

发布时间:2024-07-07 20:29:00


Cars in America(美国的汽车)Cars in AmericaCars are an important part of lifein the United S The car made the UnitedStatesanationon Andit helped to make the United States what it is There are three main reasons why the car became so popular in the United S First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in The cars provide the most comfortable and cheapest form of The second reason that cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the Nowadays there is a good system of air service provided by But it is too expensive to be used The third reason is the most important one, The American spirit of independence is what really made cars Americans don't like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a They don't like to have to follow an exact And the freedom a car gives them is what Americans want most to The decrease of gas supplies has caused a big problem for A But the answer will not be a bigger system of public The real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much

Electronic brakeforce distribution or EBD or EBFD is an automobile brake technology that automatically varies the amount of force applied to each of a vehicle's brakes, based on road conditions, speed, loading, Always coupled with anti-lock braking systems, EBD can apply more or less braking pressure to each wheel in order to maximize stopping power whilst maintaining vehicular [1][2] Typically, the front end carries the most weight and EBD distributes less braking pressure to the rear brakes so the rear brakes do not lock up and cause a [3]How ABS worksUnder heavy braking, vehicle wheels may lock- The anti-lock braking system (ABS) monitors wheel speeds and releases pressure on individual wheel brake lines, rapidly pulsing individual brakes to prevent lock- During heavy braking, preventing wheel lock-up helps the driver maintain steering Modern ABS has four individual brake lines for each wheel, enabling different braking pressure on different road For example, less braking pressure is needed to lock a wheel on ice than a wheel which on bare If the left wheels are on asphalt and the right wheels are on ice, during an emergency stop, ABS detects the right wheels about to lock and reduces braking force on the right wheels, helping to avoid lock-up and loss of vehicle How EBD worksAs per SAE technical paper #920646 - Buschmann et "The job of the EBD as a subsystem of the ABS system is to control the effective adhesion utilization by the rear The pressure of the rear wheels is approximated to the ideal brake force distribution in a partial braking To do so, the conventional brake design is modified in the direction of rear axle overbraking, and the components of the ABS are EBD reduces the strain on the hydraulic brake force proportioning valve in the EBD optimizes the brake design with regard to: adhesion utilization; driving stability; wear; temperature stress; and pedal "EBD may work in conjunction with ABS and Electronic Stability Control ("ESC") to minimize yaw accelerations during ESC compares steering wheel angle to vehicle turning rate using a yaw rate "Yaw" is the vehicle's rotation around its vertical center of gravity (turning left or right) If the yaw sensor detects more/less yaw than the steering wheel angle should create, the car is understeering or oversteering and ESC activates one of the front or rear brakes to rotate the car back into its intended For example, if a car is making a left turn and begins to understeer (the car plows forward to the outside of the turn) ESC activates the left rear brake, which will help turn the car The sensors are so sensitive, and the actuation is so quick that the system may correct direction before the driver ABS helps prevent wheel lock-up and EBD helps apply appropriate brake force to make ESC work

Cars in America(美国的汽车)Cars in AmericaCars are an important part of lifein the United S The car made the UnitedStatesanationon Andit helped to make the United States what it is There are three main reasons why the car became so popular in the United S First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in The cars provide the most comfortable and cheapest form of The second reason that cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the Nowadays there is a good system of air service provided by But it is too expensive to be used The third reason is the most important one, The American spirit of independence is what really made cars Americans don't like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a They don't like to have to follow an exact And the freedom a car gives them is what Americans want most to The decrease of gas supplies has caused a big problem for A But the answer will not be a bigger system of public The real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much 美国的汽车汽车是美国生活的重要组成部分。汽车使得美国成为轮子上的国家,它也帮助美国成为现在的样子。汽车在美国如此盛行有三个主要原因。首先这个国家地域辽阔,而美国人喜欢在其间来回走动。汽车提供了最舒适最便宜的交通方式。汽车如此盛行的第二个原因是美国从未真正发展过有效廉价的公共交通这一事实。美国的长途火车从未像世界上其它地方那么普及。如今飞机提供了空中服务的良好体系。但是飞机太贵了,不能频繁使用。而第三个原因是最为重要的。美国人的独立精神是使得汽车盛行的真正原因。美国人不喜欢等公共汽车、火车甚至飞机。他们不喜欢必须遵循精确的时间表。汽车给予他们的自由正是美国人最想得到的。汽油供给的减少已经给美国人带来了巨大的问题。但答案不是发展更大型的公交体系。真正的解决方式必须是一种新型的汽车,那种不需要使用很多燃料的汽车。Car PollutionEach year there is an increasing number of cars on the roads as millions of new cars are One out of six Americans works at making cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling up Americans couldn't live without cars!Most Americans would find it hard to imagine life without a However, some have realized the serious problem of air pollution caused by The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to One way to get rid of the polluted air is to make a car without But to build a clean car is easier said than Progress in this field is Another way is to replace car engines with something Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model for To prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we have to make some changes in our Americans, for example, have to cut down on the number of their total They are encouraged to use bicycles, which are thought to help keep the air But this change does not come A large number of workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory cioses Thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of Although cars have led us to a better life, they have also brought us new 汽车污染上路的汽车数量逐年增长,同时,每年都会生产出几百万辆新车。在美国,每六个人中就有一个从事与汽车相关的工作:造车、开车、修路、加油等等。离开汽车,美国人无法生活!大部分美国人简直无法想象没有车的生活会是什么样子。但是一些人也已经意识到汽车造成的空气污染已成为严重的问题。被污染的空气具有毒性,并且危害健康。解决空气污染的方法之一就是制造无污染汽车。但是生产清洁汽车说来容易做来难。目前,这一领域的进展十分缓慢。另一个方法就是使用其他东西替代汽车发动机。发明家正在研制蒸汽汽车和电车。但是许多厂家认为我们可以使用的实用型汽车的诞生可能还需要几年时间。要想阻止全球化的汽车污染,我们需要对自己的生活方式做出适当的改变。例如,在美国,需要缩减汽车总量。鼓励人们使用有助空气清洁的自行车。但这种改变不能一蹴而就。一旦汽车工厂关闭,就会有大量工人失去工作。与失业相比,空气污染似乎就不再那么重要了。尽管汽车为我们带来了更加舒适的生活,同时,它也带来了新的问题。

