

发布时间:2024-07-11 15:10:44



您好今天当我们步入网络社会,发现青年与网络之间存在众多的契合点,正是这些契合点使青年对互联网“一网情深”。青年在网络影响下千状百态虽然向社会展示了其众多绚丽之处,也令人倍感惊喜。但不少青年网民的失色表现却无论如何不能给社会增辉,不能让人高枕无忧。 一、上网地点:58.8%的青少年用户在家里上网,31.5%的用户在亲戚朋友家上网,在网吧、咖啡厅或电子游戏厅上网的占20.45%,在父母或他人办公室上网的占15.0%,在学校上网的占10.8%。 二、上网时间和对上网时间的满意度估计:青少年用户平均每周上网时间212分钟左右,如果平均到每日,约30分钟左右。37.0%的用户认为自己上网时间“正好”,认为“比较多还能满足”的用户占12.0%,认为“太多了”的仅为0.7%。31.7%的用户认为“比较少”,18.5%的青少年用户认为“太少了”。也就是说,50%的青少年用户对上网时间并不满足。 三、互联网功能的使用:玩游戏占62%;使用聊天室占54.5%;收发电子邮件占48.6%;下载储存网页占39.7%;使用搜索引擎占25.0%;订阅新闻占21,9%;网络电话占14.7%;网上寻呼占14.3%;制作和更新个人网页占12.6%;上传文件占9.4%;公告板(BBS)占9.2%;代理服务器占2.3%。 网络的影响 一 网络的正面影响 1、网络有助于创新青少年思想教育的手段和方法。利用网络进行德育教育工作,教育者可以以网友的身份和青少年 在网上“毫无顾忌”地进行真实心态的平等交流,这对于德育工作者摸清、摸准青少年的思想并开展正面引导和全方位沟通提供了新的快捷的方法。此外,由于网络信息的传播具有实时性和交互性的特点,青少年可以同时和多个教育者或教育信息保持快速互动,从而提高思想互动的频率,提高教育效果;由于网络信息具有可下载性、可储存性等延时性特点,可延长教育者和受教育者思想互动的时间,为青少年提供“全天候”的思想引导和教育。还可以网上相约,网下聚会,实现网上德育工作的滋润和补充,从而及时化解矛盾,起到温暖人心,调动积极性,激发创造力的作用。 2、提供了求知学习的新渠道。目前在我国教育资源不能满足需求的情况下,网络提供了求知学习的广阔校园,学习者在任何时间、任何地点都能接受高等教育,学到在校大学生学习的所有课程、修满学分、获得学位。这对于处在应试教育体制下的青少年来说无疑是一种最好的解脱,它不但有利于其身心的健康发展,而且有利于家庭乃至于社会的稳定。 3、开拓青少年全球视野,提高青少年综合素质。上网使青少年的政治视野、知识范畴更加开阔,从而有助于他们全球意识的形成。同样,又可提高青少年综合素质。通过上网,可以培养他们和各式各样的人交流的能力;通过在网上阅览各类有益图书,触类旁通,提高自身文化素养。 二 网络的负面影响 1、对于青少年“三观”形成构成潜在威胁。青少年很容易在网络上接触到资本主义的宣传论调、文化思想等,思想处于极度矛盾、混乱中,其人生观、价值观极易发生倾斜,从而滋生全盘西化、享乐主义、拜金主义、崇洋媚外等不良思潮。 2、网络改变了青年在工作和生活中的人际关系及生活方式。青少年在网上公开、坦白地发表观点意见,要求平等对话,对青少年工作者的权威性提出挑战,使思想政治工作的效果往往不能达到预期。同时,上网使青少年容易形成一种以自我为中心的生存方式,集体意识淡薄,个人自由主义思潮泛滥。 3、信息垃圾弱化青少年的思想道德意识。有关专家调查,网上信息47%与色情有关,六成左右的青少年在网上无意中接触到黄色信息。还有一些非法组织或个人也在网上发布扰乱政治经济的黑色信息,蛊惑青少年。这种信息垃圾将弱化青少年思想道德意识,污染青少年心灵,误导青少年行为。 4、网络的隐蔽性,导致青少年不道德行为和违法犯罪行为增多。一方面,少数青少年浏览黄 色和非法网站,利用虚假身份进行恶意交友、聊天。另一方面网络犯罪增多,例如传播病毒、黑客入侵、通过银行 和信用卡盗窃、诈骗等。这些犯罪主体以青少年 为主,大多数动机单纯,有的甚至是为了“好玩”、“过瘾”和“显示才华”。另外,有关网络 的法律制度不健全也给青少年 违法犯罪以可乘之机。 充分认识网络发展中的“青年问题”,积极寻求对策 1、充分认识网上思想渗透问题,强化对青少年的教育引导。必须加强对青少年的思想政治教育,以马列主义,毛泽东思想,邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想教育引导广大青少年,使他们坚定共产主义理想信念,努力树立起正确的人生观、世界观和价值观,强化爱国主义意识和宏扬民族精神。 2、切实加强网上文明行为规范的建设。要广泛开展以宣传《青少年网络文明公约》为主题的各项活动,积极引导青少年遵守网络道德,提倡“五要五不”,即:要善于网上学习,不浏览不良信息;要诚实友好交流,不侮辱欺诈他人;要增强保护意识,不随意约见网友;要维护网络安全,不破坏网络秩序;要有益身心健康,不沉溺虚拟空间。努力创造干净、健康、文明、有序的网络环境。 3、构建网络和社会互动的青少年教育体系。网络时代的青少年思想教育是一项复杂的系统 工程,因此政府、社会、家庭要协作联动,努力做到三个结合:一是要把传统的青少年教育的政治优势和互联网的特征有机结合起来;二是把党、政府和群众团体的组织力量和培养网上青年志愿者的工作结合起来;三是把网站的建设工作与对现有青少年组织和机构运行机制进行必要的改革结合起来,以适应网络发展需求。另外,还要着重加强对青少年 的社会化教育,提高青少年适应现代社会的能力,使他们勇敢地直面现实世界,积极投入到改造社会的实践中去。 4、培养一批适应网络时代要求的青少年工作者。调查显示,目前青少年工作者中有6%的人根本不会用电脑,4%的人根本没有接触过网络,这种情况很难适应网络时代的教育要求,所以,我们必须加强对青少年工作 者队伍网络技术的培训,让他们尽快掌握和互联网有关的知识和技能,丰富自己的知识容量,改善自己的知识结构,了解青少年的所思所想,这样才能使教育工作更具有针对性。 5、开辟更多的更好的青年网站,积极占领网络阵地。目前,大多数青少年网站没有新鲜感、时代感,显得比较呆板,不容易产生强烈的凝聚力和号召力。因此我们要尽快建设内容丰富多彩、形式独特而富有新意的青少年网站,以“主题鲜明、形式活泼、清新高雅、健康向上”的风格对青少年进行正面教育,真正在“以理服人、以情感人”上有所突破。同时,要加强青少年教育软件的开发制作,利用法律和技术上的可行性打击网上违法犯罪现象,走“以法治网”的良性发展轨道。



1、论点(证明什么)论点应该是作者看法的完整表述,在形式上是个完整的简洁明确的句子。从全文看,它必能统摄全文。表述形式往往是个表示肯定或否定的判断句,是明确的表态性的句子。A.把握文章的论点。 中心论点只有一个(统率分论点)⑴明确:分论点可以有N个(补充和证明中心论点)⑵方法①从位置上找:如标题、开篇、中间、结尾。②分析文章的论据。(可用于检验预想的论点是否恰当)③摘录法(只有分论点,而无中心论点)B.分析论点是怎样提出的:①摆事实讲道理后归结论点;②开门见山,提出中心论点;③针对生活中存在的现象,提出论题,通过分析论述,归结出中心论点;④叙述作者的一段经历后,归结出中心论点;⑤作者从故事中提出问题,然后一步步分析推论,最后得出结论,提出中心论点。2、论据(用什么证明)⑴论据的类型:①事实论据(举例后要总结,概述论据要紧扣论点);②道理论据(引用名言要分析)。⑵论据要真实、可靠,典型(学科、国别、古今等)。⑶次序安排(照应论点);⑷判断论据能否证明论点;⑸补充论据(要能证明论点)。3、论证(怎样证明)⑴论证方法 (须为四个字)①举例论证(例证法)事实论据记叙②道理论证(引证法和说理)道理论据 议论③对比论证(其本身也可以是举例论证和道理论证)④比喻论证 比喻在说明文中为打比方,散文中为比喻。⑵分析论证过程:①论点是怎样提出的;②论点是怎样被证明的(用了哪些道理和事实,是否有正反两面的分析说理);③联系全文的结构,是否有总结。⑶论证的完整性(答:使论证更加全面完整,避免产生误解)⑷分析论证的作用:证明该段的论点。4、议论文的结构⑴一般形式:①引论(提出问题)―――②本论(分析问题)―――③结论(解决问题)。⑵类型:①并列式②总分总式③总分式④分总式⑤递进式。6、驳论文的阅读⑴作者要批驳的错误观点是什么?⑵作者是怎样进行批驳的,用了哪些道理和论据;⑶由此,作者树立的正确的观点是什么?7、常见考点①、议论文的论点考点:第一,分清所议论的问题及针对这个问题作者所持的看法(即分清论题和论点)。第二,注意论点在文中的位置:(1)在文章的开头,这就是所谓开宗明义、开门见山的写法。(2)在文章结尾,就是所谓归纳全文,篇末点题,揭示中心的写法。这种写法在明确表达论点时大多有。所以,总之,因此,总而言之,归根结底等总结性的词语。第三、分清中心论点和分论点:分论一般位于段首或有标志性词语:首先、其次、第三等第四、要注意论点的表述形式:有时题目就是中心论点。一篇议论文只有一个中心论点。第五、通过论据来反推论点:论据是为证明论点服务的,分析论据可以看出它证明什么,肯定什么,支持什么,这就是论点。②、议论文的论据考点:论据是论点立足的根据,一般全为事实论据和道理论据。1、用事实作论据。事例必须真实可靠,有典型意义,能揭示事物本质并与论点有一定的逻辑联系。议论文中,对所举事例的叙述要简明扼要,突出与论点有直接关系的部分。明确论据时,不仅要知道文中哪些地方用了事实论据,还要会概括事实论据。概括时,要做到准确,必须依据论点将论据本质特点把握住,然后用确切的语言进行表述。 2、用作论据的言论,应有一定的权威性,直接引用时要原文照录,以真核对,不能断章取义;间接引用时不能曲解原意。③、议论文的结构、层次考点:结构有:并列式结构、对照式结构、层进式结构、总分式结构。此考点的基本形式:作者如何证明论点的?





