

发布时间:2024-07-08 13:32:24


白族婚礼 白族 wedding白族婚礼有人曾概括地说,在大理地区参加白族人家的婚礼,不仅能品尝到白族的名优特产食品、佳肴,看到绚丽多彩的民族服饰,而且还能体验到一次难得的妙趣横生的独特民族风情。白族 wedding have been broadly speaking, in part to the wedding 白族 not only can enjoy 白族 名优特产 of food, food, clothing, and all peoples have suffered a rare sense of national unique白族婚姻实行一夫一妻制。过去婚姻多由父母包办,男方要付昂贵的聘礼,举行婚礼时还要花费很多的钱财。现在虽随时代的发展有很大的改进,但至今还保留有传统的古老的风情习俗。白族 marriage in the past, many parents are arranged by marriage, the man agreed to pay for expensive wedding dowry, it takes a lot of money now with although there are much improved, but i still have a tradition of ancient customs and amorous 男女经过自由恋爱或经人介绍,经定婚确定关系后,在举行结婚时,男方要在正喜日(即结婚日)之前,请人搭好彩棚。并在结婚正喜之日前一天晚上,要邀请乡寨中会唱演戏的人来唱戏(俗称板凳戏,即一人拉琴,几人扮不同角色演唱人或请人唱带有恭喜祝贺之词的吹吹腔(即用唢呐伴奏)、大本仙等曲调。Men and women after free courtship and the introduction, it is engaged, in relationship to be married, the man to rejoice at the wedding day ( ) before i take a decorated the marriage is like the night before, to invite 乡寨 will sing to act cute to the star ( 俗称 play, a man to play the violin, a few people play different roles, or singing person who sang with congratulations on the words blow 吹腔 ( with the suona and the private band ) until the 人们一边吃、喝、品尝着主人摆下的果品、茶水。 酒,一边唱,一直唱到半夜三更,在座的人不分老少、男、女,品食一碗圆宵,以示预先庆贺大团圆。People eat, drink, try the set of fruit and the wine, and sing and sing at night, the people, old and young, male and female, eat a bowl of a whole, to celebrate the one in 第二天,即正喜之日,从早上起便开始摆宴待客,当来宾开始品尝果酒后品食酒菜佳肴时,新郎在一个陪郎的陪伴下, 踩着唢呐吹奏起的“龙上天”乐曲,一桌一桌地给客人们敬酒、敬莱,而这敬法要跪着双手托盘把酒、莱(只一盘或一碗茶)一敬上。The next day, is like, from morning to the feast when the guests start a taste of food and wine and cider after eating, when the bridegroom with their neighbours on a company of the suona and on playing the "dragon", a table for a table for guests and to propose a toast, and this method to kneel down my offer, only the rhine ( a plate or bowl of tea ) an 迎亲时,有的地方新郎不去,迎亲的陪郎、陪女在媒人率领下,在唢呐声中去迎亲。到了女方家门口唢呐手要用力高声吹奏“蜜蜂过江”、“大摆队伍”、“迎亲调”等内容欢快、热烈的乐曲6次,女方家才由几位年长的男女亲戚数人出来招呼迎新的人进门。Families, in some places, the groom greet with their neighbours, with women in the match maker led to the voices of the zurna to greet the bride's house by force of the suona hand at playing the bees across the river, with the families of tune, "" "for gay music and a dozen times, the bride's family only a few old men and women in relation to the number of people out into the the orientation然而,有趣的是,有的地方迎亲的人刚要迈进门,就被女方家的几位老人拦住路,用出几副对子(即楹联)或提几个意想不到的问题等类的语句,如:“你们从哪里来?”“路上碰见什么?”让媒人或新郎回答,人们把这一习俗叫“路考”。But, interestingly, in some places the families of the people had to step into the gate was of the family stopped a few old man, with a few twin ( 楹联 ), or make a few unexpected problems of such statements, such as : "do you come from?" "the road they met?" let the matchmaker, or the people the custom called "the road 这一问一答不仅要灵机应变,而且还要讲究决,对答如流和有风趣,显得很有学问。