

发布时间:2024-07-08 12:24:37


游泳 swimming 游泳池 swimming pool 游泳馆 natatorium 自由泳 freestyle; crawl (stroke) 蛙泳 breaststroke 侧泳 sidestroke 蝶泳 butterfly (stroke) 海豚式 dolphin stroke/kick 蹼泳 fin swimming

Analysis of the implement of developing(promoting) National Fitness in GuangZhou

for example take Jiangxi for example 比如说江西吧。 take swimming for example 拿学游泳作比方for instanceTake me for 以我为例。take for instance the building of a house 拿盖房子作比方



The Shenzhen subject park culture characteristic construction searchesanalyzes Since Shenzhen 1989th year the exquisite silk China subjectpark establishment, already some 18 years year, has followed timepassing, the Shenzhen subject park development situation actuallyalready with difficulty is comparing with the same Very manyscholars have the suspicion to the subject park construction allnewspaper the Certainly, in these 18 years development, theShenzhen subject park indeed has many problems, the subject park whichthe manner knows very few may Therefore, searches to thesubject park analyzes into the very many domestic scholars' direction,for example: Guaranteed continues just gentleman in to the subjectpark development influence factor analysis in, thought the source oftourists market and the transportation condition, the region economylevel of development, the city traveling sensation image, the spacegathered with the competition as well as the policy-maker behavior inplays the indelible role to the subject park development Regardingthis, I carry on own on the subject park culture characteristicanalysis, as well as proposes own Key word: Traveling culture, cultural marketing, subject park

go swimming

男子400米个人混合泳: Men's 400m individual medley男子4x100米自由泳接力: Men's 4*100m freestyle relay男子200米自由泳: Men's 200m freestyle男子200米蝶泳: Men's 200m butterfly男子4x200米自由泳接力: Men's 4*100m freestyle relay额外说一下,要是还有类似的翻译的话:混合泳只作为一个词的话是“medley”, 个人混合泳是“individual medley”,但是四个人的混合泳是“Medley Relay”, 而不是像想象中的 “group medley” 或者其他类似的。混合泳作为一个事件永远都不会但是“medley”,要不是“Individual Medley/IM”, 要不就是“Medley Relay”最后补充几个词汇吧自由泳:freestyle仰泳:backstroke蛙泳:breaststroke蝶泳:butterfly





