

发布时间:2024-07-12 10:47:21


Reflections on the art of oil painting Abstract: creative art is a complex mental activities and production activities, is a realistic painter living in the minds of the product of The Sound of Music Arts beauty is a high degree of unity, it is all art must be consciously setting Every artist should be showing his work in the United States he was a unique experience and Ugly reality of the United States and the reality are a source of artistic Content is often seen as something only to the performance art form of its own real, and are usually things that only the form, it constitutes the real content of a work of Art techniques by means of image and convey the feelings of thinking of the author, as well as the carrier of the aesthetic Keywords: artistic creation, artistic beauty, the reality the United States, ugly reality, contents


非艺术在读大学接受艺术教育的重要性摘要:通过对时下最新美术教育新闻及专家对其问题的看法得出美术鉴赏的教育对非艺术在读大学生多方面的重要作用。包括审美教育,学生身心健康及德育方面的重要作用,以及和文化的紧密关联。正确认识专家的建议,充分认识到艺术教育及艺术创造的重要性。关键字:艺术教育,德育,审美,艺术创造,文化(一)时下有关新闻 新华社杭州1月23日专电(张冬素)今后,浙江省的大学生在校期间必须选修一门艺术类课程,并且要通过考核取得2个学分才能毕业。这是记者从省教育厅获悉的消息。日前,浙江省委宣传部、省教育厅、省财政厅出台《关于进一步加强高等学校艺术教育工作的意见》,出台这一规定的目的,就是为了通过各种形式的艺术教育,以全面提高大学生的文化素质,从而更加自觉主动地推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣。近几年来,浙江省有关部门一直努力全面提高大学生艺术素养。2006年4月,该省启动以“走近大师、聆听经典、陶冶情操、提高素养”为主题的高雅艺术进校园活动。送进校园的高雅艺术从开始时的交响乐、京剧、越剧,扩展到去年送话剧、绍剧等,让近46万人次学生接触到传统艺术。据了解,今后浙江省将继续以优秀经典剧目为主要演出内容,把交响乐、京剧、昆曲、越剧、绍剧、婺剧等高雅艺术送进大学校园,并在大学生中开展艺术专家学术讲座,普及高雅艺术知识。据介绍,本次浙江省有关部门规定的高校艺术选修类课,分限定性和任意性两类,限定性选修课程包括《艺术导论》《音乐鉴赏》《美术鉴赏》《影视鉴赏》《戏剧鉴赏》《舞蹈鉴赏》《书法鉴赏》和《戏曲鉴赏》,每个学生在校学习期间,至少要选修其中1门,并通过考核取得2个学分才能毕业。浙江省要求高校要努力创造条件开齐艺术类选修课程并计入学分。(二)专家看法 著名教育家这样谈论了自己的感受。我老是引用美国的第二轮总统亚当斯的话,他说我们这代不得不在马背上打仗搞政治,是为了让我们的儿子一代搞数学,让我的孙子一代搞音乐和舞蹈。他不是真的讲自己的孙子,自己的儿子,不完全是这样,他就觉得一个人类的目的性的过程,我们这代不得不骑在马背上搞军事搞政治,军事、政治不是人类的终极目标是过程。为了搞科学,为了搞哲学,最美好的人类还不完全是如此。在这个意义上,艺术的地位不可小看。(三)艺术教育的重要作用 美术教学在现代教育中的现实意义和美术在艺术世界的特殊地位不容忽视的,它是人类的亲密伴侣,它和人类的生活息息相关。马克思历来就十分重视审美教育,要求不但要掌握科学,而且要懂得艺术,认为艺术不仅能帮助人们认识世界,而且能鼓舞人们改造世界,去创造美好生活,他曾说过,社会进步就是人类对美的追求的结晶。美术作为一种视觉艺术有其独特的魅力,而美术教育更是一门教育的艺术,在当今素质教育中起着不可低估的作用,对于培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的一代新人具有重要意义。1美术教学的德育作用 五育之中“德育”首位,美术教育融“德育”于一体,美术教学通过描绘祖国的大好河山,欣常优秀的美术作品,使人精神振奋与之共鸣,从而产生强烈的教育效果,例如欣赏董希文的油画作品《开国大典》可感受到作者通过构图、色彩、形式表现出了中国人民从此站起来的信心和气魄,自觉产生强烈的自尊心和自豪感激发高涨的爱国热情。欣赏白石老人的国画作品《却教蜂蝶为花忙》透过蜜蜂在凤仙花中飞舞采蜜的忙碌的情景,颂扬了勤奋劳动的精神,歌颂了普通劳动者的勤劳品质,让同学们不仅体会了生活小景中的高雅景致,也激发了学生对劳动的热爱和敬慕。2艺术教育的美育作用 审美教育对人们的潜移默化的影响,历来被许多人士所认可。我国早在西周和春秋时期,在教育内容上就有德、行、艺的内容,实际上包含了德、智、体、美几方面的内容。封建社会晚期,艺术虽未被列为必修课,但“琴、棋、书、画”却一直作为士大夫阶层文化素养方面自我完善的内容之一,我国著名的艺术教育家丰子恺先生曾这样说过:“能用作画一般的心来处理生活,对付人生则生活美化,人世和平。”此为艺术的最大效用,法国雕塑家罗丹说过,生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。