

发布时间:2024-07-12 12:39:12



Abstract 21, is a diversified century, as reflected this spirit of the times of culture, arts are also colorful Rock Painting as the source of art, has great influence on modern art, but also can not be We should carry forward the traditional rock paintings of art forms, but also its constant In modern painting the various factions, we often see the rock paintings look good shows in their works, even works with many rock paintings of the mother or structural agree that Rock Paintings and the origin of the original features of this attention, the rock paintings Guzhuo the shape and color of the mystery are a model of modern Connotation and characteristics of modern art has also absorbed the essence of the original rock paintings, to create a different Modern Art inherited the rock paintings of the original shape, color, composition and other aspects of the advantages of modern art is a more Modern artist Zhou's brother, Rufino - Tamayo also learned from the best of rock paintings, created a unique painting Key words: inheritance, development and innovation

Sketch art as a language, the more extensive Most people think all forms of In fact, it forms the training is not merely based, but it is also a unique form of artistic In addition to color, it contains all the plastic arts foundation, it also includes art Along with the diversification of forms of art, drawings manifestations are also constantly developing and The sketch is the basis for training and the development of creative thinking as a basic theoretical foundation, elaborated on a number of fronts between the two are closely Sketch training should be advanced sketching ideas and solid training as a guide, In its based on the author and use innovative thinking to achieve a real sense of creativity, so that more people understand drawing, learning to Keywords : (a word 3-8) Sketch drawing based Creative Thinking

Reflections on the art of oil painting Abstract: creative art is a complex mental activities and production activities, is a realistic painter living in the minds of the product of The Sound of Music Arts beauty is a high degree of unity, it is all art must be consciously setting Every artist should be showing his work in the United States he was a unique experience and Ugly reality of the United States and the reality are a source of artistic Content is often seen as something only to the performance art form of its own real, and are usually things that only the form, it constitutes the real content of a work of Art techniques by means of image and convey the feelings of thinking of the author, as well as the carrier of the aesthetic Keywords: artistic creation, artistic beauty, the reality the United States, ugly reality, contents


Import art classroom are not to be ignored aspect of teaching, teaching in the classroom plays an important Import in the new curriculum standards introduced under the one before the change without suspense, without doubt, without question, without context, simple and direct way to import, but at the current teaching practice, but also the problem must This article on the art of conventional classroom teaching aspect into the characteristics, methods, entry points have been classified summary, combined with the practical to the existing art into the classroom aspect of the problem are often analyzed and discussed

Abstract:Drawing has the extremely strong infection nature and optesthesia determinacy , the scheme being that the author embodies self emotion gets off self's chest, be able to restore object self face and the inward imagination world perfecting an Drawing layout depth , size , disease Xu wait for rhythm at the same time alternately change , the reaction acting on people's physiology , mentality , being able to make people produce the different mood activity or emotion;That this distinctive but complicated rhythm , adjusts the strain on physiology , mentality to come to relieve recreational activities or artwork that the law changes like that people needs in the daily life with regularity , cyclicity rhythm, is strained , mixed and disorderly , Drawing is that effect give people delighted feeling with obvious rhythm of US has become rhythm in the art drawing therefore right away problem having the value The effect living , acquaintance rhythm studying this problem can let us know drawing art more limpid to people act on drawing effect , US who embodies that can The appreciation of the beauty now to drawing art , the comparatively single-faceted , relative research single being hit by rhythm especially to Even if having mentioned the drawing rhythm do not go deep into with many being in Some art critic of now has not mentioned especially during the period of the work discussing a little drawing to character of rhythm in drawing , more being carry out review but from the culture that the person shows during the past aspect such as connotation and artistic conception, culture that the institute shows though drawing connotation and artistic conception can carry out annotation on the drawing depth, but I think that drawing is visual art,Therefore one drawing work needs to grasp first be thin grade connotation among them let us stop only when our eyeball, having grasped our eyeball ability Therefore in the appreciation of the beauty to drawing now,the appreciation of the beauty to tableau rhythm is all-Keywords:[Rhythm][Color][Line][Skin texture][Light and shade][Appreciation of the beauty]这是我用在线翻译帮你找的。这个是收费网站。但也有可能会出错。所以。。。。不保证100%正确喔。。。8好意思啦。我的英文水平还没到那个程度。。忽忽。。。只能帮你到这样类。。

