fact”; “开始”用“mencement”,而不用“start”或“begin”; “停止做”用“cease to do”,而不用“stop to do”; “何时开会并由某某主持”的表述为:The meeting shall be convened and presided by *** . “其他事项”用“miscellaneous”,而不用“other matters/events”; “理解合同”用“construe a contract”或“prehend a contract”,而不用“understand a contract”; “认为”用“deem”,用“consider”少,不用“think”或“believe”; 3.用词专业technical terms 合同用词不以大众是否理解和接受为转移,它是合同语言准确表达的保障。如合同出现的“瑕疵”、“救济”、“不可抗力”、“管辖”、“损毁”、“灭失”等就可能让非行业人士费解,用以上英语表达分别为defect,remedy,force majeure /Act of God,jurisdiction,damage and/or loss。另外几乎每个合同都少不了hereinafter referred to as ,such... as ,whereas, in witness whereof, for and on behalf of , hereby, thereof 等虚词,就其中几个细说: 比如: 1. Hereby: by means of; by reason of this之意,即特此,因此,兹等意。常用于法律档案、合同协议的正式档案的开头语,在条款中需要强调时也可用。举原文说明,如:The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and pletion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may bee payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 文中: hereby意为 by reason of this,特此的意思。 therein意为in the Works在本工程中。 such...as是关系代词,相当于that, which,把要限定的词置于such与as之间使要限定的名词十分明确,避免合同双方在理解上发生争议。 其它的还有: “赔偿”用“indemnities”,而不用“pensation” “不动产转让”用“conveyance”,而不用“transfer of real estate” “房屋出租”用“tenancy”,而“财产出租”用“lease of property” “停业”用“wind up a business”或“cease 名词是cessation a business”,而不用“end/stop a business”。 还款或专利申请的“宽限期”英文为“grace”, “当事人在破产中的和解”用“position” “依照合同相关规定”一般说成“pursuant to provisions contained herein”或“as provided herein”等,不说成“according to relevant terms and conditions in the contract”。 “合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”英文表述为“Neither party hereto may assign this contract”,其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”,选用“Neither party to the contract”较少。 4.同义词、近义词、相关词的序列 FOR value RECEIVED,the undersigned does hereby sell, transfer, assign and set over to _____all his right, tile and interest in and to a certain contract dated_____, 19 _____by and between the undersigned and _____,a copy of which is annexed hereto. 在这里的同义词和近义词并列如sell, transfer, assign and set over,right和 tile and interest,在英文合同里十分普遍。这是出于严谨和杜绝漏洞的考虑,有的也属于合同用语的固定模式。如: This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.句中“made and entered into”和“by and between”两组分别属于同义词和相关词并列。 For and in consideration of mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 句中“for and in consideration of ”, “covenants and agreements”三组同义司和近义词并列。 The parties have agreed to vary the Management on the terms and subject to the conditions contained herein. 这里的“on the terms”和“subject to the conditions”是一个意思,都表示“依照本协议的条款规定”。合同条款的固定模式是“terms and conditions” 再例如:“Party A wishes to be released and discharged from agreement as from the effective date”,一句中的“release”和“discharge”的意思几乎相同。 并列的词还有: ships and vessels support and maintenance licenses and permits charges, fees, costs and expenses any and all any duties, obligations or liabilities the partners, their heirs, successors and assigns 第四,英文合同翻译中的注意事项 实践证明,英文合同中容易出现差错的地方,一般来说不是大的陈述性条款,而恰恰是一些关键的细目。