美的事物在生活中处处可见,但并不是每个人都能感受到和欣赏的。只有通学习、培养、训练才能使人的审美意识不断提高。3素质方面的作用 (1)有助于发展人的全面思维一个人必须把逻辑思维与形象思维、科学思维与艺术思维有机地结合起来,才能形成高质量、高素质的健全的思维。小时候有想象力,思维得到了健全的发展,以后才能有更好的创作。玩沙子、捏泥人、看蚂蚁搬家,对孩子来讲都是十分重要的,是一个人在成长过程中的必要的营养素。离开了这些,没有童心,没有童趣,缺乏想象力,就很难培养出健全的人格。(2)有助于培养学生健康、丰富的感情世界 教育不能够离开感情,在教育过程中,教育者和被教育者之间必须以感情作为桥梁,作为纽带,才能产生教育的效果。教育离不开感情,感情最能教育人,最能打动人,最能收到良好的效果。艺术教育的特点不仅仅是以理服人,更重要的是以情动人、以情感人。(四) 与文化的重要关联 艺术课程关注文化,其实并不是现在的事情,因为艺术课程始终就没有脱离文化,也不可能脱离文化。区别在于,过去的艺术教育与文化之间并没有形成一个明确的关系意识,也没有如此理直气壮地高呼着走向文化的口号。现在的则以自觉的态度,高唱着走向文化的进行曲,态度张扬地浩浩荡荡地走进了文化。且让我们倾听那震耳欲聋走向文化的进行曲:“艺术是人类文化最早和最重要的载体之一,运用艺术形式传递情感和思想是整个人类历史中的一种重要的文化行为。……通过对 艺术课程的学习,有助于学生熟悉艺术的媒材和形式,理解和运用视觉语言,更多地介入信息交流,共享人类社会的文化资源,积极参与文化的传承,并对文化的发展作出自己的贡献。”“艺术是人类文化的一个重要组成部分,与社会生活的方方面面有着千丝万缕的联系,因此艺术学习应视为一种文化学习。应通过艺术教育,使学生认识人的情感、态度、价值观的差异性,人类社会的丰富性,并在一种广泛的文化情境中,认识艺术的特征、艺术表现的多样性以及艺术对社会生活的独特贡献。同时,培养学生对祖国优秀美术传统的热爱,对世界多元文化的宽容和尊重。”“我国的艺术有着悠久的历史和辉煌的成就,与其它国家和民族的艺术共同构成世界艺术的多元文化。艺术是人类文化的重要组成部分,具有人文教育的功能推荐书籍:《美术鉴赏》陈洛家主编;《美术鉴赏:造型艺术美学分析》作者樊林;《中国民间美术鉴赏》孙建君主编;《中外美术鉴赏》朱旗;戴云亮主编:《中外美术鉴赏十六讲》杨淇主编;


非艺术在读大学接受艺术教育的重要性摘要:通过对时下最新美术教育新闻及专家对其问题的看法得出美术鉴赏的教育对非艺术在读大学生多方面的重要作用。包括审美教育,学生身心健康及德育方面的重要作用,以及和文化的紧密关联。正确认识专家的建议,充分认识到艺术教育及艺术创造的重要性。关键字:艺术教育,德育,审美,艺术创造,文化(一)时下有关新闻 新华社杭州1月23日专电(张冬素)今后,浙江省的大学生在校期间必须选修一门艺术类课程,并且要通过考核取得2个学分才能毕业。这是记者从省教育厅获悉的消息。日前,浙江省委宣传部、省教育厅、省财政厅出台《关于进一步加强高等学校艺术教育工作的意见》,出台这一规定的目的,就是为了通过各种形式的艺术教育,以全面提高大学生的文化素质,从而更加自觉主动地推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣。近几年来,浙江省有关部门一直努力全面提高大学生艺术素养。2006年4月,该省启动以“走近大师、聆听经典、陶冶情操、提高素养”为主题的高雅艺术进校园活动。送进校园的高雅艺术从开始时的交响乐、京剧、越剧,扩展到去年送话剧、绍剧等,让近46万人次学生接触到传统艺术。据了解,今后浙江省将继续以优秀经典剧目为主要演出内容,把交响乐、京剧、昆曲、越剧、绍剧、婺剧等高雅艺术送进大学校园,并在大学生中开展艺术专家学术讲座,普及高雅艺术知识。据介绍,本次浙江省有关部门规定的高校艺术选修类课,分限定性和任意性两类,限定性选修课程包括《艺术导论》《音乐鉴赏》《美术鉴赏》《影视鉴赏》《戏剧鉴赏》《舞蹈鉴赏》《书法鉴赏》和《戏曲鉴赏》,每个学生在校学习期间,至少要选修其中1门,并通过考核取得2个学分才能毕业。浙江省要求高校要努力创造条件开齐艺术类选修课程并计入学分。(二)专家看法 著名教育家这样谈论了自己的感受。我老是引用美国的第二轮总统亚当斯的话,他说我们这代不得不在马背上打仗搞政治,是为了让我们的儿子一代搞数学,让我的孙子一代搞音乐和舞蹈。他不是真的讲自己的孙子,自己的儿子,不完全是这样,他就觉得一个人类的目的性的过程,我们这代不得不骑在马背上搞军事搞政治,军事、政治不是人类的终极目标是过程。为了搞科学,为了搞哲学,最美好的人类还不完全是如此。在这个意义上,艺术的地位不可小看。(三)艺术教育的重要作用 美术教学在现代教育中的现实意义和美术在艺术世界的特殊地位不容忽视的,它是人类的亲密伴侣,它和人类的生活息息相关。马克思历来就十分重视审美教育,要求不但要掌握科学,而且要懂得艺术,认为艺术不仅能帮助人们认识世界,而且能鼓舞人们改造世界,去创造美好生活,他曾说过,社会进步就是人类对美的追求的结晶。美术作为一种视觉艺术有其独特的魅力,而美术教育更是一门教育的艺术,在当今素质教育中起着不可低估的作用,对于培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的一代新人具有重要意义。1美术教学的德育作用 五育之中“德育”首位,美术教育融“德育”于一体,美术教学通过描绘祖国的大好河山,欣常优秀的美术作品,使人精神振奋与之共鸣,从而产生强烈的教育效果,例如欣赏董希文的油画作品《开国大典》可感受到作者通过构图、色彩、形式表现出了中国人民从此站起来的信心和气魄,自觉产生强烈的自尊心和自豪感激发高涨的爱国热情。欣赏白石老人的国画作品《却教蜂蝶为花忙》透过蜜蜂在凤仙花中飞舞采蜜的忙碌的情景,颂扬了勤奋劳动的精神,歌颂了普通劳动者的勤劳品质,让同学们不仅体会了生活小景中的高雅景致,也激发了学生对劳动的热爱和敬慕。2艺术教育的美育作用 审美教育对人们的潜移默化的影响,历来被许多人士所认可。我国早在西周和春秋时期,在教育内容上就有德、行、艺的内容,实际上包含了德、智、体、美几方面的内容。