

发布时间:2024-07-12 07:21:35


韧皮纤维,包括胡麻,苎麻、大麻和黄麻是根据纤维素的自然蔬菜纤维。 他们从维管束为食物和水传导使用在生存植物中的植物词根获得。 纤维用水泥涂被修建长的厚壁的细胞一起重叠和由合成纤维的材料形成也许跑植物词根的整个长度的连续的子线。 由浸泡或使脱胶的过程,韧皮纤维子线可以从多孔被发布,并且由胡麻和苎麻做的植物词根服装的木质的组织特别适用于热的气候; 而人们越来越接受“回归到自然”趋向和环境保护,这些纤维可能与纤维的其他类型也混和提供织品物产巨大品种。 因此亚麻布和苎麻织品继续赢得在国际纺织品市场上的声望。 胡麻,是根据纤维素的自然蔬菜纤维,来自告诉属于家庭亚麻科的Linum usitatissimum的一棵每年植物的词根。 它在许多温度和太阳热带地区增长并且是最重要的韧皮纤维,与用途的长的传统。 胡麻纤维在词根的内在吠声的之内捆绑在。 因此必须拳头贬低他们促进木质的核心的机械撤除以便允许光学纤维束纤维丛进一步细分和为纺织十分地优良成为其他韧皮纤维。 胡麻被服从对叫作浸泡的一个生物学过程,真菌和细菌通过藏匿高度具体酵素选择性地攻击粘合材料,去除纤维形式植物词根。 浸泡的过程的拖曳类型为胡麻纤维主要被使用,露水浸泡是最共同的。 在收获以后胡麻植物在领域被传播3-7个星期,在期间浸泡的有机体在秸杆绑的温暖,潮湿条件增长。 作为可以容易地机械化的一个自然风干的技术,露水浸泡可能替换胡麻秸杆在水坦克几天被浸泡的更旧的水浸泡的过程。 水浸泡可能生产美好的湿转动的毛线的更加美好的纤维。 当烘干时被浸泡的秸杆,光学纤维束纤维丛收缩远离易碎的木质的痛处。 在穿过击碎以后路辗,秸杆被服从对负担由做远离纤维子线的木质的物质秋天的涡轮叶片。 纤维分离的这个过程称“珠食”。 胡麻秸杆包含根据干燥,被浸泡的秸杆重量的纤维25-30_。有几个词认不识

1 。导言 吸水环氧树脂系统是一项具有挑战性的问题,由于不可逆转的变化,水运作的聚合物性能。据信,并有足够的实验证据的入口处水诱导: (一)膨胀的制度和建立残余应力及其附近的接口[ 1 ] , (二)破裂之间的粘接系统和一个由于基板[ 2 ] , (三)光圈环氧乙烷其余群体[ 3 ] , ( d )项修改地方应力状态和建立microcrazes通过环境应力开裂[ 4 ] 。 没有通用的模式,以涵盖所有类型的水分子扩散[ 1 ] 。几个机制水入口已经提出: (一)由菲克扩散的法律通过自由体积的聚合物[ 5 ] , ( b )个案二扩散机制的渗透肿胀是有限的聚合物蠕变[ 6 ] , (三)肿胀诱导有利聚合物溶剂参数, ( d )项渗透现象由于微孔的存在,渠道和其他缺陷聚合物[ 7 ] 。 这也是常见的文献,水扩散系数在不同的环氧树脂系统大约10月8日至10月10日平方厘米的S - 1 [ 1,2,8 ] ,也可用于橡胶改性成分[ 8 ] 。相似的价值得到了其他玻璃状聚合物系统[ 2 ] 。扩散系数措施最初率吸水率和原则,应该依赖于化学性质的聚合物系统和交联度的交联系统,如环氧树脂的。但是,因为这将显示在这个文件,类似的扩散系数被发现即使不能完全治愈系统。 在努力为设计抗水环氧系统,有必要知道哪些材料参数的真正参与和控制的过程中水分的吸收。在本文中,我们研究了水分的吸收性能的一个新的总部设在环氧树脂配方中使用的硬化剂的反应导数的疏水性聚合物,如聚硅氧烷。这将是表明,当共同的双酚A二缩水甘油醚( DGEBA )树脂固化,在场的聚( 3 - aminopropylmethylsiloxane ) (参与机构调动系统) ,平衡性能大大增强。此外,由于特殊的特点和形态的环氧系统[ 9 ] ,不同的行为,发现postcuring温度。