若哪一方一下子反应不过来;常常会引起一阵阵爽朗而又充满喜气、欢乐、愉快的笑声。有的地方迎亲时新郎必去,同样碰到“路考”,人们称 “考姑爷”或“考新郎”。The question and answer should not only brainwave, and must never, on the trigger and with a very if a response which are often caused gales ; lively and full of gladness, the joyful, happy some families, the same time the bridegroom shall go into the road test and the people "sir" or "the 迎亲的人们进门后,女方家便由4个或6个小男孩逐一给他们敬献苦茶、甜茶、糖茶。然后由媒人(或新郎)给女家父母、兄嫂、长辈拜堂、敬酒,女方父母给媒人小孩披挂一道红彩。这时新嫁娘(新娘)要大声哭起来,人们把这哭称为“哭 嫁”。Greet people into the door, and family of four or six small boy in their hard to let the tea, tea, 糖茶 and then the matchmaker ( or groom ) to her family, and worship 兄嫂 elders, toast and was regarded with suspicion by her parents for in the splendors of the new bride married women now ( ) to cry aloud, it is called "married" she 一般是先哭父母,后哭兄嫂、弟妹、长辈、女伴,这哭不仅一边哭,而且一边成段成段地哭唱父母养育之思,兄嫂。 弟妹之情,伙伴友谊,长辈的关心爱护,今后自己不知如何生活等,若遇到妯娌不和就趁这时也借哭之机,用调子哭唱出自己心中的不平,然后才随迎亲的人出门。Is usually cry, cry with parents and sister and the elders, 兄嫂 companion, it cried and cried, only one side into a long time to sing up, the parents of 兄嫂 sister, a partner of friendship, love and care for elders of his own don't know how to live in the future, if not 妯娌 took it for crying, stop crying by singing out of their heart, and then with the families of people 在去新郎家的路上,有的地方新娘是坐轿或骑马,在欢快、激越的唢响乐曲声中上路。In to the groom's family, others place the bride by sedan or a horse, in bright and melody of the the music 唢迎亲的队伍还没回到男方家,早已有男方家的长辈在门口相迎。人们一进门,新媳妇便在伴娘及男方女长辈的簇拥下上楼进行梳妆打扮。在新娘梳洗打扮时,在楼下从楼梯口到新房的必经处,早已等候着准备指新娘的人们,据说这格新娘的习俗是为了沾喜气而留传下来的。Families of the team has not returned to the house, she already has a man of the elders at the people came in, the new daughter-in-law the bridesmaid and the elders of the people upstairs to the the bride was dressed and downstairs from the new house, tu had long been waiting for the preparation of the people, it is said that this custom is to the bride with gladness and passed 待新娘装扮好,准备入洞房前,只见两个10岁左右的小男孩举着用松明点燃的火把,在人们喜悦欢乐声中,从楼梯口飞步跑向洞房,随之新媳妇在两个伴娘的簇拥下,在人们争相掐新娘的举动和嬉笑声中大步跑进了洞房。To the bride was dressed and ready to get married there, two ten years the little boy held up by shomei the people, from the joy 欢乐声 ran to the wedding, with the bride in two of the bridesmaids, dismounting at the people fell off the bride and in stride with the sound ran into the 洞房门坎上放有一副马鞍,门上挂有一把筛子,内安有一面镜子,镜子上又安放着一张弓,弓上有并排散开欲射向前方的三支箭。这些吉祥物是祝贺一对新人今后生活勤劳、勇敢。 幸福的象征。新媳妇进洞房后片刻,便开始举行拜天地、拜父 母仪式。