Car makes life It reduces commuting It represents high social status so it brings self- But Private car ownership gives rise to It also causes pollution and consumption of



你的论文准备往什么方向写,选题老师审核通过了没,有没有列个大纲让老师看一下写作方向?  老师有没有和你说论文往哪个方向写比较好?写论文之前,一定要写个大纲,这样老师,好确定了框架,避免以后论文修改过程中出现大改的情况!!  学校的格式要求、写作规范要注意,否则很可能发回来重新改,你要还有什么不明白或不懂可以问我,希望你能够顺利毕业,迈向新的人生。    (一)选题  毕业论文(设计)题目应符合本专业的培养目标和教学要求,具有综合性和创新性。本科生要根据自己的实际情况和专业特长,选择适当的论文题目,但所写论文要与本专业所学课程有关。  (二)查阅资料、列出论文提纲  题目选定后,要在指导教师指导下开展调研和进行实验,搜集、查阅有关资料,进行加工、提炼,然后列出详细的写作提纲。  (三)完成初稿  根据所列提纲,按指导教师的意见认真完成初稿。  (四)定稿  初稿须经指导教师审阅,并按其意见和要求进行修改,然后定稿。  一般毕业论文题目的选择最好不要太泛,越具体越好,而且老师希望学生能结合自己学过的知识对问题进行分析和解决。  不知道你是否确定了选题,  确定选题了接下来你需要根据选题去查阅前辈们的相关论文,  看看人家是怎么规划论文整体框架的;  其次就是需要自己动手收集资料了,  进而整理和分析资料得出自己的论文框架;  最后就是按照框架去组织论文了。  你如果需要什么参考资料和范文我可以提供给你。  还有什么不了解的可以直接问我,希望可以帮到你,祝写作过程顺利      毕业论文选题的方法:  一、尽快确定毕业论文的选题方向 在毕业论文工作布置后,每个人都应遵循选题的基本原则,在较短的时间内把选题的方向确定下来。从毕业论文题目的性质来看,基本上可以分为两大类:一类是社会主义现代化建设实践中提出的理论和实际问题;另一类是专业学科本身发展中存在的基本范畴和基本理论问题。大学生应根据自己的志趣和爱好,尽快从上述两大类中确定一个方向。      二、在初步调查研究的基础上选定毕业论文的具体题目在选题的方向确定以后,还要经过一定的调查和研究,来进一步确定选题的范围,以至最后选定具体题目。下面介绍两种常见的选题方法。 浏览捕捉法 :这种方法就是通过对占有的文献资料快速地、大量地阅读,在比较中来确定论文题目地方法。浏览,一般是在资料占有达到一定数量时集中一段时间进行,这样便于对资料作集中的比较和鉴别。浏览的目的是在咀嚼消化已有资料的过程中,提出问题,寻找自己的研究课题。这就需要对收集到的材料作一全面的阅读研究,主要的、次要的、不同角度的、不同观点的都应了解,不能看了一些资料,有了一点看法,就到此为止,急于动笔。也不能“先入为主”,以自己头脑中原有的观点或看了第一篇资料后得到的看法去决定取舍。而应冷静地、客观地对所有资料作认真的分析思考。在浩如烟海,内容丰富的资料中吸取营养,反复思考琢磨许多时候之后,必然会有所发现,这是搞科学研究的人时常会碰到的情形。 浏览捕捉法一般可按以下步骤进行: 第一步,广泛地浏览资料。在浏览中要注意勤作笔录,随时记下资料的纲目,记下资料中对自己影响最深刻的观点、论据、论证方法等,记下脑海中涌现的点滴体会。当然,手抄笔录并不等于有言必录,有文必录,而是要做细心的选择,有目的、有重点地摘录,当详则详,当略则略,一些相同的或类似的观点和材料则不必重复摘录,只需记下资料来源及页码就行,以避免浪费时间和精力。 第二步,是将阅读所得到的方方面面的内容,进行分类、排列、组合,从中寻找问题、发现问题,材料可按纲目分类,如分成: 系统介绍有关问题研究发展概况的资料; 对某一个问题研究情况的资料; 对同一问题几种不同观点的资料; 对某一问题研究最新的资料和成果等等。 第三步,将自己在研究中的体会与资料分别加以比较,找出哪些体会在资料中没有或部分没有;哪些体会虽然资料已有,但自己对此有不同看法;哪些体会和资料是基本一致的;哪些体会是在资料基础上的深化和发挥等等。经过几番深思熟虑的思考过程,就容易萌生自己的想法。把这种想法及时捕捉住,再作进一步的思考,选题的目标也就会渐渐明确起来。

