

发布时间:2024-07-11 11:49:57



平庸的生活使人感到一生不幸,波澜万丈的人生才能使人感到生存的意义。 —— 池田大作

孔子曰子曰:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩” (《论语·为政》) 子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆” (《论语·为政》) 子贡问曰:“孔文子何以谓之文也?”子曰:“敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之文也” (《论语·公冶长》) 子曰:“譬如为山,未成一篑,止,吾止也!譬如平地,虽覆一篑,进,吾往也!” (《论语·子罕》)孟子曰孟子曰:“无或乎王之不智也虽有天下易生之物也,一日暴之,十日寒之,未有能生者也吾见亦罕矣,吾退而寒之者至矣,吾如有萌焉何哉?今夫弈之为数,小数也;不专心致志,则不得也弈秋,通国之善弈者也使弈秋诲二人弈:其一人专心致志,惟弈秋之为听;一人虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓缴而射之,虽与之俱学,弗若之矣为是其智弗若与?曰:非然也” (《孟子·告子上》) 孟子曰:“尽信《书》,则不如无《书》吾于《武成》,取二三策而已矣仁人无敌于天下,以至仁伐至不仁,而何其血之流杵也” (《孟子·尽心下》)编辑本段译文孔子说:“我十五岁立志做学问,三十岁做事合于礼,四十岁(掌握了各种知识,对事理都能明白),不至迷惑,五十岁懂得自然的规律,六十岁能听到别人说的话,用不着怎么想就能领会,七十岁能随心所欲,而(任何念头)又不越过规矩” 孔子说:“学习却不思考就会迷惑,思考却不学习就会危险” 子贡问孔子:“问什么称孔文子为文?”孔子说:“聪明好学,不以向学问或地位比自己低的人请教为耻,因此称孔文字为文” 孔子说:“比如堆积土山,只差一筐土而没有堆成,停止了,就停止了;比如填平洼地,即使只倾倒了一筐土,前进了,我就前进了” 孟子说:“对大王的不明智不要感到奇怪即使有(一种)天下(最)容易生长的植物,(如果)晒它一天,又冻它十天,(也)没有能够生长的了我和大王相见的次数太少了,我退居在家而那些谄谀小人就乘机来到(王的身边),我怎么能使王的善良之心萌发呢?(譬如)现在下棋作为一种技术,是小技术;但(如果)不把心思全放在上面,也就不能学到(这门小技术)弈秋,是全国最擅长下棋的人假如让弈秋教两个人下棋:其中一个人把心思全放在上面,只听弈秋的话;另一个人虽然也在听弈秋的话,却一心觉得有天鹅将要飞来,想着拿弓箭把它射下来,虽然他是与另一人一起学习,(成绩肯定)不如那个人了这是因为他的聪明才智比不上把心思全放在学习上面的人吗?回答是:不是这样的” 孟子说:“完全相信《尚书》的内容,就还不如没有《尚书》我对于(其中的)《武成》篇,不过取信它两三片罢了仁道的人在天下没有对手,凭极仁道的人征伐最不仁道的人,怎么会血流漂杵呢?”


