

发布时间:2024-07-06 22:11:56


The Era of Economic FreedomThe Era of Monopoly Capitalism

Research of Dickens's Humanitarian Spirit from His M On the Purity of the Decadent Capitalist World -- Analysis of Dickens's Image of C

Noncompete statutory legal prohibition on business strife Noncompete agreement promissory prohibition on business strife Abstract The twenty-first century is a major talent competition in the competition, who have more high-quality personnel, who will be able to fierce competition in the market ahead of the In a market economy, the market can be optimized to maximize the allocation of resources, and the competition is the life of a market Prohibition from the Western capitalist countries, is a business based on the protection of trade secrets for the purposes of labor workers the right to freedom of choice, as well as the right to reasonable restrictions on the legal In the 1990s China has gradually set up on the Prohibition of the legislation, but on the whole is not perfect, and related theories are not enough in-depth study, only scattered, "Company Law" and "partnership", "personal Wholly-owned Enterprise Law "and" Labor Law "and the related regulations in some of the These rules and regulations of the different obligations of the main provisions of the noncompete obligations, in order to solve the growing problem of non-compete to provide a legal In the light of China's related to the noncompete provisions of the law is sparse and scattered its name are not unified, more loopholes in the China on the Prohibition of the theory is an in-depth research, but the domestic point of view also more In June 29, 2007 through the "Labor Contract Law" on the Prohibition of the Use Jingyexianzhi expression, and its specific provisions are rudimentary, did not learn about foreign noncompete mature theory and the countries of the non-compete provision Reasonable core of the noncompete to be improved to further This article holds that the noncompete be divided into two broad categories, namely non-compete statutory and non-compete Statutory and non-compete noncompete agreement has its own characteristics and application China's workers employed in practice, the union plays a minor role, and the enterprise often account for a large advantage, violations of the rights and interests of workers has occurred frequently, the protection of the workers themselves have a weak sense, I think that the agreement on competition The ban on industry norms, the court should be strictly limited to non-compete agreement the effectiveness of the agreement, that in effect at the same time should give full consideration to the workers the right to labor and employment The statutory non-compete, our statutory law on the Prohibition of the liability provisions of the way and not how many, the lack of attribution way affected the judge's decision on such cases, in real life, the variety of such cases It is not surprising, but the impact of legal certainty and This article has been read in the literature, the main purpose is to point out that China's current laws and regulations on the Prohibition of the lack of a standardized, in theory, put forward measures to improve the noncompete and hopes to be able to practice for such trials have B In this paper, in the main study used two First, the value of the analysis focused on the theoretical principles of non-compete, non-compete values, based on this work and the right to discuss the Prohibition of the Second, the comparative study of methods, in the light of Britain, the United States, Japan, Germany, Switzerland and other countries related to law and literature, comparative analysis of the study, and then combined with the domestic legislation of the status quo, put forward for solving the The full text is divided into four parts in the body of the first part of the noncompete will introduce the concept of characteristics and types, from the theory of non-compete noncompete theoretical aspects of the principle set out, including the principle of good faith, duty of loyalty demands The legal concept of fair value The second part will be on the statutory and non-compete agreement to prohibit competition, as well as their respective In the third part on the Prohibition of foreign theories, made the last of China's lack of restraint legislation, and proposed several ways to Key words: statutory noncompete agreement noncompete enterprise workers

一楼的原文是正确的:capital comes dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and 是foot不是toe,收录的正版的英文翻译是这个。如图可见 出自"第一卷 第八部分Primative Accumulation 第31章 GENESIS OF THE INDUSTRIAL CAPITALIST”  正文最后一句 (脚注前第一句)话。



analysis on Dickens' humanitarian in his worksthe pure essence of the decadent capitalize world : Children figures in Dickens' works