提供一些关于汽车的毕业论文的题目,供参考。1 发动机排放技术的应用分析2 微型车怠速不良原因与控制措施3 柴油机电子控制系统的发展4 我国汽车尾气排放控制现状与对策5 发动机自动熄火的诊断分析6 汽车发动机的维护与保养7 柴油机微粒排放的净化技术发展趋势8 汽车污染途径及控制措施9 现代发动机自诊断系统探讨10 关于奔驰300SEL型不能着车的故障分析11 奔驰Sprinter动力不足的检测与维修12 上海通用别克发动机电控系统故障的诊断与检修13 现代伊兰特发动机电控系统故障的诊断与检修14 广本雅阁发动机电控系统故障的诊断与检修15 电子燃油喷射系统的诊断与维修16 帕萨特8T排放控制系统的结构控制原理与检修17 广本雅阁排放控制系统的结构控制原理与检修18 汽车发动机怠速成抖动现象的原因及排查方法探讨19 汽车排放控制系统的检修20 上海帕萨特B5电子燃油喷射系统的诊断与维修21 论汽车检测技术的发展22 奥迪A6排放控制系统的结构控制原理与检修23 丰田凌志400发动机电控系统故障的诊断与检修24 奥迪A6B5电子燃油喷射系统的诊断与维修25 标致307电子燃油喷射系统的诊断与维修26 捷达轿车发动机常见故障分析与检修27 汽车转向盘摆振故障分析28 防抱死系统在常用轿车上的使用特点分析29 汽车底盘的故障诊断分30 汽车的常用转向系统的性能分析31 汽车变速箱故障故障诊断32 安全气囊的发展与应用33 汽车制动系统故障诊断34 分析国产几种汽车行走系统特点35 分析国产几种汽车制动系统特点36 分析国产几种汽车转向系统特点37 机电液一体化技术在汽车中的应用38 丰田系列ABS故障诊断方法的探讨39 通用系列ABS故障诊断探讨40 奔驰560SEL车型ABS系统故障案例分析41 AL4自动变速器的结构控制原理与检修42 汽车制动系43 汽车四轮定位的探讨44 4T65E自动变速器的结构控制原理与检修45 上海通用别克转向系统故障的诊断与检修46 上海通用别克制动系统故障的诊断与检修47 现代伊兰特转向系统故障的诊断与检修48 现代伊兰特制动系统故障的诊断与检修49 SONATA制动系统的结构控制原理与检修50 电控悬架系统的结构控制原理与检修51 上海帕萨特B5自动变速器的结构控制原理与检修52 丰田佳美制动系统的结构控制原理与检修53 丰田凌志400悬架系统的结构控制原理与检修54 标致307制动系统故障的诊断与检修55 标致307手动变速器的结构控制原理与检修56 上海通用别克悬架与车桥故障分析与检修57 电控液动式自动变速器的结构控制原理与维修58 分析轮胎性能对汽车行走行使的影响59 捷达轿车底盘常见故障分析与检修60 汽车转向系课件设计61 汽车ABS综述62 车用防抱死制动系统设计63 汽车蓄电池的维护与故障控制64 信息技术在汽车中的应用65 现代汽车渗漏故障与控制技术66 汽车点火系统故障诊断67 丰田凌志400空调控制系统分析68 桑塔纳故障诊断方法的研究69 汽车空调技术浅析70 蒙迪欧的空调系统分析71 氧传感器故障检测72 传统诊断在轿车维修中的应用73 广本雅阁的空调系统故障的诊断与检修74 电子点火系统的诊断与维修75 上海帕萨特B5的空调系统故障的诊断与检修76 论车身计算机系统的结构控制原理与检修77 上海通用别克空调控制系统故障分析与检修78 广本雅阁电气设备及附件系统常见故障分析与检修79 汽车常用防盗系统综述80 汽车防撞技术综术81 现代汽车音响防干扰设计82 汽车电控技术分析83 奥迪A6电气设备及附件系统常见故障分析与检修84 上海通用别克电气设备及附件系统常见故障分析与检修85 标致307电气设备及附件系统常见故障分析与检修