孔子曰子曰:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩” (《论语·为政》) 子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆” (《论语·为政》) 子贡问曰:“孔文子何以谓之文也?”子曰:“敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之文也” (《论语·公冶长》) 子曰:“譬如为山,未成一篑,止,吾止也!譬如平地,虽覆一篑,进,吾往也!” (《论语·子罕》)孟子曰孟子曰:“无或乎王之不智也虽有天下易生之物也,一日暴之,十日寒之,未有能生者也吾见亦罕矣,吾退而寒之者至矣,吾如有萌焉何哉?今夫弈之为数,小数也;不专心致志,则不得也弈秋,通国之善弈者也使弈秋诲二人弈:其一人专心致志,惟弈秋之为听;一人虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓缴而射之,虽与之俱学,弗若之矣为是其智弗若与?曰:非然也” (《孟子·告子上》) 孟子曰:“尽信《书》,则不如无《书》吾于《武成》,取二三策而已矣仁人无敌于天下,以至仁伐至不仁,而何其血之流杵也” (《孟子·尽心下》)编辑本段译文孔子说:“我十五岁立志做学问,三十岁做事合于礼,四十岁(掌握了各种知识,对事理都能明白),不至迷惑,五十岁懂得自然的规律,六十岁能听到别人说的话,用不着怎么想就能领会,七十岁能随心所欲,而(任何念头)又不越过规矩” 孔子说:“学习却不思考就会迷惑,思考却不学习就会危险” 子贡问孔子:“问什么称孔文子为文?”孔子说:“聪明好学,不以向学问或地位比自己低的人请教为耻,因此称孔文字为文” 孔子说:“比如堆积土山,只差一筐土而没有堆成,停止了,就停止了;比如填平洼地,即使只倾倒了一筐土,前进了,我就前进了” 孟子说:“对大王的不明智不要感到奇怪即使有(一种)天下(最)容易生长的植物,(如果)晒它一天,又冻它十天,(也)没有能够生长的了我和大王相见的次数太少了,我退居在家而那些谄谀小人就乘机来到(王的身边),我怎么能使王的善良之心萌发呢?(譬如)现在下棋作为一种技术,是小技术;但(如果)不把心思全放在上面,也就不能学到(这门小技术)弈秋,是全国最擅长下棋的人假如让弈秋教两个人下棋:其中一个人把心思全放在上面,只听弈秋的话;另一个人虽然也在听弈秋的话,却一心觉得有天鹅将要飞来,想着拿弓箭把它射下来,虽然他是与另一人一起学习,(成绩肯定)不如那个人了这是因为他的聪明才智比不上把心思全放在学习上面的人吗?回答是:不是这样的” 孟子说:“完全相信《尚书》的内容,就还不如没有《尚书》我对于(其中的)《武成》篇,不过取信它两三片罢了仁道的人在天下没有对手,凭极仁道的人征伐最不仁道的人,怎么会血流漂杵呢?”

平庸的生活使人感到一生不幸,波澜万丈的人生才能使人感到生存的意义。 —— 池田大作



A Brief Analysis of english teaching in senior high schoolAbstract: Classroom teaching is the main way for students to learn E But in senior high school, a lots of probelms still exsit in the English teaching especially in the teaching of reading and In this paper, the importance and methods of reading and writing will be further Key words: reading writing techniques Introduction: Classes should be learner-centered, with meaningful, functional activities, often, classes begin by finding out what the students don’t These classes operate on the assumption that there is a great deal of information that students lack and that the teacher and textbooks will impact that information to the Teachers who hold this assumption view students as plants waiting passively to be fed and But I think the students should be regarded as explorers, active learners who bring a great deal to the learning process and at the same time, draw from their environment as they develop new The basic principle will be used in the teaching of reading and How to teach reading I Why teach readingThere are many reasons why getting students to read English texts is an important part of the teacher’s In the first place, many of them want to be able to read texts in English either for their careers, for study purposes or simply for Anything we can do to make reading easier for them must be a good Reading texts provide good models for English writing, provide opportunities to study language vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way to construct sentences, paragraphs and Lastly, good reading texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite imaginative responses and be the springboard for well-rounded, fascinating The last but not the least, students must read widely because only a fraction of knowledge about the world can come from other experiences in their short II What kind of reading should students do? When the teachers give reading class to students, they should notice a balance----a balance to be struck between real English on the one hand and the students’ capabilities and interests on the There is some authentic written material which beginner students can understand to some degree: menus, timetables, signs and basic instructions, for example, and, where appropriate, teachers can use But for longer prose, teachers can offer their students texts, which, while being like English, are nevertheless written or adapted especially for their Anyway, the materials to be read should be interesting and Teachers should become better acquainted with books written specially for teenagers and dealing with their III What are the principles behind the teaching of reading? i) Permit Students To Read No one has learned to swim by practicing the skills of backstrokes, flutter kicks or treading water while staying on the edge of the swimming Yet, in the teaching of reading teachers often do just Rather than let the students into “the water”, teachers keep them in skills books learning rules about letters, syllables or definitions of words rather than letting them into the book itself, permitting them to be immersed in the language which comes from the authors as the readers try to reconstruct the written ii) Encourage students to respond to the content of a reading text, not just to the languageOf course, it is important to study reading texts for the way they use language, how many paragraphs they contain and how many times they use relative But the meaning, the message of the text, is much more Teachers should help students understand that the main reason to read is for They have to have their own purpose to read and reading must make sense, they have to find ways of doing something about They should be encouraged either to reread or to continue reading to gain But they must realize that the meaning is not in the teacher, but in the interaction between the reader and Students should be encouraged to ask themselves repeatedly, “Does this make sense to me?” Students should be encouraged to reject and to be intolerant of reading materials that do not make iii) Encourage students to guess or predict Readers’ guesses or predictions are based on the cumulative information and syntactic structure they have been learning as they have been Therefore, their guesses are more often than not appropriate to the Students have to realize that risk taking in reading is appropriate; that using context to decide what words mean is a proficient reading strategy and that they have the language sense to make appropriate guesses which can fit both the grammatical and semantic sense of what they are iv) Match the task to the topic Once a decision has been taken about what kind of reading text the students are going to read, teachers need to choose good reading tasks—the right kind of questions and useful puzzles, Asking boring and inappropriate questions can undermine the most interesting text; the most commonplace passage can be made really exciting with imaginative and challenging Working in groups, the English teacher and students take turns asking each other questions following the The teacher may ask, “ What is the significance of the character’s age?” These questions require inferences based on details from the reading