The bamboo textile fiber's characteristic develops and produces the abstract: Introduced that the textile new material bamboo textile fiber the structure and the performance, elaborated through the development production bamboo textile fiber's way, as well as the bamboo textile fiber in domain and so on spinning and weaving, organization project broad application prospects, favors the textile material the research and the Develops thoroughly unceasingly along with the science and technology, the bamboo textile fiber's industry must apply will certainly to be unceasingly thorough and the expansion, will certainly to cause the bamboo fibre property to be better at the same time will further also reduce the cost, causes the technical difficulty to reduce, and enables its to realize the industrialization large scale

辅料:Supplementary material 胶针:Plastic string或者Tag Pins 挂牌:Hangtag 主唛:Main/brand label 胶袋:Plastic bags或者Polybags 风琴袋:Organ bag 空白拷贝纸:Blanking copying tissue 拉链:Zipper 拉牌:Slider 洗水唛(洗标):Care label,Wash label 纸箱:Paper Carton 钮扣:Button 膊带:Shoulder tap丝绒:Silk Yarn 高弹丝:High-elastic yarn 2070高弹拉架:2070 High-elastic Lycra 1870低弹拉架:1870 Low-elastic Lycra 印花:Printing 绣花:Embroridery 烫钻:Iron drilling 钉钮:Buttoning 车拉链:Front/side Zipper 手勾花:Handcraft flower 钉珠:Beading 电脑绣晴纶:Acrylic 曲珠:Crimp beads 天丝:Tencel 金线:Metallic Yarn 银线:Silver Yarn 水晶丝:Rulex 花:Computer embroridery 混方(纺)毛:Blended wools 丝光防缩羊毛: 尼龙:Nylon 橡根:Lolita 丝绒纱:Velvet yarn 珠绒纱: 大肚纱:Big-belly Yarns 特纺纱:Special spinned Yarn 生纱:Raw yarn 膨体天柔纱:Expanded +上面的 金属丝:Metallic Yarn 真三七:Real 30%Wool+70%Acrylic 棉纺假三七:Cotton Spinning Fake 30%Wool+70%Acrylic 丝光假三七:Mercerized Fake 30%Wool+70%Acrylic 丝光真三七:Mercerized Real 30%Wool+70%Acrylic 人造毛:Artificial wool 羊毛:Goat/sheep Wool 驼毛:Alpaca wool 羊仔毛:Lambs wool 抗起毛球人造毛:Anti-pilling Artificial wool 马海毛:Mohair 兔毛:Angora wool 仿兔毛:Sunday Angora 晴纶羊毛:Acrylic Wool 膨体睛棉:Expanded Acrylic/Cotton 弹力棉:Elastic Cotton 普棉:Card cotton 全精棉:100% Refined Cotton 精梳棉:Combed Cotton 莫代尔棉:Modal Cotton 弹力人棉:Elastic Rayon 无光丝棉:Non-light Mercerized Cotton 精纺棉:Spun cotton 人造棉:Artificial Cotton 尼棉:(未找到准确对应词汇,但找到几个相关的:苏丹尼棉sultiame;Kidney cotton 基德尼棉;Ashmouni cotton 阿什穆尼棉;Bani cotton 巴尼棉;Gallini cotton 加利尼棉) 假三七(指的是三份毛,七份聚丙烯酸酯):Fake 30%Wool+70%Acrylic 毛料成分:Wool composition 棉:Cotton 纯棉: Pure Cotton 或者100% Cotton 精棉:Refined Cotton 晴棉:Acrylic/Cotton(55%亚克力和45%棉花的混纺品,亚克力是一种聚丙烯酸酯) 丝光棉:Mercerized cotton 麻棉:Linen/Cotton (混纺品) 有色丝光棉:Colorful Mercerized cotton