My View on Developing the Car IndustryWith the development of modern industry,more and more families are able to have their own But,seeing the problems like air pollution and the reduction of resources,some people appeal for the reduction of private Still,I think there is every reason for the even faster development of the car Thanks to the development of the car industry, we do not have to cram in the buses, but can enjoy free travel in own cars, we can go to more places in a leisure Transportation becomes comfortable and But there are those who worry that too many cars may cause more traffic problems, serious:air pollution and the exhaustion ofresources, While these problems may be true, they can be solved and some are being For example, we can invent cars that: can save fuel or use other types of energy so that cars can still 'be used even though resources run To reduce pollution, people have manufactured many cars without We can relieve the traffic pressure by building more and more roads or-adopt computer-monitored automated For all the contemporary problems cars bring, no one can deny the convenience cars bring us and ignore the effort We make to solve these Therefore,the development of the car industry is necessary, and it should develop as quickly as

Car makes life It reduces commuting It represents high social status so it brings self- But Private car ownership gives rise to It also causes pollution and consumption of

Cars in America(美国的汽车)Cars in AmericaCars are an important part of lifein the United S The car made the UnitedStatesanationon Andit helped to make the United States what it is There are three main reasons why the car became so popular in the United S First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in The cars provide the most comfortable and cheapest form of The second reason that cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the Nowadays there is a good system of air service provided by But it is too expensive to be used The third reason is the most important one, The American spirit of independence is what really made cars Americans don't like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a They don't like to have to follow an exact And the freedom a car gives them is what Americans want most to The decrease of gas supplies has caused a big problem for A But the answer will not be a bigger system of public The real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much 美国的汽车汽车是美国生活的重要组成部分。汽车使得美国成为轮子上的国家,它也帮助美国成为现在的样子。汽车在美国如此盛行有三个主要原因。首先这个国家地域辽阔,而美国人喜欢在其间来回走动。汽车提供了最舒适最便宜的交通方式。汽车如此盛行的第二个原因是美国从未真正发展过有效廉价的公共交通这一事实。美国的长途火车从未像世界上其它地方那么普及。如今飞机提供了空中服务的良好体系。但是飞机太贵了,不能频繁使用。而第三个原因是最为重要的。美国人的独立精神是使得汽车盛行的真正原因。美国人不喜欢等公共汽车、火车甚至飞机。他们不喜欢必须遵循精确的时间表。汽车给予他们的自由正是美国人最想得到的。汽油供给的减少已经给美国人带来了巨大的问题。但答案不是发展更大型的公交体系。真正的解决方式必须是一种新型的汽车,那种不需要使用很多燃料的汽车。Car PollutionEach year there is an increasing number of cars on the roads as millions of new cars are One out of six Americans works at making cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling up Americans couldn't live without cars!Most Americans would find it hard to imagine life without a However, some have realized the serious problem of air pollution caused by The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to One way to get rid of the polluted air is to make a car without But to build a clean car is easier said than Progress in this field is Another way is to replace car engines with something Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model for To prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we have to make some changes in our Americans, for example, have to cut down on the number of their total They are encouraged to use bicycles, which are thought to help keep the air But this change does not come A large number of workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory cioses Thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of Although cars have led us to a better life, they have also brought us new 汽车污染上路的汽车数量逐年增长,同时,每年都会生产出几百万辆新车。在美国,每六个人中就有一个从事与汽车相关的工作:造车、开车、修路、加油等等。离开汽车,美国人无法生活!大部分美国人简直无法想象没有车的生活会是什么样子。但是一些人也已经意识到汽车造成的空气污染已成为严重的问题。被污染的空气具有毒性,并且危害健康。解决空气污染的方法之一就是制造无污染汽车。但是生产清洁汽车说来容易做来难。目前,这一领域的进展十分缓慢。另一个方法就是使用其他东西替代汽车发动机。发明家正在研制蒸汽汽车和电车。但是许多厂家认为我们可以使用的实用型汽车的诞生可能还需要几年时间。要想阻止全球化的汽车污染,我们需要对自己的生活方式做出适当的改变。例如,在美国,需要缩减汽车总量。鼓励人们使用有助空气清洁的自行车。但这种改变不能一蹴而就。一旦汽车工厂关闭,就会有大量工人失去工作。与失业相比,空气污染似乎就不再那么重要了。尽管汽车为我们带来了更加舒适的生活,同时,它也带来了新的问题。