不会吧 兄 这多简单 没必这么阔吧

一般商务英语论文都在4000字以上,提供你一一部分,供参考。你可加发邮件至J 请求发送,我传给你。 Pragmatic Functions of Hedging in International Business English[Abstract] The fuzzy language is the ubiquitous language phenomenon in the human language socializing while the fuzzy rhetoric is one kind of art, which effectively utilizes the language fuzziness to enhance the expression This article probes into the language from the angle to the fuzzy language and the fuzzy rhetoric, mainly analyses the basic characteristics of the fuzzy linguistics, the reasons, the linguistic functions as well as the fuzzy rhetoric effect in the international commercial language, and indicates the fuzziness of the international business language and the importance of the fuzzy rhetoric effect in actual commercial Subsequently, it holds that the better understanding of the fuzzy language phenomenon in commercial English with its linguistic function and the fuzzy rhetoric effect, the more appropriate handling for the fuzzy language, the better commercial intercommunication effect [Key words] fuzzy language; international commercial English: the linguistic function; fuzzy rhetoric; commercial intercommunicationIntroductionFuzzy and precise are the basic attributes of the human The language not only has the accuracy, also has its fuzziness, they are indispensable and both complement one Just like English linguist Jones said: "We all (including those pursuing precise and unmistakable persons) in speaking and writing use the terminology and the principle not precisely, indefinitely, with the difficulty to give their definition, this certainly does not hinder the extremely useful of the word we use, moreover it is essential, as the human has the general knowledge (direct feeling, intuition), usually people use the imprecise expression method and the terminology with the difficulty to give its definition, but they still mutually " ⑴The business language is the human language used in the commercial situations, thus, it similarly has these One important characteristic of international commercial English is clarity, namely in the written commerce correspondence and the contract or carrying on commercial negotiations and so on we should avoid using the ambiguous or interpretation languages to avoid inconvenient and misunderstanding in the commercial However, in the actual commercial intercommunications, the business language has its Fuzzy language Language fuzziness actually reflects many transition phenomena existed in the objective American philosopher Max Black said that, "The word fuzziness symbol is the limited scope which the word utilizes without clear " ⑵ In other words, word fuzziness displays that it has the application-enclosed area, but this region boundary is not Lakoff explains hedges as " words and expressions made things fuzzy " are the most common, the most typical fuzzy ⒀ As far as the substantiality concerned, the language itself is not quantification fuzzy set; it has the immateriality shape and the non-intuitionistic dim The fuzzy language uses in the certain linguistic environment and the situation, it may play the unique role, the fuzzy language information on the surface seems fuzzy, but it substantially and relatively accurately expresses the complex emotion, the spoken motive or the latent consciousness; it relatively objectively rigorously expresses some kind of observation, the viewpoint, the forecast or the theory, thus it implicitly expresses the real thought and the innermost world, or it provides the logical, correct and reliable Language fuzziness is different to the ambiguity (different meanings) or thickness of language, “ambiguity or ambivalence" refers to the language mark sequence of the identical form to express two or above different significances, the unconscious result produced in the language use process, it may be “Thickness” refers to something originally should be said clearly has not been said clearly, often refers to the negative results produced by improperly using of the language, a phenomenon which must be avoided as far as "Fuzzy" refers to a kind of indefiniteness, which the central meaning of words and expressions in the language is clear about, but the scope boundary of the words and expressions is indefinite ⑶ This indefiniteness or fuzziness usually cannot or needlessly be removed through the context; it was determined by the fuzziness of the objective thing itself and the indefiniteness of people knowing about the objective