比如:金钱、时间、数量等。为了避免出差错,在英译合同时,常常使用一些有限定作用的结构来界定细目所指定的确切范围。 A. 限定责任 众所周知,合同中要明确规定双方的责任。为英译出双方责任的许可权与范围,常常使用连词和介词的固定结构。现把最常用的此类结构举例说明如下。 and/or常用 and/or 英译合同中“甲和乙+甲或乙”的内容,这样就可避免漏译其中的一部分。 例1:如果上述货物对船舶和或船上其它货物造成任何损害,托运人应负全责。 The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and/or cargo on board. by and between 常用by and between强调合同是由“双方”签订的,因此双方必须严格履行合同的责任。例2:买卖双方同意按下述条款购买出售下列商品并签订本合同。 This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller,whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the undermentioned modity subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below. B. 限定时间英译与时间有关的文字,都应非常严格慎重地处理,因为合同对时间的要求是准确无误。所以英译起止时间时,常用以下结构来限定准确的时间。 双介词 用双介词英译含当天日期在内的起止时间。 例3:自9月20日起,甲方已无权接受任何定单或收据。 Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any account on and after September 20. 例4:我公司的条件是,3个月内,即不得晚于5月1日,支付现金。 Our terms are cash within three months, . on or before May not no later than用“not no later than +日期”英译“不迟于某月某日”。 例5:本合同签字之日一个月内,即不迟于12月15日,你方须将货物装船。 Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, . not later than December 15. include的相应形式 常用include的相应形式:inclusive、including和included来限定含当日在内的时间。 例6:本证在北京议付,有效期至1月1日。 This credit expires till January 1inclusive for negotiation in Beijing. or This credit expires till and including January 1 for negotiation in Beijing. 如果不包括1月1日在内,英译为till and not including January 1。 大写文字重复金额英译金额须在小写之后,在括号内用大写文字重复该金额,即使原文合同中没有大写,英译时也必须加上大写。在大写文字前加上“SAY”,意为“大写”;在最后加上“ONLY”意思为“整”。必须注意:小写与大写的金额数量要一致。例7:聘方须每月付给受聘方美元500元整。 Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US $ 500 SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY. . 正确使用货币符号 英译金额必须注意区分和正确使用各种不同的货币名称符号。“$”既可代表“美元”,又可代表其他某些地方的货币;而“£”不仅代表“英镑”,又可代表其他某些地方的货币。必须注意:当金额用数字书写时,金额数字必须紧靠货币符号,例如:Can $891,568,不能写成:Can $ 891,568。另外,翻译时还要特别注意金额中是小数点.还是分节号,,因为这两个符号极易引起笔误,稍有疏忽,其后果是不堪设想的。 综上所述,本文从英文合同的定义、结构特点、以及从英文合同翻译的用词特点、注意事项等四个方面着手,使我们对合同自身的特点有了一定的了解,包括其构成的基本要素,在翻译过程中容易疏忽之处;从而为更好地做好英文合同翻译打下基础,并使我们在合同翻译中能够得心应手。 参考文献: [1]邱建芳.中国加入WTO与涉外经济合同的翻译[J].社会科学学报增刊,2000,82. [2]傅伟良.英文合同写作指要[M].北京:商务印分馆国际有限公司,2002. [3]葛亚军,齐恩平.合同英语[M].天津:科技翻译出版公司,2002. [4][6]李正中.国际经贸英汉翻译.北京中国国际广播出版社,1997. [5]戚云方.新编外经贸英语函电与谈判.浙江大学出版社,. [6]张莉莉.经贸翻译的多视角.外语研究,2004. 篇2 旅游资料英文翻译方法 摘要:由于在英汉两种语言文化间的存在差异,不利于翻译,而旅游资料的翻译从一定程度上讲就是向外国游客介绍一个国家独特的文化,因此,研究翻译的方法突显重要。本文分析音译、增补、简化、借喻等方法,来进一步提高旅游资料的翻译的准确性。 关键词:旅游资料 翻译 方法 来中国旅游的国外游客一般是通过阅读旅游资料,包括景点介绍、民俗风情画册、告示标牌、图片、古迹楹联解说等内容来了解我国的奇观异景。隐含文字特征的旅游资料,其译文质量直接影响外国游客对中国的了解,也是翻译的重点和难点,影响我国文化的传播。由此看来,进一步提高旅游资料翻译的准确性显得尤为重要,本文就旅游资料的英译过程中可以采用的方法进行探讨。 1、旅游英语翻译中的中西方文化差异 中西方民族在长期的社会实践中形成了不同的文化心理和思维方式,反映在语言中就是谋篇布局、写作方式等行为习惯。中文写作的功能与价值都强调“表达”,而英文写作的功能与价值都注重“阐释”。强调表达的中文写作传统使中文写作充满了主观的意识、想象和情绪。而强调阐释的英文写作传统则使英文写作充满了客观的反映、分析、推演和论证。英汉两种思维的差异,易导致翻译错误。