

发布时间:2024-07-07 02:40:09


How Manual Transmissions Work by Marshall Brain ­If you drive a stick-shift car, then you may have several questions floating in your ­How does the funny "H" pattern that I am moving this shift knob through have any relation to the gears inside the transmission? What is moving inside the transmission when I move the shifter? When I mess up and hear that horrible grinding sound, what is actually grinding? What would happen if I were to accidentally shift into reverse while I am speeding down the freeway? Would the entire transmission explode? In this article, we'll answer all of these questions and more as we explore the interior of a manual Cars need transmissions because of the physics of the gasoline First, any engine has a redline -- a maximum rpm value above which the engine cannot go without Second, if you have read How Horsepower Works, then you know that engines have narrow rpm ranges where horsepower and torque are at their For example, an engine might produce its maximum horsepower at 5,500 The transmission allows the gear ratio between the engine and the drive wheels to change as the car speeds up and slows You shift gears so the engine can stay below the redline and near the rpm band of its best Photo courtesy DaimlerChrysler Mercedes-Benz Actros, manual See more transmission Ideally, the transmission would be so flexible in its ratios that the engine could always run at its single, best-performance rpm That is the idea behind the continuously variable transmission (CVT) A CVT has a nearly infinite range of gear In the past, CVTs could not compete with four-speed and five-speed transmissions in terms of cost, size and reliability, so you didn't see them in production These days, improvements in design have made CVTs more The Toyota Prius is a hybrid car that uses a CVT The transmission is connected to the engine through the The input shaft of the transmission therefore turns at the same rpm as the engine

Society into the information network era, the requirements of the vehicle no longer be satisfied with a means of transport, but also want to live and work car is an extension of the scope, in the car like in their own office and home work and At the same time, the growing automotive electronics and also the rapid development of automotive technology was considered in the development process of a revolution of automotive electronics is a measure of the degree is seen as an important level of Hyundai Motor With computer technology, communication technology, the rapid development of integrated circuit technology in order to figure represented Fieldbus field instrument, equipment, a large number of applications, red tape has been the scene of a single simple connection of fieldbus networks in place of, the quality of signal transmission also greatly improved, cars have begun to enter the Internet A In the last decade, the users of motor vehicles for the comfort, safety and environmental requirements such as performance In order to meet these ever-increasing demand for computer-controlled vehicle electrical and electronic equipment increased dramatically, making vehicles (especially cars) the design of the layout of electrical circuits has become increasingly In addition, a variety of automotive electrical and electronic connector of the ensuing surge in the number of motor vehicles traveling on the course because of the failure point connector automotive electrical and electronic equipment on the issue of failure to perform its functions more and more To address these problems, many new models (especially the high-end models) the beginning of the development of the wider use of computer network In this paper, computer network technology in the automotive application of the basic principles of network technology on the inside and outside the vehicle, the introduction of the internal network, introduced the characteristics of automotive and automotive standards for the internal network, focuses on the control of the main local area network CAN characteristics and their Vehicle performance in accordance with the role of the impact of division of motor vehicle electronic products can be summarized as two types: one is the automotive electronic control devices, including the engine, chassis and body electronic One is car-car electronic devices, including motor vehicle information systems, navigation systems, car audio and video entertainment systems, automotive communications systems, Internet


而由此联想到汽车在我们生活中的作用,不免心生感慨,它已经与我们的生活联系得是如此紧密、不可或缺,而它带来的到底是什么也许并没有细细思量。 汽车从发明到现在确实给我们的生活带来了不少的便利,应该说还是一个质的变化,而由此产生的汽车文化在中国的发展和西方又有所不同,在西方人看来,人是在所有机器之前的,所以要给予最大的重视,而自行车是出现在汽车之前的也应先行。所以在西方的马路上常常会看到这样的景象,如果在过路口时有自行车,汽车会慢行等它先通过,换了是行人和自行车争行时,要先让行人先通过,更不用提行人与汽车了,那是更要先让着行人的。可在我们中国,汽车仿佛是有钱有权的一种象征,却可以视这些在西方通用的规则而不顾,对行人自行车抢行不说,还不耐烦地按着喇叭,横冲直撞简直就是大爷,我们只学来了人家的技术和照搬人家的交通规则,却没有学来人家的汽车文化,而缺少了文化的东西总是缺失点什么的。如果说汽车只是做为一种代步的工具,我们拥有它是为了生活的便利和提高工作效率,那么是没错的,要是想着有了车把它开在大街上也超越那些在路上卖力骑行的人,傲慢地按着喇叭催促走在前方八百米的行人,那就有点虚荣的味道,真把它和成功与否联系在一起就不是什么光荣的事情。 而在我们国家,人口众多,资源虽不少可平摊到每个人身上就少得可怜,不管是土地还是能源的状况都不容乐观,汽油有很大一部分信赖进口,油价的涨跌牵动着每个有车族的心。虽说近年开发了新的能源,比如车用乙醇,似乎前景一片美好,但问题还是不能解决,现在用的是玉米为原料造乙醇,美国现如今严加限制玉米的出口来卡我们的脖子,而做为一个人口大国,玉米也是重要的粮食来源,必须得有一定的储备,所以现在也叫停了这项工程。这条路走不通,还是有其它的新能源,但目前都处在不成熟阶段,短期内不能得到解决。就说有朝一日解决了能源,那么我们的交通状况呢,大家所熟悉的北京的五条环路上的超大露天停车场,许多城市的交通拥堵,中国人的耐心又尤其的差,拥堵时到处是心浮气躁的人,总想自己先走反而欲速而不达,更是乱成一锅粥。没有良好的秩序和驾驶习惯,就算修再宽的马路也是枉然。法制的不健全也为汽车在中国的发展蒙上一层阴影,考到驾照却车技很差的“马路杀手”,是谁把驾照发给了这些人。还有前阵报道的更令人寒心的,故意把被自己撞倒的人二次碾压至死的事故,都透露出我们的法制在某些地方是不是出了差错,以至于流传着撞残不如撞死这样的说法。 此外还有汽车尾气的污染,排放的有害物质可谓大气污染的“元凶”。汽车尾气最主要的危害是形成光化学烟雾。其对健康的危害主要表现为刺激眼睛,引起红眼病;刺激鼻、咽喉、气管和肺部,引起慢性呼吸系统疾病。光化学烟雾能使树木枯死,农作物大量减产;能降低大气的能见度,妨碍交通。汽车尾气中的二氧化硫和悬浮颗粒物,会增加慢性呼吸道疾病的发病率,损害肺功能。二氧化硫在大气中含量过高时,会随降水形成“酸雨”。还会使得肺癌的人数明显增加。离公路越近,公路上汽车流量越大,肺癌死亡率越高。汽车尾气中的铅化合物可随呼吸进入血液,并迅速地蓄积到人体的骨骼和牙齿中,它们干扰血红素的合成、侵袭红细胞,引起贫血;损害神经系统,严重时损害脑细胞,引起脑损伤。当儿童血中铅浓度达6~8ppm时,会影响儿童的生长和智力发育,甚至出现痴呆症状。铅还能透过母体进入胎盘,危及胎儿。 不管是出于环境还是交通的考虑,本人认为,私人买车,不仅养车的费用很贵,维护也是件头痛的事。我们还是选择更加环保的出行方式,比如说骑车,虽说累点但可以锻炼身体;乘坐公车,大力发展和完善公交系统,节省能源和道路资源 ;和别人拼车即方便还可以在路上找个伴我们生活在这个地球上,自身也是生物的一部分,做为一个个人,能为环保做一份贡献也是应该的,就算是我们自已不方便些,多留些绿色给下一代。而且成功的方式也不只体现在有没有车,这都是表面上的东西,本人以为成功是为这个世界创造和留下了些什么,而不是你自己拥有了些什么。说了这么多,也许有人会说都象你这样那么中国的汽车工业就别发展了,但一项产业的发展不能建立在给环境造成破坏,给生活带来更大的不便上。我们拥有汽车是为了更方便,而不是成为它的奴隶,还要受它的危害,如果真是那样的话还不如不拥有它的为好。汽车与我们的生活可谓是密不可分的,怎样使它发挥更好的作用而减少危害,不是一朝一夕就可以解决的,而我们只要人人努力,总会把生活过得更好,而不在于是否拥有自己的私车,我们只有脚踏实地,把身边的事做好,过好我们的每一天,生活意义不仅仅在于成功与否,更在于快乐与否!