Wedding on the threshold of a saddle, the door on a sieve, in a mirror, mirror on and there was a bow, side by side on a scatter shot forward to the the mascot was on a new couple lived industry and the bride in the after a moment, to worship the father and mother held 拜天地 有的地方是在进洞房之前便举行了拜天地、拜父母仪式。有的地方一对新人入洞房时,风趣的是俩人都不约而同地争坐枕头,据说谁先坐到枕头上,今后就谁当家,不过,这只是为风趣增添一分欢乐,往往是女先男后,那也奉行和符合男主外,女主内的传统习惯。Some is in the wedding will be held before 拜天地 worship ceremony, some place where a couple to the bedroom, wit is both fallen against a pillow, who will sit on the pillow, who wears the trousers, but this is to add one with joy and often is the first man, that is part and consistent with the lord, the women in traditional 然而,这时不知是谁在那盆暖和又象征兴旺的炭火里理好的辣子面发挥了奇效,辣味直呛得新郎、新娘流泪,呛得不时消鼻涕、打哈欠,逗得出出进进洞房的人们笑声不绝,使洞房洋溢着一种独有的喜气。However, i wonder who are warm and garnished and charcoal fire was a symbol of the chilli itself can have a face like magic, spirits and to the bride and groom with tears and snot away from time to time, yawned, 出出进进 wedding people laugh, and put wedding with a unique 一阵嬉笑过后,辣味呛过,夫妻喝交杯酒,以示相敬相亲,永结同心,恩爱白头。晚上有的地方新媳妇由女方长辈二人和伴娘及男方家长辈妇女数人相陆在一起吃“细巫席”(即新娘席)。A gay, and after a hot drink for drink, and by came near to you, forever will tie concentriily 恩爱白 evening, his some places for the bride by the elders and the bridesmaids, and the elders of women in the number of people in the land together with "of oz" "( the the bride )席散后, 有的地方在阵阵欢快的喷呐声中,开始举行“除拜”(即拜亲) 仪式,“除拜”就是由新媳妇拜男方长辈,受她一拜的人都会得到她亲手加工制作的布鞋一双,上辈人接过鞋子,多少要给她几元钱或一点礼品。最后由新娘下辈人、邻里小孩一齐拜新娘,每人都会得到一份喜钱或一件礼物。Table, in some places in the mist of spray of blood, began to hold "in addition to worship him," ( ) worship ceremony, "the visiting" the bride and the elders, she worship of people will get her work to make a pair of shoes, 上辈人 took his shoes, much to give her a few dollars or a little finally, the bride and the neighborhood kids all 下辈 worship the bride, everyone will get a copy of the money or a 这时老者笑吟吟,小者心花怒放,围观的人常常在唢呐声中爆发出一阵阵欢乐的笑声;使婚礼增添了不少的欢乐和炽热的气氛。 待“除拜”结束,年轻人便一齐拥入洞房,一边品尝新媳妇由娘家带来的果品,一边在嬉笑声中开始进行闹洞房的风趣活动。The old man slipped and 小者 manner, and the audience in the suona the outbreak of happy laughter ; the wedding was a lot of fun and hot in addition to "worship" ended, and crowding the bedroom, sipping her bride by the field, the voices began to laugh at a the humorous joke

白族基本上实行一夫一妻的小家庭制。儿子成婚后即行分居,父母一般从幼子居住。在地主阶级中,有少数是“四代同堂”的大家庭。同宗同姓不通婚,但例行姑舅表婚。婚姻一般由父母包办,要门当户对。有女无儿的可以招赘,无儿无女的也可以抱养同族弟兄的子女(过继)或养子。赘婿和养子要改名换姓,才能取得财产继承权。 白族在元代以前盛行火葬。元代以后,因受汉族的影响而改为土葬。丧葬仪式一般比较隆重。 平坝地区白族人民主食稻米、小麦,山区的则以玉米、养子为主。白族人民喜吃酸、冷、辣等口味,善于腌制火腿、弓鱼、油鸡棕、猪肝酢等菜肴,又喜吃一种别具风味的“生肉”或“生皮”,即将猪肉烤成半生半熟,切成肉丝,佐以姜、蒜、醋等拌而食之。白族人民还喜喝烤茶。 白族服饰,各地略有不同。大理等中心地区男子头缠白色或蓝色的包头,身着白色对襟衣和黑领褂,下穿白色长裤,肩挂绣着美丽图案的挂包。大理一带妇女多穿白色上衣,外套黑色或紫色丝绒领褂,下着蓝色宽裤,腰系缀有绣花飘带的短围腰,足穿绣花的“百节鞋”,臂环扭丝银镯,指带珐琅银戒指,耳坠银饰上衣右衽佩着银质的“三须”、“五须”;已婚者挽髻,未婚者垂辫于后或盘辫于头,都缠以绣花、印花、或彩色毛巾的包头。 白族住屋形式,坝区多为“长三间”,衬以厨房、畜厩和有场院的茅草房,或“一正两耳”、“三方一照壁”、“四合五天井”的瓦房,卧室、厨房、畜厩俱各分开。山区多为上楼下厩的草房、“闪片”房、篾笆房或“木垛房”,炊爨和睡觉的地方常连在一起。