封建社会晚期,艺术虽未被列为必修课,但“琴、棋、书、画”却一直作为士大夫阶层文化素养方面自我完善的内容之一,我国著名的艺术教育家丰子恺先生曾这样说过:“能用作画一般的心来处理生活,对付人生则生活美化,人世和平。”此为艺术的最大效用,法国雕塑家罗丹说过,生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。美的事物在生活中处处可见,但并不是每个人都能感受到和欣赏的。只有通学习、培养、训练才能使人的审美意识不断提高。3素质方面的作用 (1)有助于发展人的全面思维一个人必须把逻辑思维与形象思维、科学思维与艺术思维有机地结合起来,才能形成高质量、高素质的健全的思维。小时候有想象力,思维得到了健全的发展,以后才能有更好的创作。玩沙子、捏泥人、看蚂蚁搬家,对孩子来讲都是十分重要的,是一个人在成长过程中的必要的营养素。离开了这些,没有童心,没有童趣,缺乏想象力,就很难培养出健全的人格。(2)有助于培养学生健康、丰富的感情世界 教育不能够离开感情,在教育过程中,教育者和被教育者之间必须以感情作为桥梁,作为纽带,才能产生教育的效果。教育离不开感情,感情最能教育人,最能打动人,最能收到良好的效果。艺术教育的特点不仅仅是以理服人,更重要的是以情动人、以情感人。(四) 与文化的重要关联 艺术课程关注文化,其实并不是现在的事情,因为艺术课程始终就没有脱离文化,也不可能脱离文化。区别在于,过去的艺术教育与文化之间并没有形成一个明确的关系意识,也没有如此理直气壮地高呼着走向文化的口号。现在的则以自觉的态度,高唱着走向文化的进行曲,态度张扬地浩浩荡荡地走进了文化。且让我们倾听那震耳欲聋走向文化的进行曲:“艺术是人类文化最早和最重要的载体之一,运用艺术形式传递情感和思想是整个人类历史中的一种重要的文化行为。……通过对 艺术课程的学习,有助于学生熟悉艺术的媒材和形式,理解和运用视觉语言,更多地介入信息交流,共享人类社会的文化资源,积极参与文化的传承,并对文化的发展作出自己的贡献。”“艺术是人类文化的一个重要组成部分,与社会生活的方方面面有着千丝万缕的联系,因此艺术学习应视为一种文化学习。应通过艺术教育,使学生认识人的情感、态度、价值观的差异性,人类社会的丰富性,并在一种广泛的文化情境中,认识艺术的特征、艺术表现的多样性以及艺术对社会生活的独特贡献。同时,培养学生对祖国优秀美术传统的热爱,对世界多元文化的宽容和尊重。”“我国的艺术有着悠久的历史和辉煌的成就,与其它国家和民族的艺术共同构成世界艺术的多元文化。艺术是人类文化的重要组成部分,具有人文教育的功能推荐书籍:《美术鉴赏》陈洛家主编;《美术鉴赏:造型艺术美学分析》作者樊林;《中国民间美术鉴赏》孙建君主编;《中外美术鉴赏》朱旗;戴云亮主编:《中外美术鉴赏十六讲》杨淇主编;

上个世纪初,在西欧流行一部卷幅浩瀚的长篇小说《芳托马斯》。32卷由两个作家合作完成,每月创作一卷。合作延续到1914年第一次世界大战爆发,后来,路易•菲伊雷德把小说改编成电影,放映后在欧洲引起轰动。    《芳托马斯》的主角是一个十恶不赦的坏蛋,叫芳托马斯。他入室盗窃,诱奸妇女,抢劫银行,无恶不作。警察全力追捕,街上贴满缉拿文告。但是芳托马斯狡诈异常。警察根本不是他的对手。他有高超的易容术,从不露出真容;他身手敏捷,能飞檐走壁;他精通缩骨术,能从极小的缝隙中飞身而过。他经常与警察玩猫捉老鼠的游戏。他化装成绅士出入于酒店、旅馆与赌场,时而与政要侃侃而谈,时而与贵妇逢场作戏。总之,这是一个半魔幻半真实的风流大盗。他有智取法律的力量,敢于向愚蠢的官僚机构挑战,具有超现实的魔力。    《受威胁的凶手》就是芳托马斯的崇拜者之一,超现实主义画家马格利特的作品。关于马格利特的介绍网上可查,不在此赘述。接着返回原画上,整张画面,二名手持简单工具的侦探,一具赤裸女尸,一名穿着讲究不明身份的人,三名围观者。最初看到这幅画时,脑中便充满各种诡异的问号:谁杀了那名女子?留声机旁边的男子到底是谁?那两名侦探为何手持如此简单的抓捕工具?三名围观者到底看到了什么?    找到了上面的背景,心中稍微宽松,若马格利特真的是在画芳托马斯的话,留声机旁边的男子就应该是那位风流大盗了。刚刚做完案的他正在准备易容逃跑,地上的旅行箱,凳子上的大衣和帽子是他的作案工具。门口的两名侦探正在等待时机,或许是在等候支援的同伴,面对名声大作的芳托马斯不敢轻举妄动,面部表情极其凝重。三名围观者目睹一切后,惊愕、忧郁尽显脸上,一切一触即发。而画家更是将看画人的视角至于这一切发生的最近处,整个场面令人紧张不已。    可是画家在这里开了个小小的玩笑,在已经发明了留声机的年代,两名侦探还手持木棒、绳网,意图逮捕芳托马斯如此这般的江洋大盗,画家拿我们顽固。愚蠢的官僚机构开了一把涮。    老师也讲到过,整幅画人物的面孔全是马格利特,听到时很是迷惑。为何要将自己画成所有人?是技术,用以构成魔幻感么?以哲学绘画著名的画家应该不止有这点想法吧?我这样猜度着。受害者是我,施暴者是我,围观者是我,执法者也是我。画家这么画到底是为什么?    画家画这幅画的时候,立体主义,野兽主义已经在欧洲普遍流行,达达主义,未来主义,超现实主义正在蓬勃发展。随着照相机的发明,画家的绘画对象,表现手法都发生了重大改变,艺术观念经受着暴风骤雨般的洗礼,画家本人也从一只烟斗开始,去探索相似和近似的概念,,把观念和形象分离开来,挑战了大众的常识,发人深省。用绘画把“是”与“不是”这个哲学问题表达出来。而以上各种主义发展到达达主义反传统,反艺术之后,不论是艺术,还是道德都需要一种颠覆,杜尚用他的作画颠覆了艺术形式,那马格利特这幅画就是对道德的一种颠覆。画家崇拜芳托马斯,崇拜他能玩弄政府机构于股掌,完全自由;在作画职业上,画家却扮演着那两名侦探式的人物,理性,专业;在现实生活中,画家扮演着别人生活的围观者,或许自己也是受害者。一个人身上有多种身份,不同以往,受害者是值得同情的,施暴者是必须谴责的,围观者是完全无辜的。道德不如以前一样代表着绝对的善恶,而是随着人性的胶合越来越暧昧不清。我们的自私,冷漠不再是无事者的无关紧要。因为一切都与自己有关。这也正是体现了现代艺术的本质,对观念的改变和诠释。