

发布时间:2024-07-12 15:47:25


On the marketing and network management With the economic globalization and the information revolution, the constant deepening of China's Internet penetration increasing, a new emerging market network, the network economy also continued to heat Market Network tremendous opportunity, a new form of marketing - marketing network also appears in the public's attention Network marketing as a new marketing approach has now become China's network market-oriented small and medium enterprises to survive and develop an important tool, along with related practices and in-depth research on network marketing and network marketing with the former theory has Through the rise of network marketing, and the definition of an overview of the advantages of on the basis of detailed information on the network several major mode of marketing, explained the network marketing channels and customer And the establishment of channels, control and management are Finally, in accordance with the characteristics of the development of the Internet as well as the marketing environment, the network marketing for the future development trends in the

In this paper, the meaning of network marketing and an overview of the content on the basis of the detail the advantages of network marketing, analysis of our corporate network of marketing and development of the main problems, focusing on a corporate network at this stage of our development strategy for marketing , fully illustrated online marketing strategy at the feasibility of the implementation of China's enterprises, the effectiveness and urgency of

Chinese home appliance industry, after decades of rapid development, is currently in the mature life cycle stage,The most important manifestation is growing competition in the product's popularity, the tendency to zero of the marginal profit, and as Chinese consumption rising living standards, more and more diversified consumer At the same time, the homogenization of home appliances, home appliance price war brought about a lose-lose, and a single appliance promotions, making household electrical appliance enterprises have to find way out from the This article is based on this background, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing strategy of a series of This paper focuses on internet marketing, home appliance industry, network marketing advantages, network marketing problems and the causes and the corresponding strategies, on the home appliance industry network marketing strategy Purpose and significance of this study is to answer the first home appliance manufacturer Why (why) to conduct online marketing of goods maker that is what is forcing them to make choices, which is selected or forced to take the initiative to change the Whether the transaction costs from the contract theory point of view, or from the perspective of new information distribution channels, or from the broker point of view of re-organization theory enterprise network appliance marketing channels research, all reached the same conclusion, that is, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing enterprise in the increasingly fierce competition to gain more market share for the initiative to make How to answer household appliance industry (how) the problem of network marketing, or network marketing, design and Then once the decision to answer a business network marketing, specifically the choice of a (which) strategy and a series of Finally, Taobao Circuit City, Gome, Suning, Jingdong Mall, for the cases of e-commerce platform appliances a new model of network marketing 直接百度上找的在线翻译

Chinese home appliance industry, after decades of rapid development, is currently in the mature life cycle stage,The most important manifestation is growing competition in the product's popularity, the tendency to zero of the marginal profit, and as Chinese consumption rising living standards, more and more diversified consumer At the same time, the homogenization of home appliances, home appliance price war brought about a lose-lose, and a single appliance promotions, making household electrical appliance enterprises have to find way out from the This article is based on this background, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing strategy of a series of This paper focuses on internet marketing, home appliance industry, network marketing advantages, network marketing problems and the causes and the corresponding strategies on the network appliance industry marketing strategy Purpose and significance of this study is to answer the first home appliance manufacturer Why (why) to conduct online marketing of home appliances manufacturing business that is what is the environment force them to make choices, which is selected or forced to accept the initiative to change the Whether the transaction costs from the contract theory point of view, or from the perspective of a new information distribution channels, or from the broker point of the theory re-organize the corporate network appliance marketing channels research, all reached the same conclusion, that is, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing enterprise in the increasingly fierce competition to gain more market share for the initiative to make How to answer household appliance industry (how) the problem of network marketing, or network marketing, design and Then once the decision to answer a business network marketing, specifically the choice of a (which) strategy and a series of Finally, Taobao Circuit City, Gome, Suning, Jingdong Mall, for the cases of e-commerce platform appliances a new model of network marketing



On the marketing and network management With the economic globalization and the information revolution, the constant deepening of China's Internet penetration increasing, a new emerging market network, the network economy also continued to heat Market Network tremendous opportunity, a new form of marketing - marketing network also appears in the public's attention Network marketing as a new marketing approach has now become China's network market-oriented small and medium enterprises to survive and develop an important tool, along with related practices and in-depth research on network marketing and network marketing with the former theory has Through the rise of network marketing, and the definition of an overview of the advantages of on the basis of detailed information on the network several major mode of marketing, explained the network marketing channels and customer And the establishment of channels, control and management are Finally, in accordance with the characteristics of the development of the Internet as well as the marketing environment, the network marketing for the future development trends in the

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With the economic globalization and the information revolution, the constant deepening of China's Internet penetration increasing, a new emerging market network, the network economy also continued to heat Market Network tremendous opportunity, a new form of marketing - marketing network also appears in the public's attention Network marketing as a new marketing approach has now become China's network market-oriented small and medium enterprises to survive and develop an important tool, along with related practices and in-depth research on network marketing and network marketing with the former theory has Through the rise of network marketing, and the definition of an overview of the advantages of on the basis of detailed information on the network several major mode of marketing, explained the network marketing channels and customer And the establishment of channels, control and management are Finally, in accordance with the characteristics of the development of the Internet as well as the marketing environment, the network marketing for the future development trends in the