(Abstract) 也成为内容提要,通常在学士论文中都必须附有摘要,其位置应放在论文的正文之前,对整个论文内容的概述无论对专业读者还是对非专业读者而言,摘要都是一个非常重要的文件  摘要如果和论文一起发表,则被称为一次性出版物摘要,主要用于帮助读者评价文章内容及其潜在作用,使读者不必阅读全文就可以了解论文的内容除此之外,摘要也可以被单独收入文摘机构出版的摘要期刊如:生物学文摘(Biological Abstract)、化学文摘(Chemical Abstract)等、称为二次性出版物摘要此类脱离论文独立成篇的摘要主要用于方便读者检索文献、收集信息,帮助研究者寻找新的研究领域  一、 摘要的定义  摘要的英文术语:有两个词汇,一个是 abstract, 一个是 根据美国国家标准学会(American National Standard Institute)于1971年通过并颁布的《美国国家文摘写作标准》(American National Standard for Writing Abstracts)规定,Abstract 不应与 summary 混同  Abstract 对一篇论文的主要内容以精炼的文字进行高度概括,使读者不必阅读全文即可了解论文内容,或者让读者对即将阅读的文章有思想准备,或者让读者判断是否有通读全文的必要文中只对论文信息进行浓缩,而不加主观评论或解释,可以脱离原文而独立成篇字数通常在100~150个词左右,更确切地说,约为原文长度的1% ~ 5%(有的杂志规定摘要平均为全文的3% ~ 5%)现在越来越多的用法是   尤其是放在索引资料中一律要用 abstract 这个术语,在论文的题目下也通常要用这个词  Summary (概要) 与 abstract 无明显差别严格地说,summary 一般附在论文的后面,对论文的主要结论和成果进行再叙述其前提是读者已经通读过全文,通过 summary 来巩固论文的主要论点和成果在某些论文中,用 summary 取代正文中的 conclusion 部分 Summary 是论文的"缩影",可以概括论文的全部内容,只是在删繁就简上下功夫,字数长短不一,少则两三句话,多则500个单词甚至更长美国的一些高等学校规定,硕士论文提要(summary)以250词左右为宜,而博士论文题要以350词左右为宜国际会议论文的提要一般规定为300 ~ 500 词或 1000 个印刷符号  至于究竟要采用什么形式,要根据征稿而定  一般说来,国际学术会议论文及要求按 Summary 方式来写摘要,而正式出版发行的刊物要修不尽一致对于个别论文还见有前面为 Abstract, 结尾又有一个Summary , 这多半是由于文章过长,内容有多,后面的 Summary 相当于该文的缩写  二、 摘要的种类  摘要分为两类,一类是说明性摘要(Descriptive/ Indicative Abstract),一类是资料性(Informative Abstract)摘要   说明性摘要 (Descriptive / Indicative Abstract)  如同迈克尔艾利 (Michael Alley)所说,"一篇说明性摘要是段落形式的目录,使读者手中的一份简要地图"从这句话中可以清楚地了解说明性摘要的作用说明性摘要指向读者指出论文的主要议题是什么,不涉及具体的研究方法和结果,但无法给读者提供更多的详细信息它一般是用于综述性文章,也用于讨论、评论性文章,尤以介绍某学科近期发展动态的论文居多,常出现"… is studied"、 "…is discussed" 字样时态多用现在时或现在完成时其篇幅也较短,大多在100 ~ 150 字之间以下是一篇说明性摘要的样例  Ten widespread diseases that are hazards in isolated construction camps can be prevented by removing or destroying the breeding places of flies, mosquitoes and rats, and by killing their adult 由于说明性摘要仅限于陈述论文的主要论题且篇幅较小,主要用于评述性的论文   资料性摘要 (Informative Abstract)  资料性摘要的优点是比说明性摘要能提供多的多的信息,它应该尽量完整和准确地体现原文的具体内容,特别强调指出研究的方法和结果、结论等其篇幅较长,大多在150 ~250 字之间根据原文长度,也有多达500字的通常,这类的摘要反映了论文的基本面貌,能够代替阅读论文全文  Ten widespread diseases that are hazards in isolated construction camps can be prevented by removing or destroying the breeding places of flies, mosquitoes and rats, and by killing their adult The breeding of flies is controlled by proper disposal of decaying organic matter, and of mosquitoes by destroying or draining pools, or spraying them with For rats, only the indirect methods of rat-resistant houses and protected food supplies are Control of adult forms of both insects and rodens requires use of Screens are used for Minnows can be planted to eat mosquito   三、 如何写摘要   摘要的位置 摘要的位置是确定的,一般在作者工作单位的下方如:  Cultural Differences Between China and USA (标题)  Xu Ying (署名) Hunan University (Changsha, Hunan, 410082) (工作单位) Abstract: (摘要) Key words: (关键词)   写作要点  (1) 长度:有专家认为150 ~ 200 个词之间;文章长度的五分之一 有些刊物会规定摘要的篇幅不能超过一定的字数,如:在80 ~ 100 之间,在投稿前应查询 若刊物没有规定长度时,可以参阅已发表的文章长度参加国际会议的论文摘要有字数限制,一般要求200 ~ 500 个词之间,约1000个印刷符号(美国化学文献、医学文献的论文摘要规定在200个词以内)  (2) 不要重复论文中的句子  (3) 避免列举大堆数据  (4) 一般只是一个段落,不要将其分为数段  (5) 不要使用祈使句、感叹句、公式、表格等  (6) 完成论文后在写摘要  (7) 一般使用第三人称或被动语态  (8) 语言需简明扼要  下面请看一段论文摘要:  This paper deals with the English syllabus for graduate students in C The paper first reviews the history of the graduate English teaching, then discusses the shortcomings in the syllabus and finally proposes some suggestions for its   (本回答由学术堂整理提供)

The society entered the information network time, the people no longer satisfy to the automobile request one kind of riding instead of walking tool, hoped the automobile is the life and the operating region one kind extends, on automobile on elephant in own office and family same work and At the same time, the automobile computerization also day by day rapidly develops, was considered is in an automobile technological development advancement revolution, the automobile computerization degree is weighs by regarding as the modern automobile level the important But along with the computer technology, the communication technology, the integrated circuit technology rapid development, take the numeral field bus as representative's scene measuring appliance, the equipment massive applications, a tedious scene segment bed sheet succinct field bus network replaces, the signaling quality also greatly enhances, the automobile also starts to march into the network In the near ten years, the user regarding automobile comfortableness, the security as well as the environmental protection and so on each performance request enhances In order to meet the need which these increase day by day, on the automobile the computer controls the electronic electric appliance equipment sharp growth, causes the automobile (is specially passenger vehicle) designs the electric appliance line arrangement to be more and more In addition, because because on the automobile each kind of electronic electric appliance meets the point insertion quantity along with it sharp increase, in the automobile travel process meets the point insertion the breakdown to create on the automobile the electronic electric appliance equipment malfunction question to be more and more In order to solve the above problem, very many new vehicle types (are specially upscale vehicle type) in the development starts widely to apply the computer network This article introduced the computer network technology in the automobile the application basic principle, elaborated the networking in the automobile interior and exterior application situation, introduced the automobile interior network characteristic and the automobile interior network standard, with emphasis narrated the control confined network CAN principal characteristic and the According to the automobile driving quality function influence division, may the automobile electronic products induction be two kinds: One kind is the automobile electronic control, including engine, chassis, automobile body electronic One kind is the vehicle carries the automobile electronic installation, including the automobile information system, the guidance system, the automobile sound and the television entertainment system, the vehicle carries the communications system, the surfer equipment and so Keywords: automotive, computer networks, local area network control, network standards


