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1 十八、十九世纪奥斯曼帝国与欧洲文化交往研究 西北大学 2009 2 欧洲体育文化研究 北京体育大学 2006 3 论阿拉伯伊斯兰文化对欧洲文化的影响 上海外国语大学 2007 4 跨文化旅游视角下的赴藏区欧洲游客消费行为研究 西北师范大学 2009 5 欧洲一体化进程中的文化认同 上海师范大学 2009 6 欧洲一体化进程中政治文化因素的影响研究 西北大学 2010 7 跨文化视野下出境旅游行为研究 四川师范大学 2008 8 近现代文化艺术思潮影响下的欧洲城市景观艺术设计 江南大学 2007 9 浅析欧洲一体化进程中的欧洲文化认同 吉林大学 2008 10 论欧洲一体化进程中的政治文化认同 上海外国语大学 2007 ……东西农家,提供国内外论文、专利、电子图书检索服务。

The theory of criminal law of shallow understanding irrtumslehreLegal irrtumslehre, namely, refers to the illegality mistake for own behavior in law, whether what crime constitutes a crime shall be punished by, or what is wrong, is to oneself the legal nature of the action of meaning or Legal irrtumslehre usually includes three conditions: (1) the actor's behavior in law does not constitute a crime, the offender and constitutes a crime for which imaginary guilty, (2) the behavior in law constitutes a crime and does not constitute a crime, the offender mistaken assumptions that innocent, (3) for his act constitutes a crime shall be convicted and punishment in light of the existing errors, misunderstanding or Due to the legal irrtumslehre, only to the behavior of the offender is not correct understanding of the legal assessment, and for their actions in fact correct understanding of the situation is still there, so its act constitutes a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility is and how it is not usually (1)Imaginary innocent treatment principleThe principles for imaginary innocence, whether it involves a deliberately Foreign criminal law theory basically has the following kinds:1)Should know that don't speak, just for criminal facts have Canada criminal code article 19 regulation: "the ignorance of the law excuses and crime can be ShuZui " Motto: "Roman law and legal disclaimer" somehow also expressed a principle, namely: "in the crime as subjective FanYi established condition, not request to recognize his behavior of richtswitrig"2)Should know the reason, according to two: moral responsibility theory, personality responsibility Moral responsibility theory emphasizes on the rationality of free will blame illegal conduct, is considered to be objective 3)That said, the possible illegality of responsibility for deliberately, at least to the possibility of understanding While in China mainland, the introduction of the concept of crime has another concept -- social consciousness that harm to discuss richtswitrig already Because the deliberate crime according to law condemn the illegality of the offender is not known, the law itself is not damaged, the law of the social consciousness is Social harm consciousness is the essential contents of the crime, illegal consciousness is the legal form of social Therefore, our country law more emphasis is on the rationality of essence, which is harmful to the society Just because of its social harmfulness, with a social moral evaluation colour, easier for people to grasp and Therefore, the author thinks that, in general, the person need to recognize his behavior may be the result of inevitable or harmful to the society, and has already With intentionally But in fact, the forbidden by law and mass that is harmful to the society in our country nowadays the behavior under the constitution should be consistent, in other words, know the social harmfulness also know the possibility of illegal, but know the possibility of illegal is inevitable should also realize social harmfulness, both are Therefore, it is generally thought that the law is no excuse, the reason of law does not exclude the misunderstanding in principle, but can be culpable for deliberately (2) Misunderstandings treatment PunishmentWe might as well so the essence of blame for his due: the crime in the subjective should blame or blame, for the intent or negligence If the offender because of misunderstanding that legal person feels very innocent, lack of this should blame or condemning sexual, from the fundamental measure, blame is absolutely not consider Especially in the modern society, the legal category SAN marino, legal entry in different fields and different levels of books, recognized, comprehend legal apparently endless and same, so the person of law and misunderstandings, not Now, both in theory and practice, the method not cling to forgive "seems to have in Therefore, to a certain extent, can also think admits exceptions excusable is legal misunderstanding of criminal law is an important symbol of In addition, it was not in the act of which is prohibited by the laws and regulations, especially after a circumstance, should have knowledge of richtswitrig actor, constitute the understanding of deliberate point of view, with the attitude of this understanding, of course, that is not the illegality or by the simple statement The author thinks that the only when the legal establishment of may, FangKeZu but The fact mistakeThat mistake, is to determine its subjective behavior nature and the criminal responsibility of the relevant facts wrong From the wrong reasons and phenomenon of angles, generally known that there are several mistakes:(1) Object irrtumslehreThe object is known for errors, whether there is objectively error It includes actor in the implementation of the existing criminal behavior of the hazards for the object and actually does not exist, or for criminal object and actually does not exist, or infringe a criminal object and actually invaded another crime The object of objects is usually known errors caused by mistake, but the object of different social relationship reflects Evil doer of objects and actual expected in fact not only harm object does not agree, and in the nature of law is not Therefore, the object irrtumslehre may affect the form of sin, crime accomplishment, and may even attempted to influence the For example, in view of the circumstances, not a thought before the enemy, and a party came to stick, afterwards just know the ox was A thought of damage is "people", and the actual wounded is "cow", do not belong to the same laws of the Similar situation and will generally be mistaken for drug trafficking items, Actor will stolen items in the theft of guns in stealing This object from the subjective errors, see, is a kind of mistake, From the objective, because the mistake crime to no avail, where the criminal attempted 1)Object mistakeObjects can be generalized mistake, including object mistake to belong to the object know mistake is inevitable object These include, is known to be wrong object of legal property of the same object mistake and legal properties of different objects, namely the object irrtumslehre In order to distinguish with the object mistake here, the cognition to the same object only mean error between the different objects, namely the misunderstanding of the evil doer expected objects and actual harm to the object, but not in fact in the legal nature of the same This object mistake again say things on purpose mistake not criminal As a reserve, killing b shall be killed as b and c, do not affect a This is the need to consider that a