

发布时间:2024-07-12 01:50:03


又是会计的。。。 具体什么题目呢 ,,,,可以帮你完成的 。。怎么联系呢


Fundamental analysis of a business involves analyzing its financial statements and health, its management and competitive advantages, and its competitors and The term is used to distinguish such analysis from other types of investment analysis, such as quantitative analysis and technical Fundamental analysis is performed on historical and present data, but with the goal of making financial There are several possible objectives: * to conduct a company stock valuation and predict its probable price evolution, * to make projection on its business performance, * to evaluate its management and make internal business decisions, * to calculate its credit Two analytical modelsWhen the objective of the analysis is to determine what stock to buy and at what price, there are two basic Fundamental analysis maintains that markets may misprice a security in the short run but that the "correct" price will eventually be Profits can be made by trading the mispriced security and then waiting for the market to recognize its "mistake" and reprice the Technical analysis maintains that all information is reflected already in the stock price, so fundamental analysis is a waste of Trends 'are your friend' and sentiment changes predate and predict trend Investors' emotional responses to price movements lead to recognizable price chart Technical analysis does not care what the 'value' of a stock Their price predictions are only extrapolations from historical price Investors can use both these different but somewhat complementary methods for stock Many fundamental investors use technicals for deciding entry and exit Many technical investors use fundamentals to limit their universe of possible stock to 'good' The choice of stock analysis is determined by the investor's belief in the different paradigms for "how the stock market works" See the discussions at efficient market hypothesis, random walk hypothesis, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Fed model Theory of Equity Valuation, Market-based valuation, and Behavioral Use by different portfolio stylesInvestors may use fundamental analysis within different portfolio management * Buy and hold investors believe that latching onto good businesses allows the investor's asset to grow with the Fundamental analysis lets them find 'good' companies, so they lower their risk and probability of wipe- * Managers may use fundamental analysis to correctly value 'good' and 'bad' Even 'bad' companies' stock goes up and down, creating opportunities for * Contrarian investors distinguish "in the short run, the market is a voting machine, not a weighing machine"[1] Fundamental analysis allows you to make your own decision on value, and ignore the * Value investors restrict their attention to under-valued companies, believing that 'it's hard to fall out of a ditch' The value comes from fundamental * Managers may use fundamental analysis to determine future growth rates for buying high priced growth * Managers may also include fundamental factors along with technical factors into computer models (quantitative analysis)Top-down and Bottom-upInvestors can use either a top-down or bottom-up * The top-down investor starts his analysis with global economics, including both international and national economic indicators, such as GDP growth rates, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, productivity, and energy He narrows his search down to regional/industry analysis of total sales, price levels, the effects of competing products, foreign competition, and entry or exit from the Only then does he narrow his search to the best business in that * The bottom-up investor starts with specific businesses, regardless of their industry/ProceduresThe analysis of a business' health starts with financial statement analysis that includes It looks at dividends paid, operating cash flow, new equity issues and capital The earnings estimates and growth rate projections published widely by Thomson Financial and others can be considered either 'fundamental' (they are facts) or 'technical' (they are investor sentiment) based on your perception of their The determined growth rates (of income and cash) and risk levels (to determine the discount rate) are used in various valuation The foremost is the discounted cash flow model, which calculates the present value of the future * dividends received by the investor, along with the eventual sale (Gordon model) * earnings of the company, or * cash flows of the The simple model commonly used is the Price/Earnings Implicit in this model of a perpetual annuity (Time value of money) is that the 'flip' of the P/E is the discount rate appropriate to the risk of the The multiple accepted is adjusted for expected growth (that is not built into the model)Growth estimates are incorporated into the PEG ratio but the math does not hold up to [neutrality disputed] Its validity depends on the length of time you think the growth will Computer modelling of stock prices has now replaced much of the subjective interpretation of fundamental data (along with technical data) in the Since about year 2000, with the power of computers to crunch vast quantities of data, a new career has been At some funds (called Quant Funds) the manager's decisions have been replaced by proprietary mathematical [2]Criticisms * Some economists such as Burton Malkiel suggest that neither fundamental analysis nor technical analysis is useful in outperforming the markets[3]

Richard L Select Winning Stocks Using Financial S Dearborn Financial Publishing, 1999