The Dali Scenic Region lies in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture located in the northwest of Yunnan P Yunnan is made up of one municipality and eleven Dali covers a total area of 11,380 square miles with a total population of 3,063,000, of which minority nationalities make up 1,553, The Bai people make up 2 percent of the total population and the Yi, Hui, Naxi, Miao and other minority nationalities account for a total of 16 Dali is the major region where the Bais live in compact The capital of the Prefecture, Dali Municipality, is 247 miles away from K It is located at the center of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, surrounded by beautiful mountains and crystal-clear Within and around the city, there are many relics and places of historical It was the political, economical and cultural center for 500 years during the Tang and Song D The annual average temperature is 59 degree F The climate is pleasantly spring-like all the year The beautiful scenery, varied traditions and the culture of minority nationalities make Dali a well-known place of The Three Pagodas are located about a half-mile northwest of Dali Old Town at the foot of Zhonghe P They are historical witnesses of the prevailing Buddhism in those The Three Pagodas consist of one big pagoda and two small They are one of the most significant and majestic wonders in Dali and look Each of the Three Pagodas was built at different periods of The main pagoda, the Qianxun Pagoda was erected when the Chongsheng Monastery was built during the period of Fengyou of Nanzhao Kingdom (823 -859) The Qianxun Pagoda is a sixteen-story tower reaching 226 feet into the On the south and north side of the main pagoda stand two small octagonal ones with closed Each pagoda is 10 stories high with a total height of approximately 140 The two minor pagodas were erected during the Wudai Period of the Dali K The Three Pagodas are a representation of the ancient architecture and culture of the Bai 网站里面还有各个景点的英文介绍哦!



很简单 虽然是开放式作文 然而文章的立意的基础不会超出一定的范围 而要想确定作文的立意 就一定要仔细读材料作文的立意 总结起来多应是 好的 上进的 积极应对人生的 以及如果 亲喜欢 可以有限制的写一些比较具有争议性的话题 但是 观点上一定要偏向中立 比如说 亲想写网游的害处的同时 说一些什么 如果安排得当还是很好的休息娱乐方式什么的 如果要写那些因搞网游而发家的人 一定要说 社会很有争议 毕竟有许多学生因此荒废学业什么的 而今年的作文题目 是隐形的翅膀 看似很开放 其实 总结起来就是 努力达到成功的很老套的命题 当然 这是最方便 也应是 大家入手较多的方面 其实 还可以引入人道主义关怀的理念 确定好自己要写的作文的立意 比如说 是努力达到成功的立意 就要做到两点 一是一定要记得既然是题目 那么 可以在文中多出现几次 或是部分引用材料 二是 自己的立意一旦确定 就一定要在作文中重复多次出现 我猜亲的老师一定会告诉亲 鲁迅的痛打落水狗的理论 作文 尤其的八百字的作文 字数不多也很难发挥发出作者真正的作文水平 但是 在论据段的段尾或段首 重复出现论点 一定是必要的 就像阅读一样 段首尾容易出现主题句 这不仅是写作的习惯 也是判卷老师的阅读习惯 还有 作文 一般老师都会告诉亲 是三段式 即总——分——总 其实 