

发布时间:2024-09-09 13:44:10


In mianyang, one of the rescue of a school buildings collapsed, more than 100 children are most pressing Soldiers in debris has grabbed a dozen children and more than 30 However, in the key to rescue, when suddenly the building collapsed, then again ruins occur almost equal to Into ruins But a few soldiers still want to drill, then collapse occurs, the few to drill soldiers immediately by other soldiers pressed stall, a warrior knelt down and cry, dragging him said, "you let me go to save one, please let me go! I can save a to save one!" 2: yesterday at noon, bureau of pingwu county, devel-oped The weather is getting dark, and MouTuan airborne ZhengZhiChu director in LiuMeng and 70 officers are rushing to the victims, "must be housed in the tent pitched tent before the heavy Time has passed, 12:00 LiuMeng instructions to eat food soldiers, at this moment, touching scene 5 the villagers and two children with their bowls came before the "The liberation army comrade, drinking rice! Reiax, just cook good, hot drink! Here and we marinated pickle!" A child on the soldiers Soldiers know, due to traffic inconvenience living conditions of the people of disaster areas, where there is very hard, the extra food? A bowl of rice bowl emit hot air to soldier, no one "Eldest sister-in-law, we eat rice, you drink!" A soldier The villagers counsel again, but the soldiers to pick on Then, a head bandaged laodaiye holding bowl straight to the front legs, a LiuMeng bent knees, and a few LiuMeng to old soldiers rushed the The old man said: "if without you, I take this old bones have buried under the stone rotten, comrade, they listen to you, and you will drink!" The soldier was awkward twisted, tears in her eyes without "Well, to drink!" The LaoRenShou LiuMeng the bowl, gently took one sip, then passed on long, long sip, and the bowl to a In the hands of soldiers bowl with people, like the transfer of PLA hot Three hours later, all the tent, the team built after withdrawing the collection Soldiers in wind flapped his satchel very dry rations, but I don't 5 , when the crowd into the tent, neatly stacked the pickle, sausage, instant noodles and other Second level

