

发布时间:2024-07-07 03:19:23


爱迪生  Edison  Edison,Thomas Alva was an American To the creation of factory laboratories, technology development and to open up avenues of scientific research in close connection with the name lowered February 11, 1847 in the Ohio Mailan a Dutch immigrant October 18, 1931 in New Jersey Xiaolan in Produced only three months of formal education 12-year-old has done Bao Tong, hawkers, Rapporteur, to fend for Because M  Faraday effect in life science research experiments and In 1868 he invented a recording device to sell to Taiwan votes Congress, but has not been Edison first invented so that he did not find the market more attention to the relevance of the 1869, Edison moved to New York from B He improved the indicators cable companies telegraph, the recognition by the manager of the company, employed 300 US dollars monthly salary (which at the time was very high salary) 1870, moved to New Jersey to begin his efficient invention 1874 improved 1876, to the   Bell invented the telephone with a carbon Reap route, and raised the words 1876, founded his famous In the laboratory, he broke the previous individual scientists to engage in research tradition, organized a group of professionals (including N  Tesla and others), and the subject of his assignment, a common commitment to the invention, thus creating the correct way to modern scientific 1877, invented gramophone, which makes him 1878, the study began incandescent lamp in the 10 months after many failures, October 21, 1879 in the successful location of incandescence light lights carbon silk, stable location between two 1882, in New York pearl Street Block communal fire was the world's second plant, built in New York Urban Electric lighting, a modern electricity system to take Mar lighting achievement has not only greatly improved the working conditions of production, but also herald an era of daily life electrification 1883, Edison bulbs in a vacuum test, accidentally discovered the cold, there is a current hot This phenomenon was called the Edison effect, become electron tube and electronic 1887, from Xiaolan government, and in the same year in a larger city, the laboratory equipment is also updated the famous Edison Laboratory (later known as the invention factory) Here, according to G  School invention, produced its own 1914, by Gramophone and camera film produced by the first audio Old age, his inventions and innovations including batteries, cement mixer, sound recording telephone, double - and multi-type cable system, railways used First World War, he served as Chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee to guide torpedoes and anti-submarine equipment research, invented dozens of To this end, the United States government in 1920 conferred on him the Distinguished Services Medal serving, the French government awarded honorary medals to his Corps 1928, the United States Congress to grant him honorary Throughout their entire life cycle, Edison and his laboratory received 1,093 patents for their Edison invented many life, but he is after all a system of scientific knowledge, and thus to the development of modern technology can not make the right In the 19th century, the exchange of transmission system has emerged, but he still insisted on direct current transmission, and with G  Westinghouse Niehaus fierce competition occurred lost Niagara hydropower project contracts; He blindly testing laboratory magnetic milling equipment, the invention Electric depletion of the funds had to be However, Edison electricity in the development, application of electric appliances manufacturing promote the contribution that he became the history of mankind's greatest inventor the

