

发布时间:2024-07-04 04:59:55



学术堂提供了十五个好写的英语翻译论文题目,供大家参考:  1、谈英语谚语的翻译  2、谈英语幽默的翻译  3、英语汉译技巧初探  4、地方名胜古迹汉译英  5、翻译中常见错误分析  6、中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响  7、会话含义的推导与翻译  8、词汇的文化内涵与翻译  9、语境在翻译中的作用  10、翻译技巧探索  11、商标词翻译  12、广告语言的翻译  13、论英汉互译中的语义等值问题  14、英汉文化差异对翻译的影响  15、英汉谚语的理解和翻译

The western area talented person strategy mentality inquired into the western area talented person strategy faces the main question includes: The elementary education is weak, the brain drain and the talented person waste the phenomenon to be serious, the talented person short and the structure of talent serious unbalanced and lacks the enough talented person The long-term region non-balanced development and old system closeness, own existence congenital natural inferiority and the economical potential difference, own economical long-term non-sustainable development and own potential excavation insufficiency, is the primary cause which these many questions The enhancement elementary education construction, coordinated and the perfect structure of talent, the system innovates and strengthens own talented person attraction, is the smooth implementation the western area talented person strategy effective countermeasure and the First discovers the main question which the western area talented person strategy faces, again analyzes the background and the reason which these questions produce, thus summarizes and obtains solves these question related countermeasure and the measure, this is the inquisition the western area talented person strategy concrete Western area; Talented person strategy; Mentality inquisition Affects our country economy development the traditional culture factor to inquire into our country traditional culture is broad and profound, is extremely precious spiritual Its basic spirit includes “the beauty to gather one” and “take and as expensive”, “humanist” and “take Germany as first” and so on; Its main characteristic has people this ideal and the despotic reality, the function of the household and the loyal filial piety idea and so The traditional culture to our country economy development historical influence in, has the positive influence, also has the negative The traditional culture to will instruct and promotes our country nowwith the future social economy development, will have the very strongpractical significance and the profound At present,treats our country the traditional culture, we most should do are,during reconsidering traditional culture negative effect, even morediligently excavates in the traditional culture the positiveingredient, the model experience, the reconsidering lesson, and theunion realistic national condition, will instruct and promotes ourcountry now with the future social economy development Traditional culture; Economical development; Historical influence;Practical significance; Profound enlightenment第二段Affects our country economy development the traditional culture factorto inquire into our country traditional culture is broad and profound,is extremely precious spiritual Its basic spirit includes "thebeauty to gather one" and "take and as is expensive", "humanist" and"take Germany as first" and so on; Its main characteristic has peoplethis ideal and the despotic reality, the function of the household andChunghsiao the idea and so The traditional culture to our countryeconomy development historical influence in, has the positiveinfluence, also has the negative The traditional culture towill instruct and promotes our country now with the future socialeconomy development, will have the very strong practical significanceand the profound At present, treats our country thetraditional culture, we most should do are, during reconsideringtraditional culture negative effect, even more diligently excavates inthe traditional culture the positive ingredient, the model experience,the reconsidering lesson, and the union realistic national condition,will instruct and promotes our country now with the future socialeconomy development Traditional culture; Economicaldevelopment; Historical influence; Practical significance; Profoundenlightenment




A 从跨文化角度看英语电影片名的翻译策略On Translation Strategies of English Film Titles from a Cross-Cultural Perspective B 《生死疲劳》中文化负载信息的翻译研究 The Translation of Culture-loaded Information in Life and Death are Wearing Me Out C 喜剧字幕翻译的改写On Rewriting of Comedy Subtitle Translation D 儿童文学翻译中文化因素的汉译策略On Translation of Cultural Elements in Children s LiteratureE 从目的论视角看菜单翻译策略The Strategies on Translation of Chinese Menu from the Perspective of SkopostheorieF 中英文化差异带来的语言交流障碍及翻译问题Language Exchanging Barrier and Translation Problems Arising from Cultural DifferencesG 汉英方位词的文化对比与翻译Cultural Contrast and Translation of Chinese and English Location Words暂时就这么多吧,本科生都是能写出来的




