

发布时间:2024-07-06 22:21:55







晕!帮一下好了 高技术战争的以上特征,对军事上的影响,可以说是革命性的。它要求国家战略、国防经济、国防科技和军品生产、军事思想、战争样式和作战方式、军队建设和管理、战争准备、战略战术、后方保障等各个方面,都要进行深刻的改革。高技术战争的出现,迫使从事战争的人们重新看待一些传统的观念、理论和原则,重新衡量以前的战略、政策和一些具体做法。 (一)对国家安全战略的影响 在高技术战争条件下,从保卫国家的安全角度来说,仅仅考虑核威胁、核保护战略已远远不够了。航天战略(或宇宙战略)将成为国家战略的重要内容。一个国家的高技术水平是这个国家威慑力量中不可分割的一部分。国家的安全除了有赖于必要的常规武器、核武器外,更加有赖于高技术武器。 (二)对国防经济的影响 高技术的发展,对国防经济要求很高,国家要以相当的经费来支持高技术武器的发展。这是一个方面。另一方面,很多军事高技术与国家科技的发展密不可分,如用于外层空间的一些武器和设备,对开发宇宙资源和地球资源大有益处。开始,需要国家经济投资,但不久就可受益,反而促进国家经济的发展。高技术战争的基础是高技术,发展高技术仅仅用有限的国防经费是不够的,需要有国防经济整个系统来支撑。而且光有钱还不是唯一的条件,国防技术人才和国防技术设施要与高技术的发展相适应。为了发展高技术,需要动员整个国家的尖端技术力量,而不单纯是军事技术力量。经费和技术,是发展高技术的必不可少的物质基础。 (三)对战争样式和作战方式的影响 高技术武器用于战争,使战争的样式和作战方式有了很大发展。除了已经出现的用高技术手段进行的军事冲突和小型局部战争之外,还将有可能出现如外层空间的军事冲突和小型战争,以及星球大战和世界性高技术战争等等新的战争样式。这些新的战争样式,反映了现代复杂的国际关系,影响着战争的规模和结局。对于核武器,美苏等国正在从高技术中寻找防御的积极手段。现在已有不少人相信,运用高技术武器就可以有效地抗击核武器。因而,风靡一时的核威胁战略将受到挑战。高技术战争发动的方式和进行的方式与以往也有很大不同。远战可能多于近战,导弹战可能多于枪炮战,电子战可能充斥整个战场。作战双方利用智能武器和借助现代指挥工具进行的斗争将日益突出出来。 (四)对军队编制装备的影响 高技术战争将影响军队的组成、编制和装备。如将增加新的军种和兵种——天军、深海部队、机器人部队、飞行器分队等。军兵种的比例也将发生变化,天军、空军的比例将逐渐增大,陆军的比例将缩减。海军中深海潜艇的比例也将加大。军队人员的知识结构,必须要与高技术的装备水平相适应。军队的文化水平将大大提高,工程科技人员的比例将增大。军队人员要有高度的政治觉悟,高度的组织纪律性,坚强的体魄,娴熟的军事技能,能吃苦耐劳,克服困难,坚韧不拔,具有献身精神。军队有良好的训练水平和科学的管理水平。 (五)对作战行动的影响 作战空间增大。不光是同一作战单位的任务,正面、纵深大于以往作战,而且空中的支援和防护一般可分为超低空、低空、中空、高空,超高空以及高天(外层空间) 6 个层次。从几万米高空扩大到几百公里的外层空间。 由于远程火器增多,部队机动速度加快,作战部队的任务纵深大大地加大了。 作战行动的突然性增大。在谋略思维上能够跳出常规,在复杂的战争现象中,寻找出其不意攻其不备之点,在谋求突然性的优势中居主导地位。但是指挥决策的快速性和作战行动的快速性,无疑有助于突然性的达成。而后者,在高技术战争中是司空见惯的。 杀伤破坏程度空前残酷。既有大面积杀伤武器,又有精确制导的杀伤点状目标的武器。点面结合,破坏面积大,杀伤目标准,对人类带来的灾难超过以往。如果高能激光武器使用于战场,对其破坏杀伤力目前还没有找到抗御的方法。战场探测器材十分发达,凡是暴露的目标,一般都可侦知,凡是侦知的目标,一般都可摧毁。在这种情况下,如何保存战场上的有生力量是个十分重要的问题。如果进攻者不能在冲击前对防御一方进行十分有效的压制,那末防御者就有可能在瞬间将暴露的进攻军队予以毁伤,而将在此以前的损失和消耗捞回来。克劳塞维茨说防御是较强的作战形式,在高技术战争中这句名言将再次得到证实。 电磁频谱的斗争更加激烈。