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Traditional Chinese medicineFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality Please improve this article if you (November 2008) This article or section needs copy editing for grammar, style, cohesion, tone or You can assist by editing it A how-to guide is (November 2008) This article contains Chinese Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Chinese Alternative medical systems Acupuncture • Anthroposophic medicine • Ayurveda • Chiropractic • Herbalism • Homeopathy • Naturopathy • Neural therapy • Osteopathy • Traditional medicine (Chinese • Tibetan) NCCAM classifications Whole medical systems • Mind-body interventions • Biologically based therapies • Manipulative therapy • Energy therapies See also Alternative medicine • Glossary of alternative medicine • List of people in alternative medicine This box: view • talk • edit Traditional Chinese medicine/dried goods shop in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong KongTraditional Chinese medicine (also known as TCM, simplified Chinese: 中医; traditional Chinese: 中医; pinyin: zhōngyī) includes a range of traditional medical practices originating in C It is considered a Complementary or Alternative Medical system in much of the western world while remaining as a form of primary care throughout most of ATCM practices include treatments such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, dietary therapy, Tui na and Shiatsu massage; often Qigong and Taiji are also strongly affiliated with TCMTCM theory is extremely complex and originated thousands of years ago through meticulous observation of nature, the cosmos, and the human Major theories include those of Yin-yang, the Five Phases, the human body Channel system, Zang Fu organ theory, six confirmations, four layers, Contents [hide]1 History 1 Ancient (classical) TCM history 2 Timeline 2 Theory 1 Basic theory and model of the body 2 Modern TCM theory 3 Diagnostics 1 Techniques 4 Methods of treatment 5 Branches 6 Scientific view 1 Efficacy 2 Safety 1 In Practice 2 Allergy 3 Toxins and contaminants 4 Lack of standardization 5 Vague naming 7 Relationship with Western medicine 8 Animal products 9 Opposition 10 Modernization 11 See also 12 Footnotes 13 References 14 Further reading 15 External links 1 Online databases [edit] History[edit] Ancient (classical) TCM history Yin-yang symbolMuch of the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine derived from the same philosophical bases that Taoist and Buddhist philosophies are based on, and reflects the classical Chinese belief that the life and activity of individual human beings have an intimate relationship with the environment at all [1] It has also been noted that early traditional Chinese medicine stemmed from Taoist masters who had an extraordinary sense of the body and its workings through their many hours of This may be why TCM also inherited many of the principles inherent to Daoism (Taoism)During the golden age of his reign from 2698 to 2596 BC, as a result of a dialogue with his minister Qibo (岐伯), the Yellow Emperor is supposed by Chinese tradition to have composed his Neijing Suwen (《内经·素问》) or Inner Canon: Basic Questions, also known as the Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon) The book's title is often mistranslated as Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal M Modern scholarly opinion holds that the extant text of this title was compiled by an anonymous scholar no earlier than the Han dynasty just over two-thousand years During the Han Dynasty (202 BC –220 AD), Zhang Zhongjing (张仲景/张仲景), the Hippocrates of China, who was mayor of Chang-sha toward the end of the 2nd century AD, wrote a Treatise on Cold Damage, which contains the earliest known reference to Neijing S Another prominent Eastern Han physician was Hua Tuo ( 140 – 208 AD), who anesthetized patients during surgery with a formula of wine and powdered Hua's physical, surgical, and herbal treatments were also used to cure headaches, dizziness, internal worms, fevers, coughing, blocked throat, and even a