200分? 你给200大洋 说不定还可以 你以为你是谁饿




A virtual world is an interactive simulated environment accessed by multiple users through an online Virtual worlds are also called "digital worlds," "simulated worlds" and "MMOG'" There are many different types of virtual worlds, however there are six features all of them have in common: Shared Space: the world allows many users to participate at Graphical User Interface: the world depicts space visually, ranging in style from 2D "cartoon" imagery to more immersive 3D Immediacy: interaction takes place in real Interactivity: the world allows users to alter, develop, build, or submit customized Persistence: the world's existence continues regardless of whether individual users are logged Socialization/Community: the world allows and encourages the formation of in-world social groups like teams, guilds, clubs, cliques, housemates, neighborhoods, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Virtual worlds have been created for many different The largest and most common type of virtual world is the "MMORPG" which stands for "Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing G" But virtual worlds have also been built for purposes other than The following section summarizes a few ways in which virtual worlds are currently used: Commercial GamingCommercial gaming worlds tend to focus on a singular fictional theme and consistently follow formal conventions such as character-focused avatars, progression through an interactive narrative storyline, and a series of competitive Strongly influenced by fantasy, science fiction, and anime genres of literature and film, the majority of sizable virtual worlds in existence today are commercial gaming Examples include Everquest, Lineage 2, and World of W While Virtual Worlds Review includes several top-quality gaming worlds on the review list, we mostly feature worlds that fall outside the traditional gaming Fortunately there are many other great sites that contain comprehensive lists of commercial gaming Here are a few: MPOGD Gamespot Gamespy Socializing / Online Community BuildingIn addition to the traditional fantasy RPG worlds, there are many commercial community-focused virtual worlds that emphasize socializing rather than These worlds offer a more open-ended experience and are strongly influenced by the cultures of text-based chat Although small-scale, casual games may be incorporated into a social world, participants are not necessarily there to win or play a game, but rather to socialize with others and, in many cases, create and decorate a personal space such as a home, room, or Social worlds tend to use settings based on idealized versions of Most provide some basic building tools and the ability to host activities and events that revolve around a wide variety of EducationSome virtual worlds have been created for educational In most cases, educational worlds are sponsored by academic institutions or nonprofit organizations, although some educational worlds are sponsored by Educational worlds come in a wide variety of forms, including 3D recreations of museum and gallery spaces, computer programming tutorials, virtual libraries, and meeting spaces for online university Active Worlds Educational Universe is one of the oldest and largest networks of educational Adobe Atmosphere is also being used to build virtual