[1 common apparel fabrics, cotton cloth, is a generic term for all types of cotton It used to produce more than fashion, casual wear, underwear shirt 2, Azabu, is cannabis, linen, ramie, jute, sisal, banana and other Bast Fiber Plant Ma made of a fiber 3, silk, silk as a textile raw materials of all kinds of silk fabrics from the 4, Nerong, known as Stock, it is with all types of wool and cashmere woven into the fabric of the Pan 5, leather, tanning is the result from the animal fur 6, chemical fiber, chemical fiber is the short 7, blended, is the natural fiber and chemical fiber in accordance with a certain proportion, a mixed form of textile fabrics,]

[常见的服装面料 common apparel fabrics1、棉布,是各类棉纺织品的总称。它多用来制作时装、休闲装、内衣衬衣 cutton,the general name of all kinds of Manchester it is used to produce fashionable dress,casual dress,underwear and 2、麻布,是以大麻、亚麻、苎麻、黄麻、剑麻、蕉麻等各种麻类植物纤维制成的一种布料。 flax,it's a special cloth made by hemp,flax,ramee,jute,abaca,sisal and all kinds of bast 3、丝绸,是以蚕丝为原料纺织而成的各种丝织物的统称。 silk cloth,it's a general designation for the fabric with the raw material of 4、呢绒,又叫毛料,它是对用各类羊毛、羊绒织成的织物的泛称。 woolen cloth,also called wollens,it's the general term for the fabric made by wool and 5、皮革,是经过鞣制而成的动物毛皮面料。leather, a pecial fur material with tan-6、化纤,是化学纤维的简称。 chemical fiber,shortened form the fiber made by the chemical 7、混纺,是将天然纤维与化学纤维按照一定的比例,混合纺织而成的织物, blending,a fabric mix-weaved of natural faric and chemical fiber in a special inverse 谢谢。纯手工翻译。

韧皮纤维,包括胡麻,苎麻、大麻和黄麻是根据纤维素的自然蔬菜纤维。 他们从维管束为食物和水传导使用在生存植物中的植物词根获得。 纤维用水泥涂被修建长的厚壁的细胞一起重叠和由合成纤维的材料形成也许跑植物词根的整个长度的连续的子线。 由浸泡或使脱胶的过程,韧皮纤维子线可以从多孔被发布,并且由胡麻和苎麻做的植物词根服装的木质的组织特别适用于热的气候; 而人们越来越接受“回归到自然”趋向和环境保护,这些纤维可能与纤维的其他类型也混和提供织品物产巨大品种。 因此亚麻布和苎麻织品继续赢得在国际纺织品市场上的声望。 胡麻,是根据纤维素的自然蔬菜纤维,来自告诉属于家庭亚麻科的Linum usitatissimum的一棵每年植物的词根。 它在许多温度和太阳热带地区增长并且是最重要的韧皮纤维,与用途的长的传统。 胡麻纤维在词根的内在吠声的之内捆绑在。 因此必须拳头贬低他们促进木质的核心的机械撤除以便允许光学纤维束纤维丛进一步细分和为纺织十分地优良成为其他韧皮纤维。 胡麻被服从对叫作浸泡的一个生物学过程,真菌和细菌通过藏匿高度具体酵素选择性地攻击粘合材料,去除纤维形式植物词根。 浸泡的过程的拖曳类型为胡麻纤维主要被使用,露水浸泡是最共同的。 在收获以后胡麻植物在领域被传播3-7个星期,在期间浸泡的有机体在秸杆绑的温暖,潮湿条件增长。 作为可以容易地机械化的一个自然风干的技术,露水浸泡可能替换胡麻秸杆在水坦克几天被浸泡的更旧的水浸泡的过程。 水浸泡可能生产美好的湿转动的毛线的更加美好的纤维。 当烘干时被浸泡的秸杆,光学纤维束纤维丛收缩远离易碎的木质的痛处。 在穿过击碎以后路辗,秸杆被服从对负担由做远离纤维子线的木质的物质秋天的涡轮叶片。 纤维分离的这个过程称“珠食”。 胡麻秸杆包含根据干燥,被浸泡的秸杆重量的纤维25-30_。有几个词认不识