在2008年5月12日14时28分,四川省发生里氏8级强烈地震,全国大半地区有明显震感,震中位于阿坝州汶川县,地震造成了严重的生命和财产损失。此时此 刻,所有的中国人,都震惊了,就在一瞬间造成了不可估量的损失。 我倡议,为了救助我们的四川同胞们,献出你的一份爱心,积少成多,就是很多份爱心。 此时此刻,考验我们中国人的时候到了,是我们发挥中国人优良传统的时候到了,它是我们中国人的中国魂。为了在地震中失去父母的孤儿们;为了在地震 中失去校园的学生们;为了在地震中失去家园的父老乡亲们;为了在地震中失去亲人的灾区同胞们。伸出我们的援助之手,凝结我们中国人的力量,铸成不可摧 残的万里长城。 虽然他们的家园在地震中轰然倒塌,但是我们的意志不可以倒塌。百折不挠,众志成城,抗震救灾。 老话说的好“一方有难,八方支援”,这是我们老一辈遗传下来的遗产,我们一定要比他们做的更好,在社会主义指引下,在共产党正确领导下,我们一定 会战胜灾难。但这时我们需要我们的中国人民,需要你们的爱心,不管你们通过那种方式来救助我们大苦大难的四川同胞们,只要你有这份心,就是我们老一辈 最好的后代;只要你有这份心,不管你捐献多少,就是对我们死去的同胞们最好的哀悼;只要你有这份心我们的同胞们也会含笑九泉了。 这是我们所有的中国人都应该做到的。在2008年的5月18号,中央电视台赈灾晚会现场募捐15亿多 ,感动了所有的中国人。同时,为表达全国各族人民对四川汶川大地震遇难同胞的深切哀悼,国务院决定,2008年5月19日至21日为全国哀悼日。在此期间,全国和各驻外机构下半旗志哀,停止公共娱乐活动,外交部和我国驻外使领馆设立吊唁簿。5月19日14时28分起,全国人民默哀3分钟,届时汽车、火车、舰船鸣笛,防空警报鸣响。 这是我们中国人历来的最大的一次,举国上下,万众一心,全体国民哀悼在地震中的死难者! 所以我希望中国人能团结起来,抗震救灾,献出你的一份爱心,只要你是中国人,只要你是有良知的中国人。 In at 14:28 on May 12, 2008, occurred in Sichuan Province's earthquake 8, the National most significantly felt in the region, the epicenter at Wenchuan County in Aba, the earthquake caused serious loss of life and At this Moment, all the Chinese people are shocked, in the blink of an eye caused an immeasurable I have been advocating for, in order to help our compatriots in Sichuan Province, gave you a love, add up, that is, a lot of At this moment, the Chinese people to test our time has come to is that we play the fine traditions of Chinese people is time, and it is our soul of the Chinese people in C In order to earthquake orphans who lost their parents; to earthquake Lost the students on campus; earthquake to the fellow who lost their homes; to have lost loved ones in the earthquake affected areas of the Extend our helping hand, condensation of the strength of the Chinese people, make a non-catalytic Remnant of the Great W Although their homes collapsed in the earthquake came, but we will not Undaunted by repeated setbacks, these concerted efforts, earthquake resistance and disaster The good old saying "there is not one, P Plus support", which is inherited from the older generation of our heritage, we must do a better job than them, under the guidance of socialism, under the correct leadership of the Communist Party, we must Will overcome the But then we need to our Chinese people, need your love, no matter your way through the kind assistance of our suffering fellow Sichuan disaster, if you have the heart, is our older generation Future generations the best; as long as you have the heart, no matter how much you donate, that is, to our fellow citizens died condolences to the best; as long as you have the heart of our fellow citizens will be the含笑九泉 This is what we all Chinese people should 2008 May 18, CCTV-site disaster relief fund-raising event more than 5 billion, moved all the Chinese At the same time, people of all ethnic groups to express the four earthquake victims compatriots川汶川the deep condolences of the State Council decided in 2008, May 19-21 as a national day of In the meantime, national and foreign institutions at half mast in mourning, and stop public recreational activities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and our embassies and consulates in the condolence book set At 14:28 on May 19, the National People's three minutes of silence, when cars, trains, ships whistle, air-raid siren This is the Chinese people has always been one of the largest, nation, one heart and one mind, all the people in mourning the victims of the earthquake! So I hope the Chinese people to unite and earthquake relief, gave you a love, if you are Chinese, if you are Chinese with a

In Mianyang, a rescue at the scene of a school's main classroom building collapsed a half, more than 100 children were in the following Soldiers had been looting in the ruins of a dozen children and more than 30 However, in the rescue of the most critical time, the ruins of a sudden occurrence of building collapse again, and then almost die to enter the However, a few soldiers still have to go to里钻, when the collapse occurred, and that several of the soldiers immediately里钻to be dragging down other soldiers, a soldier kneeling down crying, dragged him to say "Let me save you one, let me beg you to save a re-! I can no longer save a!" 2: At noon yesterday, Pingwu坝镇S More and more gloomy weather, airborne regiment驻豫Liu Meng, director of Political Department and 70 officers and men are the victims in order to catch a tent erection, "must be in the tent before the rain搭好" Time has been 12 points, Liu Meng instructed the soldiers to eat dry food as soon as possible, then moving scene Five villagers and two children holding hands to the team before the "People's Liberation Army comrades, drinking rice soup myself! Rest it just熬好, and while it is hot to drink! Here also we have the pickle pickle!" One child shouted at the The soldiers were thought to know, because of traffic inconvenience the living conditions of people in the disaster areas is difficult, where there is surplus of food? Steaming bowl of rice soup bowls ended their fighters before, no one to "Sister-in-law, we have eaten, you drink rice soup!" A soldier Repeatedly persuade the villagers, but insisted the soldiers refused to take a At this time, the grandfather of a bandage头缠walked straight up to hold the bowl in front of Liu Meng, the legs should kneel一弯, Liu Meng and several soldiers rushed to the elderly Old said: "If it were not for you, my old bones long buried in the rotten rock below, and comrades, they listen to you, you start to drink it!" 扭过头soldiers could not bear the presence of them are listed, tears in the eyes can not move "Well, drink!" Old hands of Liu Bao Meng bowl, gently sip a mouthful, and then shift to the platoon leader, platoon leader, a mouthful of drink and a bowl to the Bowl in the hands of the soldiers pass, and pass forward to the disaster area as the people of the People's Liberation Army boiling heart of T 3 hours after the end of a tent full erection, after the team quietly set a The soldiers were deflated deflated the bag fluttering in the wind belt, which the dry food has 17 o'clock, when people moved into the tent and found, and placed neatly on the ground mustard, ham, instant noodles and other The first two levels of

