

发布时间:2024-07-12 03:37:30



Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility Now, the pollution already has become the globalization The air, Haihe river, the soil pollution extremely is all harmful to the humanity and the zoology and botany For example, because present automobile more and more many, therefore the waste gas discharges also day by day increases, as the matter stands our air is polluted extremely seriously, this is extremely harmful to our Also, the water source under ours destruction, the pollution extremely is also serious, again like this gets down our humanity to be able to For our humanity, therefore we must adopt the effective action antipollution, the purification environment, protects the ecological For example, we may the afforestation prevent soil We may develop the new energy and so Environmental protection everybody has a

this paper firstly provides the connotation of new energy automobile,and then gives us an introduction of the development of the new energy automobile,and on the foregoing basis summarizes those factors that will restrict the development of the new energy automobile,and in the end proposes relevant measures for the development


with the shortage of fossil energy have been a public human being's problem ,more and more new energy get human's attention, sun energy ,wind energy ,hydrogen and so on,these new energies have so many advantages,no pollution and never depletion w with the advance in technology of new energy,so much new energy products have go into our i believe new energy will make our life better and make our earth better 随着能源短缺已经成为一个有类普遍的问题,越来越多的人开始关注新能源,太阳能,风能,氢能等等这些新能源有着很多的优点,无污染,永远不会枯竭等,现在随着新能源技术的进步,越来越多的新能源新产品已经走进我们的生活,我相信新能源一定会让我们的生活以及生活的地球更美好 时间仓促,如有不足再给你改,分一定要给我哦

My View on Developing the Car IndustryWith the development of modern industry,more and more families are able to have their own But,seeing the problems like air pollution and the reduction of resources,some people appeal for the reduction of private Still,I think there is every reason for the even faster development of the car Thanks to the development of the car industry, we do not have to cram in the buses, but can enjoy free travel in own cars, we can go to more places in a leisure Transportation becomes comfortable and But there are those who worry that too many cars may cause more traffic problems, serious:air pollution and the exhaustion ofresources, While these problems may be true, they can be solved and some are being For example, we can invent cars that: can save fuel or use other types of energy so that cars can still 'be used even though resources run To reduce pollution, people have manufactured many cars without We can relieve the traffic pressure by building more and more roads or-adopt computer-monitored automated For all the contemporary problems cars bring, no one can deny the convenience cars bring us and ignore the effort We make to solve these Therefore,the development of the car industry is necessary, and it should develop as quickly as

There is now more of said electric car refers to a pure electric car, which is a single energy storage batteries as a power source for It uses batteries as energy storage power source to provide power through the battery to the motor, drive motor running to drive the car From the appearance point of view, the electric car and the daily car and did not see any difference, the main difference between the power source and the drive That pure electric vehicle motor of a traditional car engine, battery equivalent to the original Electric car from the chassis, body, battery, motor, controller and battery auxiliary facilities of six Since the motor has good traction characteristics, and therefore does not require a battery vehicle driveline clutch and Speed is controlled by the controller changes the speed of the motor speed control system can be achieved by conventional cars because of the relatively small impact on the environment, the outlook is widely optimistic, but  The current technology is not yet   目前人们所说的电动汽车多是指纯电动汽车,即是一种采用单一蓄电池作为储能动力源的汽车。它利用蓄电池作为储能动力源,通过电池向电机提供电能,驱动电动机运转,从而推动汽车前进。从外形上看,电动汽车与日常见到的汽车并没有什么区别,区别主要在于动力源及其驱动系统。即纯电动汽车的电动机相当于传统汽车的发动机,蓄电池相当于原来的油箱。 电动汽车由底盘、车身、蓄电池组、电动机、控制器和辅助设施蓄电池六部分组成。由于电动机具有良好的牵引特性,因此蓄电池汽车的传动系统不需要离合器和变速器。车速控制由控制器通过调速系统改变电动机的转速即可实现由于对环境影响相对传统汽车较小,其前景被广泛看好,但  当前技术尚不成熟。


I like going to school by like, because I think I can keep healthy by Bicycles are still popular in B Some foreigners buy bicycles to But more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than In fact the exhaust gas from cars makes the air dirty and they waste I think bicycles are better than