你好,已经发送给你8篇英文论文,20来篇中文论文了,关于跨文化交际和中西文化差异的,查收下哈~ 希望对你有帮助!以后还需要检索论文的话可以再向我或者其他举手之劳队员提问哦,举手之劳助人为乐!——百度知道 举手之劳团队 队长:晓斌11蓝猫


孟子说:“民之为道也,有恒产者有恒心,无恒产者无恒心。苟无恒心,放辟邪侈,无不为已。及陷乎罪,然后从而刑之,是罔民也。焉有仁人在位罔民而可为也?是故贤君必恭俭礼下,取于民有制。(《滕文公上》)”那么,究竟如何做到“取于民有制”呢?孟子接着阐述说:“是故明君制民之产,必使仰足以事父母,俯足以畜妻子,乐岁终身饱,凶年免于死亡,然后趋而之善,故民之从之也轻。今也制民之产,仰不足以事父母,俯不足以畜妻子,乐岁终身苦,凶年不免于死亡。此惟救死而不赡,奚暇治礼义哉?(《梁惠王上》)”据此可知,按照孟子这段“制民之产”的发挥,在道德与经济的关系问题上,孟子似乎秉持着一种经济决定论的立场,即经济决定着道德。具体来说,老百姓只有先在经济上解决了上事父母,下畜妻子,“乐岁终身饱,凶年不免于死亡”等一系列最起码的生活保障,然后才能做到“趋而之善”以接受“礼义”道德教化。此即孟子所言的“有恒产者有恒心,无恒产者无恒心”之类的“民之为道也”。 在先秦时代,类似这种“有恒产者有恒心”的“制民之产”说,并非孟子独唱的一家之言,例如作为法家代表人物的管子曾说:“仓廪实则知礼节,衣食足则知荣辱”(《管子·牧民》),其说与孟子亦有异曲同工之妙。还有,单就儒家思想内部而论,孟子“制民之产”理论也是沿袭了孔子关于施政次第的“富而教之”说。如《论语·子路》篇说:“子适卫,冉有仆。子曰:‘庶已哉!’冉有曰:‘既庶矣,又何加焉?’曰:‘富之。’曰:‘既富矣,又何加焉?’曰:‘教之。’” 然而,无论是孔子的“富而教之”,还是孟子的“有恒产者有恒心”的“制民之产”,其理论背后都不是一种片面的经济决定论所能彻底解释的。这是因为,孟子同样还有“无恒产而有恒心者,惟士为能”(《梁惠王上》)的论调。在《孟子》一书开篇,梁惠王问“何以利吾国”时,孟子立即回应说“王何必日利,亦有仁义而已矣”(《梁惠王上》)。由此可知,孟子又并非仅是一个道德上的经济决定论者。其实,像孟子这样看待经济与道德的关系,也是先秦时较为流行的看法,如前述先秦法家的管子在经济与道德关系上,虽然有前述“仓廪实则知礼节,衣食足则知荣辱”之类注重经济的主张,但是,管子同样也说过“礼义廉耻,国之四维,四维不张,国乃灭亡”(《管子·牧民》)之类注重道德的论调。又如,儒家孔子尽管有前述“富而教之”的治国施政次第,但是,在《论语》中,孔子同样还有更多的诸如“君子义以为上”(《论语·阳货》)、“君子喻于义,小人喻于利”(《论语·里仁》)和“君子固穷,小人穷斯滥矣”(《论语·卫灵公》)之类注重道德节操的语录。 来源:改革与战略