以前上英美文学时写过这个的,把以前写的给你吧,希望对你有所帮助~ William Blake - London I wander through each chartered street, Near where the chartered Thames does flow, And mark in every face I meet Marks of weakness, marks of In every cry of every man, In every infant's cry of fear, In every voice, in every ban, The mind-forged manacles I How the chimney-sweeper's cry Every blackening church appals; And the hapless soldier's sigh Runs in blood down palace But most through midnight streets I hear How the youthful harlot's curse Blasts the new-born infant's tear, And blights with plagues the marriage William Blake’s poem “London”, first published in 1974, deals with the difficult and hard life in London at that He describes how dirty the streets and the Thames is and how the poor people suffer hopelessly and how they are in dire need of He has created a dark atmosphere, that’s dull and In the poem the speaker wanders through the streets of London and comments on his He sees despair in the faces of the people he meets and hears fear and repression in their The woeful cry of the chimney-sweeper stands as a chastisement to the Church, and the blood of a soldier stains the outer walls of the monarch's The nighttime holds nothing more promising: the cursing of prostitutes corrupts the newborn infant and sullies the "Marriage " The main ideas in ‘London’ that Blake is trying to put across are that London is a horrible, grotty He also suggests that the people in London live in fear and The poem has four quatrains, with alternate lines Repetition is the most striking formal feature of the poem, and it serves to emphasize the prevalence of the horrors the speaker For example ‘every cry of every man’ This suggests that everyone is upset and as a result of this they are crying and also the repetition of ‘every’ really emphasises everyone of L He also uses repetition of ‘every’ to emphasise the idea that every man of London is The repetition may also symbolize the way in which things can be enforced into peoples minds, repeatedly doing things may cause them to become a The language Blake has used in ‘London’ is mainly negative, because he uses dark, gloomy adjectives, such as, ‘blackening’ This suggests a dark, evil and corrupt He does this to create a negative picture of L Blake shows his disgust and hatred of the London he lived for example, he mentions the idea ‘Plague’ for example, ’Blights With Plagues the marriage-hearse’ This suggests that even the happiest things, such as marriage are tarnished with Blake also uses dark imagery to create a dark tone of the There is also an example of juxtaposition in ‘London’ when Blake put ‘marriage’ and ‘hearse’ together, suggesting marriage then The effect of placing a symbol of death next to marriage – a happy event is saying basically that happiest things in life are tarnished by disease, such as the plague, causing The poem ‘London’ is written in four The poem uses an ‘A, B,A,B’ rhyming pattern, which is restricted to that Blake also uses assonance for example ‘flow’ and ‘woe’ It has 14 lines and is written in iambic Blake uses his rhetorical skills of alliteration, imagery, and word choice to create his poem, but more importantly to express the emotional significance that is the central metaphor of this poem, the "mind-forg'd manacles" of the second Once more a vivid symbol explains a deep human The image of the forge appears in The Tyger (stanza 4) Here Blake imagines the mind as a forge where "manacles" are Blake writes ironically of "the chartered Thames" The "weakness" and the "woe" (a strong word in 1794; =misery) of every person is plain to see "in every face", as in their cries, whether of adults or babies (stanza 2) the "hapless" (unfortunate) soldier is topical: the poem was written shortly after the start of the French Revolution: this was so bloody an uprising that the figure of speech called hyperbole (=exaggeration) was often used, as blood was said to be running down the William Blake's poem, "London", is obviously a sorrowful In the first two stanzas point out to us that London is restricted by rules and Blake utilizes alliteration and word choice to set the sad Blake introduces his reader to the narrator as he "wanders" through the "chartered" A society in which every person he sees has "marks of weakness, marks of " Blake repeatedly uses the word "every" and "cry" in the second stanza to symbolize the depression that circle around the entire The "mind-forged manacles" the narrator hears suggests that he is not mentally In the third stanza, shows us who are restricting the people of London, the Church The Soldiers and the Palace/MBlake utilizes imagery of destruction and This imagery is a paradox, which implies some religious destruction like the The "chimney-sweeper's cry" symbolizes the society trying to clean the ashes that causes their state of Blake uses the religious imagery of the "black'ning church" to represent the loss of innocence, and the society's abandonment of The use of the soldiers creates an imagery of The "hapless soldier's sigh" symbolize how men are drafted into war and have no choice but to serve their As these soldiers unwilling march to the beat of the country's forceful drum, they know their lives will be taken, as their "sigh runs in blood down palace " Blake uses this sense of destruction to explain how people are forced to repair the "weakness" and "woe" of their The fourth stanza of "London" unravels the complex meaning of the The "youthful harlot's curse" symbolizes how the youth's sinful deeds will effect the next Their "curse" causes the "newborn infant's tear" which exemplifies how the new generation will have to correct the mistakes of the previous The "plagues" also symbolizes this curse, and the "marriage hearse" creates a paradox, which confuses eternity and The poem climaxes at the moment when the cycle of misery recommences, in the form of a new human being starting life: a baby is born into poverty, to a cursing, prostitute Sexual and marital union--the place of possible regeneration and rebirth--are tainted by the blight of venereal Thus Blake's final image is the "Marriage hearse," a vehicle in which love and desire combine with death and William Blake's "London" is a poem about a society that is troubled by the mistakes of the generation Blake uses the rhetorical components of imagery, alliteration, and word choice to illustrate the meaning of the What exactly does this poem mean? Blake creates complexity by using his rhetorical skills, which in turn opens up the poem for personal