新能源优点英语作文 新能源优点英语作文,关于这个主题相信你已经文思泉涌,作文的评判标准不应该是死板的,作文在现实生活中的意义已经远超于作业的范畴,下面就是新能源优点英语作文的优秀范文参考。 新能源优点英语作文1 一、新能源汽车的优点: 1、环保,新能源汽车不采用燃油动力装置,不需要柴油,汽油,而是清洁能源,比如电,太阳能,等,减少二氧化碳的排放。 2、不限号,在大城市新能源汽车是不限号的,更方便出行。 省燃油钱,如果使用燃油费大概6角到8角每公里,然而新能源只需要电费而已。 4、传动效率高,新能源一般采用电机传动效率高。 5、政策补贴,现在的新能源汽车享受政策补贴一辆车还能省不少钱。 二、新能源汽车的缺点: 1、汽车续航里程短,新能源汽车一般都是电动的,电池的蓄电量有限,持续行驶的里程也会受限 2、汽车售后服目前好不成熟,新能源汽车各方面都还在摸索、改善中,对于新能源汽车的售后维修,基本没有很多熟练的维修人员,不能及时维修 3、汽车成本较高,电动车为了能反复充电和续航,必然需要好的电池,好的电机,成本相当高 4、汽车充电难、充电慢,新能源汽车应为受限于各方面的条件,还没有完全普及,充电桩有限。 新能源优点英语作文2 新能源汽车的优点: 1、节约燃油能源。一般是用天然气、石油气、氢气、电力作为动力。2、减少废气排放,有效的保护环境。电动汽车不产生尾气,没有污染。氢能源汽车尾气是水,对环境没有污染。因为基本属于零排放,所以也在限号范围外。3、效率高。一般新能源汽车采用新技术,新结构,使它的效率更高。4、噪声低。新能源汽车缺点:1、因为新能源汽车处于起步阶段,技术还不是很成熟。所以充电比较慢,需要数小时。2、车辆保有量低,充电、加气、维修等不太方便。而且新能源汽车充电难,因为普及面小。3、续航里程短。一般车辆排量较小,动力不足,不适合长距离行驶。4、价格不低。现在价格在5-10万的新能源汽车,只有纯电动汽车有批量生产,选择性不是太大。 扩展资料:新能源汽车是指采用非常规的车用燃料作为动力来源(或使用常规的车用燃料、采用新型车载动力装置),综合车辆的动力控制和驱动方面的先进技术,形成的技术原理先进、具有新技术、新结构的汽车。新能源汽车包括纯电动汽车、增程式电动汽车、混合动力汽车、燃料电池电动汽车、氢发动机汽车、其他新能源汽车等。 新能源汽车两大阶段:第一阶段是以混合动力汽车为主,燃料电池车等新能源汽车为辅的发展方向,开拓新能源汽车市场。第二阶段是在纯电动汽车技术成熟的'基础上,纯电动汽车逐步替代混合动力及燃料电池汽车以至于完全占据新能源汽车市场,实现零排放的阶段。中国新能源汽车产业始于21世纪初。2001年,新能源汽车研究项目被列入国家“十五”期间的“863”重大科技课题,并规划了以汽油车为起点,向氢动力车目标挺进的战略。“十一五”以来,我国提出“节能和新能源汽车”战略,政府高度关注新能源汽车的研发和产业化。 新能源优点英语作文3 新能源汽车的优点一:环保 纯电动汽车在运行过程中可以做到零污染,完全不排放污染大气的有害气体。即使按所耗电量换算为发电厂的排放,造成的污染也少于传统汽车,因为发电厂的能量转换率更高,而且集中排放可以更方便地假装减排治污设备。 新能源汽车的优点 二:省钱 2014年,国家和地方政府给予电动汽车最高4万元的补贴,这一举措使电池成本居高不下的电动汽车的售价能够下降到与传统汽车相当的水平。而在油价高企的今天,电动汽车的运行费用是要远小于传统汽车的。 新能源汽车的优点 三:噪音小 电动机在运行中的噪音和振动水平都要远远小于传统内燃机。在怠速和低速情况下,电动汽车的舒适性要远高于传统汽车,随着速度的提升,胎噪和风噪成为噪音的主要来源,两者才回到同一水平上。电动汽车的这一特点对于提升汽车的NVH性能无疑会有很大的帮助。 新能源汽车的优点 四:节能 电动汽车的百公里耗电量为15-20kwh,算上发电厂和电动机的损耗之后,百公里的能耗约为7公斤标准煤。传统汽车按百公里耗油量10L计,能耗约为10公斤标准煤。并且在城市的拥堵环境里,电动汽车的节能优势会进一步放大。 新能源汽车的缺点 一:充电难 在国内充电设施建设滞后的情况下,充电是电动汽车所面临的的一大难题。公共场所充电桩的缺乏严重影响了电动汽车的出行。 新能源汽车的缺点 二:续航里程短 受限于电池的容量,目前大多数的纯电动汽车续航里程都在100-200公里。虽然一再有专家说90%的人每日行驶距离不超过50公里,但是中国消费者对续航的要求比美国人更高,因为很少有中国家庭拥有超过1辆汽车,而美国人可以做到一辆纯电动汽车通勤,一辆传统汽车旅行。纯电动汽车可以满足老百姓平时上下班,但是周末外出,节假日出游的需求,又该如何解决呢? 新能源汽车的缺点 三:充电慢 目前大多数充电桩都是慢充桩,一辆车充满需要5-8小时。虽然可以利用夜间休息时间充电,但是如果遇到什么突发情况,纯电动汽车的充电慢的缺点就会凸显无疑。 新能源汽车的缺点 四:售后服务有待加强 电动汽车结构虽然简单,但是由于动力部分和传统汽车相去甚远,在维修起来还是会遇到一些麻烦。第一个问题就是维修技师的缺乏,现在绝大部分的技师能够修传统汽车,但是缺少电器方面的知识,贸然维修电动汽车不但可能造成车辆的损坏,还有一定的危险性。第二个问题是零部件的稀缺,电动汽车生产量和保有量都少,因此零部件少,价格还高。 以上就是由电动邦我给您分析得关于新能源电动汽车的四大优缺点 。 不知道是否对你们有所帮助,不过时代在更新,相信新能源电动汽车以后的发展肯定会越来越好,并且完善功能。

