

发布时间:2024-07-08 14:26:05


北京的故宫和万里长城、意大利的比萨斜塔、法国的巴黎圣母院……它们都以独特的风格吸引着世界各地的人。北京的万里长城规模浩大,工程坚难,意大利的比萨斜塔古拙秀巧,斜而不倾……这些建筑都闻名世界,连牙牙学语的娃娃都不可能对它们一无所知,但上海以其独特的魅力吸引着世界各地的人们,它不仅美丽、绅士、有内涵和深度,同时它也散发着活力和朝气。  上海将古典和现代完美的结合在了一起,它风姿绰约,东方明珠电视塔、金茂大厦雄伟壮观,给人蓬勃向上、勇攀高峰、永不言弃的启示,人在景中,景中有人,人景交辉,使上海更具独特的魅力。  上海的外滩也很吸引人,早上,它像一个刚沉睡中醒来的娃娃,是那么的恬静、优雅,是那么的可爱,慢慢地,整个外滩就热闹起来了,它就像一个朝气蓬勃的少年,是那么的富有生机和活力,和早上的外滩有着天渊之别,一到晚上,它又恢复了宁静,此时的外滩虽然没有了摩肩接踵的人群,但是,流动着的车灯、明亮的橱灯、五彩的霓虹灯……散发着迷幻而柔和的光芒,构成了一座名副其实的“不夜城”,给外滩增添了几分魅力……  敢为人先、勇于创新是上海人民的优良传统,也是上海城市精神的集中体现。在过去的岁月里,从东方明珠到黄浦江大桥,从地铁、轻轨到磁浮列车,无不体现出上海人“敢为天下先”、“第一个吃螃蟹”的探索精神和攻坚作风。现在,经过10年大发展、大变化,上海已经进入了人均GDP从近5000美元到7500美元的关键时刻,这预示上海进入了一个新的发展前景。  这就是上海,这就是上海独特的魅力,我相信,在不久的将来,上海肯定会变得更美丽,更发达,2010年的世博会上,它将向全世界人民展示它的魅力。

回答 你的问题我已经看到了正在整理答案 请稍等一会儿哦 提问 作文提纲怎么写 回答 电子的吗 提问 孩子说不清楚 回答 我没有明白你的意思呀[吃鲸][吃鲸][吃鲸] 提问 看图片写作业 题纲 回答 图片不是很清楚,文字看不清楚 题纲可以是晓明的生日,第四张图可以编我们为李晓明准备了礼物为他过了一个盛大的生日晚会,小明非常开心。这是一个非常愉快的晚上 把标点符号注意点 然后就可以了 这个没有固定答案 ,是激发孩子的想象力 。 更多12条 

岁月匆匆而过,暮然回首我已经走到了小学生的第六个年头了。在多彩的小学生活中、那无数个第一次就像起伏的海浪,荡荡在我的心头,它们是那样亲切而熟悉,又是那样美好而和谐。其中,最令我难忘的就是第一次上台表演的经历。    那是一次舞蹈表演,上台前,我的心忐忑不安,总是无法调整好情绪。表演开始了,亮的刺眼的镁光灯直射写来,就像一双犀利的眼睛,盯得的我喘不过气,这下我更紧张了。当我看到台下那么多人的目光聚集在我们的身上时,我一下子忘了我自己的动作,傻呆呆地站在幕布旁。那个时候,我听到的音乐就像野蜂,嗡嗡作响。好在这时,老师在幕布旁不断鼓励我们说:“你们一定能行!”我深呼吸一下,很快镇静下来。我想起了平时自己的刻苦练习和老师给予我们的肯定,便微笑着充满自信地走上了舞台。一上台,我就好像置身于一池碧水中,身体变得非常舒展,跳的每一个人动作都是那么娴熟、自然。此时,音乐如潺潺的溪水,镁光灯也如和煦的暖阳。我们以最佳状态跳定了这支舞蹈,在观众的掌声中谢幕。    事后,我一直在想:有自信不一定能成功。但如果你充满自信,就会有成功的船桨。在任何时候,自信都会助你一臂之力,助你到达成功的彼岸。    我爱这难忘的第一次,它是那样亲切而熟悉,又是那样美好而和谐,它教会了我成功的法宝:充满自信。它像破土的新芽,给了我向上的力量。

我推荐文化创意产业 语言还有那些非物质文化遗产的题目都太老旧了 没有亮点可文化创意产区中国内地发展的还挺像样 虽然时间很短 关注的人太少北京和上海的是最好的就像北京的798 可以上百度的贴吧去看光是创意产业对经济的贡献就有得写了 对吧下面是我从网上搜到的 仅供参考:2002年创意产业出口值英国 85亿美元美国 76亿美元中国第三 52亿美元上海宣布启动18个创意产业集聚区,目标是和伦敦、纽约、东京站在一起,成为“国际创意产业中心”。


Nowadays, with the fast development of economy of the world, many cities become bigger and bigger and many modern cities are Thus, we face the complex problem: U Urbanization has been a subject of heated discussion for a long Some people are in favor, while others are In my opinion, urbanization benefits human beings rather than do harm to Two reasons may account for my Firstly, urbanization enriches our We can imagine what will happen without convenient traffic system, without big department stores, without KTVs and many other entertainments? To some extent, it is impossible for human beings to live in this Urbanization make it possible for us to enjoy our life more than before, Also,urbanization quicken the pace of science, especially in the communication field, in the early time, if we want to connect with our family members or friends, the only way we can choose is writing But urbanization changed this situation, we can talk with the friends in the foreign countries with our any difficulties through the Internet, we gain whatever information we need on the These conveniences are brought by the Secondly, urbanization also raise our country As we all know, the policy of Reform and Opening give our country a golden opportunity to develop our economy, we have a direct feeling about the dramatic increasing of our living standard, many productions that we cannot afford in the past time can be owned in This