kill b behavior "mistake" cause others (c), belong to an intentional crime (b) "death", for the excess result, according to the results, which determine the ordinary mail of death was deliberately recognized for deliberately, to the death of the fault is propylene, identified as negligence, according to the intention or negligence of the general mark recognized FanYi or state of mind, not applicable rules of the 2) Behavior irrtumslehreBehavior mainly includes two kind of mistake: first, the behavior nature That actor has to its social harm nature, such as understanding not imaginary Behavior nature mistake might affect the form of sin, and may also affect Second, the behavior tools (methods) That person to use when the conduct of tool (methods), which affects not correct understanding of harm results, behavior tools (methods) mistake can affect crime or attempted was founded, also can affect crime or belongs to the incident, a typical for murder on hazardous substances, because the drug failure and failed to kill people, can think method or tools for error doer of consciousness beyond reason not to And as actor see armour, second coming together, hence shot to play, but can't hit by the party Look, this is from the phenomenon of an object, or the final results for the mistake, but this error is based on the fact that the wrong doer identify offender is carefully identify to begin, can think recognize is accurate, errors in ChaWu The solution to this situation, "said", its legal with qualitative and recognize wrong object is consistent, namely directly recognized as an intentional homicide The death of a person is directly intentionally to b, death is the indirect intentional, just for a to b is attempted, Additionally, if in daily life because misidentification object and damage of consequences, the crime itself is not just any criminal negligence because of 3)Causality irrtumslehreCausality mistake, is on his behavior and harmful results of actual connection between Generally include: first, not some harm result, as has happened This generally constitute a Second, has certain harm result, but not for actor or for his behavior is caused, and does not affect crime Third, really happened, the offender is aware of its behavior, but with the actual development between the harm to the process or a mistake, general to punish crime In theory, the offender is not only a crime, but continuous movement, this several continuous action is not a few crime, but a In this sense, doesn't exist on the results of the Legal irrtumslehre and facts mistake and proceduresDomestic scholars in fact know mistakes and errors between the issue legal representative views mainly include:(1)For own behavior whether in law constitutes a crime, criminal or what kind of criminal punishment shall be under the incorrect understanding is legal irrtumslehre for his behavior on the implementation of the incorrect understanding is the fact that mistake,(2)The objectivity of crime is a false understanding of crime, that mistake of objective facts have clear understanding, only to act in the evaluation of existing laws on the concept of law is not correct mistakes。(3)Actor known facts and actual fact don't agree is wrong, the person that judgment and objective law is law of illegal inconsistency These ideas basically could in theory and legal irrtumslehre fact distinguish mistakes, it is important to emphasize that:1) With the conviction that the so-called irrelevant, as this mistake to hit each other, the shooting head caused the death of heart, without vision of research into 2) Study of the theory of error, error occurs when the purpose, but whether to intentionally resistance, reduce plots affected only the wrong cognition, natural sentencing nor will it into the error theory 3) This does not constitute a crime and actor for crime, and for their behavior in the criminal law on the crimes and how to apply for criminal punishment on such specific knowledge error, conviction according to Based on this, the author thinks that, at the fact that criminal law is only to know wrong doer of elements to know the so-called objective facts constituents of mistake is the fact that the legal irrtumslehre error refers to the legal action is illegal and the evaluation of the From the theory of facts and legal irrtumslehre error, but the problem is in the law, criminal elements to the facts and law closely combined circumstances (like some administrative crimes and economic crimes), or is in a fact itself contains certain laws of evaluation content, to distinguish with a mistake is the fact that mistake or legal wrong, is often If the property of his humanity and obscenity obscenity, administrative rules and regulations, JinYuOu, disrupt public until its precondition of the legitimacy of the public, and legal irrtumslehre facts wrong intertwined, and this is what we distinguish facts and legal irrtumslehre errors will solve the In some cases, the defendant should know that because of the lack of knowledge, and not to the behavior of social harmfulness, so that the defendant is not "knowledge they will entail harmful consequences to society, and hope or allows such results" and deliberate crime, the burden of proof is only FanYi prosecution, in addition, prosecution without proof the defendant not normal, but normal mental and spiritual normal presumption defendant directly if the defendant that his spirit is not normal, it shall provide necessary evidence by himself to Thus, the author, on legal irrtumslehre processing, can adopt the presumption of ways to Which country presumption every normal citizens are known, unless the law can put forward defense "advantage prove" above, or the evidence rebut these presumption is From the efficiency of lawsuit, said the country is impossible to prove the defendant is known of the


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学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语论文题目,供大家进行参考: 试论简奥斯汀生活对其小说的影响 (On the Impact of Jane Austen’s Life on Her Novels) “真实的诺言”与传统文化的碰撞——简析“真人秀”的实质和本地化过程 (When True Lies Challenge Tradition—An Analysis of the Reality and Localization of Reality TV) 从台湾问题看中美关系 (The Sino-US Relation—The Taiwan Issue)《傲慢与偏见》的生命力 (The Great Vitality of Pride and Prejudice) 平凡中的不平凡——《傲慢与偏见》(Significance in Commonplace—Pride and Prejudice) 萨皮尔沃夫理论 (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) 论格里高尔的悲剧 (An Analysis of Gregor’s Tragedy) 对大学生心理健康问题予更多关注 (More Attention to the Psychological Health of College Students) 文体学: 语言学习的科学 (Stylistics: A Scientific Approach) 佛教在西方 (Buddhism in the West) 非语言交际 (Nonverbal Communication) 国际反恐 (International Anti-Terrorism) 全球资金市场近期特征与走向 (The Character and Tendency of Global Capital Market in Recent Decades) 从《老人与海》中桑堤亚哥的性格可知——人是打不败的 (A Man Cannot Be Defeated—From the Character of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea) 南方的失落 (The Loss of the South)

对不起,基本帮不上您的忙,我的知识体系都是本土的,土特产!对于奶油和面包还需要适应!所以体系不对,帮不了您什么忙了! 想写好这个论文需要你对国外的商业习惯和相关的文化背景有更多的沉淀,最基本的就是你的专业知识要牢固,论文来源就是你对于某个法条法规的深入了解,而有自己独树一帜的观点和见解,希望你能尽快解决问题!