英汉两种文化的差异,导致汉语中有些旅游词汇在英语中找不到对等词汇,中国独有的文化遗产、古迹、历史传说、典故、民族风情、宗教信仰和思维模式等,相关词语出现缺失现象。如“紫禁城”没有对等翻译。 2、旅游英语翻译方法 为了加强旅游英语翻译过程中外国旅游者对我国民族文化的理解,更直观、准确地进行语言和文字的交流与沟通,应灵活运用各种翻译技巧,进行文字的转换与文化的传播。 音译法 在中国的人文景观的名称前常用汉语拼音方法给出英语对等词语。例如:岳阳楼,Yueyang Tower;峨眉山的宝光寺,Bao Guang Monastery Divine Light Monastery等。因其文化内涵需要解释性词语加以说明,有时不可避免地需要音译,音译是外国人和中国人对中国思维模式和名胜古迹的认同。 增补法 因文化差异,英文读者对富含文化背景的译文往往难以理解。因此,在进行旅游资料英译时,译者可以增加相应的文化背景解释,努力将原文中的特色文化传达到译文中,即增添适当的理解原文所必需的背景知识,如历史事件发生年代,名人身份及其在历史上的贡献等。以满足国外游客对中国文化的好奇心理,从而吸引更多的游客。如:“岳阳楼”中的“岳阳”是指古时一个地名,因此得名岳阳楼。三月三节,可译为“San Yue San Festival a festival that usually takes place on the third day of the lunar third month, when minority people, especially the young get together for folk song contest or making friends with each other ”。三月三节是我国少数民族的一个传统节日,极具民族色彩,在农历三月初三的日子,青年男女聚在一起举行歌舞大赛,并借此交朋友。如果不加上解释性翻译,国外游客很难理解其真正含义。 减化法 在旅游文字惯用的表达方式中,许多汉语词语往往只是为了渲染气氛或顺应行文习惯的需要,本身并无多大实际意义,而在英语中,这些介绍往往让人觉得繁琐冗长,抓不到重点。因此翻译时可以省略那些华而不实的“溢美之词”,省略原文中累赘或不重要的资讯,进行适当地简化可以使译文简洁明了。 例:崂山,林木苍翠,繁花似锦,到处生机盎然,春天绿芽红花,夏日浓廕庇日,秋天遍谷金黄,严冬则玉树琼花。其中,更不乏古树名木。景区内,古树名木有近300株,50%以上为国家一类保护植物,著名的有银杏,桧柏等。 译:Laoshna ScenicAreaisthickly covered wihttrees of many species,which add credit for its them over 300 ale considered rare and percious,half of which ale plants under top-level species include gingko an d cypress. 原文用许多夸张性词语形容崂山的景色,如“林木苍翠”、“繁花似锦”、“玉树琼花”。在西方人眼里,这些形容词缺乏实际内容,夸张余而真实感不足。因此,译者将这些虚化朦胧的词语省略,只译出原文主要内容,使译文景物描 *** 实客观,符合英语读者的审美习惯。 借喻法 借喻法就是借用英语文化中人们比较熟悉的人物事件,来解释中国文化中特有的内容。可以借西方文化来比喻中国文化,从而国外游客加深印象,更好地理解中国文化。例如,在翻译梁山伯与祝英台的时候,我们用“Chinese Romeo and Juliet”要比“Love legend of Liang and Zhu”好得多。这种类比的翻译可以让游客联想到罗密欧和朱丽叶凄美的爱情故事,而梁山伯与祝英台的爱情故事与此有许多类似之处,这样可以使读者在自己的文化基础之上接受异国文化,加强文化交流。 3、总结 翻译不是简单的语言的对等,而是一种文化的对接和转换,对旅游资料的翻译要和国际接轨,我们应该把重点放在译文,利用文中提到的适用翻译方法,地道的表达,才能被外国游客理解,语言才能有效传递文化资讯,将我们的传统文化有效地宣传,从而让世界更好地了解中国。 参考文献: [1]邓红顺.旅游文字翻译与中国文化的传播[J].赤峰学院学报:汉文哲学社会科学版,2010年 第3期 [2]喻颖,龙婷.浅谈旅游英语翻译中的修辞和中西方文化差异[J].今日湖北下半月,?2011年第1期 [3]赵晓丰.?谈旅游文化资讯翻译的原则和方法[J].商业时代,2009年16期

2012年02月13日 09时08分,《2011年英语:英语论文:浅析旅游资料中的文化翻译[1]》由英语我整理. hengdu was built during the late Warring States Period (770- 221BC)[2]。又如:“早在商朝”应译为:as early as in the Shang Dynasty (16th century- 11th century BC)。对于旅游资料中经常出现的朝代,年代的翻译,如果没有具体时间的增补,普通的外国游客看了资料也只会云里雾里。 三、类比 类比的翻译手法可以让读者联想到自己熟悉的事物,通过两种事物的对比,他们很快就能接受新的意象以及附着在它之上的文化,这样理解原文就不是一件难事了。 比如,在翻译梁山伯与祝英台的时候,我们用“Chinese Romeo and Juliet”要比“Love legend of Liang and Zhu”好很多。这种类比的翻译可以让游客联想到罗密欧和朱丽叶凄美的爱情故事,而梁山伯与祝英台的爱情故事与此有许多类似之处,这样可以使读者在自己的文化基础之上接受异国文化,加强文化交流。 又如介绍故宫的一句话:故宫耗时14年,整个工程于1420年结束。 The construction of the Forbidden City took 14 years, and was finished in 1420, 72 years before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World. [4]译者将读者感到陌生的中国历史年代与他们熟悉的历史或人物所处的年代联系起来,有利于他们理解。根据目标市场的不同,有译者还提出可以在“in1420”后加上“14 years before Shakespeare was born”,笔者认为这是一个很好的建议,莎士比亚这位大师在欧美国家享有极高声誉,人们对他所处的历史年代非常熟悉,因此用莎士比亚的时代和故宫修建的时间来进行类比,可以让读者很快产生一种时空感。 