以前上英美文学时写过这个的,把以前写的给你吧,希望对你有所帮助~ WilliamBlake-London Iwanderthrougheachcharteredstreet, NearwherethecharteredThamesdoesflow, AndmarkineveryfaceImeet Marksofweakness, Ineverycryofeveryman, Ineveryinfant'scryoffear, Ineveryvoice,ineveryban, Themind-forgedmanaclesI Howthechimney-sweeper'scry Everyblackeningchurchappals; Andthehaplesssoldier'ssigh R ButmostthroughmidnightstreetsIhear Howtheyouthfulharlot'scurse Blaststhenew-borninfant'stear, A WilliamBlake’spoem“London”,firstpublishedin1974,dealswiththedifficultandhardlifeinLHedescribeshowdirtythestreetsandtheTHehascreatedadarkatmosphere,that’ InthepoemthespeakerwandersthroughthestreetsofLHThewoefulcryofthechimney-sweeperstandsasachastisementtotheChurch,andthebloodofasoldierstainstheouterwallsofthemonarch'Thenighttimeholdsnothingmorepromising:thecursingofprostitutescorruptsthenewborninfantandsulliesthe"M" Themainideasin‘London’thatBlakeistryingtoputacrossarethatLondonisahorrible,HealsosuggeststhatthepeopleinLThepoemhasfourquatrains,Repetitionisthemoststrikingformalfeatureofthepoem,Forexample‘everycryofeveryman’Thissuggeststhateveryoneisupsetandasaresultofthistheyarecryingandalsotherepetitionof‘every’reallyemphasiseseveryoneofLHealsousesrepetitionof‘every’toemphasisetheideathateverymanofLTherepetitionmayalsosymbolizethewayinwhichthingscanbeenforcedintopeoplesminds, ThelanguageBlakehasusedin‘London’ismainlynegative,becauseheusesdark,gloomyadjectives,suchas,‘blackening’Thissuggestsadark,HedoesthistocreateanegativepictureofLBlakeshowshisdisgustandhatredoftheLforexample,hementionstheidea‘Plague’forexample,’BlightsWithPlaguesthemarriage-hearse’Thissuggeststhateventhehappiestthings,BThereisalsoanexampleofjuxtapositionin‘London’whenBlakeput‘marriage’and‘hearse’together,Theeffectofplacingasymbolofdeathnexttomarriage–ahappyeventissayingbasicallythathappiestthingsinlifearetarnishedbydisease,suchastheplague, Thepoem‘London’Thepoemusesan‘A,B,A,B’rhymingpattern,Blakealsousesassonanceforexample‘flow’and‘woe’IBlakeuseshisrhetoricalskillsofalliteration,imagery,andwordchoicetocreatehispoem,hecentralmetaphorofthispoem,the"mind-forg'dmanacles"OTheimageoftheforgeappearsinTheTyger(stanza4)HereBlakeimaginesthemindasaforgewhere"manacles"Blakewritesironicallyof"thecharteredThames"The"weakness"andthe"woe"(astrongwordin1794;=misery)ofeverypersonisplaintosee"ineveryface",asintheircries,whetherofadultsorbabies(stanza2)he"hapless"(unfortunate)soldieristopical:thepoemwaswrittenshortlyafterthestartoftheFrenchRevolution:thiswassobloodyanuprisingthatthefigureofspeechcalledhyperbole(=exaggeration)wasoftenused, WilliamBlake'spoem,"London",InthefirsttwostanzaspointouttousthatLBBlakeintroduceshisreadertothenarratorashe"wanders"throughthe"chartered"Asocietyinwhicheverypersonheseeshas"marksofweakness,"Blakerepeatedlyusestheword"every"and"cry"The"mind-forgedmanacles" Inthethirdstanza,showsuswhoarerestrictingthepeopleofLondon,heChurchTheSoldiersandthePalace/MBThisimageryisaparadox,The"chimney-sweeper'scry"Blakeusesthereligiousimageryofthe"black'ningchurch"torepresentthelossofinnocence,andthesociety'TThe"haplesssoldier'ssigh"Asthesesoldiersunwillingmarchtothebeatofthecountry'sforcefuldrum,theyknowtheirliveswillbetaken,astheir""Blakeusesthissenseofdestructiontoexplainhowpeopleareforcedtorepairthe"weakness"and"woe" Thefourthstanzaof"London"The"youthfulharlot'scurse"symbolizeshowtheyouth'Their"curse"causesthe"newborninfant'stear"The"plagues"alsosymbolizesthiscurse,andthe"marriagehearse"createsaparadox, Thepoemclimaxesatthemomentwhenthecycleofmiseryrecommences,intheformofanewhumanbeingstartinglife:ababyisbornintopoverty,toacursing,Sexualandmaritalunion--theplaceofpossibleregenerationandrebirth--ThusBlake'sfinalimageisthe"Marriagehearse," WilliamBlake's"London"Blakeusestherhetoricalcomponentsofimagery,alliteration,Whatexactlydoesthispoemmean?Blakecreatescomplexitybyusinghisrhetoricalskills,

The following part is an example to see what the real poem After analyzing this poem, we may have a clear understanding about the definition of the Here is a poem: The Faithful Swallow —— by Thomas Hardy When summer shone Its sweetest on An August day, “Here evermore,” I said, “I’ll stay; Not go away To another shore As fickle they!” December came: “Twas not the same!” I did not know Fidelity Would serve me Frost, hunger, snow And now, ah me, Too late to go!


