

发布时间:2024-07-06 22:12:31





你好!请参考:毕业论文摘要的书写方法和技巧 摘要的作用摘要也就是内容提要,是论文中不可缺少的一部分。论文摘要是一篇具有独立性的短文,有其特别的地方。它是建立在对论文进行总结的基础之上,用简单、明确、易懂、精辟的语言对全文内容加以概括,留主干去枝叶,提取论文的主要信息。作者的观点、论文的主要内容、研究成果、独到的见解,这些都应该在摘要中体现出来。好的摘要便于索引与查找,易于收录到大型资料库中并为他人提供信息。因此摘要在资料交流方面承担着至关重要的作用。书写摘要的基本规范和原则(1)论文摘要分为中文摘要和外文(一般为英文)摘要。摘要在篇幅方面的限定,不同的学校和机构有不同的要求,通常中文摘要不超过300字,英文摘要不超过250个实词,中英文摘要应一致。毕业论文摘要可适当增加篇幅。(2)摘要是完整的短文,具有独立性,可以单独使用。即使不看论文全文的内容,仍然可以理解论文的主要内容、作者的新观点和想法、课题所要实现的目的、采取的方法、研究的结果与结论。(3)叙述完整,突出逻辑性,短文结构要合理。(4)要求文字简明扼要,不容赘言,提取重要内容,不含前言、背景等细节部分,去掉旧结论、原始数据,不加评论和注释。采用直接表述的方法,删除不必要的文学修饰。摘要中不应包括作者将来的计划以及与此课题无关的内容,做到用最少的文字提供最大的信息量。(5)摘要中不使用特殊字符,也不使用图表和化学结构式,以及由特殊字符组成的数学表达式,不列举例证。摘要的四要素目的、方法、结果和结论称为摘要的四要素。(1)目的:指出研究的范围、目的、重要性、任务和前提条件,不是主题的简单重复。(2)方法:简述课题的工作流程,研究了哪些主要内容,在这个过程中都做了哪些工作,包括对象、原理、条件、程序、手段等。(3)结果:陈述研究之后重要的新发现、新成果及价值,包括通过调研、实验、观察取得的数据和结果,并剖析其不理想的局限部分。(4)结论:通过对这个课题的研究所得出的重要结论,包括从中取得证实的正确观点,进行分析研究,比较预测其在实际生活中运用的意义,理论与实际相结合的价值。撰写步骤摘要作为一种特殊的陈述性短文,书写的步骤也与普通类型的文章有所不同。摘要的写作时间通常在论文的完成之后,但也可以采用提早写的方式,然后再边写论文边修改摘要。首先,从摘要的四要素出发,通读论文全文,仔细将文中的重要内容一一列出,特别是每段的主题句和论文结尾的归纳总结,保留梗概与精华部分,提取用于编写摘要的关键信息。然后,看这些信息能否完全、准确的回答摘要的四要素所涉及的问题,并要求语句精炼。若不足以回答这些问题,则重新阅读论文,摘录相应的内容进行补充。最后,将这些零散信息,组成符合语法规则和逻辑规则的完整句子,再进一步组成通畅的短文,通读此短文,反复修改,达到摘要的要求。关于英文摘要(1)英文摘要的写作方法要依据公认的写作规范。(2)尽量使用简单句,避免句型单调,表达要求准确完整。(3)正确使用冠词。(4)使用标准英语书写,避免使用口语,应使用易于理解的常用词,不用生僻词汇。(5)作者所做工作用过去时,结论用现在时。(6)多使用主动语态。关键词为了文献标引工作从报告、论文中选出来用以表示全文主题内容信息目的单词术语。每篇报告、论文选取3~8个词作为关键词,以显著的字符另起一行,排在摘要的左方。如有可能,尽量用《汉语主题词表》等词表提供的规范词。