diagnosis for one lady that she had a dead fetus within her that needed to be taken The Jin dynasty practitioner and advocate of acupuncture and moxibustion, Huang-fu Mi (215 - 282 AD), also quoted the Yellow Emperor in his Jia Yi Jing (甲乙经/甲乙经), 265 AD During the Tang dynasty, Wang Bing claimed to have located a copy of the originals of the Neijing Suwen, which he expanded and edited This work was revisited by an imperial commission during the 11th century ADThere were noted advances in Chinese medicine during the Middle A Emperor Gaozong ( 649–683) of the Tang Dynasty (618–907) commissioned the scholarly compilation of a materia medica in 657 that documented 833 medicinal substances taken from stones, minerals, metals, plants, herbs, animals, vegetables, fruits, and cereal [2] In his Bencao Tujing ('Illustrated Pharmacopoeia'), the scholar-official Su Song (1020–1101) not only systematically categorized herbs and minerals according to their pharmaceutical uses, but he also took an interest in [3][4][5][6] For example, Su made systematic descriptions of animal species and the environmental regions they could be found, such as the freshwater crab Eriocher sinensis found in the Huai River running through Anhui, in waterways near the capital city, as well as reservoirs and marshes of H[7]Contact with Western culture and medicine has not displaced TCM While there may be traditional factors involved in the persistent practice, two reasons are most obvious in the westward spread of TCM in recent Firstly, TCM practices are believed by many to be very effective, sometimes offering palliative efficacy where the practices of Western medicine fail or unable to provide treatment, especially for routine ailments such as flu and allergies, or when Western medicine fails to relieve patients suffering from chronic TCM has been shown to be effective in the treatment of chronic, functional disorders, such as migraines and osteoarthritis, and is traditionally used for a wide range of functional Secondly, TCM provides an alternative to otherwise costly procedures whom many can not afford, or which is not covered by There are also many who turn to TCM to avoid the toxic side effects of TCM of the last few centuries is seen by at least some sinologists as part of the evolution of a culture, from shamans blaming illnesses on evil spirits to "proto-scientific" systems of correspondence;[8] any reference to supernatural forces is usually the result of romantic translations or poor understanding and will not be found in the Taoist-inspired classics of acupuncture such as the Huang Di Nei J The system's development has, over its history, been analysed both skeptically and extensively, and the practice and development of it has waxed and waned over the centuries and cultures through which it has travelled[9] - yet the system has still survived thus It is true that the focus from the beginning has been on pragmatism, not necessarily understanding of the mechanisms of the actions - and that this has hindered its modern acceptance in the W This, despite that there were times such as the early 18th century when "acupuncture and moxa were a matter of course in polite European society"[10]The term "TCM" describes the modern practice of Chinese medicine as a result of sweeping reforms that took place after 1950 in the People's Republic of C The term "Classical Chinese medicine" (CCM) often refers to medical practices that rely on theories and methods dating from before the fall of the Qing Dynasty (1911) Advocates of CCM portray it as less influenced by Western and political agendas than TCM[edit] Timeline Macerated medicinal liquor with wolfberry, iguana, and ginseng, for sale at a traditional medicine market in Xi'The history of TCM can be summarized by a list of important doctors and Unknown, Huángdì nèijīng (黄帝内经/黄帝内经) (Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon) - Sùwèn (素问/素问) and Língshū (灵枢/灵枢) The earliest classic of TCM passed on to the Warring States Period (5th century BC to 221 BC): Silk manuscripts recording channels and collaterals, Zubi shiyi mai jiu