Drawing has the extremely strong infection nature and optesthesia determinacy , the scheme being that the author embodies self emotion gets off self's chest, be able to restore object self face and the inward imagination world perfecting an Drawing layout depth , size , disease Xu wait for rhythm at the same time alternately change , the reaction acting on people's physiology , mentality , being able to make people produce the different mood activity or emotion;That this distinctive but complicated rhythm , adjusts the strain on physiology , mentality to come to relieve recreational activities or artwork that the law changes like that people needs in the daily life with regularity , cyclicity rhythm, is strained , mixed and disorderly , Drawing is that effect give people delighted feeling with obvious rhythm of US has become rhythm in the art drawing therefore right away problem having the value The effect living , acquaintance rhythm studying this problem can let us know drawing art more limpid to people act on drawing effect , US who embodies that can The appreciation of the beauty now to drawing art , the comparatively single-faceted , relative research single being hit by rhythm especially to Even if having mentioned the drawing rhythm do not go deep into with many being in Some art critic of now has not mentioned especially during the period of the work discussing a little drawing to character of rhythm in drawing , more being carry out review but from the culture that the person shows during the past aspect such as connotation and artistic conception, culture that the institute shows though drawing connotation and artistic conception can carry out annotation on the drawing depth, but I think that drawing is visual art,Therefore one drawing work needs to grasp first be thin grade connotation among them let us stop only when our eyeball, having grasped our eyeball ability Therefore in the appreciation of the beauty to drawing now,the appreciation of the beauty to tableau rhythm is all- Keywords:[Rhythm] [Color][Line][Skin texture][Light and shade][Appreciation of the beauty]

Abstract 21, is a diversified century, as reflected this spirit of the times of culture, arts are also colorful Rock Painting as the source of art, has great influence on modern art, but also can not be We should carry forward the traditional rock paintings of art forms, but also its constant In modern painting the various factions, we often see the rock paintings look good shows in their works, even works with many rock paintings of the mother or structural agree that Rock Paintings and the origin of the original features of this attention, the rock paintings Guzhuo the shape and color of the mystery are a model of modern Connotation and characteristics of modern art has also absorbed the essence of the original rock paintings, to create a different Modern Art inherited the rock paintings of the original shape, color, composition and other aspects of the advantages of modern art is a more Modern artist Zhou's brother, Rufino - Tamayo also learned from the best of rock paintings, created a unique painting Key words: inheritance, development and innovation


Humanities and Fine Arts course is compulsory education highly, but it is also training the students ability and ability to cultivate aesthetic qualities of a comprehensive basic course, is the primary and secondary school curriculum an important component is to carry out ideological education in primary human primary means of primary and secondary students are responsible to the overall quality of beauty and culture of In the process of promoting quality education, more and more people realize that art education to improve human thinking in an irreplaceable This paper to address the status of primary and secondary art education and how to train primary and secondary human thinking Key words: Teaching Humanities and Fine Arts thought train

Have you ever seen art show? I saw an good art show in our Now, Let me tell you something about In the September 5th to September 9th,Our school has successfully organized student art exhibition,It is held in the school Organized student art exhibition in order to show artistic achievements of students,development of school First,the schoolmaster gave a speech,then 120 pieces of painting, photography, sculpture, paper-cut on There were lots of pictures, such as watercolour paintings, traditional Chinese Some of them were so good that people in the painting looked like Through the art show, we have got some knowledges, especially we have seen something new and Art show was very successful and a good assess by teachers and


