

发布时间:2024-07-05 11:08:22


prepare a manuscript for presider

Radio and television director

短语 主持新闻节目: anchor a news program 他主持谈话节目: He Hosts Talk Shows 主持电视节目: The Television 主持一次节目: host a programmer 曾经主持电视节目: Has Hosted Tv Shows 节目主持: Moderator 音乐节目主持人: disc jockey;dj;DJdisc jockey 新闻节目主持人: anchorperson;anchorman;anchorpeople 电视节目主持人: TV presenter;MC Master of Ceremonies;Television Programme Host;TV Programme Host

节目 jie mu a program; a show; an item in a program 策划 ce hua plan; to make plans engineer; to plot; to hatch (or lay) a plot; to scheme 合起来就是 program planner 主持人 zhu chi ren a host; a hostess; an anchorman; an anchorwoman; (B) an emcee; a compere



(三)业务素质 业务素质是一名主持人一目了然所应具备的,它也是塑造主持人形象的物质基础,同时也是衡量一个主持人最直接的标志。业务素质包括较高的文化素质,迅捷的语言组织能力,严密的逻辑思维,清晰准确的语言表达以及临场应变发挥能力和独特的个性风采等等。换言之,主持人只有在拥有大量知识,提高了主持节目的能力并掌握具体操作技巧时,才有可能自如的驾驭节目。 1、深厚的知识底蕴 渊博的知识是主持人应有的修养。主持人应该是博学多才的有识之士,这样才能面对观众侃侃而谈。渊博的知识来自工作中的积累,也来自平时勤奋的学习采集。主持人的工作常常面对观众访问新闻事件的当事人和有关人士,要对时事做评述。他们的采访活动能力,提出问题的深度,对问题的分析见解力,都一览无余的呈现出来。渊博的知识和文化修养,使主持人能在镜头前神态自若的采访播讲,作深刻有见地的分析,从而另人佩服。主持人虽各有不同的形象、性格和气质,但在博学多才的素质上应该是相同的。知识浅薄的人是不能胜任主持人工作的。有时候主持人所充当的角色就像一名引导人们在生活的百花园中观光的“导游”,这就要求主持人一定要充分认识自身所处的重要地位和作用,不断提高自身的文化修养和知识水平。要博览群书,不断充实自己,决不能满足于所学知识。现在的世界是一个分分秒秒不断变化的世界,电视又是一种涉及面广而多的信息传递方式。身处这不断变化的时空,作为一名主持人,要不断更新所学,开拓思路、活跃思维,切莫书到用时方恨少,腹中空空,无言以出,那时你面对的将不仅仅是对自己孤陋寡闻的羞愧,观众的失望,更会让自己被竞争时代的潮流所淹没。反之,只有不断的充实自己,才能更好的把握时代主题,紧扣时代脉搏,贴近群众,贴近生活。比如,中央电视台原节目主持人杨澜,在主持人公开考试中夺魁,主持《正大综艺》节目几百期,1994年2月,她赴美国的大学进修电视制作专业,在哥伦比亚大学攻读硕士学位,现已学成回国。 知识,是节目主持人同各界人士特别是专家学者交往的桥梁。一个文化知识素养丰富的主持人,在向高层次领导人和专家学者采访的时候,就能产生一种吸引对方的魅力,使他们愿意把真话讲出来。 一个主持人的文化知识素养,不仅要靠广泛涉猎各个学科的知识,还要经常注意搜集和研究国内外各个地方的文史资料,以充实自己的头脑。随时随地搜集知识性的资料,不但对主持人的活动有极大的帮助,对于增强主持人的文化素质,雕塑节目主持人的文明形象,都大有好处。我国一位知名主持人曾告诫年轻同行们说:“如果主持人真能做到读书破万卷,我看就能开口如有神了”。