[论文关键词]财务报表分析 关注科目 分析指标 [论文摘要]企业的财务报表分析其目的在于确定并提供会计报表数字中包含的各种趋势和关系,为各有关方面特别是投资者提供企业偿债能力、获利能力、营运能力和发展能力等财务信息,使报表使用者据以判断并做出相关决策,为财务决策、财务计划和财务控制提供依据。笔者结合自己的工作对财务报表分析的要点进行了具体阐述。 一、财务报表分析的解读 所谓财务报表分析,就是以财务报表为主要依据,采用科学的评价标准和适用的分析方法,遵循规范的分析程 序,通过对企业的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量等重要指标的比较分析,从而对企业的财务状况、经营情况及其经营业绩做出判断、评价和预测的一项经济管理活动。企业财务报表分析的目的主要是为信息使用人提供其需要的更为直观的信息,同时对不同的信息使用人,企业财务报表分析的目的也不相同。对于投资人而言,可以以分析企业的资产和盈利能力来决定是否投资;对于债权人而言,从分析贷款的风险、报酬以决定是否向企业贷款,从分析资产流动状况和盈利能力来了解其短期与长期偿债能力;对于经营者而言,为改善财务决策、经营状况、提高经营业绩进行财务分析。由于财务报表分析目的的差别,决定了不同的分析目的可能使用不同的分析方法、侧重不同的考核数据指标。 二、阅读财务报表时我们应着重关注的科目 应收账款与其他应收款的增减关系。如果是对同一单位的同一笔金额由应收账款调整到其他应收款,则表明有操纵利润的可能。应收账款与长期投资的增减关系。如果对一个单位的应收账款减少而产生了对该单位的长期投资增加,且增减金额接近,则表明存在利润操纵的可能。待摊费用与待处理财产损失的数额。如果待摊费用与待处理财产损失数额较大,有可能存在拖延费用列入损益表的问题。借款、其他应收款与财务费用的比较。如果公司有对关联单位的大额其他应付款,同时财务费用较低,说明有利用关联单位降低财务费用的可能。 三、财务报表中的重点指标分析 (一)偿债能力指标分析。企业偿债能力是反映企业财务状况和经营能力的重要标志,偿债能力是企业偿还到期债务的承受能力或保证程度,包括偿还短期和中长期债务的能力。一般而言,企业债务偿付的压力主要有如下两个方面:一是一般性债务本息的偿还,如各种长期借款、应付债券、长期应付款和各种短期结算债务等;二是具有刚性的各种应付税款,企业必须偿付。企业偿债能力主要财务指标有流动比率、资产负债率等。流动比率(流动资产/流动负债)是评价企业用流动资产偿还流动负债能力的指标,流动比率过低,企业可能面临清偿到期债务的困难;流动比率过高,表明企业资产利用率低,存货积压,周转缓慢。资产负债率(负债总额/资产总额)反映了企业的资产对债务的保障程度。比率越小,说明企业的偿债能力越强。一般认为资产负债率应小于50%,即负债应小于所有者权益,该比率针对不同的行业标准有所不同。 实例分析:假设上市公司A资产总额中的债权已经占了资产总额的75%,而其债权总额中,应收母公司款项就已经达到了80%以上。2000年7月,A公司的母公司由于严重的资不抵债而面临破产清算的危险。那么此时应如何对A公司存在的债权质量以及对A公司未来的影响做出评价。实例分析:A公司的债权占了资产总额的75%,而其中应收母公司款项达到80%以上,即A公司应收母公司债权超过了其总资产的75%×80%=60%。而目前A公司的母公司面临破产清算,A公司总资产的60%存在坏账风险,故其债权质量极差。 (二)获利能力指标分析。企业必须能够获利才有存在的价值,建立企业的目的是赢利,增加盈利是最具综合能力的目标。作为投资人,主要关注的是企业投资的回报率。而对于一般投资者而言,关心的是企业股息、红利的发放问题,对于拥有企业控制权的投资者,则会更多地考虑如何增强企业竞争力,扩大市场占有率,追求长期利益的持续、稳定增长。衡量企业获利能力的指标主要有销售毛利率和资本金利润率。销售毛利率(销售毛利/销售收入)指标反映每1元销售收入扣除销售成本后,能有多少钱可以用于各项期间费用和形成利润。一般来说,销售毛利率越高,反映主营业务获利能力越强,主营业务的市场竞争力越强。资本金利润率(利润总额/资本金总额)可以衡量资产的使用效益,从总体上反映投资效果。一个企业的资产获利能力如果高于社会的平均资产利润率和行业平均资产利润率,企业就会更容易的吸收投资,企业的发展就会处于更有利的位置。 (三)营运能力指标分析。营运能力的作用表现为对各项经济资源的价值即资产周转率与周转额的贡献上,然后通过这种作用而对增值目标的实现产生影响。从这种意义上讲,营运能力不仅决定着公司的偿债能力与获利能力,而且是整个财务分析工作的核心所在。通过营运能力的分析,不但可以评价企业的经营管理效率,也可判断其是否具有获利的能力。衡量营运能力的指标主要有流动资产周转速度指标和固定资产周转指标。其中反映企业流动资产周转速度的指标有:流动资产周转率和流动资产周转天数指标。前者是企业一定时期内营业收入净额同平均流动资产余额的比值,即企业本年度内应收账款转为现金的平均次数;后者是用时间表示的周转速度,称为平均流动资产回收期。流动资产周转率指标为正指标。一般情况下,该比率越高,表明收账迅速,账龄较短;资产流动性强,短期偿债能力强。流动资产周转天数为反指标,一般情况下,该指标数值越低越好。反映企业固定资产周转情况的主要指标是固定资产周转率,它是企业一定时期营业收入净额同平均固定资产净值的比值,是用以衡量固定资产利用效率的一项指标。该指标为正指标,一般情况下,该比率越高,表明以相同的固定资产完成的周转额较多,固定资产利用效果较好。 (四)发展能力指标分析。发展能力是指企业未来年度的发展前景及潜力。反映企业发展能力的指标主要有:营业收入增长率和三年利润平均增长率等。营业收入增长率是指企业本期营业收入增长额同上年营业收入总额的比率,它反映企业销售收入的增减变动情况,是评价企业成长情况和发展能力的重要指标。该指标若大于0,表示企业本年营业收入有所增长,指标值越高,表明增长速度越快,企业市场前景越好;该指标若小于0,表示企业产品不适销对路、质次价高、市场份额萎缩。三年利润平均增长率表明企业利润连续三年的增长情况与效益稳定的程度。该指标越高,表明企业积累越多,企业的持续发展能力越强。 财务报表分析还要看报表的附注,关注企业的历史及主营业务,关注会计处理方法变更对利润的影响,分析附属企业和关联方对利润的影响,以便全面了解掌握企业财务状况和经营效果。同时会计报表分析质量也受到分析者经验与业务能力的影响。 参考文献 [1]赵梅。企业财务报表分析方法及其应用之我见[J]时代经贸(中旬刊), 2007, (S3) 张思菊, 陈雯娟。财务报表分析的问题及改进方法探讨[J]现代商贸工业, 2009, (01) 丛志斌。 正确理解财务报表是财务分析的前提[J]民营科技, 2009, (01)

