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百度文库里有历年 阿拉伯语研究生和博士生的论文题目你可以参考一下,不要再写类似的了,


世界历史上先后有五大文化圈,即:希腊(罗马)文化圈,希伯来(基督教)文化圈,汉(儒家)文化圈,印度(佛教)文化圈,伊斯兰(阿拉伯)文化圈①。其中,希腊文化和希伯来文化的融合,成为现代西方文化之根,儒家文化一直是中国文化之源。在中国数千年的历史发展长河中,中国的文化又深受道教和佛教的影响,可以说,古老的中华文化是儒、释、道三者的结合体。  中国的广告伴随着中国的文化而生,伴随着中国文化的成长而不断发展壮大,广告自古就与文化结下了不解之缘。从早期的富含文化韵味的广告楹联到现代的以亲情和爱情为创意主体的各类广告无不打上鲜明的文化烙印。希腊文化和基督教文化自古就有个人英雄主义情结,崇尚自由的生活方式,在这种文化的土壤中孕育的西方广告必然和儒教文化下生成的中国广告有本质的区别。n the history of the world has had five big cultural ring, namely: Greece (roma) cultural ring, Hebrew (Christian) cultural ring, han (Confucian) cultural ring, India (Buddhism) cultural ring, islamic (Arab) culture (1) Among them, the Greek culture and Hebrew the cultural integration, become the root of modern western culture, the Confucian culture has been the source of the Chinese In China for thousands of years the historical development of the long river, China's culture and the influence of Taoism and Buddhism by, say, the ancient Chinese culture of Confucianism, Buddhism, and the word is the combination of the China's advertising with Chinese culture and health, along with the growth of the Chinese culture and the constant development and expansion, advertising since ancient times and culture has the indissoluble From the early rich in cultural charm advertising couplets to modern with affection and love for originality of the main body of the kinds of advertising is a distinct cultural Greek culture and Christian culture has a personal heroism complex, advocate free way of life, in this culture in the soil of the western advertising inevitable conceived and Confucianism culture of the generation of China under advertising has essential

The history of the world, there have been five cultural circle, namely: Greece (Rome), culture circle, Hebrew (Christian) cultural circle, Chinese (Confucian) cultural circle, India (Buddhism), culture circle, Islamic (Arab) ① cultural Development over thousands of years of history in China, Chinese culture by the Taoist and Buddhist influence, can be said that the ancient Chinese culture is a combination of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in Advertising in China along with the Chinese culture and health, that has grown with the growth of the Chinese culture, ad threw himself into with culture since ancient Early cultural flavor-rich advertising from couplets to modern times with affection and love for creativity on the subjects of all kinds of ads are all distinct cultural Greece culture and Christian culture since ancient times, there are individual heroism complex, advocating free lifestyle, in which soil inoculation of the culture of the West of advertising and Confucian culture difference between China's advertising is

1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。  主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。