可以百度知道 啊 呵呵

摘 要:学校美术文化的构建是当前“文化立校”的重要组成部分。学校美术文化的构建包括美术教研组文化、美术课堂文化、校本美术课程文化的建设等。只有不断地在价值引领、有机渗透,课改创新、有效生成,校本课程、形成特色的学校美术文化构建途径上行走,才能在常态中培养师生的美术文化意识,逐步形成一种美术文化习惯,为学生的终身发展服务。  关键词:学校 美术文化 构建  文化是一定民族经过长期的物质活动和实践活动积累起来的为一定民族(或种族或集群)共同认同的活动方式及其产生的物质成果和非物质成果,包括民族心理和价值观念的总体〔1〕。一般认为,学校文化是指学校主体在整个学校生活中所形成的具有独特凝聚力的学校面貌、制度规范和学校精神气氛等,其核心是学校在长期的办学中所形成的共同价值观。也可理解为学校全体成员或部分成员习得且共同具有的思想或行为方式。对于学校文化的理解,陶西平先生认为,学校网文化有两个关键的词:一是学校文化一定是“形成共识”的;二是学校文化是一个“价值观体系”。  作为学校文化的重要组成部分的学校美术文化建设包括美术教研组文化、美术课堂文化、校本美术课程文化的建设等。那么在学校大文化建设中,如何去构建学校美术文化?笔者做了如下的探索,以求教于大方之家。  一、价值引领,有机渗透——学校美术教研组文化的构建  学校美术教研组文化其发展状态呈现并经历四种类型:   无意识没感觉的散漫化状态。美术教师只是忙于日常教学等工作,对学校美术教育的追求和文化愿景浑然不知,对学校美术教育的文化内涵和文化生态也茫然不知。只体现在学校环境建设中,作为用来美化校园的一种后勤保障方式而已。这时的学校美术文化基本处于顺其自然、走到哪里算哪里的散漫状态。   有意识没思想的点状化状态。学校领导意识到美术教育存在的文化内涵,也努力去改造和提升美术教育的文化品质,但处于东一榔头西一拐杖的状态,既缺少对学校美术文化的价值引领,也缺少改造和发展学校美术文化的整体规划。把它只作为学校其它亚文化形成中的辅助手段,仅仅是教室、专用教室的环境布置,装裱制度、名人名言上墙的制作工具,或者设计一下舞台、报栏,美化一下橱窗、黑板报等。   有策划有思想的结构化状态。随着学校文化意识的觉醒,学校管理者开始有步骤、有策略地整体性和结构性地打造学校美术文化,并有明确的价值追求蕴含其中。此时,学校管理者成为学校美术文化的推进者和领导者,学校美术教师则成为学校美术文化的策划者、管理者和实践者。   有特质有品位的特色化状态。通过美术教师群体的共同努力,学校美术文化在长期的活动中形成了与众不同的文化精神和价值追求,并形成了系列化的教师群体层面上的文化产品,一言蔽之,形成了富有特色的学校美术文化形态。如陶艺文化中心,版画艺术交流馆等等。学校美术文化形态的出现,就是这种特色文化形成的标志。  如何构建学校美术文化呢?首先,学校管理者和美术教师要对时代的文化精神保持敏感,我们这个时代的文化精神的核心是人的主体性的张扬,是对人的生命自觉的培育和彰显。其次,将时代文化的核心精神吸纳到学校文化中,形成具有时代特色的学校文化〔2〕。再次,美术教研组全体成员要在高度认同所在学校的文化精神的基础上,结合本教研组的具体情况,通过共同研讨和协商,形成本教研组成员共育共享的文化。  美术文化一旦形成,其带来的直接效应就是以文化育人,以文化培育教研组品牌。品牌学校的形成,除了需要有品牌教师、品牌校长之外,还需要有品牌教研组,它是品牌教师形成的摇篮,是品牌学校形成的重要引擎之一。学校管理者应不断地去思考:美术文化的创建,为学校文化带来了什么(从硬件上加强了学校物质文化建设,让每一块墙壁说话,让每一个景点育人等),改变了什么(改变了学生的粗言秽语、乱丢乱画等坏习惯,陶冶了学生情操,推动学生文明行为的生成和促进良好习惯的形成等)丰富了什么(丰富了学校文化氛围,增强了浓浓的文化、艺术气息,活跃了学生生活等)还缺失什么?美术文化如何根植于学校文化之中?学校文化品牌和教研组文化品牌的内在关联性何在?美术教研组长则要思考:通过美术文化的创建,本组教师改变了什么,发展了什么,本教研组为学校文化贡献了什么?  在这种情况下,美术文化就与学校文化形成了双向构建、双向转化、双向互动的关系。这正是我们希望看到的一所学校理想的文化生态。  二、课改创新,有效生成——学校美术课堂文化的行动  课堂文化的育人功能,一般教师仅仅理解为知识内容的育人方面,这种理解是十分片面的。其实课堂文化的内涵是十分丰富的。诸如,课堂中的内容开放文化,民主关系文化,创新评价文化等等,这些要素在学生素质提升、个性张扬中的作用和影响是十分巨大的。  1.教学内容的开放——成为学校美术文化构建的源动力。  美术课教学内容既有与学生认知、美术素养水平相一致的,也有不相一致的。只有把满足学生发展需要、符合学生最近发展区,并与学生原有认知、美术素养水平不相一致的内容与学生发生碰撞,产生矛盾,造成不平衡,学生才会主动自觉地去建构(生成)。也只有教学内容走向了开放,学生的自我发展目标才能逐步实现。  如一位教师在执教《撕纸》一课时,通过一段师生互动交流后,造成学生认识上的“不平衡”,引起学生的自我建构的内需,达到教学内容的开放互动,生成智慧与素养。这位教师课前在黑板上贴出许多由老师课前制作的撕纸作品,内容有动物、人物、植物,色彩有红、黄、蓝、绿、黑等。师:课前同学们都看了这些作品,你有什么感受吗?生1:很美,很好看!生2:老师,我想问您是怎么做成的?师:噢,老师也想问大家这个问题,谁能回答上来?生3:是剪的,它是剪纸。生4:对,是用剪刀剪的(有很多学生回答也是剪的)。