爱迪生  Edison  Edison,Thomas Alva was an American To the creation of factory laboratories, technology development and to open up avenues of scientific research in close connection with the name lowered February 11, 1847 in the Ohio Mailan a Dutch immigrant October 18, 1931 in New Jersey Xiaolan in Produced only three months of formal education 12-year-old has done Bao Tong, hawkers, Rapporteur, to fend for Because M  Faraday effect in life science research experiments and In 1868 he invented a recording device to sell to Taiwan votes Congress, but has not been Edison first invented so that he did not find the market more attention to the relevance of the 1869, Edison moved to New York from B He improved the indicators cable companies telegraph, the recognition by the manager of the company, employed 300 US dollars monthly salary (which at the time was very high salary) 1870, moved to New Jersey to begin his efficient invention 1874 improved 1876, to the   Bell invented the telephone with a carbon Reap route, and raised the words 1876, founded his famous In the laboratory, he broke the previous individual scientists to engage in research tradition, organized a group of professionals (including N  Tesla and others), and the subject of his assignment, a common commitment to the invention, thus creating the correct way to modern scientific 1877, invented gramophone, which makes him 1878, the study began incandescent lamp in the 10 months after many failures, October 21, 1879 in the successful location of incandescence light lights carbon silk, stable location between two 1882, in New York pearl Street Block communal fire was the world's second plant, built in New York Urban Electric lighting, a modern electricity system to take Mar lighting achievement has not only greatly improved the working conditions of production, but also herald an era of daily life electrification 1883, Edison bulbs in a vacuum test, accidentally discovered the cold, there is a current hot This phenomenon was called the Edison effect, become electron tube and electronic 1887, from Xiaolan government, and in the same year in a larger city, the laboratory equipment is also updated the famous Edison Laboratory (later known as the invention factory) Here, according to G  School invention, produced its own 1914, by Gramophone and camera film produced by the first audio Old age, his inventions and innovations including batteries, cement mixer, sound recording telephone, double - and multi-type cable system, railways used First World War, he served as Chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee to guide torpedoes and anti-submarine equipment research, invented dozens of To this end, the United States government in 1920 conferred on him the Distinguished Services Medal serving, the French government awarded honorary medals to his Corps 1928, the United States Congress to grant him honorary Throughout their entire life cycle, Edison and his laboratory received 1,093 patents for their Edison invented many life, but he is after all a system of scientific knowledge, and thus to the development of modern technology can not make the right In the 19th century, the exchange of transmission system has emerged, but he still insisted on direct current transmission, and with G  Westinghouse Niehaus fierce competition occurred lost Niagara hydropower project contracts; He blindly testing laboratory magnetic milling equipment, the invention Electric depletion of the funds had to be However, Edison electricity in the development, application of electric appliances manufacturing promote the contribution that he became the history of mankind's greatest inventor the

1000字 50分?是你你干不干


The following part is an example to see what the real poem After analyzing this poem, we may have a clear understanding about the definition of the Here is a poem: The Faithful Swallow —— by Thomas Hardy When summer shone Its sweetest on An August day, “Here evermore,” I said, “I’ll stay; Not go away To another shore As fickle they!” December came: “Twas not the same!” I did not know Fidelity Would serve me Frost, hunger, snow And now, ah me, Too late to go!



