

发布时间:2024-07-05 22:37:05


t is a small time, it is also a time that I can not forget the time, Once I get up in the morning,

Future trends in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence,It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same For human services and to help people solve After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of character, this will be very difficult to achieve in the In fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means Through the study of artificial intelligence, can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, and promote the development of other science, the artificial intelligence is the best!I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore it step by step the real

Intelligent processing tools is usually deal with uncertain, unstructured, of no fixed algorithm, the process is a process of inference control processing, the final results are often not sure, may be right, may be is not Natural speech understanding is mainly studied how to make the computer can understand and raw or natural voice technology, natural speech understanding process can be divided into three levels: lexical analysis, syntactic analysis and semantic analysis, due to the natural voice is rich and colorful, so the natural speech understanding is quite difficult, moving from words, we can find some shortages at current levels of natural speech Radio, television and the Internet through the waves propagated, digital circuit, newspapers need to typesetting printing, fast and slow Magazines, books, movies, more Release speed of the tool, holds a large advantage in the aspect of news release; Slow release tool that is used to release more to think about and research materials, such as publishing a variety of social science and natural science research, often in the form of magazines and In the information society, the use of network to network communication has been thought highly of by people more and more quickly, because the network has provided a broad space to people, shorten the distance between In a certain period of time, we can gather in different places, different age, different education and different classes of people to communicate and discuss, make people more broad vision, to know more comprehensive information, experience more rich, therefore, with the further development of information technology and the progress of the society, and believe that there will be more and more people using the Internet the medium for communication and study, but we should also see, there are also all kinds of problems on the network, such as some people release some bad information on the Internet, trap set all kinds of Contrast we should distinguish right and wrong, penetrative, taken as true, let the Internet become our good place to study and Intelligent interface technology is the study of how to enable people to make nature to communicate with the computer, in order to achieve this goal, for the computer to read text, understand language, speech, and even be able to translate between different languages, and the realization of the function of these depend on the knowledge expression method of research, therefore, the intelligent interface technology has made remarkable achievements, character recognition, speech recognition, speech synthesis, image machine translation and natural language understanding technology has practical application  智能处理工具通常处理的问题是不确定的,非结构的,没有固定算法的,处理的过程是推理控制的过程,最终得到的结果常常是不太确定的,可能是正确的,可能能是不正确。自然语音理解主要是研究如何使计算机能够理解和生或自然语音的技术,自然语音理解过程可以分为三个层次:词法分析,句法分析和语义分析,由于自然语音是丰富多彩的,所以,自然语音理解也是相当困难的,从话动中,我们可以发现目前水平的自然语音理解能力的一些不足。广播、电视和网络通过电波、数字线路进行传播,发布的速度快,报纸需要排版印刷,速度慢了一步。杂志、书籍、电影更慢。发布速度快的工具,在发布新闻方面占有很大的优势;发布速度慢的工具,则多用来发布需要思考和研究的材料,如发布各种社会科学和自然科学的研究成果,常采用杂志与书籍的形式。 在信息社会中,利用网络进行进行网络进行交流已经越来越快受到人们的重视,因为网络给人们提供了广阔的空间,缩短了人与人之间的距离。在一定的时间内,我们可以聚集不同地方、不同年龄、不同学历、不同阶层的人们进行交流和探讨,使人们的视野更加广阔,了解到信息更为全面,得到的经验更加丰富,因此,随着信息技术的进一步发展和社会的进步,相信会有更多的人利用网络这种媒介进行交流和学习,但是我们也应该看到,网络上也存在各种各样的问题,如有些人在网上发布一些不良的信息,设置各种信息陷阱。对比我们应该分辨是非,明察秋毫,劫为存真,让因特网成为我们学习交流的好地方。 智能接口技术是研究如何使人们能够方使自然地与计算机交流,为了实现这目标,要求计算机能够看懂文字、听懂语言、说话表达,甚至能够进行不同语言之间的翻译,而这些功能的实现又依赖于知识表达方法的研究,因此,智能接口技术已经取得显著成果,文字识别、语言识别、语音合成、图像机器翻译以及自然语言理解等技术已经实用化


