

发布时间:2024-07-08 14:20:06


n general, there are two way of traveling, private cars and public Chinese people should regard public transportation as their first traveling First, there are so many people living in this countries that make it so If each chinese people own a car, there will be far more traffic jams and accidents, which increase you Moreover, there will be far more pollution resulted from Once a car started, it release huge amount of dirty gas and heat, which lead to great pollution and result in green house All in all, chinese people should take public transpotation into consideration 这个是比较简单的,网上可以找到更多的啦。

Great changes have taken place in Shanghai's Ten years ago, there were many narrow But now many streets have been So buses and cars can go more quickly than Ten years ago , it was not convenient to go from the north of the city to the But now, you are sure to reach anywhere in less than an To our joy, we have two underground lines and many more are being We seldom find traffic jam in rush So we don't have to worry about going With the development of science and technology, the transportation in Shanghai will become all the 可以把上海改掉 %D3%A2%D3%EF%C8%D5%BC%C7&f=8&wd=%BD%BB%CD%A8%B1%E4%BB%AF+%D3%A2%D3%EF%D7%F7%CE%C4




Great changes have taken place in Shanghai's Ten years ago, there were many narrow But now many streets have been So buses and cars can go more quickly than Ten years ago , it was not convenient to go from the north of the city to the But now, you are sure to reach anywhere in less than an To our joy, we have two underground lines and many more are being We seldom find traffic jam in rush So we don't have to worry about going With the development of science and technology, the transportation in Shanghai will become all the 可以把上海改掉 %D3%A2%D3%EF%C8%D5%BC%C7&f=8&wd=%BD%BB%CD%A8%B1%E4%BB%AF+%D3%A2%D3%EF%D7%F7%CE%C4

and is useful to our They care for As a teacher,tens of students go to see Some people want to be a scientist,you maight be poor,some want to be a When I was in primary school,talking and I think being a teacher is glorious and respectable,and others want to be a GM! Now I study hard to achieve my dreamI Have A Dream Everyone has his But my dream is quite different,I had this During Teachers',show their respect to you,but you will be rich in spirit; Day and weekends,I want to be a teacher,and they differ from people to What a good thing



1、北方交通 2、北京公路 3、北京汽车 4、变流技术与电力牵引 5、长客科技 6、车辆与动力技术 7、车迷 8、车时代 9、车世界 10、车用发动机 11、车与人 12、车主之友 13、城市车辆 14、城市道桥与防洪 15、城市公共交通 16、城市轨道交通研究 17、城市交通 18、船舶 19、船舶标准化 20、船舶标准化工程师 21、船舶标准化与质量 22、船舶工程 23、船舶经济贸易 24、船舶力学 25、船舶设计通讯 26、船舶物资与市场 27、船电技术 28、船海工程 29、船检科技 30、船艇 31、大众汽车(豪华版) 32、当代汽车 33、道路交通管理 34、道路交通与安全 35、地下工程与隧道 36、电动自行车 37、电力机车与城轨车辆 38、电气化铁道以上经供参考。还有问题的话可以找我


随着现代社会的发展,高速公路在人们日常生活中越来越重要,但是由于高速公路交通事故引起的重大的人员伤亡和经济损失,高速公路交通安全越来越受到人们的关注。所以预防事故的发生,消除事故隐患的源头,这项工作是必要的也是行之有效的。但是从交通事故发生的随机性的和突然性,我们可以看到,高速公路交通事故可以预防但是我们不可能完全消除交通事故的发生,更何况许多交通事故的发生本身就是难以防止的。本文从系统分析入手,对我国高速公路交通安全管理的方方面面进行阐述和分析,主要内容包括对高速公路目前的交通事故现状和安全致因分析,分析影响高速公路交通安全的几种主要因素;分析我国在高速公路交通安全管理方面存在的问题与不足的同时,对美国的高速公路交通安全管理进行了全面而系统的分析,主要包括美国高速公路的发展,高速公路事故现状,以及对美国高速公路交通安全管理体制和事故救援和处理等各个方面的分析研究,总结出美国高速公路交通安全管理对我国的启示和值得我们学习的地方,再结合我国国情,在此基础上,提出改革现有的高速公路交通安全管理体制,建立一个适合我国高速公路国情的交通安全管理体制,同时,针对高速公路交通事故的特点和高速公路交通安全管理的主要问题以及影响高速公路交通安全的主要致因,对进一步做好我国高速公路交通安全管理工作提出了具体的对策和建议。从高速公路路面建设、事故救援体制以及人、车、路等各个方面的管理入手,将高速公路交通安全管理的各个方面做到位,将高速公路事故的事前预防,事故处理和事后管理有效结合,提高高速公路交通安全管理效率,减少高速公路事故的发生,减少由于高速公路事故而引起的人员伤亡和财产损失。  [1] 侯利敏 浅谈我国高速公路的安全管理体系[J] 科协论坛(下半月) 2012(05)[2] 王昌现 浅谈如何做好恶劣天气下高速公路交通安全管理工作[J] 中国外资 2011(18)[3] 王贵岭 高速公路安全管理体系的构成及完善建议[J] 民营科技 2010(05)[4] 周凯,徐海成,张林 中美两国高速公路交通安全管理差异及启示[J] 交通企业管理 2008(12)[5] 徐锦栋 我国高速公路管理体制的现状及改革建议[J] 特区经济 2008(07)[6] 罗贤民 浅谈高速公路管理体制及发展[J] 企业科技与发展 2008(12)[7] 冯春,罗幸炳 我国高速公路行政管理体制改革分析——积极推进“重庆模式”[J] 理论与改革 2008(02)[8] 付学问 完善我国高速公路管理体制的意见[J] 中华建设 2008(02)[9] 杨亮,冯春 重庆高速公路综合执法模式的优势研究[J] 重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版) 2008(01)[10] 王斌 美国道路交通管理之3 交通事故预防与处理[J] 道路交通管理 2008(02)


As we all know ,communication has been playing an important part in people‘s As far as I know there are many kinds of communication, among them mail, telephone and computer are most commonly Writing letters is one of People use it to exchange information, ideas and Slow as the mail is, it is the cheapest means of The second kind is the By using telephone, people can hear each other even if they are far With the development of modern science and technology,the computer has come into Communication with computers is fast and In this way, people can send E-mail to each   In a word, mail, telephone and computer all help to bring people all over the world

如果你觉得国际上最新出版的英文论文对你有帮助,我手头有不少这方面的文献,可以来找我。 本人是英国学术委员会电子图书馆注册会员,拥有全球最大的在线电子刊物,丰富的最新学术论文(英文)做参照,现有355家出版社的19604种出版物。 qq联系:10145224 祝你好运!!



the only thing that i can think of right now air strange huh?

and is useful to our They care for As a teacher,tens of students go to see Some people want to be a scientist,you maight be poor,some want to be a When I was in primary school,talking and I think being a teacher is glorious and respectable,and others want to be a GM! Now I study hard to achieve my dreamI Have A Dream Everyone has his But my dream is quite different,I had this During Teachers',show their respect to you,but you will be rich in spirit; Day and weekends,I want to be a teacher,and they differ from people to What a good thing

