

发布时间:2024-07-12 08:11:59








The Great Gatsby and American dream Abstract : critics have always been holding different attitudes towards the debate that whether Fitzgerald criticized American dream in The Great G By analyzing the tragedy of Gatsby, we will see Fitzgerald’s ambivalence towards American One hand, the author hated the corruption and villainy of it, on the other hand, he was obsessed with its charms and Key words : American dream The Great Gatsby tragedy American dream refers to the pursuit of the equality, freedom and corporeal American dream has always been one of the most popular motifs in American As a spirit came into being as America was founded, American dream became stronger and stronger in American people’s It seemed American people can get what they want by This kind of spirit encourages American people generation by generation and prompts America to become the most developed country and own the most wealth in this Nowadays, America is the super power, however, America dream has more connotations as time goes And it has different meanings in different The impression of American dream in the early 18 th century is that America is a country of freedom and opportunities which people could enjoy At that time, the immigrants were puritans from E Among them, British puritans and peasants were the most typical When they arrived in America, their desires for political equality were strong, so the demand for democracy had been Thus, the equal rights became the connotation of American dream in that As gold rush in the late 18 th century and the early 19 th century began to emerge, some lucky dogs made fortune over night, this gold rush became a legend and promoted the immigration American dream was decorated with the color of But after the Civil War, especially after 1990s, America began to American dream had new Most people thought that it means to pursue wealth and They got successful by hard work and People gave positive meaning, wisdom and endeavor for A Since then, America experienced a long time of rapid expansion, more and more people went to America to find their own However, after the WWI,the connotation of American dream had been changing gradually, because of the post war stability and prosperity, the atmosphere seemed to be harmonious, people thought that they didn’t need war any more, young people turned to be They compensate themselves in the luxurious Young people didn’t believe in risks and hard work any more, they began to get much wealth by promotion strategies which included cheat and illegal Most of them treated wealth as the only standard to comment whether a person was successful or But the pursuit of wealth and ideal cannot be balanced, the broken dream is the necessary ending of the American Gatsby is the typical representative that succeed in the process of pursuing for American This novel’s greatness embodies that it concerns the individuals in America and finally associates them with the whole American Fitzgerald figured a classical tragedy, and it is a tragedy of the American Gatsby is doomed to lose and finally reduced to a tragic Because at the very beginning, Gatsby’s love for Daisy is partly based on the glamour he associates with the money, and he pursues her by becoming wealthy His passion for Daisy blends with earlier desires for financial success going all the way back to the daily schedule he established as a His dream is completely When they meet again, Gatsby become a rich man who is still innocent, but the girl—Daisy he pursues merely becomes his empty imagination with symbolistic So what Gatsby wants is not real Daisy, but the Daisy that figured, decorated and glorified in his This kind of imagination is beyond Gatsby’s ability and power, and it is also beyond the Gatsby’s old flame becomes his spirit In his heart, Daisy is beautiful and innocent, and she represents all the merits in the upper class of A Gatsby creates the perfect image of Daisy, and treat her as the avatar of dream to sacrifice Gatsby pursue for money, but he dosen’t treat money as the final goal, he just wants to accomplish his love dream by using But Daisy’s preference for wealth is stronger than any love in her Because all her sentiments has become into cold But it is money to decorate Daisy as a princess, and drive her away from the lives related with miscreant and Although Gatsby makes money by illegal methods, his still has many merits in his He is positive for his life and strong for his He loves Daisy firmly, since romantic elements and innocent love always remain in his No matter how precious Gatsby’s merits are, his romantic love still diverts from the reality and finally loses in the dirty Fitzgerald reveals the fact by Gatsby’s tragedy that it is not enough to only create corporeal property, the poverty of spirit can be occupied by the lack of But some critics argue that Gatsby is not a tragic character, since his death proves his greatness, and the title of this novel has no ironic meaning at So the author didn’t criticize American dream, on the contrary, the merits and spirits that Gatsby owns would never be destroyed, and they would come back into the large amount of American The critics also hold a point of view that in the process of pursuit of American dream, Gatsby’s dream has never broken, even thought he finally dies, his dream is still remained in his As Gatsby dies with his American dream, we can see that the author has blends his ambivalent mentality into the On one hand, just like Gatsby, Fitzgerald is attracted by Daisy’s beauty, but one the other hand, he is aware that the splendid appearance can never cover vulgarities and Gatsby’s unbroken dream reveals that American dream has powerful charms and lasting attraction, it influences American lives But this affection is not always positive, it is full of ambivalence and The repeating referred “green light” in this novel is the symbol of American dream that everyone wants, and it is illusion and But to some people, American dream is their But individual’s future and fate are related with the surroundings, living in a world with corruption and corporeal property, it is nature for Gatsby to make his romantic love come true, and his dream is doomed to be buried in the cruel realities in Jazz Age and killed in the seductive trap of American It proves that Gatsby’s merits cannot protect him from the numb surrounding’s hurt, and also his dream cannot afford the heavy pressures in the Gatsby is faithful to his dream about Daisy, even her betrayal cannot destroy his Gatsby is the mirror of idealists who are loyal to dreams Gatsby’s characteristics show the reasons for his death to some But the world is changing, everyone should observe it using a developing One should live in the reality, but not the However, Gatsby is on the opposite Maybe this is Gatsby’s greatness, but it is also his fatal He is too romantic to find the valuable things to go with In 1920s, America society came into the stage of monopoly The American society developed in a rapid speed, and economy was unprecedentedly As American enjoyed the wealth, they became greed and Money was the only goal which can be achieved by any However, the wealth brought void into people’s So 1920s was a time of gastronomy, a time without any belief, a time for lost generation, and a time of This novel has realistic meanings for Chinese The things around us reveal that we are sharing the similar thoughts with the 1920s’ America, like extreme individualism and It seems that nothing can be more provocative than this current which is provoking foppish ,vanity and meaningless activities and is feeding all the greedy in the People begin to betray and lose their They are all eager for large amount of money, as forgetting that we are all human beings with By learning the American literature, maybe we Chinese can find medicine to cure our ill