Egyptian pyramid introduction The king of the method always ancient Egypt, the pyramid is the method old emperor's The method is old why want to construct pyramid?The huge pyramid sets up how of?Someone says the pyramid is what Alien builds out, fact how actually? The pyramid is the emperor's mausoleum that the ancient Egyptian king builds for The pyramid of 吉札 of Egypt is praised for one of ancient seven greatest miracles in the At Egyptian all of the pyramids, the great majorities all are constructed in the third to the sixth dynasty in EThese have for more than 4000 years, the pyramid of history mainly distributes in the grounds, such as capital city Cairo and Nile upper stream west coast 吉萨 吉札 The left side of the pyramid belongs to card man to pull a king, the right side belongs to a database man king, neighborhood connect a ain building materials is limestone, part is Egypt discovers pyramid 80 totally, among them most a pyramid of grand view is set up in around 2600 BC of the pyramid of 吉札 , all set up to°from the How ancient Egyptian is axe piece of stone 雕 薹 to engrave and carve emperor's mausoleum, the letter way of the emperor's mausoleum inner part and the layout of the 陵 room just like the maze built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at giza, in the egyptian desert remain the most colossal1 buildings ever the pyramids were built by egyptians under the orders of the egyptian leader, whose title was there was a sequence of pharaohs culminating3 around 2615 , with the pharaoh cheops who built the biggest thing ever built, the great pyramid, also known as cheops built a pyramid 770 feet on one side and 481 feet how ancient builders managed to build these massive structures has never been fully answered but the effort clearly required brains and was there engineering genius involved? yes, there for example, when you're putting the b lock right at the top, how are you going to lug5 a block of stone that weighs several tons 480 fee t up a structure? how are you going to do it, and how are you going to do it without leaving scratches6 on all the rest of the structure? and how many people does it take to drag a block weighing several tons 480 feet up into the sky? approximately, 3 million blocks of stone were cut, transported and assembled to create the great the pharaohs may have set out to build magnificent tombs for themselves, but in the end they created monuments to human there's a universal message in the the pyramids be long to egypt, but the pyramids also belong to the that's why we can all identify the pyramids as an early monument of human for being a man made wonder that has survived the sands of time1, the pyramids rise to the n umber two 矗立在埃及沙漠中吉萨的三座大金字塔建于4000年前,它们一直都是有史以来最宏大的建筑。 金字塔是埃及人在他们的领袖--名为法老--的命令下建造的。在公元前2615年左右,几任法老相继统治埃及,基奥普斯法老建造了有史以来最大的金字塔--大金字塔,也被称为胡夫金字塔。胡夫金字塔每边长770英尺,高481英尺。古代的建筑者是如何建造这些庞然大物的,这一直是个未解之谜,但很明显它需要付出大量的脑力和体力。 有工程天才的参与吗?是的,有。比如,当你要把一个石块放在顶端时,你该如何把一个几吨重的石块提升到480英尺的高度呢?应该怎样做?怎么做才不至于在塔身留下刮痕?把几吨重的石块提举到480英尺的高处又需要多少人力呢?为了建造大金字塔,人们切割、运输、垒砌了大约230万块石头。 法老们的初衷是为自己建造豪华的陵墓,而最终他们创建的却是昭示人类潜能的纪念碑。金字塔蕴含着一种共同的信息,金字塔属于埃及,但它也属于世界。因此我们完全可以把金字塔作为展示人类伟大文明的早期纪念物。 由于历经岁月的沧桑,金字塔位列十大人工奇观排行榜第2名。法老是古埃及的国王,金字塔是法老的陵墓。法老为什么要建造金字塔呢?巨大的金字塔是怎样建成的呢?有人说金字塔是外星人造出来的,事实究竟怎样? 金字塔是古代埃及国王为自己修建的陵墓。埃及的吉札金字塔被誉为古代世界七大奇迹之一。在埃及的大小金字塔,绝大多数都建筑于埃及第三到第六王朝。这些有4000多年历史的金字塔主要分布在首都开罗及尼罗河上游西岸吉萨等地。吉札金字塔左边属于卡夫拉王,右边属于库夫王,附近连着一座狮身人面像.主要建材为石灰岩,部分为花岗岩。 埃及共发现金字塔八十座,其中最壮观的一座金字塔是在公元前2600年左右建成的吉札金字塔,全部都是由人工建成。古代埃及人如何把坎石块雕薹刻及砌成陵墓,陵墓内部的信道和陵室的布局宛如迷宫。

1、浅析不同文化背景下中美高等教育体制差异2、从清明节和万圣节的对比看中西方人的性格差异3、中美家庭教育的差异--以《士兵突击》和《阿甘正传》为例4、墓志铭中的中美价值观差异——以中美作家墓志铭为例5、跨文化视角下中美大学毕业典礼校长演讲的比较研究6、从重大突发事件的媒体报道看中美文化差异——以马航MH370坠机事件为例    7、基于双十一和网络星期一的中美网络购物节文化对比分析8、中美旅行网站的功能对比——以去哪儿网与E为例9、中英教育督导制度比较研究——以BBC纪录片《中国老师在英国》为例10、从“互联网+”营销策略看中美文化差异——以滴滴出行和优步为例