这方面的斗争不单单是象以往那样主要反映在干扰和反干扰方面,除了干扰反干扰的斗争外,还将反映在侦察反侦察、制导反制导、 C3I 系统与反 C3I 系统等方面。高技术战争中,雷达是双方很注目的目标。电子干扰对方制导系统也将日益重要。破坏对方的指挥控制系统更有积极意义。电子压制斗争是火力压制的前提,否则,很难保障火力压制的效果。所以电磁环境的优势往往伴随着胜利。 在高技术作战中,发现目标是第一位的。包括侦察卫星在内的众多的探测器对战场目标的发现并不难。由于作战双方采取的伪装、隐形、隐蔽、设置假情报、发射假信号等手段,发现的目标是鱼龙混杂,真假难辨的。如何在发现目标之后识别真假是个复杂的问题。 打击目标是继发现识别目标后的积极行动。打击一般指火力打击,主要是空中火力和地面火力打击,同时包括采取电子摧毁的打法,或将目标杀伤,或使目标摧毁,或将目标给予破坏。这是高技术战争中最积极的手段。能否大量地歼灭对方的有生力量,在任何战争中都是有决定意义的,高技术战争也不例外。 占领或保护目标一般是作战的目的,这是继火力打击以后的行动,往往是歼灭敌方有生力量的结果。就一般的进攻(或防御)作战行动来说,占领(或保护)目标是衡量完成作战任务的标志之一。有利的地形如制高点、战役战术要点,仍是兵家必争之地。 (六)对指挥的影响 由于卫星技术和其它遥感遥测技术广泛使用于军队指挥系统,获取战略情报和战场情报已不是十分困难的事;由于电子计算机成为军队指挥的重要工具,大大提高了对信息的储存、处理能力;而使用激光通信、光纤通信、传真通信和数据通信等手段,通信的可靠性和适时性提高了。自动化的指挥控制系统使军队指挥既快速又准确,尤其运用人工智能专家系统,可以提出决策建议和行动方案供指挥员选择参考,作出最佳抉择。以高技术为支撑的 C3I 系统,可供战略指挥(全国、全球、甚至外层空间)使用,也可供战役、战斗指挥使用,甚至单舰、单机、单车、单兵都可使用。这就要求指挥员和参谋人员必须既是军事专家,又是科学家和工程技术专家,熟悉自动化指挥程序和具有运用指挥设备的知识与能力。 (七)对后方保障的影响 高技术战争的极大消耗量对后勤保障提出了一个十分现实的问题:供应补给量与消耗量要成正比,要以极大的供应量来保障高技术战争的极大消耗量。假设消耗量为 N ,那末供应量应大于 N 。只有这样,才能保证战争的持续进行,如果供应量小于消耗量,那就要影响战争的进行,甚至发生粮尽弹绝的危险情况。做到及时大量的供应补给,要掌握四个环节:①预见和准备。对一场战争的可能消耗情况,预先要有足够的估计,并据以作充分的准备。如作好各类物资弹药油料等的预先储备等。②有充足而可靠的输送力量。根据战争的进展情况和各作战方向、作战地域的消耗情况,能够及时地组织输送力量,迅速地将所需物资送到。③现代化的多种输送、管理手段,包括两个方面,一是多种输送手段,如铁路、公路、飞机输送,或人力兽力输送。二是运用现代化的管理手段,掌握战场上消耗情况,控制输送力量,保障重点方向、重点物资的筹划和供应。④有应急措施和掌握预备力量。智者千虑,必有一失。问题是当出现“失着”时,有裕如的应急措施,手里有预备力量可供使用。 由于高技术战争使前方后方的界限更趋淡薄,为了组织后方的有效保障,必须注意组织对后方机构的有效防御,防止空中袭击、远程武器袭击及空降兵袭击、敌方迂回穿插部队的袭击等。因此,后方地域必须组织防空、防炮、防导弹以及对地面和对外层空间的防御。这样,才能可靠而有效地组织后方保障。 希望有用论中国国防建设在国家发展中的作用第一:国防建设可以带动经济发展,国防建设是由科技和工业实力所保证的,合理的国防建设可以促进工业的发展,盘活个企业间的联系,可以提高科技水平,促进科技发展 第二:强大的国防实力是保障贸易安全的重要因素,只有强大的国防实力才能保卫本国在海外的资产和贸易重要通道的安全,才能保卫本国公民在海外的人身安全 第三:提高国际威望.众所周知,在当今国际舞台上,已经不仅仅是经济因素等一系列硬实力的竞争了,还包括,国际威望等一些软实力的竞争,只有你在世界上有资格享有发言权,那么别的国家才敬佩你,才能尊重你,这样就有利于本国企业,文化,人口,等等在世界的发展. 其很大程度上要依靠强大的国防力量