phenomenon proves that urbanization benefits our life With the fast step of urbanization, many job opportunities are supplied in the occupation market which make many rural migrant workers get a solid work in the urban They also contribute to the economic development in the urban These prosperities are definitely brought by the I live in Shanghai, and it is a typical big city in C I found that we also have many negative sides of For instance, we can talk to the friends thousands miles away, but we don’t know our neighbours in the high-rises; many migrant workers do not enjoy the same profits and rights as the permanent unban residents and this will make their living without and insurance But we don’t need to be so pessimistic of the situation at It is evident that the advantages of urbanization outweigh the What we should do is to remain the positive side , meanwhile to conquer the negative Our government will also introduce many effective policies to narrow this So we have enough reasons to believe the situation will become better and better so that we can reach our aim ”better city, better life ” ! There is no doubt that we prefer to live in the The reason is that we enjoy our life to the What kind of city life do we need? We aspire for a better life in a better The better city life means living in the harmonious society with congenial atmosphere and unique cultural flavors; the better city life means sitting in a bar listening to the beautiful music and communicating with family members and friends over a cup of gourmet coffee giving out a fascinating and pleasing fragrance after a day of hard It can also be walking in a quiet park, or appreciating a fantastic view with neon lights lighting up the night of the How shall we savor the better city life?We need to slow down the pace of It is true that we often forget our true selves in the busy pursuit of living; it is a pity that we do not know who we are We are just like a bird which forgets its own danger of being a prey of another in pursuit of a We just lose There are some people who we think are happy, who appear to be themselves, but they are actually not the way it There are some people who we think are miserable, and it seems to us that they are not themselves, in fact, they A true self can not be seen by others, a true self lies in his A person, who has his confidence, who has an earned pride and a genuine esteem, will be happy, and will be Only when he is happy, can he do his best to achieve his values, to achieve his true self, and at last can he be a successful To live a simple life filled with confidence is the secret to be one true The better city life belongs to a person who has a true self; the better city life belongs to a rational man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seeks nothing but rational values, and finds his joy in nothing but in his rational What I care about is how to find a true self, how to make this true self better, and how to finally mold it What I care about is how this true self lives the better city This is our goal, our direction, our mission: better city, better life, for a better self!

