

发布时间:2024-07-03 18:39:51


China;s pre-market summary of the cold thought: In recent years, as China's rapid economic growth and gradually increase the comprehensive national strength, China;s thriving pre-school However, in the development process there have been many problems, including pre-school education is one of the With the pre-market, China's pre-school education has emerged an unreasonable and unfair equality of education, these problems are urgent if the time can not be effectively addressed, will be restricted to the healthy development of China;s pre-school This paper analyzes the current market situation and our pre-existing problems, based on thinking and made a number of 我正准备论文那 一起加油吧

题主的很多用语在英文中没有准确对应,故此对句子结构和语序做了一些调整,并替换了一些词语,比如将“我国”和“在我国”换成"China"和“in China”,使得文句更符合英文地道用法。Upon the formal institution of Second-Child Policy, preschool education industry in China is facing unprecedented The period between 3 and 6 years old is regarded a golden time for developmental child psychology, and preschool education, which by specializing on this period help prepare children for their future education in school, should be of primary importance among various tasks undertaken by the government and local education authorities and be planned ahead for the impending impact brought along by Second-Child P Therefore, through an understanding of the present situation of preschool education in our country and examination of the positive meaning of Second-Child Policy, this passage tries to analyse the long-term imapct of Second-Child Policy on future development of preschool education in C In detail, this passages tries to look over the opportunities and challenges of the institution of Second-Child Policy on preschool education industry, and based on that tries to present a strategy in an education environment in which most families have two



The establishment and development of good relations between teachers and children around the topic of kindergarten mainly expounds the meaning, classification, characteristics of kindergarten teacher child relations and its influence, and measures to establish and develop good relationship between teacher and Firstly, the development status of preschool education are summarized, and illustrate the importance of preschool education teacher child relations; the first chapter illustrates the good relationship between teacher and children the meaning, classification of teacher child relationships and good teacher child relations in the modern education research; the second chapter puts forward factors influencing relationships teacher child kindergarten the third chapter explains the role; and the good teacher child relations impact on children and teachers; the fourth chapter the establishment and development of good relations between teachers and children in kindergarten proposed The establishment and development of the central task of good relationship between teacher child kindergarten discussion, proposed that the teacher is learning, life guidance, guidance, but it is the spectator and A good teacher child relationship is based on respect, treat each child is equal, and the children to the soul of life, to guide the children's positive outlook, Keywords: kindergarten teacher child relations; influence

As one of the overall level of education is relativelybackward, rural children education in Yunnan province isriddled with problems, through the investigation and understanding of the Yongxing Huaping County of Yunnan province township, Yongxing Township, children's education problems from the family, the school, the socialthree aspects: family presence of migrant worker parentscause of left behind children, preschool the lack of attention to education, family education and the lack ofexistence; teachers strength weak, lack of teaching resources, the class number of problems and affect the physical and mental development of children boardingschool; there are "useless theory" combat schoolenthusiasm and traffic inconvenience cause children toschool difficult problem of social In order to improve the quality of local education of rural children, we must actively solve the problem, can from increasingeducation expenditure, improve school teachers, pay attention to family education and preschool education,improve the local traffic conditions, attention, strengthen the spread of left-behind children, care and containment of boarding children "reading useless" firstly, to improve the quality of education of rural children in Y

人工翻译,请审阅。Focusing on the title “The Establishment and Development of a Good Relation between Kindergarten's Teachers and Children", this paper mainly describes the meaning, classification, features and their influence factors, the roles of the kindergarten's teacher-child relation, as well as the measures to establish a good relationship between kindergarten's teachers and Firstly, the development status of the pre-school education is overviewed, and the importance of teacher-child relation in pre-school education is explained; in Chapter 1 the meaning of a good teachers-children relation, and the classification of the teacher-child relation and features of a good teacher-child relation in modern education research are explained; in Chapter 2 the influence factors on good relationship between kindergarten's teachers and children are proposed; in Chapter 3 the impact and role of a good kindergarten's teacher-child relation on teachers and childen are described; in Chapter 4 aiming at the establishment and development of kindergarten's teachers and children the construction measures are put This paper carries out discussion focusing on the core topic of establishing and developing good relation between kindergarten's teachers and children, points out that the teachers are the leaders and guiders in the study and life, but also the spectators and A good relationship between teachers and children is established on the basis of respecting and equally treating each child, and achieving spiritual fitting with children, and leading children having a positive outlook on life and Key words : Kindergarten; teacher-child relation; influence factors