教师又把准备好的剪纸作品挂在撕纸作品的旁边。师:现在请大家再仔细的观察这些作品,与前面的作品进行比对,看看有什么不同之处呢?生5:老师,咦,它们不一样!我看出来了,后面挂的这些作品才是剪出来的。生6:老师,我也看出来了,前面的那些作品和剪出来的不同!(产生感觉上的不平衡,形成认识冲突)这时课堂一下子活跃起来,大家七嘴八舌的抢着回答,都说是撕出来的作品。师:对,这是一种观察的方法。我们在观察一个物体时,可以用另一个自己熟悉的物体作比较,来发现这个物体的一些特征。由此教学片段可见,教学不是传递东西,而是创设理想的环境,引起学生自我认识的不平衡,通过教学内容的开放,促进了学生自主建构知识,形成个性思维,以促进美术教学内容实施的有效生成。  2.教学方式的民主——成为学校美术文化构建的奠基石。  教学民主是课堂教学中师生互动、共同发展的思维方式。传统意义上的教师是“道德化身”“知识化身”,是被神圣化的角色,事实上教师并非无所不能,在价值多元、知识多源、信息多源的今天,教师权威受到严峻挑战,教师需要走下“神坛”,转变教育观、学生观。  试想,一个老师在课堂中如能注意学科的科学性,教学的有效性。在教学中充分发扬民主,鼓励学生积极参与,合作探究。更能尊重学生个性特色,尊重学生创新性的见解,从细微处关注学生学习的习惯等等。这样的课堂文化建设想必对学生素质的提高大有裨益。相反,如果一个老师对自己的学科缺乏一些敬爱之心。教学中缺乏科学,民主的态度,对自己的学生缺少关注,或者丧失热情,这样的课堂如同一潭死水,久而久之,学生对这样的课堂因此产生厌恶。学生的素质就不可能能得到提高。如一位教师在执教《小雨沙沙》这一课时,预设学生通过相互语言的交流,就会描绘出一个下雨的场景,但在实际教学中才发现学生只是用嘴说说,留给学生的印象并不深刻,更谈不上描绘出丰富的下雨场景了。教学的预设走进了“死胡同”。这时,一位学生出乎意料的表演打破了这一困境:下雨了,小青蛙躲在了荷叶下。这位学生边说边做了个躲下去的动作。这一动作给了老师灵光闪现的启示,教师紧紧抓住这一生成信息,采用民主的互动式教学,通过创设不同雨的情境,让学生变被动为主动,把自己心目中的想法通过肢体语言表演出来。教师这一及时的捕捉,并加以利用,开发,重组,进而开展生成性的教学,取得了精彩有效的再生性教学效果(学生精彩的作品,表现出了下雨天各种生动的氛围)。相反,要是教师没有民主的意识,把学生的动作看作为搅乱课堂的行为,那么结果就另当别论了。  3.教学评价的创新——成为学校美术文化构建的支撑力。  在传统的美术教学评价中,一般评价主体以教师评价为主,学生评价为辅。评价方式以教师点评这一单一形式呈现。评价内容以学生作品为主要评价对象。纵观当前教育发展的趋势,课堂评价发展具有以下五个鲜明特点:(1)以综合性评价取代量化评价;(2)评价的功能由侧重甄别转向侧重发展;(3)既重视学生在评定中的个性化反映方式,又倡导让学生在评定中学会合作;(4)强调评价问题的真实性、情景性;(5)评价不仅重视学生解决问题的结论,而且重视得出结论的过程。  为了充分发挥评价机制的激励作用,让所有学生都能从学习中品尝到成功的喜悦,我们对创新评价方式进行探究,根据以上课堂评价特点并结合学校美术“小组合作教学”实践研究,通过构建小组合作评价文化这一手段来形成对创新评价文化的强支撑,使之具有如下三种原则:评价主体多维性原则。通过多样性的评价活动对学生课堂中小组合作活动进行评价,形式有学生自评、小组互评、教师评价、家长参评等等,使用等级制进行评价。评价方法多维性原则。为了体现激励机制,采用多种趣味性较强的评价方式对学生学习进行评价。如:精彩瞬间记录表(组内评价表)、成功评价表、成长记录袋等等。评价内容多维性原则。在小组合作学习活动中,既要评价学习的效果,也要评价学习的过程;既要评价小组整体,也要评价小组中的每一个体;既要评价合作,也要评价竞争……等等。评价可以是等级制的,如a、b、c或☆、☆☆、☆☆☆;也可以是描述性的,如j(满意)、k(一般)、l(努力)。  评价工具有教师评价表、个人学习档案袋、学生自评表、小组合作评价表、家长评价表等。(1)教师评价表。根据教学内容,每次进行小组合作学习后,教师都要对学生的合作情况进行评价,既评价每个学生的情况,也评价小组的整体情况,采用等级制。(2)学生自评表。主要填写在小组合作过程中对自己的评价,采用描述性评价。(3)组内评价表。合作小组成员之间的评价可以起到相互督促、相互学习的作用,有利于激发学生你追我赶的上进心。(4)个人学习档案袋。学习档案是学生学习成果和学习进步过程的窗口。通常,它以一个文件夹的形式收藏每个学生具有代表性的学习成果(作业、作品),可以督促学生经常检查他们所完成的作业,培养他们学习的自主性和自信心,体现了学生参与评价的主体过程。如对某个问题的独特理解、某个问题的争论过程、自己的心得体会等等。(5)家长评价表。让家长在学生汇报的基础上,对课堂表现反馈信息、评价材料展示、作品展现等方面对学生进行评价。力求拓展课堂评价范围,延伸学校评价触角,达到家校互动共育的功效。  显然,我们只有在充分掌握了教育教学的规律和各学龄段学生的认知规律,才能将评价机制的杠杆作用应用自如,才能在多样性中滋生创新,在差异性中孕育创意,在个别性中培养创造。  三、校本课程,形成特色——学校美术课程文化的打造  学校美术课程是学校根据自身办学理念与学校实际开发与设计的校本课程。是学校本土生成的,既能体现学校的办学理念、学生的文化需要、学校特色建设和本校的艺术资源优势,又与国家课程、地方课程[文章来源莲山课件:]紧密结合的一种具有多样性和可选择性的课程〔3〕。