韧皮纤维,包括胡麻,苎麻、大麻和黄麻是根据纤维素的自然蔬菜纤维。 他们从维管束为食物和水传导使用在生存植物中的植物词根获得。 纤维用水泥涂被修建长的厚壁的细胞一起重叠和由合成纤维的材料形成也许跑植物词根的整个长度的连续的子线。 由浸泡或使脱胶的过程,韧皮纤维子线可以从多孔被发布,并且由胡麻和苎麻做的植物词根服装的木质的组织特别适用于热的气候; 而人们越来越接受“回归到自然”趋向和环境保护,这些纤维可能与纤维的其他类型也混和提供织品物产巨大品种。 因此亚麻布和苎麻织品继续赢得在国际纺织品市场上的声望。 胡麻,是根据纤维素的自然蔬菜纤维,来自告诉属于家庭亚麻科的Linum usitatissimum的一棵每年植物的词根。 它在许多温度和太阳热带地区增长并且是最重要的韧皮纤维,与用途的长的传统。 胡麻纤维在词根的内在吠声的之内捆绑在。 因此必须拳头贬低他们促进木质的核心的机械撤除以便允许光学纤维束纤维丛进一步细分和为纺织十分地优良成为其他韧皮纤维。 胡麻被服从对叫作浸泡的一个生物学过程,真菌和细菌通过藏匿高度具体酵素选择性地攻击粘合材料,去除纤维形式植物词根。 浸泡的过程的拖曳类型为胡麻纤维主要被使用,露水浸泡是最共同的。 在收获以后胡麻植物在领域被传播3-7个星期,在期间浸泡的有机体在秸杆绑的温暖,潮湿条件增长。 作为可以容易地机械化的一个自然风干的技术,露水浸泡可能替换胡麻秸杆在水坦克几天被浸泡的更旧的水浸泡的过程。 水浸泡可能生产美好的湿转动的毛线的更加美好的纤维。 当烘干时被浸泡的秸杆,光学纤维束纤维丛收缩远离易碎的木质的痛处。 在穿过击碎以后路辗,秸杆被服从对负担由做远离纤维子线的木质的物质秋天的涡轮叶片。 纤维分离的这个过程称“珠食”。 胡麻秸杆包含根据干燥,被浸泡的秸杆重量的纤维25-30_。有几个词认不识


This paper introduces a high-collar shirt collar sleeve cardigan process From a practical point of view of production, combined with experience in plant design, detailed description of the selection of raw materials sweater, sweater knitting equipment, knitting and garment type of chip testing, the machine operator, garment technology requirements, and


韧皮纤维,包括胡麻,苎麻、大麻和黄麻是根据纤维素的自然蔬菜纤维。 他们从维管束为食物和水传导使用在生存植物中的植物词根获得。 纤维用水泥涂被修建长的厚壁的细胞一起重叠和由合成纤维的材料形成也许跑植物词根的整个长度的连续的子线。 由浸泡或使脱胶的过程,韧皮纤维子线可以从多孔被发布,并且由胡麻和苎麻做的植物词根服装的木质的组织特别适用于热的气候; 而人们越来越接受“回归到自然”趋向和环境保护,这些纤维可能与纤维的其他类型也混和提供织品物产巨大品种。 因此亚麻布和苎麻织品继续赢得在国际纺织品市场上的声望。 胡麻,是根据纤维素的自然蔬菜纤维,来自告诉属于家庭亚麻科的Linum usitatissimum的一棵每年植物的词根。 它在许多温度和太阳热带地区增长并且是最重要的韧皮纤维,与用途的长的传统。 胡麻纤维在词根的内在吠声的之内捆绑在。 因此必须拳头贬低他们促进木质的核心的机械撤除以便允许光学纤维束纤维丛进一步细分和为纺织十分地优良成为其他韧皮纤维。 胡麻被服从对叫作浸泡的一个生物学过程,真菌和细菌通过藏匿高度具体酵素选择性地攻击粘合材料,去除纤维形式植物词根。 浸泡的过程的拖曳类型为胡麻纤维主要被使用,露水浸泡是最共同的。 在收获以后胡麻植物在领域被传播3-7个星期,在期间浸泡的有机体在秸杆绑的温暖,潮湿条件增长。 作为可以容易地机械化的一个自然风干的技术,露水浸泡可能替换胡麻秸杆在水坦克几天被浸泡的更旧的水浸泡的过程。 水浸泡可能生产美好的湿转动的毛线的更加美好的纤维。 当烘干时被浸泡的秸杆,光学纤维束纤维丛收缩远离易碎的木质的痛处。 在穿过击碎以后路辗,秸杆被服从对负担由做远离纤维子线的木质的物质秋天的涡轮叶片。 纤维分离的这个过程称“珠食”。 胡麻秸杆包含根据干燥,被浸泡的秸杆重量的纤维25-30_。有几个词认不识