Noncompete statutory legal prohibition on business strife Noncompete agreement promissory prohibition on business strife Abstract The twenty-first century is a major talent competition in the competition, who have more high-quality personnel, who will be able to fierce competition in the market ahead of the In a market economy, the market can be optimized to maximize the allocation of resources, and the competition is the life of a market Prohibition from the Western capitalist countries, is a business based on the protection of trade secrets for the purposes of labor workers the right to freedom of choice, as well as the right to reasonable restrictions on the legal In the 1990s China has gradually set up on the Prohibition of the legislation, but on the whole is not perfect, and related theories are not enough in-depth study, only scattered, "Company Law" and "partnership", "personal Wholly-owned Enterprise Law "and" Labor Law "and the related regulations in some of the These rules and regulations of the different obligations of the main provisions of the noncompete obligations, in order to solve the growing problem of non-compete to provide a legal In the light of China's related to the noncompete provisions of the law is sparse and scattered its name are not unified, more loopholes in the China on the Prohibition of the theory is an in-depth research, but the domestic point of view also more In June 29, 2007 through the "Labor Contract Law" on the Prohibition of the Use Jingyexianzhi expression, and its specific provisions are rudimentary, did not learn about foreign noncompete mature theory and the countries of the non-compete provision Reasonable core of the noncompete to be improved to further This article holds that the noncompete be divided into two broad categories, namely non-compete statutory and non-compete Statutory and non-compete noncompete agreement has its own characteristics and application China's workers employed in practice, the union plays a minor role, and the enterprise often account for a large advantage, violations of the rights and interests of workers has occurred frequently, the protection of the workers themselves have a weak sense, I think that the agreement on competition The ban on industry norms, the court should be strictly limited to non-compete agreement the effectiveness of the agreement, that in effect at the same time should give full consideration to the workers the right to labor and employment The statutory non-compete, our statutory law on the Prohibition of the liability provisions of the way and not how many, the lack of attribution way affected the judge's decision on such cases, in real life, the variety of such cases It is not surprising, but the impact of legal certainty and This article has been read in the literature, the main purpose is to point out that China's current laws and regulations on the Prohibition of the lack of a standardized, in theory, put forward measures to improve the noncompete and hopes to be able to practice for such trials have B In this paper, in the main study used two First, the value of the analysis focused on the theoretical principles of non-compete, non-compete values, based on this work and the right to discuss the Prohibition of the Second, the comparative study of methods, in the light of Britain, the United States, Japan, Germany, Switzerland and other countries related to law and literature, comparative analysis of the study, and then combined with the domestic legislation of the status quo, put forward for solving the The full text is divided into four parts in the body of the first part of the noncompete will introduce the concept of characteristics and types, from the theory of non-compete noncompete theoretical aspects of the principle set out, including the principle of good faith, duty of loyalty demands The legal concept of fair value The second part will be on the statutory and non-compete agreement to prohibit competition, as well as their respective In the third part on the Prohibition of foreign theories, made the last of China's lack of restraint legislation, and proposed several ways to Key words: statutory noncompete agreement noncompete enterprise workers

capitalismCapitalism is based on private 资本主义是建立在私有制基础上的。


analysis on Dickens' humanitarian in his worksthe pure essence of the decadent capitalize world : Children figures in Dickens' works

Look from economic globalization of contemporary capitalism and development trend

Research of Dickens's Humanitarian Spirit from His M On the Purity of the Decadent Capitalist World -- Analysis of Dickens's Image of C



capitalismCapitalism is based on private 资本主义是建立在私有制基础上的。


From the economic globalization view to see the new changes and furture development trend of capitalism

analysis on Dickens' humanitarian in his worksthe pure essence of the decadent capitalize world : Children figures in Dickens' works