爱迪生  Edison  Edison,Thomas Alva was an American To the creation of factory laboratories, technology development and to open up avenues of scientific research in close connection with the name lowered February 11, 1847 in the Ohio Mailan a Dutch immigrant October 18, 1931 in New Jersey Xiaolan in Produced only three months of formal education 12-year-old has done Bao Tong, hawkers, Rapporteur, to fend for Because M  Faraday effect in life science research experiments and In 1868 he invented a recording device to sell to Taiwan votes Congress, but has not been Edison first invented so that he did not find the market more attention to the relevance of the 1869, Edison moved to New York from B He improved the indicators cable companies telegraph, the recognition by the manager of the company, employed 300 US dollars monthly salary (which at the time was very high salary) 1870, moved to New Jersey to begin his efficient invention 1874 improved 1876, to the   Bell invented the telephone with a carbon Reap route, and raised the words 1876, founded his famous In the laboratory, he broke the previous individual scientists to engage in research tradition, organized a group of professionals (including N  Tesla and others), and the subject of his assignment, a common commitment to the invention, thus creating the correct way to modern scientific 1877, invented gramophone, which makes him 1878, the study began incandescent lamp in the 10 months after many failures, October 21, 1879 in the successful location of incandescence light lights carbon silk, stable location between two 1882, in New York pearl Street Block communal fire was the world's second plant, built in New York Urban Electric lighting, a modern electricity system to take Mar lighting achievement has not only greatly improved the working conditions of production, but also herald an era of daily life electrification 1883, Edison bulbs in a vacuum test, accidentally discovered the cold, there is a current hot This phenomenon was called the Edison effect, become electron tube and electronic 1887, from Xiaolan government, and in the same year in a larger city, the laboratory equipment is also updated the famous Edison Laboratory (later known as the invention factory) Here, according to G  School invention, produced its own 1914, by Gramophone and camera film produced by the first audio Old age, his inventions and innovations including batteries, cement mixer, sound recording telephone, double - and multi-type cable system, railways used First World War, he served as Chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee to guide torpedoes and anti-submarine equipment research, invented dozens of To this end, the United States government in 1920 conferred on him the Distinguished Services Medal serving, the French government awarded honorary medals to his Corps 1928, the United States Congress to grant him honorary Throughout their entire life cycle, Edison and his laboratory received 1,093 patents for their Edison invented many life, but he is after all a system of scientific knowledge, and thus to the development of modern technology can not make the right In the 19th century, the exchange of transmission system has emerged, but he still insisted on direct current transmission, and with G  Westinghouse Niehaus fierce competition occurred lost Niagara hydropower project contracts; He blindly testing laboratory magnetic milling equipment, the invention Electric depletion of the funds had to be However, Edison electricity in the development, application of electric appliances manufacturing promote the contribution that he became the history of mankind's greatest inventor the

The following part is an example to see what the real poem After analyzing this poem, we may have a clear understanding about the definition of the Here is a poem: The Faithful Swallow —— by Thomas Hardy When summer shone Its sweetest on An August day, “Here evermore,” I said, “I’ll stay; Not go away To another shore As fickle they!” December came: “Twas not the same!” I did not know Fidelity Would serve me Frost, hunger, snow And now, ah me, Too late to go!


If by Life You Were Deceived假如生活欺骗了你 ——Alexander Puskin If by life you were deceived,Don't be dismal, don't be wild!In the day of grief, be mildMerry days will come, 假如生活欺骗了你不要悲伤,不要心急忧郁的日子里需要镇静相信吧 快乐的日子即将来临Heart is living in tomorrow;Present is dejected here;In a moment, passes sorrow;That which passes will be 心儿永远向往着未来现在却常是忧郁一切都是瞬息一切都将过去而那过去了的就会成为亲切的回忆 Never Forget 永远不要忘记Your presence is a gift to the You're unique and one of a Your life can be what you want it to be Take it one day at a Focus on your blessings, not your And you'll make it through what comes Have belief in your Persist, have courage, be 你的存在是献给世界地一份厚礼你是唯一的,是独一无二的你想要的生活能成为现实日子要一天天的过多关注好事,而不是烦恼不论有什么困难,你都能克服相信你的能力要有毅力、有勇气,要身心坚强Nothing wastes more energy than The longer a problem is carried,the heavier it Don't take things too Live a life of serenity, not a life of Don't put limits on Your dreams are waiting to be Don't waste time making Reach for your peak, your goal! 焦虑最浪费精力问题拖的越久就变得越沉重不要事事都太计较过平静的生活,不要活在悔恨之中 不要自我设限你的梦想等着你去实现不要浪费时间找种种借口攀登你的颠峰,追求你的目标

The following part is an example to see what the real poem After analyzing this poem, we may have a clear understanding about the definition of the Here is a poem: The Faithful Swallow —— by Thomas Hardy When summer shone Its sweetest on An August day, “Here evermore,” I said, “I’ll stay; Not go away To another shore As fickle they!” December came: “Twas not the same!” I did not know Fidelity Would serve me Frost, hunger, snow And now, ah me, Too late to go!