Review and Prospect------ Textile Industry 2009-2010Although in 2010 textile industry still faces a series of uncertain factors, and export growth is difficult to recover in a short time, the domestic market will continue to play a significant role in the industry, structure adjustment and industrial upgrading will be carried out further in the In the condition of the gradually stable international market environment, rebound can be seen in Chinese textile Industry Performance 2009 In early 2009 affected by the global economic crisis, China textile industry also had a downturn in yield, sales, export and investment, efficiency even got worse However, accompanied by the industry self upgrading and national macro-control policies the economic circumstance starts to show a steady upward Yield increased steadily From January to November 2009, 53 thousand above-designated size industrial enterprises in China realized output value 804 billion Yuan totally, 71 percent higher than that in the same period 2008, the increasing speed went up 21 percentage points over that in January to August, or 5 percentage higher than that in January to MOutput of major products continues to grow From January to November chemical fiber production rose by 89 percent compared with the same period of last year, increasing speed was up 58 and 06 percentage than the first eight months and the first five month respectively; yarn production jumped by 79 percent, compared with the first eight months and the first five month increasing speed went up by 04 and 77 percentage respectively; fabric production grew by 42 percent, increasing speed was up 32 and 28 percentage Export rose negatively Affected by the gloom in international market demands, a continuous fall can be seen in textile export From January to November China textile and apparel export totaled 12 billion US dollars, down by 02 percent compared with the same period of last Although the drop was lower than that in the first eight months and the first five months by 76 and 11 percentage points respectively, the export increasing rate has run into the bottom of recent The export decline mainly concentrated in small-scale From January to November, export value of above-designated size industrial enterprises fell by 28 percent compared with the same period of last year, the decline was down by 57 percentage points than that in the first eight months, while that of small-scale enterprises dropped by 04 Domestic sale growth speeded up Domestic market is the pillar of China textile In 2009 under the national "domestic demand expansion" policy, the overall demands of domestic market maintained a steady growth and played a positive role to the whole industry for the sales' According to National Bureau of Statistics of China, in November 2009 retail sales of clothing consumable was 7 percent higher than that of the same period of last year, which was the highest point of growth speed of From November to January it was up 4 percent totally, three percentage points higher than that of last From January to November above-designated size industrial enterprises realized an accumulative total domestic output value of 033 billion Yuan, 05 percent over that of last year, growth speed was 38 and 63 percentage higher than that of the first eight months and the five months Industrial proportion of domestic output value reached 89 percent, was up 96 percentage points compared with the same period of last Investment climbed up stably In the first eleven months of 2009, textile investment in fixed assets for more than five million Yuan totaled 802 billion Yuan, an increase of 53 percent higher than that in the same period of last year, growth speed went up 98 and 83 percentage points compared with the first eight months and five months, a trend of steady ascent The recovery of industrial investment growth is not only the significant achievement of "Textile Industry Restructuring and Revitalization Plan", but also reflects the confidence in the whole industry's Profit improved significantly Profit making can be affected by many factors, such as domestic demand, export VATs, loan costs and economic Based on a positive role of these factors, China textile industry efficiency has been significantly improved in the year In the first eleven months total profits of textile above-designated size enterprises realized 149 billion Yuan, 39 percent higher than that of the same period last year, growth speed was up by 11 percentage points compared with the first eight From January to November the industry average profit margin reached 04 percent, an increase of 48 percentage than that of last Descent in employment continued In the first eleven months 2009, employment amount of above-designated size textile enterprises was 8424 Although it was higher than that of the end of August, compared with the same period of last year it went down by 46 percent (a total of 4 thousand people) The employment decrease has resulted from the decline in export, rise of labor costs, improvement of production efficiency Industry Trend 2010 Compared with 2009, both in-and external environment for China textile economy will be In general the industry has possessed the conditions for a steady recovery, but a series of uncertain factors are still in front of the whole International market Thanks to rescue policies meted out by many governments, global economy started to show signs of picking up at the end of In 2010, with the further descent in the risk of developed countries' financial system and the improving environment of world economy, a certain degree of recovery in the international market can be According to the latest statistics of the World Bank, in 2010 global GDP will go from negative growth 2 percent in 2009 up to positive growth 7 percent, also world trade growth will rebound from negative 4 percent to 3 However, at present unemployment rates in the United States, Europe, Japan and other major developed economies are still at a high Affected by these limiting factors China textile industry's export growth will be slowed down in this Domestic market In recent years, accompanied by the steady development of the national economy and continuous improvement of living standards of urban and rural residents, China's domestic market shows an increasingly active In 2010 China's macro-economic rebound will continue to accelerate; a steady growth can be seen in domestic At the same time, a series of national policies to promote domestic consumption and benefit people's livelihood will continue to be carried out in terms of support to the countryside and consumer credit, in order to encourage consumption Investment in agriculture and social security is provided, so as to further improve residents' living All these measures will motivate domestic market's Uncertain factors Although the general situation will look up in 2010, various uncertain factors still persist in front of the Textile raw material prices, like cotton, are rising rapidly, which increase cost International trade protectionism is increasing too, making more stress on RMB appreciation, adding risk of textile Conclusion 2010 is the last year of 11th Five-Year Plan in textile industry, and the second year of "Textile Restructuring and Revitalization", the industry still has great potential in spite of the bad impact from the world financial crisis in 2009, and to expedite industrial structure adjustment and upgrading is the main task of this With this task taking effect total factor of productivity (TFP) will be increased to the point that the technology weighs more on the economic growth to meet the needs of the domestic consumption sufficient to offset an export slowdown estimated for

