

发布时间:2024-07-06 16:00:39


Water pollutionWater pollution is a major problem in the global It has been suggested that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases, and that it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people An estimated 700 million Indians have no access to a proper toilet, and 1,000 Indian children die of diarrheal sickness every Some 90% of China's cities suffer from some degree of water pollution, and nearly 500 million people lack access to safe drinking In addition to the acute problems of water pollution in developing countries, industrialized countries continue to struggle with pollution problems as In the most recent national report on water quality in the United States, 45 percent of assessed stream miles, 47 percent of assessed lake acres, and 32 percent of assessed bay and estuarine square miles were classified as pollutedWater is typically referred to as polluted when it is impaired by anthropogenic contaminants and either does not support a human use, like serving as drinking water, and/or undergoes a marked shift in its ability to support its constituent biotic communities, such as Natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological status of Causes of water pollutionThe specific contaminants leading to pollution in water include a wide spectrum of chemicals, pathogens, and physical or sensory changes such as elevated temperature and While many of the chemicals and substances that are regulated may be naturally occurring (calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, ) the concentration is often the key in determining what is a natural component of water, and what is a Oxygen-depleting substances may be natural materials, such as plant matter ( leaves and grass) as well as man-made Other natural and anthropogenic substances may cause turbidity (cloudiness) which blocks light and disrupts plant growth, and clogs the gills of some fish Many of the chemical substances are Pathogens can produce waterborne diseases in either human or animal Alteration of water's physical chemistry includes acidity (change in pH), electrical conductivity, temperature, and Eutrophication is an increase in the concentration of chemical nutrients in an ecosystem to an extent that increases in the primary productivity of the Depending on the degree of eutrophication, subsequent negative environmental effects such as anoxia (oxygen depletion) and severe reductions in water quality may occur, affecting fish and other animal

The water resources is short and pollution already threaten seriously our country's survival and The Baoding city is one of national most serious water scarcity This article through carries on the sample investigation to the Baoding moat rivers section, and carries on the crucial target with the related measuring technique the survey, refers to the surface water pollution control standard to judge the rivers whether to be polluted, and proposes the corresponding processing



The water resources is short and pollution already threaten seriously our country's survival and The Baoding city is one of national most serious water scarcity This article through carries on the sample investigation to the Baoding moat rivers section, and carries on the crucial target with the related measuring technique the survey, refers to the surface water pollution control standard to judge the rivers whether to be polluted, and proposes the corresponding processing


Water pollutionWater pollution is a major problem in the global It has been suggested that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases, and that it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people An estimated 700 million Indians have no access to a proper toilet, and 1,000 Indian children die of diarrheal sickness every Some 90% of China's cities suffer from some degree of water pollution, and nearly 500 million people lack access to safe drinking In addition to the acute problems of water pollution in developing countries, industrialized countries continue to struggle with pollution problems as In the most recent national report on water quality in the United States, 45 percent of assessed stream miles, 47 percent of assessed lake acres, and 32 percent of assessed bay and estuarine square miles were classified as pollutedWater is typically referred to as polluted when it is impaired by anthropogenic contaminants and either does not support a human use, like serving as drinking water, and/or undergoes a marked shift in its ability to support its constituent biotic communities, such as Natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological status of Causes of water pollutionThe specific contaminants leading to pollution in water include a wide spectrum of chemicals, pathogens, and physical or sensory changes such as elevated temperature and While many of the chemicals and substances that are regulated may be naturally occurring (calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, ) the concentration is often the key in determining what is a natural component of water, and what is a Oxygen-depleting substances may be natural materials, such as plant matter ( leaves and grass) as well as man-made Other natural and anthropogenic substances may cause turbidity (cloudiness) which blocks light and disrupts plant growth, and clogs the gills of some fish Many of the chemical substances are Pathogens can produce waterborne diseases in either human or animal Alteration of water's physical chemistry includes acidity (change in pH), electrical conductivity, temperature, and Eutrophication is an increase in the concentration of chemical nutrients in an ecosystem to an extent that increases in the primary productivity of the Depending on the degree of eutrophication, subsequent negative environmental effects such as anoxia (oxygen depletion) and severe reductions in water quality may occur, affecting fish and other animal