有关的领域相关资料为您奉上,请参考:  相继编写出版了《藏族文学概论》、《藏族文学史》、《藏族比较文学》、《藏族民间文学》、《藏族现代文学》、《藏族近代文学》、《藏族古代文学》、《藏语基础写作》、《藏族传统诗学理论》、《中学藏语文教材教法》、《西藏民俗文化史》、《西藏宗教学概论》、《因明七要诠释》、《藏语语法》、《藏汉语言学》、《藏文基础》、《梵文入门》、《藏口语》等符合现代编写体例的48部专业教材。同时还编写了西藏大学《公共藏文》共4册和留学生教材2部。即将出版的还有《藏汉翻译》、《藏语词汇学》、《藏族文学名著赏析》、《大学藏文》、《藏族古代文学作品选》、《藏族翻译史》、《藏族翻译概论》、《藏汉翻译赏析》、《藏汉翻译实践》、《因明学基础教程》等10余部。其中《比较文学》、《梵文入门》两部专业教材获自治区优秀教学成果一等奖。



有关的领域相关资料为您奉上,请参考:  相继编写出版了《藏族文学概论》、《藏族文学史》、《藏族比较文学》、《藏族民间文学》、《藏族现代文学》、《藏族近代文学》、《藏族古代文学》、《藏语基础写作》、《藏族传统诗学理论》、《中学藏语文教材教法》、《西藏民俗文化史》、《西藏宗教学概论》、《因明七要诠释》、《藏语语法》、《藏汉语言学》、《藏文基础》、《梵文入门》、《藏口语》等符合现代编写体例的48部专业教材。同时还编写了西藏大学《公共藏文》共4册和留学生教材2部。即将出版的还有《藏汉翻译》、《藏语词汇学》、《藏族文学名著赏析》、《大学藏文》、《藏族古代文学作品选》、《藏族翻译史》、《藏族翻译概论》、《藏汉翻译赏析》、《藏汉翻译实践》、《因明学基础教程》等10余部。其中《比较文学》、《梵文入门》两部专业教材获自治区优秀教学成果一等奖。


随意点的,到网上多找资料,自己做。你要是真写不到,你提出了你的具体要求找人做,我朋友的论文是找【天下文库】做的,他都通过了,你也可以去咨询下。怎么写开题报告呢?首先要把在准备工作当中搜集的资料整理出来,包括课题名称、课题内容、 课题的理论依据、参加人员、组织安排和分工、大概需要的时间、经费的估算等等。 第一是标题的拟定。课题在准备工作中已经确立了,所以开题报告的标题是不成问题的,把你研 究的课题直接写上就行了。比如我曾指导过一组同学对伦教的文化诸如“伦教糕”、伦教木工机械、伦教文物等进行研究,拟定的标题就是“伦教文化研究”。  第二就是内容的撰写。开题报告的主要内容包括以下几个部分:  一、课题研究的背景。 所谓课题背景,主要指的是为什么要对这个课题进行研究,所以有的课题干脆把这一部分称为“问题的提出”,意思就是说为什么要提出这个问题,或者说提出这个课题。比如我曾指导的一个课题“伦教文化研究”,背景说明部分里就是说在改革开放的浪潮中,伦教作为珠江三角洲一角,在经济迅速发展的同时,她的文化发展怎么样,有哪些成就,对居民有什么影响,有哪些还要改进的。当然背景所叙述的内容还有很多,既可以是社会背景,也可以是自然背景。关键在于我们所确定的课题是什么。  二、课题研究的内容。课题研究的内容,顾名思义,就是我们的课题要研究的是什么。比如我校黄姝老师的指导的课题“佛山新八景”,课题研究的内容就是:“以佛山新八景为重点,考察佛山历史文化沉淀的昨天、今天、明天,结合佛山经济发展的趋势,拟定开发具有新佛山、新八景、新气象的文化旅游的可行性报告及开发方案。”



1、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧4、商标名称的翻译与策略5、汉语中新词汇的翻译技巧6、商务谈判中的语言艺术7、商务谈判的文化障碍8、商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用9、商务英语函电翻译技巧10、商务谈判中英语的重要性11、浅谈商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法 12、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用13、浅谈涉外合同英语特色14、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策15、商务谈判的艺术性16、跨文化的商务谈判