学术堂整理了一篇5000字法律专业本科毕业论文范文,希望你从中有所收获:  范文题目:试析习惯对法制建设的影响  摘要: 本文在习惯这一词语的基础上,仔细阅读了英、德、日、传统中国法制度建设的相关内容,分析习惯在对各国法制建设中的地位和作用,并试提出对当代中国法制建设的启示。习惯对于中国法制建设是良好的,有传统基础的;习惯汇编是实现习惯对中国法制建设影响的重要条件之一。  关键词习惯法制建设影响启示  造成一国之拙本,形成一国之国风,即习惯也。故此如有无视该民族之习惯,而规定各种法令,则不能期待于行政之完全者明矣。习惯是无论何种法律文化背景下都存在的一种法的渊源,法律中有不少规则就直接来自于习惯。  一、习惯对英国法制建设的影响  (一)习惯对属人主义产生影响的背景  属人主义指的是法律适用于一个族群,民族,而这个民族中的每一个人也都拥有了该法律,无论身处何处,均适用这法律。孟德斯鸠在其《论法的精神中》分析了日耳曼法属人主义产生的原因,他认为环境的因素影响日耳曼人的居住方式,他们喜欢分开居住,分开居住造成了各个群体产生各自的生活习惯和各自处理问题的方法,当日耳曼的各个群体相聚一起时,他们自然的按照各自已有的习惯去处理问题,这就是孟德斯鸠所理解的属人主义的由来。  (二)属人主义对英格兰及其殖民地的影响  日耳曼人的这种属人主义思想深刻影响着世界法学的发展方向,英格兰王国威廉一世原来是法国诺曼底公爵,他在征服英格兰后,并没有把自己领地原有的一套法律体系灌输于英格兰,而是在尊重当地英格兰民众原有的习惯习俗来进行断案,这样有效地缓和与盎格鲁撒克逊人的矛盾,巩固他在英格兰的统治。后来的亨利二世继续在英格兰的实施属人主义,进行了一系列司法改革,他定期派巡回审判的专员到各地,这些专员在办案时,除依据国王诏书敕令外,主要是依据日耳曼人的习惯法和地方习惯。凡是他们认为正确、合理,并与国王的立法不相抵触的习惯和惯例,便被确认为判决的依据。他们经常聚集在中央所在地威斯敏斯特交换意见,彼此认可各自的判决。这样,一些被引为依据的习惯便成了以判例法形式出现的普通法。总之,英国的“普通法大部分是以接受和一般化全国的或广泛流行的习惯为基础的;英国的普通的,一般的习惯变成了普通法”。通过该措施,中央的司法权力得到统一,地方领主的司法权力得到削弱。  这一习惯很好的贯彻到后来英国的殖民地统治当中,当时英国人统治香港时,也并没有将英国的法律直接适用于华人群体中去,只是当双方或者单方是英国人是才适用英国法,由此得出英国人在殖民地中的统治实施属人主义。当地的华人群体援用的仍然是大清律例,只有当他们的法律严重违反人权价值时,港英立法机关才会干预。这样就出现这这么一种现象,一个政府,两个司法机构,随着时间的推移,当地华人接受和认同了英国法的价值时,他们在20世纪70年代,主动放弃大清律例作为法律适用的依据,由原来的属人主义最终演变为属地主义。大清律例已经不再适用,但里面的一些规定,以习惯的方式存在于华人群体中去。詹宁斯指出,统治乃是一种合作的功能,而法律规则不能单独地促成合作的行动。惯例有助于民主制度的运转,能促使国家机构更加协调,否则,就会产生摩擦。这就是属人主义所带来的优点,它是一种缓和方式促进司法统一,它有利于维护统治者的统治,促进社会的稳定,有利于经济的发展。属人主义就像用文火熬成的汤,汤的营养价值得到很好的保存。英格兰和香港都一样,当地民众的优秀习惯得到了很好的保留。这些都是有利于本土法学文化的继续传承。  二、习惯对德国法制建设的影响  (一)萨维尼思想对德国成文立法的影响  萨维尼在其《论立法与法学的当代使命使命》中阐述了他反对在全德立即制定包括民法典、刑法典、诉讼法在内的成文法典,他的主要观点为:“法律首先产生于习俗和人民的信仰,其次是假手于法学——职是之故,法律完全是由沉潜于内,默默无言而孜孜~~的伟力,而非法律制定者的专断意志所孕就的。”进而可以得出这样结论:本国的法律应该随着时间自然形成,立法机关的制定过于急进地制定法律必然使得法理的讨论不甚充分,从而使得有法律则无实施。民众不能充分理解其法理,则其实施的效果不大。因此,萨维尼非常重视习惯的作用,在笔者看来这个习惯不止是日耳曼习惯,也包括罗马法习惯。  (二)萨维尼的研究方法中止所产生的影响  1896年德意志帝国制定了民法典,并规定1900年1月1日施行,当今的联邦德国还是在适用该民法典。民法典的制定客观上确实促进了国家的政治统一,社会秩序的稳定,但是民法典的颁布,确实将罗马法以及日耳曼法送进了历史里面去了,人们的研究再也不是民族传统习惯,而是专注于法典理论的研究,怎么样使得法典的逻辑结构能够更加完善,这样做确实能使得法典体系更加的完备。此时的我,不禁想起这么一个问题,萨维尼的研究方法,为什么德国成文法的出现就会嘎然终止呢?我想,应该有以下几点原因:第一,德国人出现了像康德、黑格尔、马克思这样的大家,他们最为有名的是哲学理论,哲学使得人们变得有思辨,变得严密,变得具有逻辑性,他们觉得逻辑性的东西能够自我完善,因此制定一部具有严密逻辑体系的民法典是德国人的首要选择;第二,当时政治、经济的需要。德国的统一,经历血与火的考验。德国人的统一,由于教会的力量阻拦,再加上,英法等国不希望欧洲中部出现一个强大的国家来破坏其原有的政治、经济秩序。因此,德国人民希望尽快制定成文法典来维护这来之不易的统一,增强国家统一意识,实现民族复兴。第三,法国大革命不止冲垮了欧洲大陆的封建势力,不止为欧洲其他国家带来了自由、平等、博爱的思想,而且也为其他国家带来了法典化的思想。因此,德国人自然受到法国法典化的思潮。但是过于注重法典本身难以有效解决实际问题,法典是具有滞后性的,社会生活中的问题,法典是不可能完全解决,因此,传统民族所遗留下来的习惯和民族精神此时将能发挥一定的作用。  三、习惯对日本法制建设的影响  (一)从日本文化中的启发  有一位学者说日本的文化是一种“洋葱”文化,把他一片一片地洋葱拨开之后,我们发现其是没有核心。日本文化的包容性实在领人值得深思。当深入了解日本,你会发现相扑运动,人们还是十分的喜爱,你会发现日本人民喜爱橄榄球。你会发现日本的时装还是让人着迷,你会发现和服是那样的端庄。所有这一切,引起我们对日本的法制现代化产生更加深入的思考。  (二)习惯在日本法制近代化中的体现  日本的法制现代化自倒幕运动开始,倒幕运动的成功,使得天皇的统治的模式得以重新确立。为下一步中央集权奠定十分深刻的基础。以大久保利通为首的内阁实行一系列集权政策:(1)废藩置县,版籍奉还;(2)废除士、农、工、商身份,实行新的身份,建立崭新的户籍制度;(3)文化教育上,实行全面的义务的国民教育(4)实行殖产兴业政策,集中以国家的力量进行经济建设(5)法制建设上,翻译照搬法国的法典。通过一系列这些政策,日本的近代化速度加快,大久保等人想进一步地脱亚入欧,对日本进行更深层次的改革,结果是因改革过于激烈,改革过于去习惯化,大久保被暗杀。新上任的伊藤博文对此进一步的思考,改革的力度不仅要强,而且改革应该要更加注重习惯。为此,伊藤博文为此到了与日本国情更加相似的德国进行考察,以德国《普鲁士普通法》为蓝本对日本的宪法的蓝图进行勾画,天皇就像是人的脑袋,政府就像是人的心脏,上下两院如同人的左右两臂,海陆军就像人的拳头,政府各部门、司法部门组成人的躯体,民众是人的两条腿脚。基于此,伊藤博文基于日本国民所习惯的自然理念设置日本的宪政,天皇于1889年基于上述的构想颁布了《大日本帝国宪法》;此后日本对六法在仿照德国法的基础上结合本国制定了适合日本国情的六法体系,日本的法制近代化基本完成。比如日本民法中有这么一条规定:“因特定行为选定假住址,关于其行为视为住址。”假住址制,是日本结合本国习惯所采用的制度。德国民法中不采用此原则,因为德国用数个住址主义,故不必有假住址。  四、习惯对传统中国法建设的影响  在传统中国,基层存在着许多婚姻的缔结、解除,家庭财产继承等各种各样的民事纠纷。在当时,统治者重刑轻民,民事方面的法制不发达。民众在解决民事纠纷中往往是依据当地的习惯,并且在当地的社会中,这种解决方式得到大家的遵循。这些习惯被当时的基层长官以及他的法律助手们所认真的关注。实际上,基层的长官们并不一定要按照习惯对案件进行判决,他们可以依照当时律令等进行判决。但是,这些当地习惯之所以被他们娴熟地运用,最为主要的原因在于这些判决应该要得到当地民众的接受以及使得这些判决符合礼的规定,从而起到教化的目的。  上级政府在收集习惯上的不遗余力有助于规范其行政。以清朝为例,地方的习惯经过按察使以及布政使的整理被编入省级资料库中,他们在法律布告中引用这些习惯用以纠正基层不良的民风民俗。除此之外,各地的有代表性的惯例,经过筛选被纳入到国家正式法典当中。最为有名的例子:“承继两房宗祧”的做法于1775年被编入到大清律例第78条第5条例中。