jing (足臂十一脉灸经/足臂十一脉灸经) (Moxibustion Classic of the Eleven Channels of Legs and Arms), and Yinyang shiyi mai jiu jing (阴阳十一脉灸经/阴阳十一脉灸经) (Moxibustion Classic on the Eleven Yin and Yang Channels) The latter was part of a cache of texts found in Mawangdui in the Han Dynasty (206 BC–AD 220) to Three Kingdoms Period (220 - 280 AD): Zhenjiu zhenzhong jing (针灸枕中经/针灸枕中经) (Classic of Moxibustion and Acupuncture Preserved in a Pillow) by Huà Tuó (华佗/华佗) Shanghan zabing lun (伤寒杂病论/伤寒杂病论), which has since been split into two texts: the Shānghán lùn (伤寒论/伤寒论) ("Treatise on Cold Damage [Disorders]" - focusing on febrile conditions attributed to "Cold") and the Jingui yaolue (金匮要略) ("Essentials of the Golden Cabinet" - focusing on "miscellaneous illnesses") by Zhāng Zhòngjǐng (张仲景/张仲景) Jìn Dynasty (265-420): Zhēnjiǔ jiǎyǐ jīng (针灸甲乙经/针灸甲乙经) (Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion) by Huángfǔ Mì (皇甫谧/皇甫谧) Tang Dynasty (618–907) Beiji qianjin yaofang (备急千金要方/备急千金要方) (Emergency Formulas Worth a Thousand in Gold) and Qianjin yifang (千金翼方) (Supplement to the Formulas Worth a Thousand in Gold) by Sūn Sīmiǎo (孙思邈/孙思邈) Waitai miyao (外台秘要/外台秘要) (Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library) by Wang Tao (王焘/王焘) Song Dynasty (960 – 1279): Tóngrén shūxué zhēnjiǔ tújīng (铜人腧穴针灸图经/铜人腧穴针灸图经) (Illustrated Manual of the Practice of Acupuncture and Moxibustion at (the Transmission) (and other) Acu-points, for use with the Bronze Figure) by Wáng Wéiyī (王惟一) Yuan Dynasty (1271 to 1368): Shísì jīng fāhuī (十四经发挥/十四经发挥) (Exposition of the Fourteen Channels) by Huá Shòu (滑寿/滑寿) Ming Dynasty (1368 to 1644): golden age of acupuncture and Many famous doctors and To name only a few: Zhēnjiǔ dàquan (针灸大全/针灸大全) (A Complete Collection of Acupuncture and Moxibustion) by Xu Feng (徐凤/徐凤) Zhēnjiǔ jùyīng fāhuī (针灸聚英发挥/针灸聚英发挥) (An Exemplary Collection of Acupuncture and Moxibustion and their Essentials) by Gāo Wǔ (高武) Zhēnjiǔ dàchéng (针灸大成/针灸大成) (Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion) by Yáng Jìzhōu (杨继洲/杨继洲), completed in Běncǎo gāngmù (本草冈目/本草纲目) (Compendium of Materia Medica) by Lǐ Shízhēn (李时珍/李时珍), the most complete and comprehensive pre-modern herbal book (completed in 1578) Wenyi lun (温疫论/温疫论), by Wu Youxing 吴有性 (1642) Qing Dynasty (1644-1912): Yizong jinjian (医宗金鉴/医宗金鉴) (Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition) compiled by Wu Quan (吴谦/吴谦) under imperial Zhenjiu fengyuan (针灸逢源/针灸逢源) (The Source of Acupuncture and Moxibustion) by Li Xuechuan (李学川/李学川) Wenre lun (温热论/温热论), by Ye Tianshi (叶天士/业天士) Wenbing tiaobian (温病条辨/温病条辨) (Systematized Identification of Warm-factor disorders) compiled by Wu Jutong (吴鞠通) in [11] [edit] Theory This article or section cites its sources but does not provide page You can improve this article or section by introducing citations that are more Dried plants and animals parts are used in traditional Chinese In the image are dried lingzhi, snake, turtle plastron, Lou han fruit, and species of The foundation principles of Chinese medicine are not necessarily uniform, and are based on several schools of Received TCM can be shown to be influenced by Taoism, Buddhism, and Neo-C[12]Since 1200 BC, Chinese academics of various schools have focused on the observable natural laws of the universe and their implications for the practical characterisation of humanity's place in the In the I Ching and other Chinese literary and philosophical classics, Chinese writers described general principles and their applications to health and Porkert, a Western medical doctor, placed Chinese medical theory in context as:Chinese medicine, like many other Chinese sciences, defines data on the basis of the inductive and synthetic mode of Inductivity corresponds to a logical link between two effective positions existing at the same time in different places in (Conversely, causality is the logical link between two effective positions given at different times at the same place in ) In other words, effects based on positions that are separate in space yet simultaneous in time are mutually inductive and thus are called inductive