为了国际交流,应标注与中文对应的英文关键词。关键词分为中文关键词和与之对应的英文关键词,分别置于中文摘要和英文摘要之下。为便于他人的检索,不能使用过于宽泛的词语。选择关键词既可以从论文的各级标题入手,也可以从论文本身的内容选取,将选出的关键词按照所涉及领域的范围从大到小顺序列出。论文摘要的写法学术论文一般都应配上摘要。摘要有两大功用:一是供读者尽快判断是否有必要阅读论文全篇,二是为二次文献的选录、汇编提供方便。前者可使读者节省大量时间,后者可使高质量的学术论文广为传播。写学术论文的摘要有特定的规范要求。我国曾颁发了国家标准《文摘编写规则》(GB6447-86);在国家标准《科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文的编写格式》(GB7713-87)中,也对摘要的写法作出了若干规定。写学术论文的摘要应做到:简洁。摘要不得简单重复文题中已经表明的信息,不要用“据估计”“可能”等不确定性的词句,要排除相关学科领域内常识性的内容,要力避引证和举例,以做到言简意赅。完整。摘要应具有独立性和自含性,即摘要本身有论点、有论据、有结论,合乎逻辑,是一篇结构完整的短文,读者不读论文全文、仅读摘要就能获得相对完整的信息。准确。摘要的内容与论文的内容要对应、相称,不要在摘要中传达论文未涉及的信息,也不要让摘要丢失论文的重要内容,以保证摘要准确无误地传达论文的主旨。平实。摘要无需对论文进行评价,尤其不能对论文进行拔高评价,如“本文超越前人的研究”“本文全面论述了这一问题”之类的话语就不能出现在摘要中,因为对论文的评价不是由摘要说了算的。故摘要的主语不能是“本文”“该文”“本文作者”“笔者”之类,而应以论文研究的对象为主语,如论文研究的对象是“素质教育”,那么摘要的主语就首选“素质教育”。求新。摘要应将论文中原创的、最具新意的部分凸现出来,论文有什么新观点、用了什么新论据、采用了哪些新的研究方法、得出了什么新结论等要在摘要中着重反映出来,因为人们判断一篇论文是否有价值主要就是依据论文是否提供了什么新东西。另外,摘要还要做到长短相宜(中文摘要200-300字)、准确使用名词术语、恰当使用缩略语等。论文摘要的写法一、摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明确切地论述文献重要内容的短文。二、摘要必须符合“拥有与论文同等量的主要信息”的原则。应重点包括4 个要素,即研究目的、方法、结果和结论。在这4 个要素中,后2 个是最重要的。在执行上述原则时,在有些情况下,英文摘要可包括研究工作的主要对象和范围,以及具有情报价值的其它重要的信息。三、摘要的句型力求简单,通常应有10 个左右意义完整,语句顺畅的句子。四、摘要不应有引言中出现的内容,也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论,不得简单重复 题名中已有的信息;不用非公知公用的符号和术语,不用引文,除非该论文证实或否定了他人已发表的论文,缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时必须加以说明;请采用法定计量单位,正确使用语言文字和标点符号。计算机毕业设计 xin上面有成品论文案例及源码,可以参考