“腹有诗书气自华”宋代诗人苏轼这一名句,也完全适用于今天的节目主持人。 2、主持人应具备优秀的语言表达能力 首先是语言要通顺流畅,这是最基本的要求。主持人要口齿伶俐,表达清楚,尤其较长篇幅的串场词更要如行云流水,一气呵成,才能让观众有信服之感。倘若吞吞吐吐,语流滞涩,前言不搭后语,那么观众尚且不能明白你要表达的意思,又如何能进一步了解编导的意图,如何能够同你一同溶入节目的氛围中?更有甚者,给观众一种观念:既然主持人都如此素质,那节目岂不是更不可信?所以,主持人一定要勤于锻炼自己语言和语流上的基本功,要言语有心,言语用心,加强吐字归音的基本功训练,要把话说好、说通、说顺、说巧、说妙。 在此基础上,还要具备严密清晰的逻辑思维,这一点十分重要。因为主持人无论是把自己的所见所闻,还是编导的意图传达给观众,都是要把头脑中已有的东西按照一定的逻辑思维整理出来,然后再用言语表达出来。而主持人最忌讳在言语表达上生搬硬套、张冠李戴,那是会贻笑大方的。更不能看似口若悬河、滔滔不绝,实则空空无物或不过仅能说些插科打诨的话。作为一名主持人,一定要做到心中有数,要刻意培养出自己缜密的逻辑思维,使脑中思路清晰、条理清楚,以利于更好地表达,更好地与观众沟通与交流。 在语言表达上,要有自己的特色,要富有感染力。主持人与观众的交流主要是一种情感上的沟通与交流。主持人是通过自己的语言、目光、手势、形态等与观众进行交流,其中尤以语言为重,所以主持人的语言一定要富有感染力,才能吸引和打动观众。那么如何使语言富有感染力呢?首先,语言要平实自然,让观众听起来是主持人的肺腑之言。在此基础上,根据当时氛围下的语言表达需要,可以适当运用夸张、含蓄等语言表达方式,同时还要注意掌握一些语言表达上的技能,如分寸、节奏、语气、重音、停连等等,只有做到了这些,主持人才能对语言驾驭自如,使语言表达富有自己的特色。 在语言表达的技能的把握上,尤要注意两点:即语言表达的分寸和节奏。 首先,语言表达的分寸是要求主持人通过语言表达,和观众像朋友一样平等交流。既不能和观众之间的心理距离拉得太远,去居高临下的说教;也不能和观众的心理距离太近,这样主持人就无法起到引导者的作用。作为主持人,正确的分寸把握应该是:亲切自然、随和真诚。分寸把握得体,就会出现主持人与观众相互情绪的激发、感染、交流与共鸣,就能沟通节目与观众之间的联系;反之,分寸若把握不得体,就会出现情感沟通的阻隔与断裂。所以,总而言之,主持人要将自己摆在一个正确的位置上,使自己能够较好地掌握语言表达的分寸。当然,在此基础上,还应兼顾语言表达的节奏。 另一方面,主持人应当在尽量短的时间内表达更多的意思,传递给观众更多的信息。所以,不仅讲话的内容,包括表述的层次和结构,都要事先准备,甚至连讲话的节奏也要事先考虑。应当让观众把主持人传递过去的信息都吸收了,然后期待你将下面的内容时,便可继续下去。所以当语言表达的节奏掌握得恰到好处时,会收到意想不到的效果。反之,则只是把编辑、导演所撰写的台词机器般地复述出来或是一股脑地倒出来,摆给观众的却是干涩而毫无生机的语言和主持人慌乱而稚嫩的临场发挥。 3、主持人应具备一定的临场应变和即兴发挥能力 一定的临场应变和即兴发挥能力是节目主持人在节目的制作过程中,遇到了突如其来的情况时,在客观情况允许的情况下,充分调动自己的主观能动性,使大脑思维处于高度运动和思考状态,从而做出迅速快捷的反应,能够进一步在此基础上进行发挥,使变故巧妙地朝好的方向转化的能力。 当前大多电视节目的录制都是一气呵成,更有相当一部分节目是以直播形式播出。主持人语言表达上的一点混沌都会给节目的播出和制作带来不必要的麻烦,将会直接影响到电视节目的视听效果。因此,主持人不仅要避免自己言语表达上的不当,更要做到处变不惊,要积极活跃思维,培养自己快速反映的能力,只有这样,主持起来才能做到从容镇定、挥洒自如。

不懂这个呢 太专业了 不过可以套用一下思路语言呈现要领分点叙述 最好是理论加事例,或者正反事例对比得出要领论述策划技巧你们课本没讲理论吗?要不就搜下网上的相关内容 自己整合


