

发布时间:2024-07-09 01:19:11


赶紧写啊,晚个一天两天交虽然会扣点分,但总比你现在拿着题目发愁要好。搜点references,耐着性子看下大概讲什么,想下该你该怎么用到你的paper里去。顺便问下你在哪国,读bachelor 还是 master?

The present paper mainly conducts the research to the 10000m3 stonefuel depot design and the First elaborated the nature ofpetroleum, the stone battery arrangement and the storage tankarrangement, the shaping and so on, mainly include 2 single potsvolumes is in 5000m3 浮顶 the pot by and its the appendix Moreover to pot area total plane arrangement, including fireprotection spacing, fire-dike computation, fire path Mainlyhas carried on the design and the computation and the examinationthrough mechanics in theory of strength to the storage tank wallthickness, looks up the corresponding fire protection spacing by thecorrelation handbook, and 裕量 the determination has designed thefire-dike through the reasonable computation, as well as has completedthe pot area and the entire factory total plane Then hasstudied the fire facility safe design and the conveyor with For example: Automatically sprays the system, the foam extinguishingsystem design, the conduit safe design and so on; Carried on the fireprevention to it to use the water volume the computation, as well asfoam extinguishing system related Finally deferred to thecountry to the legal laws and regulations which safely promulgated inthe entire factory also to provide the reasonable fire facility, anddeferred to the corresponding legal laws and regulations to consummatethe entire factory rules and regulations, enabled the entire factoryreasonably legitimately the operation and the

In this paper, beam measurement of the bending brass and steel of the Young's modulus, New Integrated Hall displacement sensor measurement of beam bending Began a detailed article on the Hall Effect and Hall displacement sensor principle of the Note Then focus derived method of bending the Young's modulus The article is behind the pilot, first measured brass samples Young's modulus, use measurement data to the Hall of displacement sensor calibration (sensitivity of the Hall element determining K) Then identified by the K value again measured and calculated steel samples of the Young's modulus, thus achieving a mechanical length measuring small changes into electrical measurement, the Young's modulus measurements more concise, 或者In this paper, beam measurement of the bending brass and steel of the Young's modulus, New Integrated Hall displacement sensor measurement of beam bending Began a detailed article on the Hall Effect and Hall displacement sensor principle of the Note Then focus derived method of bending the Young's modulus The article is behind the pilot, first measured brass samples Young's modulus, use measurement data to the Hall of displacement sensor calibration (sensitivity of the Hall element determining K) Then identified by the K value again measured and calculated steel samples of the Young's modulus, thus achieving a mechanical length measuring small changes into electrical measurement, the Young's modulus measurements more concise,


我GOOGLE翻译的不知道你指的这是什么东西:私人小组combo1_click (指数为整数) 暗淡MRC的,因为dset 如果指数= 0 ,然后txtsql = "选择独特的专业,从以阶级那里年级= ' " &修剪( combo1 ( 0 ) 。文本) & " ' " 一套MRC的= executesql ( txtsql ) 如果f =属实,则combo1 ( 1 ) 。文本= " " combo1 ( 2 ) 。文本= " " 出入境分如果年底combo1 ( 1 ) 。明确vefirst 这样做,直到f combo1 ( 1 ) 。 additem fields ( 0 ) venext 环路combo1 ( 1 ) 。 listindex = 0 txtsql = "选择鲜明年制,从以阶级那里年级= ' " &修剪( combo1 ( 0 ) 。文本) & " '和专业= ' " &修剪( combo1 ( 1 ) 。文本) & " ' " 一套MRC的= executesql ( txtsql ) 如果f =属实,则combo1 ( 2 ) 。文本= " " 出入境分如果年底combo1 ( 2 ) 。明确vefirst 这样做,直到f combo1 ( 2 ) 。 additem fields ( 0 ) venext 环路combo1 ( 2 ) 。 listindex = 0 elseif指数= 1 ,然后txtsql = "选择鲜明年制,从以阶级那里年级= ' " &修剪( combo1 ( 0 ) 。文本) & " '和专业= ' " &修剪( combo1 ( 1 ) 。文本) & " ' " 一套MRC的= executesql ( txtsql ) 如果f =属实,则combo1 ( 0 ) 。文本= " " combo1 ( 2 ) 。文本= " " 出入境分如果年底combo1 ( 2 ) 。明确vefirst 这样做,直到f combo1 ( 2 ) 。 additem fields ( 0 ) venext 环路combo1 ( 2 ) 。 listindex = 0 如果年底