主要有以下书籍:《人工智能》(美)尼尔森 郑扣根译 机械工业出版社 人工智能智能系统指南(英文版·第2版) (澳)尼格内维特斯基(Negnevitsky,M) 机械工业出版社《人工智能:理论与实践》(美)迪安 等著,顾国昌 等译 电子工业出版社《人工智能:复杂问题求解的结构和策略》(美)George FLuger 著,史忠植,张银奎 等译 机械工业出版社《游戏编程中的人工智能技术》(美)布克兰德 著,吴祖增,沙鹰 翻译 清华大学出版社《人工智能游戏编程真言》(美)拉比(Rabin,S) 主编,庄越挺,吴飞 译清华大学出版社个人推荐《人工智能》的原因:第一,该书言简意赅比较容易读懂。第二,有很多例子穿插在在课文中,帮助读者能将每种人工智能的方法应用于只见众。第三,算法或者数据结构的解释被巧妙地阐释出来,而不是对一大堆资料的冗长的总结。最后,编程章节让学生能更深刻地理解资料,同时也穿插着许多对实现细节的参考。




主要有以下书籍:《人工智能》(美)尼尔森 郑扣根译 机械工业出版社 人工智能智能系统指南(英文版·第2版) (澳)尼格内维特斯基(Negnevitsky,M) 机械工业出版社《人工智能:理论与实践》(美)迪安 等著,顾国昌 等译 电子工业出版社《人工智能:复杂问题求解的结构和策略》(美)George FLuger 著,史忠植,张银奎 等译 机械工业出版社《游戏编程中的人工智能技术》(美)布克兰德 著,吴祖增,沙鹰 翻译 清华大学出版社《人工智能游戏编程真言》(美)拉比(Rabin,S) 主编,庄越挺,吴飞 译清华大学出版社个人推荐《人工智能》的原因:第一,该书言简意赅比较容易读懂。第二,有很多例子穿插在在课文中,帮助读者能将每种人工智能的方法应用于只见众。第三,算法或者数据结构的解释被巧妙地阐释出来,而不是对一大堆资料的冗长的总结。最后,编程章节让学生能更深刻地理解资料,同时也穿插着许多对实现细节的参考。


In view of the pivotal role of rolling bearing in rotating machinery and equipment, it is very important to diagnose the fault, and it is the best way and means to establish a set of efficient and convenient bearing fault diagnosis Most of the traditional diagnostic system depends on a number of professional hardware equipment, these instruments are obviously difficult to meet the requirements of information technology, and caused a lot of hardware With the rapid development of computer technology, the virtual instrument technology has been applied to the field of bearing fault diagnosis has become a This paper introduces the characteristics and structure of virtual instrument On this basis, the resonance demodulation technique is introduced into the signal analysis of virtual instrument to extract and analyze the bearing fault Finally, based on LABVIEW platform, a set of virtual instrument for bearing fault signal analysis is

火花加工( EDM )普遍进行了液体介质 它是一种热过程中材料去除连续放电之间发生的一个电极 工件神色介质流体 每放电ionizes局部血浆运河,那里温度变得非常高(高达1000◦三) 领导与融合沸腾金属既面临材料[1] 利用液态一直被视为必不可少的稳定性和效率的过程中, 因为它是已知的液体作为冷却介质中的放电间隙和拆除并冲水 加工出碎片的工作差距 因此,它扮演的一个最重要作用的材料去除机理 电火花,是一个有益的加工方法 它具有很大的优势,在加工工件形状特殊或难加工材料,如塑料模具, 冲模,硬质合金材料和工程材料〔2,3〕 现在它已广泛应用于制造工程 尽管他们广泛使用在工业今天,电火花有一些缺点 其中最严重的缺点是,它可能会导致环境的污染[4] 据悉,电火花可产生废弃物介质液体,它是非常有害的, 我们应该尽量避免让融入周围的环境 在另一方面,液体介质一般煤油为基础油, 它会分解并释放有害气( CO和CH4 )在电火花 这将会伤害到健康的运营 环保原因 绿法电火花未经污染已成为一个热门研究课题,在最近字 电火花天然气是一种新的加工方法是由邦枝在1997年[5] 在该方法中,电火花加工是实现天然气代替煤油基础油,使污染降低 在这种新方法的出现,全世界感到震惊 把它当作一个最重要的方法具有良好的前景 但是这种方法有一个致命的弱点,缺乏稳定及低材料去除率( MRR值) 为克服人手不足的电火花加工气,一种新的方法,超声波振动电火花加工( uedm )在天然气, 在此基础上开发 (翻译软件

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