改变和诠释建立在艺术家大量的思考上。马格利特受不了巴黎的艺术氛围回到了比利时,自己一个人思考,用画笔去诠释,虽然在美术史上不如其他一些大家那般早年得志,却也画出了自己的一副天地。他的画总以哲思出名,比例的夸大,主题的诡异,思想的深奥,挡住了大部分人的脚步,被印在钞票上的《天降》,我倒觉得远不如他《窗》系列那组画来的动人,画布遮挡住窗户,画上户外的景象,真实是什么?画家用这组画来拷问我们。与其说马格利特是魔幻现实主义画家,我到是偏向于把他归为现实派的思想,魔幻的表达手法。他和达利不同,达利执迷于如何表达潜意识,但是马格利特却表达着现实,用魔幻拷问着现实。对于常规,大多数人选择默认,而马格利特却用自己的画笔拷问着这些大家默认的东西。以哲人的身份画画,这就是我想说的马格利特。【参考书目】: 《马格利特:图像的哲学》 刘云卿 广西大学出版社 《现代主义绘画解读》 孙家祥 上海教育出版社 《剑桥艺术史-20世纪艺术》 罗斯玛丽•兰伯特(英) 译林出版社 《世界著名图像的秘密》 张延风 百花文艺出版社 《奢华的冒险-现代艺术的消解与重建》 张彬 北京大学出版社 《二十世纪视觉艺术》 爱德华•路希•史密斯(英)



论《洛丽塔》中纳博科夫的现代意识 (文化冲突)The Dispiriting Incompatibility of European and American CulturesThroughout Lolita, the interactions between European and American cultures result in perpetual misunderstandings and Charlotte Haze, an American, is drawn to the sophistication and worldliness of Humbert, a E She eagerly accepts Humbert not so much because of who he is, but because she is charmed by what she sees as the glamour and intellect of Humbert’s Humbert has no such reverence for C He openly mocks the superficiality and transience of American culture, and he views Charlotte as nothing but a simple-minded However, he adores every one of Lolita’s vulgarities and chronicles every detail of his tour of America—he enjoys the possibilities for freedom along the open American He eventually admits that he has defiled the country rather than the other way Though Humbert and Lolita develop their own version of peace as they travel together, their union is clearly not based on understanding or Lolita cannot comprehend the depth of Humbert’s devotion, which he overtly links to art, history, and culture, and Humbert will never truly recognize Lolita’s unwillingness to let him sophisticate Eventually, Lolita leaves Humbert for the American Quilty, who does not bore her with high culture or grand 偶然和无常纳博科夫的《洛丽塔》中的混沌 (心里和心理学方面的混乱)The Inadequacy of PsychiatryHumbert’s passion for Lolita defies easy psychological analysis, and throughout Lolita Humbert mocks psychiatry’s tendency toward simplistic, logical In the foreword to Lolita, John Ray, J, PD, claims that Humbert’s tale will be of great interest to psychiatry, but throughout his memoir Humbert does his best to discredit the entire field of study, heaping the most scorn on Freudian For example, he enjoys lying to the psychiatrists at the He reports mockingly that Pratt, the headmistress of Lolita’s school, diagnoses Lolita as sexually immature, wholly unaware that she actually has an overly active sex life with her By undermining the authority and logic of the psychiatric field, Nabokov demands that readers view Humbert as a unique and deeply flawed human