本届“希望之星”英语大赛小学组决赛英文字幕 Host: Good evening, ladies and Welcome to our talk show of this Today we will discuss something about failure and how people face it and change it into Our guests are M & M Walters, head to one of the leading advertising businesses in C Sit down, please, M&M W Where shall we start? How about from that soda fountain?M Walters: Yes, that is a sort of token of both happiness and Everyone coming to my office will ask the same question about that old-fashioned soda fountain which seems to be a mismatch of the I will always tell them the same story I will share with you all It was a long story back in the recession period after WWII You know at that time, the jobs were extremely My husband had purchased a small dry cleaning business with borrowed money,M Walters: Yes, a small business with a big Let alone other monthly We were really But Dottie didn’t want our kids to lose their home as she often had as a So, she decided to go to the local newspaper to try her Host: M Walters, why did you get such an idea of working for a newspaper?M Walters: Oh, I’ve got some talent for it, I At least my high school teacher said The idea just struck me suddenly and silly as it sounds, I decided to have a Anyway, we need money Host: Did it go well?M Walters: Yes, but only at the Things changed a bit when some of my advertising prospects began to turn me Host: Why was that?M Walters: It had something to do with M Ruben A He and his wife are now our close friends, but at that time, I really hated He was the president of the Chamber of Commerce and owned a big Everybody respected his judgment, so I wanted him to advertise with me but he always I didn’t know why at that time until one day I met his wife when I was refused once again by him and I couldn’t help crying in front of that old soda M Alhman told me that without her permission, M Alhman wouldn’t buy anyone’s “It’s not his It’s my ” I couldn’t forget that conversation since it was the turning point in my life and Without their kindness and help, I couldn’t have achieved so much Host: Then how come did you get that soda fountain?M Walters: Eh, I bought it from M Alhman when he modernized the old drug store and we decide to put it in our office as a reminder of our It always encourages us to go ahead in the face of difficulties or Host: So now our audience as well as TV viewers can understand why you put that fountain in your As a routine, each guest to our program will leave to our audience one piece of So would you please tell them what to do next time when they face failure? M Walters: Yes, my suggestion is if you can’t communicate with a key person, search for more Try another Look for someone who can communicate with M Walters: And never give up because help is always closer than we Host: (shaking hands with M&MWalters)Thank you very much, M&M Walters, for coming to our program It was really a great pleasure talking with (facing the audience)Ok, that is the end of today’s talk show, and I hope to see you all this time next Our topic is Rankings of American U If you are interested in it, please tune in to our program once again next


In recent years, television talk shows became the new favorite, a time in all the main stations have launched their own talk shows, talk shows the development, production requirements are also caused extensive discussion of the In this paper, talk show host in the role of the moderator analysis program is the language of style characteristics of a successful talk show host should have the characteristics of the language over issues such as