学校的校本美术课程是学校美术文化的重要载体,也是学校特色建设的文化标志。  校本美术课程的开发以学生的终身发展为总目标  校本美术课程的开发需要处理好学生发展与教师发展、学校发展的关系。“生本”永远是“校本”“师本”的前提、条件和根本目的。校本美术课程的开发的终极目的不是为了学校发展,也不是为了教师本身,而是为了学生本身,为了学生的未来。“学校”虽然是课程开发的理想平台和重要基石,但为学校而开发课程却不是美术课程开发的根本,就校本美术课程开发本身而言,不能只满足于“校本美术课程”设置和“校本美术教材”的编写,必须进入学生学习层面,让学生与课程、教材产生互动和对话。这样,才能避免课程开发为零开发,才能对学生的发展产生效益。如南通美术乡土教材,就是以审美和美术文化教育为主线,欣赏为主,适当进行一些技能训练。整个教材围绕南通地方美术文化历史和地方美术文化寻绎两条主线展开,为南通地区中小学提供了操作性很强的地方课程选择性资源。并在南通地区各校互动实践过三年,积累了丰富的对话效益。其中清墩文化,东皋印派南通民俗、染织工艺、特色工艺更是独树一帜,创造性的利用到校本教材中,为学生提供了一个更为灵动的空间,培养了学生独立思考的能力。为自身的终身发展奠定了坚实的基础。  同时,我们还要认识到校本美术课程需要建立“系统思维”。长远规划、谨慎设计、长效利用一切可用的资源。就学校而言,要注意任期校长间的承接移交,保证校本美术课程有效延续性开发的连续性;就教师而言,要非常清醒的明了校本美术课程的开发目的,把课程开发与自己的专业成长,与学生的实际有效结合起来;就学生而言,将校本美术课程和国家课程、地方课程巧妙结合,形成互补共进的关系。南京芳草园小学的校本美术课程《童画石头城》的开发就将传承与保护非物质文化遗产和最富有创造生命力的儿童美术教育融为一体,在根植于本土文化的美术学习中,使儿童逐渐形成基本的美术素养和美术学习能力,以增进他们对本土文化的认知和认同,使本土艺术在现代化的进程中得以传承与发展,有效地构建出较为完整、全面的学校美术教育课程体系。  校本美术课程的活动是人文精神的集中体现。  校本美术课程的活动突破了学科中心模式,打破学科知识的逻辑体系。课程活动从学科基础转向更为广泛的生活情景和学生的发展空间,体现了以人为本的现代美术教育观、学生活动观。在校本美术课程活动中,人文主题与知识技能的关系,是统领与被统领的关系,把知识技能的学习同美术能力和人文素养的提高有机结合。其中特别重要的是,知识技能只有在情感的激发下才能成为智慧。校本美术课程活动到任何时候都没有丢弃美术的本质、特性,体现出其他学科所不能触及到的方面,运用美术感人的形式和丰富的内容,呈现地方特色的乡土美术文化资源,培养学生的情感和精神追求。如无锡市杨市中心小学的美术地方课程《宜兴紫砂壶》,就是根植于我国著名陶都宜兴悠久的历史,极为丰富的文化遗存,保留较好的古城风貌以及古往今来名人辈出,是一座具有万年开发史、7000年制陶史的江南古城之上的校本课程。这一内容通过学生对紫砂壶的赏析,社会调查、走访,了解其历史演变及地域文化特征,并通过尝试、感悟、创作等过程,体验制作紫砂壶的乐趣,掌握基本制作方法与步骤,感受紫砂文化蕴含的独特魅力。  校本美术课程在活动设计中,每个单元主题里都有美术能力的要求。知识技能与人文主题的安排是以人文主题为显线,知识技能为隐线。校本美术课程不是量的增加,而是质的变化。教学活动方式更注意采用“任务驱动教学法”,结合学习方式的自主探究,引发学生长久稳定的兴趣,不断提高其审美情趣和精神品位。如盐城市景山小学,课程活动以《走进红色盐城,追寻英雄足迹》为内容的校本美术课程,通过走进新四军,感悟红色文化,体验英雄的美、崇高的美,将对英雄的崇拜和对家乡这片红色热土的爱浸润到一画、一刻、一拓、一印之中。  校本美术课程的评价关注学生个性人格的绽放  校本美术课程的评价强调面向全体,以学生发展为本,给予每一位学生平等的美术教育机会,使每一位学生都有权利学习和享用人类优秀文化遗产。评价注重导向性,通过各种校本美术课程活动,激发学生的潜能挖掘,促进学生的个性发展与张扬,使校本美术教育活动致力于个体人格的绽放。评价强调每个人都应该成为自己,寻求一种“个体的真实性”,以达到知识传授与个性培养的并行和谐发展。  校本美术课程的评价强调以教学中的“双主体”互动关系,以及学生体验性、探究性、研究性、生成性和反思性的学习过程,关注每个学生的个性特点、生活背景,充分调动他们的主体意识,结合当地特有的自然、人文环境,因地制宜,充分利用学校、社区、家庭以及自然、民俗、生活中的美术课程文化资源创设个性化的美术活动,帮他们认识自己的独特性和价值,形成个性化的审美情趣。如淮安市涟水县第四中学小学部的地方美术课程资源《花窗》,从学生熟悉的二方、四方连续纹样入手,在教师的引导中逐步领略“透”——双向“借景”的关系,领略淮安的花窗古代园林建筑文化的魅力,在评价中培养发现问题的意识,形成良好的审美习惯、独特的审美个性。  文化是一种积淀 ,是一种习惯。文化有其引发、同化与传承性,诚如大家所认同的,学校美术文化的构建是一件“慢活儿”,不可能一蹴而就,需要在一次次日月更迭、一次次寒来暑往中逐步积累、慢慢沉淀,需要每一任校长和全体教师在这中间行走,为之增添元素、丰富内涵,才能形成一种优秀的美术特色文化。  参考文献:  〔1〕顾明远 论学校文化建设〔j〕 西南师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2006 (9)  〔2〕李政涛 用文化的力量打造教研组品牌〔j〕 中小学管理 2007(6)