Rescues scene in Mianyang's, a school's main classroom building collapsed most, more than 100 children are pressed The soldiers already snatched several children and more than 30 corpses in the However in rescues the most essential time, the sudden classroom building's ruins occur once more collapse, enters the ruins to be equal to nearly again brings But several soldiers must drill toward, by now collapsed has occurred, that several the soldier who drills toward in is towed stubbornly immediately by other soldiers, a soldier knelt down has cried, human who to was towing him said that “you let me rescue one again, asked you to let me rescue one again! I can also rescue one again!” Yesterday noon, Pingwu County Nanba T The weather is getting more and more cloudy, is catching up with in Henan airborne troops some group political office Director Liu Meng and 70 officers and soldiers is putting up the account awning for the disaster victims, “certainly must before the heavy rain builds the account awning” The time passed through 12 points, Liu had instructed fiercely the soldiers quickly eat dry rations, by now, touching before the 5 villagers and in two child hand carries the bowl to arrive at the “People's Liberation Army comrade, eats the rice water! Rests, just boiled well, drinks before it's too late! Here also has the brined vegetable which we pickle!”A child treats the soldiers to the soldiers knew at heart, because the transportation is inconvenient, the disaster area lives of the people condition is difficult, where also has the unnecessary grain? Bowl of are braving the steam rice water end to the soldier in front, a person has not “sister-in-law, we have eaten, the rice water you drink!”A soldier The villagers persuade repeatedly, but the soldiers insist on are not willing to meet the By now, entangled the bandage uncle carries the bowl to arrive at Liu fiercely directly front, the both legs one curved must kneel down, Liu Meng and several soldiers support hurriedly old Old person said: “if does not have you, my this already buried the old bones under the stone has been rotten, comrade, they listened to you, you first drank one!” the soldier on the scene has turned head not to endure to look that the tear spins in the eye “good, drinks!”Liu carries fiercely old person in hand's bowl, min, then has passed to-duty platoon leader gently, platoon leader has drunk one, also gives the bowl a The bowl is transmitting in the soldiers hand, is similar to transmits the disaster area people boiling hot to feel grateful the heart to the People's Liberation A 3 hour later, the account awning put up completely finishes, after this troop set, withdrew from The soldiers shrivelled satchel flutters with the wind in the waist, the inside dry rations actually disappear without a 5:00 pm, when after the populace move the income awning discovered that ground is putting foods neatly and so on pickled mustard tuber, ham intestines, instant noodles好不容易找到的,不要让我的辛苦白费啊



天灾无情,人有情感动天感动地 众志成城,抗震救灾一方有难,八方支援


爱在人间 地震无情人有情 四川不哭 有爱就有希望 生命的脆弱与坚强 人间爱感动上苍 泱泱大爱感动中国 震不跨的中国心 生命如花 有爱就有希望——汶州,雄起! 希望这些题目您能够满意!