China;s pre-market summary of the cold thought: In recent years, as China's rapid economic growth and gradually increase the comprehensive national strength, China;s thriving pre-school However, in the development process there have been many problems, including pre-school education is one of the With the pre-market, China's pre-school education has emerged an unreasonable and unfair equality of education, these problems are urgent if the time can not be effectively addressed, will be restricted to the healthy development of China;s pre-school This paper analyzes the current market situation and our pre-existing problems, based on thinking and made a number of 我正准备论文那 一起加油吧

Electricity as a secondary energy, is a kind of cannot store Electricity to become the indispensable industrial production power, and widely applied to production department and daily Electricity transmission without substation, power by pressor substation, transmission lines, step-down transformer substation, and then you can to Which substation take an extremely important The graduation design, the first is for the generation miller system, power system transient and steady state, relay protection and automation of electric power systems, power stations and the electric parts and related courses, to review deepened understanding of knowledge, the teachers and students of help adhere to completion of the


人工翻译,请审阅。Focusing on the title “The Establishment and Development of a Good Relation between Kindergarten's Teachers and Children", this paper mainly describes the meaning, classification, features and their influence factors, the roles of the kindergarten's teacher-child relation, as well as the measures to establish a good relationship between kindergarten's teachers and Firstly, the development status of the pre-school education is overviewed, and the importance of teacher-child relation in pre-school education is explained; in Chapter 1 the meaning of a good teachers-children relation, and the classification of the teacher-child relation and features of a good teacher-child relation in modern education research are explained; in Chapter 2 the influence factors on good relationship between kindergarten's teachers and children are proposed; in Chapter 3 the impact and role of a good kindergarten's teacher-child relation on teachers and childen are described; in Chapter 4 aiming at the establishment and development of kindergarten's teachers and children the construction measures are put This paper carries out discussion focusing on the core topic of establishing and developing good relation between kindergarten's teachers and children, points out that the teachers are the leaders and guiders in the study and life, but also the spectators and A good relationship between teachers and children is established on the basis of respecting and equally treating each child, and achieving spiritual fitting with children, and leading children having a positive outlook on life and Key words : Kindergarten; teacher-child relation; influence factors


人工翻译,请审阅。Focusing on the title “The Establishment and Development of a Good Relation between Kindergarten's Teachers and Children", this paper mainly describes the meaning, classification, features and their influence factors, the roles of the kindergarten's teacher-child relation, as well as the measures to establish a good relationship between kindergarten's teachers and Firstly, the development status of the pre-school education is overviewed, and the importance of teacher-child relation in pre-school education is explained; in Chapter 1 the meaning of a good teachers-children relation, and the classification of the teacher-child relation and features of a good teacher-child relation in modern education research are explained; in Chapter 2 the influence factors on good relationship between kindergarten's teachers and children are proposed; in Chapter 3 the impact and role of a good kindergarten's teacher-child relation on teachers and childen are described; in Chapter 4 aiming at the establishment and development of kindergarten's teachers and children the construction measures are put This paper carries out discussion focusing on the core topic of establishing and developing good relation between kindergarten's teachers and children, points out that the teachers are the leaders and guiders in the study and life, but also the spectators and A good relationship between teachers and children is established on the basis of respecting and equally treating each child, and achieving spiritual fitting with children, and leading children having a positive outlook on life and Key words : Kindergarten; teacher-child relation; influence factors

China;s pre-market summary of the cold thought: In recent years, as China's rapid economic growth and gradually increase the comprehensive national strength, China;s thriving pre-school However, in the development process there have been many problems, including pre-school education is one of the With the pre-market, China's pre-school education has emerged an unreasonable and unfair equality of education, these problems are urgent if the time can not be effectively addressed, will be restricted to the healthy development of China;s pre-school This paper analyzes the current market situation and our pre-existing problems, based on thinking and made a number of 我正准备论文那 一起加油吧

Preschool education popularization work in rural areas, and the difficulties of the outstanding problems is teacher's quality How to cultivate willing to root the countryside, can serve all the children in the countryside qualified teachers of children is to be an urgent One hundred educational experience for reference for junior college students, in order to apply for target, talent training learning foreign teachers training mode and preschool education teachers training practice of China's popularization, good preschool education work of scientific advance has the very good Life in one hundred, young, countries in the future, key learning in children, education, teachers on preschool popularization, implementation secondary starting point "five years YiGuanZhi" is to cultivate high-quality early childhood teachers effective


