

发布时间:2024-07-13 01:00:54


1Oil painting dates back for centuries and is an incredibly far-reaching artistic The earliest discovery of its usage goes as far back as the fifth century AD to the Bamian Valley of Afghanistan, where Indian and Chinese artists created hundreds of paintings in the nexus of caves 2Oil painting (an oil painting, a painting in oils) is with quick dry vegetable oil, linseed oil, poppy seed oil, walnut oil, ) and paint, the canvas linen, cardboard or wood to make a Used in paint thinner for volatile oil of turpentine and dry linseed oil Picture attached pigment has strong hardness, when the picture after drying, can maintain long With paint covering power and transparent performance is fully describe objects, color is rich, stereo sense is Oil painting is one of the main type in western

"I have a great many hobbies, but my favourite is I attend a painting class introduced by a classmate I have painted oil paintings, sketches, literary sketches, I really like drawing Although not drawing ,I like drawing very With my classmates,I have got into plant house for painting those Would you like painting?"

My university live我的大学生活 When I went to the art university,I was very I can draw my picture almost I am an easy going guy,have had more friends,enjoy life,sometimes go to shopping,love foods,always Special to have a talk my draw the 当我在艺术大学的时候,我是一个开心的家伙。我能够在多数的岁月里画画。我是一个容易沟通的人,有很多的朋友,享受生活,有时候去购物,热爱美食,总是喜欢吃。特别要说说我在大学里一直从事的画画。 I was draw the sketch,not basic sketch,I was draw have some difficult plaster statue,I have had many imaging for art,one day when did a dream,I will drew down our I also study some design and water colour and oil Sometimes I have a little different of wearing some clothes, looks very fashion,some people looks very personal independence of conduct,because of art,I was wear looks totally different of I am passionate for our art,I will do some art try our best,I love art and Almost of time,I also like music,about surround of the art's topic when will very 我画素描,不是基础的那种素描,我画一些有一点难度的石膏头像,我对艺术有许多的想法, 某一天,当我做了一个梦的时候,我将会把我的梦给画下来。我也学习一些设计和水彩,油画。有时候,我的穿着看上去在人潮中总归有一些不同,看上去非常的时尚,我们中也有一些人看上去非常的特立独行,因为艺术,我的穿着看上去基本上都是 和别人不同的。(甚至,我们中,还有一些人擅长与自己制作服装。)我激情饱满的享受对艺术的创作,我将会尽我最大努力创造出我认为是不一样对艺术的诠释,我热爱艺术和生活。大多数时间,我也喜欢音乐,关于围绕着艺术的话题我们将会乐此不疲。 The university live give me more happy,because of art,I can draw the picture,and read some about art books,I can image everything for my I also think about I was so lucky can go to the art I like it very 大学生活给我带来更多的快乐,因为艺术,我能够画画,并且读一些关于艺术的书籍,我可以想象诠释我对于艺术的理解,我也觉得,我是那么的幸运能进入艺术大学。我非常喜欢能够创作艺术的感觉(那种滋味美妙极了。)




1Oil painting dates back for centuries and is an incredibly far-reaching artistic The earliest discovery of its usage goes as far back as the fifth century AD to the Bamian Valley of Afghanistan, where Indian and Chinese artists created hundreds of paintings in the nexus of caves 2Oil painting (an oil painting, a painting in oils) is with quick dry vegetable oil, linseed oil, poppy seed oil, walnut oil, ) and paint, the canvas linen, cardboard or wood to make a Used in paint thinner for volatile oil of turpentine and dry linseed oil Picture attached pigment has strong hardness, when the picture after drying, can maintain long With paint covering power and transparent performance is fully describe objects, color is rich, stereo sense is Oil painting is one of the main type in western

Luo Zhongli "father" 216x 152 cm oil painting 1980 Luo Zhongli (1948 -) in 1978 was admitted to the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts "Father," a painting won the "China Youth Art Exhibition," the first prize, which has a tragic, shocking images, showing a farmer living in poverty in the image; farmer cracking of lips, face wrinkles, as well as the hands of shoddy work bowl, and so realistic depiction of the viewer and works to eliminate the gap between the painter to come to the traditional culture and national


那要看你对哪类油画感兴趣了啊,还有要跟你的毕业创作联系在一起最好题目最好是结合你最感兴趣的流派或大师和你自己或当代生活可以有两个标题比如说<变化的旅程-----浅谈毕加索的艺术> <美丽的幻像----论欧普艺术与当代生活>这样几个关键词就都可以表达你论文的内容了或者最好的是和你自己的创作紧密联系的比如你的创作是以技法为噱头,那么就论个技法创新什么的以精神指向为噱头的话就搞个哲一点的名字,或者像散文一样的,都可以根据你自己的情况吧