In Western science prior to the development of electrodynamics and nuclear physics (which are founded essentially on inductivity), the inductive nexus was limited to subordinate uses in protosciences such as Now Western man, as a consequence of two thousand years of intellectual tradition, persists in the habit of making causal connections first and inductive links, if at all, only as an This habit must still be considered the biggest obstacle to an adequate appreciation of Chinese science in general and Chinese medicine in Given such different cognitive bases, many of the apparent similarities between traditional Chinese and European science which attract the attention of positivists turn out to be [13][edit] Basic theory and model of the body An old Chinese medical chart on acupuncture meridians Interactions of Five Chinese Elements - Cycles of Balance and Cycles of ImbalanceMain article: TCM model of the body The following text needs to be harmonized with text in TCM model of the Traditional Chinese medicine is largely based on the philosophical concept that the human body is a small universe with a set of complete and sophisticated interconnected systems, and that those systems usually work in balance to maintain the healthy function of the human The balance of yin and yang is considered with respect to qi ("breath", "life force", or "spiritual energy"), blood, jing ("kidney essence", including "semen"), other bodily fluids, the five elements, emotions, and the soul or spirit (shen) TCM has a unique model of the body, notably concerned with the meridian Unlike the Western anatomical model which divides the physical body into parts, the Chinese model is more concerned with Thus, the TCM spleen is not a specific piece of flesh, but an aspect of function related to transformation and transportation within the body, and of the mental functions of thinking and There are significant regional and philosophical differences between practitioners and schools which in turn can lead to differences in practice and Theories invoked to describe the human body in TCM include:Channels, also known as "meridians" Five elements Qi Three jiaos also known as the Triple Burner, the Triple Warmer or the Triple Energiser Yin and Yang Zang Fu theory The Yin/Yang and five element theories may be applied to a variety of systems other than the human body, whereas Zang Fu theory, meridian theory and three-jiao (Triple warmer) theories are more There are also separate models that apply to specific pathological influences, such as the Four stages theory of the progression of warm diseases, the Six levels theory of the penetration of cold diseases, and the Eight principles system of disease [edit] Modern TCM theoryThis section needs more detail, citations, better links, or all Also : How widespread is the belief that TCM and fractals are somehow interconnected? Someone must have come up with the idea, who was it?Third philosophy: Fractal (similar) view[14] Qi is the `information - energy - material' mix unity flow [15], Qi sets, qi element, sub-Qi Mathematics physics Yin or Yang TCM fractal sets[16] Fractal Yin Yang sets: Df= Fractal Five elements sets: Df=4650, Yin Yang Five elements sets Df=[17] Fractal Zang Xiang theory:[18] the heart series, the liver series, the spleen series, the lung series, the kidney Fractal Channel ( Meridian (Chinese medicine) Jingluo),CHANNELS AND MESH-NETWORK,NO VESSEL TCM channel is fractal, complex, pluralistic, rough, not smooth, non-tube dissection [19] [edit] Diagnostics