论初学蛙泳基本要领与基本动作概念 这个算是最基本的了只要你会游泳就肯定会写



论初学蛙泳基本要领与基本动作概念 这个算是最基本的了只要你会游泳就肯定会写


游泳论文 在游泳学习中,我感到经常出现有同学出现“站着游”的情况。往往出现臀部下沉、身体倾斜较大.以至出现“站着游”的毛病。分析其原因,除技术方面外,主要是重心和浮心的关系。当人乎卧在水面时,由于人的体重而产生一个向下的重力,其合力点叫重心。又据阿基米德原理,人在水里就会自然产生一个向上的浮力,其合力点又叫浮心。由于上体胸腔内脏器官轻,下肢的比重比上身大,因而浮心就靠近上身,重心就靠近下肢,当人平卧在水面时,因重心和浮心不能重合,会失去平衡。因此,在游泳过程中,为了使身体保持水平的姿势,就必须使重心前移。 根据上述原理,结合我自己的体会,克服“站着游”的方法是:一、头不要拾得过高。头拾得过高,势必引起挺胸,这样做不仅不能使重心前移,反而使重心住下,造成臀部下沉。抬头吸气时,能让嘴露出水面即可,吸气后要马上低头人水,使重心迅速前移并增加浮力。 二、往前伸臂时要积极前伸,并不要过早划臂。初学蛙泳的人,往往都是蹬腿后臂还没有充分前伸,肘关节没有伸直,肩没有前拉,就急于划臂,这样造成划臂路线短,不能充分利用胸、背、肩等大肌肉群的力量,而且会使臀部下沉,阻力增大。所以要求当臂划水结束时收手要快,向前仲臂时要有意识地积极前伸,一直到肘关节伸直并向前滑行。当身体展直以后,不要马上划臂,还要充分利用蹬腿的牵引力,以体会重心前移和身体平直的姿势。 三、划臂不要过宽或过后。初学蛙泳的人,往往划臂过宽或过后,这样做容易造成吸气晚,支撑面积小,抬头太高,重心往下,两臂后张,挺胸,使重心往下,蹬腿时臂来不及前伸,影响腿、臂的配合,重心难以前移,下肢下沉,身体不能充分展直。所以,对初学者要求他们要做小划臂,即两臂微屈,往侧斜下方做稍宽于肩的划水,划水不过肩,并要求能看到自己的肘关节在头前收手,身体就能平衡。 第二篇 蛙泳腿部动作在蛙泳的游进过程中是推动身体前进的主要动力之一,它的动作效果对游泳成绩起着举足轻重的作用。蛙泳的腿部动作较其它泳式重要,不仅起到保持身体平衡的作用,还可以产生较大的推进力,蛙泳的腿部动作分收腿、外翻、蹬夹和滑行四个部分。但它们其时是紧密相连的完整动作。收腿和外翻是产生阻力的阶段,蹬夹和滑行是产生推动力阶段,前者的动作除了要尽可能产生较小阻力外,还要为后者的动作产生尽可能大的推动力冲量创造条件。因此,对蛙泳的腿部动作进行分析,提出合理的腿部技术,为提高蛙泳的速度提供理论依据,具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。 蛙泳腿部技术的分解 收腿 收腿动作不但不产生推进力,而且会给身体带来阻力,因此要考虑如何减小阻力。 由于划水和呼吸的原因,开始收腿时髋关节和大腿、膝关节略下沉。收腿时同时屈膝屈髋,两膝边向前收边逐渐分开,踝关节伸展,小腿和脚跟在大腿和臀部的后面,在髋关节的投影截面内轻松地前收,以减小阻力。当足接近臀部时停止收腿。从减小阻力的角度来看,收腿应该用较慢的速度完成。但当达到较高水平时,为了节省时间,加快动作频率,并与划水动作协调配合,收腿应该快速完成。此外大腿和膝关节下沉后,小腿和脚由于位于大腿后面,此时快速收小腿不会形成太大的阻力。但是初学者还是应该先掌握慢收腿的动作节奏。 1平式蛙泳和波浪式蛙泳收腿的区别。 平式蛙泳和波浪式蛙泳的收腿幅度有明显的差别。平式蛙泳大腿收的幅度较大,收腿结束时大腿与躯干约成120度~140度角,两膝约与髋关节同宽。大腿与小腿之间约成40度~45度角,这是因为平式蛙泳的身体姿势较平,如果大腿前收的幅度太小,小腿和脚在收腿过程中就会露出水面,使身体的平衡遭到破坏。但反过来,大腿前收幅度较大,使大腿的挡水截面增大,形状阻力增大,使前进速度下降。




中文的意思是:Title: Chinese as a foreign language class-based approach to explore spoken language English Abstract: The immediate cause of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is to This paper to teaching Chinese as a foreign language spoken directions for research in light of actual classroom teaching of Chinese as a foreign language class-based approach to oral preliminary inquiry

Title: return to natureTo Miller's painting "晚钟" as an exampleAbstract:In this paper, an outstanding 19th century French realist painter Miller's painting "晚钟" as the case painting to explore how the reality of the return to From Miller's works can be seen in the tendency of his aesthetic, and artistic style of thoughts and At the same time, as the 19th century, the French representative of realistic painting to create works of mainly farmers and peasants living as a theme, style pure, simple, a reflection of the artist's noble personality and strong spirit of truth-seeking, in particular, take an active part in his real life, people's livelihood, the natural aspects of care; his works show a return to nature,Give fresh, harmonious, peaceful Although Miller gradually gone from us, but he works in the materialistic, painting today's performance personality publicity still of great significance and academic value of 就是这个啦!

In this paper, an outstanding 19th century French realist painter Miller's painting "晚钟" as the case painting to explore how the reality of the return to From Miller's works can be seen in the tendency of his aesthetic, and artistic style of thoughts and At the same time, as the 19th century, the French representative of realistic painting to create works of mainly farmers and peasants living as a theme, style pure, simple, a reflection of the artist's noble personality and strong spirit of truth-seeking, in particular, take an active part in his real life, people's livelihood, the natural aspects of care; his works show a return to nature, to give fresh, harmonious, peaceful Although Miller gradually gone from us, but he works in the materialistic, painting today's performance personality publicity still of great significance and academic value of