prepare a manuscript for presider

Mass media is a term used to denote a section of the media specifically envisioned and designed to reach a very large audience such as the population of a nation It was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks, mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, although mass media was present centuries before the term became The term public media has a similar meaning: it is the sum of the public mass distributors of news and entertainment across mediums such as newspapers, television, radio, broadcasting, which require union membership in large markets such as Newspaper Guild, AFTRA, & text The concept of mass media is complicated in some internet media as now individuals have a means of potential exposure on a scale comparable to what was previously restricted to select group of mass media These internet media can include television, personal web pages, podcasts and The communications audience has been viewed by some commentators as forming a mass society with special characteristics, notably atomization or lack of social connections, which render it especially susceptible to the influence of modern mass-media techniques such as advertising and The term "MSM" or "mainstream media" has been widely used in the blogosphere in discussion of the mass media and media HistoryTypes of drama in numerous cultures were probably the first mass-media, going back into the Ancient W The first dated printed book known is the "Diamond Sutra", printed in China in 868 AD, although it is clear that books were printed Movable clay type was invented in 1041 in C However, due to the slow spread of literacy to the masses in China, and the relatively high cost of paper there, the earliest printed mass-medium was probably European popular prints from about Although these were produced in huge numbers, very few early examples survive, and even most known to be printed before about 1600 have not Johannes Gutenberg printed the first book on a printing press with movable type in This invention transformed the way the world received printed materials, although books remained too expensive really to be called a mass-medium for at least a century after Newspapers developed around from 1612, with the first example in English in 1620 [2] ; but they took until the nineteenth century to reach a mass-audience During the 20th century, the growth of mass media was driven by technology that allowed the massive duplication of Physical duplication technologies such as printing, record pressing and film duplication allowed the duplication of books, newspapers and movies at low prices to huge Radio and television allowed the electronic duplication of information for the first Mass media had the economics of linear replication: a single work could make money proportional to the number of copies sold, and as volumes went up, units costs went down, increasing profit margins Vast fortunes were to be made in mass In a democratic society, independent media serve to educate the public/electorate about issues regarding government and corporate entities (see Media influence) Some consider the concentration of media ownership to be a grave threat to [edit] Timelinec1400: Appearance of European popular 1453: Johnannes Gutenberg uses his printing press to print the Bible, making books freely accessible to many people during the R 1620: First newspaper (or coranto) in E 1825: Nicéphore Niépce takes the first permanent 1830: Telegraphy is independently developed in England and the United S 1876: First telephone call made by Alexander Graham B 1878: Thomas Alva Edison patents the 1890: First juke box in San Francisco's Palais Royal S 1890: Telephone wires are installed in M 1894: Thomas Edison patents the Kinetograph and Kinetoscope, which were invented in his laboratories by William Kennedy Laurie D 1895: Cinematograph invented by Auguste and Louis Lumiere, based on Edison's patented K 1896: Hollerith founds the Tabulating Machine C It will become IBM in 1897: Guglielmo Marconi patents the wireless 1898: Loudspeaker is 1902: Daily Nation is started in K 1906: The Story of the Kelly Gang from Australia is world's first feature length 1909: RMS Republic, a palatial White Star passenger liner, uses the Marconi Wireless for a distress at She had been in a This is the first "breaking news" mass media 1912: Air mail 1913: Edison transfers from cylinder recordings to more easily reproducible 1913: The portable phonograph is 1915: Radiotelephone carries voice from Virginia to the Eiffel T 1916: Tunable radios 1919: Short-wave radio is 1920: KDKA-AM in Pittsburgh, United States, becoming the world's first commercial radio 1922: BBC is formed and broadcasting to L 1924: KDKA created a short-wave radio 1925: BBC broadcasting to the majority of the UK 1926: NBC is 1927: The Jazz Singer: The first motion picture with sounds 1927: Philo Jason Farnsworth debuts the first electronic television 1928: The Teletype was 1933: Edward Armstrong invents FM R 1935: First telephone call made around the 1936: BBC opened world's first regular (then defined as at least 200 lines) high definition television 1938: The War of the Worlds is broadcast on October 30, causing mass 1939: Western Union introduces coast-to-coast fax 1939: Regular electronic television broadcasts begin in the US 1939: The wire recorder is invented in the US 1940: The first commercial television station, WNBT (now WNBC-TV)/New York signs on the 1948: Cable television becomes available in the US 1951: The first color televisions go on 1957: Sputnik is launched and sends back signals from near earth 1959: Xerox makes the first 1960: Echo I, a US balloon in orbit, reflects radio signals to E 1962: Telstar satellite transmits an image across the A 1963: Audio cassette is invented in the Netherlands by Philips for use as a dictation machine 1963: Martin Luther King gives "I have a dream" 1965: Vietnam War becomes first war to be 1967: Newspapers, magazines start to digitize 1968: The Philips C-Cassette is introduced as a music recording cassette 1969: Man's first landing on the moon is broadcast to 600 million people around the 1970s: ARPANET, progenitor to the internet 1971: Intel debuts the 1972: Pong becomes the first video game to win widespread 1973: The first home video cassette recorder is introduced by Philips in E 1975: The MITS Altair 8800 becomes