The lighter drive 更轻便的驾驶理念Electric cars made from carbon fibre will be safer and go farther 电瓶汽车+碳纤维材料=安全,耐用They look safe in thereMARK WEBBER has a lot to thank tiny strands of carbon When his Formula 1 car cartwheeled in a spectacular 306kph (190mph) crash at the recent Valencia Grand Prix, what helped him to escape unscathed was the immensely strong carbon-fibre “tub” that racing drivers now sit Carbon fibre is an expensive alternative to making things in steel or aluminium, but besides being extremely strong it is also very It is found in high-performance parts, like aircraft wings, bits of supercars and the frames of pricey mountain But if work by Germany’s BMW proves successful, it could also become the material of choice to mass-produce electric 6月,F1瓦伦西亚大奖赛发生了惊人一幕:以每小时306公里(190英里)行驶在赛道上的马克�6�1韦伯发生了严重的翻车事故。奇迹的是,韦伯本人毫发无 伤。奥妙之处就在于当下流行于F1的——碳纤维底座。虽然与铁,铝相比,它的造价较高,但是抗压及轻便性都远远好于铁和铝。目前,炭纤维材料还大多使用在 高精度领域,如飞机机翼,F1赛车,或是私人山地车等。不过这一传统观念可能会被宝马公司打破,一旦试验成功,那么碳纤维就可以率先广泛应用在电动汽车领 域。The Bavarian carmaker plans to launch a new plug-in electric car in It will be one of the first designed from scratch to use an electric motor rather than being converted from an existing Reducing the weight of this four-seater car, known as the Megacity concept, will be crucial to improving its performance and So BMW is planning to use no steel at The Megacity will be built as two modules: an aluminium chassis will contain the electric drive-system and battery, and a body made almost entirely of carbon fibre will be fitted onto 德国汽车制造商正计划将在2013年推出一款电瓶可拆卸式环保车。这并不是从现有车型改装而来,而是设计师卧薪尝胆的一次全新尝试。更轻便的4人坐驾,完 全符合现代城市环保理念,这款“无铁”车型的设计,彰显出了它的与众不同与理念上的更新换代。但是这样一个设想目前还处在起步阶段,或许成功的那天,汽车 铝制底盘上充电驾驶装置与设备,及全身碳纤维的设计工艺,能够更好的诠释大城市的环保概念。Carbon fibre is 30% lighter than aluminium and 50% lighter than The fibres are extremely tear- When woven into a lattice structure and impregnated with resin they can produce a part that is stronger than The trouble is the process is labour-intensive and slow, not least because components may have to be cured for hours under pressure in massive ovens called For carmakers, used to stamping out steel body-parts in a few seconds, this has ruled out carbon fibre for high-volume BMW, however, aims to change 碳纤维比铝轻便30%,是铁的50%。同时,由于纤维具有极强的抗断裂性,再融入树脂形成晶体结构后,那么它的强度就要超过铁。但是这道工序属于劳动密集 型,效率相对较低,以前车用铁制品的切割仅需要几秒钟时间就能完成,而现在则需要在高压炉内高温锻造几个小时,因此,大量生产碳纤维的可能性不高。不过, 宝马公司目前也正在试图改变这一情况。Its production line starts with a so-called precursor: a fibre spun from a This is carbonised by heating it in multiple stages to leave individual carbon fibres just seven microns (007 millimetres) Around 50,000 of these fibres are bundled together into a yarn which is then made into a This can be cut and handled like a Strips of fabric are then overlaid to align their fibres in such a way to maximise their load-bearing characteristics as required—in effect tailoring components like a bespoke 现在,宝马生产线守开先河,将聚合体加工成纤维状,这个碳化过程需要在高温下进行几道工序,最后产生的碳纤维厚度只有7微米(007毫米)。然后,大 概将5000根这样的纤维拧成一股就成了纤维织物,再将这样的纤维根据它的陌生能力将它切割成最合适的尺寸,实际上,这个步骤与量体裁衣有异曲同工之妙。Along come the robots 自动机将助一臂之力BMW uses molds, heat and pressure to produce contours in the Resin is then injected into the molds to bond the fibres How the resin flows through the fibres is crucial; it has to be done quickly and leave no area untreated before it starts to A release agent in the resin migrates to the surface to prevent the component sticking in the The whole process, which can be handled by robots, is completed in 然后,再利用模具与高温将纤维织物打造成型。首先,将树脂注入模具粘合纤维,这里有两个细节非常关键,一是动作要快不能拖泥带水,二是在没有粘合之前确保 模具内的树脂流向均匀。树脂中混有的隔离剂此时发挥功效,避免了纤维与模具发生粘连。整道工序,在自动仪器的协助下,仅需几分钟便可完成。The resulting carbon-fibre parts are bonded together to construct the body of the Besides their lightness, BMW’s experimental vehicles have exceeded expectations in crash tests, says the During front- and rear-impact-tests the aluminium chassis crumples to absorb energy, but leaves the rigid carbon-fibre passenger compartment Even extreme side-impacts protected the crash dummies and the battery (automatically switched off when the airbags trigger) In many cases crash damage is reparable by cutting out broken sections of carbon fibre and bonding in new 此时的碳纤维就可以应用于汽车制造。宝马公司声称:除了超轻便的特性之外,碳纤维的抗挤压能力也令人惊叹。在对车头车尾抗冲击测试中发现,一方面是铝制底 盘受到挤压而变形,缓冲了部分能量,而坚硬的碳纤维能够保证车身安然无恙。即使是侧面来的强力冲击,也能够有效保护车厢内假人模型及电瓶毫发无伤(当然, 气囊装置启动电瓶能够自动断电)。即便是车身有所受损,也不用担心,切割掉受损部分再粘合上新部件,完全可以让车体恢复原状。At some point, however, carbon-fibre cars will be Steel and aluminium is easy to recycle, but carbon fibre is Carmakers are working with aerospace firms on ways to do BMW has pioneered a process to reuse offcuts by breaking them up with heat to turn them back into raw This can be used to make composites with about half the strength of new carbon 铝的回收再利用技术已经非常成熟,但是从某角度来说,碳纤维这方面的技术还有待研究。目前,制造商正和宇宙空间机构合作,试图填补这一空白。眼下,处理碳 纤维“边脚料”最先进的方法还是来自宝马公司,他们通过高温分解,能够使之退回成未加工状态。通过此种方法生产出的复合材料也具有碳纤维一半的硬度。Another advantage of a carbon-fibre body is that it will not So, apart from the battery wearing out in ten years or so, electric cars could last for decades (electric motors need little servicing) This will make it even harder for car designers to persuade those driving electrically to trade in their rustless, tough-as-old-boots vehicles for a new 碳纤维的另一优势在于不易腐蚀,如果不考虑电瓶10年左右的使用寿命,这种碳纤维电瓶汽车可以使用长达几十年(当然马达还是需要检修的)。与结实耐穿的靴 子让人不忍丢弃一样,当设计理念再有突飞猛进的发展时,如何让使用者放弃碳纤维电瓶汽车,设计者可要好好动一番脑筋喽。英文附带汉语拼音,希望对你有所帮助。