劳动价值论综述-经济论文我国经济学界在学习和理解马克思的劳动价值理论过程中,自建国以来已有四次较大的争论时期,即1958年前后、1962年前后、1979年前后、1982年前后;内容涉及劳动价值论的基本内容和其中的许多方面。20世纪90年代以来,一方面西方经济学在我国的广泛传播和资本主义国家出现了一些新情况、新问题与《资本论》写作时有很大的不同;另一方面,社会主义市场经济体制目标的确立,经济实践中出现了一些新现象也迫切需要予以解释。劳动价值理论问题逐渐形成了新一轮的讨论热点。尤其是在中共中央十五届五中全会提出,“在新的历史条件下,要深化劳动和劳动价值理论的研究”。经济学界对劳动价值论的研究又进入了一个新的阶段。 从总体上看,对劳动价值论的讨论大致可分为两大派别,一些学者对马克思的劳动价值论主要采取否定的态度,主张对其重新改造和采取新的理论以代之;大多数学者在坚持马克思劳动价值理论的基础上,针对新的现实对劳动价值理论的各个方面提出了新的理解,并对否定马克思劳动价值论进行了批驳。 一、劳动价值论:否定和坚持的争论 有的学者认为,马克思对经济学的发展所作出的贡献是他从古典经济学的“价值”概念中,明确区分了“价值”与“使用价值”,然后明确用“劳动”来解释“价值”,而将“有用物”对于人所提供的“有用性”,定义为“使用价值”。同时,他把“交换价值”,或者说用货币单位表示的交换价值即“价格”,理解为“价值与使用价值的矛盾统一”。但是在马克思的论述中,由于缺乏完整的使用价值理论,特别是缺乏对使用价值的量的分析(对价值的量的分析也不完整),交换价值理论 没有获得充分的发展。同时马克思自己在研究过程中认识到了社会需求的重要作用,但却没有意识到“第二种含义的社会必要劳动”概念本身在他的理论体系内遇到了一个严重的逻辑上的矛盾:在建立劳动价值论的时候,坚决地排斥“需求决定价值”的观点,而当他需要将“需求”引入理论来解释“社会生产的比例关系”问题的时候,他实际上是在通过“第二种含义的社会必要劳动”的概念,又回到了“需求也决定价值”(而不是决定“价格”)。需求本来不决定价值,而只决定价格;硬要在这一体系当中让需求“从后门进来”也决定价值,一定会发生不可解的逻辑矛盾。 这位学者还认为西方经济学者通过100多年来的理论发展,从效用价值论到新古典经济学,从“成本”和“效用” 两个方面说明了价格的决定,从而弥补了马克思的交换价值理论 。针对这种对马克思劳动价值论的分析,有学者认为,这实质上涉及两个问题,一是是否在马克思劳动价值论中存在这种观点所理解的“交换价值理论”,二是对使用价值进行抽象是否必要。在马克思的理论中,马克思从交换价值入手揭示了交换价值的本质和内容是价值,然后有返回来分析交换价值的形式,指出交换价值是商品内部使用价值和价值的矛盾作用的结果,所以价值是交换价值的内容和本质,交换价值是价值的表现形式。而在这位综合论者看来,物品间交换的比例是交换价值的形式,而价值和使用价值之间的关系才是交换价值的内容。因而根本不存在综合论者所说的马克思“交换价值理论”,实际上,综合论者混淆了价值形式发展的原因和价值形式所表现的内容,把价值形式发展的原因误解为价值形式所表现的内容。由商品体属性决定的物品有用性使物品成为使用价值,对于使用价值,人们关心的是它们满足人类何种需要的个性而不是其满足人类需要的共性,使用价值特殊的质是商品交换成为必要和可能,才谈的上交换价值和价值;对使用价值的主观评价实质上是对形成使用价值的具体劳动的评价,它离不开不同消费者的主观意志,因而无法形成客观的、抽象的使用价值,抽象的使用价值是信奉边际效用价值论的经济学家主观思维的产物,并没有任何客观经济过程作为其思维的依托,相反形成交换价值和价值的抽象劳动,却是一个客观的实在范畴,它不仅仅是马克思抽象思维的产物,更是客观经济过程中时刻发生的实在抽象。