坦白说,毕业论文基本都是网上抄的一个刚毕业的大学生是无法有能力去对企业的财务报表分析得恨透彻, 足以应付毕业论文的要求那是不可能的是 第一,你没经历过那个企业的实际工作第二,对财务的实际操作不懂, 大多学生毕业时连借贷平衡,科目关系都还没搞清楚, 别说财务分析了 我说的虽然很直白,但是这的确是真实的现状 建议还是上网多找资料,拼凑一下等你工作几年后,你会明白我上面说的话


为了探讨和掌握论文的写作规律和特点,需要对论文进行分类。由于论文本身的内容和性质不同,研究领域、对象、方法、表现方式不同,因此,论文就有不同的分类方法。  按内容性质和研究方法的不同可以把论文分为理论性论文、实验性论文、描述性论文和设计性论文。  另外还有一种综合型的分类方法,即把论文分为专题型、论辩型、综述型和综合型四大类:专题型这是分析前人研究成果的基础上,以直接论述的形式发表见解,从正面提出某学科中某一学术问题的一种论文。论辩型这是针对他人在某学科中某一学术问题的见解,凭借充分的论据,着重揭露其不足或错误之处,通过论辩形式来发表见解的一种论文。综述型这是在归纳、总结前人或今人对某学科中某一学术问题已有研究成果的基础上,加以介绍或评论,从而发表自己见解的一种论文。综合型这是一种将综述型和论辩型两种形式有机结合起来写成的一种论文。学位申请者为申请学位而提出撰写的学术论文叫学位论文。这种论文是考核申请者能否被授予学位的重要条件。  学位申请者如果能通过规定的课程考试,而论文的审查和答辩合格,那么就给予学位。如果说学位申请者的课程考试通过了,但论文在答辩时被评为不合格,那么就不会授予他学位。  有资格申请学位并为申请学位所写的那篇毕业论文就称为学位论文,学士学位论文。学士学位论文既是学位论文又是毕业论文。 学术论文是某一学术课题在实验性、理论性或观测性上具有新的科学研究成果或创新见解的知识和科学记录;或是某种已知原理应用于实际中取得新进展的科学总结,用以提供学术会议上宣读、交流或讨论;或在学术刊物上发表;或作其他用途的书面文件。  在社会科学领域,人们通常把表达科研成果的论文称为学术论文。