提供一些关于汽车的毕业论文的题目,供参考。1 发动机排放技术的应用分析2 微型车怠速不良原因与控制措施3 柴油机电子控制系统的发展4 我国汽车尾气排放控制现状与对策5 发动机自动熄火的诊断分析6 汽车发动机的维护与保养7 柴油机微粒排放的净化技术发展趋势8 汽车污染途径及控制措施9 现代发动机自诊断系统探讨10 关于奔驰300SEL型不能着车的故障分析11 奔驰Sprinter动力不足的检测与维修12 上海通用别克发动机电控系统故障的诊断与检修13 现代伊兰特发动机电控系统故障的诊断与检修14 广本雅阁发动机电控系统故障的诊断与检修15 电子燃油喷射系统的诊断与维修16 帕萨特8T排放控制系统的结构控制原理与检修17 广本雅阁排放控制系统的结构控制原理与检修18 汽车发动机怠速成抖动现象的原因及排查方法探讨19 汽车排放控制系统的检修20 上海帕萨特B5电子燃油喷射系统的诊断与维修21 论汽车检测技术的发展22 奥迪A6排放控制系统的结构控制原理与检修23 丰田凌志400发动机电控系统故障的诊断与检修24 奥迪A6B5电子燃油喷射系统的诊断与维修25 标致307电子燃油喷射系统的诊断与维修26 捷达轿车发动机常见故障分析与检修27 汽车转向盘摆振故障分析28 防抱死系统在常用轿车上的使用特点分析29 汽车底盘的故障诊断分30 汽车的常用转向系统的性能分析31 汽车变速箱故障故障诊断32 安全气囊的发展与应用33 汽车制动系统故障诊断34 分析国产几种汽车行走系统特点35 分析国产几种汽车制动系统特点36 分析国产几种汽车转向系统特点37 机电液一体化技术在汽车中的应用38 丰田系列ABS故障诊断方法的探讨39 通用系列ABS故障诊断探讨40 奔驰560SEL车型ABS系统故障案例分析41 AL4自动变速器的结构控制原理与检修42 汽车制动系43 汽车四轮定位的探讨44 4T65E自动变速器的结构控制原理与检修45 上海通用别克转向系统故障的诊断与检修46 上海通用别克制动系统故障的诊断与检修47 现代伊兰特转向系统故障的诊断与检修48 现代伊兰特制动系统故障的诊断与检修49 SONATA制动系统的结构控制原理与检修50 电控悬架系统的结构控制原理与检修51 上海帕萨特B5自动变速器的结构控制原理与检修52 丰田佳美制动系统的结构控制原理与检修53 丰田凌志400悬架系统的结构控制原理与检修54 标致307制动系统故障的诊断与检修55 标致307手动变速器的结构控制原理与检修56 上海通用别克悬架与车桥故障分析与检修57 电控液动式自动变速器的结构控制原理与维修58 分析轮胎性能对汽车行走行使的影响59 捷达轿车底盘常见故障分析与检修60 汽车转向系课件设计61 汽车ABS综述62 车用防抱死制动系统设计63 汽车蓄电池的维护与故障控制64 信息技术在汽车中的应用65 现代汽车渗漏故障与控制技术66 汽车点火系统故障诊断67 丰田凌志400空调控制系统分析68 桑塔纳故障诊断方法的研究69 汽车空调技术浅析70 蒙迪欧的空调系统分析71 氧传感器故障检测72 传统诊断在轿车维修中的应用73 广本雅阁的空调系统故障的诊断与检修74 电子点火系统的诊断与维修75 上海帕萨特B5的空调系统故障的诊断与检修76 论车身计算机系统的结构控制原理与检修77 上海通用别克空调控制系统故障分析与检修78 广本雅阁电气设备及附件系统常见故障分析与检修79 汽车常用防盗系统综述80 汽车防撞技术综术81 现代汽车音响防干扰设计82 汽车电控技术分析83 奥迪A6电气设备及附件系统常见故障分析与检修84 上海通用别克电气设备及附件系统常见故障分析与检修85 标致307电气设备及附件系统常见故障分析与检修