There is another sky by Emily DickinsonThere is another sky,Ever serene and fair,And there is another sunshine,Though it be darkness there;Never mind faded forests, Austin,Never mind silent fields -Here is a little forest,Whose leaf is ever green;Here is a brighter garden,Where not a frost has been;In its unfading flowersI hear the bright bee hum:Prithee, my brother,Into my garden come! This poem is meaningful yet simplistic and easy to Literally, Emily Dickinson wrote about a peaceful garden, where there were always warm sunshine, beautiful flowers and evergreen trees; a garden full of She offered Austin, her elder brother to come into her garden to enjoy the happiness together in the end of the However, in my opinion, Emily Dickinson did not merely write about a beautiful garden in this The peaceful garden here represents a beautiful life that all people are yearning for, totally different from their life with sadness and The poem hence portrays Emily's faith and optimism in the beauty of Writing for her brother, Austin, an attorney, Emily might want to show him that although there is always misery and unhappiness in the world, there is beauty as Through her words, Emily wanted to turn her brother away from the hectic life he was leading, to escape into a surreal forest of She offered him insight by sharing her optimism, hoping that he would find hope and peace in the future, even in the rough times of his The garden in this poem is the symbol of As Emily Dickinson was a religious and spiritual poet, she might be referring to the Garden of Eden, the garden of And in the Garden of Eden, unlike in our world, everything is supposed to be She, as a believer, knew that very 这个长一点:Walking the Skyby Shari AndrewsOberon Press, 2005Reviewed by Joanna M WestonMemory and links with the past are Andrews’ main She reflects on the past through the lens of the present and uses the past to illuminate the She has a keen appreciation of the minutae of daily life and its relevance to the human Andrews’ prose poems in ‘The Hour’ tell a straightforward story of an old man’s death and funeral woven round his daughter’s memories of her family and The language is clear, adding to the working life depicted in the Upstairs, her father lay slack-jawed and The mid-afternoon light fell across the The quilts moved gently up and down on his His hair lay in thin white strands against his His skin was pale as the porcelain teacups hanging from their (A field she buried her face in, 32)The dying man is clearly drawn but the last image brings the reader back to the kitchen where the daughter There is a sense of the man having been in the kitchen, having used the porcelain cups, and of having withdrawn from Later in the sequence, Andrews depicts the daughter:As she dries the cups, she admires their gilded edges, the part they will play later in the day, her lips sipping on bands of light to hold back the delicate verge of (Morning has spread itself 35)The daughter’s anticipation of the funeral, mixed with grief, is poignantly shown in the simple act of drying the The more complex free verse poems occasionally reveal difficulties with grammar and particularly with commas, which Andrews uses eccentrically and occasionally in ways which cause Short of getting into a discussion of Lynne Truss’ ‘Eats, Shoots & Leaves’, the meaning of a phrase can be greatly clarified by the use of the humble comma, as ‘Her skirt, petals close// around her newborn ’ (12) Do the petals close or is the skirt being likened to petals? Most likely the latter, but a comma would clarify the Or ‘My arms and legs, lullabies slice the water’ (11) It must be presumed that the lullabies arenot knives to cut water, but rather the arms and legs resemble Again, a comma would eliminate the There are, unfortunately, several other poems where a missing comma muddies the While Andrews’ imagery can be strong, as ‘The sky with the sun blazing in it was like his lungs filled with ’ (40) even without commas there are times when the grammar is confused and meaning I stride the spinefrom river bank to river bank, a stoneengraving the walls of a (The old train bridge 16)Either the stone or the poet appears to be carving the cave-walls, but the reference is If only the rhythm of this seacould calm the distant shores,limbs on the same bodythat refuse to (Limbs on the same body, 25)The limbs and shores appear to be one and the same, yet ‘limbs’ appears to refer to ‘this sea’ A period after ‘shores’ would help, followed by a re-writing of the last two Andrews’ prose poems have real merit, a depth of insight and reflection that illuminates memory and the human

《美景易逝(Nothing Gold Can Stay)》  罗伯特•弗罗斯特  Nothing gold can stay 岁月留金  Nature's first green is gold, 大自然的第一抹新绿是金,  Her hardest hue to 也是她最无力保留的颜色。  Her early leaf's a flower; 她初发的叶子如同一朵花,;  But only so an 然而只能持续若此一刹那。  Then leaf subsides leaf, 随之如花新叶沦落为旧叶。  So Eden sank to 由是伊甸园陷入忧伤悲切,  So down gose down to day, 破晓黎明延续至晃晃白昼。  Nothing gold can 宝贵如金之物岁月难保留。  诗歌赏析:  这首诗揭示了一切真切而美好的事物最终定会逐渐消失的哲理。它同时也使用了独特的技巧来表现了季节的变化。想到了小时了了,大未必佳。一切都是转瞬即逝的,浮世有的只是转丸般的繁华。