时间总是悄无声息的向前奔跑着,却把回忆不小心落在了后面。陌生的街道上,偶尔似曾相识的微笑却总让我心里一阵悸动,想起你。  第一次见你是高中刚入学那会儿。彼此陌生的同学从各个镇上汇聚到市里二中上学。老师按照身高和成绩分座位,成绩好的和成绩差得坐在一起,大概是想让大家一起进步的意思。我的个子在班上也算是高的了,自然被分到了最后一排。你被老师分到了我前面的坐着。按说你跟我还高点吧,不过还好,我还是可以看得见黑板的。再说,坐在我身边的还是个女生,这也是我不愿换座位的原因。后来我和同桌还成为了最好的朋友。


Nowadays, with the fast development of economy of the world, many cities become bigger and bigger and many modern cities are Thus, we face the complex problem: U Urbanization has been a subject of heated discussion for a long Some people are in favor, while others are In my opinion, urbanization benefits human beings rather than do harm to Two reasons may account for my Firstly, urbanization enriches our We can imagine what will happen without convenient traffic system, without big department stores, without KTVs and many other entertainments? To some extent, it is impossible for human beings to live in this Urbanization make it possible for us to enjoy our life more than before, Also,urbanization quicken the pace of science, especially in the communication field, in the early time, if we want to connect with our family members or friends, the only way we can choose is writing But urbanization changed this situation, we can talk with the friends in the foreign countries with our any difficulties through the Internet, we gain whatever information we need on the These conveniences are brought by the Secondly, urbanization also raise our country As we all know, the policy of Reform and Opening give our country a golden opportunity to develop our economy, we have a direct feeling about the dramatic increasing of our living standard, many productions that we cannot afford in the past time can be owned in This phenomenon proves that urbanization benefits our life With the fast step of urbanization, many job opportunities are supplied in the occupation market which make many rural migrant workers get a solid work in the urban They also contribute to the economic development in the urban These prosperities are definitely brought by the I live in Shanghai, and it is a typical big city in C I found that we also have many negative sides of For instance, we can talk to the friends thousands miles away, but we don’t know our neighbours in the high-rises; many migrant workers do not enjoy the same profits and rights as the permanent unban residents and this will make their living without and insurance But we don’t need to be so pessimistic of the situation at It is evident that the advantages of urbanization outweigh the What we should do is to remain the positive side , meanwhile to conquer the negative Our government will also introduce many effective policies to narrow this So we have enough reasons to believe the situation will become better and better so that we can reach our aim ”better city, better life ” ! There is no doubt that we prefer to live in the The reason is that we enjoy our life to the What kind of city life do we need? We aspire for a better life in a better The better city life means living in the harmonious society with congenial atmosphere and unique cultural flavors; the better city life means sitting in a bar listening to the beautiful music and communicating with family members and friends over a cup of gourmet coffee giving out a fascinating and pleasing fragrance after a day of hard It can also be walking in a quiet park, or appreciating a fantastic view with neon lights lighting up the night of the How shall we savor the better city life?We need to slow down the pace of It is true that we often forget our true selves in the busy pursuit of living; it is a pity that we do not know who we are We are just like a bird which forgets its own danger of being a prey of another in pursuit of a We just lose There are some people who we think are happy, who appear to be themselves, but they are actually not the way it There are some people who we think are miserable, and it seems to us that they are not themselves, in fact, they A true self can not be seen by others, a true self lies in his A person, who has his confidence, who has an earned pride and a genuine esteem, will be happy, and will be Only when he is happy, can he do his best to achieve his values, to achieve his true self, and at last can he be a successful To live a simple life filled with confidence is the secret to be one true The better city life belongs to a person who has a true self; the better city life belongs to a rational man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seeks nothing but rational values, and finds his joy in nothing but in his rational What I care about is how to find a true self, how to make this true self better, and how to finally mold it What I care about is how this true self lives the better city This is our goal, our direction, our mission: better city, better life, for a better self!