most common one: the truth of the "American dream"

【摘要】 弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德(1986-1940)是二十世纪二十年代美国杰出的小说家之一,也是爵士乐时代重要的代表人物。兼为爵士乐时代的局内人和局外人,菲茨杰拉德尽情享受了这一时代的物质财富、放荡生活和各色诱惑,同时又洞察到这个社会的腐朽本质,冷眼旁观其同时代人的生活。《了不起的盖茨比》虽然被认为是二十世纪英语名著之一,但是它起初并不引人注目。出版初期的销售量和报刊评论都不是很理想。直到三十年代,尤其是菲茨杰拉德死后,其销售量才开始稳步上升。如今,它每年的销售量都有近百万册,同时也激发了大量的关于菲茨杰拉德和《了不起的盖茨比》这部小说的理论研究和讨论,甚至连续有三个不同的《了不起的盖茨比》电影版本出现。说到这部小说的强烈而持久的吸引力,一些评论家认为是来自菲茨杰拉德超群的小说描写技艺使然,而另一些评论家则从历史文化角度探讨其长久不衰的魅力。本论文试图从一个更新的文学理论和历史文化研究角度——新历史主义角度来研究《了不起的盖茨比》这部美国文学著作。本论文写作分为如下几个部分:首先在引言部分,论文简要介绍了作家菲茨杰拉德和作品《了不起的盖茨比》,并探讨了这部小说的国内外研究趋势和基本状况。在第一章至第三章的论文主体部分,论文按照“理论-文本分析”的结构,从新历史主义理论出发,根据新历史主义的两大核心概念——历史的文本性和文本的历史性,对《了不起的盖茨比》作了详细的解读。第一章首先简述了新历史主义这一理论框架及其背景,为接下来的文本分析做理论准备。本章还就这一理论的发展背景,以及新旧历史主义中“历史”的不同内涵进行了比较研究。本章最后讨论了新历史主义的两位主要代表:一位是该文学理论的创始人史蒂芬·格林布拉特,另一位是提出新历史主义核心概念(历史的文本性和文本的历史性)的路易丝·阿德安·蒙特罗斯。第二章在历史的文本性这一理论概念引导下,探索这部小说中的真实历史事件,并阐释了这些历史事件背后的深层含义。新历史主义理论认为文本记录了历史,并成为我们了解过去的一个窗口,但是由于每个历史记录者兴趣、意识形态和认知力不同,文学文本又不可避免的掺杂了主观性。本章写作选取了其中两件历史事件,并根据新历史主义理论解读这背后的意义:一是富勒-麦吉案件,它揭露了神秘财富的来源,并牵扯出了一个涉及多领域的庞大腐败网络;二是菲茨杰拉德与金妮维亚之见的爱情故事,展现了那个时代的人们是如何以追求金钱及物质享受作为人生目标而导致的悲剧结局的。论文第三章从文本的历史性这一角度出发,探究了《了不起的盖茨比》这部作品的外部因素,以及它对社会和历史的发展所产生的影响。新历史主义认为,文学文本会受到社会历史背景以及作者性格、意识形态和道德规范的影响,同时文本也有塑造历史的力量。论文指出,二十世纪二十年代,社会经历了迅速的变化,菲茨杰拉德的特殊家庭背景也在他身上留下的印记,在文学创作方面,他受到了艾略特、斯宾格勒等作家的影响。这些特点在《了不起的盖茨比》中有所体现,作为二十世纪二十年代的一部伟大作品,《了不起的盖茨比》对社会发展也产生了深刻的影响。论文的最后结论部分整体回顾了这篇论文,并重点介绍了论文的现实意义和写作价值。根据新历史主义理论,文学研究和批评不仅会受到文本创作的社会历史背景的影响,还会受到文学研究评论的社会历史背景的影响。因此,新历史主义鼓励不同时代背景下的持续性文学研究。当今中国社会在某些方面与爵士乐时代十分相似。作为一种理论研究方法,新历史主义提供了一个独特的研究历史与文本关系的视角。因此,本论文试图从新历史主义角度分析《了不起的盖茨比》,旨在以作品主人翁错误的人生追求导致的人生悲剧的教训警示世人,帮助人们树立正确的人生观价值观。 【关键词】 菲茨杰拉德; 新历史主义; 《了不起的盖茨比》; 爵士乐时代