作文思路:开篇点出抗疫是一场战争,接着描述最美逆行者的壮举;然后描述了作为普通群众也是做好防护,不给国家添乱;小区也是做好了各项防护措施;最后表达了对勇敢的白衣天使的敬意。在2020年的春节来临之际,一场不见硝烟,不闻炮响的战争打响了,不宣而战。With the coming of the Spring Festival in 2020, a war of no smoke and no guns has “新型冠状病毒”这个令人谈虎色变的字眼,跳跃到了我们眼前,这是生命与病毒的对抗。The wording of "New Coronavirus" has jumped to our This is the confrontation between life and 有这样一群人,他们是人群中的逆行者,他们向人们相反的地方坚定地走去,他们是最美的逆行者,他们的名字叫白衣天使。There is such a group of people, they are the rebels in the crowd, they walk firmly to the opposite place, they are the most beautiful rebels, their name is the angel in 我们在家也不例外。要出门的话必须戴好口罩,回来一定洗手,消毒。要多喝水,多运动,多吃蔬菜水果,保持身体健康,提高免疫力,不让病毒轻易入侵。We are no exception at If you want to go out, you must wear a When you come back, you must wash your hands and To drink more water, more exercise, eat more fruits and vegetables, keep healthy, improve immunity, do not let the virus easily 小区也采取了很多措施,封住其它出入口,只留一个,尽职尽责的'保安叔叔都会给每一个要进小区的人量体温,保洁阿姨也天天给电梯间消毒。A lot of measures have been taken to seal other entrances and exits, leaving only The conscientious "security uncle" will take the temperature of everyone who wants to enter the community, and the cleaning aunt will disinfect the elevator every 所有的这些,都是为了不给白衣天使们增加负担。All of this is to not add to the burden of the angels in 最美的逆行者,期待人间再也没有病痛与伤害,愿你们,英雄没有用武之地。The most beautiful anti walker, looking forward to no more pain and injury in the world, I hope you, heroes have no place to




防控新冠疫情,作为今年全民最关注的时事热点,极有可能成为本年的中高考作文主题。为此,纸条君不仅整理了相关的人物事例素材,还有15个优秀标题、4个写作角度、2篇精选范文呢~小可爱们可以先收藏点赞,然后再拿小本本摘抄这些,抗击疫情作文的优秀素材~一、优秀标题《疫情有你我,携手护华夏》《隔离病毒,不隔离爱》《青山一道,同担风雨》《山河无恙,人间有情》《同气连枝,共盼春来》《疫情在前,责任在肩,爱在眼间》《同舟共济,携手渡难》【适用主题】人间有真情,众志成城,感谢国际社会对中国的帮助等。《悬壶济世存温情,医者仁心立天地》《救民水火,国士无双》《不计报酬,无论存亡》《你的样子,就是中国的样子》【适用主题】赞美奋斗在抗疫一线的逆行者们,责任担当等。《身如逆流船,心比铁石坚》《未来不足惧,过往不须泣》《要向人生索取,不向命运乞求》《世界以痛吻我,要我报之以歌》【适用主题】不惧困难,积极向上,满怀希望等。二、写作角度 & 事例素材最美逆行者,灯火守护人明知前方山有虎,但总有一群人“不计报酬,无论生死”,迎难而上!1月23日,武汉封城。在小年夜,有唯一一列赶往武汉的高铁。高铁上,是上海驰援武汉的第一批重症和呼吸科医师!南方医科大学南方医院千名医护人员主动请缨,他们按下自己的红手印,发出“若有战,召必回,战必胜”的铮铮誓言!武汉市金银潭医院是新型肺炎最初的“小汤山”,院长张定宇身患渐冻症,妻子也因身处前线而遭遇感染,他依然身先士卒、坚持奋战。当被问及自己的病情时,他总显得豁达,不多言便迈着蹒跚的步子,继续坚守在病房,与同事们一同与病毒作战。治病救人总是医者寻常,他们日夜坚守,以自己的血肉之躯,为病患、为你我筑起一道屏障。众志成城,抗击疫情“把钱捐给武汉!”68岁的拾荒老人李学明,在成都双流区彭镇政府值班大厅放下一沓钱便转身往外走,殊不知这10071元是老人5年来打零工、捡瓶子所攒的积蓄;浙江湖州83岁的林大爷靠回收废品维持生计,却捐了10000元,并直言“不要写我的名字,也不要报道我”;左手工伤残疾的秦师傅从白天奔波到黑夜,寻路40公里给医疗队送菜。此外,成都小伙地铁免费派送口罩、正能量偶像为武汉写歌、医院连续多日收到匿名外卖、众企业捐赠钱款物资、物流企业开通“绿色通道”……总有一些人,即便生活不易,却心存大义!疫情来袭,而凛冬中的温暖绝不缺席!谣言面前,擦亮双眼在全民共克时艰之际,谣言也在制造着无谓的恐慌,如“香油滴在鼻孔可阻断流感和瘟疫传染”“用淡盐水漱口可以预防新型冠状病毒”“喝板蓝根和熏醋可以预防武汉肺炎”“出门要佩戴护目镜”等等。谣言的危害在“一传十,十传百”的过程中被成倍放大,因此,我们不仅要在谣言面前做“智”者,更要成为谣言传播的“止”者!亲朋好友间相互提醒本无可非议,但切莫让别有用心之人钻了“空子”。每一个青年应担当一份使命,自觉做科学的传播者、谣言的粉碎者!“火”“雷”既出,驱瘟克疫疫情汹汹,中国与病魔竞速,同时间赛跑!2020年2月2日,武汉火神山医院在数千万网友的“云监工”下正式完工。7000余名建设者日夜鏖战,仅用10天的时间,赶出了一个有着1000余个床位和34000平方米的建筑面积的火神山医院!此外,从决定开建到2月5日交付使用,雷神山医院的建成也只用了10天左右。“平地起医楼,当惊世界殊”——“中国速度”再次震惊世界,“基建狂魔”的称号名副其实!有国家做后盾,我们一定能够打赢这场战“疫”! 如果说奇迹有颜色,那一定是中国红!三、精选范文我们·光子流——作文纸条用户@影子爱吃冰激凌2020年病毒肆虐,不安,无助,恐惧与担忧似洪水般泛滥在每一个人的心头。在这个灰暗的时刻里,我们更要感谢光明。光是什么?光是一个物理学名词,其本质是一种处于特定频段的光子流。光源发出光,是因为光源中电子获得额外能量。从人情味上来讲,光就是希望,是从一角灰暗中萌芽的花朵,是透过小小的坑洞迸溅出的那股生命之泉。那在这个暗波涌动的世界,什么是光?医生是光,护士是光。 张定宇医生身患渐冻症,担任坚守在一线,肩负起身上的责任。他说:“我特别珍惜每一点时间、每一刻时间、每一会儿。我愿意在下面行走,愿意和大家在一起,愿意和空气、阳光在一起。”他自己每天凌晨2点躺下,4点又得重新爬起来,处理各种突发事件。他从未喊过辛苦喊过累,他用他行动不便的身体,走过了一个个病房——他是我们应该致敬的英雄。湘雅赴往武汉支援的护士都必须剪短发。谁不羡慕长发及腰,但她们却毅然将长发剪掉,赴往战场。也许她们当中,会有步入社会的女孩,有家庭圆满的女人,但她们穿起那件白色的衣裳,他们都变成了战士,我想来年,待你们长发及腰,一起去武汉看樱花可好?超市坚持供应的大爷是光,一早上可以走两万步的居委会大妈是光。虽然武汉的热闹像是被按下了暂停键,但是供应仍然充足,人民生活安定,超市里的大爷每日消毒,用他布满皱纹的双手勤劳地将超市里里外外清一遍,他不问回报,他说:“武汉是家嘛。”虽然小区人数众多,居委会大妈每天都要跑成百上千的住户,但是她一边说:“一天下来,工作量还是蛮大的。”一边给每一个住户最真挚的微笑“不辛苦不辛苦。”面对记者,她笑得腼腆,我想,这是2020最美的笑容。我们也是光。“我们”,是现在屏幕上的每一个人,其中也许有人按下了“确认”键,捐献小小力量;有人在家里自娱自乐,不出门为忙碌在一线的工作人员添麻烦,还有的人……如果说抗击新型冠状病毒的时期是特定频段,国家是光源,那每一个支援武汉的人,每一个安心呆在家里的人,每一个为城市坚持奋斗的人就是光子流。他们的身份不同,但他们的笑容却是出奇的像,一样温暖,一样坚定。同舟共济,守望春归——作文纸条用户@肆意我不知道你是谁,但我知道你为了谁。——题记这世上可能确实没有超级英雄,不过是有一份热,发一份光,萤火汇聚成星河。“感谢你们跨越万水千山驰援湖北,我们为你们保驾护航。”“谢谢航管,向你们致敬!武汉加油!中国必胜!”这段是来自塔台与运-20的对话,此时的支援湖北医疗队正手持中国空军的特殊机票从家前往疫区战场,正一同蓄力齐心打赢这场无声的战役。谁也不知道意外和明天哪个会先到来,但若在意外到来之际,我们定积极迎战,绝不退缩。新年将至,一场突如其来的新冠肺炎将整个中国盖上蒙纱。接二连三的疑似病例确诊,口罩等防护产品被一抢而空。我们被限制出门,在家中静候胜利佳音,不出门便是能做的最好的贡献。大医精诚,国士无双。“病魔,提头来见我!”这是84岁的钟南山钟老给新冠下的战书,03年的他击退了非典,20年的他重返战场,也定能击退新冠。他在武汉病情最危急时成为逆行而上的曙光,在中国人民最慌乱时给出最安定的答复。脱下防护装备,脸上的压痕清晰可见,但仍慈祥微笑,笑时犹带岭梅香。73岁的女中豪杰李兰娟院士,临危受命不后退,每天只睡3个小时,拼尽全力与病毒赛跑。一次次研究,一夜夜守护,只为拨开乌云,重见天日。来自全国各地的支援军团齐聚一堂,穿上装备,坚守在医院的每个角落,坚守在道路的每个卡口,坚守在胜利之门前。一份份从海外运送至中国的物资数不胜数,一份份署名“中国人”“无名之辈”“雷锋”……的物资出现在医院和警局的前台。这令人无比深刻地体会到了一方有难八方支援的温暖,这份无言的贡献使人铭记于心。中国人民是坚强不息,永不言败的!在短短的10天内,世界见证了火神山雷神山医院的完工,这就是中国速度!宁愿床等人,也不人等床,众人拾柴火焰高,这就是民族力量!我们希望被按了暂停键的能够早日重新播放,恢复以往的繁华喧闹;我们希望在每个清晨日夜齐聚一堂,牵手拥抱;我们希望每个一线岗位上的英雄们平安地微笑着凯旋归来。你要相信这不是最后一天,未来还很远,或许会留下遗憾,也算经历了潮起潮落。惊喜会在裂缝中结果,待到春暖花开时,便能满血复活,回归本来的模样。致敬疫情前线最美逆行者,致敬每一位普通人。没有一个冬天不会过去,没有一个春天不会来临。2020,不平凡的一年中有着不平凡的你们,一起加油!