你们没真实操作过账套,管理过公司财务,写起来也不入骨。写是挺好写的你们分析报表 无非是 资产周转率,存货周转,股东回报率这些,如果这些有用,会计买股票会亏么。



坦白说,毕业论文基本都是网上抄的一个刚毕业的大学生是无法有能力去对企业的财务报表分析得恨透彻, 足以应付毕业论文的要求那是不可能的是 第一,你没经历过那个企业的实际工作第二,对财务的实际操作不懂, 大多学生毕业时连借贷平衡,科目关系都还没搞清楚, 别说财务分析了 我说的虽然很直白,但是这的确是真实的现状 建议还是上网多找资料,拼凑一下等你工作几年后,你会明白我上面说的话




宜宾五粮液股份有限公司 (000858) 五粮液公司2015-2017年财报

Fundamental analysis of a business involves analyzing its financial statements and health, its management and competitive advantages, and its competitors and The term is used to distinguish such analysis from other types of investment analysis, such as quantitative analysis and technical Fundamental analysis is performed on historical and present data, but with the goal of making financial There are several possible objectives: * to conduct a company stock valuation and predict its probable price evolution, * to make projection on its business performance, * to evaluate its management and make internal business decisions, * to calculate its credit Two analytical modelsWhen the objective of the analysis is to determine what stock to buy and at what price, there are two basic Fundamental analysis maintains that markets may misprice a security in the short run but that the "correct" price will eventually be Profits can be made by trading the mispriced security and then waiting for the market to recognize its "mistake" and reprice the Technical analysis maintains that all information is reflected already in the stock price, so fundamental analysis is a waste of Trends 'are your friend' and sentiment changes predate and predict trend Investors' emotional responses to price movements lead to recognizable price chart Technical analysis does not care what the 'value' of a stock Their price predictions are only extrapolations from historical price Investors can use both these different but somewhat complementary methods for stock Many fundamental investors use technicals for deciding entry and exit Many technical investors use fundamentals to limit their universe of possible stock to 'good' The choice of stock analysis is determined by the investor's belief in the different paradigms for "how the stock market works" See the discussions at efficient market hypothesis, random walk hypothesis, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Fed model Theory of Equity Valuation, Market-based valuation, and Behavioral Use by different portfolio stylesInvestors may use fundamental analysis within different portfolio management * Buy and hold investors believe that latching onto good businesses allows the investor's asset to grow with the Fundamental analysis lets them find 'good' companies, so they lower their risk and probability of wipe- * Managers may use fundamental analysis to correctly value 'good' and 'bad' Even 'bad' companies' stock goes up and down, creating opportunities for * Contrarian investors distinguish "in the short run, the market is a voting machine, not a weighing machine"[1] Fundamental analysis allows you to make your own decision on value, and ignore the * Value investors restrict their attention to under-valued companies, believing that 'it's hard to fall out of a ditch' The value comes from fundamental * Managers may use fundamental analysis to determine future growth rates for buying high priced growth * Managers may also include fundamental factors along with technical factors into computer models (quantitative analysis)Top-down and Bottom-upInvestors can use either a top-down or bottom-up * The top-down investor starts his analysis with global economics, including both international and national economic indicators, such as GDP growth rates, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, productivity, and energy He narrows his search down to regional/industry analysis of total sales, price levels, the effects of competing products, foreign competition, and entry or exit from the Only then does he narrow his search to the best business in that * The bottom-up investor starts with specific businesses, regardless of their industry/ProceduresThe analysis of a business' health starts with financial statement analysis that includes It looks at dividends paid, operating cash flow, new equity issues and capital The earnings estimates and growth rate projections published widely by Thomson Financial and others can be considered either 'fundamental' (they are facts) or 'technical' (they are investor sentiment) based on your perception of their The determined growth rates (of income and cash) and risk levels (to determine the discount rate) are used in various valuation The foremost is the discounted cash flow model, which calculates the present value of the future * dividends received by the investor, along with the eventual sale (Gordon model) * earnings of the company, or * cash flows of the The simple model commonly used is the Price/Earnings Implicit in this model of a perpetual annuity (Time value of money) is that the 'flip' of the P/E is the discount rate appropriate to the risk of the The multiple accepted is adjusted for expected growth (that is not built into the model)Growth estimates are incorporated into the PEG ratio but the math does not hold up to [neutrality disputed] Its validity depends on the length of time you think the growth will Computer modelling of stock prices has now replaced much of the subjective interpretation of fundamental data (along with technical data) in the Since about year 2000, with the power of computers to crunch vast quantities of data, a new career has been At some funds (called Quant Funds) the manager's decisions have been replaced by proprietary mathematical [2]Criticisms * Some economists such as Burton Malkiel suggest that neither fundamental analysis nor technical analysis is useful in outperforming the markets[3]