其中规定了:“如可继之人,亦系独子,而情属同父母亲,两相情愿者,取其阖族甘结,亦准其承继两房宗祧”。“承继两房宗祧”这样一个民间习惯关系到当时整个清帝国的利益,民间的继承秩序得到明确修正,有利于当时的社会稳定以及财产安全。如今,“承继两房宗祧”这种制度虽然已经没有在成文法中规定,但是这样一种习惯仍然在农村社会普遍存在,正如刘作翔所说,习惯仍以其顽强的生命力遗存下来,成为人们的心理积淀或意识表现,在社会生活中以隐文化形态发挥功用。  五、启示  通过上面的分析,笔者以为有两点启示应引起我们的关注。  一是重视习惯在法制建设中的良好作用。从英、德、日法制建设中可以看出尊重习惯并不是保守的表现,相反,在各国法制的改革中尊重习惯可以使得法制改革变得更加平稳。对于一个成文法的国家来说,尊重习惯也是有利于克服成文法典的僵化性以及滞后性。苏力指出,国内民商法极少强调尊从民商事习惯和惯例。2500件法律文件中。没有任何法律明确提出“依习惯”,只有一件强调了依据商事习惯。而另一方面,《民法通则》明确规定,“法律没有规定,应当遵守国家政策。”而在同样的2500件制定法中,竟然有1015件(2412条)以不同方式提及了各种类型的“政策”。政策能否解决一切问题呢?答案是否定的。传统中国法有着深厚地尊重习惯和惯例的传统,中国的法制建设应该继承这些有益习惯,在这种基础上建立符合本国国情的新法律制度。只有这样,民众对法才能比较容易接受,法律的执行效果才能更好,更充分。  二是重视习惯的整理汇编。或许有人认为这项工作意义不大,因为现在人口流动频繁或者习惯的适用很不方便等各种原因。但笔者认为建立完整的习惯汇编应该说还是必要。首先,我们要清楚中国人有“同乡”以及“安土重迁”的传统观念。我们很容易地发现,同乡借钱的现象屡见不鲜;在外打工的人们工作多年还是会回老家定居的情况也不少。建立习惯汇编有利于同籍同地的人们解决各种各样的纠纷。其次,习惯汇编也是中国法文化的宝贵资产。习惯的整理汇编促进法理、法史的理论发展,尤其是民商法的理论发展,进而得出这样一个观点中国民商法典的制定应该更加注重本民族的习惯。最后,各省在收集习惯时,应该归纳总结一些相同的习惯和惯例以方便人们使用,进而总结各省通用习惯来充实我国的成文法典。

自己去看法学或者争议解决这些 期刊吧,多看几篇你就对法律有认识了


自己去看法学或者争议解决这些 期刊吧,多看几篇你就对法律有认识了

论行政不作为的法律探讨(字数:11706,页数:13 ) 试从中国廉政制度的适应相对性看新时期反腐倡廉建设的(字数:11663,页数:11 ) 未成年人权益保护调查及对策研究(字数:7891,页数:10) 五个五年普法教育成果(字数:10126,页数:14) 构建我国海外投资保险制度的法律思考(字数:13322,页数:18) 论着手实行的未遂形态(字数:13025,页数:13 ) 无单放货的法律地位及其发展趋势(字数:15503,页数:19 ) 论侵权精神损害赔偿(字数:15212,页数:17 ) 论死刑的存废与人权(字数:13811,页数:15 ) 论量刑的标准与罪刑相适应(字数:14684,页数:15 ) 论诚实信用原则在司法实践中的适用(字数:7602,页数:14)

摘要: 本文在习惯这一词语的基础上,仔细阅读了英、德、日、传统中国法制度建设的相关内容,分析习惯在对各国法制建设中的地位和作用,并试提出对当代中国法制建设的启示习惯对于中国法制建设是良好的,有传统基础的;习惯汇编是实现习惯对中国法制建设影响的重要条件之一  关键词习惯法制建设影响启示  造成一国之拙本,形成一国之国风,即习惯也故此如有无视该民族之习惯,而规定各种法令,则不能期待于行政之完全者明矣习惯是无论何种法律文化背景下都存在的一种法的渊源,法律中有不少规则就直接来自于习惯  一、习惯对英国法制建设的影响  (一)习惯对属人主义产生影响的背景  属人主义指的是法律适用于一个族群,民族,而这个民族中的每一个人也都拥有了该法律,无论身处何处,均适用这法律孟德斯鸠在其《论法的精神中》分析了日耳曼法属人主义产生的原因,他认为环境的因素影响日耳曼人的居住方式,他们喜欢分开居住,分开居住造成了各个群体产生各自的生活习惯和各自处理问题的方法,当日耳曼的各个群体相聚一起时,他们自然的按照各自已有的习惯去处理问题,这就是孟德斯鸠所理解的属人主义的由来  (二)属人主义对英格兰及其殖民地的影响  日耳曼人的这种属人主义思想深刻影响着世界法学的发展方向,英格兰王国威廉一世原来是法国诺曼底公爵,他在征服英格兰后,并没有把自己领地原有的一套法律体系灌输于英格兰,而是在尊重当地英格兰民众原有的习惯习俗来进行断案,这样有效地缓和与盎格鲁撒克逊人的矛盾,巩固他在英格兰的统治后来的亨利二世继续在英格兰的实施属人主义,进行了一系列司法改革,他定期派巡回审判的专员到各地,这些专员在办案时,除依据国王诏书敕令外,主要是依据日耳曼人的习惯法和地方习惯凡是他们认为正确、合理,并与国王的立法不相抵触的习惯和惯例,便被确认为判决的依据他们经常聚集在中央所在地威斯敏斯特交换意见,彼此认可各自的判决这样,一些被引为依据的习惯便成了以判例法形式出现的普通法总之,英国的"普通法大部分是以接受和一般化全国的或广泛流行的习惯为基础的;英国的普通的,一般的习惯变成了普通法"通过该措施,中央的司法权力得到统一,地方领主的司法权力得到削弱  这一习惯很好的贯彻到后来英国的殖民地统治当中,当时英国人统治香港时,也并没有将英国的法律直接适用于华人群体中去,只是当双方或者单方是英国人是才适用英国法,由此得出英国人在殖民地中的统治实施属人主义当地的华人群体援用的仍然是大清律例,只有当他们的法律严重违反人权价值时,港英立法机关才会干预这样就出现这这么一种现象,一个政府,两个司法机构,随着时间的推移,当地华人接受和认同了英国法的价值时,他们在20世纪70年代,主动放弃大清律例作为法律适用的依据,由原来的属人主义最终演变为属地主义大清律例已经不再适用,但里面的一些规定,以习惯的方式存在于华人群体中去詹宁斯指出,统治乃是一种合作的功能,而法律规则不能单独地促成合作的行动惯例有助于民主制度的运转,能促使国家机构更加协调,否则,就会产生摩擦这就是属人主义所带来的优点,它是一种缓和方式促进司法统一,它有利于维护统治者的统治,促进社会的稳定,有利于经济的发展属人主义就像用文火熬成的汤,汤的营养价值得到很好的保存英格兰和香港都一样,当地民众的优秀习惯得到了很好的保留这些都是有利于本土法学文化的继续传承  二、习惯对德国法制建设的影响  (一)萨维尼思想对德国成文立法的影响  萨维尼在其《论立法与法学的当代使命使命》中阐述了他反对在全德立即制定包括民法典、刑法典、诉讼法在内的成文法典,他的主要观点为:"法律首先产生于习俗和人民的信仰,其次是假手于法学--职是之故,法律完全是由沉潜于内,默默无言而孜孜~~的伟力,而非法律制定者的专断意志所孕就的"进而可以得出这样结论:本国的法律应该随着时间自然形成,立法机关的制定过于急进地制定法律必然使得法理的讨论不甚充分,从而使得有法律则无实施民众不能充分理解其法理,则其实施的效果不大因此,萨维尼非常重视习惯的作用,在笔者看来这个习惯不止是日耳曼习惯,也包括罗马法习惯  (二)萨维尼的研究方法中止所产生的影响  1896年德意志帝国制定了民法典,并规定1900年1月1日施行,当今的联邦德国还是在适用该民法典民法典的制定客观上确实促进了国家的政治统一,社会秩序的稳定,但是民法典的颁布,确实将罗马法以及日耳曼法送进了历史里面去了,人们的研究再也不是民族传统习惯,而是专注于法典理论的研究,怎么样使得法典的逻辑结构能够更加完善,这样做确实能使得法典体系更加的完备此时的我,不禁想起这么一个问题,萨维尼的研究方法,为什么德国成文法的出现就会嘎然终止呢?