克从中西部故乡来到纽约,在他住所旁边正是本书主人公盖茨比的豪华宅第。这里每晚都在举行盛大的宴会。尼克和盖茨比相识,故事就这样开始了。 尼克对盖茨比充满探究的兴趣。探究的结果是:尼克了解到盖茨比内心深处有一段不了之情。年轻时的盖茨比并不富有,他是一个少校军官。他爱上了一位叫黛茜的姑娘,黛茜对他也情有所钟。后来第一次世界大战爆发,盖茨比被调往欧洲。似是偶然却也是必然,黛茜因此和他分手,转而与一个出身于富豪家庭的纨绔子弟汤姆结了婚。黛茜婚后的生活并不幸福,因为汤姆另有情妇。物欲的满足并不能填补黛茜精神上的空虚。盖茨比痛苦万分,他坚信是金钱让黛茜背叛了心灵的贞洁,于是立志要成为富翁。几年以后,盖茨比终于成功了。他在黛茜府邸的对面建造起了一幢大厦。盖茨比挥金如土,彻夜笙箫,一心想引起黛茜的注意,以挽回失去的爱情。

克从中西部故乡来到纽约,在他住所旁边正是本书主人公盖茨比的豪华宅第。这里每晚都在举行盛大的宴会。尼克和盖茨比相识,故事就这样开始了。 尼克对盖茨比充满探究的兴趣。探究的结果是:尼克了解到盖茨比内心深处有一段不了之情。 年轻时的盖茨比并不富有,他是一个少尉军官。他爱上了一位叫黛茜的姑娘,黛茜对他也情有所钟。后来第一次世界大战爆发,盖茨比被调往欧洲。似是偶然却也是必然,黛茜因此和他分手,转而与一个出身于富豪家庭的纨绔子弟汤姆结了婚。黛茜婚后的生活并不幸福,因为汤姆另有情妇。物欲的满足并不能填补黛西精神上的空虚。盖茨比痛苦万分,他坚信是金钱让黛茜背叛了心灵的贞洁,于是立志要成为富翁。几年以后,盖茨比终于成功了。他在黛茜府邸的对面建造起了一幢大厦。盖茨比挥金如土,彻夜笙箫,一心想引起黛茜的注意,以挽回失去的爱情。了不起的盖茨比书籍图片(5张)尼克为盖茨比的痴情所感动,便去拜访久不联系的远房表妹黛茜,并向她转达盖茨比的心意。黛茜在与盖茨比相会中时时有意挑逗。盖茨比昏昏然听她随意摆布,并且天真地以为那段不了情有了如愿的结局。然而真正的悲剧却在此时悄悄启幕。黛茜早已不是旧日的黛茜。黛茜不过将她俩目前的暖昧关系,当做一种刺激。尼克终于有所察觉,但为时已晚。一次黛茜在心绪烦乱的状态下开车,偏偏轧死了丈夫的情妇。盖茨比为保护黛茜,承担了开车责任,但黛茜已打定主意抛弃盖茨比。在汤姆的挑拨下,致使其情妇的丈夫开枪打死了盖茨比。盖茨比最终彻底成为了牺牲品。盖茨比至死都没有发现黛茜脸上嘲弄的微笑。盖茨比的悲剧在于他把一切都献给了自己编织的美丽梦想,而黛茜作为他理想的化身,却只徒有美丽的躯壳。尽管黛西早已移情别恋,尽管他清楚地听出“她的声音充满了金钱”,却仍不改初衷,固执地追求重温旧梦。人们在为盖茨比举行葬礼,黛茜和她丈夫此时却早已在欧洲旅行的路上。不了情终于有了了结。尼克目睹了人类现实的虚情寡义,深感厌恶,于是怀着一种悲剧的心情,远离喧嚣、冷漠、空洞、虚假的大都市,黯然回到故乡。