Abstract:Drawing has the extremely strong infection nature and optesthesia determinacy , the scheme being that the author embodies self emotion gets off self's chest, be able to restore object self face and the inward imagination world perfecting an Drawing layout depth , size , disease Xu wait for rhythm at the same time alternately change , the reaction acting on people's physiology , mentality , being able to make people produce the different mood activity or emotion;That this distinctive but complicated rhythm , adjusts the strain on physiology , mentality to come to relieve recreational activities or artwork that the law changes like that people needs in the daily life with regularity , cyclicity rhythm, is strained , mixed and disorderly , Drawing is that effect give people delighted feeling with obvious rhythm of US has become rhythm in the art drawing therefore right away problem having the value The effect living , acquaintance rhythm studying this problem can let us know drawing art more limpid to people act on drawing effect , US who embodies that can The appreciation of the beauty now to drawing art , the comparatively single-faceted , relative research single being hit by rhythm especially to Even if having mentioned the drawing rhythm do not go deep into with many being in Some art critic of now has not mentioned especially during the period of the work discussing a little drawing to character of rhythm in drawing , more being carry out review but from the culture that the person shows during the past aspect such as connotation and artistic conception, culture that the institute shows though drawing connotation and artistic conception can carry out annotation on the drawing depth, but I think that drawing is visual art,Therefore one drawing work needs to grasp first be thin grade connotation among them let us stop only when our eyeball, having grasped our eyeball ability Therefore in the appreciation of the beauty to drawing now,the appreciation of the beauty to tableau rhythm is all- Keywords:[Rhythm][Color][Line][Skin texture][Light and shade][Appreciation of the beauty] 这是我用在线翻译帮你找的。这个是收费网站。但也有可能会出错。所以。。。。不保证100%正确喔。。。 8好意思啦。我的英文水平还没到那个程度。。忽忽。。。只能帮你到这样类。。 回答者:fiying222 - 秀才 二级 6-8 15:41The drawing has the greatly strengthened infectiousness and the visualdeterminism, is the author manifests the oneself emotion the scheme todivulge, can return to original state the thing itself appearance andthe consummation author's innermost feelings imagination worldSimultaneously the drawing layout depth, the size, illness Xu and soon the rhythmic variation, affects Yu Ren's physiology, the psychologyin turn, can cause the people to have the different mood activity orthe emotion response; This kind unique and the complex rhythm rule issimilar to the people to need to have regular, the periodic rhythmicvariation recreational activities or the artistic work in the dailylife alleviates, fills a prescription in the physiology, thepsychology weary, intense, disorderly, is monotonous The drawing isgives the people by the color tangible rhythmic effect by the Therefore in the drawing art rhythm beautiful became had theresearch value the Studies this question to be allowed tolet us clearly understand drawing art the influence which lives to thepeople, understood America which the rhythm function to draws whichthe exhibition to come the effect, Now regarding drawingart esthetic appreciation, specially regarding drawing in rhythmresearch quite one-sided, is relatively Calculated mentionedthe drawing rhythm with many has not carried on Speciallythe present some artistic critics in comments some drawing works timeregarding the drawing in character of rhythm have not raised, what butare more is from its aspect and so on performance cultural connotationand ideal condition carries on the commentary, although the drawingdisplays the cultural connotation and the ideal condition may carry onthe annotation to the drawing depth, but I thought the drawing isvisual art, therefore a drawing work first must hold is our eyeball,only had first holds our eyeball to be able to let us stop the thinthin personal status Therefore in regarding presentdrawing esthetic center, is esthetic to the picture rhythm is (绘画具有极强的感染性和视觉确定性,是作者体现自己情感的图式宣泄,能够还原事物本身的面貌和完善作者的内心的想象世界同时绘画布局的深浅、大小、疾徐交替等节奏变化,作用于人的生理、心理,能使人们产生不同的情绪活动或情感的反应;这种独特而复杂的节奏规律如同人们在日常生活中需要带有规律性、周期性节奏变化的文娱活动或艺术作品来缓解、调剂生理、心理上的疲劳、紧张、杂乱、单调绘画就是以色彩明显的节奏性效果给人们以愉悦感。因此绘画艺术中的节奏美就成为了有研究价值的问题。研究这个问题可以让我们更清晰地了解绘画艺术对人们生活的影响,了解节奏作用于绘画会来的效果、体现的美。现在对于绘画艺术的审美,特别是对于绘画中节奏的研究比较片面,相对单一。就算提到了绘画的节奏也没有跟多的进行深入。特别是现在的一些艺术评论家在评论一些绘画作品的时候对于绘画中的节奏之字未提,而更多的是从其表现的文化内涵与意境等方面来进行评论,虽然绘画所表现的文化内涵与意境可以对绘画的深度进行诠释,但是我认为绘画是视觉的艺术,所以一幅绘画作品首先要抓住的是我们的眼球,只有先抓住了我们的眼球才能让我们停下来细细品位其中的内涵。所以在对于现在绘画的审美中,对画面节奏的审美是至关重要的) Rhythm Color Line Mechanism Light and shade Esthetic (节奏 色彩 线条 肌理 明暗 审美) 我用电子词典的整句翻译做的,查了一遍,差不多没问题了。 回答者:sjq1994710 - 初入江湖 二级 6-8 18:16我觉得可以用一些的什么可以翻译的软件来翻 回答者:ZHANGDEJING199 - 试用期 一级 6-8 20:19Drawing has the extremely strong infection nature and optesthesia determinacy , the scheme being that the author embodies self emotion gets off self's chest, be able to restore object self face and the inward imagination world perfecting an Drawing layout depth , size , disease Xu wait for rhythm at the same time alternately change , the reaction acting on people's physiology , mentality , being able to make people produce the different mood activity or emotion;That this distinctive but complicated rhythm , adjusts the strain on physiology , mentality to come to relieve recreational activities or artwork that the law changes like that people needs in the daily life with regularity , cyclicity rhythm, is strained , mixed and disorderly , Drawing is that effect give people delighted feeling with obvious rhythm of US has become rhythm in the art drawing therefore right away problem having the value The effect living , acquaintance rhythm studying this problem can let us know drawing art more limpid to people act on drawing effect , US who embodies that can The appreciation of the beauty now to drawing art , the comparatively single-faceted , relative research single being hit by rhythm especially to Even if having mentioned the drawing rhythm do not go deep into with many being in Some art critic of now has not mentioned especially during the period of the work discussing a little drawing to character of rhythm in drawing , more being carry out review but from the culture that the person shows during the past aspect such as connotation and artistic conception, culture that the institute shows though drawing connotation and artistic conception can carry out annotation on the drawing depth, but I think that drawing is visual art,Therefore one drawing work needs to grasp first be thin grade connotation among them let us stop only when our eyeball, having grasped our eyeball ability Therefore in the appreciation of the beauty to drawing now,the appreciation of the beauty to tableau rhythm is all- Keywords:[Rhythm] [Color][Line][Skin texture][Light and shade][Appreciation of the beauty] 回答者:weixiaoan12 - 初入江湖 二级 6-9 15:26The drawing has the greatly strengthened infectiousness and the visualdeterminism, is the author manifests the oneself emotion the scheme todivulge, can return to original state the thing itself appearance andthe consummation author's innermost feelings imagination worldSimultaneously the drawing layout depth, the size, illness Xu and soon the rhythmic variation, affects Yu Ren's physiology, the psychologyin turn, can cause the people to have the different mood activity orthe emotion response; This kind unique and the complex rhythm rule issimilar to the people to need to have regular, the periodic rhythmicvariation recreational activities or the artistic work in the dailylife alleviates, fills a prescription in the physiology, thepsychology weary, intense, disorderly, is monotonous The drawing isgives the people by the color tangible rhythmic effect by the Therefore in the drawing art rhythm beautiful became had theresearch value the Studies this question to be allowed tolet us clearly understand drawing art the influence which lives to thepeople, understood America which the rhythm function to draws whichthe exhibition to come the effect, Now regarding drawingart esthetic appreciation, specially regarding drawing in rhythmresearch quite one-sided, is relatively Calculated mentionedthe drawing rhythm with many has not carried on Speciallythe present some artistic critics in comments some drawing works timeregarding the drawing in character of rhythm have not raised, what butare more is from its aspect and so on performance cultural connotationand ideal condition carries on the commentary, although the drawingdisplays the cultural connotation and the ideal condition may carry onthe annotation to the drawing depth, but I thought the drawing isvisual art, therefore a drawing work first must hold is our eyeball,only had first holds our eyeball to be able to let us stop the thinthin personal status Therefore in regarding presentdrawing esthetic center, is esthetic to the picture rhythm is