Electricity as a secondary energy, is a kind of cannot store Electricity to become the indispensable industrial production power, and widely applied to production department and daily Electricity transmission without substation, power by pressor substation, transmission lines, step-down transformer substation, and then you can to Which substation take an extremely important The graduation design, the first is for the generation miller system, power system transient and steady state, relay protection and automation of electric power systems, power stations and the electric parts and related courses, to review deepened understanding of knowledge, the teachers and students of help adhere to completion of the


How Manual Transmissions Work by Marshall Brain ­If you drive a stick-shift car, then you may have several questions floating in your ­How does the funny "H" pattern that I am moving this shift knob through have any relation to the gears inside the transmission? What is moving inside the transmission when I move the shifter? When I mess up and hear that horrible grinding sound, what is actually grinding? What would happen if I were to accidentally shift into reverse while I am speeding down the freeway? Would the entire transmission explode? In this article, we'll answer all of these questions and more as we explore the interior of a manual Cars need transmissions because of the physics of the gasoline First, any engine has a redline -- a maximum rpm value above which the engine cannot go without Second, if you have read How Horsepower Works, then you know that engines have narrow rpm ranges where horsepower and torque are at their For example, an engine might produce its maximum horsepower at 5,500 The transmission allows the gear ratio between the engine and the drive wheels to change as the car speeds up and slows You shift gears so the engine can stay below the redline and near the rpm band of its best Photo courtesy DaimlerChrysler Mercedes-Benz Actros, manual See more transmission Ideally, the transmission would be so flexible in its ratios that the engine could always run at its single, best-performance rpm That is the idea behind the continuously variable transmission (CVT) A CVT has a nearly infinite range of gear In the past, CVTs could not compete with four-speed and five-speed transmissions in terms of cost, size and reliability, so you didn't see them in production These days, improvements in design have made CVTs more The Toyota Prius is a hybrid car that uses a CVT The transmission is connected to the engine through the The input shaft of the transmission therefore turns at the same rpm as the engine

The society entered the information network time, the people no longer satisfy to the automobile request one kind of riding instead of walking tool, hoped the automobile is the life and the operating region one kind extends, on automobile on elephant in own office and family same work and At the same time, the automobile computerization also day by day rapidly develops, was considered is in an automobile technological development advancement revolution, the automobile computerization degree is weighs by regarding as the modern automobile level the important But along with the computer technology, the communication technology, the integrated circuit technology rapid development, take the numeral field bus as representative's scene measuring appliance, the equipment massive applications, a tedious scene segment bed sheet succinct field bus network replaces, the signaling quality also greatly enhances, the automobile also starts to march into the network In the near ten years, the user regarding automobile comfortableness, the security as well as the environmental protection and so on each performance request enhances In order to meet the need which these increase day by day, on the automobile the computer controls the electronic electric appliance equipment sharp growth, causes the automobile (is specially passenger vehicle) designs the electric appliance line arrangement to be more and more In addition, because because on the automobile each kind of electronic electric appliance meets the point insertion quantity along with it sharp increase, in the automobile travel process meets the point insertion the breakdown to create on the automobile the electronic electric appliance equipment malfunction question to be more and more In order to solve the above problem, very many new vehicle types (are specially upscale vehicle type) in the development starts widely to apply the computer network This article introduced the computer network technology in the automobile the application basic principle, elaborated the networking in the automobile interior and exterior application situation, introduced the automobile interior network characteristic and the automobile interior network standard, with emphasis narrated the control confined network CAN principal characteristic and the According to the automobile driving quality function influence division, may the automobile electronic products induction be two kinds: One kind is the automobile electronic control, including engine, chassis, automobile body electronic One kind is the vehicle carries the automobile electronic installation, including the automobile information system, the guidance system, the automobile sound and the television entertainment system, the vehicle carries the communications system, the surfer equipment and so Keywords: automotive, computer networks, local area network control, network standards

After adjustments, measure the performance of the engine at full load from 2,000 to 4,000 rpm ir stages of 500 rpm and at 4,300 Shift Dimmer Parking brake Ignition S Fuel tank cap Windshield washing Clutch Brake Acceleration Speed W Washing 汽车专业英语翻译 悬赏分:0 - 解决时间:2009-11-10 17:03 转向操作变光操作驻车制动杆点火开关油箱锁盖风窗洗涤水壶离合器踏板制动踏板加速踏板变速档位刮水洗涤