没有任何客观经济过程为其提供依据的抽象使用价值,毫无经济学意义。 另一位学者认为,马克思劳动价值理论分析暗含着三个理论前提:一是物物交换,从而排除掉供求关系对交换比例或交换价值决定的影响;二是假定劳动以外的要素都是无偿的,因而在马克思的交换价值分析中没有土地、资本等要素的地位;三是假定生产商品的劳动是简单劳动,复杂劳动被认可化为倍加的简单劳动,所以知识、科技、经营管理没有被包括在创造价值的劳动概念之内。马克思的劳动价值论在这些设定的前提下是非市场价格和非资本市场条件下的商品交换规律的理论,即狭义劳动价值论。因此马克思的劳动价值论已不适应于说明劳动以外的要素有偿使用的现代商品经济和市场经济。在商品经济和市场经济条件下,价格才是唯一的存在,它的波动及发展趋势左右着经济生活状况和前景,而影响价格和决定价格的因素是多元的,不是一元的,更不是只有劳动;价值其实只是价格中的一种形式即长期价格标准,理应从属于价格决定的一般法则,因此说明商品生产、交换、分配和消费的最终基础和规律的是供求价格法则或供求论。他还认为,马克思劳动价值论不适当地抬高了交换价值(进而把价值)的作用和地位,使其同使用价值相脱离、相并列甚至更超出的地步,而交换价值也是一种使用价值,是一种需要通过交换而间接使用的价值,应从属使用价值,商品二重性其实是一重性,交换价值(价值)的源泉其实也就是使用价值的源泉。对商品二重性的绝对化理解,结果导致了价值分析和使用价值分析的背离,即使用价值决定因素的多元性和坚持价值决定因素的单一性的背离。劳动价值论极容易导致理论和实践中的极左倾向。 就从所谓暗含的前提条件来分析马克思劳动价值论的论者来说,实际上涉及三个问题,其一是,马克思劳动价值论是否只适用于对物物交换;其二是,商品二重性是否只是一重性,马克思是否不适当的抬高了交换价值的地位和作用;其三是,劳动价值论能否说明价格决定。 这位青年学者指出,劳动价值论是商品经济的理论概括,其用范围就是商品经济,马克思是从物物交换关系中揭示出商品交换的本质,然后从揭示出来的价值本质出发,分析交换价值和价格的,条件论者的错误是将马克思分析商品价值的的出发点当作马克思随其分析的前提条件不断发展的逻辑展开的劳动价值论的永恒条件。马克思经济学的狭义劳动价值论是指分析商品价值的生产、分配和交换时不涉及剩余价值和资本主义生产关系的分析,而广义劳动价值论则是指在分析价值生产、分配、交换时将剩余价值的生产、分配和交换关系也涵盖在内,在广义的劳动价值论中,并不存在“劳动以外的要素都是无偿的”这一条件,条件论者的的错误是脱离劳动价值论的科学内容孤立的分析其条件,从而将狭义和广义劳动价值论对立起来,否定更具有现实性的广义劳动价值论。简单劳动实际上是一种平均劳动,在不同国家和不同的文化时代具有不同的性质,并随着时代的发展有体力劳动为主转化为以一定的脑力劳动为主,条件论者的错误是将简单劳动静止地理解为体力劳动。从总体上而言,马克思劳动价值论不同层面上的各种条件是相互联系、互相依存、相互转化的矛盾体。条件论者的的错误是在这些条件链中孤立静止地抓住几点并将其扩大化。 v在马克思那里,使用价值是从两个层次来分析的:第一,物的有用性使物成为使用价值,它是物的自然属性,是人类社会的永恒范畴,第二,作为商品的使用价值,是指商品的社会有用性,对商品的直接生产者来说是非使用价值,通过交换才能使其在它的非生产者手中成为现实的使用价值。而所谓的商品一重性论为了将交换价值定义为广义使用价值,却将商品的使用价值定义为以直接方式满足其生产者需要的属性,实际上此时生产者生产的只是产品,而不是商品,其目的是抬高商品的使用价值而贬低商品的交换价值。要证明所谓的商品一重性,必须证明使用价值为什么是商品区别于其他物品的特殊性。