The water resources is short and pollution already threaten seriously our country's survival and The Baoding city is one of national most serious water scarcity This article through carries on the sample investigation to the Baoding moat rivers section, and carries on the crucial target with the related measuring technique the survey, refers to the surface water pollution control standard to judge the rivers whether to be polluted, and proposes the corresponding processing

Water pollution Water pollution is a major problem in the global It has been suggested that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases, and that it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people An estimated 700 million Indians have no access to a proper toilet, and 1,000 Indian children die of diarrheal sickness every Some 90% of China's cities suffer from some degree of water pollution, and nearly 500 million people lack access to safe drinking In addition to the acute problems of water pollution in developing countries, industrialized countries continue to struggle with pollution problems as In the most recent national report on water quality in the United States, 45 percent of assessed stream miles, 47 percent of assessed lake acres, and 32 percent of assessed bay and estuarine square miles were classified as polluted Water is typically referred to as polluted when it is impaired by anthropogenic contaminants and either does not support a human use, like serving as drinking water, and/or undergoes a marked shift in its ability to support its constituent biotic communities, such as Natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological status of Causes of water pollution The specific contaminants leading to pollution in water include a wide spectrum of chemicals, pathogens, and physical or sensory changes such as elevated temperature and While many of the chemicals and substances that are regulated may be naturally occurring (calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, ) the concentration is often the key in determining what is a natural component of water, and what is a Oxygen-depleting substances may be natural materials, such as plant matter ( leaves and grass) as well as man-made Other natural and anthropogenic substances may cause turbidity (cloudiness) which blocks light and disrupts plant growth, and clogs the gills of some fish Many of the chemical substances are Pathogens can produce waterborne diseases in either human or animal Alteration of water's physical chemistry includes acidity (change in pH), electrical conductivity, temperature, and Eutrophication is an increase in the concentration of chemical nutrients in an ecosystem to an extent that increases in the primary productivity of the Depending on the degree of eutrophication, subsequent negative environmental effects such as anoxia (oxygen depletion) and severe reductions in water quality may occur, affecting fish and other animal