being, but not an insane Humbert further thwarts efforts of scientific categorization by constantly describing his feelings for Lolita as an enchantment or spell, closer to magic than to He tries to prove that his love is not a mental disease but an enormous, strange, and uncontrollable emotion that resists easy Nabokov himself was deeply critical of psychiatry, and Lolita is, in a way, an attack on the 以《洛丽塔》为例分析文学内在价值与社会道德规范的冲突解析《洛丽塔》中主人公的悲剧命运论《洛丽塔》的悲剧意义(这段3个主题都有相关,但是不详细)Humbert and Lolita are both exiles, and, alienated from the societies with which they are familiar, they find themselves in ambiguous moral territory where the old rules seem not to Humbert chooses exile and comes willingly from Europe to America, while Lolita is forced into exile when Charlotte She becomes detached from her familiar community of Ramsdale and goes on the road with H Together, they move constantly and belong to no single fixed The tourists Humbert and Lolita meet on the road are similarly transient, belonging to a generic America rather than to a specific In open, unfamiliar territory, Humbert and Lolita form their own set of rules, where normal sexual and familial relationships become twisted and Both Humbert and Lolita have become so disconnected from ordinary society that neither can fully recognize how morally depraved their actions Humbert cannot see his own monstrosity, and Lolita shows only occasional awareness of herself of a Though Humbert sweeps Lolita away so that they can find a measure of freedom, their exile ultimately traps Lolita is bound to Humbert because she has nowhere else to go, and though Humbert dreams of leaving America with Lolita, he eventually accepts that he will stay in America until he Though each of them undergoes one final exile, Lolita to Dick Schiller and Humbert to prison, it is clear that they are first and foremost exiled from their own selves, an exile so total that they could never return to their original places in the worlds they once Exile in L

提问者: 凝霜孤月 - 经理 四级


The key of whether the enterprise can succeed in the market is up to the competitiveness of Now the tobacco industry is in the critical period of reform and development,so how to recognize the situation and to promote the competitiveness of the tobacco companies is the key issues and solutions at this stage which need to be pay attention Based on the analysis of tobacco company internal and external environment, my text give a summary of the main factors of the competitiveness of enterprises and analyse the way of enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises from the market, system building, law enforcement environment and building personnel point of view of the way 英语专业自己翻译,。。。