北京的故宫和万里长城、意大利的比萨斜塔、法国的巴黎圣母院……它们都以独特的风格吸引着世界各地的人。北京的万里长城规模浩大,工程坚难,意大利的比萨斜塔古拙秀巧,斜而不倾……这些建筑都闻名世界,连牙牙学语的娃娃都不可能对它们一无所知,但上海以其独特的魅力吸引着世界各地的人们,它不仅美丽、绅士、有内涵和深度,同时它也散发着活力和朝气。  上海将古典和现代完美的结合在了一起,它风姿绰约,东方明珠电视塔、金茂大厦雄伟壮观,给人蓬勃向上、勇攀高峰、永不言弃的启示,人在景中,景中有人,人景交辉,使上海更具独特的魅力。  上海的外滩也很吸引人,早上,它像一个刚沉睡中醒来的娃娃,是那么的恬静、优雅,是那么的可爱,慢慢地,整个外滩就热闹起来了,它就像一个朝气蓬勃的少年,是那么的富有生机和活力,和早上的外滩有着天渊之别,一到晚上,它又恢复了宁静,此时的外滩虽然没有了摩肩接踵的人群,但是,流动着的车灯、明亮的橱灯、五彩的霓虹灯……散发着迷幻而柔和的光芒,构成了一座名副其实的“不夜城”,给外滩增添了几分魅力……  敢为人先、勇于创新是上海人民的优良传统,也是上海城市精神的集中体现。在过去的岁月里,从东方明珠到黄浦江大桥,从地铁、轻轨到磁浮列车,无不体现出上海人“敢为天下先”、“第一个吃螃蟹”的探索精神和攻坚作风。现在,经过10年大发展、大变化,上海已经进入了人均GDP从近5000美元到7500美元的关键时刻,这预示上海进入了一个新的发展前景。  这就是上海,这就是上海独特的魅力,我相信,在不久的将来,上海肯定会变得更美丽,更发达,2010年的世博会上,它将向全世界人民展示它的魅力。

1向国旗敬礼 为世博添彩 随着时间的步伐,转眼间,已经是2009年了,7年前上海申博成功的那一夜仿佛还在眼前,而2010年世博会马上就要到来了。 差距 100多年前,在英国伦敦举行了世界上第一次世博会,会上,英国人向全世界展示了他们最先进的机器——复动式蒸汽机,这一代表世界文明进程的推动力的发明,向全世界展示了他们国家财富的增长和繁荣,中国也参加那一次世博会,带去的虽然是我国无与伦比的精美丝织品——湖丝,然而,与发达的英国相比,我们在生产力技术上远远被抛在世界的后面了…… 等待 进入20世纪,我们国家现代化建设蒸蒸日上,尤其是上海,这个昔年挂着万国旗的城市,迎来了近代以来建设最繁盛的时代:一年一个样,三年大变样,在改革开放的春风的吹拂下,一个繁荣昌盛的城市屹立在了世界的东方,我们有能力代表中国向全世界展示改革开放的成果,2002年的夜晚,我们上海人终于迎来了自己的世博会,那是一个火树不夜天的不眠之夜,是等待了100多年的期盼…… 实践 “城市让生活更美好”,7年前,上海用这样的主题向全世界人民诠释了我们的世博理念,这一理念,它不仅需要我们向全世界人民展示上海崭新的城市建设,更需要向全世界展示上海人的精神风貌,所以从身边小事做起,文明礼貌、爱护环境卫生;尊老爱幼,形成良好的道德风尚……也是我们全体上海人更加需要努力的地方。 与世博同行,让梦想成真,每个人都用自己的行动来让我们的大家庭变得更美好,让我们都做个文明的上海人,放飞梦想,从这一刻开始,行动起来吧! 2 2010年世博会将在上海举行,其命题“城市让生活更美好”,预示着上海及其他城市将要利用和改造自然环境而创造出来的高度人工化的生存环境,造福全体城市居民。 二十一世纪是一个绿色的世纪。日本爱知举行的世博会的主题是“自然的睿智”。从这点可以看出人们对自然,对生态越来越关注。二十一世纪主导的住宅是绿色家园,二十一世纪主导的食品是绿色食品,二十一世纪主导的的环境是绿色环境。绿色也是人类的永恒主题。绿化就是体现绿色的一个重要环节。 绿化,这个词对于我们并不陌生。众所周知,绿化可以美化环境,释放氧气,减弱噪声,降低气温,阻挡风沙、改良环境。不仅如此,绿化还可以减低人类害怕及生气的情绪促进正向的心理反应。可以说,绿化是生活中不可或缺的一部分 作为一名上海的小主人,我的心里洋溢着一个想法――我要为世博会植棵树,让上海充满绿色。 说干就干,三月的一天,我们全家买了几棵树苗,一起到公园去植树。天下着毛毛细雨,我们来到小河边,河旁的几棵树已吐出嫩绿的树叶,美丽极了!我们拿着铁锹分头干了起来,我和爸爸一铲一铲地挖了一个土炕,妈妈小心翼翼地把小树苗放进坑里,扶正,然后用铁锹把坑旁的泥土慢慢填进坑里,用脚踩实。可是因为我的力气太小了,铁锹又太重,我费了好大的力气,才把坑边的土拨进坑里。我们不断地往坑里填土,一直到把坑填满。最后我再给小树浇上一些水,这样,一棵树就种好了。就这样,我们种了一棵又一棵。此时,小鸟在枝头叽叽喳喳地叫着,仿佛在说:“这儿的树越来越多了!”看着一棵棵种好的小树苗,我开心地笑了。虽然我已是满头大汗,精疲力竭,但是心里却甜丝丝的。我希望小树苗在春雨的滋润下能够快乐地成长,到了世博会开幕的那一天,这些小树苗一定会长得高大挺拔,郁郁葱葱的! “城市,让生活更美好!”,我将与世博共成长,为世博尽一份绵薄之力,我与世博同行…… 3从1851年第一届英国伦敦世博会到即将到来的2010上海世博会,从晶莹剔透的英国式水晶宫到举世闻名的法国埃菲尔铁塔;从美国的自由女神像到费城摩天轮;从圆球尖塔组合到日本的太阳女神;从比利时的放大了一亿五千万倍的原子结构模型建筑到红色的世博中国馆……人类已经走过了158年,世界也发生了翻天覆地的变化。 今天的上海,必将成为继北京之后的焦点,将吸引世界的目光,因为世博会不仅仅是上海的,也是中国的,更是世界的!