the first pre-assembled desktop computer available on the 1976: JVC introduces VHS videotape - becomes the standard consumer format in the 1980s & 1979: First mobile phone service is commercially launched by NTT in Japan 1980: CNN launches in the USA 1980: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones put news database 1981: The IBM PC is introduced on 12 A MTV launches in the USA 1982: Philips and Sony put the Compact Disc on the Japanese It arrives on the US market early the following 1984: Apple Macintosh is 1985: CD-ROMs begin to be First laptop computer introduced by Toshiba in J Pay-per-view channels open for 1987: Japanese Digital Audio Tape technology arrives both in the United States and in Western E 1991: World Wide Web (WWW) publicly released by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN 1993: CERN announces that the WWW will be free for anyone to First advertisements appear on the internet 1994: Mosaic became the first popular World Wide Web browser because of the graphical 1996: First DVD players and discs are available in J Twister is the first film on DVD 1997: The Nokia Communicator smartphone is launched in Finland, is world's first fully internet capable mobile phone and offers full email on a phone 1998: First downloadable content for mobile phones appears in Finland with advent of ringing 1999: Napster contributes to the popularization of MP First mobile internet service provider NTT DoCoMo's i-Mode launches in J 2000: First advertising appears on mobile phones in F First cameraphones launced by J-Phone in J 2001: The news coverage of 9/11 shown all around the world live broadcasting to The Blackberry launches in C First video content for mobile launches with MainosTV3 news in F 2004: Howard Dean is the first Presidential candidate to create a Citizen Journalism invented in South Korea by Ohmy N 2005: Media forms begin to First mobile broadcast TV service goes live on TU Media in South K First news ticker feed appears on mobile phone idle screen in J 2006: Public meeting to help define "natural" [edit] PurposesMass media can be used for various purposes:Advocacy, both for business and social This can include advertising, marketing, propaganda, public relations, and political Enrichment and Entertainment, traditionally through performances of acting, music, and sports, along with light reading; since the late 20th century also through video and computer Public service [edit] Claimed negative characteristics of mass mediaAnother description of Mass Media is central media which implies:An inability to transmit tacit knowledge (or perhaps it can only transfer bad tacit) Corporate The manipulation of large groups of people through media outlets, for the benefit of a particular political party and/or group of Marshall McLuhan, one of the biggest critics in media's history, brought up the idea that "the medium is the " Bias, political or otherwise, towards favoring a certain individual, outcome or resolution of an event This view of central media can be contrasted with lateral media, such as email networks, where messages are all slightly different and spread by a process of lateral [edit] JournalismJournalism is a discipline of collecting, analyzing, verifying, and presenting information regarding current events, trends, issues and Those who practice journalism are known as News-oriented journalism is sometimes described as the "first rough draft of history" (attributed to Phil Graham), because journalists often record important events, producing news articles on short While under pressure to be first with their stories, news media organizations usually edit and proofread their reports prior to publication, adhering to each organization's standards of accuracy, quality and Many news organizations claim proud traditions of holding government officials and institutions accountable to the public, while media critics have raised questions about holding the press itself [edit] Public relationsPublic relations is the art and science of managing communication between an organization and its key publics to build, manage and sustain its positive Examples include:Corporations use marketing public relations (MPR) to convey information about the products they manufacture or services they provide to potential customers to support their direct sales Typically, they support sales in the short and long term, establishing and burnishing the corporation's branding for a strong, ongoing Corporations also use public-relations as a vehicle to reach legislators and other politicians, seeking favorable tax, regulatory, and other treatment, and they may use public relations to portray themselves as enlightened employers, in support of human-resources recruiting Non-profit organizations, including schools and universities, hospitals, and human and social service agencies, use public relations in support of awareness programs, fund-raising programs, staff recruiting, and to increase patronage of their Politicians use public relations to attract votes and raise money, and, when successful at the ballot box, to promote and defend their service in office, with an eye to the next election or, at career’s end, to their [edit] Citizen JournalismIn 2004 in South Korea citizen journalism was invented, with the launch of Ohmy News online daily Today Ohmy News gets over 90% of its content from citizen journalists, has over 51,000 registered citizens as journalists, and has become one of South Korea's best read and most trusted news Citizen Journalism news services have been introduced in over a dozen other [edit] FormsElectronic media and print media include:Broadcasting, in the narrow sense, for radio and Various types of discs or In the 20th century, these were mainly used for Video and computer uses Film, most often used for entertainment, but also for Internet, which has many uses and presents both opportunities and Blogs and podcasts, such as news, music, pre-recorded speech and video) Publishing, in the narrow sense, meaning on paper, mainly via books, magazines, and Video games, which have developed into a mass form of media since cutting-edge devices such as the PlayStation 3, XBox 360, and Wii broadened their Mobile phones, often called the 7th Mass Media, used for rapid breaking news, short clips of entertainment like jokes, horoscopes, alerts, games, music, and advertising 字数超限了。。。