我想,应该有以下几点原因:第一,德国人出现了像康德、黑格尔、马克思这样的大家,他们最为有名的是哲学理论,哲学使得人们变得有思辨,变得严密,变得具有逻辑性,他们觉得逻辑性的东西能够自我完善,因此制定一部具有严密逻辑体系的民法典是德国人的首要选择;第二,当时政治、经济的需要德国的统一,经历血与火的考验德国人的统一,由于教会的力量阻拦,再加上,英法等国不希望欧洲中部出现一个强大的国家来破坏其原有的政治、经济秩序因此,德国人民希望尽快制定成文法典来维护这来之不易的统一,增强国家统一意识,实现民族复兴第三,法国大革命不止冲垮了欧洲大陆的封建势力,不止为欧洲其他国家带来了自由、平等、博爱的思想,而且也为其他国家带来了法典化的思想因此,德国人自然受到法国法典化的思潮但是过于注重法典本身难以有效解决实际问题,法典是具有滞后性的,社会生活中的问题,法典是不可能完全解决,因此,传统民族所遗留下来的习惯和民族精神此时将能发挥一定的作用  三、习惯对日本法制建设的影响  (一)从日本文化中的启发  有一位学者说日本的文化是一种"洋葱"文化,把他一片一片地洋葱拨开之后,我们发现其是没有核心日本文化的包容性实在领人值得深思当深入了解日本,你会发现相扑运动,人们还是十分的喜爱,你会发现日本人民喜爱橄榄球你会发现日本的时装还是让人着迷,你会发现和服是那样的端庄所有这一切,引起我们对日本的法制现代化产生更加深入的思考  (二)习惯在日本法制近代化中的体现  日本的法制现代化自倒幕运动开始,倒幕运动的成功,使得天皇的统治的模式得以重新确立为下一步中央集权奠定十分深刻的基础以大久保利通为首的内阁实行一系列集权政策:(1)废藩置县,版籍奉还;(2)废除士、农、工、商身份,实行新的身份,建立崭新的户籍制度;(3)文化教育上,实行全面的义务的国民教育(4)实行殖产兴业政策,集中以国家的力量进行经济建设(5)法制建设上,翻译照搬法国的法典通过一系列这些政策,日本的近代化速度加快,大久保等人想进一步地脱亚入欧,对日本进行更深层次的改革,结果是因改革过于激烈,改革过于去习惯化,大久保被暗杀新上任的伊藤博文对此进一步的思考,改革的力度不仅要强,而且改革应该要更加注重习惯为此,伊藤博文为此到了与日本国情更加相似的德国进行考察,以德国《普鲁士普通法》为蓝本对日本的宪法的蓝图进行勾画,天皇就像是人的脑袋,政府就像是人的心脏,上下两院如同人的左右两臂,海陆军就像人的拳头,政府各部门、司法部门组成人的躯体,民众是人的两条腿脚基于此,伊藤博文基于日本国民所习惯的自然理念设置日本的宪政,天皇于1889年基于上述的构想颁布了《大日本帝国宪法》;此后日本对六法在仿照德国法的基础上结合本国制定了适合日本国情的六法体系,日本的法制近代化基本完成比如日本民法中有这么一条规定:"因特定行为选定假住址,关于其行为视为住址"假住址制,是日本结合本国习惯所采用的制度德国民法中不采用此原则,因为德国用数个住址主义,故不必有假住址  四、习惯对传统中国法建设的影响  在传统中国,基层存在着许多婚姻的缔结、解除,家庭财产继承等各种各样的民事纠纷在当时,统治者重刑轻民,民事方面的法制不发达民众在解决民事纠纷中往往是依据当地的习惯,并且在当地的社会中,这种解决方式得到大家的遵循这些习惯被当时的基层长官以及他的法律助手们所认真的关注实际上,基层的长官们并不一定要按照习惯对案件进行判决,他们可以依照当时律令等进行判决但是,这些当地习惯之所以被他们娴熟地运用,最为主要的原因在于这些判决应该要得到当地民众的接受以及使得这些判决符合礼的规定,从而起到教化的目的  上级政府在收集习惯上的不遗余力有助于规范其行政以清朝为例,地方的习惯经过按察使以及布政使的整理被编入省级资料库中,他们在法律布告中引用这些习惯用以纠正基层不良的民风民俗除此之外,各地的有代表性的惯例,经过筛选被纳入到国家正式法典当中最为有名的例子:"承继两房宗祧"的做法于1775年被编入到大清律例第78条第5条例中其中规定了:"如可继之人,亦系独子,而情属同父母亲,两相情愿者,取其阖族甘结,亦准其承继两房宗祧""承继两房宗祧"这样一个民间习惯关系到当时整个清帝国的利益,民间的继承秩序得到明确修正,有利于当时的社会稳定以及财产安全如今,"承继两房宗祧"这种制度虽然已经没有在成文法中规定,但是这样一种习惯仍然在农村社会普遍存在,正如刘作翔所说,习惯仍以其顽强的生命力遗存下来,成为人们的心理积淀或意识表现,在社会生活中以隐文化形态发挥功用  五、启示  通过上面的分析,笔者以为有两点启示应引起我们的关注  一是重视习惯在法制建设中的良好作用从英、德、日法制建设中可以看出尊重习惯并不是保守的表现,相反,在各国法制的改革中尊重习惯可以使得法制改革变得更加平稳对于一个成文法的国家来说,尊重习惯也是有利于克服成文法典的僵化性以及滞后性苏力指出,国内民商法极少强调尊从民商事习惯和惯例2500件法律文件中没有任何法律明确提出"依习惯",只有一件强调了依据商事习惯而另一方面,《民法通则》明确规定,"法律没有规定,应当遵守国家政策"而在同样的2500件制定法中,竟然有1015件(2412条)以不同方式提及了各种类型的"政策"政策能否解决一切问题呢?答案是否定的传统中国法有着深厚地尊重习惯和惯例的传统,中国的法制建设应该继承这些有益习惯,在这种基础上建立符合本国国情的新法律制度只有这样,民众对法才能比较容易接受,法律的执行效果才能更好,更充分  二是重视习惯的整理汇编或许有人认为这项工作意义不大,因为现在人口流动频繁或者习惯的适用很不方便等各种原因但笔者认为建立完整的习惯汇编应该说还是必要首先,我们要清楚中国人有"同乡"以及"安土重迁"的传统观念我们很容易地发现,同乡借钱的现象屡见不鲜;在外打工的人们工作多年还是会回老家定居的情况也不少建立习惯汇编有利于同籍同地的人们解决各种各样的纠纷其次,习惯汇编也是中国法文化的宝贵资产习惯的整理汇编促进法理、法史的理论发展,尤其是民商法的理论发展,进而得出这样一个观点中国民商法典的制定应该更加注重本民族的习惯最后,各省在收集习惯时,应该归纳总结一些相同的习惯和惯例以方便人们使用,进而总结各省通用习惯来充实我国的成文法典  (本回答来源于学术堂)



The theory of criminal law of shallow understanding irrtumslehreLegal irrtumslehre, namely, refers to the illegality mistake for own behavior in law, whether what crime constitutes a crime shall be punished by, or what is wrong, is to oneself the legal nature of the action of meaning or Legal irrtumslehre usually includes three conditions: (1) the actor's behavior in law does not constitute a crime, the offender and constitutes a crime for which imaginary guilty, (2) the behavior in law constitutes a crime and does not constitute a crime, the offender mistaken assumptions that innocent, (3) for his act constitutes a crime shall be convicted and punishment in light of the existing errors, misunderstanding or Due to the legal irrtumslehre, only to the behavior of the offender is not correct understanding of the legal assessment, and for their actions in fact correct understanding of the situation is still there, so its act constitutes a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility is and how it is not usually (1)Imaginary innocent treatment principleThe principles for imaginary innocence, whether it involves a deliberately Foreign criminal law theory basically has the following kinds:1)Should know that don't speak, just for criminal facts have Canada criminal code article 19 regulation: "the ignorance of the law excuses and crime can be ShuZui " Motto: "Roman law and legal disclaimer" somehow also expressed a principle, namely: "in the crime as subjective FanYi established