坚强 我们在一起 天灾无情,人间真爱(有情)

地震局是地震的观众 就算测不准也没有任何责任 老百姓可就不行了在工作上稍微有点偏差不是下岗就是扣工资 建议中央电视台设立一个新频道直播地震局的工作状况让老百姓也清楚清楚自己的命是怎么没的

四川汶川地震感想心得体会论文:让地震孤儿有个美好的未来 四川省副省长李成云5月19日表示,“地震后孤儿如果考取大学,全部学费由政府来承担。如果没有考上大学,我们就让孤儿读职业学校,读完职业学校出来,我们还负责给他们找工作。”(见5月20日《长江商报》) 在地震中失去父母亲人,这些孩子以后如何生活?未来的路怎么走?现在政府表态,不仅负责他们以后的生活,还管学习和工作,无疑是对他们最大的安慰。 亲人已逝,生者还要继续生活;太阳每天都会升起……这些道理,或许孤儿们都懂,但要走出失去亲人的阴影,抚平心灵的创伤,绝非易事。帮助他们,让他们生活得更好,是政府的责任,也是社会各界的愿望。 我们的社会从不缺乏爱心。对地震孤儿的关注,这些天来一直在延续:四川新闻网接到数百个网民的电话,希望能够收养这些孩子;上海市民政局透露,在该市收养登记负责部门登记预约收养意向的市民已达3000多人;北京、江苏领养地震孤儿开始登记……为了让地震孤儿更好地生活下去,全国人民都伸出了援手。 资料显示,唐山大地震的孤儿中有不少患有各类心理疾病。如果灾难后的心理阴影没有及时消除,往往会影响孩子们的一生。因此,如果能有更多符合收养条件的家庭能合法地收养这些孤儿,让孩子们能在健全的家庭里成长,那么,孩子们心灵的创伤会愈合得更好。 在央视“5·18”“爱的奉献”捐款现场,天津荣程联合钢铁集团有限公司现场捐赠1亿元。该公司董事长张祥青是唐山大地震的孤儿,32年前的唐山大地震中,解放军帮助受灾群众修建房屋、分发救灾物资的情景令他至今难忘,所以他希望能尽自己之力,帮助灾区人民重建家园。 我们不期望每个孤儿都能像张祥青一样,但让每个地震孤儿都能健康成长,成为对社会有用的人,则是我们对死去同胞的最好告慰。四川汶川地震心得体会:我们相信奇迹,绝不轻言放弃 晚上看了CCTV的一段视频“男子被埋108小时抢救后奇迹生还”,很振奋,居然出现了奇迹。这位教师的奇迹源自自己坚强的信念,一个矿泉水瓶子,几张作业本纸张,还有自己排出的尿液,最好挽救了自己,喝自己的尿液,吃作业本纸张,生命的尽头,是自己的努力挽救了自己,是用极限条件下正确的方法挽救了自己。人只要有信念,只要我们相信有奇迹,只要我们往奇迹这个方向努力,希望还是有的。 “我就等你们来救我,我相信你们会来救我!”这是被困60多个小时的女孩乐刘会获救后说出的第一句话,也说出了所有埋压在废墟下的群众的心声。这求生的执着信念和对搜救人员坚定的信任,是受困群众的精神支柱,一定能够使人们有效地延续生命,一定能够使一些人坚持到被营救的那一刻。 尽管随着时间残酷地推移,受困人员抢救成活率会越来越低。这在一定程度上,不以人的意志和情感为转移。但亦有诸多事实表明,在极端恶劣的生存条件下,总是会有人能够创造生命的奇迹。尊重每一个生命,抓住每一个可能,最大限度地搜救每一个受困群众,把人员伤亡损失降到最低程度,就是抗震救灾的最大胜利。 全体救援人员,没有人想放弃,没有人会放弃。每一个搜救人员,都在想尽一切办法,采取一切手段,与时间赛跑,与死神抗争,竭尽所能地多救活一些人。一位刚刚救人的战士,不顾断壁坍塌往里冲而被其他战士拖住时,跪下来这样哭喊:“求求你们让我再去救一个!我还能再救一个!”这样的信念,这样的力量,时刻督促每一位救援人员把心思用到最仔细,把体能发挥到最极至,最大可能地寻找每一丝生命的气息。



当 危难来临的时刻 或者 感动的瞬间





天灾无情,人有情感动天感动地 众志成城,抗震救灾一方有难,八方支援