“竞争”一生当中如果没有这两个字,那么,这样的人生是没有任何意义的,也不可能进步,取得更好的成绩。  我们每个人,一生下来,便开始加入这个到处都是竞争的社会里。只要我们一出现在这个世界里,我们注定要学会竞争,因为只有这样,我们才会有自己的立足点,才能在这个社会生活。  现在的社会是一个充满竞争的社会,只有学会竞争,我们才能够与别人去竞争。在竞争中,我们不断地提高自己的成绩,不断地吸取教训。竞争就是我们进步的一个过程。只有通过竞争,我们才能知道自己与别人的差距,才知道唑哪里去努力,取得最后的胜利。  学生时代,我们需要竞争,在竞争的同时,我们又需要互相帮助,互相学习。在每一次的考试,每一次的习题,大家都会比一比,看看谁更细心,谁掌握的知识牢固。大家在一起讨论一下自己的不足,吸取别人的优点,争取在下次考出更好的成绩。大家在这竞争的环境中,取长补短,在一点点地完善自己,争取做到最好。  世界各个国家之间,同样也需要竞争。就在这竞争的过程中,他们互相学习先进的技术,改进技术,从而使国家繁荣富强。如果各国之间没有竞争,世界将停止进步,他们无法制造更加选进的日常用品,人们的生活水平就会停止在这里,不再向前迈出一步。  在我们的生活中,需要竞争,因为只有竞争,才会有进步,我们的生活才会更加有意义。

这么几个字,这么多分,太阔绰了。Whether an enterprise can win in the market depends on its For the moment, the tabacco industry is confronting a critical period of reform and How to clearly understand the current situation and improve the competitiveness of this industry is a key problem to emphasize and This thesis, by analyzing the internal and external environment of the tabacco company, summarizes the major factors affecting enterprise competitiveness and provides methods to enhance that from the aspect of market, system construction, law enforcement environment, human resource cultivation and so


有,详 谈 联 系,质 量 第 一

Measures for Administration of the Levy of Income Tax on Non-tax-resident Enterprises by Assessment 非居民企业所得税核定征收管理办法 Issue: June 2010CLP Reference: 3230/20PRC Reference: 国税发 [2010] 19号

"Helpful Business Tax Law Changes" by Dennis L Monroe and Richard R Gibson from Monroe Moxness Berg PA Much has been written about taxes this year, so I’ve asked my partner, Rick Gibson, an attorney and CPA (inactive) to collaborate with me on this month’s This latest onslaught of "tax news" started with Congress not addressing the sunset provisions in the estate tax laws at the end of This year has been all about health care reform and the repeal (or possible extension) of the "Bush tax " The latest in this seemingly non-stop series of tax law changes is the recent enactment of the 2010 Small Business Jobs A The new law is touted as providing tax benefits to businesses and is intended to stimulate business spending and Of course, as a new tax law, it is full of complex and technical provisions, some of which may have a familiar sound to them (, extensions or modifications of previous tax law changes) The good news is there are actually opportunities for businesses to reduce tax liabilities with this new Rather than recite the various provisions of this new law, we thought we would draw your attention to some specific provisions that might be helpful to the franchise