condition, not request to recognize his behavior of richtswitrig"2)Should know the reason, according to two: moral responsibility theory, personality responsibility Moral responsibility theory emphasizes on the rationality of free will blame illegal conduct, is considered to be objective 3)That said, the possible illegality of responsibility for deliberately, at least to the possibility of understanding While in China mainland, the introduction of the concept of crime has another concept -- social consciousness that harm to discuss richtswitrig already Because the deliberate crime according to law condemn the illegality of the offender is not known, the law itself is not damaged, the law of the social consciousness is Social harm consciousness is the essential contents of the crime, illegal consciousness is the legal form of social Therefore, our country law more emphasis is on the rationality of essence, which is harmful to the society Just because of its social harmfulness, with a social moral evaluation colour, easier for people to grasp and Therefore, the author thinks that, in general, the person need to recognize his behavior may be the result of inevitable or harmful to the society, and has already With intentionally But in fact, the forbidden by law and mass that is harmful to the society in our country nowadays the behavior under the constitution should be consistent, in other words, know the social harmfulness also know the possibility of illegal, but know the possibility of illegal is inevitable should also realize social harmfulness, both are Therefore, it is generally thought that the law is no excuse, the reason of law does not exclude the misunderstanding in principle, but can be culpable for deliberately (2) Misunderstandings treatment PunishmentWe might as well so the essence of blame for his due: the crime in the subjective should blame or blame, for the intent or negligence If the offender because of misunderstanding that legal person feels very innocent, lack of this should blame or condemning sexual, from the fundamental measure, blame is absolutely not consider Especially in the modern society, the legal category SAN marino, legal entry in different fields and different levels of books, recognized, comprehend legal apparently endless and same, so the person of law and misunderstandings, not Now, both in theory and practice, the method not cling to forgive "seems to have in Therefore, to a certain extent, can also think admits exceptions excusable is legal misunderstanding of criminal law is an important symbol of In addition, it was not in the act of which is prohibited by the laws and regulations, especially after a circumstance, should have knowledge of richtswitrig actor, constitute the understanding of deliberate point of view, with the attitude of this understanding, of course, that is not the illegality or by the simple statement The author thinks that the only when the legal establishment of may, FangKeZu but The fact mistakeThat mistake, is to determine its subjective behavior nature and the criminal responsibility of the relevant facts wrong From the wrong reasons and phenomenon of angles, generally known that there are several mistakes:(1) Object irrtumslehreThe object is known for errors, whether there is objectively error It includes actor in the implementation of the existing criminal behavior of the hazards for the object and actually does not exist, or for criminal object and actually does not exist, or infringe a criminal object and actually invaded another crime The object of objects is usually known errors caused by mistake, but the object of different social relationship reflects Evil doer of objects and