永远的丰碑——孔子在遥远的东方,屹立着一位贤者,他就是孔子。他是一位历史的巨人,一位文化的巨人,一位思想的巨人。他的一言一行影响了世界2500年。 他是一位好学的学者。“三人行必有我师焉”,他的这一句古训感染了其后所有的学者。 自幼他便不耻下问,每事必问。为了丰富知识,他拜了各行各业的人为师,因此而精通礼仪、音乐、射箭、驾车、计算。他推崇“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”的学习态度,主张“温故而知新”的学习方法,感受“学而时习之”的快乐。教导弟子“知之为知之,不知为不知”,为后人所传颂。 他是一位优秀的教育家。他的“有教无类”一改过去的教育方式,先后培养出3000多弟子,其中优秀的有72人。他提倡因材施教,主张教学相长,为后之教育界流传。 他是一位提倡“仁”的政治家。仁者爱人。“事其大夫之贤者,友其士之仁者”。他一方面要求统治者相互团结,另一方面要求统治者爱惜百姓。当他听说百姓宁愿被虎吃也不愿意被统治者剥削时,发出了“苛政猛于虎”的感慨。 他是一位“贤”的思想家。“知之者不如好之者,好知者不如乐之者”,“智者乐水,仁者乐山,知者动,仁者静。知者乐,仁者寿”,“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜”,“岁寒然后知松柏之后凋也”……他一句句富有哲理的话影响了一代又一代人。他的另一项贡献就是整理编订了《尚书》《诗经》《礼仪》《乐经》《周易》,后称五经。他还根据鲁国历史编成《春秋》一书,成为第一部编年体史书。他的言论被弟子编进《论语》,千古传诵。他开创了儒家文化,影响了其后封建社会的发展。 他是一座历史的丰碑,永远屹立在中华大地、世界东方。

见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也孔子说:“看见贤人就想和他们看齐,看见不是贤人的人就在内心自己反省。”这句话看起来简简单单,再怎么看也就那么一句话,然而,深入一想,如今的我们有谁能做到像孔子说的那样?我想大概是少之又少吧!但是,“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也”的这种精神是我们每个人都应该有的。 开朗的人必然会比内向的人朋友多,人缘好,设想一下,如果一个内向的人羡慕那些外向开朗的人缘,如果他一天只会在那想:“哎,如果我是他那该多好,那么我就不会再孤独,再寂寞,如果我是他……”如果他不去想办法使自己变开朗,变得人缘好,那么,他一切一切的“如果”就会永远的是“如果”,不会去实现,他也永远不会变得人缘好;成绩好的人,必然得不到老师们的赞赏,同学们的夸奖,如果一个成绩不太好的人梦想自己的成绩变好,得到老师赞赏,同学夸奖,可如果他一天不去努力使自己提高,成绩出类拔萃,只会在那空想的话,那他的梦想就怎么也不会变成现实,他终究是那个成绩不好的人,得到老师的赞赏,同学的夸奖终究只是梦,只是幻影;富人必然会有很多穷人没有的权力,如果一个穷人想拥有富人那样的权力却只会坐在那乞求上帝,不去想怎样才能让自己成为富人,让自己拥有富人那样的权力的话,他就只能坐在地上乞求富人施舍钱财。如果人们没有“见贤思齐焉”的这种精神,那么穷人还是穷人,成绩差的人还是成绩差的人,内向的人还是内向的人,不会有所改变。有些人看到一些品德差的人就只会在一旁指指点点,可你们有没有想过,你身上也正有这样令人讨厌的品格,别人同样的讨厌你,因此,我们应有“见不贤而自省也”的这种精神。 我们应做到见贤思齐焉,见不贤而自省!



