

发布时间:2024-07-13 09:19:35


Content summary This text is reform into the background a new round of basic education course in the country, is initiated thinking by the result of questionnaire investigation of an " existing problem in English teaching of the middle and primary schools ", from " accumulate over a long period, take among primary school English teaching practice for a few years, " these four respects train pupils to " speak " the ability of English in activity, living, language environment, the practice result shows: " building of the four modernizations " of English teaching of primary school can let students open one's mouth and speak English, obtain knowledge, improve the ability quality of English easily happily Therefore summarize: The educator wants to train pupils to " speak " the ability of English, should permeate the new lesson and mark the idea in educational teaching, carry on " the building of the four modernizations " to English, this not merely helps to improve the pupil's spoken ability in an all-round way, and can consult as one at the time of teaching activity of practical education for the teaching workers of other English, therefore promote the new course reform correctly, raise the English teaching result of primary school and have universal significance, hope to make use of this thesis to discuss together in order to draw every colleague's interest how to improve pupils and " speak " this question of the ability of English, thus can slightly try humble effort best in order to promote the English teaching of primary Keyword: Accumulate over a long period and melt Activity Living Language environment

This article take the country new turn of elementary educationcurriculum reform as a background, "in the elementary and middleschools English teaching has the problem" by the questionnaire surveyresult initiation ponder, from "accumulates over a long period oftime, the activity in several years elementary school English teachingpractice, the adaptation, the language environment" these four aspectstrains the elementary student "to say" English ability, the practiceresult indicated: The elementary school English teaching "the FourModernizations constructs" may let the student happy open the mouth tospeak English, joyfully the knowledge acquisition, with ease toimprove English ability From this summarizes: The educationmust train the elementary student "to say" English ability, must seepthe new class sign idea in the education teaching process, carries on"the Four Modernizations to English to construct", this not only isadvantageous to comprehensively sharpens elementary student's spokenlanguage ability, when may give other English teaching workers takesthe practice education teaching activity a reference, thus to impelsthe new curriculum to reform, enhances the elementary school Englishteaching effect to have the universal significance, hoped takesadvantage of this a paper to arouse fellow colleagues' interest, howdiscusses together enhances the elementary student "to say" Englishability this question, thus can strength of for the impetus elementaryschool English teaching slightly completely meagre Key word: Accumulates over a long period of time the active metaplasiaactivation language environment












写作思路及要点:先给出一定的实际例子,最后做出一定的总结。2020年的开头,异常艰难,新型冠状病毒犹如一场冰雪,覆盖了亿万人的心,牵动着全国人民的情。可这个寒冬,却也因为一点一滴爱的汇聚,变得格外温暖而充满力量。由于此次病毒易传播且潜伏期较长,使其在全国各地迅速蔓延开来,给救治和防御带来了相当大的难度。但我相信我们的国家一定能赢下这场战“疫”, 因为在这片神奇的土地上,从来都不缺不畏艰险前仆后继舍己为人的英雄,有他们的存在,任何艰难困苦都会被打败。“一方有难,八方支援。”除了兄弟省市对武汉的紧急支援,多个国家也在第一时间运送来了我们前线最紧缺的物资,多名外国友人及留学生尽其所能地收集到当地的医疗必需品,托运或人工背回中国。面对疫情,全国人民上下一心, 84岁高龄的钟南山院士两次出征武汉,逆行的医务工作者和军队以及每一份善良的爱心,无不让我们每一个有良知的中国人热泪盈眶,铭记于心。这就是患难见真情,这就是雪中送炭,我们永不会忘怀!谁的生命都只有一次,谁都有难以割舍的亲人,可总有一群人从未忘记过自己的使命,虽然不知道你们是谁,但我们知道你们是为了谁!他们就是可亲可敬的白衣天使,在这条路上,付出最多的是他们,危险最多的也是他们。在这场疫情中,没人能够独善其身,正如"倾巢之下,焉有完卵”。所以我们在这场战”疫”下应该听从钟南山爷爷的建议,不给国家添乱,保护好自己,也就是保护好别人。