像是 VB 程序 且用SQL。翻成C?函数调用不好翻,照抄出来运行不了。

Abstract Now, our country municipal pollution question is serious, the economy faces the urbanization to speed up, the economic growth tendency strong, the heavy chemical industry leadership, the employment pressure to be huge, the resources supplies are short, the environmental pollution total quantity increases and so on series challenges, the resources and environment two big bottleneck in The circulation economy is one kind maximum limit using the resources and the environmental protection economic development pattern, is our country economy key word, is similar to “the knowledge economy” is the same, it advanced into our country mainstream economic The circulation economy is defers to the ecology rule use natural resource and the environmental capacity, realizes the economic activity ecology to It is implements the sustainable strategic inevitable choice and the important But develops the circulation economy achieves “the technology content high, the economic efficiency is good” the economical quality, “the resources consume low, the environmental pollution is small” the sustainable development ability, is from enhances our country synthesis competitive power essentially the strategic The sustainable development is our country carries on the modernization the choice inevitably, but develops the circulation economy realizes the sustainable development important This article has analyzed the development circulation economy significance and question, in introduced that our country circulates in the economic development present situation foundation to analyze Huhhot to develop the circulation economy strategy research, and proposed the solution way Key words: Environmental pollution; Circulation economy; Sustainable development


你可以到_t?hl=zh-CN过google的在线翻译去看下在自己改改 应该差不多

I still have to write two 或者 I have two theses unwritten/not written

From December 10, 2001, China officially joins become one of them, which marked China's economy has entered a new era of free From 2005 onwards, China's agriculture in the WTO accession negotiations for the transition basically ended, entry into the WTO "after the transition period," China has become the world's most open markets for agricultural products among the The end of the transitional period, that the opening up of China's agriculture has entered a new stage, will be further integrated into the economic globalization On the other hand, to make foreign unprecedented attention to China's agricultural market, and will enable the development of China's agricultural trade with unprecedented To the further development of China's agricultural trade in accordance with the requirements for the development of socialist modernization road, change development concepts, innovative development model, to improve the capability of independent innovation, strive to advance the strategic readjustment of the industrial structure; Continuously improve agricultural management level, increasing productivity, improving the efficiency of resource use, promoting industry a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable For this reason, China should strengthen the research and application of WTO provisions, the use of international organizations and international conventions to safeguard the interests of agricultural exports, but also to seek ways to avoid the risk of trade More importantly improve their own businesses and increase scientific and technological input, the ultimate realization of the sustainable development of China's agricultural trade

Started from December 10, 2001, China joined WTO to become one officially, this symbolized the Chinese economy entered the free trade new Starts from 2005, our country agriculture in joins the transition-period basic conclusion which in the WTO negotiations strives for, after enters WTO “the transition-period”, our country becomes in the world one of agricultural product market most open The transition-period conclusion, meant our country agriculture enters the opening to the outside world the new stage, further will integrate the economical globalization On the other hand, joins WTO to be able to cause overseas to the China agricultural market unprecedented attention, also enable the Chinese agriculture trade the development to obtain the unprecedented The Chinese agriculture trade further development needs to defer to the socialism modernization path the development request,Transformation development idea,Innovation development pattern,Exerts oneself the enhancement independent innovation ability,Advances the industrial structure strategy adjustment diligently; Enhances agricultural unceasingly the management and operation level,Enhances the productivity,Enhances the resources use efficiency,Promotion profession comprehensive, coordinated, sustainable Therefore, China both must strengthen the WTO provision the research and the utilization, the use international organization and the international convention, maintains the agricultural exportation benefit, and must seek each means to dodge the trade friction the More importantly perfect profession oneself, the increase science and technology investment, finally realizes the Chinese agriculture trade sustainable



像是 VB 程序 且用SQL。翻成C?函数调用不好翻,照抄出来运行不了。


Started from December 10, 2001, China joined WTO to become one officially, this symbolized the Chinese economy entered the free trade new Starts from 2005, our country agriculture in joins the transition-period basic conclusion which in the WTO negotiations strives for, after enters WTO “the transition-period”, our country becomes in the world one of agricultural product market most open The transition-period conclusion, meant our country agriculture enters the opening to the outside world the new stage, further will integrate the economical globalization On the other hand, joins WTO to be able to cause overseas to the China agricultural market unprecedented attention, also enable the Chinese agriculture trade the development to obtain the unprecedented The Chinese agriculture trade further development needs to defer to the socialism modernization path the development request,Transformation development idea,Innovation development pattern,Exerts oneself the enhancement independent innovation ability,Advances the industrial structure strategy adjustment diligently; Enhances agricultural unceasingly the management and operation level,Enhances the productivity,Enhances the resources use efficiency,Promotion profession comprehensive, coordinated, sustainable Therefore, China both must strengthen the WTO provision the research and the utilization, the use international organization and the international convention, maintains the agricultural exportation benefit, and must seek each means to dodge the trade friction the More importantly perfect profession oneself, the increase science and technology investment, finally realizes the Chinese agriculture trade sustainable





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