推荐作文题目如下:《疫情期间,你令我感动》、《一场没有硝烟的战争》、《致敬抗击疫情的英雄》、《战胜疫情, 做时代的勇者》……

山川异域 ,风月同天。同理连枝,共盼春来。

战胜疫情  2020年年初,人们都在欢呼,都在庆祝新的一年的到来,而你却生病了,进入了隔离区,“你”就是武汉,一个我感到陌生而又每天萦绕耳边的名字。  刚刚踏入2020的门槛儿,就面临一场没有硝烟的战争。万余名医务工作者取消春节假期,离开父母儿女,日以继夜地奋战在疫情一线。当脱下“战服”,我们看到的是一张张布满勒痕、擦伤的脸,一双双被汗水浸湿、泡皱的双手,那手已被消毒液侵蚀出万千伤口,阿姨,您肯定很疼吧?我知道,当我们在家躲避病毒,安全生活的时候你们却直面“恶魔”从死神手里挽回一个又一个生命。你们是英雄,是我们最可爱的人!  战斗在一线的医务人员是可敬的,善良的,愿为抗击武汉肺炎疫情出一份力的人们也是值得我们钦佩的。社会各界捐钱捐物,我看到农民伯伯整晚在田里摘菜,为的是早一点把新鲜的蔬运往武汉。我看到有一个拾荒的爷爷捐出一万块,这一万块是爷爷弯了多少次腰,攒了多少个瓶子换来的?武汉,你看到了吗?虽然你封城了,但是大家都在支持你,爱是封锁不住的,你一定要坚强哦!  让我们携起手来,众志成城,我相信我们一定能够打败疫情。武汉,加油!中国,加油!一切都会好起来的!


中美疫情对比的英语作文发布得比较少,题主自行对比吧,可以借鉴以下中国的疫情英语作文:当我们在享受舒适的春节假期时,他们却放弃与亲人的团聚,毅然返回岗位;当我们恐避之而不及时,他们却义无反顾选择逆行,紧急驰援武汉;当我们为日益増长的病例忧心时,他们却迎难而上与病魔抗争,给我们以信心他们有一个共同的名宇一白衣天使。When we are enjoying the comfortable Spring Festival holiday, they give up the reunion with their relatives and resolutely return to their posts; when we are afraid of avoiding it and not in time, they are determined to go retrograde and rush to Wuhan; when we are worried about the growing number of cases, they fight against the disease and give us They have a common name, an angel in 从17年前抗击非典,到今天抗击新冠肺炎,他们把救治患者当成自己的天职,要么主动请战,要么主动加班,要么紧急驰援……一个个无惧无畏的身影,完美地诠释看心怀天下、悲天悯人的大爱情怀。华中科技大学同济医院的一位医护人员在志愿申请书上写道:“不计报酬,无论生死!”84岁高龄的钟南山院士义无反顾地赶往武汉防疫最前线,他在髙铁餐车上休息的照片,被认为是2020年开年以来最令人感动的画面。面对疫情,他们比任何人都清楚自己的处境,但是他们选择了"不退"。还有其他许多在口罩、防护服、护目镜下忘我工作上的医护工作者,虽然我们不知道他们是谁,但我知道他们为了谁。此刻,他们就是一个个战士,一个个英雄。Fighting against novel coronavirus pneumonia 17 years ago and fighting the new crown pneumonia today, they treat their patients as their bounden duty, or take the initiative to fight, or take the initiative to work overtime or rush to rush to Each fearless figure perfectly interprets the great love feelings of seeing the world and being compassionate to A medical staff member of Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of science and technology wrote in the voluntary application: "regardless of pay, regardless of life or death!" academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, rushed to the forefront of epidemic prevention in Wuhan without The picture of him resting on the high-speed railway dining car is considered to be the most touching picture since the start of the year In the face of the epidemic, they know their situation better than anyone else, but they choose to "not retreat" There are many other medical workers who work selflessly under masks, protective clothing and Although we dont know who they are, I know who they are At this moment, they are soldiers and 同样,面对这场全民战役,还需要我们每个人的共同努力。不用悲观抱怨,不要轻信谣言,不需慌乱急躁。我们要做的就是保护好自己,蓄积后劲,为明天的奔跑做好准备。Similarly, in the face of this national campaign, we need to work Dont complain pessimistically, dont believe rumors, dont What we have to do is to protect ourselves, build up the momentum and prepare for tomorrows "冬天来了。春天还会远吗?"无论经历怎样的酷塞,春天终会如期到来。让我们向这些最美的逆行者们学习,让我们人人做一个“英雄”,众志成城,形成强大的合力,一起打赢这场没有硝烟的战争。"Winter is Can spring be far behind? "No matter how cool it is, spring will come as Lets learn from the most beautiful rebels, lets all become a "hero", unite as one, form a strong joint force, and win the war without —来自于网络

Novel coronavirus infection is coming quietly at the beginning of the year, just as people are ready to celebrate the Spring F A battle against the virus has also At the time of outbreak and prevention and control, there are always some unknown heroes who build a solid "protective wall" for us in a "retrograde" They are fighting an epidemic war without smoke of gunpowder, which is a never-ending and inevitable resistance They are the most beautiful rebels of this 希望能够帮到您,望采纳!