My favorite season is Spring is often Fall is usually Winter is too So I like In summer, I can go swimming and eat ice- Ice-cream is my favorite There is a long holiday in summer, I can take a long I can play with my Do you like summer? I think 我最喜欢的季节是夏天。春天经常下雨。秋天通常是风。冬天太冷了。所以我喜欢夏天。在夏天,我可以去游泳和吃冰淇淋。冰淇淋是我最喜欢的食物。夏天也有很长的假期。我可以长途旅行。我可以和我的朋友一起玩。你喜欢夏天吗?我想是的。

Reflections on the art of oil painting Abstract: creative art is a complex mental activities and production activities, is a realistic painter living in the minds of the product of The Sound of Music Arts beauty is a high degree of unity, it is all art must be consciously setting Every artist should be showing his work in the United States he was a unique experience and Ugly reality of the United States and the reality are a source of artistic Content is often seen as something only to the performance art form of its own real, and are usually things that only the form, it constitutes the real content of a work of Art techniques by means of image and convey the feelings of thinking of the author, as well as the carrier of the aesthetic Keywords: artistic creation, artistic beauty, the reality the United States, ugly reality, contents

My favorite season is Spring is often Fall is usually Winter is too So I like In summer, I can go swimming and eat ice- Ice-cream is my favorite There is a long holiday in summer, I can take a long I can play with my Do you like summer? I think


这幅祭坛画最初是圣马利亚·德拉·瓦里契拉教堂的订件。描绘的是基督被钉死十字架后,由约翰、尼哥底母、圣马利亚与基督的两个女信徒给他下葬的悲剧场景:微弱的光线只照亮岩洞的一块大石板。在一片昏黑的背景前,约翰与尼歌底母慢慢地把耶稣赤裸的尸体放入墓中。 背后站着耶稣的母亲马利亚与两个女信徒。耶稣的尸体被光线照得透亮。整个场面俨然一个阵亡英雄或战士的下葬情景。耶稣的躯体画得强壮结实,脸上也显出刚毅的意志力,一张留短黑须的脸十分安祥,气氛肃穆,悲怆而庄严。 画家运用准确的解剖技巧表现了肌肉发达的尸体,唯有耶稣垂落的一只手提示他已没有生命。但这只下垂的手与被抬起的双腿,在画面上构成平衡的光感。 尼哥底母在这里是卡拉瓦乔重点刻画的形象。传说他是法利赛人,曾于夜间见过耶稣,和耶稣谈论过人可否重生的问题。耶稣被钉死后,他前来帮助埋葬。画家把他描绘成一个上了年纪的农民形象。并把他画在前景主要位置,尤其展示了他的一双赤裸的大脚。为了加强整个形象的稳定性,这两只脚在前景上起着平衡作用。 在这里,除前景上耶稣尸体与尼哥底母的生动形象外,后面三个妇女形象也处理得很有节奏,尤其是双手高举、脸上表现了悲痛欲绝的心情的抹大拉,她给画面增强了悲剧性。她哭肿了双眼,嘴唇半张,似在呼天抢地。圣母包着头巾,脸容消瘦,她从约翰的肩后伸出一 只右手。这只手被光照射着,因而使分布在右边的受光部分取得均衡。同时这只掌心向下的手又起着对这幕下葬悲剧的指挥作用。 中间一个马利亚形象画得很美。她显得楚楚动人,娇弱可爱。她是拉撒路的姐妹。 一个质朴的农家姑娘。她正低着头,沉浸在悲痛之中,右手用手帕紧擦着眼泪。梳着中间分缝的 并在脑后盘上小辫的发式,更使人感到这个形象的写实性质。所有人物,除了约翰的脸部沉 入半阴影中外,都有清晰的受光部位。画家的典型构思是作了一番精心考虑的。 在色彩上,衣服的红、蓝与皮肤的苍白也形成了一种鲜明的色调对比。这使英雄下葬的 悲怆气氛,与四周的黑暗构成了强烈的冲突。当这幅画公展时,不仅使卡拉瓦乔的崇拜者心悦诚服,连他的宿敌也不得不承认画家的高度艺术修养。此画现藏罗马梵蒂冈绘画馆。 背景说明:卡拉瓦乔的创作进入成熟阶段后,他的画上的明暗对比表现得更强烈了。往往背景的空间都陷入阴暗或看不透的黑暗中,人物形象不是部分被吞没,只露出某部位,就是完全暴露于光照中,黑暗用棕色和深褐色来表现。这种手法被称谓“黑暗法”(意大利语为tenbroso) 或者叫做“酒窖光线绘画法”。他的《召唤使徒马太》一画便是这样表现的。1601-1604年间,卡拉瓦乔完成了这一幅最著名的祭坛画《基督下葬》。

Chinese ancestors,

"I have a great many hobbies, but my favourite is I attend a painting class introduced by a classmate I have painted oil paintings, sketches, literary sketches, I really like drawing Although not drawing ,I like drawing very With my classmates,I have got into plant house for painting those Would you like painting?"