Architecture is energy-intense, the energy conservation of the building is the development of In developed countries, and suitable temperature has become a basic Xinjiang as northern China heating area belongs to the welfare heating in the 1990s, heating and before saving energy and economic benefits, user has not big building energy users In recent years, the important significance of energy-saving already gradually by architects in residential construction, how to design and make better use of natural energy, improve the residential building energy efficiency, it is the architect needs further 保证对

The design of the subject 12 for the University of the South Campus student apartment building # construction organization design, the apartment building is located in Xi'an Yangling District, six-storey brick-concrete structure, construction area of about 5000m2, the architectural design of the total high-45m, high levels of 3 per m, seismic intensity of 7 degrees, the structure of life for 50 Its main work is divided into four parts: the project in terms of the design construction, construction site, floor plan design, preparation of construction Calculated in accordance with engineering drawings, construction pipeline construction program options, taking into account engineering and construction programs, the combination of the overall construction period and part of each project with the number and the number of days the progress of plans to draw Bar chart integrated Factors to consider the venue, transport factors, manpower and equipment with the case of a more reasonable choice of programs to map out the construction site layout Keywords: construction organization design; construction schedule; construction site layout plan; pipeline constructionAdd:

This design is an apartment building design, this building structural style is the portal frame construction, altogether eight, the building store height is 9 This local earthquake resistance fortification intensity is 7 degrees, constructs the location category is II kind of location, the frame earthquake resistance rank is two levels, the leading wind direction for the southwest, basic wind pressure 35 kN/m2, basic snow pressure 45 kN/m2, the ceiling and the room cover use the cast-in-place reinforced concrete This design primary coverage is the structural design, after determination frame layout, first has carried on the level the load generation of tabular value computation, then extracts structure using the structure apex imagination deflection method the basic cycle, then presses under the base shearing force law computation horizontal earthquake function each crosswise earthquake shearing force value, then extracts under the horizontal earthquake function the crosswise frame structure endogenic force, then computation vertical load (dead load and live load) under function frame structure endogenic Discovers the most disadvantageous several group of endogenic force combination, the computation matches the muscle and draws a In addition this design also has in the room the staircase design, including even component and so on platen, carriage board, platform Liang endogenic forces and matches the muscle computation and the construction drawing This design uses the pile foundation, and received Taiwan and the pile to the foundation has carried on the stress and matches the muscle Key word: Apartment building; Portal frame construction; Structural design

Civil engineering in the long history of mankind "science and technology" as a system of civil engineering activity a substantial production processCivil engineering and construction of engineering science and technology it refers to the engineering construction collectively objects, namely, ground, built in underground engineering facilities also refers to water used materials, equipment and inspection in design, construction, maintenance, repair, etcAs an important basis for civil engineering discipline is the important attribute: comprehensive social economic and practical technology with human society advances art unity and development of civil engineering has been turned into a large-scale integrated disciplines and have many branches such as: the railway engineering construction engineering construction bridge engineering specialty structure of water and wastewater engineering of port engineering environment engineering disciplines such as water conservancy project consists of six major in civil engineering, architecture, city planning and civil engineering construction environment and water drainage engineering and equipment engineering road and bridge projectThrough a semester civil engineering introduction lessons I have deeply felt civil engineering covers a wide appreciates the previous achievements also realized as a civil engineer major responsibility, of course, we can't make brilliant achievements is immersed in the immobilized we shall also keep pace with The Times to go to think to dig the imagination to innovation in China's future as a civil engineer I want with civil engineering history with China's national conditions and the situation of the world talk of civil engineering road of the future!


Architecture is energy-intense, the energy conservation of the building is the development of In developed countries, and suitable temperature has become a basic Xinjiang as northern China heating area belongs to the welfare heating in the 1990s, heating and before saving energy and economic benefits, user has not big building energy users In recent years, the important significance of energy-saving already gradually by architects in residential construction, how to design and make better use of natural energy, improve the residential building energy efficiency, it is the architect needs further 保证对

可以不需要 但是有了就是锦上添花


这个问题没人可以回答你,因为个学校是不同的,有些学校要求中文,也有些要求外语的,字数5000到2W不等。 我的建议是查找你自己学校的教务处网站,里边肯定有以前几届的要求的。 如果你告诉我你的学校,专业,我可以帮你查。。。


译文:abstract英['æbstrækt]释义:纯理论的;抽象的;抽象派的摘要;抽象;抽象的概念;抽象派艺术作品摘要;提取;抽象化;退出;转移;使心不在焉[复数:abstracts;第三人称单数:abstracts;现在分词:abstracting;过去式:abstracted;过去分词:abstracted;比较级:more abstract;最高级:most abstract]短语:abstract algebra[数]抽象代数;近世代数;[数]抽象代数学;代数结构扩展资料:词语辨析:summary,abstract,digest,outline,resume这些名词均含“摘要、概要、概括”之意。1、summary普通用词,指将书籍或文章等的内容,用寥寥数语作简明扼要的说明。2、abstract指论文、书籍等正文前的内容摘要,尤指学术论文或法律文件的研究提要。3、digest侧重对原文融汇贯通,重新谋篇布局,以简明扼要的语言,简短篇幅成文,展现原作精华。4、outline指配以释议文字的提纲。5、resume源于洁语,与summary极相近,通常可互换使用。

