

发布时间:2024-07-13 21:57:36


what touches heart comes from 发自内心的东西才会感人从一件小事说起,透过小事说明一个道理或是抒发一种情感不喊口号空号 给你选了15个题目,自己想象发挥也行,需要我帮你出点子可来邮件 lessons of failure Keep swimming(Sink or Float) Value Every Minute Why mothers cry Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow The Smile behind The Tear 7 Never, Never Give Up! A Mistake I will Never Repeat The Power of a Smile A Lesson For Life The meaning of life The greatest pain in life The Window Nothing to fear Beginning today

endinportant for you to keep a good mind-set,because it will make you become more Second, you should have a rational diet,such as,have more meats,peans,especially frsh vegetables and Third,you should have enough sleep and don't smook or In addition,doing more physical exercise isalso quite crutial to keep youself in good stake In all,if you want to keep healthy,you had better form a good life


健康饮食 In current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life In the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate more vegetables and less meat and They were very strong and seldom went to see Now life is better, people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other food with more They often go out for good meals with their families and But they get easy to be ill, Why? I think more meat and fish, less exercise are bad for Good rest, less meat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are good for So I exercise every My eating habits are pretty I eat a lot of I eat fruit and drink milk every I drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal and eat much vegetables and Of course, I love junk food, too, and I eat it once a And I sleep nine hours every The better we get into good eating habits, the happier our life becomes吃早餐Recently we did a research on the effects that a good breakfast made on The study showed that students with a good breakfast every morning, which contained eggs, bread, milk and so on, were healthier than those without They grew faster and were less likely to put on weight and get By eating breakfast every morning, the students could feel alive and quick in the morning’s work at They were full of energy and could focus their attention easily for a long Their scores in the tests were much higher than those of the students who went to school without Compared with the students with a good breakfast every day, the students without breakfast were less active and got tired more easily in They couldn’t run as fast as those with From the research we can see that breakfast is the most important meal of the It not only affects our health but also our study and work, even our Let’s prepare ourselves a good breakfast every day to keep us healthy both mentally and

The Diet Zone: A Dangerous Place Diet Coke, diet Pepsi, diet pills, no-fat diet, vegetable diet… We are surrounded by the word “diet” everywhere we look and We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to We are paying for products that harm us psychologically and physically(身体上) Diet products significantly weaken us On one level, we are not allowing our brain to admit that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight, but in controlling the consumption of fatty, high-calorie, unhealthy Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤) All we have to do is to swallow or recognize the word “diet” in food On another level, diet products have greater psychological Every time we have a zero-calorie drink, we are telling ourselves without our awareness that we don’t have to work to get Diet products make people believe that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance and The danger of diet products lies not only in the psychological effects they have on us, but also in the physical harm that they Diet foods can indirectly harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we are preventing our bodies from having basic nutrients(营养成分) Diet foods and diet pills contain zero calorie only because the diet industry has created chemicals to produce these wonder Diet products may not be nutritional, and the chemical that go into diet products are potentially Now that we are aware of the effects that diet products have on us, it is time to seriously think about buying Losing weight lies in the power of minds, not in the power of Once we realize this, we will be much better able to resist diet products, and therefore prevent the psychological harm that comes from using 错了别找我

