

发布时间:2024-07-05 17:00:00


Class Meeting is important form of class activities, main channel and effective means of class education and the main front of moral education in With the coming of internet time, people's values, world view, moral philosophy, attitudes to life and way of life are changed Educators must self-adjusting with the times and actively adapt to the network environment, the pace of new developments and At present, There are some not compatible with the network environment issues in primary and secondary class So schools must stands on the high degree of development to overall coordinate and remodel the function of class meeting and organize special training, improve class teacher professionalism, carry out research on class meeting, come up with improvement policy to increase relevance and timeliness of education and educate adolescent with modern ideological and moral This article uses literature, case studies, questionnaire surveys and comparative analysis to At first, it analyzes the effect of internet environment on class meeting and makes overall grasp of main features, the main function of the type commonly used, theoretical basis and principles of organization in class meeting under the effect of internet Then this article makes research on the current situation of class meeting and makes an conclusion that class meeting has problems of vague educational goals, subject content is removed from students practice, less creative on design, low student participation, Emotional interaction not in place, At last, this article comes up with four policies of improving class meeting, that is, specific class meeting goals to improve ideological and moral system of students under the network environment; comply with characteristics of the network environment to break through the bottleneck of class meeting; carry out specific school-based training to improve the quality of class meeting; create a good atmosphere to improve the status of class 看看能不能帮上你 呵呵 我自己翻译的 见笑了

Our country FER speeds up in recent years So ample FER [scale]'s, currency of adding gives first place to U S dollar on kind of structure , cause our country FER sustains losses after time of USA loan crisis The problem that portfolio formation and risk control about FER, broad having once aroused society pays close attention Especially our country stores the first Great Power as world foreign currency,under scale exceeds appropriate measure long ago horizontal situation, portfolio formation and risk how to be in progress to foreign exchange assets appear very important under the control The main body of a book the reality from our country FER is starting point, specifically for U S dollar , yen , this four kinds Euro and pound sterling foreign currency, the programming making use of Eviews and the SAS software , building economy measuring a model , applying assets combinatorial theory to SAS middle carrying out repeated plan mathematic model finds the The minimum that every currency grows in reaching our country FER from Eviews software holds the proportion forecast value , pass SAS software expectation to FER That theoretical analysis and demonstration study union , economy measure a software each other and special field counts the each other fit , up-to-date monthly of software data blending with index quantization each other, makes the main body of a book have certain FOAK nature and reality making use of value , avails and risk managing exchange cover's to the country to significance having Thesis exchange cover portfolio formation and risk falling specifically for the whole world financial crisis in at last has given a relevance out suggestion under the control Special field vocabulary: Exchange cover FER , Foreign exchange reserve , optimum combination , Optimal compositon,

Significantly in recent years, the growth rate of China's FER Such a large scale】 【FER of, plus the currency in US dollar-based structure, with the result that in the US loan crisis meeting after the loss of China's FER FER-related investment portfolio and risk control, and again aroused extensive In particular, China's foreign exchange reserves as the world's largest, in terms of size more than a moderate level of long ago, how to invest in foreign exchange assets of the portfolio and risk control, it is very In this paper, the actual situation of China's FER as the starting point, for the dollar, yen, euro and pound the four foreign currencies, the use of Eviews and SAS software, the establishment of econometric models, the application of portfolio theory in the SAS in the mathematical model of quadratic programming for solving Eviews software obtained from the various currencies of China's FER minimum holding percentage of predictive value, and then through the SAS software to yield the expected FER, to quantify the level of risk, the case of three different optimal portfolio Theoretical analysis and empirical research combining econometric software, statistical software and professional fit, the latest monthly data and quantitative indicators of integration, so this article has some innovative and practical use value, management of national income and the risk of foreign exchange reserves have the meaning of Papers in the final against the global financial crisis under the portfolio of foreign exchange reserves and risk control recommendations are