In this there is also some of the carbon trading mechanisms, such as emission reductions for developed countries to bear when the emission reduction targets by developing countries to reduce subsidies in developing countries to achieve the objective of reducing The emissions of six greenhouse gas emissions which, we believe that this which can make a reduction in the amount of calculation, the total of the plate in the inside, the United States decreased by 30 million tonnes of emissions, then how such emission reductions it ? An energy efficient way, such as building energy accounted for 40% to 50%, the cost is relatively low, transportation accounted for 20% to 30% more money another waySuch as investment in new energy vehicles, this car is more expensive, the cheapest way is to segment solar, we have the economic effect of speaking, solar energy is the most economical, then the amount of building is the Low-carbon economic revolution fourth birth, the first economic revolution was the steam engine, the second industrial revolution is the power, the third is the information revolution, this time in a new energy revolution, to prevent the depletion of renewable energy to prevent global warming, action to save the Now countries are increasing the proportion of new energy sources, this is the year 2020 20% of transportation energy, is in change, energy consumption is also New energy revolution, the top place is a power aspects, such as the United States standards, the United States in 2020 is 25%, Britain 30%, China's target is very ambitious, we feel that in the traditional economy which has reached a limit, the urban population is now an average of 200 million tons per steel, when the largest output in the United States is so great,So from now we look at iron and steel production capacity is already a surplus, but in its development of new energy, the speed is very large, such as solar, we basically from scratch, wind energy's growth is very fast, these industries We believe that high growth companies, you save up the economy beyond the traditional to the inventory of another problem, but the new energy economy, then it is a very great Current solar energy market is from Spain and Germany, led the two small countries, with the United States, China, Japan to subsidize solar energy after the beginning, we believe that the largest solar market after should be in there among the three countries, solar energy is scratch, we feel that its space is very Wind power, then China's generating capacity is 800 million million, the current wind power is the closest to the cost of thermal power reached 4 to 6 yuan, we have now is the world's fourth largest wind power installed capacity of the country, the pace of growth is very fast , is expected to soon be able to surpass the US as the world's first wind-power generators SIf nuclear power, France, Korea, Japan, the very fast development in this industry, our development of space will be very Network connection, because the load during the day and night is not the same load, so there is a process of division-type online, interactive generation, then electricity before you, but since you installed solar panels at home, you to generate electricity, you can also sell power grid, which is an interactive New energy power generation of the most important change is the new energy vehicles, because the automotive industry worldwide 800 million, this year we China has surpassed the US as the automotive consumer, that rate continues, this energy are not enough, so the faster development of this industry, then, so we need new energy vehicles to solve this problem, you have to buy a car, car and resource constraints of the conflict, it is necessary to solve the new energy For the old economy, the status of a recession, but if the new economy, its development and space are very Now the new energy vehicle is divided into three growth levels, a car, battery, battery materials there, this regard, we believe that a revolution will happen, now the core of the new energy industry is the battery, wind power to energy storage, nucleus is unstable, this network also need batteries, battery energy storage is the new tool is called the fourth meeting of the Industrial R中文翻译是在这个里面还有一些碳交易的机制,比如发达国家在承担减排量的时候,可以通过发展中国家的减排指标来达到减少资助发展中国家的减少排放的目的。这个排放里面六种温室气体的排放,我们认为这个里面可以做出一个减排的量的测算,在这个总的盘子里面,美国减少30亿吨的排放量的话,这种减排怎么减排呢?一种节能的方式,比如建筑物节能占了40%~50%,成本是比较低的,交通运输占了20%~30%,另外一个比较花钱的方式,比如投资新能源汽车,这种汽车是比较贵的,最便宜的方式是分部式太阳能,我们从经济效果来讲,太阳能是最经济的,那么建筑物的量是最大的。低碳催生第四次经济革命,第一次经济革命是蒸汽机,第二次产业革命是电力,第三次是信息革命,那么这一次又是新能源革命,防止再生能源的枯竭,防止地球变暖,拯救地球的行动。现在各个国家正在提高新能源的比例,这个都是在2020年之前达到20%左右,能源的运输方式也是在发生变化,能源消费方式也是发生变化。新能源革命发生最上面的是一个电源方面的情况,比如美国的标准,到2020年美国是25%,英国是30%,中国的目标也是非常宏大的,大家觉得在传统的经济里面已经达到了一个极限,现在城市人口平均每个人平均两亿吨的钢,在美国产量最大的时候也就是这么大,所以从现在来看我们钢铁的产能已经是过剩的了,但是在新能源方面它的发展速度是非常大的,比如太阳能我们基本上是从零起步,风能的增速也是非常快的,这些行业我们认为是高成长的企业,你就传统的经济救起来以后还有一个去库存化的问题,但是新能源经济的话,它的需求是非常大的。目前太阳能的市场是由西班牙和德国这两个小国家在主导,随着美国、中国、日本对太阳能开始补贴以后,我们认为太阳能以后的最大的市场应该会在这三个国家当中出现,太阳能是零起步,我们觉得它的空间是非常巨大的。风电的话,中国的发电容量是8亿千万,目前风电是最接近火电成本的,达到4到6元,我们现在已经是全球第四大的风电装机国,成长的速度也是非常快的,预计很快可以超过美国,成为世界第一大风电装机国。核电的话,法国、韩国、日本发展的非常快,在这个行业,我们的发展空间也会非常的巨大。电网方面,因为现在白天的负荷和晚上的负荷是不一样的,这样就有一个分部式上网的过程,交互式发电的话,以前你是用电的,但是以后你家里装了太阳能面板,你可以发电,还可以卖给电网,这就是一个交互式的情况。新能源发电最重要的变革就是新能源汽车,因为汽车行业在全球有8亿部,今年我们中国已经超过美国,成为汽车消费大国,如果按照这个速度发展下去,这个能源是不够用的了,所以这个行业发展越快的话,所以就需要新能源的汽车来解决这个问题,你要买车、用车和资源约束的矛盾,所以必须要解决新能源汽车。对于旧经济而言,是一个衰退的状况,但是对于新经济的话,它的发展和空间都是非常大的。现在的新能源汽车分为三个增长层次,有汽车、动力电池,还有动力电池材料,这个方面我们认为会发生一场革命,现在新能源产业的核心就是这个电池,风电必须储能,核点不稳定,电网也是这样需要电池,电池是各种新能源储能的工具,所以被称为第四次工业革命。

Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility Now, the pollution already has become the globalization The air, Haihe river, the soil pollution extremely is all harmful to the humanity and the zoology and botany For example, because present automobile more and more many, therefore the waste gas discharges also day by day increases, as the matter stands our air is polluted extremely seriously, this is extremely harmful to our Also, the water source under ours destruction, the pollution extremely is also serious, again like this gets down our humanity to be able to For our humanity, therefore we must adopt the effective action antipollution, the purification environment, protects the ecological For example, we may the afforestation prevent soil We may develop the new energy and so Environmental protection everybody has a


this paper firstly provides the connotation of new energy automobile,and then gives us an introduction of the development of the new energy automobile,and on the foregoing basis summarizes those factors that will restrict the development of the new energy automobile,and in the end proposes relevant measures for the development

摘要:能源和环境问题已成为传统汽车发展的最大障碍,世界各地都在关注新能源技术的发展,本文对新能源汽车的几个发展方向作了论述,并对新能源发展趋势做了简要阐述。Abstract: Energy and environmental issues have become the biggest obstacle to the development of conventional cars around the world are concerned about the development of new energy technologies, the paper several development direction of new energy vehicles are discussed, and new energy development trends are briefly described 一、引言Introduction近年来,曾支撑20世纪人类文明高速发展的以石油、煤炭和天然气为主的石化能源出现了危机,除其储藏量不断减少外,更加严重的是科学研究发现石化能源使用后产生的二氧化碳气体作为温室效应排放到大气中,人为的导致了全球变暖,引发了人们对未来能源的思考。汽车行业也是如此,在环境污染和能源危机的双重压力下,新能源汽车的研发势在必行。In recent years, the 20th century has been supporting the rapid development of human civilization to oil, coal and natural gas-based petrochemical energy there is a crisis, in addition to its reserves dwindling, the more serious is the research found that the use of fossil fuels to produce the carbon dioxide gas as greenhouse emissions into the atmosphere, leading to a man-made global warming, causing people to think about the future of Automotive industry, too, under the dual pressures of environmental pollution and energy crisis, the development of new energy vehicles is