最好的作文是四段式 即 起——承——转——合 起 就不用说了 作文开头 老师一定会嘱咐要写一些漂亮的句子 最经典的就是三个排比句 点题 什么的了承 就是承接文章开头的意思 一般来说 就是一个过渡句外加一个正面事例 之后夹叙夹议 出第一个分论点 就差不多了 转 一般来说 这就是老师一般会说的 第二个分论点 最简单的转的办法就是反面事例 还有 就是提出前一个事例没有体现的部分 强烈建议 除非前一个事例与这个事例有很明显的互补性 就宁可使用反面事例法 虽然很烂俗 最后 就是合了 所谓风头猪肚豹尾 下围棋也有金角银边草肚皮的说法 开头大家一般都写得不错 因为老师很重视的原因 结尾往往会不知所云 我这里有一个 比较讨巧的办法 就是看一眼开头 因为 开头多是排比句 以比较经典(也就是最烂俗的 )的一种格式 %%是**为例 比如在开头写了 “努力是通往成功的隐形翅膀(请原谅我用这么雷 的句子)”结尾就不妨写 “隐形的翅膀因努力 而张开 飞向成功的彼岸”(这句也挺雷的)这样写有两个好处 一是点题 二是使老师觉得你的文章具有完整性 感到首尾呼应感很强 写起来也很容易 还有 事例中 形容一个人 或某件事时 可以用两个结构类似 意义想法相反或相近的的两个句子 比如说 最常见的 什么 努力不见得成功 成功一定要努力 给老师一种对偶的错觉 提升文章的韵律感 算是 最简单的提升文章华丽程度的办法其实 在中国的考场上 就不要指望什么开放式作文的 因为压根没有 凭感觉 找个正面 向上的 立意 在心里给它换个题目就完事了 通常来说 无非是 努力——成功 正义 理性 理想——现实 困境——拼搏 什么的 说真的 好写的很



The Dali Scenic Region lies in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture located in the northwest of Yunnan P Yunnan is made up of one municipality and eleven Dali covers a total area of 11,380 square miles with a total population of 3,063,000, of which minority nationalities make up 1,553, The Bai people make up 2 percent of the total population and the Yi, Hui, Naxi, Miao and other minority nationalities account for a total of 16 Dali is the major region where the Bais live in compact The capital of the Prefecture, Dali Municipality, is 247 miles away from K It is located at the center of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, surrounded by beautiful mountains and crystal-clear Within and around the city, there are many relics and places of historical It was the political, economical and cultural center for 500 years during the Tang and Song D The annual average temperature is 59 degree F The climate is pleasantly spring-like all the year The beautiful scenery, varied traditions and the culture of minority nationalities make Dali a well-known place of The Three Pagodas are located about a half-mile northwest of Dali Old Town at the foot of Zhonghe P They are historical witnesses of the prevailing Buddhism in those The Three Pagodas consist of one big pagoda and two small They are one of the most significant and majestic wonders in Dali and look Each of the Three Pagodas was built at different periods of The main pagoda, the Qianxun Pagoda was erected when the Chongsheng Monastery was built during the period of Fengyou of Nanzhao Kingdom (823 -859) The Qianxun Pagoda is a sixteen-story tower reaching 226 feet into the On the south and north side of the main pagoda stand two small octagonal ones with closed Each pagoda is 10 stories high with a total height of approximately 140 The two minor pagodas were erected during the Wudai Period of the Dali K The Three Pagodas are a representation of the ancient architecture and culture of the Bai 网站里面还有各个景点的英文介绍哦!