以史为镜。我不得不承认学习和熟练掌握英文的重要性和必要性。读大学懒散如和尚,愤青于英文教授的课太烦胃,从进大学的第二期开始,几乎逢E必翘(一期还是乖乖生,课还不敢翘)。四级考试不是忘记参考,就是交白卷。终于在大三的二学期面临拿学位的压力下,幸运过关。阿弥陀佛,当时心想,这辈子不用在受背单词语法的苦。毫无疑问,我是大学中众多视六级如粪土的同志中的中坚力量。不过,别人是E文太好,不屑于这类考试;我是E文太烂,过不了才不得不鄙视。毕业工作了,内资事务所用E文的机会简直如同大海里看见老虎--没可能。即使偶尔使用E文,也是仅限于shit、kill等不能登大堂之雅之词。……接着,在一家披外资之名,行内资之实的国有外资集团做,开始要向香港总部报一些英文报表。不过,只是小菜菜的那种。连同和香港同事沟通,都用普通话,不是香港话,更不是英文,如此衍生出一个严重的后果,直接导致我还是粤语盲。(郁闷啊,E文不好,粤语不会,就连家乡话也是吞吞吐吐)慢慢的接到猎头的电话,外资的,四大的什么,都考虑自己E文薄,主动放弃。那时侯很会自我安慰:不去外资,职业天花板太低,你永远做不了财务高层,甚至财务总监的。目前,在国内一集团,虽然也有子公司海外上市,虽然也会与外资银行打交道,但是E文仍然停滞不前。也没有把E文的重要性摆在革命的高度,依然得过且过。好景不长。毕竟,不学E文的日子于我是欢乐的,而欢乐都是短暂的,短暂的欢乐过后,带来的是更多的痛苦。今年,持续接到猎头的电话:外资亚太区高级主管 直接汇报:国外经理 年薪**万外资金融集团高级经理 直接汇报:国外财务老总 年薪**万(几年后足够买车买房的薪水)看着这些职位,我只有咽着口水往肚里吞的份,直接向鬼佬汇报,我那可怜的E文,让我自卑的不敢面对试一试的机会,每次委婉并虚伪的拒绝:对不起,我对目前的工作很满意也很开心,暂时没有考虑过换环境。其实,看着房子和车子离我渐行渐远,我的心在滴血。天气热的南方,心象寒冷冬天。再也没有勇气重复:不学E文,不去外资。同时,海龟同事一直鼓励我去国外读MBA,并愿意给我写推荐信,然后给我描绘一幅非常美妙的海市蜃楼,让我跃跃欲试。可是E文却在一个黑暗的角落里嘲笑我、鞭打我。第三点,我不能流利的看关于吸血鬼的英文原著书籍。木有办法。人不可能脱离大环境。中国目前属于发展中国家,没有NB到鬼佬都来学中文。国情如此,我等小辈,只有顺势而行从头再来学英文。以上血的教训,望各位学弟学妹谨记之:可以不考cpa,可以专业得过且过,但千万不能不学英文。话不多说,我得去背新概念了。

给我汉字 Funds are the lifeblood of our ability to operate normally, while the fund management has become the core content of corporate Finance and Accounting is exclusively through certain technical means and methods of accounting for funds, and specifically for corporate governance, decision-making accounting information in a As we all know, with the continuous development of the economy, financial accounting in the management, decision-making in an increasingly important Accordingly, the financial accounting of quality, a direct impact on the managers, operators, investors and the public interest, but also affect the company's economic, social image and social credibility, and therefore the process of socio-economic operations irreplaceable  Enterprise Management is designed to achieve maximum benefits in the enterprise, that is a great honor to bring to the enterprise, and the various enterprises will realize the healthy and sustainable Business operations and financial condition is through the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and The accounting department directly through the corporate accounting, business conditions and results for effective financial analysis, not only to promote enterprise managers can quickly understand how much of the current corporate profits and the level of debt capacity, but also can be found Enterprise The size of the risks, pros and cons of corporate capital structure, so that the operators use many aspects of the enterprise to make the right decisions, with minimal risk, the most healthy financial position to achieve the maximum profit the At the same time, you can also find some essential issues, in order to improve management to provide the basis of some relevant

