

发布时间:2024-07-13 04:22:06


Here is my research about how the students go to In our school, 50% of the students go to school by Because their home isn't far from our It's not only a convenient way but they can do exercise at the same 2o% students go to school on foot because they live near our school and they can go to school with their 10% students go to school by bus because their home is a bit The rest of the students go to school by car because their parents send them to It can save

(1)normally ,I go to school by bike a s we know ,cycling is a good way to keep fit and it doesn't produce any thus,i often choice this what baffles is the rainy days sometimes ,if it rains ,i would go to school by bus it much fast than walking and it produces less pollution ,walking can be the another suitable way i can talk a lot with my mates on the way to school,but it cost me much time (2)I usually go to school on I think walking is good for my And it doesn't cost any money, I can save my money to buy some books I Our hometown is very great, I can enjoy beautiful flowers and tall buildings when I walk to All the flowers smile to me as I pass by, it always makes me What an excellent world! I love I hope all students whose houses are not far away from school can also walk to school like

The way i go to schoolI prefer to go to school by The reason can be listed as Firstly,compared with walking to school,going by bike is much faster,so i don't have to get up that early so that i can have enough secondly,going by bike is more flexible than going by bus,therefore i don't have to worry about coming across the traffic All in all, cycling to school is beneficial

the only thing that i can think of right now air strange huh?




(1)normally ,I go to school by bike a s we know ,cycling is a good way to keep fit and it doesn't produce any thus,i often choice this what baffles is the rainy days sometimes ,if it rains ,i would go to school by bus it much fast than walking and it produces less pollution ,walking can be the another suitable way i can talk a lot with my mates on the way to school,but it cost me much time (2)I usually go to school on I think walking is good for my And it doesn't cost any money, I can save my money to buy some books I Our hometown is very great, I can enjoy beautiful flowers and tall buildings when I walk to All the flowers smile to me as I pass by, it always makes me What an excellent world! I love I hope all students whose houses are not far away from school can also walk to school like

There are three people in my family They are my father , my mother and I My father is a He works in a police station It is kind of far from our home ,so he drives to work every day My mother is a teacher She often walks to school Because she likes exercising My shchool is far away from my home So I usually take a bus to school 祝学习进步,天天快乐,万事如意!满意请采纳!


Here is my research about how the students go to In our school, 50% of the students go to school by Because their home isn't far from our It's not only a convenient way but they can do exercise at the same 2o% students go to school on foot because they live near our school and they can go to school with their 10% students go to school by bus because their home is a bit The rest of the students go to school by car because their parents send them to It can save

(1)normally ,I go to school by bike a s we know ,cycling is a good way to keep fit and it doesn't produce any thus,i often choice this what baffles is the rainy days sometimes ,if it rains ,i would go to school by bus it much fast than walking and it produces less pollution ,walking can be the another suitable way i can talk a lot with my mates on the way to school,but it cost me much time (2)I usually go to school on I think walking is good for my And it doesn't cost any money, I can save my money to buy some books I Our hometown is very great, I can enjoy beautiful flowers and tall buildings when I walk to All the flowers smile to me as I pass by, it always makes me What an excellent world! I love I hope all students whose houses are not far away from school can also walk to school like

The way i go to schoolI prefer to go to school by The reason can be listed as Firstly,compared with walking to school,going by bike is much faster,so i don't have to get up that early so that i can have enough secondly,going by bike is more flexible than going by bus,therefore i don't have to worry about coming across the traffic All in all, cycling to school is beneficial

I like go to school by You know,our life is very busy,without going to scool and doing my homework,I can do My favorate time is when I am on the way to school or on the way home,I can see the sky,can see the person that walk on the road,can listen to music which was loaded on my mp3 and so And go to school by bike can save my time to study,if I walk to school,it will be took lots of So,with the above reasons,I like go to school by 麻烦采纳,谢谢!