From eighth to the 13th century, Nanzhao State and Dali State established in the Dali area lasted for nearly 600 years, roughly during the corresponding period of the Tang and Song The establishment and consolidation of Nanzhao and Dali states put an end to the separatist regimes in the border areas in Yunnan Province in ancient C Rulers of both Nanzhao and Dali states tried to combine the Chinese civilization in the Central Plains with the culture of the minority groups and extensively assimilate the culture of neighboring countries, thus forming a regional culture with a unique For generations, people of Nanzhao and Dali states studied books in Chinese and observed ethics of the Han Their palaces, temples, official documents, and etiquette are similar to those in the Central P Historians call the two regimes“states of ceremonies” in which the people knew “ethics and music and observed the morals and manners of the Tang D” The two regimes produced many poets, historians, and men of letter as well as rich books and Dali is referred to as a “well-known land of historical ”: Rulers of Nanzhao State accepted at an earlier stage the thought of “ruling their state by ethics and music,” which was enforced by feudal rulers in the Central P In 793, Yi Muxun, king of Nanzhao State, organized the performance of Music Presented by Nanzhao State to the Tang Emperor in Chang’an, the capital of the Tang D The performance expressed the desire cherished by the king to submit forever to the rule of the dynasty in the Central P Delighted Emperor Dezong of the Tang regime, awarded Nanzhao State classical Qiuci music and music of ethnic groups living in the north and The play of music was hence advocated in Nanzhao and Dali The court music was widely spread among the populace by Taoist followers At present, there are more than 340 classical music performing troupes active in the Dali Bai Autonomous PThe people of Nanzhao and Dali states believed in Buddhism, especially the Buddhist sect introduced to the Dali area through the two ancient The 11th king of Nanzhao State regarded Buddhism as the religion of his Ten of the 22 kings of Dali State gave up the throne and became In ancient times, there were 360 temples in Cangshan Mountain and around Erhai lake ,where the toll of temple bells could be heard late at The spread of Buddhism helped disseminate the culture and art of India, Myanmar, and other neighboring countries in the Dali AREA Nowadays, the influence of foreign culture is visible on the cultural relics, at historical sites ,and in the art of architecture in D The 1,000-year-old three pagodas at the Chongsheng Temple,stone caves on Shizhong Mountain that are called treasures of the south ,the Monument of Virtue that found its way into China’s comprehensive history,and the Volume of Historical Paintings of Nanzhao State and the Volume of Buddhist Paintings of Dali State known in and outside of China are witnesses of the brilliant history of Nanzhao and Dali The Volume of Buddhist Paintings of DaliState vividly shows scenes of the rulers of 16 kingdoms in South and West Asia having audiences with kings of the Dali

