

发布时间:2024-07-07 09:23:51


ComposAI 在线语法/拼写检查软件**你的英语写作助手Cai 检查语法的例句:*方括号内是错误部分, 圆括号内是修改建议    The new [metod] is [effective] than the old (method, more effective)    The children loved [there] (their)    Good policemen require three [quality]: courage, tolerance, and [dedicated] (qualities, dedication)


16 session of Fifth Plenary Session pointed out that, the construction socialism new countryside is in our country modernization advancement significant Only then speeds up the construction socialism new countryside, can as scheduled realize the comprehensive construction well-off society and the modernized powerful nation grand In which economic agent decision socialism new rural reconstruction success or Has carried on the investigation to the current rural economy development, manifests following present Agricultural structure contradictory still prominent, the industrial production degree is not high; The village level debt bears heavily, restricts the economical development seriously; The agricultural capital rises in prices excessively quickly, alleviated the advancement which the farmer becomes rich; Works the output overall quality to be low, the employment additionally receives ability not to be strong; The country shifts the payment not to be able the full amount arriving, the countryside society enterprise to invest the Has conducted the research to these questions, may take the following countermeasure Speeds up the agricultural structure adjustment step, the advancement agriculture industrial production advancement; Enlarge attract/bid for/invite investments dynamics, advancement industrialization advancement; The force advancement urbanization, speeds up the city and countryside integration advancement; Speeds up the agricultural surplus-labor the shift, cultivates the new economical point of growth; Carries out central in countryside each policy, the promotion economy development, the farmer additionally Key words: New countryside; Economic agent; Agricultural structure; Additionally receiving



With the world economic development, oil also has become a national development process essential strategic resources, economic development and national economic In recent years, along with the rapidly economic development, the growing demand for oil, but that is not because of our oil resources, domestic oil production and the difference between the growing Since 1993 China become a net importer of oil, China is the world's second after the United States a net importer of China national petroleum corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "oil") of the nation's largest state-owned oil and gas, the overseas trade of China's economic development strategy is the state macro-control, will indirectly Its overseas business trade development or will have a direct impact on the economic development of C Based on the analysis of the characteristics of Chinese oil demand and trade based on the present situation of petroleum, the present situation of the development of foreign trade, foreign trade business in oil development strategy and the systematic analysis, and the Suggestions and opinions, and finally briefly analyses oil companies overseas oil trade on our country's economic 刚好我也在翻译这片哈哈 好巧

This article mainly constructs the Chinese petroleum information network, achieved realizes the website construction and the union petroleum information function The full text divides into four parts: The first part is the introduction Mainly introduced the research question background and the significance, and have carried on the brief narration to the correlation research present Second part for development kit Mainly to studies the technology which needs to carry on the Third part for website functional To function module, database module Fourth part to website concrete Mainly is four modules, respectively is the information browsing module, the information retrieval module, the information issue module, the information management module Fifth part for conclusion and And asks the question to the present paper Key word: ASPNET, C#, SQL Server 2000 这个你参考一下,已经尽力了


With the world economy continues to move forward, oil has become essential for countries to develop the process of strategic resources, economic development and national economic security plays a decisive In recent years, along with rapid economic development, China's growing demand for oil, but a well-known thanks to the country's oil resources is not a big country, China's domestic oil production and growing demand for the difference between Since 1993, China became a net oil importer, China is now second in the world after the United States a net importer of China National Petroleum Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "PetroChina") as China's largest state-owned oil and gas enterprise, its overseas trade development strategy of China's economic macro-control, indirectly reflects the will of the Its overseas business will directly affect the good or bad trade development of China's economic Based on the analysis of world oil trade, supply and demand characteristics of the status quo of China on the basis of a brief account of the development of overseas trade in the status quo of oil for the oil business and strategic development of foreign trade system analysis, and targeted proposals and views are given, a brief analysis of the final Overseas oil companies in the oil trade on China's economic