什么是会计?会计是一种商业语言,它反映的一定是当前经济的现实内容,现实的经济业务事项如何真实展示和说明才是会计的重要问题,有观点认为:“会计是以货币为主要计量单位,以凭证为依据,采用专门的技术方法,对一定主体的经济活动进行全面,综合,连续,系统的核算与监督,并定期向有关方面提供会计信息的一种经济管理活动。” 如果我们将它更简单的称述出来,它就是:“会计是一种经济管理活动”,更简洁一点则:“会计是活动”它有统一性,确定性,强制性。综上所述,会计不仅仅是一种活动,也是一种制度。要学好会计,就要掌握科学的学习方法是学好这门课程的关键所在:一.掌握会计的基本概念,基本理论。基本方法,基本技能。 二.注意好三个联系:注意各项经济业务之间的联系注意各帐户之间的联系,注意会计核算方法之间的联系:三、处理三个关系 处理好全面与重点的关系 处理好理解与记忆的关系 处理好自学与面授的关系会计的未来是什么?对我而言,会计的未来就是今天的努力。我不会预测未来的结果如何,但我必须在今天就要努力,未来的工作环境会不断变化,就业环境也会越来越严峻,竞争必然有上进与淘汰,会计这个岗位需要与时俱进的人才,落后就会被淘汰我的妈妈是一位老会计了、她曾跟我说:“不按照法规制度办事的会计,不是合格的会计;只按法规制度办事的会计,不是称职的会计;维护企业的利益,实质重于形式;执行法规制度,形式重于实质;处理一切繁杂的事情的最好方法就是抓住本质,化繁为简”。这就是我们会计的工作环境,难与易只是一步之遥,看我们如何去做了。经过半个学期的学习,我对会计的认识又进了一步,就拿财务报表来说: 财务报表亦称对外会计报表,是会计主体对外提供的反映会计主体财务状况和经营的会计报表, 财务报表主要是反映企业一定期间的经营成果和财务状况变动,对财务报表可以从六个方面来看,以发现问题或作出判断。一看利润表,对比今年收入与去年收入的增长是否在合理的范围内。二看企业的坏账准备。三看长期投资是否正常。四看其他应收款是否清晰。五看是否有关联交易,六看现金流量表是否能正常地反映资金的流向,注意今后现金注入和流出的原因和事项。What is an accounting? accounting is a business language, it must be reflected by the current economic reality content business, the reality of economic issues how to display and description is true about important issues, there are views “ accounting is in money as the main unit of measure to voucher on the basis of special techniques, a principal economic activities for a comprehensive, integrated, continuous, checking and supervision, and regularly to provide accounting information in an economic and administrative ”If we put it out with a simpler name called, it is: “ accounting is an economic management activities ”, a little clearer: ” “ accounting is active, it has a unity, All things considered, the accounting is more than a To learn accounting, you have to master the science of learning is to learn the key to this course: to grasp the basic concepts of accounting, the basic The basic method, basic Note three contact: to note that various economic links between the to note that the links between the accounts, pay attention to accounting methods between contact:III handling three to deal with the relationship between the full and focal to deal with a good understanding and to deal with the relationship between the self-study and face to faceWhat is the future of accounting? as I'm concerned, the accounting future is today's hard I'm not going to predict the future, but I have to work hard in today's working environment in the future will continue to change, and the employment situation will also be aggravating, and upward mobility and competition is bound to be eliminated and accounting this post and talents who are falling behind isMy mother is an old accounting, she once told me: “ not in accordance with the accounting rules and regulations, is not a qualified accountant; just press the accounting rules and regulations, is not a qualified accountant; protection of interests of substance over form; enforcement system in the form of the substance is more important than; to deal with all complicated things the best way to capture the essence, simplify ” This is our accounting working environment with easy-to-just a short walk away, look at our how to do Now that half a semester of study, my understanding of accounting and one step further and take it to the financial statements:Financial statements also called external financial statements, is transactions'effect for banjiachi transactions'effect financial position and operating in the financial statements,The financial statements reflect company period operating results and financial position of the change in the financial statements are available from six ways to discover problems or A look at the income statement of income and this year, compared to last year revenue growth falls within a reasonable The second of Three long-term investment is Four look at other students'payment is Five for any related party transactions,Six at the cash flow statement is to reflect the movement of funds, cash injection and look for the causes and