Drawing has the extremely strong infection nature and optesthesia determinacy , the scheme being that the author embodies self emotion gets off self's chest, be able to restore object self face and the inward imagination world perfecting an Drawing layout depth , size , disease Xu wait for rhythm at the same time alternately change , the reaction acting on people's physiology , mentality , being able to make people produce the different mood activity or emotion;That this distinctive but complicated rhythm , adjusts the strain on physiology , mentality to come to relieve recreational activities or artwork that the law changes like that people needs in the daily life with regularity , cyclicity rhythm, is strained , mixed and disorderly , Drawing is that effect give people delighted feeling with obvious rhythm of US has become rhythm in the art drawing therefore right away problem having the value The effect living , acquaintance rhythm studying this problem can let us know drawing art more limpid to people act on drawing effect , US who embodies that can The appreciation of the beauty now to drawing art , the comparatively single-faceted , relative research single being hit by rhythm especially to Even if having mentioned the drawing rhythm do not go deep into with many being in Some art critic of now has not mentioned especially during the period of the work discussing a little drawing to character of rhythm in drawing , more being carry out review but from the culture that the person shows during the past aspect such as connotation and artistic conception, culture that the institute shows though drawing connotation and artistic conception can carry out annotation on the drawing depth, but I think that drawing is visual art,Therefore one drawing work needs to grasp first be thin grade connotation among them let us stop only when our eyeball, having grasped our eyeball ability Therefore in the appreciation of the beauty to drawing now,the appreciation of the beauty to tableau rhythm is all- Keywords:[Rhythm] [Color][Line][Skin texture][Light and shade][Appreciation of the beauty]