The art of thinking about paintingAbstract: the creation of works of art is a kind of complicated mental activities and production activities in the painter, is the real life of the mind Beauty is truth, and it is a high degree of unity of all art must Each artist should be in the works to show his unique beauty feeling and the Real beauty and ugliness reality is the source of art Usually regarded as content, just to show their true art form, but usually only the form, constitute a piece of art of real Art works by means of the image and techniques and convey feelings of aesthetic ideal Keywords: art creation,Art Beauty,Beauty,Ugly,Content




单独写某一位画家吧 或者某一个画派

评圭多•雷尼的《黎明》圭多•雷尼(1575-1642年)是博洛尼亚画家,他最初生活在博洛尼亚的佛兰德斯画家卡尔外特的学园,跟一位培养了一批优秀的博洛尼亚画家的老师学艺。接着,他又是在当地另一所学园,也就是17世纪意大利最著名的卡拉齐学园,跟卡拉齐兄弟学到了一手精湛的素描和构图本领,这对他的画风产生了明显的影响。另外,到古代美术和文艺复兴美术的中心罗马参观,也对他有很大影响,特别是盛期文艺复兴大师拉斐尔的艺术,更是令他神往。17世纪的意大利画坛,有好几股潮流,其中之一就是古典的潮流,雷尼可以说是这股潮流的中坚力量。雷尼的风格,以甜美优雅著称,从《黎明》不难感受到他的这种特点。《黎明》是雷尼在罗马画的一幅天顶壁画。熟悉意大利绘画的人都知道,意大利是壁画之乡,罗马更是壁画的陈列馆,处处有大师的精品;而雷尼崇拜的拉斐尔最美的壁画也在这里,或许他画《黎明》时,心目中始终闪动着这位古典大师的形象。像拉斐尔的《巴尔纳斯山》一样,《黎明》是从希腊罗马神话获得启示的,这类题材是当时极为盛行的画题,古典倾向的画家更加离不开它。这幅作品是在红衣主教贝佳斯的委托下创作的,这幅作品《黎明》描绘的是曙光女神阿斯塔特、月神塞莱内和太阳神阿波罗,通过古典艺术对这些神的兄弟姐妹进行了描画,这幅作品是圭多•雷尼来到罗马两次脆古典艺术的研究的成果,很明确的表明了圭多•雷尼对古典艺术的追求,对纯粹的爱和美的追求。 横长的画面,由一条从左向右移动飘升的动态曲线确定着构图。飞在最前方的女性形象,是罗马神话中的黎明女神奥罗拉(这幅画的原名就是《奥罗拉》),她是由希腊神话中的黎明女神厄俄斯转化来的。她的前方,仍是昏暗的世界,她的后方,则是一派壮丽的曙光。从她回顾的眼神和脚的指向,自然地跟中央的一组奔马联系起来,而顺着马缰绳,立即会发现驾车的太阳神阿波罗。于是一切都清清楚楚了,原来画家要表现的是黎明时分,太阳升起,黑暗正在消退,光明将降临大地。 在表现这个景象时,雷尼选用了富于视觉感染力的节奏和色调。黎明女神、马匹、太阳神及牵手前行的少女,共同构成了向前迅速推进的动势,而这些形象又全都笼罩在橘红的暖色调中,几乎完全挤掉了右边那一点点暗色。象征和寓意的处理,美妙地实现了画的主题。 画面上,那组飘然行进的少女,称得上是雷尼笔下最优美的形象。理想的造型、流畅的线条、精心的组合,一切都显得那么自然、那么和谐、那么均衡,确是纯粹的古典风范。难怪在推崇古典美术的时代,很多艺评家认为他是仅次于拉斐尔的大师,温克尔曼把他与希腊完美的雕刻家普拉克西特利斯相提并论,雷诺兹认为他的美的观念优于任何一位画家,“神圣的圭多”成了他的称号。当然,这些早已过去,没人再顶礼膜拜他,可他的优秀作品仍然值得观者驻足。同时也可以知道,圭多雷尼在很大程度上是受到了拉斐尔的影响,在这个波伦亚派的巨匠的杰作的基础上,人们把圭多雷尼的古典主义作品与拉斐尔的古典主义作品一同称赞了,认为两人在画面上展示出了演剧性,都表现的恰到好处,绘画中圭多雷尼加入了丰富的色彩,展现了他独特的审美观,很大的程度上触动了之后的波伦亚派的画家古鲁西诺,后来画家古鲁西诺也描绘了与圭多雷尼这幅作品《黎明》相同的主题。