In recent years, engine manufacturers have been required to reduce the levels of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in diesel engine exhaust to meet Tier 3 emission standards required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) One of the reasons for this mandate by the EPA is because NOx has been associated with respiratory disease and This requirement is accomplished by changes in engine designs that include retarded timing, raised piston rings, selective catalytic reduction and the use of exhaust gas recirculating (EGR) New engine designs use EGR to control NOx emissions by recirculating exhaust gases back into the combustion chamber to be burned a second time, thereby reducing emissions associated with health The amount of exhaust gas introduced into the combustion chamber will displace oxygen, creating cooler In doing this, many of the exhaust contaminants end up in the engine lubricating Diesel engine oils are now exposed to a higher level of contamination that can degrade the oil and damage engine There is concern that exhaust gas recirculation can have a detrimental effect on engine durability and its effects on the Oils exposed to the EGR environment show an increase in soot content, acid number (AN) and viscosity, while the engine and oil are both exposed to corrosive/acidic gases and particle According to Elizabeth Kobert who wrote a article titled “Running on Fumes” for the New Yorker, she says that there are about 9 personal cars per 1,000 eligible people in C In India, there are about 11 cars per 1,000 eligible The comparison becomes interesting when you factor in cars in the United S Kobert says that we have 1,114 automobiles per 1,000 eligible These figures help us understand why the United States is the top consumer of fossil fuels and emitter of The really frightening aspect of all of this is knowing that both China and India's economies are on a substantial growth track that will forever change the above automobile They are hungry for all of the amenities that are synonymous with a comfortable modern life and driving is one of The urbanization of China has been dramatic over the past Peasants have left the countryside for jobs in urban areas and the promise of a better As a result, urban areas have sprung up almost overnight to accommodate the boom in With a population if over 1 billion people, China has over 200 cities with at least 1 million As they increase their income, they will have expendable income that will allow them to purchase The future looks bright for car sales in China and I Kobert argues that if China and India were to reach car ownership at just half the numbers of American drivers, those two countries would burn through 100 million barrels of oil a If they were to match the number of United States drivers, they would need 200 million barrels of oil a To the average person these numbers appear quite meaningless until you understand that the current total world consumption a day is about 86 million barrels of This level of oil production has plateaued since December of 2005 and many are worried that we have begun the inevitable decline in our ability to pump oil at these This would all be just an interesting academic discussion if it weren't for the fact that 35 billion dollars was just sucked out of our economy due to the increase in fuel prices as we were heading into the Christmas Money spent on fuel is not money spent on the A recent poll by by Gfk Roper Public Affairs and Media reports that 27 million Americans will need to borrow money to pay their fuel bills this winter, 20 million of them will use credit cards to pay for heat to stay This comes at a time when utility companies are expanding the payment options for households and for many this includes credit As we look forward, a prudent person would understand that we are facing several enormous First of all, the world must drastically reduce the amount of carbon we are releasing into the An increasing reliance on the internal combustion engine will obviously seal our If we were to develop an alternative car right now that does not emit carbon it would take years to replace the current stock of The average car stays on the road for 7 The hundreds of millions of vehicles on the road right now will be with us for years to As China and India add to their vehicle stock, it is likely that these vehicles will live out their life cycle as Lastly, it is clear that if we continue to burn fossil fuels we will all be competing for a dwindling The laws of economics tell us that prices will increase as demand outstrips The future appears The implications for increased military conflict to secure our energy future has already begun and will worsen as supply