actual expected in fact not only harm object does not agree, and in the nature of law is not Therefore, the object irrtumslehre may affect the form of sin, crime accomplishment, and may even attempted to influence the For example, in view of the circumstances, not a thought before the enemy, and a party came to stick, afterwards just know the ox was A thought of damage is "people", and the actual wounded is "cow", do not belong to the same laws of the Similar situation and will generally be mistaken for drug trafficking items, Actor will stolen items in the theft of guns in stealing This object from the subjective errors, see, is a kind of mistake, From the objective, because the mistake crime to no avail, where the criminal attempted 1)Object mistakeObjects can be generalized mistake, including object mistake to belong to the object know mistake is inevitable object These include, is known to be wrong object of legal property of the same object mistake and legal properties of different objects, namely the object irrtumslehre In order to distinguish with the object mistake here, the cognition to the same object only mean error between the different objects, namely the misunderstanding of the evil doer expected objects and actual harm to the object, but not in fact in the legal nature of the same This object mistake again say things on purpose mistake not criminal As a reserve, killing b shall be killed as b and c, do not affect a This is the need to consider that a kill b behavior "mistake" cause others (c), belong to an intentional crime (b) "death", for the excess result, according to the results, which determine the ordinary mail of death was deliberately recognized for deliberately, to the death of the fault is propylene, identified as negligence, according to the intention or negligence of the general mark recognized FanYi or state of mind, not applicable rules of the 2) Behavior irrtumslehreBehavior mainly includes two kind of mistake: first, the behavior nature That actor has to its social harm nature, such as understanding not imaginary Behavior nature mistake might affect the form of sin, and may also affect Second, the behavior tools (methods) That person to use when the conduct of tool (methods), which affects not correct understanding of harm results, behavior tools (methods) mistake can affect crime or attempted was founded, also can affect crime or belongs to the incident, a typical for murder on hazardous substances, because the drug failure and failed to kill people, can think method or tools for error doer of consciousness beyond reason not to And as actor see armour, second coming together, hence shot to play, but can't hit by the party Look, this is from the phenomenon of an object, or the final results for the mistake, but this error is based on the fact that the wrong doer identify offender is carefully identify to begin, can think recognize is accurate, errors in ChaWu The solution to this situation, "said", its legal with qualitative and recognize wrong object is consistent, namely directly recognized as an intentional homicide The death of a person is directly intentionally to b, death is the indirect intentional, just for a to b is attempted, Additionally, if in daily life because misidentification object and damage of consequences, the crime itself is not just any criminal negligence because of 3)Causality irrtumslehreCausality mistake, is on his behavior and harmful results of actual connection between Generally include: first, not some harm result, as has happened This generally constitute a Second, has certain harm result, but not for actor or for his behavior is caused, and does not affect crime Third, really