highlights calcareousness as a cheap materials widely used in transport, civil This article first by laboratorial, qsdhmm - spodosol of strength and influencing factors, of ash from the calcareousness of mpacted and mpacted - spodosol of anti-shearing immediacyand alcareousness in comminution or flyestchick113@AOL, lmldsugarbaby@AOL, incompact ergineering, mixed into an appropriate amount of lime and water, after mixing the resulting mixture in compaction and keeping the compressive strength consistent with the requirements of a This test used by the soil as taken from the Shanghai Pudong new area of Xiwang excavation of a disturbancy, opinins gaoliu a accumulational clay soil surface at about 10 metres distance, soil, soil imfusion uniormly, sub-manifold textureis incompact structure comfortable 滑腻 allelopathic, somewhat fragile, tangential clods of sultshows: Ash on the calcareousness of mpacted, anti-shearing immediacyand compactable has a significant impact on the conservation of age, mpacted - spodosol of anti-shearing and compactable effects very acquiredby - spodosol was different than the optimal moisture content, calcareousness and curvel bulk density and the changing laws, as well as with calcareousness of anti-shearing in maiatenance age xperimental results on calcareousness and construction control have practical significance, and has put forward some proposals for construction and ateor - spodosol; ash; age; mpacted; anti-shearing of sex; Triaxial tests

Civil engineering in the long history of mankind "science and technology" as a system of civil engineering activity a substantial production processCivil engineering and construction of engineering science and technology it refers to the engineering construction collectively objects, namely, ground, built in underground engineering facilities also refers to water used materials, equipment and inspection in design, construction, maintenance, repair, etcAs an important basis for civil engineering discipline is the important attribute: comprehensive social economic and practical technology with human society advances art unity and development of civil engineering has been turned into a large-scale integrated disciplines and have many branches such as: the railway engineering construction engineering construction bridge engineering specialty structure of water and wastewater engineering of port engineering environment engineering disciplines such as water conservancy project consists of six major in civil engineering, architecture, city planning and civil engineering construction environment and water drainage engineering and equipment engineering road and bridge projectThrough a semester civil engineering introduction lessons I have deeply felt civil engineering covers a wide appreciates the previous achievements also realized as a civil engineer major responsibility, of course, we can't make brilliant achievements is immersed in the immobilized we shall also keep pace with The Times to go to think to dig the imagination to innovation in China's future as a civil engineer I want with civil engineering history with China's national conditions and the situation of the world talk of civil engineering road of the future!


The design of the subject 12 for the University of the South Campus student apartment building # construction organization design, the apartment building is located in Xi'an Yangling District, six-storey brick-concrete structure, construction area of about 5000m2, the architectural design of the total high-45m, high levels of 3 per m, seismic intensity of 7 degrees, the structure of life for 50 Its main work is divided into four parts: the project in terms of the design construction, construction site, floor plan design, preparation of construction Calculated in accordance with engineering drawings, construction pipeline construction program options, taking into account engineering and construction programs, the combination of the overall construction period and part of each project with the number and the number of days the progress of plans to draw Bar chart integrated Factors to consider the venue, transport factors, manpower and equipment with the case of a more reasonable choice of programs to map out the construction site layout Keywords: construction organization design; construction schedule; construction site layout plan; pipeline constructionAdd:

Architecture is energy-intense, the energy conservation of the building is the development of In developed countries, and suitable temperature has become a basic Xinjiang as northern China heating area belongs to the welfare heating in the 1990s, heating and before saving energy and economic benefits, user has not big building energy users In recent years, the important significance of energy-saving already gradually by architects in residential construction, how to design and make better use of natural energy, improve the residential building energy efficiency, it is the architect needs further 保证对

你是哪个省的啊 看看如果可以的话 可以给你一份全面的

Civil engineering in the long history of mankind "science and technology" as a system of civil engineering activity a substantial production processCivil engineering and construction of engineering science and technology it refers to the engineering construction collectively objects, namely, ground, built in underground engineering facilities also refers to water used materials, equipment and inspection in design, construction, maintenance, repair, etcAs an important basis for civil engineering discipline is the important attribute: comprehensive social economic and practical technology with human society advances art unity and development of civil engineering has been turned into a large-scale integrated disciplines and have many branches such as: the railway engineering construction engineering construction bridge engineering specialty structure of water and wastewater engineering of port engineering environment engineering disciplines such as water conservancy project consists of six major in civil engineering, architecture, city planning and civil engineering construction environment and water drainage engineering and equipment engineering road and bridge projectThrough a semester civil engineering introduction lessons I have deeply felt civil engineering covers a wide appreciates the previous achievements also realized as a civil engineer major responsibility, of course, we can't make brilliant achievements is immersed in the immobilized we shall also keep pace with The Times to go to think to dig the imagination to innovation in China's future as a civil engineer I want with civil engineering history with China's national conditions and the situation of the world talk of civil engineering road of the future!