Guide the future development of the concept of automotive vehicles Summary of high-tech popularization and application makes the pace of replacement automotive products faster and faster, also makes the Chinese automotive industry independent research and development level and technical level with the international on the growing gap in the development of the concept car is even more the difference between the very WTO accession for China car alarm sounded, but also tremendous opportunity, our government, as well as automotive companies must increase their research and automotive design input, to establish a positive right car design concept, the concept of extensive vehicle design Keywords concept car designed to develop science, technology and culture Technology start-ups PIONEERINGWITHSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYMONTHLY The 21st century, in order to lead and performance of the new century, the development of future automotive trends, a number of international auto companies, one after another at the major auto show in the world to launch its own concept car and new There is, however, must be caused by a phenomenon we are concerned about: As a car big country, but few Chinese car makers to launch its own development and design concept Are one of the main reasons for China's automotive design concepts and methods, as well as the lack of research and development of concept cars do not pay enough It can be said that a self-designed and self-development capacity of the automobile industry, it is difficult to say that is a complete auto Thus we must intensify the study of automotive design and input, to establish a positive right car design concept, the concept of extensive vehicle 1 "concept car" is defined The so-called "concept cars" that have not yet begun to enter the market with a design unique and must advance the awareness of the new Its main characteristics are: it must give people are to consider that can guide the new concept It has just the design in general at the time, people's aesthetic ideas, the purchasing power and even the level of motor vehicle manufacturing industry is also Generally it will be it avant-garde design, innovative materials, bold use of a more perfect performance, the new car interior design indicates that the direction of development of the automobile Some of the world's largest car company every year to spend many human and material resources to design their own concept car, and in some large auto exposition on It can be said that with the continuous introduction of concept cars, the near future may occur on some concept cars have today, some features or functions of the But not necessarily a concept car will each eventually evolve into mass production cars to enter the market, the majority of concept cars are finally only a "concept" for people to discuss the 2 concept car, in reality the meaning of 1 concept car design and development of automotive products reflected the development trend of 1 the performance of the highest scientific level and the most sophisticated technology in concept car At the International Motor Show the previous, and the major automotive companies and the introduction of the concept of lot of cars, concept cars to remove these sleek, but also more integrated into a large number of high-tech and modern means of the introduction of the concept car to become Motor Company takes pride in the idea of the concept of automotive research and development are often accompanied by new technologies and the use of new materials with certain forward-looking, herald a new stage of development and the beginning for this reason that car companies the development of the concept car has invested great human and material resources, with its show car the company's strong momentum of Various high-tech applications, making car slowly evolved into information, communications, entertainment centers and the exchange of information with the outside world, the computer functions and Internet all-round involvement, in-car information and entertainment equipment, advanced navigation equipment, real-time traffic information function of the growing popularity of the inevitable demand of these high-tech automotive designers transcend time and space to establish a new value system, the emergence of various new technologies for the automotive design freely given to a wider Function of motor vehicles for further expansion and development of the concept car, the car gradually from the cold machinery into human information exchange platform, if the concept car has its own way of expressing their emotions with pregnant, anger, sadness and joy, such as facial expression make the concept car than in high volume production cars, become a new symbol of Concept Car Design of automotive products have greater and greater impact, it represents the development direction of the automobile industry and the basic idea of the automobile company design standards and a symbol of scientific and technological 2 human physiological needs and psychological needs of the largest Satisfied --- Automotive Engineering in the Ergonomics Ergonomics are 50 in the early 20th century with the rapid development of a new subject with the aim of research, design and engineering technology to solve the relationship between the human Car body design in ergonomics, it is to people (drivers and passengers) as the center, from the body's physiology, psychology, and exercise the human body, the research body design, layout and equipment in terms of how to adapt to people need to create a manipulation convenient, safe, reliable, beautiful and comfortable driving environment and take the environment, that is the best person to design a - vehicle - environment Automotive Design Human-Computer analysis of the first ministries to human size required for measurement, statistics and analysis, conducting interior layout design as a basis to determine the effective space vehicle, as well as parts, assemblies (seats, dashboard , steering wheel, ) position and dimensions of the relationship between Through the study of human physiological structure, so that the seat design in full compliance with the requirements of human Based on the manipulation of human manipulation of the scope and power to determine the layout of the manipulator position and force size, so that when the human body to manipulate natural, rapid, accurate and lightweight, so as to reduce the degree of manipulation of Through the visual characteristics of the human eye, the effect of vision research, testing, checking driver information system, to ensure that drivers have access to proper driving Exercise in accordance with the characteristics of the human body to study the automobile collision on the human body, a reasonable protection, the right to determine the hinged point seat belts and binding on the human body to study the vibration of the impact on ride comfort, research on and get off at the convenience of passengers, and door openings in order to determine location and According to the body's physiological requirements, reasonable certainty that the air-conditioning system and Research on the psychological characteristics and requirements, to design a comfortable, beautiful, relaxed by the 3 virtual product development technology At present, a growing number of automotive design companies and manufacturing companies to start using virtual product development technology, using three-dimensional virtual reality 3D technology development concept Opel car using 3D virtual reality technology concept car design and Designers can experience floating in the air of a virtual image of car design and manufacturing, saving considerable development costs, and plans to be extended to its North American assembly plant to Britain's Rolls-Royce, Renault, France, Germany Audi, as well as Italy, Sweden and other auto plants are actively engaged in this virtual design and Over the past automotive research and development centers to develop new or modified are first shaped body sludge physical model, is extremely time-consuming Now automotive R & D, in particular the development of concept cars are increasingly seeking the shortest development If the introduction of virtual product development technologies, as long as the computer input data to construct a model figure model, in the laboratory can show an ideal vehicle images, as long as the engineers wear eyepiece, you can see clearly, there is such as a car in front of us true, after all the discussion of design engineers modifications, you can quickly design an ideal new Stereotypes, the computer can use the data, outsourcing trial and trial fitted the new parts and components, assembly achieve zero error, and the development of aging more rapidly than in the 4 the concept of green environment-friendly vehicles to the development trend of Since entering the 21st century, countries around the world have been produced about 5 billion vehicles, according to expert estimates that in 2010 global vehicle production will reach 75 People sigh at the rapid development of automobile industry, but also an increasing awareness of pollution from motor vehicles to harm human beings, so many countries of the vehicle to develop environmental protection measures and regulations to protect the environment for human survival, so automotive environmental protection the design of this new concept car design to be placed in a prominent position on the Improve energy efficiency, improved engine configurations, including electronically controlled fuel injection system, secondary air injection, thermal reactor, exhaust gas recirculation system, catalytic purification device, crankcase ventilation systems, fuel evaporation control The development of alternative fuels, research and development of new environmentally-friendly energy, including natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, fast charging batteries, hybrid power, hydrogen In the automotive manufacturing process, use of green materials, green packaging, green manufacturing processes and equipment and equipment Green car recycling 2 Concept car indicates road traffic in the evolution of human behavior 1 Concept foretells the future of the way road traffic trends Along with the development of automobile, the vehicle status is also slowly change, now car in people's minds as a symbol, a symbol of wealth and the embodiment of a status, but the car as a way of the nature of road traffic has Concept car design is based on the nature of a car's innovative design Concept car at the design of the way through the daily life of mankind, human beings in road traffic in the use of methods such as behavior and ways of life all aspects of prediction and analysis, it is envisaged to solve the future in the way road traffic between the object harmonious Strong and high-speed in today's technology enables the development of means of transport have a much broader space for development, more and more high-tech continuously applied at a new At present many of the world's major auto companies have realized that the development of the next car is no longer the biggest obstacles are technical limitations, but limits the designers Now appearing in major auto show concept cars are generally two types: one is based on the latest available technology can achieve another kind of concept cars are those who put forward some innovative technology options but is still in the research phase of the concept Able to express their feelings such as car, truck can random shell replacement car, be able to easily change the driving mode of motor vehicles, be able to swim in the water of the amphibious vehicle, able to fly in space vehicles, be able to change Like from Toyota and Sony jointly developed by "POD" cars, will be able to through the car before the lights, mirrors, antenna, as well as the rear seat to the car owners to express their "" Like Volkswagen's Seat International Auto Show in the United States on the introduction of multi-functional concept car "Sal? Juancheng sa", there are sports, comfort and three kinds of urban-type driving mode selection for 2 Concept of culture differences in performance The United States as a world leader in the auto industry, concept cars at the manufacturing are on the forefront in the At the United States because of cultural blending, collision, so the concept car embodies the greater the diversity of cultures; are also caused by a highly developed country commercial, commercial design and pragmatism prevailed, so the design is set up at a deep aesthetic Ethics on the real and solve practical With the American cars are in sharp contrast to the Japanese concept Japan as the world's output of the second car big country, its concept car many practical and imagination, technology is better than art, more concerned about solving technical problems, it can be said in Japan This is the premise of the concept of car design, each model is to solve one kinds of technical problems The Japanese car model to maintain a small, simple, style characteristics of the economy and harmonious relations between man-machine deal with the Japanese are reflected as a delicate oriental thinking and compromise approach to solve the The United States put the design of commercial operation as an important aspect, Japan put out of Products Designed to accelerate as a tool, Germany put Designed as a social and cultural foundation, while the French took the design as a designer of stage From various countries so the concept of car design in different styles, we can see different countries, different concepts, as well as their different cultural backgrounds 3 Concluding remarks The future of automotive design as the development of the inevitable progress of Automotive Technology with each passing day, many of the artistic style of the designer will make it even more widely and more strongly reflected in the car design, and give people a wider Under high-tech, and personality of the car more humane 21st century will be the necessity of the development of the automobile industry, because it is consistent with human culture, the pursuit of individuality and Therefore, the increase in automobile design concept of the attention and input, will be the development of China's automobile industry has played a great role in pushing References 1尹定邦 Introduction to Study Design [M] Hunan: Hunan Science and Technology Press, 1999 2张洪欣 Auto Design [M] Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 1997 3 Tang Jia-Ti, Han Xiao Jian had --- Product conceptual design theory, methods and techniques [M] Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 2002 Tang Shu-Min Concept cars and car design development and innovation [J] Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering Journal, 2002 (6)