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策划书模板 第一部分 前言 策划书目的及目标的说明 第二部分 市场调研及分析 一 行业动态调研及分析 行业饱和程度 行业发展前景 国家政策影响 行业技术及相关技术发展 社会环境 其他因素 二 企业内部调研及分析 财务状况,财务支出结构 企业生产能力,产品质量,生产水平 员工能力,待遇,公司对员工的激励、考核、培训(员工调查) 企业策划、销售、执行能力的调研(员工意见) 产品各品项研究:定位、包装、价格、市场目标受众、竞争优势(员工意见) 三 潜在进入者调研及分析 行业进入成本/壁垒。 行业退出成本。 进入后对本企业的威胁。 对竞争者的威胁。 四 现有竞争者的调研及分析。 财务状况,财务支出结构。 企业生产能力,产品质量,生产水品。 员工能力,待遇,公司对员工的激励、考核、培训(员工调查)。 企业策划、销售、执行能力的调研(员工意见)。 产品各品项研究:定位、包装、价格、市场目标受众、竞争优势(员工&顾客意见)。 五 替代品调研及分析。 替代品工艺。 消费者认可程度。 发展态势。 六 互补品调研及分析。 是否存在互补品。 互补品价格。 互补品对产品的要求。 互补品发展趋势及其未来新要求。 七 原料供应商调研及分析。 可供选择的供应者。 原材料是否有替代品。 供应商的讨价还价能力。 我们对其依赖程度。 供应商的供应能力。 八 中间商调研及分析。 中间商的性质:配送商、经销商、代理商(独家、总代理…) 中间商对我们产品的依赖(关注)程度(相对数值)。我们产品占用他资金的比例,给予他的利润比例… 中间商的给予我们产品的支持(绝对数值):配送能力、资金实力、人力… 九 消费者调研及分析。 消费者背景研究:收入、教育、年龄、性别、家庭组成、种族、工作… 消费者对产品和竞品的认知及态度:质量、价值、包装、型号、品牌声誉、品牌形象等及其认知差别。 消费者的使用情况:购买动机、购买量、何时使用、如何使用等。 购买角色。 消费者对现有营销活动的评价。对广告的接受程度、对营业推广的理解等。 第三部分 企业战略及产品策略的制定 一 企业战略制定 二 产品策略制定。(提供原则或标准) 产品。 1) 品项:市场定位、目标受众。(打击竞品的专有品项) 2) 包装:陈列显著、方便、符合产品定位、价格等 价格。 1) 符合企业战略?(长线产品/短线投资) 2) 符合产品定位? ① 利润为主/市场占有率为主 ② 根据产品市场定位不同,采取不同价格策略。 ③ 保留一支低利润甚至无利润产品,该品项各种市场表现(如包装宣传诉求点等)模仿主要竞争对手,以破坏其市场及形象。 渠道。 1) 一般通路。对经销商的选择、管理控制、返点等。 2) 特通。由于产品特性及价格不同,我们可以选择那些特殊通道,以便它的目标客户能够便利的获得该产品。 3) 新终端开发队伍。 4) 直营队伍。对于一些特殊情况,如经销商的流失,直营队伍暂时性的弥补空白市场。 5) 客户数据库的管理。业代前期市场推广积累的客户资料及经销商自身对终端的开发,这些终端资料应当及时地通过业代以书面的形式提交公司。公司对这些资料的管理可以避免因业代及经销商的流失而造成的终端流失。 促销。 1) 广告:诉求点 2) 人员推销: a) 人员的培训 b) 人员的岗位界定 c) 人员的考核 d) 人员的激励 3) 营业推广 a) 对顾客。ⅰ稳定主打产品价格;ⅱ对品牌的宣传 b) 对零售商。稳定价格,保证促销后价格能够恢复,销量得以维持;或者在短时间内抢先占领货架 c) 对中间商。尽量减少短期大力度促销活动,一方面会破坏市场,影响终端价格体系,另一方面经销商对终端很可能没有落实,从中截取,成为其“灰色收入”。 4) 公共关系。事件营销:把握正确的营销事件。直接告知消费者的营销事件应当包含消费者利益点,并且该信息是以直接明了的方式告知消费者利益点的 第四部分 具体执行&实施(建议方案) 一 产品设计。 二 价格设计。 三 渠道设计。 四 促销设计。 五 销售管理 第五部分 结束语