百度文库里有历年 阿拉伯语研究生和博士生的论文题目你可以参考一下,不要再写类似的了,



数字的历史 公元500年前后,随着经济、文化以及佛教的兴起和发展,印度次大陆西北部的旁遮普地区的数学一直处于领先地位。天文学家阿叶彼海特在简化数字方面有了新的突破:他把数字记在一个个格子里,如果第一格里有一个符号,比如是一个代表1的圆点,那么第二格里的同样圆点就表示十,而第三格里的圆点就代表一百。这样,不仅是数字符号本身,而且是它们所在的位置次序也同样拥有了重要意义。以后,印度的学者又引出了作为零的符号。可以这么说,这些符号和表示方法是今天阿拉伯数字的老祖先了。 两百年后,团结在伊斯兰教下的阿拉伯人征服了周围的民族,建立了东起印度,西从非洲到西班牙的撒拉孙大帝国。后来,这个伊斯兰大帝国分裂成东、西两个国家。由于这两个国家的各代君王都奖励文化和艺术,所以两国的首都都非常繁荣,而其中特别繁华的是东都——巴格达,西来的希腊文化,东来的印度文化都汇集到这里来了。阿拉伯人将两种文化理解消化,从而创造了独特的阿拉伯文化。 大约700年前后,阿拉伯人征眼了旁遮普地区,他们吃惊地发现:被征服地区的数学比他们先进。用什么方法可以将这些先进的数学也搬到阿拉伯去呢? 771年,印度北部的数学家被抓到了阿拉伯的巴格达,被迫给当地人传授新的数学符号和体系,以及印度式的计算方法(即我们现在用的计算法)。由于印度数字和印度计数法既简单又方便,其优点远远超过了其他的计算法,阿拉伯的学者们很愿意学习这些先进知识,商人们也乐于采用这种方法去做生意。 后来,阿拉伯人把这种数字传入西班牙。公元10世纪,又由教皇热尔贝�6�1奥里亚克传到欧洲其他国家。公元1200年左右,欧洲的学者正式采用了这些符号和体系。至13世纪,在意大利比萨的数学家费婆拿契的倡导下,普通欧洲人也开始采用阿拉伯数字,15世纪时这种现象已相当普遍。那时的阿拉伯数字的形状与现代的阿拉伯数字尚不完全相同,只是比较接近而已,为使它们变成今天的1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、0的书写方式,又有许多数学家花费了不少心血。 阿拉伯数字起源于印度,但却是经由阿拉伯人传向四方的,这就是它们后来被称为阿拉伯数字的原因。



Saudi Arabia bans all idols, such as figures in handicraft, children's toys and Because idolatry runs counter to Islamic Customs inspection of entry and exit personnel is very Even women's perfume should be sniffed repeatedly, for fear of Don't take pictures of religious processes in Saudi A Don't take pictures of women, they may bring death to When exchanging goods, use your right hand or both Avoid using your left In Saudi Arabia, there are no alcohol, no movies, no Although there are cigarettes on the market, they can not smoke in public places, streets and host There is no habit of smoking in Saudi A沙特阿拉伯禁邮一切偶像,如工艺品中的人物雕像、儿童玩具娃娃等。因为崇拜偶像与伊斯兰教戒律背道而驰。海关对进出人员的物品检查很严,连妇女带的香水也要嗅之再三,唯恐是酒。不要在沙特拍摄宗教过程的照片。更不要给妇女拍照,可能会给你带来杀身之祸。交换物品时,用右手或用双手,忌用左手。在沙特,无酒、无电影、无夜总会,市面虽有香烟出售,但不能在公共场合、街上及主人宴会上抽烟,当地更没有抽烟的习惯。


A Comparative Study on Privacy (私人权) and Yinsi(隐私) A Study on the differences between Western friendship and Chinese Compare the Western individualistic culture with the Chinese Collectivist Compare the Chinese Martial Artists and the Western K A Study on the Impact of power psychological factors to intercultural Compare the differences of gift-giving and gift-receiving in Western culture and Chinese Please explore the deep cultural A comparative study on some culture-loaded words / some color words between Chinese and American E Compare some typical nonverbal behavior between Chinese and Western Compare different negotiation styles among Chinese, American, German, French A comparative study on the Oriental cultural thought pattern and Occidental thought A study on gender differences in Cross-gender A comparative study on Western painting/architecture and Chinese painting/ A Comparative study on Western clothes and Chinese A Comparative study on school education in America and C A comparative study on family education in America and C A comparative study on freedom concept in America and C A comparative study on wedding customs among different A comparative study on Western advertising A comparative study on food A comparative study on wine A comparative study on journalism in America and C
