

发布时间:2024-07-11 17:58:55


In my opinion,the Internet is helpful rather than harmful as someone else As is known to all,the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily On the Internet,we can read news at home and from abroad and get as much information as we We can send e - mails or make phone calls to our family as well as to our We can also attend the net school,read many books and even teach ourselves E We can also enjoy music,watch matches and play computer games on the I We can even do shopping on Besides,we can improve our ability to operate the But we should not be given to the Internet,or we'll get our life and study Besides,we should keep off the harmful Anyhow,this doesn't prevent the Internet becoming our We can't throw away the apple because of the core,can we?在我看来,互联网是有益的而不是像其他人认为有害。众所周知,互联网正在发挥着越来越重要的角色在我们的日常生活中。在互联网上,我们可以阅读新闻在国内和从国外获得尽可能多的信息。我们可以发送电子邮件-电子邮件或打电话给我们的家人以及我们的朋友。我们还可以参加网上学校,读了很多书,甚至自学英语。我们也能欣赏音乐,观看体育比赛,玩网络游戏。我们可以在网上做购物。此外,我们可以提高我们操作电脑的能力。但我们不应该给互联网,否则我们将得到我们的生活和学习的毁灭。此外,我们应该远离不健康的网站。无论如何,这并不阻止互联网成为我们的朋友。我们不能丢掉的核心,可以吗?

语言测试在英语学习中的重要性 比较中西课堂教学及其对学生能力培养的影响 游戏在儿童英语教学中的运用 小学英语情趣教学漫谈 论中学英语教学中跨文化意识的培养 课堂气氛对高中英语教学效果的影响 记忆在语篇理解过程中的作用 记忆在词汇习得中的作用 谈英语阅读的制约因素及对策 跨文化交际中的体态语和中学英语教学 分析具有中国特色的双语教学 非智力因素在大学生英语学习中的影响 英语教学中的情感因素 论外语自主学习中师生的角色 让我们的思绪飞扬---浅谈在英语课堂教学中影响学生发言主动性的因素 C2C贸易中的写作技巧 大学生英语写作问题研究 文化词及其在外语教学中的功能 英语学习策略的成功案例 文化差异对阅读理解的影响 浅谈多媒体辅助英语教学及教师角色的改变 论母语文化在英语教学中的地位 英语教学中的文化导入

免疫网络与时间赛跑 免疫网络针对的是企业内网基础架构的安全和管理。免疫网络是企业信息网络的一种安全形态。免疫网络的主要理念是自主防御和管理,它通过源头抑制、群防群控、全网联动是网络内每一个节点都具有安全功能,在面临攻击时调动各种安全资源进行应对。它具有安全和网络功能融合、全网设备联动、可信接入、深度防御和控制、精细带宽管理、业务感知、全网监测评估等主要特征。边界安全:防火墙、IPS/IDS、UTM产品等。传输安全:PPTP等VPN加密、算法和产品。系统安全:防毒墙、杀毒软件、身份准入等。 行为管理:上网行为管理/记录/监控等软硬件。风险管理:如数据存储安全、安防监控产品等。桌面系统:针对的是信息管理而非网络基础安全。内网基础安全:主要针对以太网底层协议漏洞、拦截攻击、对内网进行彻底加固,免疫网络就属此种。免疫网络让网络更安全。从而赢得时间


In the modern world, it is no doubt that Internet is playing an important role in our daily It not only brings us information but makes our lives convrnient as However, the security of the Internet is always a hot potato that we have been facing with for There is no denying that we are partly overwhelmed in the Internet Everything in our daily life can have relationship with Internet: Officers use it to type letters and make records; businessmen use it to keep contact with clients and do businesslteachers use it to make teaching plans; students use it to learn and study, and some peple use it for fun at It is clearly that most people like chatting with friends on the I My advice is when you chatting on the Internet, don't reveal your personal information, such as your real name, your phone number , your address and even your ID card number as well as your credit card Don't trust people on the Internet Some information on the Internet may not You can't be too much carful when you read them and use them我只是给你写了点内容 具体的作文你自己拍下顺序 增加或减少点吧

The Chinese economy will continue its steady development in the tuture this optimistic prediction was based on continuity and stability of macro-economic policy, coming benefits of World TradeOrganization entry, strengthening of tertiary industry, and expected profits from growth markets including housing, travel other factors driving steady growth of the economy in the long run include globalization of the economy, urbanization, the combination of industrialization with development of the information industry, and the growing 2With the arrival of the knowledge economy age, Internet, as a new media, has come into our Nowadays, getting on line and surfing the Internet for information has become popular in China, especially among college students and Why is Internet getting so popular in such a short time? The popularity of Internet results from its great convenience and easy accessibility to Thanks to the Internet, a world of information is just a click E-mail is another contributing factor to its It can transmit your letter quickly, safely and Besides, Internet has some other Doctors may use it to diagnose and treat their patients by discussing or exchanging experiences with doctors in other parts of the Students may obtain new knowledge from a national long-distance educational system via I Finally, businessman can conduct E-commerce or E-business on the With so many uses and advantages, there is no doubt more and more people will be wired to the Internet-the information In short, with its high speed and efficiency, Internet will be more popular in China in the near