我很幸运,因为我出生在上海,我也在思考:高耸入云的金茂大厦、东方明珠以及演绎世界速度的磁悬浮列车,正在告诉世界上海的发展。我们除了可以和世界各国的客人一同见证姚明的高度、刘翔的速度、常昊的精度、王励勤的力度之外,作为普通的上海学生,我该为世博做些什么呢?我能用自己的特长为宣传世博出份力吗? 农历新春前,我的书法老师组织了“送春联下乡”的活动,他说,要把上海的问候、上海的文化、上海世博的宣传送给千家万户。1月22日一早,由大学生、中学生和小学生组成的书法团成员一行16人在老师的带领下来到江苏省江阴市顾山镇。镇警务署门前宽畅的场地上早就摆开了许多大桌子,铺着毡垫。大红色的横幅传达着乡民的热情与期盼。我们精心准备的春联有:“金牛奔盛世,紫燕迎世博”;“牛主乾坤春浩荡,人逢世博气昂扬”;“瑞雪迎春到,金牛贺岁来”……老师规定每人最少写两对,但如果村民有需要,必须满足他们,因为我们是来宣传上海世博,是来为他们服务的。 当地村民的热情真的出乎我预料,上联刚写完墨迹未干,已有村民抢在手中并对旁边的人声明:“这是我要的,你等下一对吧”。就这样,从上午九点到十一点半,我们这些“书童”站在场地上不停挥毫,老师和乡政府、镇政府官员不停帮我们裁纸、添墨;江阴市电视台的记者和摄影师忙着摄像、拍照。楷书、行书、草书,“智体”、“欧体”、“颜体”……老师为我们的表现骄傲,村民为我们的作品叫好,村镇领导感谢我们送来了上海的问候和世博的宣传。这一刻,我体会到了自己的存在价值,我真的很开心。 2010年是对上海城市精神文明的重要检阅。遥想2010年世博会揭幕时,我已经13岁了。我一定会与家里人一起前往参观,当好文明的东道主



Nowadays, with the fast development of economy of the world, many cities become bigger and bigger and many modern cities are Thus, we face the complex problem: U Urbanization has been a subject of heated discussion for a long Some people are in favor, while others are In my opinion, urbanization benefits human beings rather than do harm to Two reasons may account for my Firstly, urbanization enriches our We can imagine what will happen without convenient traffic system, without big department stores, without KTVs and many other entertainments? To some extent, it is impossible for human beings to live in this Urbanization make it possible for us to enjoy our life more than before, Also,urbanization quicken the pace of science, especially in the communication field, in the early time, if we want to connect with our family members or friends, the only way we can choose is writing But urbanization changed this situation, we can talk with the friends in the foreign countries with our any difficulties through the Internet, we gain whatever information we need on the These conveniences are brought by the Secondly, urbanization also raise our country As we all know, the policy of Reform and Opening give our country a golden opportunity to develop our economy, we have a direct feeling about the dramatic increasing of our living standard, many productions that we cannot afford in the past time can be owned in This phenomenon proves that urbanization benefits our life With the fast step of urbanization, many job opportunities are