worlds for educational A great example of a corporate-sponsored educational world is M Political ExpressionVirtual worlds can serve as forums for political expression and While real-world political issues can crop up in gaming, social, and educational worlds, there are a few cases in which completely separate virtual worlds have been built for the purpose of political debate or even experiments in various types of self-governing online A great example of a virtual world with a political focus is AgoraX Military TrainingVirtual world technologies are also being used in some interesting ways by the US America's Army is being used as a tool to recruit potential soldiers, while companies like Forterra Systems are working with military groups to develop training And this is just the As these technologies develop further over the next several years, virtual worlds will be used for all types of purposes as more people begin spending more time in If you're new to the "world of virtual worlds" we hope that Virtual Worlds Review will serve as a user-friendly, informative place to learn a bit about For those who are already familiar with virtual worlds, we hope the site will let you know about other types of worlds you may not have heard of In either case, welcome and enjoy the -------------------A virtual world is a computer-based simulated environment intended for its users to inhabit and interact via These avatars are usually depicted as textual, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional graphical representations, although other forms are possible[1] (auditory[2] and touch sensations for example) Some, but not all, virtual worlds allow for multiple The computer accesses a computer-simulated world and presents perceptual stimuli to the user, who in turn can manipulate elements of the modeled world and thus experiences telepresence to a certain [3] Such modeled worlds may appear similar to the real world or instead depict fantasy The model world may simulate rules based on the real world or some hybrid fantasy Example rules are gravity, topography, locomotion, real-time actions, and Communication between users has ranged from text, graphical icons, visual gesture, sound, and rarely, forms using touch and balance Massively multiplayer online games commonly depict a world similar to the real world, with real world rules and real-time actions, and Communication is usually textual, with real-time voice communication using VOIP also [clarify]Virtual worlds are not limited to games but, depending on the degree of immediacy presented, can encompass computer conferencing and text based HistoryThe concept of virtual worlds predates computers and could be traced in some sense to P[5] The mechanical-based 1962 Sensorama machine used the senses of vision, sound, balance, smells and touch (via wind) to simulate its Among the earliest virtual worlds to be implemented by computers were not games but generic virtual reality simulators, such as Ivan Sutherland's 1968 virtual reality This form of virtual reality is characterized by bulky headsets and other types of sensory input Contemporary virtual worlds, multi-user online virtual environments, emerged mostly independently of this virtual reality technology research, fueled instead by the gaming industry but drawing on similar [6] While classic sensory-imitating virtual reality relies on tricking the perceptual system into experiencing an imersive environment, virtual worlds typically rely on mentally and emotionally engaging content which gives rise to an immersive The first virtual worlds presented on the Internet were communities and chat rooms, some of which evolved into MUDs and MUSH MUDs, short for “Multi User Dungeons,” are examples of virtual worlds