城市轨道交通是运输工程学中的一个分支,涉及到道路工程、汽车工程、城市规划、社会学、经济学等多类学科,所以该专业论文的选题其实非常广泛,学术堂外大家带来了最新的“城市轨道交通论题目”,供大家进行参考:  1、公路建设项目后评价理论研究  2、基于集成神经网络的城市道路交通流量融合预测研究  3、综合交通运输系统理论分析  4、城市道路交通状态判别及拥挤扩散范围估计方法研究  5、基于CIC的轨道交通建设工程集成管理研究  6、城市轨道交通工程施工方风险认知研究  7、基于出行特征的交通工程设计研究  8、重大交通工程项目经济领域社会稳定风险评估方法研究  9、地下轨道交通工程抗震设防要求确定方法研究  10、基于多维矩阵WBS的城市轨道交通项目集成管理研究  11、轨道交通工程绿色施工与清洁生产研究  12、宁波轨道交通工程结构混凝土耐久性质量控制管理研究  13、天津地下交通工程混凝土墙耐久性研究  14、国内轨道交通驾驶室人机工程设计研究  15、基层质监机构的交通工程质量监督机制研究


近年来,随着科技的发展,社会的进步,交通运输日益发达,人们的出行方式也日趋多元化。然而,这一现象的背后,也隐藏着不容忽视的一个重大问题——交通安全问题。 也许会有同学说:“交通安全有什么,只要在过马路和骑车时注意车辆、行人和红绿灯不就行了吗?”这样的说法过于片面。也许就是因为疏忽了某一个细微的缝隙,就会带来终生的遗憾。我们常常在电视和报纸上看到许多有关报道,正是因为忽视交通安全,才酿成了这一个个悲剧。前不久,在我县就发生了一起交通事故,造成一人当场死亡。这一事件再次为我们敲响了警钟:安全问题不容忽视。 据了解,2006年全国共发生道路交通事故378781起,比上年下降9%。自2000年以来,道路交通事故死亡人数首次回落到9万人以下,共造成89455人死亡,比上年下降4%。 据公安部有关负责人介绍,其中发生一次死亡10人以上特大交通事故38起,是1991年以来的历史最低点,造成558人死亡,比2005年下降 9%。2006年发生的道路交通事故中,机动车驾驶人交通违法违规导致死亡人数明显下降。共造成76350人死亡,下降2%。其中,因超速行驶、疲劳驾驶、酒后驾驶导致死亡人数分别下降3%、6%和21%。此外,小型客车、重型货车事故导致死亡人数也分别有所下降。 虽然情况已有所改善,但我们仍不能掉以轻心。每年的3月是中小学生安全教育月。也许有同学觉得烦,认为这是老生常谈,根本没什么用。那么,为什么每年的交通事故中,还有那么多的中小学生死伤呢?之所以一遍又一遍重申安全问题,就是为了尽量避免此类事件的发生。生命对于每个人来说都只有一次,因此必须加倍珍惜它、爱护他。 也许有人会说:“我也违反过交通规则,但没什么事啊!”那是侥幸心理,是在和自己的生命开玩笑。人们一般会以上班时间紧或不了解交通规则为理由违反交通。这样虽然情有可原,但付出的代价也大了些,简直是拿生命作赌注啊!看来,要从根本上减少交通事故的发生,就要在群众中积极普及《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》,要让每位公民知法、懂法、用法,成为交通法的受益者。 “高高兴兴上学去,平平安安回家来”是每个学校老师和学生家长对学生的一个共同心愿。青少年是祖国的花朵,社会主义的接班人,在学好科学文化知识的同时,更应该学习如何保护自己。在交通日益繁忙,生活节奏日益加快的今天,遵守交通规则更是刻不容缓,这样才为我们前进的路上了护栏。遵守交通法规,人人有责。人人遵守交通规则,珍视生命,才能保证社会安定。


毕业论文选题理由:选题的学科性质、理论意义及实践意义;国内研究现状的分析。研究方案包括:研究内容、研究中所要突破的难题、拟采取的研究方法,有何特色与创新之处以及与选题有关的参考文献等内容。选题依据就是你论文依托的背景及显示意义,同时通过论文研究,解决问题把上面这些内容总结一下就可以了。扩展资料:从文体而言,它对某一专业领域的现实问题或理论问题进行 科学研究探索的具有一定意义的论文。一般安排在修业的最后一学年(学期)进行。学生须在教师指导下,选定课题进行研究,撰写并提交论文。目的在于培养学生的科学研究能力;加强综合运用所学知识、理论和技能解决实际问题的训练;从总体上考查学生学习所达到的学业水平。论文题目由教师指定或由学生提出,经教师同意确定。均应是本专业学科发展或实践中提出的理论问题和实际问题。通过这一环节,应使学生受到有关科学研究选题,查阅、评述文献,制订研究方案,设计进行科学实验或社会调查,处理数据或整理调查结果,对结果进行分析、论证并得出结论,撰写论文等项初步训练。