水污染及其危害  水体污染的概念  水体是指河流、湖泊、池塘、水库、沼泽、海洋以及地下水  等水的积聚体。在环境学中,水体不仅包括水本身,还包括了水  中的悬浮物、溶解物质、胶体物质、底质(泥)和水生生物等。应  把它看作完整的生态系统或完整的综合自然体。水体按其类型不  同可以分成陆地水体和海洋水体以及地表水体和地下水体等。  由于水的比热、蒸发热大,冰冻熔解热也大,因而使水环境  下的温度变化小。水在4C时密度最大,所以海洋、河流下面不结  冰,便于水的对流,使水中营养物和气体得以流动。水的溶解性  好,事水中生物营养物质的运输者和载体。水的浮力大,使许多  缺乏硬骨骼作支架的动物生存于水中。在太阳辐射和地球引力的  驱动下,水通过气态、液态、固态转换循环,使大气圈、生物圈  和水圈之间能进行能量和物质交换,从而形成了丰富多变的自然  环境,以及生物与环境的协调机制。  但是,人类的活动使得大量污染物质排入水体。这些污染物  质使水体的物理、化学性质或生物群落组成发生变化,从而降低  了水体的使用价值,这种现象称为水体污染。由于工业化的兴起  和发展,人类在生物圈中的活动日益加剧,水体污染的现象也日  趋严重。因此,产生了许多公害事件,如日本的水事件和富山事  件都是因水体污染造成的危害。水体污染的严重后果不仅在于危  及人类身体健康,同时也对工农业生产造成危害。  水体污染源和污染物  根据人类活动的不同形式,可以将水体污染分成下面几种类  型。  (1)工业污染源各种工业生产中所产生的废水排入水体就造成  了工业污染源。不同的工业所产生的工业废水中所含污染物的充  分有很大差异,这是由于各种工业加工的原料不同、工艺过程不  同造成的。冶金工艺所产生的废水主要有冷却水、洗涤水和冲洗  水等。冷却水中的直接冷却水由于与产品接触,其中含有油、铁  的氧化物、悬浮物等;洗涤水为除尘和净化煤气、烟气用水,其  中含有酚、氰、硫化氰酸盐、硫化物、钾盐、焦油、悬浮物、氧  化铁、石灰、氟化物、硫酸等;冲洗水中含有酸、减、油脂、悬  浮物和锌、锡、镍、铬等。在上述废水中,以含氰、含酚废水危  害最大。有色冶金工业所排出的废水,多含汞、砷、锡、铬等元  素,是水体中重金属污染物质的来源。此外,有色冶金遗留的大  量矿渣,经雨水冲洗,流入地表和地下水中成为水体中断污染物  质。轻工业所加工的原料多为农副产品,因此工业废水主要含有  机质,有时还常含有大量的悬浮物质、硫化物和重金属,如汞、  镉、砷等。化学工业的产品很多,因此化学工业废水的充分也很  复杂,在废水中常含有多种有害、有毒,甚至剧毒物质,如氰、  酚、砷、汞等。有的物质难以降解,但却能通过食物链在生物体  内富集,造成危害,如DDT、多氯联笨等。此外,化工废水中有的  具有较强的酸度,有的则显较强的减性,PH值不稳定,这些废水  对人体的生态环境,水体中的建筑设施和农作物都有危害,一些  废水中含氮、磷均很高,易造成水体富营养化。有的污染物即使  含量甚微,但通过食物链的物质循环富集,会造成水生动物和人  中毒。  总之,工业污染源向水体制排放大废水具有量大、面广、充  分复杂的特点,是重点解决的污染源。  (2)城市生活污水城市居民聚集地区所产生的生活污水,多为  洗涤水和冲刷器物所产生的污水,因此,主要由一些无毒有机物  ,如糖类、淀粉、纤维素、油脂、蛋白质、尿素等组成。其中含  氮、磷、硫较高。此外,还伴有各种洗涤剂,这是另一类污染源  ,它们对人体有一定危害。在生活污水中还含有相当数量的微生  物,其中一些病源体,如病菌、病毒、寄生虫等,都对人的健康  有较大危害。根据部分工业发达国家资料统计,城市生活用水量  大约每人每天150-420升,特大城市为440-820升。  (3)农村污水和灌溉水农村污水和灌溉水是水体污染的主要来  源。由于农田施用化学农药和化肥,灌溉后或经雨水将农药和化  肥带入水体造成农药污染或富营养化。在污水灌溉区,河流、水  库、地下水都会出现污染,同时也就出现土壤污染、食品污染。  此外,船舶在水域中航行时,会对水域造成污染,其主要污  染物是油,其次还有因洗刷船舶带来的污水以及向水中倾倒废物  等。在海上,原油泄露也会造成严重的污染。  水污染的危害  水体污染影响工业生产、增大设备腐蚀、影响产品质量,甚  至使生产不能进行下去。水的污染,又影响人民生活,破坏生态  ,直接危害人的健康,损害很大。  (1)危害人的健康水污染后,通过饮水或食物链,污染物进入  人体,使人急性或慢性中毒。砷、铬、铵类、笨并(a)芘等,还可  诱发癌症。被寄生虫、病毒或其它致病菌污染的水,会引起多种  传染病和寄生虫病。重金属污染的水,对人的健康均有危害。被  镉污染的水、食物,人饮食后,会造成肾、骨骼病变,摄入硫酸  镉20毫克,就会造成死亡。铅造成的中毒,引起贫血,神经错乱  。六价铬有很大毒性,引起皮肤溃疡,还有致癌作用。饮用含砷  的水,会发生急性或慢性中毒。砷使许多酶受到抑制或失去活性  ,造成机体代谢障碍,皮肤角质化,引发皮肤癌。有机磷农药会  造成神经中毒,有机氯农药会在脂肪中蓄积,对人和动物的内分  泌、免疫功能、生殖机能均造成危害。稠环芳烃多数具有致癌作  用。氰化物也是剧毒物质,进入血液后,与细胞的色素氧化酶结  合,使呼吸中断,造成呼吸衰竭窒息死亡。我们知道,世界上80  %的疾病与水有关。伤寒、霍乱、胃肠炎、痢疾、传染性肝类是人  类五大疾病,均由水的不洁引起。  (2)对工农业生产的危害水质污染后,工业用水必须投入更多  的处理费用,造成资源、能源的浪费,食品工业用水要求更为严  格,水质不合格,会使生产停顿。这也是工业企业效益不高,质  量不好的因素。农业使用污水,使作物减产,品质降低,甚至使  人畜受害,大片农田遭受污染,降低土壤质量。海洋污染的后果  也十分严重,如石油污染,造成海鸟和海洋生物死亡。  (3)水的富营养化的危害在正常情况下,氧在水中有一定溶解  度。溶解氧不仅是水生生物得以生存的条件,而且氧参加水中的  各种氧化-还原反应,促进污染物转化降解,是天然水体具有自净  能力的重要原因。含有大量氮、磷、钾的生活污水的排放,大量  有机物在水中降解放出营养元素,促进水中藻类丛生,植物疯长  ,使水体通气不良,溶解氧下降,甚至出现无氧层。以致使水生  植物大量死亡,水面发黑,水体发臭形成“死湖”、“死河”、  “死海”,进而变成沼泽。这种现象称为水的富营养化。富营养  化的水臭味大、颜色深、细菌多,这种水的水质差,不能直接利  用,水中断鱼大量死亡。