business community: Enhanced Small Business Equipment and Expensing (Section 179 Expensing) To help small businesses quickly recover the cost of capital outlays, small businesses can elect to write off these expenditures in the year they are made instead of recovering them through Under the old rules, taxpayers could generally expense up to $250,000 of qualifying property—generally, machinery, equipment and software—placed in service in during the tax This annual limit was reduced by the amount by which the cost of property placed in service exceeded $800, Under the Small Business Jobs Act, for tax years beginning in 2010 and 2011, the $250,000 limit is increased to $500,000 and the investment limit to $2,000, This provision is a significant opportunity to offset the initial cost of or help finance capital improvements through immediate tax Expensing of Real Property E The new law also makes certain real property eligible for For property placed in service in any tax year beginning in 2010 or 2011, the up-to-$500,000 of property that can be expensed can include up to $250,000 of qualified real property (qualified leasehold improvement property, qualified restaurant property, and qualified retail improvement property) In view of the typical real estate required in a franchise business, and the normally long tax recovery period, this provision is a real and immediate tax savings for franchise businesses considering new Extension of 50% Bonus First Year D Before the Small Business Jobs Act, Congress already allowed businesses to more rapidly deduct capital expenditures of most new tangible personal property placed in service in 2008 or 2009 by permitting the first-year write-off of 50% of the The Small Business Jobs Act extends the first-year 50% write-off to apply to qualifying property placed in service in Together with the Section 179 Expensing, this tax law change provides meaningful tax benefits for franchisees making capital expenditures or opening new Boosted deduction for start-up The Small Business Jobs Act allows taxpayers to deduct up to $10,000 in trade or business start-up expenditures for The amount that a business can deduct is reduced by the amount by which startup expenditures exceed $60, Previously, the limit of these deductions was capped at $5,000, subject to a $50,000 phase-out This change in the law is a further tax benefit, although limited in amount, to franchise businesses that are 100% exclusion of gain from the sale of small business Ordinarily, individuals can exclude 50% of their gain on the sale of qualified small business stock (QSBS) held for at least five This