Significantly in recent years, the growth rate of China's FER FER such a large scale, combined with the currency to US dollars based structure, with the result that in the US loan crisis meeting after the loss of China's FER FER-related investment portfolio and risk control, and again aroused extensive In particular, China's foreign exchange reserves as the world's largest, in terms of size more than a moderate level of long ago, how to invest in foreign exchange assets of the portfolio and risk control, it is very In this paper, the actual situation of China's FER as the starting point, for the dollar, yen, euro and pound the four foreign currencies, the use of Eviews and SAS software, the establishment of econometric models, the application of portfolio theory in the SAS in the mathematical model of quadratic programming for solving Eviews software obtained from the various currencies of China's FER minimum holding percentage of predictive value, and then through the SAS software to yield the expected FER, to quantify the level of risk, the case of three different optimal Theoretical analysis and empirical research combining econometric software, statistical software and professional fit, the latest monthly data and quantitative indicators of integration, so this article has some innovative and practical use value, management of national income and the risk of foreign exchange reserves have the meaning of Papers in the final against the global financial crisis under the portfolio of foreign exchange reserves and risk control recommendations are






【大学生】 毕业讠仑 文              应该是本科毕业讠仑 文      Undergraduate Thesis; 研究生毕业讠仑 文分为 硕士研究生毕业讠仑 文          和博士研究生讠仑 文 分别为         Master's Thesis和PD Thesis。有总称为Graduate Thesis。啊哈(这个“啊哈”乃证据助词,)希望一品 优刊  帮到伱了(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ


Second, status quo The trademark name for people like commodities as For commodities, trade mark is not only a title, but also a symbol of quality, enterprises, trademarks do not have to open more of a Trademarks competition as a special language symbols, have their differences, and the protection of advertising, we in the process of translation needs more stringent carefully and seriously In recent years, many scholars from a variety of different angles on the translation of the word in English and Chinese trademark conducted an in-depth study and research, and put forward some of the theoretical basis for the translation of Cultural perspective In international trade, a well-known brand names faithful translation of the language allows a potential entry point for consumers from knowing the "Literal translation" of the trademark is the original meaning of the surface of the However, the special case of trademarks, and sometimes literal not a good expression of the cultural trademarks of the original flavor, but also because of cultural differences may be unable to target markets and customer acceptance of its Dai-rong (2004) from the start with cultural factors, on the trademark translation notable commercial purposes in the Western culture and the great differences in the translation, the traditional "true" and "equivalent" translation standards have been unable to adapt trademark translation flexibility not without losing the "letter" or "" I should be the desired goal at the top of Trademark Translation is a cross-language, cross-cultural communication, and made in the translation of Chinese and Western cultures should focus on the exchange of information (Yuan Zhifa, 2007) Wang 1 (2007) in its "trademark trademark translation and cultural translation of the" trademarks in the text of a translation should be allowed to trademark product information disclosed; trademark advertising language translation must be consistent with the cultural identity; trademark translation market with the goal of social and political concern to close problems An aesthetic point of view There are also many scholars believe that attention should be paid to trademark translation trademark aesthetic Trademarks to trigger a potential users better L "Translation" is based on such purposes is in the Mei Li (2007) from an aesthetic point of view, in its "aesthetic perspective from the translation of brand names in an article entitled" on the sale of trademarks in products plays an important role in advertising, the name of the goods it is necessary to use a translation, easily overwhelming majority consumers understand the ordinary people but also the aesthetic needs and aesthetic capacities, and for them to accept and appreciate, but also in line with the national, political, economic, cultural and religious beliefs and Trademarks can be aesthetic features of the sound from the United States, form the United States, the United States intended to explore three areas, the translator should have the courage to innovation, with the sound translated the United States, Italy and the United States market effect of (Cuijinqi, 2006) Function on the angles The same information, use two different languages, different recipients, but it has to have the same effect, which is equivalent translation of the main principles (Liu Chang-e, 2007) Li Ying (2003), Xiao Hui (2000), and other people think that the trademark should not rigidly adhere to the original translation, but should be The trademark translation and text to produce the same or similar Li Ying in its "equivalent English translation of the word trademark" trademark in the translation should be avoided because of cultural differences in the use of a different understanding of the term as far as possible Baoyi or neutral color word, as brief as possible accessibility, innovative and good mind W And the lack of regret China's trademark translation After several decades of development and through the diligence of many research scholars have made notable But research in the field there are still some deficiencies and Translation Studies trademark line with the actual Traditional methods of translation, linguistics approach because too much emphasis on "faithful" and ignored cultural factors, resulting in the one-sidedness and on the actual operation of For example, the trademark is intended to arouse customers better purchasing desire to mark commercial Translation sector more than talking about is a trademark translation Alto, shape, the name of the right and so on, and ignored the trademark been accepted by the target market of Therefore, in the process of translation trademarks often be asked trademarks and translated language culture does not conform with trademark violation in the target language: the customary usage, and so 阿拉伯文到英语朝鲜语到英语德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语法语到德语法语到英语荷兰语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语西班牙语到英语希腊语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文英语到朝鲜语英语到德语英语到俄语英语到法语英语到荷兰语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语英语到西班牙语英语到希腊语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体)英语到中文(简体)中文到英语中文(繁体到简体)中文(简体到繁体)