And Asian Development Bank and International Monetary Fund forecast display, if oil price goes up 10 U S dollar, time, will make Chinese GDP that very year cut down 8 percentage point above continuing for 1 year; 20 U S dollar continues for 1 year at present if going up , the effect to GDP will be 5 percentage On the analytical basis the main body of a book is carried out in needing and supplying condition to our country petroleum, the fluctuations in prices having inspected international petroleum invests to our country resident pattern of consumption , enterprise, aspect's such as foreign trade and in the homeland prices affects, and how China evades right away international petroleum fluctuations in prices risk to bring forward a

Asian Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund forecasts show that if the oil price rise of 10 and continued for more than a year, 8 percentage points would reduce China's total GDP; If the continuous rise 20 dollars a year, the impact on GDP will be 5 percentage Based on the demand and supply of petroleum on the basis of the analysis, inspected the international oil price fluctuations on China's consumption structure, business investment, import and export trade as well as other aspects of domestic China and how to avoid the risk of fluctuations in international oil prices to propose a

With the world economic development, oil also has become a national development process essential strategic resources, economic development and national economic In recent years, along with the rapidly economic development, the growing demand for oil, but that is not because of our oil resources, domestic oil production and the difference between the growing Since 1993 China become a net importer of oil, China is the world's second after the United States a net importer of China national petroleum corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "oil") of the nation's largest state-owned oil and gas, the overseas trade of China's economic development strategy is the state macro-control, will indirectly Its overseas business trade development or will have a direct impact on the economic development of C Based on the analysis of the characteristics of Chinese oil demand and trade based on the present situation of petroleum, the present situation of the development of foreign trade, foreign trade business in oil development strategy and the systematic analysis, and the Suggestions and opinions, and finally briefly analyses oil companies overseas oil trade on our country's economic 刚好我也在翻译这片哈哈 好巧

第二部分的后半句翻译不太准确,其他可能会有翻译不合适的,但应该没什么问题。(除了那个“第二部分……”)This article is mainly constructed by the Chinese Petroleum InformationWebsite in terms of representing the construction of website and the function of combinating the information of The paperis going to be devided into the following four parts:The 1st part is introduction that broadly introduce the backgroundand purpose of this issue, and briefly talk about the present situation of the relevant The 2nd part is a brief introduction of exploitive tools that broadlyintroduce the necessary of doing this The 3rd part is an analysis of the functions of website that is the analysis of functional module and databases The 4th part is how to particularly achieve this There are four module that are module of browsing information, module ofsearching information, module of releasing information and module ofmanaging The 5th part is conclusion and prospect that is to sum up this paperand refer to further Keywords: ASPNET, C#, SQL Server 2000


And Asian Development Bank and International Monetary Fund forecast display, if oil price goes up 10 U S dollar, time, will make Chinese GDP that very year cut down 8 percentage point above continuing for 1 year; 20 U S dollar continues for 1 year at present if going up , the effect to GDP will be 5 percentage On the analytical basis the main body of a book is carried out in needing and supplying condition to our country petroleum, the fluctuations in prices having inspected international petroleum invests to our country resident pattern of consumption , enterprise, aspect's such as foreign trade and in the homeland prices affects, and how China evades right away international petroleum fluctuations in prices risk to bring forward a

Asian Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund forecasts show that if the oil price rise of 10 and continued for more than a year, 8 percentage points would reduce China's total GDP; If the continuous rise 20 dollars a year, the impact on GDP will be 5 percentage Based on the demand and supply of petroleum on the basis of the analysis, inspected the international oil price fluctuations on China's consumption structure, business investment, import and export trade as well as other aspects of domestic China and how to avoid the risk of fluctuations in international oil prices to propose a

With the world economic development, oil also has become a national development process essential strategic resources, economic development and national economic In recent years, along with the rapidly economic development, the growing demand for oil, but that is not because of our oil resources, domestic oil production and the difference between the growing Since 1993 China become a net importer of oil, China is the world's second after the United States a net importer of China national petroleum corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "oil") of the nation's largest state-owned oil and gas, the overseas trade of China's economic development strategy is the state macro-control, will indirectly Its overseas business trade development or will have a direct impact on the economic development of C Based on the analysis of the characteristics of Chinese oil demand and trade based on the present situation of petroleum, the present situation of the development of foreign trade, foreign trade business in oil development strategy and the systematic analysis, and the Suggestions and opinions, and finally briefly analyses oil companies overseas oil trade on our country's economic 刚好我也在翻译这片哈哈 好巧