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我有B/S架构的人事管理系统 毕业论文

Abstract the personnel management system is an Enterprise unit essential part, its content regarding enterprise's policy-makers and the superintendent very important, therefore the personnel management system should be able to provide the sufficient information and the quick inquiry method for the user. Causes its company personnel management to implement initially computerizes, lets the computer obtain the preliminary application in the personnel management. Causes the human affairs superintendent always to act according to accurately, the prompt human affairs information to carry on the decision-making, realizes the management. Only the computer can the modernized society, the human affairs information content which grows doubled and re-doubled, carries on the prompt collection, the processing, the reorganization, storing, the retrieval, the transmission, the feedback to give the policy-maker. Displays its unique function. namely: (1) to the input human affairs data, carries on the value operation and the logic operation, solves each kind of question. (2) carries on the processing to the human affairs information to solve each kind of data processing problem, for human affairs policy-maker when decision-making provides the basis. (3) to personnel management's each kind of material data and the computer order, has the memory storage ability. The practice proved that when manages when the information content and the complex degree achieves some limit, when namely administrative personnels' labor intensity surpasses its bearing capacity, must use the new management tool, namely with the computer technology information's collection, the processing, the transmission and the storage and so on, may use the human affairs foundation information, highly effective, reasonable, manages appropriately. Thus, human affairs information system along with computer's application, development, but consummates unceasingly, computer's is also the profit is important in human affairs information management status. because of this, accomplishes the personnel management modernization, must have the science management and the advanced technological means that can maximum limit raise the personnel management working efficiency. The modern personnel service's information content is getting bigger and bigger, the secrecy is getting stronger and stronger, moreover the information density enhances unceasingly, was already unable depending on the traditional management and the manual control method to do well the personnel management work. But the computer takes the data processing system, has become the personnel management modernization gradually the important means that is playing the vital role in the personnel management. Generally speaking, computer's includes in human affairs information system function: (1) the computer can provide quickly compared to the human has the information value human affairs data; (2) the computer can provide the renewal compared to the human the human affairs data; (3) the computer can provide the more accurate human affairs data compared to the human; (4) the computer can compared to the human process more human affairs data and so on. Because of this, we use the computer substitution manual operation establishment the human affairs information system, namely the computer human affairs information system, its major function may induce into the following three points: one is may the high efficiency, collect, processing, the storage human affairs information large capacity, improves the personnel management information system's work quality and the efficiency large scale. two are may keep abreast of the entire personnel management system's comprehensive situation promptly, supplies system's accurate human affairs information, may promote the personnel service standardization and each control system and indicator system's establishment and perfect, thus raises the administration level. three are may supply each kind of processing has processed the human affairs information, satisfies the personnel management the special request, adapts the new situation the new request which proposed to the teaching and administrative staff troop, helps the selection scheme, realizes the optimized decision-making. Presently, many unit's Personnels also are only restricted in the simple single plane application regarding computer's application, with the lapse of time, duty complex, user's demand, its application will also expand. In brief, computer's widespread application, the computer personnel management information system's establishment, adapted the objective request which the social economy sends, is a personnel management modernization big progress. Today we utilized the computer to carry on the dossier management preliminary modernization development and the use, it raised the personnel management worker's working efficiency greatly, it the personnel management (file, wages) extricated from the arduous manual operation, was engaged in the creative with more energy management activity; It can cause the decision-making, the plan and other management activity is more scientific, is precise, is nimble. Therefore, establishes the computer personnel management information system is one kind of objective development inevitable trend. Although is impossible in the personnel management aspect to use the computer generally, but from long-term, the personnel management modernization and the computer do not divide. The contempt or refuses to use the computer technology, is impossible, to accomplish the personnel management modernization comprehensively truly. Along with our country economy, the science and technology send, development of talent management's enhancement, we must certainly create the condition diligently, promotes to use computer's personnel management modernization. In order to construct the Chinese characteristic socialism to try hard to struggle.

