

发布时间:2024-07-07 10:10:55



Using the plant soilless cultivation method, about two leaves a corn seedling to experience deficiency The missing element for K After three weeks of training to take out and maize physiological and biochemical indexes measuring, experimental results show that the deficiency of the corn seedling cultivation, the growth of the training of the obvious difference YuQuanSu corn seedling, and the deficiency symptoms performance in different Deficiency the raise, plant growth rate drop, rootshoot ratio changed, for plant growth and has great influence on




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Using the plant soilless cultivation method, about two leaves a corn seedling to experience deficiency The missing element for K After three weeks of training to take out and maize physiological and biochemical indexes measuring, experimental results show that the deficiency of the corn seedling cultivation, the growth of the training of the obvious difference YuQuanSu corn seedling, and the deficiency symptoms performance in different Deficiency the raise, plant growth rate drop, rootshoot ratio changed, for plant growth and has great influence on


Scaling of Respiration to the Ecosystem Level Plant physiological ecologists need to scale respiration rates of individual trees and various tissues to entire forest Ecosystem respiration is such a large component of annual carbon balance that it commonly exceeds net primary productivity (Amthor and Baldocchi, 2001) There is much interest in assessing the balance between photosynthesis and respiration on a global scale because each of these CO2 fluxes far exceeds anthropogenic emissions of CO2 (Goulden et , 1996; Cao and Woodward, 1998; Valentini et , 2000); therefore, small changes in either component caused by natural causes or human influences can ameliorate or exacerbate the buildup of CO2 in the Scaling of respiration of plant parts to the stand level is beset with challenges (Sprugel et , 1995; Hanson et , 2000; Edwards and Hanson, 2003) Particularly challenging is the need for year-round, frequent (preferably continuous) sampling of multip结垢呼吸的生态系统一级植物生理生态学家需要大规模的呼吸速率个别树木和各种组织对整个林分。生态系统呼吸是如此大的组成部分,每年的碳平衡,它通常超过净初级生产力( Amthor和Baldocchi , 2001年) 。有很大的兴趣,评估之间的平衡光合作用和呼吸作用在全球范围内,因为每个这些二氧化碳通量远远超出人为排放的二氧化碳( Goulden等。 , 1996年;曹和伍德沃德, 1998年;瓦伦提尼等。 , 2000年) ;因此,小部分的变化可能造成的自然原因或人类的影响可改善或加剧建设的大气中二氧化碳。 结垢呼吸植物部分的立场水平充满挑战( Sprugel等。 , 1995年;汉森等人。 , 2000 ; Edwards和汉森, 2003年) 。特别具有挑战性的是需要全年,经常(最好连续)抽样multip

尽管阿坝的角色在启动和维护种子休眠了,其他激素有助于整体效应。例如,在大多数植物ABA生产的顶峰的种子是一致的水平下降3吲哚乙酸酸(IAA)和GA。一个优雅的示范的重要性,GA的比率在种子ABA是由遗传屏幕导致隔离第一个ABA不足的拟南芥突变体(Koornneef et al 1982)。种子的GA缺陷突变体,不能发芽没有外源遗传算法是mutagenized然后生长在温室。这些mutagenized产生的种子植物然后revertants筛查——也就是说,种子发芽又恢复了其能力。Revertants被孤立,他们变成了突变体脱落酸合成的。因为休眠的revertants发芽没有诱导,所以随后的合成GA不再需要去克服它。这项研究说明了一般的原则,那个优雅的植物激素的平衡常常是更重要的是他们的绝对浓度调节发展。然而,ABA和GA发挥它们的影响在种子休眠在不同的时间,所以他们的拮抗效应在休眠不一定反映一个直接交互。最近的基因屏幕抑制种子萌发时的ABA漠不关心已经确定了额外的敌对之间的相互作用和乙烯或brassinosteroid ABA。此外,许多新的等位基因突变的aba不足或abi4已确定在屏幕改变灵敏度糖或盐度。这些研究表明,一个复杂的监管网络集成了荷尔蒙,营养和压力信号控制致力于经济发展下一代。 ABA关闭在应对水压力的气孔说明所扮演的角色ABA在冻结,盐和水压力导致了表征ABA作为一个压力荷尔蒙。如前所述,ABA浓度Acidin脱落叶子可以增加到50次在干旱条件下最戏剧性的变化对任何激素浓度报道在回应一个环境信号。再分配或ABA是非常有效的生物合成导致气孔关闭,其累积在强调树叶中发挥着重要的作用,减少水耗通过蒸腾水分胁迫下条件(见图4)。