As the saying goes: /"Hunger breeds /" Today/'s society, many of the hotel where they stand, rush from a variety of cuisine, in Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong dishes outside of Italy, French, Japanese cuisine, Korean food and so We all know that health is to do anything for money, health is closely connected with the Today, we take a look at the food on the table Food is divided into many kinds of vegetables and fruit, beans, meat, cereals, dairy categories, such as Combination of these categories into a food pyramid, all affect our Therefore, in order to achieve a reasonable meals with more vegetables, fruits, less meat, fat Cereals-based food, may be an appropriate increase in beans, dairy products category, and we have to remember that eating only eight full meals, not being choosy food anorexia, can not be overeating, eating clean food is most In food, contain a people/'s health play an important role in the elements - Vitamins are divided into A, B, C, D Different vitamins have different Vitamin A is usually in red, black, more food, such as carrots, black beans and so Its main function is to protect the eyes, can be used to protect their eyesight, the treatment of night blindness and other evidence of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables often, it is conducive to the treatment of scurvy, skin The discovery also has a story: a ship adrift at sea for several days, many sailors have had scurvy, one of a very serious disease, abandoned on a desert This after a number of sailors to eat lemons, did not expect that scurvy The news of a spread of Lemon after scientists found a large quantity of vitamin C, used to treat disease Vitamin B, D and there are many functions, not in this Of course, we should pay attention: do not mix in some food to eat, in order to avoid Such as shrimp and vitamin C at the same time can not eat, crabs can not eat persimmons with 健康饮食谱十字诀 根据中国营养学会的建议及美国健康食品指南,结合国情可以将合理膳食归纳为两句话、十个字:即一二三四五,红黄绿白黑。 “一”指每日饮一袋牛奶(或酸奶),内含250毫克钙,可以有效改善我国膳食钙摄入量普遍偏低的状态。 “二”指每日摄入碳水化合物250至350克,相当于主食6至8两。 “三”指每日进食三份高蛋白食物,每份指:瘦肉1两;或鸡蛋1个;或豆腐2两;或鸡鸭2两;或鱼虾2两。 “四”指四句话:有粗有细(粗细粮搭配);不甜不咸(以广东型膳食每日摄盐6至7克最佳、上海型8至9克次之。);三四五顿(指少吃多餐),七八分饱。 “五”指每日500克蔬菜及水果。 “红”指每日可饮少量红葡萄酒50至100毫升,以助增加高密度脂肪蛋白及活血化瘀,预防动脉粥样硬化。 “黄”指黄色蔬菜,如胡萝卜、红薯、南瓜、西红柿等,其中含丰富的胡萝卜素,对儿童及成人均有提高免疫力的功能。 “绿”指绿茶及深绿色蔬菜。绿茶有明确的抗肿瘤、抗感染作用。 “白”指燕麦粉或燕麦片。可降低血胆固醇、甘油三酯,对糖尿病更有显著疗效。 “黑”指黑木耳,能降低血黏度与血胆固醇,有助于预防血栓形成。


Healthy eating habits are very important for our We should build healthy eating We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for We also should eat less meat And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the It is very bad for our Breakfast is the most important meal for 健康的饮食习惯对我们的健康很重要。我们应该建立健康的饮食习惯。我们应该每天吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,它们能给我们提供丰富的必要维生素。我们每天还应该少吃肉,最好每天早晚喝一杯水。此外,我们应该注意饮食平衡,这能保证我们必要的营养。垃圾食品是我们健康的致命杀手,所以我们应该远离它们。据说大部分的学生早上几乎什么都不吃,这对我们的健康是有害的。早餐是人们最重要的一餐。

Food Safety in China With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active But at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in China has caught everyone’s In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility for others, law related should be passed and carried Only in this way can we come by a healthy eating and a harmonious 食品安全水平  与日益意识到健康饮食,越来越多的人们现在已经更加注重健康饮食的重要性和积极的生活。但与此同时,越来越多的食品安全事件在中国引起了大家的关注。  在我看来,每个人都参与了应该建立一个高度的责任感对于其他人来说,要通过相关法律和执行。只有用这种方法我们才能得到一个健康的饮食和一个和谐的世界。

来自网络Nowadays, unsafe foods can be found, now and then, in the market, which has aroused a lot of It is reported that these foodstuff ranges from substandard milk powder, dyed steamed buns to pork withlean meat Fake commodities are harmful in many To begin with, it is a waste of resource, especially in Second, it has bad effect on the reputation of the real manufacturers and brings about moral CAbove all, all that matters is People's health and lives are severely threatened if someone buys some Measures should be taken to deal with the On the one hand, strict laws should be passed to punishthe producers and the On the other hand, consumers should be told to distinguish the genuine goodsfrom the false At the same time, the government should strengthen the supervision of all aspects of I firmly believe this problem will be solved in the near

From this incident,we can see that there are still more things to be Firstly,the government needs everything possible to ensure the quality of products,particularly the safety of food as this concerns everyone's Secondly,as for the producers,it is very important for them to be morally They should never try to pursue profit or economic growth at the expense of health and life of Thirdly,we consumers must attach importance to the things we eat and develop an awareness of how to protect our legal rights if Only in this way will we be able to build a more secure and harmonious


Healthy eating habits are very important for our We should build healthy eating We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for We also should eat less meat And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the It is very bad for our Breakfast is the most important meal for 健康的饮食习惯对我们的健康很重要。我们应该建立健康的饮食习惯。我们应该每天吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,它们能给我们提供丰富的必要维生素。我们每天还应该少吃肉,最好每天早晚喝一杯水。此外,我们应该注意饮食平衡,这能保证我们必要的营养。垃圾食品是我们健康的致命杀手,所以我们应该远离它们。据说大部分的学生早上几乎什么都不吃,这对我们的健康是有害的。早餐是人们最重要的一餐。