In contemporary society, the introduction of motor vehciles has had profound influences on people's livestyle and Apparently, an increasing number of automobiles brought efficiency, but it also arose a range of problems in urban There are two primary problems are caused by this On one hand, it is widely accepted that the numerous automobiles pose serious air pollution Fossil fuel combustion, particularly as it occurs in motor vehicles, has been identified as the largest contributor to air pollution in the In addition, harmful gases, dusts and noises that are emitted by vehicles cause severe irritations to people's eyes, lungs and other Hence, not only does the chemical pollutant exert negative impacts on our environment, it also affects one's mental and physical well-On the other hand, excessive usage of private cars are potentially responsible for traffic problems in major metropolises, such as traffic jam and car It is common today that people stuck in the middle of their journey where the traffic moved in a extremely low speed during rush hours due to the crowded road Furthermore, it is no deny that the rate of accidents increased rapidly in decades compare to the For instance, in some countries, the death rate related to car accidents even excess the birth Therefore, it poses a great threat to people's lives and brings vast financial loss to families and the society as To address above problems, proper steps need to be taken by government and relevant What's more important, we should do something in our own way to help with the Firstly, encouraging private car owners to travel by public transports rather than to drive their owns would release the pressures of the roads and Hence, we the students can go to school by bicycles, which not only make a contribution to the environment but also do good to Moreover, while the government introduces effective rules and regulations to strength the traffic control, we must obey them in order to share an orderly Such are possible approaches to solve the In conclusion, so complex is the issue that it remains a long-term task to However, I believe, with concerted efforts made by government and individuals, we can create a cleaner and more safety future for later

给你个我自己的写作心得(适用于议论文)多背点句型,像 it is exaggeration to say it is no doubt 作文不要总是用重复的词语,像people,用individuals,characters,folks代替;approaches代替ways;an army of代替a lot of;increasingly代替more and more;current代替now;desire代替want;as an example代替for example,shopper,client,consumer代替customer。 善于用插入语,如however,therefore,for example, I believe 例如: Other individuals however take the attitude 被动代替主动 Attention should be paid 123原则用first,second,third也太老掉牙了,小学生都在用,没档次推荐使用:to begin with,then,furthermore,finallyto start with,next,in addition,finallyfirst and foremost,besides,last but not leastmost important of all,moreover,finally 议论文万能开头——名人名言A proberb say“”It goes without saying As everyone 数字统计According to a recent survey fA recent statistics shows 举例子to as an example汽车的利与弊是一篇典型的议论文,你可以自己试试写写看,我的仅作常考。别懒呦,自己的任务要自己完成,静下心来,慢慢想,仔细写。议论文的开头可以用一个万能开头,最近的一项调查表明[数字+文章内容]数字当然是自己编的:A recent research goes that 80% of people think that we can be benefit from cars,but others hold the view that cars are harmful for our 下面写出你的观点,用123原则,to begin with,汽车的好处是有了汽车我们可以hen,汽车可以然后汽车怎么怎么好或者两方面写on the one hand 好处/坏处 ;另一方面on the other hand 坏处/好处 最后In a word,we should 怎么样自己多用用功,自己写一篇多有成就感,努力吧^_^




