

发布时间:2024-07-08 11:24:19


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百度翻译和CNKI 是相当不错的参考,真正意义的翻译软件是没有任何翻译功能的摘要翻译交给职业翻译做的话,效率更高,准确度更高,一般都可以一次性通过审核




百度翻译和CNKI 是相当不错的参考,真正意义的翻译软件是没有任何翻译功能的摘要翻译交给职业翻译做的话,效率更高,准确度更高,一般都可以一次性通过审核


On the basketball center and the special nature of special training Abstract The current world basketball is moving in high-speed, high-intensity, high-technology Its main feature is the high degree of gradual growth athletes, especially the emergence of a special center on the basketball technical, tactical, physical fitness aspects have had varying degrees of To this end, China's basketball at an early date in order to reach the world's advanced level, the urgent need to resolve an outstanding issue of the training center is tall and



Summary: November 9, 2013 – 12th held 18 plenary session of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing, will be put on ensuring and improving people's livelihood and promote social equity and justice in a prominent Originated from China's social security system in the 1950 of the 20th century, after many years of reform has made certain achievements, however, due to the current rural social security system in China is still inadequate, and many other factors contribute to the widening urban-rural income gap in China, resulting in comprehensive well-off society in the pursuit of goals in our country faces enormous The social security system, for the relief of the poor, adjusting income overall realization of well-off society, balancing urban and rural development is of great This article in the perspective of the urban-rural income gap, to explore the development and improvement of rural social security system in C Articles by analyzing the submitted summary of rural social security system in our country's present situation, problems, causes of rural social security system, and the meaning of perfecting rural social security system, in particular significance for narrowing the urban-rural income gap, and in conjunction with the relevant international experiences and levels of socio-economic development to try to make perfecting the rural social security system in specific programmes, final summarizing and perfecting rural social security system will be Key words: rural social security system urban-rural income gap; perfect income distribution


百度翻译和CNKI 是相当不错的参考,真正意义的翻译软件是没有任何翻译功能的摘要翻译交给职业翻译做的话,效率更高,准确度更高,一般都可以一次性通过审核



不要什么格式,前面写Abstract:然后是摘要的内容。后面要列出文中主要的关键词,关键词是Key Words:如Research;Fiber(光纤);用分号分开Abstract:This article describes ……。或The research on……is presented。Key words:……;……;

楼主,直接让人翻译费时费力啊,这样不会有人帮你。你应该先用在线翻译翻译出个大概,然后求大家修改。个人建议。以下是用福昕翻译译出的结果:Abstract: With the improvement of people's living standards and the improvement of material conditions, children's body size is quite different from On the other hand, China's vast territory, affected by climatic conditions, economic development and other factors, children of different regions are not the same Children's body shape changes have a great impact on children's wear At present, China's current children's wear type implementation standards can not meet the current children's wear market, bringing great difficulties to the production and sales of children's wear enterprises and consumer The contact anthropometric method was used to measure 18 parts of a total of 101 children aged 3 to 6 years old in a randomly selected kindergarten in Z The mathematical analysis software spss was used to descriptively analyze the measured human Analysis, factor analysis and other methods of analysis, summed up the body shape characteristics of children of this On this basis, according to the thoracolumbar difference, the children's body types are divided into three types: A, B, and C The clothing type series suitable for the body type of this age group in Zhengzhou area, the series values of each series, and each series are Control position I hope that I can provide a certain degree of reference for children's wear manufacturers in Zhengzhou and consumers who buy children's wear in ZKeywords: 3-6 years old children; anthropometrics; body type classification; number series

Abstract:Designed with the China classical characteristics and folk animal image, this image is the youth to A sense of the times, The soul of a work is the character image, excellent characters with strange,modeling design, exaggerated humor, witty personality, positive and optimistic attitude towards life and the rich humanities connotation and won all ages of people love, which constitute the huge commercial Illustration of thesuccessful must first be a role in shaping the success, with the memory of thepassage, the plot will gradually blur and fade, however, vivid and interesting, the unique character of the animated characters are able to firmly stay in our Character design and other design elements together to support theillustration art style and a decisive role in