1 。导言 吸水环氧树脂系统是一项具有挑战性的问题,由于不可逆转的变化,水运作的聚合物性能。据信,并有足够的实验证据的入口处水诱导: (一)膨胀的制度和建立残余应力及其附近的接口[ 1 ] , (二)破裂之间的粘接系统和一个由于基板[ 2 ] , (三)光圈环氧乙烷其余群体[ 3 ] , ( d )项修改地方应力状态和建立microcrazes通过环境应力开裂[ 4 ] 。 没有通用的模式,以涵盖所有类型的水分子扩散[ 1 ] 。几个机制水入口已经提出: (一)由菲克扩散的法律通过自由体积的聚合物[ 5 ] , ( b )个案二扩散机制的渗透肿胀是有限的聚合物蠕变[ 6 ] , (三)肿胀诱导有利聚合物溶剂参数, ( d )项渗透现象由于微孔的存在,渠道和其他缺陷聚合物[ 7 ] 。 这也是常见的文献,水扩散系数在不同的环氧树脂系统大约10月8日至10月10日平方厘米的S - 1 [ 1,2,8 ] ,也可用于橡胶改性成分[ 8 ] 。相似的价值得到了其他玻璃状聚合物系统[ 2 ] 。扩散系数措施最初率吸水率和原则,应该依赖于化学性质的聚合物系统和交联度的交联系统,如环氧树脂的。但是,因为这将显示在这个文件,类似的扩散系数被发现即使不能完全治愈系统。 在努力为设计抗水环氧系统,有必要知道哪些材料参数的真正参与和控制的过程中水分的吸收。在本文中,我们研究了水分的吸收性能的一个新的总部设在环氧树脂配方中使用的硬化剂的反应导数的疏水性聚合物,如聚硅氧烷。这将是表明,当共同的双酚A二缩水甘油醚( DGEBA )树脂固化,在场的聚( 3 - aminopropylmethylsiloxane ) (参与机构调动系统) ,平衡性能大大增强。此外,由于特殊的特点和形态的环氧系统[ 9 ] ,不同的行为,发现postcuring温度。