一个电视的策划你首先得找出所在屏道的优劣分析及节目的自身特点。节目的特点适合什么人群在创意上注意度的表现,不过这些都是忽悠的套路拉。 我在这要提醒注意的一点就是,在做这个策划的时候,不要只考虑节目的今后的收视率,最重点的是发在节目赞助上,你可以在这上面写的有说服力些,利益点创新一些,我想要是做到了,你们老板会喜欢的! 其他你看着办了!!不知道对不对,你去这里查:%B5%E7%CA%D3%BD%DA%C4%BF%B2%DF%BB%AE%D4%F5%C3%B4%D0%B4&cl=3谢谢!

哎这方面的东西要说来就多了,给你介召一本书吧大概内容是这样如果你思想灵活的话,不用看那样书,就照着这个大纲发挥就行了 书名:<电视节目策划学> 【目录】 第一章电视策划概要 第一节电视策划的界定、意义与方法 一、电视策划的界定 二、电视策划的意义 三、电视策划的方法 第二节电视策划:节目—栏目—频道 一、电视节目策划:精品化观念 二、电视栏目策划:个性化观念 三、电视频道策划:专业化观念 第二章电视新闻节目策划 第一节电视新闻节目的界定和分类 一、电视新闻的界定 二、电视新闻节目分类 第二节现代电视新闻观念与电视新闻节目策划 第三节电视新闻节目策划要素 一、选题策划 二、采访策划 三、嘉宾策划 四、编排与播出策划 五、报道形式策划 第四节电视新闻直播节目策划 一、电视新闻现场直播的含义及分类 二、电视新闻现场直播的特点 三、电视新闻现场直播的策划要点 第三章电视谈话节目策划 第一节电视谈话节目的界定、分类与意义 一、电视谈话节目的界定 二、电视谈话节目分类 三、电视谈话节目策划的意义 第二节选题的策划 一、确定选题 二、策划人员调研 三、确定话题的价值趋向和谈话脉络 第三节嘉宾与观众的选择与设计 一、嘉宾的选择 二、观众的选择 第四节现场谈话的设计 一、谈话路径 二、谈话现场的设计 三、影像资料的运用 四、背景介绍 五、策划案本的要求 第五节策划个案例析 一、《实话实话》背景与文案 二、《艺术人生》背景与文案 第四章电视综艺娱乐节目策划 第一节电视综艺娱乐节目的界定与分类 一、电视综艺娱乐节目的界定 二、电视综艺娱乐节目的分类 第二节电视综艺娱乐栏目设计 一、模式(版式) 二、单元 三、元素 第三节电视综艺娱乐栏目改版 一、调整板块 二、改进环节 三、增加元素/手段 第四节电视综艺娱乐栏目特别策划 一、主题策划 二、特别策划 三、系列策划 第五节电视综艺晚会策划 一、电视综艺晚会:特点与分类 二、电视晚会创意策划 三、电视晚会节目策划 第五章电视剧策划 第一节电视剧策划的界定 一、电视剧策划的界定 二、电视剧策划的流程 第二节电视剧策划的运作机制 一、电视剧策划的运作机制——制片人制 二、影响电视剧策划的若干因素 第三节电视剧策划之一——剧本策划 一、剧本的来源 二、剧本策划的步骤 三、题材选择的策略 四、剧本价值的判断标准 五、剧本的长度及其要求 第四节电视剧策划之二——市场策划 一、投资模式与融资渠道 二、成本预算与预期收益 三、市场价值与市场价格 四、市场策划与收视率 第五节电视剧策划之三——制作策划 一、剧组管理 二、过程控制 第六节电视剧策划之四——营销策划 一、现代市场营销理念与电视剧营销 二、宣传策划 三、发行策划 第六章电视广告策划 第一节电视广告策划的界定与作用 一、电视广告策划的界定 二、电视广告策划的作用 第二节电视广告的分类与特性 一、电视广告的分类 二、电视广告的特性 第三节电视广告的定位 第四节电视广告创意思维 一、电视广告的创意原则 二、电视广告创意的过程及思考方法 第五节电视广告的表现方式 第六节电视广告的发布 一、媒体选择 二、时机选择 三、群体选择 四、方式选择 第七节隐性电视广告的策划 一、隐性广告及其投放模式 二、隐性广告的常见样式 三、隐性电视广告的特点 第七章电视节目主持人策划 第一节关于电视节目主持人策划 一、电视节目主持人策划的内涵与外延 二、电视节目主持人策划的基本原则 三、电视节目主持人策划的目标 第二节选择与打造 一、选拔途径 二、形象定位 三、运作须知 第三节培养与提升 一、个性化培育 二、主体性建立 三、整体性提升 四、管理与制约 第四节营销与推广 一、营销与推广的必要性 二、营销与推广的可行性 三、营销与推广的效应 第五节典型个案例析 一、《非常61》之李咏(个体篇) 二、凤凰卫视之主持人(群体篇) 后记 再给你些有关策划书格式的例子的网址:(这里的策划书挺多的,你进网站后,点左上角的"上一题,下一题"就能看到