My eating habbits I'm a middle school i have good eating I often drink a cup of milk and eat an egg for breakfast at I don't like milk, but my mom thinks it's good for my I often eat lunch at I usually have some meat and I like all kinds of vegeatbles and I also like juck food , but I only eat once or twice a I usually drink water and juice, and I never drink coffee or As you see, i eat well and I'm very well

I do exercise every day, I eat vegetables every day, drink milk, I never eat junk food, I seldom drink coffee, watch TV two times a week, I think a good diet will make my body healthier, also can make me learn

An increasing number of people are becoming aware of the significance of health maintainence Just as the basic need of human beings for survival , like food to prevent starvation , and clothing to keep away from cold , being healthy is one essential element , which would be easily ignored Here , tips for keeping good healthy are to be : work regularily and rest adequately , keep in good hours and have a healthy diet If you do not intent to get yourself sick , exercising every moring would surely be the best way to prevent disease Often can be seen that there are senior folks jogging and playing Taiji on the square or garden And many young peers would much like to take sports gathering , such as table tennis and badminton , instead of spending the whole night getting drunk in bars And as is known to all , tobacco an alcohol are the two greatest evils that creat negative affections on our health Thus a man should definitely be sure of what to eat and what not , what to drink and what not Besides , joining a family outdoor pinic in a shining weekend would be a lovely way to keep psychologically/mentally healthy Anyway , health is the most precious gift that man can ever have 越来越多的人们已经意识到健康的重要性。正如食物充饥、衣物御寒一样,拥有健康也是人类生存的必要条件之一,而它却往往被忽视。以下有保持身体健康的小秘笈:规律的工作、充足的休息、早睡早起、健康饮食。如果你不想把自己弄生病,那么每天的晨练一定是预防疾病最好的方式。经常可以看见,很多老年人在广场或公园健身或打太极拳,而很多年轻人也喜欢聚在一起玩玩乒乓球或羽毛球,而不再是扎堆在酒吧里宿夜买醉。地球人都知道,烟草和酒精是影响我们健康的两大恶邪,所以应该明白,什么该吃什么不该吃,什么该喝什么不该喝。除此之外,在阳光灿烂的周末跟家里人到郊外野餐也能使得心理/精神保持健康。总之,我们应该知道,健康是上天赐给人类最宝贵的礼物


I do exercise every day, I eat vegetables every day, drink milk, I never eat junk food, I seldom drink coffee, watch TV two times a week, I think a good diet will make my body healthier, also can make me learn

The Diet Zone: A Dangerous Place Diet Coke, diet Pepsi, diet pills, no-fat diet, vegetable diet… We are surrounded by the word “diet” everywhere we look and We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to We are paying for products that harm us psychologically and physically(身体上) Diet products significantly weaken us On one level, we are not allowing our brain to admit that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight, but in controlling the consumption of fatty, high-calorie, unhealthy Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤) All we have to do is to swallow or recognize the word “diet” in food On another level, diet products have greater psychological Every time we have a zero-calorie drink, we are telling ourselves without our awareness that we don’t have to work to get Diet products make people believe that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance and The danger of diet products lies not only in the psychological effects they have on us, but also in the physical harm that they Diet foods can indirectly harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we are preventing our bodies from having basic nutrients(营养成分) Diet foods and diet pills contain zero calorie only because the diet industry has created chemicals to produce these wonder Diet products may not be nutritional, and the chemical that go into diet products are potentially Now that we are aware of the effects that diet products have on us, it is time to seriously think about buying Losing weight lies in the power of minds, not in the power of Once we realize this, we will be much better able to resist diet products, and therefore prevent the psychological harm that comes from using 错了别找我

Healthy eating habits are very important for our We should build healthy eating We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for We also should eat less meat And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the It is very bad for our Breakfast is the most important meal for 健康的饮食习惯对我们的健康很重要。我们应该建立健康的饮食习惯。我们应该每天吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,它们能给我们提供丰富的必要维生素。我们每天还应该少吃肉,最好每天早晚喝一杯水。此外,我们应该注意饮食平衡,这能保证我们必要的营养。垃圾食品是我们健康的致命杀手,所以我们应该远离它们。据说大部分的学生早上几乎什么都不吃,这对我们的健康是有害的。早餐是人们最重要的一餐。

My eating habbits I'm a middle school i have good eating I often drink a cup of milk and eat an egg for breakfast at I don't like milk, but my mom thinks it's good for my I often eat lunch at I usually have some meat and I like all kinds of vegeatbles and I also like juck food , but I only eat once or twice a I usually drink water and juice, and I never drink coffee or As you see, i eat well and I'm very well