学前教育论文范文:浅析幼儿教育小学化现象  摘要:幼儿教育旨在提升幼儿德、智、体、美等全面素养的同时促进幼儿的身心和谐发展,为幼儿今后的学习生活打下良好的行为习惯基础以及思想基础,但在各种复杂因素的干扰之下,部分幼儿园以及家长在面对幼儿的教育问题时丧失了初心,让幼儿在被动状态下接受了超纲的“小学化”知识以及行为要求,使幼儿的健康成长受到威胁。  关键词:幼儿教学;小学化;倾向;表现;对策  一、幼儿教育中的小学化表现  (一)所学内容小学化  现在不少幼儿在大班甚至中班就已经开始学习汉字拼音的声韵母或是10以内的加减法,甚至是更为深入的内容。这些本该是小学阶段才要求掌握的知识过早地出现在幼儿面前给幼儿增加了不必要的学习压力。  (二)作业小学化  幼儿在幼儿园的活动本来应该以游戏为主,但是由于部分幼儿园错误的办园理念,导致幼儿不仅在园学习的知识小学化,回家后更是有书面作业要完成。这些作业多是抄写拼音汉字、做算术题等,剥夺了幼儿在家进行其他活动的时间。  (三)在园行为要求小学化  幼儿有着活泼好动的天性,他们对一切事物充满好奇,且不喜欢被约束。但是幼儿教师为了让幼儿学会偏向小学化的知识,常在教学活动中以命令式的口吻强制性地要求幼儿认真听讲,以小学生的行为规范来约束幼儿,使幼儿的天性得不到释放。  二、幼儿教育被小学教育同化的原因  (一)家长对孩子期望过高  社会经济在日新月异的科学技术的助推下有了迅猛发展,人们对知识的重要性也有了更多的切身体会。家长期盼子女长大后具有较强的社会竞争力,因此极力为子女争取赢在起跑线上的资本,希望子女在幼儿阶段就学得尽可能多的知识,为幼儿教育小学化创造了条件。  (二)早教机构间不恰当的竞争方式  随着国民整体素质的提升,教育问题受到了越来越多的关注,教育事业也出现利好局面。在新时代的大环境之下,早教机构如雨后春笋般涌现,早教机构为了纳入更多的生源,不断地迎合家长,满足家长对幼儿知识掌握的要求,推动了幼儿教育小学化。  三、幼儿教育小学化的解决对策  (一)端正教育态度,尊重幼儿成长规律  幼儿教育之所以会被小学教育同化,很大一部分原因出在人的“态度”上。一些幼儿园和家长在追求高质量的过程中过于盲目,错误地将幼儿知识储备量和教育成效画上了等号,忽视了幼儿的年龄与心智成长的实际情况。幼儿园作为幼儿接受教育的主要活动场所以及幼儿教师的管理单位,必须要重视正确的幼儿教育观念宣传工作。幼儿园应该明确创园理念、端正办园态度,在以身作则的基础上加大对幼儿教育的宣传工作,发挥环境的影响作用,采取外部干预的办法将端正的幼儿教育态度传递给教师和家长,让正确的幼儿教育观念深入人心。由于部分教师和家长的思维模式已经被固化,因此宣传工作要注重方式方法,巧妙地进行。园区管理者可以将幼儿多方面的能力养成作为对教师的考核标准之一,弱化幼儿知识学习效果的考评地位,卸下教师心中的教学包袱,让教师能够在一日常规中大胆为幼儿制造更多的活动机会,给予幼儿更多的发展机会。  (二)提升教师的活动开展能力,实现幼儿教育专业化  幼儿教育活动实施的主体是幼儿教师,因此教师的思想素质以及活动开展能力对幼儿有着极为重要的影响。虽然近几年高校为社会输送了大量的学前教育人才,但对于整个幼儿教育行业而言仍旧是杯水车薪,幼儿教育正处在师资力量和幼儿素质能力提升发展不平衡的尴尬阶段。社会对幼儿教师的需求越来越旺盛,有些幼儿园在聘用教师的过程中缺乏严谨的招聘程序,对教师的专业要求较低。这部分教师没有接受过正规的师范教育,使他们对幼儿的身心发展规律没有清晰的认知,在活动中无法辨别幼儿教育与小学教育的区别,使幼儿的教育活动显现出更多的小学教育特征。因此幼儿园要将幼儿教师能力提升学习常态化,多为教师提供外出交流学习的机会,让教师能够“走出去”,接触更多的活动开展方法,使教师具备优化活动设计的能力。教师本身也要有意识地多阅读和幼儿教育相关的书籍,提升教学素养,为幼儿的科学教育奠定基础。  (三)完善幼小衔接工作,确保幼儿身心健康  幼儿教育为小学教学铺垫了基础,是幼儿更好适应高学段学习的必要经历。完善幼小衔接工作是非常必要且重要的,但是幼小衔接并不是在幼儿教育活动中融人小学化的规范和内容,而是对幼儿的学习品质、行为习惯、人际交往能力进行培养,让幼儿具备小学学习的能力,减少幼儿过渡到小学的困难程度,让幼儿在保持身心愉悦的基础上主动融人小学生活,继续快乐健康地学习成长。  四、结论  总而言之,教育是良心事业,不论是幼儿园还是幼儿教师都不能在幼儿教育中揠苗助长,要始终将幼儿的身心健康作为最高利益,在教育活动中要尽力规避幼儿教育小学化的问题,还幼儿一个自然成长的环境。  参考文献  [1]刘淑静幼儿教育小学化倾向的表现、原因及解决对策分析[J]课程教育研究,2014(20)  [2]杨艳丽幼儿教育小学化倾向的原因分析及解决措施[J]基础教育论坛,2015(33)  毕业论文范文来源于学术堂,希望对你的写作能提供帮助。