With the development of compiter, and in order to make our life more colorful,many computer socialists are majoring in video games designment, which makes the video games very popular in recent Many teenagers are being attracted by video Every day after school some teenagers will bury themselves in video games at home or in video They concentrate all their attention on video games, with their hands busy Video games are a kind of wonderful They bring great pleasure to teenagers, train them to respond quickly, stimulate their imagination and interest in electronics and computer Just as a coin hastwo sides, video games also have some School children spend too much time on video games, which would do harm to their eyes and affect their school Also, playing video games doesnot allow them to use their natural Some of them even commit crimes in order to get enough money for the Only if one has enough self-control can he benefit from computer


e。。。语法错误什么的不少,我也只是初四的,望见谅啊。。。议论文第一段Nowadays,more and more students like Internet They play computer games day and night even stay up all night Then,we as a middle school student should on the network or not?现在越来越多的学生喜欢网络。他们日日夜夜在网上玩游戏甚至彻夜不眠。那么,我们作为一个中学生是否应该上网呢? 第二段I think we shouldn'(听老师说第二段先把自己的观点讲明)我认为我们不应该。Because the Internet can make our mark below soon 因为网络会使我们的成绩下降很快。And it can bring some bad information to us 还有它可以给我们带来负面的消息。It can give effect to our body and 这会给我们的身心带来影响。On the other hand,some students chat on the QQ and meet some e-另一方面,一些学生在球球上面聊天见网友。It makes people worried very 这非常令人担忧。Some students are so lazy that look for the homework answer on the 一些学生很懒以至于到网上去找作业答案。It can make them become lazier,lose the ability to think and study 这会让他们变得更懒丧失思考的能力然后学习变更糟。 第三段 (总结说的话)So,I think we shouldn't always on the IAt least 所以,我认为我们不应该总是上网。至少现在。 俄。。。听老师讲呢,说要说利就说利,要说弊就说弊,不要利也有弊也有,会让人觉得方向很乱,利就利到底。赫赫。。。写得错误百出,望您见谅

现代教师必备素质一个有效率的英语教师应当具备的特征英语教师所应具备的素质优秀的英语教师应该具备的素质论教师的有效性评估与教师自我提高“有效教师”的性格与角色泛读课中的教师角色教师如何理解其教学角色教师在成人教育中的角色教师在英语教学中培养学习自主性的角色浅析中美高校外语专业师生关系的定位比较中美英语教学中的师生合作中美英语课堂中的师生互动课堂教学中的师生关系中学课堂管理策略英语教学方法及其应用交际法及其英语口语教学中的应用交际法教学中的语法教学交际法在基础英语教学中的作用交际法在英语教学中的作用交际法在中国中学英语教学中的作用交际教学法在口语教学中的作用交际教学法在我国中学中的问题及改进方法交际式教学法在中国英语教学中的局限性中学英语课堂交际实践中的问题及改进浅谈提高综合应用语言的能力论提高听力教学的有效方法如何有效的进行英语听力教学运用听力策略提高听力理解怎样进行中学英语听力教学中国学生的英语发音问题英汉语音对比及教学策略词汇表达教学中的文化教学中学英语词汇系统家教学高中英语词汇教学技巧论词汇教学与练习论词汇教学中的上下译文译法论交际化次会教学派生法词汇教学浅论词汇在外语教学中的重要性如何教好高中英语词汇英语作为第二语言的词汇教学技巧阅读中的词汇教学阅读中的词汇突破因特网在中国英语教育中的应用网络环境下的英语教学英语教学中的计算机辅助教育《鲁宾逊漂流记》中的个人主义济慈诗歌中神话典故的研究论 《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻与金钱的关系解读《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的婚姻观论作者对《傲慢与偏见》里的社会态度简奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中的妇女意识《傲慢与偏见》中由性格所决定的婚姻句子的省略与成份结构论词意变化的因素浅析矛盾修辞法怎样做一名合格的翻译者关于典故的翻译英汉翻译中长句、难句的处理英汉语言中动物词汇文化内涵之比较中国与西方国家的礼仪对比文化冲击——东西方不同的礼节中美家庭文化及其根源的对比010 Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication  011 Ambiguity and Puns in English  012 Some basic consideration of style  013 English by Newspaper  014 English Personal Pronouns: a Preliminary Textual Analysis  015 Thematic Network and Text Types  016 An Inquiry into Speech Act Theory  017 On Lexical Cohesion in Expository Writing  018 The Inferences of Conversational Implications  019 Context and Meaning  020 The Construction and Interpretation of Cohesion in Texts看够了吗?