supplied in the occupation market which make many rural migrant workers get a solid work in the urban They also contribute to the economic development in the urban These prosperities are definitely brought by the I live in Shanghai, and it is a typical big city in C I found that we also have many negative sides of For instance, we can talk to the friends thousands miles away, but we don’t know our neighbours in the high-rises; many migrant workers do not enjoy the same profits and rights as the permanent unban residents and this will make their living without and insurance But we don’t need to be so pessimistic of the situation at It is evident that the advantages of urbanization outweigh the What we should do is to remain the positive side , meanwhile to conquer the negative Our government will also introduce many effective policies to narrow this So we have enough reasons to believe the situation will become better and better so that we can reach our aim ”better city, better life ” ! There is no doubt that we prefer to live in the The reason is that we enjoy our life to the What kind of city life do we need? We aspire for a better life in a better The better city life means living in the harmonious society with congenial atmosphere and unique cultural flavors; the better city life means sitting in a bar listening to the beautiful music and communicating with family members and friends over a cup of gourmet coffee giving out a fascinating and pleasing fragrance after a day of hard It can also be walking in a quiet park, or appreciating a fantastic view with neon lights lighting up the night of the How shall we savor the better city life?We need to slow down the pace of It is true that we often forget our true selves in the busy pursuit of living; it is a pity that we do not know who we are We are just like a bird which forgets its own danger of being a prey of another in pursuit of a We just lose There are some people who we think are happy, who appear to be themselves, but they are actually not the way it There are some people who we think are miserable, and it seems to us that they are not themselves, in fact, they A true self can not be seen by others, a true self lies in his A person, who has his confidence, who has an earned pride and a