浅谈幼儿心理健康教育摘要健康是人类的最基本要求,也是一项最重要的社会目标。然而,对于什么是健康,人们的认识并不完全一致。在许多人脑子里,一提到健康就理解为身体没病,体格健壮。这种单纯的身体健康观,存在很大的片面性,忽视了心理健康的重要性。在幼儿健康教育中,偏重幼儿身体保健教育,缺少幼儿心理卫生教育方面的内容,这种倾向不利于幼儿身心的全面发展。因此,如何克服传统健康观的片面性,树立正确的健康观念,完全将健康剥离到卫生保健工作的管理范围,是当前我们工作中需要着重解决的一个重要问题。关键词:健康 全面 身心并重概述随着经济发展,人们生活水平的提高,心理健康问题已日益引起全社会的重视。关注个人的心理健康已成为现代文明人的一个重要标志。具有文明意识的人都知道,对正常人来说心理健康水平的高低不仅关系到个人的生活质量,而且直接影响其劳动效率及对社会的贡献,而如果一个人患有精神和心理疾患则会成为社会的一种负担。古今中外每个家长都希望自己的孩子能健健康康的成长。关注孩子长大后未来社会中是否具有生存能力的家长,不能不关注孩子的心理健康。说到幼儿心理健康的发展我就不得不说说我认为的心理健康的意义了。一:幼儿心理健康的含义  在谈到幼儿心理健康这个定义的同时,我们不可回避的就是心理健康这个概念。究竟怎样才算是心理健康呢?心理健康,一般是指人的智力正常,情绪良好,个性健全,能适应环境,人际关系协调,心理行为符合年龄特征标准的心理状态。具体来说,主要包括以下几个方面的内容: ① 对自己有一个正确的认识和客观的评价。心理健康的人,对自己的长处、短处,自己的个性特点,都有一个现实的、正确的认识。知道自己能干什么,适合干什么;对于办不到的事,也不会苛求自己。 ② 有自信自立精神,有自我发展的心理动力。心理健康的人,一般都明确的生活目标,有自我发展的驱动力。因此,在困难和逆境面前能调整和控制自己的情绪,冷静对待和处理各种复杂的问题,并不断前进。 ③ 能和他人友好相处,善于协调人际关系。心理健康的人,对人对事都能采取和睦相处、友好对待、克已让人的态度;对人际交往中出现的问题和矛盾,能采取友好宽容的、公平的、有理有节的方式处理,容易与他人合作和相处。 ④ 主动适应环境,顺应社会需要。心理健康的人,能够自觉地调整个人和环境的关系,不是环境顺应自己,而是使自己适应环境