percentage exclusion was temporarily increased to 75% for stock acquired after F 17, 2009 and before J 1, Under the Small Business Jobs Act, the amount of the exclusion is temporarily increased yet again, to 100% of the gain from the sale of qualifying small business stock that is acquired in 2010 after September 27, 2010 and held for more than five In addition, the Small Business Jobs Act eliminates the alternative minimum tax (AMT) preference item attributable to such Unfortunately, due to the technical requirements for the QSBS, these provisions have not previously yielded tax benefits for many in the franchise world and these changes will likely not make much of a S corporation holding period for appreciated assets shortened to five Generally, a C corporation converting to an S corporation must hold onto any appreciated assets for 10 years or face a built-in gain tax at the highest corporate rate of 35% The 2010 Small Business Jobs Act temporarily shortens the holding period of assets subject to the built-in gains tax to 5 years if the 5th tax year in the holding period precedes the tax year beginning in For businesses considering a sale, this can be a significant boost in net tax proceeds from a sale Cell phones no longer listed This means that cell phones can be deducted or depreciated like other business property, without onerous recordkeeping This change eliminates a previous administrative burden on Deductibility of health insurance for the purpose of calculating self-employment The Small Business Jobs Act allows business owners to deduct the cost of health insurance incurred in 2010 for themselves and their family members in calculating their 2010 self-employment In view of the increased use of LLC’s in today’s business world and individuals reporting self employment income, this can be a meaningful Of course these tax breaks come at a In today’s legislative environment, almost all "tax benefits" in new tax laws are subject to offsetting provisions to raise To mention a few of these unfavorable provisions, information reporting will generally be required for rental property expense payments made after D 31, 2010, and increased information return penalties will be Are there really tax law changes that help businesses? Y The 2010 Small Business Jobs Act has several provisions that are beneficial to the franchise business If you have questions about the details of these new laws or how they may help your business, please contact us or consult your tax

Discussion of "Taxable Income as a Performance Measure: The Effects of Tax Planning andEamings Quality 看看这个题目怎么样?合适的话回复我只有英文,无翻译