水是人们生命中不可缺少的源泉,然而大量的开采和随手乱扔的垃圾以及排出的废水使我国的河流严重污染。 近年来不少人们认为虽然有些地区受到了水污染的影响,但是南京的水源还是不错的,因此而放松了自己对环保的意识。 我认为这样做是不对的。因为如果每一个人都这么想,那南京总有一天也会成为一个水污染较为严重的城市之一。但是光凭着我说是远远不够的。于是我来到了长江大桥下对长江水进行了调查,发现长江水的表面上有许多漂浮物;在大桥底下还有许多是人们随手扔下的垃圾;水也十分的浑浊,大量的泥沙被卷入到江水中。可见长江已经受到了较为严重的污染。已经有这么一条河流受到污染了,那一定还有更多的河流受到了污染。 如果人们继续去破坏河流那将会危机到人们的身体健康。人们要是喝下了这些被污染的水就会导致生病,使大量的水生物和农作物得到危机。所以人们必须从自我做起去保护好水源: 1、不向河里乱扔垃圾。 2、节约用水。 3、不要滥捕水生物。 4、工厂、医院等不要将污水排入水中。 5、不要在河边洗污物。 6、去提醒别人保护好水源。 让我们从身边的小事做起,去保护每一处水源共同来建造美好家园吧!


水污染已对人类的生存安全构成重大威胁,成为人类健康、经济和社会可持续发展的重大障碍。据世界权威机构调查,在发展中国家,各类疾病有80%是因为饮用了不卫生的水而传播的,每年因饮用不卫生水至少造成全球2000万人死亡,因此,水污染被称作"世界头号杀手"。Water pollution has become a major threat to the survival and safety of human beings and has become a major obstacle to the sustainable development of human health, economy and According to surveys by authoritative institutions in the world, in developing countries, 80% of all kinds of diseases are spread by drinking unsanitary Every year, drinking unhygienic water causes at least 20 million deaths Therefore, water pollution is called "The world's number one "

Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water; and, in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds水污染会影响水体里的植物和生物圈,基本所有的水污染不仅危害单一物种,所有自然界都会受到牵连。水污染是在污染物不受控制(直接或间接)流入水体,并且没有得到有效移除污染物。Water pollution is a major problem in the global It has been suggested that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases, and that it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people Some 90% of China's cities suffer from some degree of water pollution, and nearly 500 million people lack access to safe drinking In addition to the acute problems of water pollution in developing countries, industrialized countries continue to struggle with pollution problems as 水污染是现今国际大事。也是世界人口死亡的罪魁祸首。每天有14000人间接因水污染而死亡。我国90%的城市面临不同程度水污染,约5亿人缺少安全饮用水。发达国家也因为持续工业化加重水污染。可以了么?这是最最基本的概括了