在四川英语导游景点讲解一书中,作者将四姑娘山的和“Alps of the East”进行类比,这样的翻译既生动,也能更快拉近和欧美国家旅游者的距离,使得本来陌生的事物有了他们熟悉的参照物,理解起来更加容易。 四、归化和异化 旅游资料的翻译要灵活,不能死译,我们可以根据目标,目的的不同在翻译的时候选择不同的翻译策略。当直译原文会使目标语读者费解时,就有必要借用目标语中意义相同或相近,且具有自己鲜明文化色彩的表达法对原文加以归化。例如:按照归化的方法,“西施”可译为Chinese Cleopatra;“月下老人”可译为Chinese Cupid;“鱼米之乡”可译为a land of milk and honey。[3]这样的译法可以让读者以相关文化内容为基础,以熟悉的文化意象为铺垫,用自己熟悉的接受信息的方式来理解富有中国传统色彩的人和物,简洁易懂,虽然不能文化意象不能完全对等,但信息却能够非常有效地传递,被读者迅速理解。 论文论文参考网当译文的目的是为了让目标语读者感受到异域文化的时候,我们可以弱化目标语语言的种种限制,尽量保留源语言的文化特色词。这种翻译方法更有利于中国文化的传播,更能满足游客求新求异的心理。刚才提到的例子,“西施”、“月下老人”、“鱼米之乡”按照异化的方法,可以分别译为:Xi Shi, name of a famous beauty in the late Spring and Autumn Period; God who unites man and woman in marriage; a land of fish and rice。[3]这种译法和之前归化的译法相比较,我们可以看出这种方法

With the development of tourism in some countries or regions or even become a tourism income of the largest pillar industry. Tourism is the economic, social and cultural phenomena, such as a comprehensive reflection of this decision features of the development of tourism is bound to bring tourism to the economy , The environment, a series of positive social impact. The development of tourism, but also increase local employment opportunities so that more people from the industry has to address the social employment in one of the major problems and reduce the social security system, the frequency of incidents. At the same time, all over the tourists to enter, an increase of Local residents and outside contacts and exchanges to promote mutual cultural exchanges and expand the vision to improve the culture. The development of domestic tourism can promote the development of other industries. Development of the tourism industry can stimulate the growth of tourist spending, Thus the formation of a new and expanding consumer market. Tourism on the beneficial effects of the economic environment is the most significant, tourism and other industries, the investment is a small, effective, non-polluting the industry, at the same time, tourism can promote other industries Development, which makes the region for tourism revenue of the national economy is of great significance. Eco-tourism on the environment is a clear positive impact. With the increasing development of the tourism industry, continuous development of tourism resources, tourism resources, many of which are original to the existence of a number of ecological problems in the development of tourism resources, can take eco-tourism And the construction of pollution control measures developed to make tourism resources than the original ecological environment quality, that is, the development of the tourism landscape of the ecological environment. Tourism industry can maintain the ecological environment. Tourism resources developed into the use of the stage, if scientifically Management, will enable the local ecological environment and to enter