Guide the future development of the concept of automotive vehicles Summary of high-tech popularization and application makes the pace of replacement automotive products faster and faster, also makes the Chinese automotive industry independent research and development level and technical level with the international on the growing gap in the development of the concept car is even more the difference between the very WTO accession for China car alarm sounded, but also tremendous opportunity, our government, as well as automotive companies must increase their research and automotive design input, to establish a positive right car design concept, the concept of extensive vehicle design Keywords concept car designed to develop science, technology and culture Technology start-ups PIONEERINGWITHSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYMONTHLY The 21st century, in order to lead and performance of the new century, the development of future automotive trends, a number of international auto companies, one after another at the major auto show in the world to launch its own concept car and new There is, however, must be caused by a phenomenon we are concerned about: As a car big country, but few Chinese car makers to launch its own development and design concept Are one of the main reasons for China's automotive design concepts and methods, as well as the lack of research and development of concept cars do not pay enough It can be said that a self-designed and self-development capacity of the automobile industry, it is difficult to say that is a complete auto Thus we must intensify the study of automotive design and input, to establish a positive right car design concept, the concept of extensive vehicle 1 "concept car" is defined The so-called "concept cars" that have not yet begun to enter the market with a design unique and must advance the awareness of the new Its main characteristics are: it must give people are to consider that can guide the new concept It has just the design in general at the time, people's aesthetic ideas, the purchasing power and even the level of motor vehicle manufacturing industry is also Generally it will be it avant-garde design, innovative materials, bold use of a more perfect performance, the new car interior design indicates that the direction of development of the automobile Some of the world's largest car company every year to spend many human and material resources to design their own concept car, and in some large auto exposition on It can be said that with the continuous introduction of concept cars, the near future may occur on some concept cars have today, some features or functions of the But not necessarily a concept car will each eventually evolve into mass production cars to enter the market, the majority of concept cars are finally only a "concept" for people to discuss the 2 concept car, in reality the meaning of 1 concept car design and development of automotive products reflected the development trend of 1 the performance of the highest scientific level and the most sophisticated technology in concept car At the International Motor Show the previous, and the major automotive companies and the introduction of the concept of lot of cars, concept cars to remove these sleek, but also more integrated into a large number of high-tech and modern means of the introduction of the concept car to become Motor Company takes pride in the idea of the concept of automotive research and development are often accompanied by new technologies and the use of new materials with certain forward-looking, herald a new stage of development and the beginning for this reason that car companies the development of the concept car has invested great human and material resources, with its show car the company's strong momentum of Various high-tech applications, making car slowly evolved into information, communications, entertainment centers and the exchange of information with the outside world, the computer functions and Internet all-round involvement, in-car information and entertainment equipment, advanced navigation equipment, real-time traffic information function of the growing popularity of the inevitable demand of these high-tech automotive designers transcend time and space to establish a new value system, the emergence of various new technologies for the automotive design freely given to a wider Function of motor vehicles for further expansion and development of the concept car, the car gradually from the cold machinery into human information exchange platform, if the concept car has its own way of expressing their emotions with pregnant, anger, sadness and joy, such as facial expression make the concept car than in high volume production cars, become a new symbol of Concept Car Design of automotive products have greater and greater impact, it represents the development direction of the automobile industry and the basic idea of the automobile company design standards and a symbol of scientific and technological 2 human physiological needs and psychological needs of the largest Satisfied --- Automotive Engineering in the Ergonomics Ergonomics are 50 in the early 20th century with the rapid development of a new subject with the aim of research, design and engineering technology to solve the relationship between the human Car body design in ergonomics, it is to people (drivers and passengers) as the center, from the body's physiology, psychology, and exercise the human body, the research body design, layout and equipment in terms of how to adapt to people need to create a manipulation convenient, safe, reliable, beautiful and comfortable driving environment and take the environment, that is the best person to design a - vehicle - environment Automotive Design Human-Computer analysis of the first ministries to human size required for measurement, statistics and analysis, conducting interior layout design as a basis to determine the effective space vehicle, as well as parts, assemblies (seats, dashboard , steering wheel, ) position and dimensions of the relationship between Through the study of human physiological structure, so that the seat design in full compliance with the requirements of human Based on the manipulation of human manipulation of the scope and power to determine the layout of the manipulator position and force size, so that when the human body to manipulate natural, rapid, accurate and lightweight, so as to reduce the degree of manipulation of Through the visual characteristics of the human eye, the effect of vision research, testing, checking driver information system, to ensure that drivers have access to proper driving Exercise in accordance with the characteristics of the human body to study the automobile collision on the human body, a reasonable protection, the right to determine the hinged point seat belts and binding on the human body to study the vibration of the impact on ride comfort, research on and get off at the convenience of passengers, and door openings in order to determine location and According to the body's physiological requirements, reasonable certainty that the air-conditioning system and Research on the psychological characteristics and requirements, to design a comfortable, beautiful, relaxed by the 3 virtual product development technology At present, a growing number of automotive design companies and manufacturing companies to start using virtual product development technology, using three-dimensional virtual reality 3D technology development concept Opel car using 3D virtual reality technology concept car design and Designers can experience floating in the air of a virtual image of car design and manufacturing, saving considerable development costs, and plans to be extended to its North American assembly plant to Britain's Rolls-Royce, Renault, France, Germany Audi, as well as Italy, Sweden and other auto plants are actively engaged in this virtual design and Over the past automotive research and development centers to develop new or modified are first shaped body sludge physical model, is extremely time-consuming Now automotive R & D, in particular the development of concept cars are increasingly seeking the shortest development If the introduction of virtual product development technologies, as long as the computer input data to construct a model figure model, in the laboratory can show an ideal vehicle images, as long as the engineers wear eyepiece, you can see clearly, there is such as a car in front of us true, after all the discussion of design engineers modifications, you can quickly design an ideal new Stereotypes, the computer can use the data, outsourcing trial and trial fitted the new parts and components, assembly achieve zero error, and the development of aging more rapidly than in the 4 the concept of green environment-friendly vehicles to the development trend of Since entering the 21st century, countries around the world have been produced about 5 billion vehicles, according to expert estimates that in 2010 global vehicle production will reach 75 People sigh at the rapid development of automobile industry, but also an increasing awareness of pollution from motor vehicles to harm human beings, so many countries of the vehicle to develop environmental protection measures and regulations to protect the environment for human survival, so automotive environmental protection the design of this new concept car design to be placed in a prominent position on the Improve energy efficiency, improved engine configurations, including electronically controlled fuel injection system, secondary air injection, thermal reactor, exhaust gas recirculation system, catalytic purification device, crankcase ventilation systems, fuel evaporation control The development of alternative fuels, research and development of new environmentally-friendly energy, including natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, fast charging batteries, hybrid power, hydrogen In the automotive manufacturing process, use of green materials, green packaging, green manufacturing processes and equipment and equipment Green car recycling 2 Concept car indicates road traffic in the evolution of human behavior 1 Concept foretells the future of the way road traffic trends Along with the development of automobile, the vehicle status is also slowly change, now car in people's minds as a symbol, a symbol of wealth and the embodiment of a status, but the car as a way of the nature of road traffic has Concept car design is based on the nature of a car's innovative design Concept car at the design of the way through the daily life of mankind, human beings in road traffic in the use of methods such as behavior and ways of life all aspects of prediction and analysis, it is envisaged to solve the future in the way road traffic between the object harmonious Strong and high-speed in today's technology enables the development of means of transport have a much broader space for development, more and more high-tech continuously applied at a new At present many of the world's major auto companies have realized that the development of the next car is no longer the biggest obstacles are technical limitations, but limits the designers Now appearing in major auto show concept cars are generally two types: one is based on the latest available technology can achieve another kind of concept cars are those who put forward some innovative technology options but is still in the research phase of the concept Able to express their feelings such as car, truck can random shell replacement car, be able to easily change the driving mode of motor vehicles, be able to swim in the water of the amphibious vehicle, able to fly in space vehicles, be able to change Like from Toyota and Sony jointly developed by "POD" cars, will be able to through the car before the lights, mirrors, antenna, as well as the rear seat to the car owners to express their "" Like Volkswagen's Seat International Auto Show in the United States on the introduction of multi-functional concept car "Sal? Juancheng sa", there are sports, comfort and three kinds of urban-type driving mode selection for 2 Concept of culture differences in performance The United States as a world leader in the auto industry, concept cars at the manufacturing are on the forefront in the At the United States because of cultural blending, collision, so the concept car embodies the greater the diversity of cultures; are also caused by a highly developed country commercial, commercial design and pragmatism prevailed, so the design is set up at a deep aesthetic Ethics on the real and solve practical With the American cars are in sharp contrast to the Japanese concept Japan as the world's output of the second car big country, its concept car many practical and imagination, technology is better than art, more concerned about solving technical problems, it can be said in Japan This is the premise of the concept of car design, each model is to solve one kinds of technical problems The Japanese car model to maintain a small, simple, style characteristics of the economy and harmonious relations between man-machine deal with the Japanese are reflected as a delicate oriental thinking and compromise approach to solve the The United States put the design of commercial operation as an important aspect, Japan put out of Products Designed to accelerate as a tool, Germany put Designed as a social and cultural foundation, while the French took the design as a designer of stage From various countries so the concept of car design in different styles, we can see different countries, different concepts, as well as their different cultural backgrounds 3 Concluding remarks The future of automotive design as the development of the inevitable progress of Automotive Technology with each passing day, many of the artistic style of the designer will make it even more widely and more strongly reflected in the car design, and give people a wider Under high-tech, and personality of the car more humane 21st century will be the necessity of the development of the automobile industry, because it is consistent with human culture, the pursuit of individuality and Therefore, the increase in automobile design concept of the attention and input, will be the development of China's automobile industry has played a great role in pushing References 1尹定邦 Introduction to Study Design [M] Hunan: Hunan Science and Technology Press, 1999 2张洪欣 Auto Design [M] Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 1997 3 Tang Jia-Ti, Han Xiao Jian had --- Product conceptual design theory, methods and techniques [M] Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 2002 Tang Shu-Min Concept cars and car design development and innovation [J] Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering Journal, 2002 (6)