我的肯定对 Chinese home appliance industry, after decades of rapid development, is currently in the mature life cycle stage,The most important manifestation is growing competition in the product's popularity, the tendency to zero of the marginal profit, and as Chinese consumption rising living standards, more and more diversified consumer At the same time, the homogenization of home appliances, home appliance price war brought about a lose-lose, and a single appliance promotions, making household electrical appliance enterprises have to find way out from the This article is based on this background, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing strategy of a series of This paper focuses on internet marketing, home appliance industry, network marketing advantages, network marketing problems and the causes and the corresponding strategies, on the home appliance industry network marketing strategy Purpose and significance of this study is to answer the first home appliance manufacturer Why (why) to conduct online marketing of goods maker that is what is forcing them to make choices, which is selected or forced to take the initiative to change the Whether the transaction costs from the contract theory point of view, or from the perspective of new information distribution channels, or from the broker point of view of re-organization theory enterprise network appliance marketing channels research, all reached the same conclusion, that is, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing enterprise in the increasingly fierce competition to gain more market share for the initiative to make How to answer household appliance industry (how) the problem of network marketing, or network marketing, design and Then once the decision to answer a business network marketing, specifically the choice of a (which) strategy and a series of Finally, Taobao Circuit City, Gome, Suning, Jingdong Mall, for the cases of e-commerce platform appliances a new model of network marketing 我自己翻译的

Chinese home appliance industry, after decades of rapid development, is currently in the mature life cycle stage,The most important manifestation is growing competition in the product's popularity, the tendency to zero of the marginal profit, and as Chinese consumption rising living standards, more and more diversified consumer At the same time, the homogenization of home appliances, home appliance price war brought about a lose-lose, and a single appliance promotions, making household electrical appliance enterprises have to find way out from the This article is based on this background, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing strategy of a series of This paper focuses on internet marketing, home appliance industry, network marketing advantages, network marketing problems and the causes and the corresponding strategies on the network appliance industry marketing strategy Purpose and significance of this study is to answer the first home appliance manufacturer Why (why) to conduct online marketing of home appliances manufacturing business that is what is the environment force them to make choices, which is selected or forced to accept the initiative to change the Whether the transaction costs from the contract theory point of view, or from the perspective of a new information distribution channels, or from the broker point of the theory re-organize the corporate network appliance marketing channels research, all reached the same conclusion, that is, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing enterprise in the increasingly fierce competition to gain more market share for the initiative to make How to answer household appliance industry (how) the problem of network marketing, or network marketing, design and Then once the decision to answer a business network marketing, specifically the choice of a (which) strategy and a series of Finally, Taobao Circuit City, Gome, Suning, Jingdong Mall, for the cases of e-commerce platform appliances a new model of network marketing


Chinese home appliance industry, after decades of rapid development, is currently in the mature life cycle stage,The most important manifestation is growing competition in the product's popularity, the tendency to zero of the marginal profit, and as Chinese consumption rising living standards, more and more diversified consumer At the same time, the homogenization of home appliances, home appliance price war brought about a lose-lose, and a single appliance promotions, making household electrical appliance enterprises have to find way out from the This article is based on this background, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing strategy of a series of This paper focuses on internet marketing, home appliance industry, network marketing advantages, network marketing problems and the causes and the corresponding strategies, on the home appliance industry network marketing strategy Purpose and significance of this study is to answer the first home appliance manufacturer Why (why) to conduct online marketing of goods maker that is what is forcing them to make choices, which is selected or forced to take the initiative to change the Whether the transaction costs from the contract theory point of view, or from the perspective of new information distribution channels, or from the broker point of view of re-organization theory enterprise network appliance marketing channels research, all reached the same conclusion, that is, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing enterprise in the increasingly fierce competition to gain more market share for the initiative to make How to answer household appliance industry (how) the problem of network marketing, or network marketing, design and Then once the decision to answer a business network marketing, specifically the choice of a (which) strategy and a series of Finally, Taobao Circuit City, Gome, Suning, Jingdong Mall, for the cases of e-commerce platform appliances a new model of network marketing 直接百度上找的在线翻译







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常用市场营销计划书范本(纲要) 一 标题 这是PPT的封面,要有一个代表主题的词或者一句话,然后以实际内容为副标题 二 概论 本章节阐述计划的内容梗概 三 指导思想 阐述计划编写是基于什么理念和数据依据进行的 四 本文注释 对一切需要特别说明的引用或者内容提前解释(特别是看报告的人不具备专业知识的情况下) 五 中心思想 确立本计划的核心内容 六 竞争力分析 1 环境 阐述和分析目标市场的环境状况 2 对手 详细阐述竞争对手的状况,数据越充分越好,最好要给予特点分类 3 消费市场 对目标市场的状况和客户的特性进行阐述和分析 4 自身 本公司的竞争力分析(这里要注意把握,搞清楚领导喜欢听实话还是假话,然后把握好深度和用词) 5 结论 对分析进行总结性提纲 七 定位 根据分析结论进行市场位置定位 八 策略定位 根据市场定位分别对包括市场、产品、价格、渠道、宣传等进行基本策略定位 九 策略 1 市场策略 2 产品策略 3 渠道策略 4 价格策略 5 服务策略 6 合作策略 十 策略实施 分别对应策略项目做出实施计划及预算、总预算 十一执行目标 十二备注 根据本公司情况,列出不可估因素等等十三结束