that consist of virtual space inhabited by representations of data and other users [7] Early virtual worlds were text-based, offering limited graphical representation, and often using a Command Line IMaze War (also known as The Maze Game, Maze Wars or simply Maze) was the first networked, 3D multi-user first person shooter Maze first brought us the concept of online players as eyeball "avatars" chasing each other around in a ” (-VCF7-MazeWar/html, 29th Feb) According to the website this was in 1974, it was played on Arpanet (the initial internet), however it could only be played on an Imlac, as it was specifically built for this type of Then in 1978 MUD was released, it however was not 3D, it was text-based and used a TELNET program, by following the link you will be able to play the game, and understand just how far virtual worlds have come since -/ You can understandably argue whether or not this is a “virtual world” and that Maze War was more sophisticated (being 3D), but you must understand that MUD could be played by anyone, Maze War was computer Perhaps in today’s senses it is not a true virtual world, but the idea of a virtual world in those days were different (see Neuromancer link in bibliography for more information)Some early prototyptes were WorldsAway, a prototype interactive communities featuring a virtual world by CompuServe called Dreamscape, Cityspace, an educational networking and 3D computer graphics project for children, and The Palace, a 2-dimensional community driven virtual However, credit for the first online virtual world usually goes to Habitat, developed in 1987 by LucasFilm Games for the Commodore 64 computer, and running on the Quantum Link service (the precursor to America Online)[citation needed]In 1996, the city of Helsinki, Finland with Helsinki Telephone Company (since Elisa Group) launched what was called the first online virtual 3D depiction intended to map an entire The Virtual Helsinki project was eventually renamed Helsinki Arena 2000 project and parts of the city in modern and historical context were rendered in 3D[citation needed][edit] Virtual world conceptsOne perception of virtual worlds requires an online persistent world, active and available 24 hours a day and seven days a week, to qualify as a true virtual [citation needed] Although this is possible with smaller virtual worlds, especially those that are not actually online, no massively multiplayer game runs all day, every All the online games listed above[clarify] include downtime for maintenance that is not included as time passing in the virtual While the interaction with other participants is done in real-time, time consistency is not always maintained in online virtual For example, EverQuest time passes faster than real-time despite using the same calendar and time units to present game As virtual world is a fairly vague and inclusive term, the above can generally be divided along a spectrum ranging from:massively multiplayer online role-playing games or MMORPGs where the user playing a specific character is a main feature of the game (World Of Warcraft for example) massively multiplayer online real-life/rogue-like games or MMORLGs, the user can edit and alter their avatar at will, allowing them to play a more dynamic role, or multiple Some would argue that the MMO versions of RTS and FPS games are also virtual worlds if the world editors allow for open editing of the terrains if the "source file" for the terrain is Emerging concepts include basing the terrain of such games on real satellite photos, such as those available through the Google Maps API or through a simple virtual geocaching of "easter eggs" on WikiMapia or similar mashups, where [edit] BoundariesVirtual worlds are well-known as