白族婚礼 白族 wedding白族婚礼有人曾概括地说,在大理地区参加白族人家的婚礼,不仅能品尝到白族的名优特产食品、佳肴,看到绚丽多彩的民族服饰,而且还能体验到一次难得的妙趣横生的独特民族风情。白族 wedding have been broadly speaking, in part to the wedding 白族 not only can enjoy 白族 名优特产 of food, food, clothing, and all peoples have suffered a rare sense of national unique白族婚姻实行一夫一妻制。过去婚姻多由父母包办,男方要付昂贵的聘礼,举行婚礼时还要花费很多的钱财。现在虽随时代的发展有很大的改进,但至今还保留有传统的古老的风情习俗。白族 marriage in the past, many parents are arranged by marriage, the man agreed to pay for expensive wedding dowry, it takes a lot of money now with although there are much improved, but i still have a tradition of ancient customs and amorous 男女经过自由恋爱或经人介绍,经定婚确定关系后,在举行结婚时,男方要在正喜日(即结婚日)之前,请人搭好彩棚。并在结婚正喜之日前一天晚上,要邀请乡寨中会唱演戏的人来唱戏(俗称板凳戏,即一人拉琴,几人扮不同角色演唱人或请人唱带有恭喜祝贺之词的吹吹腔(即用唢呐伴奏)、大本仙等曲调。Men and women after free courtship and the introduction, it is engaged, in relationship to be married, the man to rejoice at the wedding day ( ) before i take a decorated the marriage is like the night before, to invite 乡寨 will sing to act cute to the star ( 俗称 play, a man to play the violin, a few people play different roles, or singing person who sang with congratulations on the words blow 吹腔 ( with the suona and the private band ) until the 人们一边吃、喝、品尝着主人摆下的果品、茶水。 酒,一边唱,一直唱到半夜三更,在座的人不分老少、男、女,品食一碗圆宵,以示预先庆贺大团圆。People eat, drink, try the set of fruit and the wine, and sing and sing at night, the people, old and young, male and female, eat a bowl of a whole, to celebrate the one in 第二天,即正喜之日,从早上起便开始摆宴待客,当来宾开始品尝果酒后品食酒菜佳肴时,新郎在一个陪郎的陪伴下, 踩着唢呐吹奏起的“龙上天”乐曲,一桌一桌地给客人们敬酒、敬莱,而这敬法要跪着双手托盘把酒、莱(只一盘或一碗茶)一敬上。The next day, is like, from morning to the feast when the guests start a taste of food and wine and cider after eating, when the bridegroom with their neighbours on a company of the suona and on playing the "dragon", a table for a table for guests and to propose a toast, and this method to kneel down my offer, only the rhine ( a plate or bowl of tea ) an 迎亲时,有的地方新郎不去,迎亲的陪郎、陪女在媒人率领下,在唢呐声中去迎亲。到了女方家门口唢呐手要用力高声吹奏“蜜蜂过江”、“大摆队伍”、“迎亲调”等内容欢快、热烈的乐曲6次,女方家才由几位年长的男女亲戚数人出来招呼迎新的人进门。Families, in some places, the groom greet with their neighbours, with women in the match maker led to the voices of the zurna to greet the bride's house by force of the suona hand at playing the bees across the river, with the families of tune, "" "for gay music and a dozen times, the bride's family only a few old men and women in relation to the number of people out into the the orientation然而,有趣的是,有的地方迎亲的人刚要迈进门,就被女方家的几位老人拦住路,用出几副对子(即楹联)或提几个意想不到的问题等类的语句,如:“你们从哪里来?”“路上碰见什么?”让媒人或新郎回答,人们把这一习俗叫“路考”。But, interestingly, in some places the families of the people had to step into the gate was of the family stopped a few old man, with a few twin ( 楹联 ), or make a few unexpected problems of such statements, such as : "do you come from?" "the road they met?" let the matchmaker, or the people the custom called "the road 这一问一答不仅要灵机应变,而且还要讲究决,对答如流和有风趣,显得很有学问。若哪一方一下子反应不过来;常常会引起一阵阵爽朗而又充满喜气、欢乐、愉快的笑声。有的地方迎亲时新郎必去,同样碰到“路考”,人们称 “考姑爷”或“考新郎”。The question and answer should not only brainwave, and must never, on the trigger and with a very if a response which are often caused gales ; lively and full of gladness, the joyful, happy some families, the same time the bridegroom shall go into the road test and the people "sir" or "the 迎亲的人们进门后,女方家便由4个或6个小男孩逐一给他们敬献苦茶、甜茶、糖茶。然后由媒人(或新郎)给女家父母、兄嫂、长辈拜堂、敬酒,女方父母给媒人小孩披挂一道红彩。这时新嫁娘(新娘)要大声哭起来,人们把这哭称为“哭 嫁”。