Guide the future development of the concept of automotive vehicles Summary of high-tech popularization and application makes the pace of replacement automotive products faster and faster, also makes the Chinese automotive industry independent research and development level and technical level with the international on the growing gap in the development of the concept car is even more the difference between the very WTO accession for China car alarm sounded, but also tremendous opportunity, our government, as well as automotive companies must increase their research and automotive design input, to establish a positive right car design concept, the concept of extensive vehicle design Keywords concept car designed to develop science, technology and culture Technology start-ups PIONEERINGWITHSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYMONTHLY The 21st century, in order to lead and performance of the new century, the development of future automotive trends, a number of international auto companies, one after another at the major auto show in the world to launch its own concept car and new There is, however, must be caused by a phenomenon we are concerned about: As a car big country, but few Chinese car makers to launch its own development and design concept Are one of the main reasons for China's automotive design concepts and methods, as well as the lack of research and development of concept cars do not pay enough It can be said that a self-designed and self-development capacity of the automobile industry, it is difficult to say that is a complete auto Thus we must intensify the study of automotive design and input, to establish a positive right car design concept, the concept of extensive vehicle 1 "concept car" is defined The so-called "concept cars" that have not yet begun to enter the market with a design unique and must advance the awareness of the new Its main characteristics are: it must give people are to consider that can guide the new concept It has just the design in general at the time, people's aesthetic ideas, the purchasing power and even the level of motor vehicle manufacturing industry is also Generally it will be it avant-garde design, innovative materials, bold use of a more perfect performance, the new car interior design indicates that the direction of development of the automobile Some of the world's largest car company every year to spend many human and material resources to design their own concept car, and in some large auto exposition on It can be said that with the continuous introduction of concept cars, the near future may occur on some concept cars have today, some features or functions of the But not necessarily a concept car will each eventually evolve into mass production cars to enter the market, the majority of concept cars are finally only a "concept" for people to discuss the 2 concept car, in reality the meaning of 1 concept car design and development of automotive products reflected the development trend of 1 the performance of the highest scientific level and the most sophisticated technology in concept car At the International Motor Show the previous, and the major automotive companies and the introduction of the concept of lot of cars, concept cars to remove these sleek, but also more integrated into a large number of high-tech and modern means of the introduction of the concept car to become Motor Company takes pride in the idea of the concept of automotive research and development are often accompanied by new technologies and the use of new materials with certain forward-looking, herald a new stage of development and the beginning for this reason that car companies the development of the concept car has invested great human and material resources, with its show car the company's strong momentum of Various high-tech applications, making car slowly evolved into information, communications, entertainment centers and the exchange of information with the outside world, the computer functions and Internet all-round involvement, in-car information and entertainment equipment, advanced navigation equipment, real-time traffic information function of the growing popularity of the inevitable demand of these high-tech automotive designers transcend time and space to establish a new value system, the emergence of various new technologies for the automotive design freely given to a wider Function of motor vehicles for further expansion and development of the concept car, the car gradually from the cold machinery into human information exchange platform, if the concept car has its own way of expressing their emotions with pregnant, anger, sadness and joy, such as facial expression make the concept car than in high volume production cars, become a new symbol of Concept Car Design of automotive products have greater and greater impact, it represents the development direction of the automobile industry and the basic idea of the automobile company design standards and a symbol of scientific and technological 2 human physiological needs and psychological needs of the largest Satisfied --- Automotive Engineering in the Ergonomics Ergonomics are 50 in the early 20th century with the rapid development of a new subject with the aim of research, design and engineering technology to solve the relationship between the human Car body design in ergonomics, it is to people (drivers and passengers) as the center, from the body's physiology, psychology, and exercise the human body, the research body design, layout and equipment in terms of how to adapt to people need to create a manipulation convenient, safe, reliable, beautiful and comfortable driving environment and take the environment, that is the best person to design a - vehicle - environment Automotive Design Human-Computer analysis of the first ministries to human size required for measurement, statistics and analysis, conducting interior layout design as a basis to determine the effective space vehicle, as well as parts, assemblies (seats, dashboard , steering wheel, ) position and dimensions of the relationship between Through the study of human physiological structure, so that the seat design in full compliance with the requirements of human Based on the manipulation of human manipulation of the scope and power to determine the layout of the manipulator position and force size, so that when the human body to manipulate natural, rapid, accurate and lightweight, so as to reduce the degree of manipulation of Through the visual characteristics of the human eye, the effect of vision research, testing, checking driver information system, to ensure that drivers have access to proper driving Exercise in accordance with the characteristics of the human body to study the automobile collision on the human body, a reasonable protection, the right to determine the hinged point seat belts and binding on the human body to study the vibration of the impact on ride comfort, research on and get off at the convenience of passengers, and door openings in order to determine location and According to the body's physiological requirements, reasonable certainty that the air-conditioning system and Research on the psychological characteristics and requirements, to design a comfortable, beautiful, relaxed by the 3 virtual product development technology At present, a growing number of automotive design companies and manufacturing companies to start using virtual product development technology, using three-dimensional virtual reality 3D technology development concept Opel car using 3D virtual reality technology concept car design and Designers can experience floating in the air of a virtual image of car design and manufacturing, saving considerable development costs, and plans to be extended to its North American assembly plant to Britain's Rolls-Royce, Renault, France, Germany Audi, as well as Italy, Sweden and other auto plants are actively engaged in this virtual design and Over the past automotive research and development centers to develop new or modified are first shaped body sludge physical model, is extremely time-consuming Now automotive R & D, in particular the development of concept cars are increasingly seeking the shortest development If the introduction of virtual product development technologies, as long as the computer input data to construct a model figure model, in the laboratory can show an ideal vehicle images, as long as the engineers wear eyepiece, you can see clearly, there is such as a car in front of us true, after all the discussion of design engineers modifications, you can quickly design an ideal new Stereotypes, the computer can use the data, outsourcing trial and trial fitted the new parts and components, assembly achieve zero error, and the development of aging more rapidly than in the 4 the concept of green environment-friendly vehicles to the development trend of Since entering the 21st century, countries around the world have been produced about 5 billion vehicles, according to expert estimates that in 2010 global vehicle production will reach 75 People sigh at the rapid development of automobile industry, but also an increasing awareness of pollution from motor vehicles to harm human beings, so many countries of the vehicle to develop environmental protection measures and regulations to protect the environment for human survival, so automotive environmental protection the design of this new concept car design to be placed in a prominent position on the Improve energy efficiency, improved engine configurations, including electronically controlled fuel injection system, secondary air injection, thermal reactor, exhaust gas recirculation system, catalytic purification device, crankcase ventilation systems, fuel evaporation control The development of alternative fuels, research and development of new environmentally-friendly energy, including natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, fast charging batteries, hybrid power, hydrogen In the automotive manufacturing process, use of green materials, green packaging, green manufacturing processes and equipment and equipment Green car recycling 2 Concept car indicates road traffic in the evolution of human behavior 1 Concept foretells the future of the way road traffic trends Along with the development of automobile, the vehicle status is also slowly change, now car in people's minds as a symbol, a symbol of wealth and the embodiment of a status, but the car as a way of the nature of road traffic has Concept car design is based on the nature of a car's innovative design Concept car at the design of the way through the daily life of mankind, human beings in road traffic in the use of methods such as behavior and ways of life all aspects of prediction and analysis, it is envisaged to solve the future in the way road traffic between the object harmonious Strong and high-speed in today's technology enables the development of means of transport have a much broader space for development, more and more high-tech continuously applied at a new At present many of the world's major auto companies have realized that the development of the next car is no longer the biggest obstacles are technical limitations, but limits the designers Now appearing in major auto show concept cars are generally two types: one is based on the latest available technology can achieve another kind of concept cars are those who put forward some innovative technology options but is still in the research phase of the concept Able to express their feelings such as car, truck can random shell replacement car, be able to easily change the driving mode of motor vehicles, be able to swim in the water of the amphibious vehicle, able to fly in space vehicles, be able to change Like from Toyota and Sony jointly developed by "POD" cars, will be able to through the car before the lights, mirrors, antenna, as well as the rear seat to the car owners to express their "" Like Volkswagen's Seat International Auto Show in the United States on the introduction of multi-functional concept car "Sal? Juancheng sa", there are sports, comfort and three kinds of urban-type driving mode selection for 2 Concept of culture differences in performance The United States as a world leader in the auto industry, concept cars at the manufacturing are on the forefront in the At the United States because of cultural blending, collision, so the concept car embodies the greater the diversity of cultures; are also caused by a highly developed country commercial, commercial design and pragmatism prevailed, so the design is set up at a deep aesthetic Ethics on the real and solve practical With the American cars are in sharp contrast to the Japanese concept Japan as the world's output of the second car big country, its concept car many practical and imagination, technology is better than art, more concerned about solving technical problems, it can be said in Japan This is the premise of the concept of car design, each model is to solve one kinds of technical problems The Japanese car model to maintain a small, simple, style characteristics of the economy and harmonious relations between man-machine deal with the Japanese are reflected as a delicate oriental thinking and compromise approach to solve the The United States put the design of commercial operation as an important aspect, Japan put out of Products Designed to accelerate as a tool, Germany put Designed as a social and cultural foundation, while the French took the design as a designer of stage From various countries so the concept of car design in different styles, we can see different countries, different concepts, as well as their different cultural backgrounds 3 Concluding remarks The future of automotive design as the development of the inevitable progress of Automotive Technology with each passing day, many of the artistic style of the designer will make it even more widely and more strongly reflected in the car design, and give people a wider Under high-tech, and personality of the car more humane 21st century will be the necessity of the development of the automobile industry, because it is consistent with human culture, the pursuit of individuality and Therefore, the increase in automobile design concept of the attention and input, will be the development of China's automobile industry has played a great role in pushing References 1尹定邦 Introduction to Study Design [M] Hunan: Hunan Science and Technology Press, 1999 2张洪欣 Auto Design [M] Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 1997 3 Tang Jia-Ti, Han Xiao Jian had --- Product conceptual design theory, methods and techniques [M] Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 2002