Abstract Personnel Management System is a business unit indispensable part of its content for business decision-makers and managers, are essential, so the personnel management system should be able to provide users with adequate information and efficient means for. Company to the initial implementation of a computerized personnel management, personnel management computer in the preliminary application received. So that personnel managers are always based on accurate and timely information to decision-making personnel, and management. Only computer to be modern society, have increased the amount of information and personnel, the timely collection, processing, finishing, storage, retrieval, transmission, feedback to policy makers. To play its unique features. Namely: (1) on the importation of personnel data, numerical computing and logical operators, to solve various problems. (2) the personnel information processing to solve the problem of data processing, personnel decision-makers to provide the basis for the decision-making. (3) of the personnel management of data and computer sequence, a memory storage capacity. Practice has proved that when the amount of information management and complexity of the reach a certain limit, that is, the management of labor intensity over its sustainability, it must adopt new management tools, namely the use of computer technology information collection, processing, transmission and depositors Receptacles, and personnel can use the basis of information, efficient, reasonable, appropriate management. In this way, personnel information system with computer applications, development and continuous improvement, computer information management personnel in the position of benefits is important. Because of this, to achieve modernization of Personnel Management, a scientific management methods and advanced technological means in order to maximize the efficiency of personnel management. Modern personnel work in increasing the amount of information, confidentiality is growing, and continuously improve the density of information, relying on traditional management methods and means of operation have been unable to do a good job in personnel management. The computer as a data-processing systems, personnel management has gradually become an important means of modernization, in personnel management are playing an important role. Generally speaking, computer information systems and personnel in the role are: (1) were faster than the computer can provide information to the value of personnel data; (2) than the computer can provide updated personnel data; (3) than the computer can provide more accurate personnel data; (4) the computer can handle more than one of the personnel data, and so on. That is why we use the computer replace the personnel manual to establish information systems, computer and personnel information systems, the primary function can be summarized in the following three points: First, can be highly efficient, high-capacity gathering, processing, storage and personnel information, significantly improve the personnel management information system for the quality and efficiency. Second, can make the best of the entire personnel management system of comprehensive, accurate system to provide the personnel information, personnel can work to promote the standardization and management system and the system of indicators and sound, thereby enhancing the level of administration. Third, can provide the processing of personnel information, to meet the special requirements of personnel management, adapt to the new situation on the faculty ranks of the new requirements and help options, the optimal decision-making. At present, the number of units and personnel departments for computer applications also limited to a simple stand-alone applications, with the passage of time, the complex task, the needs of users, their applications will be expanded. In short, the extensive application of computer, computer and personnel management information system established, adapted to the socio-economic objective of the requirements of modern personnel management is a big step forward. Today we use computers to the personnel files of the initial management of the modernization of the development and use, it has greatly enhanced the personnel management of the working efficiency of workers, the personnel management (file, wages) in heavy manual extricate themselves with more Creative energy in the management of activities which enable decision-making, planning and other management activities more scientific, accurate and flexible. Therefore, the establishment of computer and personnel management information system is an inevitable trend in the development of an objective. While in the area of personnel management generally can not use a computer, but the long term, personnel management and computer modernization is not split. Neglect or refuse to use computer technology, it is impossible to truly and fully realize the modernization of Personnel Management. As China's economy, technology, and strengthen the development of human resources management, we must strive to create conditions, promote the use of modern computer and personnel management. For the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and work hard


目前,经济高速发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,人的因素也越来越成为企业实现自己战略目标的关键因素, 人力资源管理 已成为 企业管理 工作的核心。下面是我带来的关于人力资源管理专业 毕业 论文题目的内容,欢迎阅读参考!





