学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语论文题目,供大家进行参考: 试论简奥斯汀生活对其小说的影响 (On the Impact of Jane Austen’s Life on Her Novels) “真实的诺言”与传统文化的碰撞——简析“真人秀”的实质和本地化过程 (When True Lies Challenge Tradition—An Analysis of the Reality and Localization of Reality TV) 从台湾问题看中美关系 (The Sino-US Relation—The Taiwan Issue)《傲慢与偏见》的生命力 (The Great Vitality of Pride and Prejudice) 平凡中的不平凡——《傲慢与偏见》(Significance in Commonplace—Pride and Prejudice) 萨皮尔沃夫理论 (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) 论格里高尔的悲剧 (An Analysis of Gregor’s Tragedy) 对大学生心理健康问题予更多关注 (More Attention to the Psychological Health of College Students) 文体学: 语言学习的科学 (Stylistics: A Scientific Approach) 佛教在西方 (Buddhism in the West) 非语言交际 (Nonverbal Communication) 国际反恐 (International Anti-Terrorism) 全球资金市场近期特征与走向 (The Character and Tendency of Global Capital Market in Recent Decades) 从《老人与海》中桑堤亚哥的性格可知——人是打不败的 (A Man Cannot Be Defeated—From the Character of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea) 南方的失落 (The Loss of the South)

中国知网 里边有很多博士论文 你可以去看看


免疫网络与时间赛跑 免疫网络针对的是企业内网基础架构的安全和管理。免疫网络是企业信息网络的一种安全形态。免疫网络的主要理念是自主防御和管理,它通过源头抑制、群防群控、全网联动是网络内每一个节点都具有安全功能,在面临攻击时调动各种安全资源进行应对。它具有安全和网络功能融合、全网设备联动、可信接入、深度防御和控制、精细带宽管理、业务感知、全网监测评估等主要特征。边界安全:防火墙、IPS/IDS、UTM产品等。传输安全:PPTP等VPN加密、算法和产品。系统安全:防毒墙、杀毒软件、身份准入等。 行为管理:上网行为管理/记录/监控等软硬件。风险管理:如数据存储安全、安防监控产品等。桌面系统:针对的是信息管理而非网络基础安全。内网基础安全:主要针对以太网底层协议漏洞、拦截攻击、对内网进行彻底加固,免疫网络就属此种。免疫网络让网络更安全。从而赢得时间

可以直接google里面打中文 自动 翻译 如果你连这3000千字都不想打 你连这4年父母辛苦给你的学费都是糟蹋

The computer is one kind of tool, is uses to us, but not plays; The academic society uses the human is a smart person, will only play the human will be the stupid person, you may access the net, to look that the news, the understanding current event, will simultaneously raise itself to study using the network, but plays the game purely, is obtained the more network knowledge Although the network is a messenger, is also the good teacher and helpful friend who studies, but excessively many surfers can cause the vision to drop, the academic record drops; Serious also has the possibility to create is with one's family broken up and decimated! 电脑是一种工具,是给我们用的,而不是玩的;学会用的人是聪明人,只会玩的人则是愚蠢的人,你可以上网,看新闻、了解时事,同时培养自己利用网络来学习,而不是单纯地玩游戏,让自己获得更多的网络知识。网络虽是一个通信员,也是学习上的良师益友,但过多的上网会导致视力下降,学习成绩下降;严重的还有可能造成家破人亡!




免疫网络与时间赛跑 免疫网络针对的是企业内网基础架构的安全和管理。免疫网络是企业信息网络的一种安全形态。免疫网络的主要理念是自主防御和管理,它通过源头抑制、群防群控、全网联动是网络内每一个节点都具有安全功能,在面临攻击时调动各种安全资源进行应对。它具有安全和网络功能融合、全网设备联动、可信接入、深度防御和控制、精细带宽管理、业务感知、全网监测评估等主要特征。边界安全:防火墙、IPS/IDS、UTM产品等。传输安全:PPTP等VPN加密、算法和产品。系统安全:防毒墙、杀毒软件、身份准入等。 行为管理:上网行为管理/记录/监控等软硬件。风险管理:如数据存储安全、安防监控产品等。桌面系统:针对的是信息管理而非网络基础安全。内网基础安全:主要针对以太网底层协议漏洞、拦截攻击、对内网进行彻底加固,免疫网络就属此种。免疫网络让网络更安全。从而赢得时间