而由此联想到汽车在我们生活中的作用,不免心生感慨,它已经与我们的生活联系得是如此紧密、不可或缺,而它带来的到底是什么也许并没有细细思量。 汽车从发明到现在确实给我们的生活带来了不少的便利,应该说还是一个质的变化,而由此产生的汽车文化在中国的发展和西方又有所不同,在西方人看来,人是在所有机器之前的,所以要给予最大的重视,而自行车是出现在汽车之前的也应先行。所以在西方的马路上常常会看到这样的景象,如果在过路口时有自行车,汽车会慢行等它先通过,换了是行人和自行车争行时,要先让行人先通过,更不用提行人与汽车了,那是更要先让着行人的。可在我们中国,汽车仿佛是有钱有权的一种象征,却可以视这些在西方通用的规则而不顾,对行人自行车抢行不说,还不耐烦地按着喇叭,横冲直撞简直就是大爷,我们只学来了人家的技术和照搬人家的交通规则,却没有学来人家的汽车文化,而缺少了文化的东西总是缺失点什么的。如果说汽车只是做为一种代步的工具,我们拥有它是为了生活的便利和提高工作效率,那么是没错的,要是想着有了车把它开在大街上也超越那些在路上卖力骑行的人,傲慢地按着喇叭催促走在前方八百米的行人,那就有点虚荣的味道,真把它和成功与否联系在一起就不是什么光荣的事情。 而在我们国家,人口众多,资源虽不少可平摊到每个人身上就少得可怜,不管是土地还是能源的状况都不容乐观,汽油有很大一部分信赖进口,油价的涨跌牵动着每个有车族的心。虽说近年开发了新的能源,比如车用乙醇,似乎前景一片美好,但问题还是不能解决,现在用的是玉米为原料造乙醇,美国现如今严加限制玉米的出口来卡我们的脖子,而做为一个人口大国,玉米也是重要的粮食来源,必须得有一定的储备,所以现在也叫停了这项工程。这条路走不通,还是有其它的新能源,但目前都处在不成熟阶段,短期内不能得到解决。就说有朝一日解决了能源,那么我们的交通状况呢,大家所熟悉的北京的五条环路上的超大露天停车场,许多城市的交通拥堵,中国人的耐心又尤其的差,拥堵时到处是心浮气躁的人,总想自己先走反而欲速而不达,更是乱成一锅粥。没有良好的秩序和驾驶习惯,就算修再宽的马路也是枉然。法制的不健全也为汽车在中国的发展蒙上一层阴影,考到驾照却车技很差的“马路杀手”,是谁把驾照发给了这些人。还有前阵报道的更令人寒心的,故意把被自己撞倒的人二次碾压至死的事故,都透露出我们的法制在某些地方是不是出了差错,以至于流传着撞残不如撞死这样的说法。 此外还有汽车尾气的污染,排放的有害物质可谓大气污染的“元凶”。汽车尾气最主要的危害是形成光化学烟雾。其对健康的危害主要表现为刺激眼睛,引起红眼病;刺激鼻、咽喉、气管和肺部,引起慢性呼吸系统疾病。光化学烟雾能使树木枯死,农作物大量减产;能降低大气的能见度,妨碍交通。汽车尾气中的二氧化硫和悬浮颗粒物,会增加慢性呼吸道疾病的发病率,损害肺功能。二氧化硫在大气中含量过高时,会随降水形成“酸雨”。还会使得肺癌的人数明显增加。离公路越近,公路上汽车流量越大,肺癌死亡率越高。汽车尾气中的铅化合物可随呼吸进入血液,并迅速地蓄积到人体的骨骼和牙齿中,它们干扰血红素的合成、侵袭红细胞,引起贫血;损害神经系统,严重时损害脑细胞,引起脑损伤。当儿童血中铅浓度达6~8ppm时,会影响儿童的生长和智力发育,甚至出现痴呆症状。铅还能透过母体进入胎盘,危及胎儿。 不管是出于环境还是交通的考虑,本人认为,私人买车,不仅养车的费用很贵,维护也是件头痛的事。我们还是选择更加环保的出行方式,比如说骑车,虽说累点但可以锻炼身体;乘坐公车,大力发展和完善公交系统,节省能源和道路资源 ;和别人拼车即方便还可以在路上找个伴我们生活在这个地球上,自身也是生物的一部分,做为一个个人,能为环保做一份贡献也是应该的,就算是我们自已不方便些,多留些绿色给下一代。而且成功的方式也不只体现在有没有车,这都是表面上的东西,本人以为成功是为这个世界创造和留下了些什么,而不是你自己拥有了些什么。说了这么多,也许有人会说都象你这样那么中国的汽车工业就别发展了,但一项产业的发展不能建立在给环境造成破坏,给生活带来更大的不便上。我们拥有汽车是为了更方便,而不是成为它的奴隶,还要受它的危害,如果真是那样的话还不如不拥有它的为好。汽车与我们的生活可谓是密不可分的,怎样使它发挥更好的作用而减少危害,不是一朝一夕就可以解决的,而我们只要人人努力,总会把生活过得更好,而不在于是否拥有自己的私车,我们只有脚踏实地,把身边的事做好,过好我们的每一天,生活意义不仅仅在于成功与否,更在于快乐与否!

How Manual Transmissions Work by Marshall Brain ­If you drive a stick-shift car, then you may have several questions floating in your ­How does the funny "H" pattern that I am moving this shift knob through have any relation to the gears inside the transmission? What is moving inside the transmission when I move the shifter? When I mess up and hear that horrible grinding sound, what is actually grinding? What would happen if I were to accidentally shift into reverse while I am speeding down the freeway? Would the entire transmission explode? In this article, we'll answer all of these questions and more as we explore the interior of a manual Cars need transmissions because of the physics of the gasoline First, any engine has a redline -- a maximum rpm value above which the engine cannot go without Second, if you have read How Horsepower Works, then you know that engines have narrow rpm ranges where horsepower and torque are at their For example, an engine might produce its maximum horsepower at 5,500 The transmission allows the gear ratio between the engine and the drive wheels to change as the car speeds up and slows You shift gears so the engine can stay below the redline and near the rpm band of its best Photo courtesy DaimlerChrysler Mercedes-Benz Actros, manual See more transmission Ideally, the transmission would be so flexible in its ratios that the engine could always run at its single, best-performance rpm That is the idea behind the continuously variable transmission (CVT) A CVT has a nearly infinite range of gear In the past, CVTs could not compete with four-speed and five-speed transmissions in terms of cost, size and reliability, so you didn't see them in production These days, improvements in design have made CVTs more The Toyota Prius is a hybrid car that uses a CVT The transmission is connected to the engine through the The input shaft of the transmission therefore turns at the same rpm as the engine