happened, the offender is aware of its behavior, but with the actual development between the harm to the process or a mistake, general to punish crime In theory, the offender is not only a crime, but continuous movement, this several continuous action is not a few crime, but a In this sense, doesn't exist on the results of the Legal irrtumslehre and facts mistake and proceduresDomestic scholars in fact know mistakes and errors between the issue legal representative views mainly include:(1)For own behavior whether in law constitutes a crime, criminal or what kind of criminal punishment shall be under the incorrect understanding is legal irrtumslehre for his behavior on the implementation of the incorrect understanding is the fact that mistake,(2)The objectivity of crime is a false understanding of crime, that mistake of objective facts have clear understanding, only to act in the evaluation of existing laws on the concept of law is not correct mistakes。(3)Actor known facts and actual fact don't agree is wrong, the person that judgment and objective law is law of illegal inconsistency These ideas basically could in theory and legal irrtumslehre fact distinguish mistakes, it is important to emphasize that:1) With the conviction that the so-called irrelevant, as this mistake to hit each other, the shooting head caused the death of heart, without vision of research into 2) Study of the theory of error, error occurs when the purpose, but whether to intentionally resistance, reduce plots affected only the wrong cognition, natural sentencing nor will it into the error theory 3) This does not constitute a crime and actor for crime, and for their behavior in the criminal law on the crimes and how to apply for criminal punishment on such specific knowledge error, conviction according to Based on this, the author thinks that, at the fact that criminal law is only to know wrong doer of elements to know the so-called objective facts constituents of mistake is the fact that the legal irrtumslehre error refers to the legal action is illegal and the evaluation of the From the theory of facts and legal irrtumslehre error, but the problem is in the law, criminal elements to the facts and law closely combined circumstances (like some administrative crimes and economic crimes), or is in a fact itself contains certain laws of evaluation content, to distinguish with a mistake is the fact that mistake or legal wrong, is often If the property of his humanity and obscenity obscenity, administrative rules and regulations, JinYuOu, disrupt public until its precondition of the legitimacy of the public, and legal irrtumslehre facts wrong intertwined, and this is what we distinguish facts and legal irrtumslehre errors will solve the In some cases, the defendant should know that because of the lack of knowledge, and not to the behavior of social harmfulness, so that the defendant is not "knowledge they will entail harmful consequences to society, and hope or allows such results" and deliberate crime, the burden of proof is only FanYi prosecution, in addition, prosecution without proof the defendant not normal, but normal mental and spiritual normal presumption defendant directly if the defendant that his spirit is not normal, it shall provide necessary evidence by himself to Thus, the author, on legal irrtumslehre processing, can adopt the presumption of ways to Which country presumption every normal citizens are known, unless the law can put forward defense "advantage prove" above, or the evidence rebut these presumption is From the efficiency of lawsuit, said the country is impossible to prove the defendant is known of the

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