This article mainly constructs the Chinese petroleum information network, achieved realizes the website construction and the union petroleum information function The full text divides into four parts: The first part is the introduction Mainly introduced the research question background and the significance, and have carried on the brief narration to the correlation research present Second part for development kit Mainly to studies the technology which needs to carry on the Third part for website functional To function module, database module Fourth part to website concrete Mainly is four modules, respectively is the information browsing module, the information retrieval module, the information issue module, the information management module Fifth part for conclusion and And asks the question to the present paper Key word: ASPNET, C#, SQL Server 2000 这个你参考一下,已经尽力了


第二部分的后半句翻译不太准确,其他可能会有翻译不合适的,但应该没什么问题。(除了那个“第二部分……”)This article is mainly constructed by the Chinese Petroleum InformationWebsite in terms of representing the construction of website and the function of combinating the information of The paperis going to be devided into the following four parts:The 1st part is introduction that broadly introduce the backgroundand purpose of this issue, and briefly talk about the present situation of the relevant The 2nd part is a brief introduction of exploitive tools that broadlyintroduce the necessary of doing this The 3rd part is an analysis of the functions of website that is the analysis of functional module and databases The 4th part is how to particularly achieve this There are four module that are module of browsing information, module ofsearching information, module of releasing information and module ofmanaging The 5th part is conclusion and prospect that is to sum up this paperand refer to further Keywords: ASPNET, C#, SQL Server 2000