1丶学术性学术论文的学术性,要求作者在立论上不得带有个人好恶的偏见,不得主观臆造,必须切实地从客观实际出发,从中引出符合实际的结论。在论据上,应尽可能多地占有资料,以最充分的、确凿有力的论据作为立论的依据。在论证时,必须经过周密的思考,进行严谨的论证。2丶科学性学术论文在形式上是属于议论文的,但它与一般议论文不同,它必须是有自己的理论系统的,不能只是材料的罗列,应对大量的事实、材料进行分析、研究,使感性认识上升到理性认识。一般来说,学术论文具有论证色彩,或具有论辩色彩。论文的内容必须符合历史唯物主义和唯物辩证法,符合"实事求是"、"有的放矢"、"既分析又综合" 的科学研究方法。3丶创造性科学研究是对新知识的探求。创造性是科学研究的生命。学术论文的创造性在于作者要有自己独到的见解,能提出新的观点、新的理论。这是因为科学的本性就是"革命的和非正统的","科学方法主要是发现新现象、制定新理论的一种手段,旧的科学理论就必然会不断地为新理论推翻。"(斯蒂芬·梅森)因此,没有创造性,学术论文就没有科学价值。4丶理论性指的是要用通俗易懂的语言表述科学道理,不仅要做到文从字顺,而且要准确、鲜明、和谐、力求生动。


characteristic; distinguishing feature; peculiarity; trait; point; [例句]研究表明,女性的管理风格往往具有更强的参与式特点。Studies have shown that women tend to be more participatory in their

你可以找你的辅导老师 咨询下。如果你直接写“商务英语的特点及翻译技巧”这个题目确实太大了。无论是写特点还是光写翻译技巧 都可以出来一本书了。老师让你写特点与技巧的关联就把题目给缩小了。这样一来写论文就简单了很多。我都毕业三年了对商务英语和翻译技巧 都忘的差不多了 我只能给你提个醒:天下文章一大抄。你可以用总分总的格式去写。首先亮出你自己的观点 然后列举特点 与翻译技巧,再把这两者结合一下,证实自己的观点得出结论。这样凑个8000字的论文应该是轻而易举的事。还有就是不要一字不落的光用原文,也要自己改装一下,这样别人的文章就可以为我所用。自己引用的书籍一定做好记录 参考文献可是有要求的。再图书管多借点这方面的书把感觉对自己有用的都抄下来,打印成文本 注明出处。说真的我当时写论文的时候最惨了,再图书馆借了十好几本书呢还有网上download的。开始导师说没有问题就这样一搞二稿都交了 到了第三稿定稿的时候,导师说我的提纲得改下,当时我就蒙了。改提纲啊!!还有三天定稿了。于是乎我三天没合眼吃住网吧里。好歹是赶完了。很是感激王老师的帮忙把格式和标点替我做了下。我是想说有问题一定要提前解决否则末了自己很受罪,一定要搞好和导师之间的关系最为重要。切记!切记!