genuine esteem, will be happy, and will be Only when he is happy, can he do his best to achieve his values, to achieve his true self, and at last can he be a successful To live a simple life filled with confidence is the secret to be one true The better city life belongs to a person who has a true self; the better city life belongs to a rational man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seeks nothing but rational values, and finds his joy in nothing but in his rational What I care about is how to find a true self, how to make this true self better, and how to finally mold it What I care about is how this true self lives the better city This is our goal, our direction, our mission: better city, better life, for a better self!

人情味搬了新家,新家装修得很精致。我的小房间舒适、整洁,墙面刷着我所喜爱的蓝色,我该开心。望着他们奋斗了半生的成果,我的父母也该开心。可是,我们的心头仿佛都压着重重的什么……放学回来。饭桌上妈妈问:“学校学习还行吗?”我应了一句“还可以”,似乎就再也找不到其他的对白。饭菜热腾腾的,但腾腾的热气下只有沉闷、压抑的夹菜声。爸爸早早地睡了,我听到他那张因舍不得扔下而强搬进新房的旧木床发出的一声又一声叹息。妈妈兀自看她那没完没了的肥皂剧,斜躺在客厅的沙发上哈欠连连。门铃响了。妈妈兴冲冲地去开门。“对不起,走错了”,这句冰冷的话浇灭了这一天里最后的精力,客厅等洗了,房内有些冷寂,只留下旧木床的叹息。那一刻,想哭,终于明白心头重压着的是新生活中冷漠的一切。日子就这么过着,每天的变化只有墙上日历的翻新。走进电梯靠在角落,突然有一种想让他停下来的冲动。门开了,门合了;人来了,人走了……生活中这种冷漠填赛了脑袋的全部,头怔怔地痛……开门,眼前的景象令人心动。走进爸妈的房间,他们在理东西,揩去汗水,兴冲冲地讲,“快,去打包”。嘴角都挤满笑,“我们回家”。我有些怔怔地,却又马上反应过来,急急地应声“哦”。那晚,关上新家的门,爸爸握着手中的钥匙苦笑,却又无所依恋地走进电梯。我知道,我的生活将不再只有冰冷的墙壁。我在想,我想要的究竟是怎样一份情意。路边的一切都那么熟悉,那一颗老榕树上,有我和伙伴玩耍过的痕迹;那一方小池塘边,留下过妈妈搂紧我时的盈盈笑意;那一排紧挨在一起的平房下呵,都是我那纯朴厚道的乡里乡亲……邻居们知道我们回来了,敢来串门。曾跟我家闹过别扭的张阿姨说,“平常老跟你吵吵,你不在我心里反倒空落落的。”妈妈笑笑说,新房子不好。其实我明白,我们是为这些舍不下的左邻右舍和舍不下的其他一切一切而回来的。说到底,我们是为这不可或缺的人情味回来的。日子一如既往,有欢乐,有矛盾……还有,人情味。 人情味既生而为人,便自是带情,众人攒聚,众情便交杂,久而久之,世界便具有了一种独特的味道。既非胭脂水粉的香味,亦非米盐酱醋的油味,曰:人情味。有人存在的地方,便可寻着人情味。记得我去北京参赛,去宾馆路上在休息站休息时,领队错数人数,竟将我落在当场。当我发觉,人生地不熟,现金手机均在车上,当即急下两粒豆大的泪。一旁等着揽客的司机大叔见状便来问询。得知情况后二话没说便让我上车,愿意免费载我。路上,热心的大叔见我仍是焦急,便将车上的零嘴给了我,然后与我天南地北聊起天来。我至今仍记得那口可爱的京片子,有粗犷的北方味道,和教人心底温暖的人情味。那样大的社会,总会有人逢着困难,这时候,无论是否相识,无论是否有回报,都有人伸出援助的手,那便是最浓最香的人情味。不仅人们具有人情味,法也具有人情味。法是一个社会诞生后在历史中逐步形成的用以规范这个社会的准则。既是准则,当然得秉公执行,毫不马虎。其实不全然,俗语有云:王法不外乎人情。曾看过一则报道:一名妇女犯了法,理应判罚五年牢狱之刑,但该妇女腹中有着两个月大的胎儿,于是,法院最后竟判她罚款数万外加剥夺政治权利五年,而牢狱之刑就此免去。毕竟,她犯法与胎儿无关,而幼儿诞下后又不可无母,那牢房,终归不是个教养孩子的好地方。那母亲不禁感恩戴德,洗心革面,最后倒也皆大欢喜。这便是法的人情味。法是人定的,自是带了些许人情。我觉得可以这么说,法也是有眼的,一只始终圆瞪着那些违法乱纪之事,而另一只则是半闭的,那便是带了人情的网开一面。人情味也不尽善然。有人视利大于天,便昧着良心将本该单纯的人情做了黑心买卖,使社会失了公平,没了秩序。如凭人情关系走后门、靠人情牟利等,此等人情,散发的不再是馥郁的淳味,而是恶气冲天、过路皆掩鼻的恶臭。