思想品德修养 Cultivation of Ideological Morality毛泽东思想概论 Mao-Tsetung Thought军事理论 Military Theories大学英语 CET/ College Engligh计算机文化基础 Fundamentals of Computer Culture体育 Gymnastics/ PE高等数学 Advanced Mathematics无机及分析化学 Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry无机及分析化学实验 Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry Experiment马克思主义哲学原理 Principles of Marxist Philosophy法律基础 Foundation of Law大学英语 (上面已经有了阿)大学语文 Chinese and Literature体育 (上面已经有了阿)高等数学 (上面已经有了阿)有机化学 Organic Chemistry物理学 Physics植物学 Botany物理学实验 Physics Experiment生物化学 Biochemistry农业气象学 Agrometeorology大学英语 (上面已经有了阿)遗传学 Genetics普通昆虫学 General Entomology普通植物病理学 General Phytopathology市场营销学 Marketing人文社会科学概论 Introduction to Humanistic Social Sciences管理科学概论 Introduction to Management Sciences农业微生物 Agricultural Microbiology马克思主义政治经济学 Marxist Political Economy环保学概论 Introduction to Ecology体育 (上面已经有了阿)当代世界经济与政治 Contemporary World Economy and Politics大学英语 (上面已经有了阿)生命科学导论 Introduction to Life Sciences体育 (上面已经有了阿)植物生理学 Plant Physiology土壤学 Pedology科技文献检索与利用 Technological Literature Retrieval and Utilization普通昆虫学 (上面已经有了阿)农药学概论 General Agrichemicals农药分析 Pesticide Analysis普通昆虫学教学实习 Practice Teaching of General Entomology农药学概论教学实习 Practice Teaching of General Agrichemicals田间试验统计与设计 Field Experimental Statistical Analysis and Designs农产品品质检验 Inspection of Agricaltural Products科技写作 Writing on Science and Technology组织培养 Tissue Culture农药学概论 (上面已经有了阿)农业植物病理学 Agricultural Phytopathology农业昆虫学 Agricultural Entomology农药商品与应用 Pesticide Commodity and Application农业生态预测预报 Agricultural Ecological Forecasting昆虫研究法 Entomological Research农药商品与应用教学实习 Pactice Teaching of Pesticide Commodity and Application大学心理健康 Psychological Health生涯规划与就业指导 Career Planing and Vocational Guidence分子生物学 Molecular Biology农业信息系统管理 Agricultural MIS(Management Information System)农业昆虫学 (上面已经有了阿)农业植物病理学 (上面已经有了阿)农业植物病理学 (上面已经有了阿)农药商品及应用 (上面已经有了阿)作物栽培学 Crop Cultivation植物研究法 Botanical Research植物线虫学 Plant Nematology农业昆虫学教学实习 Practice Teaching of Agricultural Entomology农业植物病理学教学实习 Practice Teaching of Agricultural Phytopathology


This article focus on agriculture and plant physiology is carried out on the basis of science, first of all, talking about plant physiology over the past few decades for the enormous contribution made by agriculture, followed by a talk at the beginning of China's agricultural situation in plant physiology, as well as the scope of the study, said the final plant Physiology research and the development of

植物科学,农业学院,西澳大学西澳大利亚 珀斯市 克劳利 斯特林高速 35 号邮编: 6009西澳大学1911年创校,自创校以来,一直是澳洲的最具历史,代表性和实力的顶尖研究型学府之一,在众多权威的澳洲大学排名中名列前茅。这是农业学院的鸟瞰图。  植物生理学,乌得勒支大学。    荷兰 乌得勒支市     邮编:3584 CA乌得勒支大学是荷兰最古老大学之一,也是欧洲规模最大的大学之一。【大学本部】  作物改良研究所,西澳农业部。    西澳大利亚 南珀斯市 赫尔男爵宅邸 3号    邮编:  环境生物学,生物科学研究院,澳大利亚国立大学,    澳大利亚首都领地,坎贝拉    邮编:【这是ANU 的生物科学研究院】

植物plant 树叶leaf


百度在线翻译=====================呵呵 ----------------------要想要好的 自己翻译 专业英语bunan上面的就是用xianzai 翻译的

The relationship between human beings and the natural environment Human life at the surface of the E Nature of the Earth, sun, water, air, soil, rocks, plants and animals, has provided us with excellent conditions for survival and Nature of these General conditions, that is, the natural environment of Human beings are a product of the natural environment, the natural environment of human existence and development of basic People and the natural environment are interdependent and influence each other, the overall unity of opposites, set up an ecological balance between Along with the ability to control the natural growth by geometric progression, to the intake of natural substances and disposal of more Human impact on the natural environment and the greater the intervention, the natural reaction of the greater When the natural environment can not afford the level of reach, in the long years to set up the ecological balance will be seriously Beginning, people think of themselves as masters of the masters of nature, nature can be unscrupulously plundered material, you can change the nature not mind it at However, the nature of mankind is mercilessly retaliate, and humanity of the yellow Of this century, the emergence of global environmental crisis, caused by people's awareness and Environmental changes affect a wide range of factors, both natural factors and human At a fairly long historical period, the human impacts on the environment are very limited, which did not produce any environmental More than 200 years ago since the industrial revolution, modern economic growth and progress in science and technology, not only become the subject of history of human civilization, human beings and the environment but also became a major coordination Whether the expense of economic benefits in exchange for the natural environment or the natural environment in accordance with the development of changes to the development of the economy, more and more aroused the universal concern of Small per-minute information on the world environmental disaster Arable land - loss of 40 hectares, the annual loss of 21 million hectares; forests - loss of 21 hectares, the annual loss of 11 million hectares; sediment - 48,000 tons, 25 billion tons per year; Sewage - 850,000 tons inflow of rivers and lakes; people - 28 people die from pollution, has 15 million people throughout the


植物plant 树叶leaf