虚实相生,哀思无限——苏轼《江城子》赏析 北宋著名豪放派词人苏轼的《江城子》是一首千古传诵的悼亡词,主要通过记梦来抒写对亡妻真挚的爱情和深沉的思念。这首词在艺术表现上的显著特色就是实中有虚,虚实结合。 以实带虚——一样情思,两面抒发。妻子王弗病故到苏轼作这首词时正好十年,然而岁月的流逝并没有冲淡诗人对亡妻的一片深情。“十年生死两茫茫”,“茫茫”二字,传达出一种莫可名状的空寂凄清之感,而“茫茫”前加一“两”字,意味着不仅传达了诗人这一面的心情和感受,同时也包含了九泉之下的妻子在内。诗人在十年里日夜思念杳无音讯的亡妻,而妻子又怎不日夜思念着同样音讯杳无的丈夫呢?生者和死者虽阴阳相隔,却一样情思,一样哀绪。词人以实带虚,既写自己长久郁结于心的悲叹,又将无知作有知写,却更见得夫妻二人生前相知相爱之深,死后刻骨相思之切,以及相思而不得相见之痛。“千里孤坟,无处话凄凉”,词人客居山东,亡妻之坟却在眉州,遥隔千里。两者之间,谁对谁也无法诉说各自的凄凉境况,这两句直承开首“两茫茫”句意,同样是将无知作有知写,概括了生者与死者两个方面,真是孤寂凄清到了极点。 虚中见实——想象铺写,现实观照。词人在极度思念之中忍不住假想了一个虚幻的境界:“纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。”相逢而不相识,这比之不能相逢,更加使人不堪。熙宁四年(1071),苏轼因反对王安石变法,在朝中受到排挤打击而出外,先是通判杭州,三年后又移知密州。仕途坎坷,转徙外地,艰辛备尝。“尘满面,鬓如霜”看似想象,却蕴含了词人跟妻子死别十年来的痛苦经历、感情。同样“小轩窗,正梳妆”看似梦境记实,实际是恩爱夫妻过去生活的真实片断。往日不知有多少次,爱妻在小轩中临窗梳妆,诗人一旁端详,是多么赏心悦目啊!在此基础上再虚写“相顾无言,唯有泪千行”,纵有千种哀愁、万种凄凉要向对方倾诉;然而再次相见,你看着我,我看着你,百感交集,却不知从哪里说起。真是无言胜过有言,四目相视,两心相印,万千思绪尽在“泪千行”里了。 实因虚果——现实梦境,情之所切。词人在上片写尽了相思之苦,下片才转入写梦。因“思”而成“梦”,自然成章。“思”是“梦”的基础,“梦”是“思”的幻化。恩爱夫妻,撤手永诀,时间倏忽,转瞬十年。十年忌辰,正是触动人心的日子,往事蓦然来到心间,久蓄心怀的情感潜流,忽如闸门大开,奔腾澎湃而不可遏止。如是乎有梦,真实而又自然。一个梦,把过去拉了回来,但当年的美好情景,并不再存在了。这是把现实的感受溶入了梦中,使这个梦境也令人感到无限的凄凉!结尾又从梦境落到现实上来。在“明月夜,短松岗”这个凄清幽独的环境中料想爱侣眷恋人世、难舍亲人,也该会是柔肠寸断吧?!这样实成虚之因,虚又强化了实,词人曲折复杂的思想感情,才得以自然、真实、深刻的表达出来。 总之,词人不管是虚拟还是实写,都情真意切,真实的表现了夫妻之间生死不渝的恩爱之情及生死相隔的悲凉之感,读后自然感人肺腑,催人泪下。