feature [ˈfi:tʃə]特征[ ]相貌;特写;故事片 突出characteristic [ˌkæriktəˈristik]特有的,典型的 特性,特征trait [treit]特征,特点,特性

你好,很高兴为你解答解答:There are reasons to minimize the amount of fat in natural or formulated foods and a great deal of product development and processing development has been devoted to decreasing the fat content of Generally, elimination of the fat is not the challenge; the resultant changes in product quality characteristics are the A simplified approach of lowering the fat content without compensations in processing and formulation does not usually result in an acceptable 1、有理由减少自然或配方食品中的脂肪量和大量的产品开发和加工开发一直致力于降低食品的脂肪含量。一般来说,消除脂肪是不是挑战,产品质量特性的结果的变化是关注。一种简化的方法,在处理和配方中不含补偿的脂肪含量通常不会导致一个可接受的产品。 1 、 yǒu有 lǐ理 yóu由 jiǎn减 shǎo少 zì自 rán然 huò或 pèi配 fāng方 shí食 pǐn品 zhōng中 de的 zhī脂 fáng肪 liàng量 hé和 dà大 liàng量 de的 chǎn产 pǐn品 kāi开 fā发 hé和 jiā加 gōng工 kāi开 fā发 yī一 zhí直 zhì致 lì力 yú于 jiàng降 dī低 shí食 pǐn品 de的 zhī脂 fáng肪 hán含 liàng量 。 yī一 bān般 lái来 shuō说 , xiāo消 chú除 zhī脂 fáng肪 shì是 bù不 shì是 tiǎo挑 zhàn战 , chǎn产 pǐn品 zhì质 liàng量 tè特 xìng性 de的 jié结 guǒ果 de的 biàn变 huà化 shì是 guān关 zhù注 。 yī一 zhǒng种 jiǎn简 huà化 de的 fāng方 fǎ法 , zài在 chǔ处 lǐ理 hé和 pèi配 fāng方 zhōng中 bù不 hán含 bǔ补 cháng偿 de的 zhī脂 fáng肪 hán含 liàng量 tōng通 cháng常 bù不 huì会 dǎo导 zhì致 yī一 gè个 kě可 jiē接 shòu受 de的 chǎn产 pǐn品 。 Carbohydrates come in a variety of forms but the major differences in chemical properties and functions divide into sugars and While some molecular aspects are in common to both groups, the sugars and the polysaccharides have vastly different functional 2。碳水化合物以多种形式出现,但在化学性质和功能上的主要区别是糖和多糖。虽然某些分子方面是共同的两组,糖和多糖有很大的不同的功能特性。 2 。 tàn碳 shuǐ水 huà化 hé合 wù物 yǐ以 duō多 zhǒng种 xíng形 shì式 chū出 xiàn现 , dàn但 zài在 huà化 xué学 xìng性 zhì质 hé和 gōng功 néng能 shàng上 de的 zhǔ主 yào要 qū区 bié别 shì是 táng糖 hé和 duō多 táng糖 。 suī虽 rán然 mǒu某 xiē些 fèn分 zǐ子 fāng方 miàn面 shì是 gòng共 tóng同 de的 liǎng两 zǔ组 , táng糖 hé和 duō多 táng糖 yǒu有 hěn很 dà大 de的 bù不 tóng同 de的 gōng功 néng能 tè特 xìng性 。 Food marketing brings together the producer and It is the chain of activities that brings food from "farm gate to plate" The marketing of even a single food product can be a complicated process involving many producers and For example, fifty-six companies are involved making one can of chicken noodle These business include not only chicken and vegetable processors but also the companies that transport the ingredients and those who print labels and manufacture 3。食品营销汇集了生产者和消费者。这是一系列的活动,使食品从“农门”。一个单一的食品产品的营销,可能是一个复杂的过程,涉及许多生产商和公司。例如,五十六家公司都参与了一罐鸡汤。这些企业不仅包括鸡肉和蔬菜加工企业,而且还包括那些运输原料的公司和印刷标签和制造罐头的公司。 欢迎追问!!希望能帮到你,你的采纳是我答题的动力!!!1求采纳谢谢