being fantasy spaces sealed off from the real world, but more careful analysis reveals that the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds is quite Participants constantly arrive and depart from the world, carrying with them their unique set of behavioral assumptions and attitudes that cannot be disentangled from their interactions in the virtual [8][clarify] For example, in virtual worlds which bring together players from multiple cultural backgrounds, a participant in a virtual world brings their own cultural preconceptions about those other cultures across the boundary into the world while The term magic circle has been used to describe the imaginary barrier between the virtual world and the real The fantasy environment of the virtual world is protected from the intrusion of real life by this magic circle, but practices such as the sale of virtual items and virtual currency for real life currency challenges this separation while reinforcing the notion that objects in the virtual world have real life In a 2001 study by Edward Castronova, the value of the currency in the MMORPG Everquest was evaluated based on its exchange rate at USD 0107, making this unit of virtual currency of higher value than the Yen or the LEven though Virtual Worlds are most of the time seen as 3D Games, there are many different kinds of it: forums, blogs, wikis and chatrooms where communities Places which have their own world, their own rules, topics, jokes, members, Each person who belongs to these kinds of communities can find like-minded people to talk to, whether this be a passion, the wish to share information about or just to meet new people and experience new Some users develop a double personality depending on which world they are interacting Depending on whether that person is in the real or virtual world can impact on the way they think and It is not all about video games and communities, virtual world also plays a part in the social as it can allow people to speak or share knowledge with each Best examples are instant messaging and visio-conferences which allow people to create their own virtual It can also be used to help hospitalized children (suffering from painful disease or autism for example) to create a comfortable and safe environment which can help Although Virtual Worlds can be seen as a new way for people to socialize, they are said to be at the heart of a lot of anti-social People playing video games online and more precisely, MMORPG are sometimes so addicted to the game that they cannot live without playing Such people are called “No Life” or Otaku and spend most of their time in their house not leaving it for They are often wrongly treated like insane people and also represented as dangerous when criminal cases imply links with video The thing is that video games played online are most of the time designed to be played for a long period of time (and even in the case of World Of Warcraft indefinitely – programmers provide updates and new things to discover regularly) People who abuse this kind of video games end up living most of their live in their bedrooms, do not develop any social life or skills: they communicate with friends mostly via the game or the internet, they create their own life on the internet with a specific name, image and The example of Second Life is totally unique because players develop communities and businesses in this Second Life is a game where the player has to create his/her own character with a human aspect and live a second life in a virtual The thing is that some people are so involved in this game (and created their “own self” in this game) that they have a double

next and the joy of the game of livin



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