我写这篇文章的目的是和你分享最近新冠疫情给我们的生活带来的影响。The purpose of my writing is to share with you the recent impact of COVID-19 on our 在疫情下,街道上人变得很少的原因是大家都避免外出。The reason why there are fewer people on the streets under the epidemic is that everyone avoids going 我们现在出门需要戴口罩以及保持社交距离,而且及时接种了疫苗平时会勤洗手,就餐时使用公共筷子。Now we need to wear masks and keep social distance when we go out, and we are vaccinated in We usually wash our hands frequently and use public chopsticks when 这些措施虽然麻烦,但是却保护了我们,我认为这同时也是一个改变坏习俗的好机会,通过这些措施我相信有一天我们可以结束疫情,拥抱自然。Although these measures are troublesome, they protect I think it is also a good opportunity to change bad Through these measures, I believe that one day we can end the epidemic and embrace



防控新冠疫情,作为今年全民最关注的时事热点,极有可能成为本年的中高考作文主题。为此,纸条君不仅整理了相关的人物事例素材,还有15个优秀标题、4个写作角度、2篇精选范文呢~小可爱们可以先收藏点赞,然后再拿小本本摘抄这些,抗击疫情作文的优秀素材~一、优秀标题《疫情有你我,携手护华夏》《隔离病毒,不隔离爱》《青山一道,同担风雨》《山河无恙,人间有情》《同气连枝,共盼春来》《疫情在前,责任在肩,爱在眼间》《同舟共济,携手渡难》【适用主题】人间有真情,众志成城,感谢国际社会对中国的帮助等。《悬壶济世存温情,医者仁心立天地》《救民水火,国士无双》《不计报酬,无论存亡》《你的样子,就是中国的样子》【适用主题】赞美奋斗在抗疫一线的逆行者们,责任担当等。《身如逆流船,心比铁石坚》《未来不足惧,过往不须泣》《要向人生索取,不向命运乞求》《世界以痛吻我,要我报之以歌》【适用主题】不惧困难,积极向上,满怀希望等。二、写作角度 & 事例素材最美逆行者,灯火守护人明知前方山有虎,但总有一群人“不计报酬,无论生死”,迎难而上!1月23日,武汉封城。在小年夜,有唯一一列赶往武汉的高铁。高铁上,是上海驰援武汉的第一批重症和呼吸科医师!南方医科大学南方医院千名医护人员主动请缨,他们按下自己的红手印,发出“若有战,召必回,战必胜”的铮铮誓言!武汉市金银潭医院是新型肺炎最初的“小汤山”,院长张定宇身患渐冻症,妻子也因身处前线而遭遇感染,他依然身先士卒、坚持奋战。当被问及自己的病情时,他总显得豁达,不多言便迈着蹒跚的步子,继续坚守在病房,与同事们一同与病毒作战。治病救人总是医者寻常,他们日夜坚守,以自己的血肉之躯,为病患、为你我筑起一道屏障。众志成城,抗击疫情“把钱捐给武汉!”68岁的拾荒老人李学明,在成都双流区彭镇政府值班大厅放下一沓钱便转身往外走,殊不知这10071元是老人5年来打零工、捡瓶子所攒的积蓄;浙江湖州83岁的林大爷靠回收废品维持生计,却捐了10000元,并直言“不要写我的名字,也不要报道我”;左手工伤残疾的秦师傅从白天奔波到黑夜,寻路40公里给医疗队送菜。此外,成都小伙地铁免费派送口罩、正能量偶像为武汉写歌、医院连续多日收到匿名外卖、众企业捐赠钱款物资、物流企业开通“绿色通道”……总有一些人,即便生活不易,却心存大义!疫情来袭,而凛冬中的温暖绝不缺席!谣言面前,擦亮双眼在全民共克时艰之际,谣言也在制造着无谓的恐慌,如“香油滴在鼻孔可阻断流感和瘟疫传染”“用淡盐水漱口可以预防新型冠状病毒”“喝板蓝根和熏醋可以预防武汉肺炎”“出门要佩戴护目镜”等等。谣言的危害在“一传十,十传百”的过程中被成倍放大,因此,我们不仅要在谣言面前做“智”者,更要成为谣言传播的“止”者!亲朋好友间相互提醒本无可非议,但切莫让别有用心之人钻了“空子”。每一个青年应担当一份使命,自觉做科学的传播者、谣言的粉碎者!“火”“雷”既出,驱瘟克疫疫情汹汹,中国与病魔竞速,同时间赛跑!2020年2月2日,武汉火神山医院在数千万网友的“云监工”下正式完工。