a virtuous circle. The development of domestic tourism to stimulate people's patriotic enthusiasm, to promote people's health, improve the quality of life has a larger role. Tourists to visit the motherland's mountains and rivers and beautiful scenic spots and monuments in their eyes open, mold, and expand the exchange of information and enhance the physical and mental health have an active role. Especially in the young people to carry out patriotic education, the role of domestic tourism is even more apparent. Third, the development of tourism can promote the ideas of the update to improve the quality of the people. The development of domestic tourism by the formation of the flow of tourists is the flow of information, ideas flow vector. This information, concepts, ideas and the dissemination of the way of life, can play a conservative style of thinking to break the local and trigger mind-set of thinking. To strengthen the ideological and cultural exchanges between people, ideas and update of its significance than the development of tourism as a result of the economic benefits of access to much more far-reaching. No matter for the domestic tourism industry of the socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization construction, or have a very important role in the promotion. As a result, the development of domestic tourism industry should lead the local community in particular is full of great importance to the tourism industry. Of course, there will be good for the pros. Tourist accommodation in the building measures, such as water, electricity and other energy supplies Xu chaos, cost of water, waste gas, waste and so in a timely manner to deal with possible pollution of the environment to form. Driven by economic interests, many tourists travel to overload, or making travel chaos over-building measures, and there are some valuable historical and cultural values or unique heritage, the coordination of natural and cultural landscape damage Novice, no, sorry. . . . The willingness to help us, thank you Tourism travel environment is an atmosphere of the local natural environment, as well as to reflect local history, local or national environmental flavor contrast from which the local environment and culture, and history played an important role. Visitors to appreciate the beauty of nature, should also pay attention to abide by social morality. Their visitors are also an integral part of the scenery, and uncivilized behavior will not only tarnish the beauty of the scenery, will undermine the feelings of others when they visit. Harmony is our common aspiration for people who can make the best travel-hing, every visitor can indulge themselves, should be a more humility, more than a grace and one another to create a friendly, mutual humility of a good tourist atmosphere.