Abstract:Drawing has the extremely strong infection nature and optesthesia determinacy , the scheme being that the author embodies self emotion gets off self's chest, be able to restore object self face and the inward imagination world perfecting an Drawing layout depth , size , disease Xu wait for rhythm at the same time alternately change , the reaction acting on people's physiology , mentality , being able to make people produce the different mood activity or emotion;That this distinctive but complicated rhythm , adjusts the strain on physiology , mentality to come to relieve recreational activities or artwork that the law changes like that people needs in the daily life with regularity , cyclicity rhythm, is strained , mixed and disorderly , Drawing is that effect give people delighted feeling with obvious rhythm of US has become rhythm in the art drawing therefore right away problem having the value The effect living , acquaintance rhythm studying this problem can let us know drawing art more limpid to people act on drawing effect , US who embodies that can The appreciation of the beauty now to drawing art , the comparatively single-faceted , relative research single being hit by rhythm especially to Even if having mentioned the drawing rhythm do not go deep into with many being in Some art critic of now has not mentioned especially during the period of the work discussing a little drawing to character of rhythm in drawing , more being carry out review but from the culture that the person shows during the past aspect such as connotation and artistic conception, culture that the institute shows though drawing connotation and artistic conception can carry out annotation on the drawing depth, but I think that drawing is visual art,Therefore one drawing work needs to grasp first be thin grade connotation among them let us stop only when our eyeball, having grasped our eyeball ability Therefore in the appreciation of the beauty to drawing now,the appreciation of the beauty to tableau rhythm is all-Keywords:[Rhythm][Color][Line][Skin texture][Light and shade][Appreciation of the beauty]这是我用在线翻译帮你找的。这个是收费网站。但也有可能会出错。所以。。。。不保证100%正确喔。。。8好意思啦。我的英文水平还没到那个程度。。忽忽。。。只能帮你到这样类。。