7000余名建设者日夜鏖战,仅用10天的时间,赶出了一个有着1000余个床位和34000平方米的建筑面积的火神山医院!此外,从决定开建到2月5日交付使用,雷神山医院的建成也只用了10天左右。“平地起医楼,当惊世界殊”——“中国速度”再次震惊世界,“基建狂魔”的称号名副其实!有国家做后盾,我们一定能够打赢这场战“疫”! 如果说奇迹有颜色,那一定是中国红!三、精选范文我们·光子流——作文纸条用户@影子爱吃冰激凌2020年病毒肆虐,不安,无助,恐惧与担忧似洪水般泛滥在每一个人的心头。在这个灰暗的时刻里,我们更要感谢光明。光是什么?光是一个物理学名词,其本质是一种处于特定频段的光子流。光源发出光,是因为光源中电子获得额外能量。从人情味上来讲,光就是希望,是从一角灰暗中萌芽的花朵,是透过小小的坑洞迸溅出的那股生命之泉。那在这个暗波涌动的世界,什么是光?医生是光,护士是光。 张定宇医生身患渐冻症,担任坚守在一线,肩负起身上的责任。他说:“我特别珍惜每一点时间、每一刻时间、每一会儿。我愿意在下面行走,愿意和大家在一起,愿意和空气、阳光在一起。”他自己每天凌晨2点躺下,4点又得重新爬起来,处理各种突发事件。他从未喊过辛苦喊过累,他用他行动不便的身体,走过了一个个病房——他是我们应该致敬的英雄。湘雅赴往武汉支援的护士都必须剪短发。谁不羡慕长发及腰,但她们却毅然将长发剪掉,赴往战场。也许她们当中,会有步入社会的女孩,有家庭圆满的女人,但她们穿起那件白色的衣裳,他们都变成了战士,我想来年,待你们长发及腰,一起去武汉看樱花可好?超市坚持供应的大爷是光,一早上可以走两万步的居委会大妈是光。虽然武汉的热闹像是被按下了暂停键,但是供应仍然充足,人民生活安定,超市里的大爷每日消毒,用他布满皱纹的双手勤劳地将超市里里外外清一遍,他不问回报,他说:“武汉是家嘛。”虽然小区人数众多,居委会大妈每天都要跑成百上千的住户,但是她一边说:“一天下来,工作量还是蛮大的。”一边给每一个住户最真挚的微笑“不辛苦不辛苦。”面对记者,她笑得腼腆,我想,这是2020最美的笑容。我们也是光。“我们”,是现在屏幕上的每一个人,其中也许有人按下了“确认”键,捐献小小力量;有人在家里自娱自乐,不出门为忙碌在一线的工作人员添麻烦,还有的人……如果说抗击新型冠状病毒的时期是特定频段,国家是光源,那每一个支援武汉的人,每一个安心呆在家里的人,每一个为城市坚持奋斗的人就是光子流。他们的身份不同,但他们的笑容却是出奇的像,一样温暖,一样坚定。同舟共济,守望春归——作文纸条用户@肆意我不知道你是谁,但我知道你为了谁。——题记这世上可能确实没有超级英雄,不过是有一份热,发一份光,萤火汇聚成星河。“感谢你们跨越万水千山驰援湖北,我们为你们保驾护航。”“谢谢航管,向你们致敬!武汉加油!中国必胜!”这段是来自塔台与运-20的对话,此时的支援湖北医疗队正手持中国空军的特殊机票从家前往疫区战场,正一同蓄力齐心打赢这场无声的战役。谁也不知道意外和明天哪个会先到来,但若在意外到来之际,我们定积极迎战,绝不退缩。新年将至,一场突如其来的新冠肺炎将整个中国盖上蒙纱。接二连三的疑似病例确诊,口罩等防护产品被一抢而空。我们被限制出门,在家中静候胜利佳音,不出门便是能做的最好的贡献。大医精诚,国士无双。“病魔,提头来见我!”这是84岁的钟南山钟老给新冠下的战书,03年的他击退了非典,20年的他重返战场,也定能击退新冠。他在武汉病情最危急时成为逆行而上的曙光,在中国人民最慌乱时给出最安定的答复。脱下防护装备,脸上的压痕清晰可见,但仍慈祥微笑,笑时犹带岭梅香。73岁的女中豪杰李兰娟院士,临危受命不后退,每天只睡3个小时,拼尽全力与病毒赛跑。一次次研究,一夜夜守护,只为拨开乌云,重见天日。来自全国各地的支援军团齐聚一堂,穿上装备,坚守在医院的每个角落,坚守在道路的每个卡口,坚守在胜利之门前。一份份从海外运送至中国的物资数不胜数,一份份署名“中国人”“无名之辈”“雷锋”……的物资出现在医院和警局的前台。这令人无比深刻地体会到了一方有难八方支援的温暖,这份无言的贡献使人铭记于心。中国人民是坚强不息,永不言败的!在短短的10天内,世界见证了火神山雷神山医院的完工,这就是中国速度!宁愿床等人,也不人等床,众人拾柴火焰高,这就是民族力量!我们希望被按了暂停键的能够早日重新播放,恢复以往的繁华喧闹;我们希望在每个清晨日夜齐聚一堂,牵手拥抱;我们希望每个一线岗位上的英雄们平安地微笑着凯旋归来。你要相信这不是最后一天,未来还很远,或许会留下遗憾,也算经历了潮起潮落。惊喜会在裂缝中结果,待到春暖花开时,便能满血复活,回归本来的模样。致敬疫情前线最美逆行者,致敬每一位普通人。没有一个冬天不会过去,没有一个春天不会来临。2020,不平凡的一年中有着不平凡的你们,一起加油!