马嵬  李商隐  海外徒闻更九州,他生未卜此生休。  空闻虎旅传宵柝,无复鸡人报晓筹。  此日六军同驻马,当时七夕笑牵牛。  如何四纪为天子,不及卢家有莫愁!  【译文】   徒然听到传说,海外还有九州,来生未可预知,今生就此罢休。   空听到禁卫军,夜间击打刀斗,不再有宫中鸡人,报晓敲击更筹。   六军已经约定,全都驻马不前,遥想当年七夕,我们还嗤笑织女耕牛。   如何历经四纪,身份贵为天子,却不及卢家夫婿,朝朝夕夕陪伴莫愁。  《马嵬》为咏史诗,以李隆基(唐玄宗)、杨玉环(贵妃)故事为抒情对象。诗开首即说“海外”,指杨玉环死后,唐玄宗曾令方士去海外寻其魂魄,在海外仙山会见了她,杨授以钿合金钗,并坚订他生之约的传说故事而言。诗人以玄宗心情设想,直说九州更变,四海翻腾,海外徒然悲叹,而“他生”之约,难以实现。三四句承上铺写。“空闻”、“宵柝”,即未闻“宵柝”;“无复”、“报晓”,即不用“报晓”。此皆承上两句“徒闻”、“未卜”之意,暗指杨玉环被缢于马嵬事。五六句转入实事。“此日”指贵妃赐死之日,“当时”指七夕相约之时。“六军同驻马”指禁军哗变,李、杨两人的爱情也一同“驻马”了,幻灭成空。“七夕笑牵牛”,意为七夕之夜,长生殿上两人曾欢笑密约,并笑牵牛织女一年一度相见之短暂;“ 当时”曾“笑”他人,而今却不如牵牛织女之长久相恋;相比之下,令人可悯而又可笑。诗人把六军愤慨之情与长生殿秘密之誓,相映成趣,议论深刻,笔锋犀利。七八句以反诘语气反衬作结。“纪”,岁星十二年一周天为一纪,玄宗在位四十五年,约为四纪。“莫愁”古洛阳女子,嫁为卢家妇,婚后生活幸福。此言贵为天子,但反不如百姓的爱情甜蜜,生活幸福。诗人借“莫愁”以寄托感慨。以“如何”来反问,暗含指责。  这是一首政治讽刺诗,锋芒指向了李唐前朝皇帝唐玄宗。   一开头夹叙夹议,先用“海外”“更九州”的故事概括方士在海外寻见杨妃的传说,而用“徒闻”加以否定。“徒闻”者,徒然听说也。意思是:玄宗听方士说杨妃在仙山上还记着“愿世世为夫妇”的誓言,“十分震悼”,但这有什么用?“他生”为夫妇的事渺茫“未卜”;“此生”的夫妇关系,却已分明结束了。怎么结束的,自然引起下文。   次联用宫廷中的“鸡人报晓筹”反衬马嵬驿的“虎旅鸣宵柝”,而昔乐今苦、昔安今危的不同处境和心情已跃然纸上。“虎旅鸣宵柝”的逃难生活很不安适,这是一层意思。和“鸡人报晓筹”相映衬,暗示主人公渴望重享昔日的安乐,这又是一层意思。再用“空闻”和“无复”相呼应,表现那希望已幻灭,为尾联蓄势,这是第三层意思。“虎旅鸣宵柝”本来是为了巡逻和警卫,而冠以“空闻”,意义就适得其反。从章法上看,“空闻”上承“此生休”,下启“六军同驻马”。意思是:“虎旅”虽“鸣宵柝”,却不是为了保卫皇帝和贵妃的安全,而是要发动兵变了。  正因为如此,才“无复鸡人报晓筹”,李、杨再不可能享受安适的宫廷生活了。   第三联的:“此日”指杨妃的死日。“六军同驻马”与白居易《长恨歌》“六军不发无奈何”同意,但《长恨歌》紧接着写了“宛转蛾眉马前死”,而“此日”即倒转笔锋追述“当时”。“当时”与“此日”对照、补充,不仅其意自明,而且笔致跳脱,蕴含丰富,这叫“逆挽法”。玄宗“当时”七夕与杨妃“密相誓心”,讥笑牵牛、织女一年只能相见一次,而他们两人则要“世世为夫妇”,永远不分离,可在遇上“六军不发”的时候,结果又如何?两相映衬,杨妃赐死的结局就不难于言外得之,而玄宗虚伪、自私的精神面貌也暴露无遗。同时,“七夕笑牵牛”是对玄宗迷恋女色、荒废政事的典型概括,用来对照“六军同驻马”,就表现出二者的因果关系。没有“当时”的荒淫,哪有“此日”的离散?而玄宗沉溺声色之“当时”,又何曾虑及“赐死”宠妃之“此日“!行文至此,尾联的一句已如箭在弦。   尾联也包含强烈的对比。一方面是当了四十多年皇帝的唐玄宗保不住宠妃,另一方面是作为普通百姓的卢家能保住既“织绮”、又能“采桑”的妻子莫愁。诗人由此发出冷峻的诘问:为什么当了四十多年的皇帝唐玄宗还不如普通百姓能保住自己的妻子呢?前六句诗,其批判的锋芒都是指向唐玄宗的。用需要作许多探索才能作出全面回答的一问作结,更丰富了批判的内容。