(Abstract) 也成为内容提要,通常在学士论文中都必须附有摘要,其位置应放在论文的正文之前,对整个论文内容的概述无论对专业读者还是对非专业读者而言,摘要都是一个非常重要的文件  摘要如果和论文一起发表,则被称为一次性出版物摘要,主要用于帮助读者评价文章内容及其潜在作用,使读者不必阅读全文就可以了解论文的内容除此之外,摘要也可以被单独收入文摘机构出版的摘要期刊如:生物学文摘(Biological Abstract)、化学文摘(Chemical Abstract)等、称为二次性出版物摘要此类脱离论文独立成篇的摘要主要用于方便读者检索文献、收集信息,帮助研究者寻找新的研究领域  一、 摘要的定义  摘要的英文术语:有两个词汇,一个是 abstract, 一个是 根据美国国家标准学会(American National Standard Institute)于1971年通过并颁布的《美国国家文摘写作标准》(American National Standard for Writing Abstracts)规定,Abstract 不应与 summary 混同  Abstract 对一篇论文的主要内容以精炼的文字进行高度概括,使读者不必阅读全文即可了解论文内容,或者让读者对即将阅读的文章有思想准备,或者让读者判断是否有通读全文的必要文中只对论文信息进行浓缩,而不加主观评论或解释,可以脱离原文而独立成篇字数通常在100~150个词左右,更确切地说,约为原文长度的1% ~ 5%(有的杂志规定摘要平均为全文的3% ~ 5%)现在越来越多的用法是   尤其是放在索引资料中一律要用 abstract 这个术语,在论文的题目下也通常要用这个词  Summary (概要) 与 abstract 无明显差别严格地说,summary 一般附在论文的后面,对论文的主要结论和成果进行再叙述其前提是读者已经通读过全文,通过 summary 来巩固论文的主要论点和成果在某些论文中,用 summary 取代正文中的 conclusion 部分 Summary 是论文的"缩影",可以概括论文的全部内容,只是在删繁就简上下功夫,字数长短不一,少则两三句话,多则500个单词甚至更长美国的一些高等学校规定,硕士论文提要(summary)以250词左右为宜,而博士论文题要以350词左右为宜国际会议论文的提要一般规定为300 ~ 500 词或 1000 个印刷符号  至于究竟要采用什么形式,要根据征稿而定  一般说来,国际学术会议论文及要求按 Summary 方式来写摘要,而正式出版发行的刊物要修不尽一致对于个别论文还见有前面为 Abstract, 结尾又有一个Summary , 这多半是由于文章过长,内容有多,后面的 Summary 相当于该文的缩写  二、 摘要的种类  摘要分为两类,一类是说明性摘要(Descriptive/ Indicative Abstract),一类是资料性(Informative Abstract)摘要   说明性摘要 (Descriptive / Indicative Abstract)  如同迈克尔艾利 (Michael Alley)所说,"一篇说明性摘要是段落形式的目录,使读者手中的一份简要地图"从这句话中可以清楚地了解说明性摘要的作用说明性摘要指向读者指出论文的主要议题是什么,不涉及具体的研究方法和结果,但无法给读者提供更多的详细信息它一般是用于综述性文章,也用于讨论、评论性文章,尤以介绍某学科近期发展动态的论文居多,常出现"… is studied"、 "…is discussed" 字样时态多用现在时或现在完成时其篇幅也较短,大多在100 ~ 150 字之间以下是一篇说明性摘要的样例  Ten widespread diseases that are hazards in isolated construction camps can be prevented by removing or destroying the breeding places of flies, mosquitoes and rats, and by killing their adult 由于说明性摘要仅限于陈述论文的主要论题且篇幅较小,主要用于评述性的论文   资料性摘要 (Informative Abstract)  资料性摘要的优点是比说明性摘要能提供多的多的信息,它应该尽量完整和准确地体现原文的具体内容,特别强调指出研究的方法和结果、结论等其篇幅较长,大多在150 ~250 字之间根据原文长度,也有多达500字的通常,这类的摘要反映了论文的基本面貌,能够代替阅读论文全文  Ten widespread diseases that are hazards in isolated construction camps can be prevented by removing or destroying the breeding places of flies, mosquitoes and rats, and by killing their adult The breeding of flies is controlled by proper disposal of decaying organic matter, and of mosquitoes by destroying or draining pools, or spraying them with For rats, only the indirect methods of rat-resistant houses and protected food supplies are Control of adult forms of both insects and rodens requires use of Screens are used for Minnows can be planted to eat mosquito   三、 如何写摘要   摘要的位置 摘要的位置是确定的,一般在作者工作单位的下方如:  Cultural Differences Between China and USA (标题)  Xu Ying (署名) Hunan University (Changsha, Hunan, 410082) (工作单位) Abstract: (摘要) Key words: (关键词)   写作要点  (1) 长度:有专家认为150 ~ 200 个词之间;文章长度的五分之一 有些刊物会规定摘要的篇幅不能超过一定的字数,如:在80 ~ 100 之间,在投稿前应查询 若刊物没有规定长度时,可以参阅已发表的文章长度参加国际会议的论文摘要有字数限制,一般要求200 ~ 500 个词之间,约1000个印刷符号(美国化学文献、医学文献的论文摘要规定在200个词以内)  (2) 不要重复论文中的句子  (3) 避免列举大堆数据  (4) 一般只是一个段落,不要将其分为数段  (5) 不要使用祈使句、感叹句、公式、表格等  (6) 完成论文后在写摘要  (7) 一般使用第三人称或被动语态  (8) 语言需简明扼要  下面请看一段论文摘要:  This paper deals with the English syllabus for graduate students in C The paper first reviews the history of the graduate English teaching, then discusses the shortcomings in the syllabus and finally proposes some suggestions for its   (本回答由学术堂整理提供)

This article mainly constructs the Chinese petroleum information network, achieved realizes the website construction and the union petroleum information function The full text divides into four parts: The first part is the introduction Mainly introduced the research question background and the significance, and have carried on the brief narration to the correlation research present Second part for development kit Mainly to studies the technology which needs to carry on the Third part for website functional To function module, database module Fourth part to website concrete Mainly is four modules, respectively is the information browsing module, the information retrieval module, the information issue module, the information management module Fifth part for conclusion and And asks the question to the present paper Key word: ASPNET, C#, SQL Server 2000 这个你参考一下,已经尽力了