9、 保险 业人力资本的激励与监督机制








1. 解读 劳动合同 法提升企业人力资源管理

2. 保险业人力资本的激励与监督机制

3. 人力资源价值和企业价值评估

4. 现代企业人事测评技术及其应用

5. 中层行政管理人员评价体系的建立

6. 关于经营管理者称奇报酬激励机制的探讨

7. 沟通在绩效管理中的体现研究

8. 企业销售人员绩效考评体系研究

9. 工资决定因素与企业劳动工资改革分析

10. 中小企业实行股份合作制的探讨

11. 职工持股计划在高技术产业的探索与实践

12. 关于企业管理人员绩效考评研究

13. 基于工作绩效的雇员流动机制研究

14. 工作绩效评估中的信度问题研究

15. 人力资源开发与管理的问题与对策研究

16. 企业绩效管理模式研究

17. 企业员工满意度调查研究

18. 企业员工薪酬制度研究

19. 酒店人力资源管理初探

20. 我国农村人力资源状况调查分析

21. 我国行业工资差异之演进及其原因

22. 论现代企业制度中的员工股权激励

23. 国有企业经营者薪酬激励模式探讨

24. 自助式福利体系的设计


1. 人力资源毕业论文题目

2. 人力资源管理毕业论文题目

3. 人力资源管理本科毕业论文题目

4. 人力资源管理专业毕业论文选题

5. 人力资源毕业论文较好的题目

6. 人力资源管理专业论文题目




信息管理相关的毕业论文的写作格式、流程与写作技巧 广义来说,凡属论述科学技术内容的作品,都称作科学著述,如原始论著(论文)、简报、综合报告、进展报告、文献综述、述评、专著、汇编、教科书和科普读物等。但其中只有原始论著及其简报是原始的、主要的、第一性的、涉及到创造发明等知识产权的。其它的当然也很重要,但都是加工的、发展的、为特定应用目的和对象而撰写的。下面仅就论文的撰写谈一些体会。在讨论论文写作时也不准备谈有关稿件撰写的各种规定及细则。主要谈的是论文写作中容易发生的问题和经验,是论文写作道德和书写内容的规范问题。论文写作的要求下面按论文的结构顺序依次叙述。(一)论文——题目科学论文都有题目,不能“无题”。论文题目一般20字左右。题目大小应与内容符合,尽量不设副题,不用第1报、第2报之类。论文题目都用直叙口气,不用惊叹号或问号,也不能将科学论文题目写成广告语或新闻报道用语。(二)论文——署名科学论文应该署真名和真实的工作单位。主要体现责任、成果归属并便于后人追踪研究。严格意义上的论文作者是指对选题、论证、查阅文献、方案设计、建立方法、实验操作、整理资料、归纳总结、撰写成文等全过程负责的人,应该是能解答论文的有关问题者。现在往往把参加工作的人全部列上,那就应该以贡献大小依次排列。论文署名应征得本人同意。学术指导人根据实际情况既可以列为论文作者,也可以一般致谢。行政领导人一般不署名。(三)论文——引言 是论文引人入胜之言,很重要,要写好。一段好的论文引言常能使读者明白你这份工作的发展历程和在这一研究方向中的位置。要写出论文立题依据、基础、背景、研究目的。要复习必要的文献、写明问题的发展。文字要简练。(四)论文——材料和方法 按规定如实写出实验对象、器材、动物和试剂及其规格,写出实验方法、指标、判断标准等,写出实验设计、分组、统计方法等。这些按杂志 对论文投稿规定办即可。(五)论文——实验结果 应高度归纳,精心分析,合乎逻辑地铺述。应该去粗取精,去伪存真,但不能因不符合自己的意图而主观取舍,更不能弄虚作假。只有在技术不熟练或仪器不稳定时期所得的数据、在技术故障或操作错误时所得的数据和不符合实验条件时所得的数据才能废弃不用。而且必须在发现问题当时就在原始记录上注明原因,不能在总结处理时因不合常态而任意剔除。废弃这类数据时应将在同样条件下、同一时期的实验数据一并废弃,不能只废弃不合己意者。实验结果的整理应紧扣主题,删繁就简,有些数据不一定适合于这一篇论文,可留作它用,不要硬行拼凑到一篇论文中。论文行文应尽量采用专业术语。能用表的不要用图,可以不用图表的最好不要用图表,以免多占篇幅,增加排版困难。文、表、图互不重复。实验中的偶然现象和意外变故等特殊情况应作必要的交代,不要随意丢弃。(六)论文——讨论 是论文中比较重要,也是比较难写的一部分。应统观全局,抓住主要的有争议问题,从感性认识提高到理性认识进行论说。要对实验结果作出分析、推理,而不要重复叙述实验结果。应着重对国内外相关文献中的结果与观点作出讨论,表明自己的观点,尤其不应回避相对立的观点。 论文的讨论中可以提出假设,提出本题的发展设想,但分寸应该恰当,不能写成“科幻”或“畅想”。(七)论文——结语或结论 论文的结语应写出明确可靠的结果,写出确凿的结论。论文的文字应简洁,可逐条写出。不要用“小结”之类含糊其辞的词。(八)论文——参考义献 这是论文中很重要、也是存在问题较多的一部分。列出论文参考文献的目的是让读者了解论文研究命题的来龙去脉,便于查找,同时也是尊重前人劳动,对自己的工作有准确的定位。因此这里既有技术问题,也有科学道德问题。一篇论文中几乎自始至终都有需要引用参考文献之处。如论文引言中应引上对本题最重要、最直接有关的文献;在方法中应引上所采用或借鉴的方法;在结果中有时要引上与文献对比的资料;在讨论中更应引上与 论文有关的各种支持的或有矛盾的结果或观点等。