Cars in America(美国的汽车)Cars in AmericaCars are an important part of lifein the United S The car made the UnitedStatesanationon Andit helped to make the United States what it is There are three main reasons why the car became so popular in the United S First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in The cars provide the most comfortable and cheapest form of The second reason that cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the Nowadays there is a good system of air service provided by But it is too expensive to be used The third reason is the most important one, The American spirit of independence is what really made cars Americans don't like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a They don't like to have to follow an exact And the freedom a car gives them is what Americans want most to The decrease of gas supplies has caused a big problem for A But the answer will not be a bigger system of public The real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much

A阿尔法-罗米欧——Alfa Romeo 奥迪——Audi 阿斯顿-马丁——Aston Martin B 宝马——BMW 宾利——Bentley 别克——Buick 布加迪——Bugatti C 凯迪拉克(卡迪拉克)——Cadillac 克莱斯勒——Chrysler 雪铁龙——Citroen 雪佛兰——Chevrolet D 大宇——Daewoo 大发——Daihatsu 道奇——Dodge F 法拉利——Ferrari 菲亚特——Fiat 福特——Ford H 本田——Honda 现代——Hyundai 悍马——Hummer I 五十铃——ISUZU J 捷豹(美洲虎)——Jaguar 吉普——Jeep K 起亚——Kia L 路虎(陆虎)——Land Rover 雷克萨斯(凌志)——Lexus 林肯——Lincoln 蓝伯基尼——Lamborghini 蓝旗亚——Lancia M 马自达——Mazda 梅赛德斯-奔驰——Mercedes-Benz 三菱——Mitsubishi 玛莎拉蒂——Maserati 迈巴赫——Maybach 迷你——Mini 水星——Mercury N 日产——Nissan O 欧宝——Opel P 标致——Peugeot 保时捷——Porsche R 劳斯莱斯——Rolls-royce 雷诺——Renault 罗孚(陆虎)——Rover S 双龙——Ssangyong 萨博(绅宝)——Saab 斯柯达——Skoda 斯巴鲁(富士)——Subaru 土星——Saturn 铃木——Suzuki 西雅特——Seat 精灵——Smart T 丰田——Toyota V 大众——Volkswagen 沃尔沃——Volvo 沃克斯豪尔——VauxhalBenz, Mercedes-Benz 奔驰 Cadillac 卡迪拉克Chrysler 克赖斯勒Chevroler 雪佛莱Citroen 雪铁龙Ford 福特Honda 本田Mazda 马自达Mustang 野马Porsche 保时捷Renault 雷诺Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯罗伊斯Santana 桑塔纳Toyota 丰田Volvo 沃尔沃, 富豪Volkswagen 大众汽车术语:irst gear 一档second gear 二档reverse 倒车档two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机diesel 柴油机limousine 豪华轿车drophead 活动车篷汽车 (美作:convertible)racing car 赛车saloon 轿车 (美作:sedan)roadster 敞蓬车wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车notchback 客货两用车four-wheel drive 四轮驱动front-wheel drive 前轮驱动trailer 拖车station wagon 小旅行车truck 卡车compact car 小型汽车light-van 小型货车garbage truck 垃圾车automobile carrier 货运卡车fire engine 消防车tractor 牵引车ambulance 救护车taxi 出租车, 出租车trailer truck 拖车sports car 跑车formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车mail car 邮车jeep 吉普车bloodmobile 血浆车bumper car 碰撞用汽车camper 露营车police car 警车wrecker 清障车ambulance 急救车