这样的人情味,实则是一个社会的疮疤、脓包,可惜是无法除尽的。幸好,世界总是光明居多,这样,便不至于无法生活,只愿人人能将人情单纯看待,将人情味单纯酝酿,有道是:世间冷暖,各自斗量,惟有真情,最是芬芳。 人情味我走在路上,身边时忽闪而过的人群,他们有的笑着,有的面容呆滞,还有的流着泪。我在寻找,一种叫做“人情味”的东西。我来到了一片金黄的原野,秋风夹着麦香迎面扑来。我惬意地走在长满野菊花的田埂上,两边是阵阵翻滚的麦浪。田野里,一个身着粗布衣服的壮年正在挥刀收割粮食。他黝黑的皮肤,在阳光下散发着奇异的光泽。汗水顺着他的脸颊流淌下来,他直起身来,望着一望无际的原野,活动了下酸疼的腰肢,继续埋头苦干。远远走来一个妇女,哦,那是他的妻子,为他送饭来了。他们相视一笑,也不说话,在路旁的树荫下,男子打开可口的饭菜,狼吞虎咽起来,妻子在一旁温和地笑着,偶尔为他擦去额头细密的汗珠。眼前的这一幕,让我倍受感动。我找到了,这是人世间至善至美的亲情。我继续前行,离开了乡村小镇,来到了一片繁华的都市。眼前是车水马龙,刺耳的车鸣。我走向了公交车站台。我环顾四周,周围的人群衣着光鲜,有的手提公文包,西装笔挺,有的塞着耳机,嘴里“吧唧吧唧”嚼着口香糖,有的盯着手中的手机,一刻不停的拨着按键,有的面无表情,低头看手指发呆……一辆公交车缓缓驶进站台,刚才还在闭目养神、各干各事的人们,一下子像清醒了过来,蜂拥至车门口,推搡着挤进门。我在艰难中挤上了车。到了车里,刚才还精神着的人们,进了车便又各顾各的。我顿时疑惑了,这里哪里存在人情味呢?这时,上来一个拄着拐杖的年过花甲的老人,车里已被挤得满满当当,老人环顾了四周,见没有座位,便只能在摇摇晃晃的车厢里干站着。人们依旧面无表情。突然,一个青年站起来,微笑着把座位让给了老人。人们像回过神来似的,用赞许的目光看着这个青年。哦,原来,人与人之间的互帮互助,便是人情最佳的表现。即使在这个冷冰冰的城市里,也能像一盆炭火一样,温暖人心。海德格尔说,这时一个不再思考的年代。不再思考的人们,物质的提升削减了人情。但人世间的这份情感,总是会渗透在生活中的一点一滴,这时一种永恒的情感。 人情味朱自清曾说过:“一人生在世,倘只有极少极少的所谓得失相关者顾念着,岂不是太孤寂又太狭隘了么?狭隘,孤寂的人间,哪有善良的生活?”可见,世间需要人情味。生活若没有了人情味,将毫无色彩可言。人情味不是一种伪善。在当今这个分分秒秒都可以用金钱来衡量的社会,人们都忙于在快节奏中为自己赢得利益的最大化,还能有多少人愿意放慢脚步,俯身照看下身边的失意者?纵使有着“人不为己,天诛地灭”这样的现实主义,但总难免会有几家欢喜几家愁,总会有人生活受挫、事业受阻、感情受困,若这时连个真心安慰或支持的人都没有,这样的现实未免也太残酷了。然而比起一个人承受失落打击,若这时再出现一个人虚伪地同情你,还是选择“残酷的一人现实”的好了。人们总是在构筑自己的利益世界,冷冰冰的现实让人渴望温暖,渴望一种充满人情味的温馨感,但这绝不是在渴求别人的同情,绝不是要人们去学会伪善。没有什么比站在幸福的位置去看待不幸的人更残忍的事了。人情味的缺失,绝不是可以用伪善来滥竽充数的,宁缺毋滥。人情味是一种济世仁心。真正的人情味往往是从真情实感中流露的。唯有对身边的失意人群深入体会,感同身受地去开导,才能给人真正的开导。构建人情味的世界,需要我们怀着一颗悲天悯人的心去看这个世界,总会有不计益的付出将这个世界注入人情味的。从大家耳熟能详的雷锋,到如今一个个感动着中国的人物,他们无不是以自己的一颗济世之心来实现自我的人生价值与对社会的责任的。充满人情味的世界,必将是人们所追求的和谐社会。如今人们极力宣传共建和谐社会,不就是在呼吁多一份关注、多一份人情么?当每个人都能自然而然地去关心呵护身边的弱势群体时,当每个人都能主动去付出些力所能及的帮助时,必能在将来受到来自他人的关怀。你传递了这份人情味,带给对方的不单是温暖,更激起了对方的感恩之心,当这种感恩再次将这种人情味传递时,走到哪里不会有宾至如归的感觉呢?少一份冷漠,多一份关怀,让我们共建和谐社会,让人情味回家!

岁月匆匆而过,暮然回首我已经走到了小学生的第六个年头了。在多彩的小学生活中、那无数个第一次就像起伏的海浪,荡荡在我的心头,它们是那样亲切而熟悉,又是那样美好而和谐。其中,最令我难忘的就是第一次上台表演的经历。    那是一次舞蹈表演,上台前,我的心忐忑不安,总是无法调整好情绪。表演开始了,亮的刺眼的镁光灯直射写来,就像一双犀利的眼睛,盯得的我喘不过气,这下我更紧张了。当我看到台下那么多人的目光聚集在我们的身上时,我一下子忘了我自己的动作,傻呆呆地站在幕布旁。那个时候,我听到的音乐就像野蜂,嗡嗡作响。好在这时,老师在幕布旁不断鼓励我们说:“你们一定能行!”我深呼吸一下,很快镇静下来。我想起了平时自己的刻苦练习和老师给予我们的肯定,便微笑着充满自信地走上了舞台。一上台,我就好像置身于一池碧水中,身体变得非常舒展,跳的每一个人动作都是那么娴熟、自然。此时,音乐如潺潺的溪水,镁光灯也如和煦的暖阳。我们以最佳状态跳定了这支舞蹈,在观众的掌声中谢幕。    事后,我一直在想:有自信不一定能成功。但如果你充满自信,就会有成功的船桨。在任何时候,自信都会助你一臂之力,助你到达成功的彼岸。    我爱这难忘的第一次,它是那样亲切而熟悉,又是那样美好而和谐,它教会了我成功的法宝:充满自信。它像破土的新芽,给了我向上的力量。