Greet people into the door, and family of four or six small boy in their hard to let the tea, tea, 糖茶 and then the matchmaker ( or groom ) to her family, and worship 兄嫂 elders, toast and was regarded with suspicion by her parents for in the splendors of the new bride married women now ( ) to cry aloud, it is called "married" she 一般是先哭父母,后哭兄嫂、弟妹、长辈、女伴,这哭不仅一边哭,而且一边成段成段地哭唱父母养育之思,兄嫂。 弟妹之情,伙伴友谊,长辈的关心爱护,今后自己不知如何生活等,若遇到妯娌不和就趁这时也借哭之机,用调子哭唱出自己心中的不平,然后才随迎亲的人出门。Is usually cry, cry with parents and sister and the elders, 兄嫂 companion, it cried and cried, only one side into a long time to sing up, the parents of 兄嫂 sister, a partner of friendship, love and care for elders of his own don't know how to live in the future, if not 妯娌 took it for crying, stop crying by singing out of their heart, and then with the families of people 在去新郎家的路上,有的地方新娘是坐轿或骑马,在欢快、激越的唢响乐曲声中上路。In to the groom's family, others place the bride by sedan or a horse, in bright and melody of the the music 唢迎亲的队伍还没回到男方家,早已有男方家的长辈在门口相迎。人们一进门,新媳妇便在伴娘及男方女长辈的簇拥下上楼进行梳妆打扮。在新娘梳洗打扮时,在楼下从楼梯口到新房的必经处,早已等候着准备指新娘的人们,据说这格新娘的习俗是为了沾喜气而留传下来的。Families of the team has not returned to the house, she already has a man of the elders at the people came in, the new daughter-in-law the bridesmaid and the elders of the people upstairs to the the bride was dressed and downstairs from the new house, tu had long been waiting for the preparation of the people, it is said that this custom is to the bride with gladness and passed 待新娘装扮好,准备入洞房前,只见两个10岁左右的小男孩举着用松明点燃的火把,在人们喜悦欢乐声中,从楼梯口飞步跑向洞房,随之新媳妇在两个伴娘的簇拥下,在人们争相掐新娘的举动和嬉笑声中大步跑进了洞房。To the bride was dressed and ready to get married there, two ten years the little boy held up by shomei the people, from the joy 欢乐声 ran to the wedding, with the bride in two of the bridesmaids, dismounting at the people fell off the bride and in stride with the sound ran into the 洞房门坎上放有一副马鞍,门上挂有一把筛子,内安有一面镜子,镜子上又安放着一张弓,弓上有并排散开欲射向前方的三支箭。这些吉祥物是祝贺一对新人今后生活勤劳、勇敢。 幸福的象征。新媳妇进洞房后片刻,便开始举行拜天地、拜父 母仪式。Wedding on the threshold of a saddle, the door on a sieve, in a mirror, mirror on and there was a bow, side by side on a scatter shot forward to the the mascot was on a new couple lived industry and the bride in the after a moment, to worship the father and mother held 拜天地 有的地方是在进洞房之前便举行了拜天地、拜父母仪式。有的地方一对新人入洞房时,风趣的是俩人都不约而同地争坐枕头,据说谁先坐到枕头上,今后就谁当家,不过,这只是为风趣增添一分欢乐,往往是女先男后,那也奉行和符合男主外,女主内的传统习惯。Some is in the wedding will be held before 拜天地 worship ceremony, some place where a couple to the bedroom, wit is both fallen against a pillow, who will sit on the pillow, who wears the trousers, but this is to add one with joy and often is the first man, that is part and consistent with the lord, the women in traditional 然而,这时不知是谁在那盆暖和又象征兴旺的炭火里理好的辣子面发挥了奇效,辣味直呛得新郎、新娘流泪,呛得不时消鼻涕、打哈欠,逗得出出进进洞房的人们笑声不绝,使洞房洋溢着一种独有的喜气。However, i wonder who are warm and garnished and charcoal fire was a symbol of the chilli itself can have a face like magic, spirits and to the bride and groom with tears and snot away from time to time, yawned, 出出进进 wedding people laugh, and put wedding with a unique 一阵嬉笑过后,辣味呛过,夫妻喝交杯酒,以示相敬相亲,永结同心,恩爱白头。晚上有的地方新媳妇由女方长辈二人和伴娘及男方家长辈妇女数人相陆在一起吃“细巫席”(即新娘席)。A gay, and after a hot drink for drink, and by came near to you, forever will tie concentriily 恩爱白 evening, his some places for the bride by the elders and the bridesmaids, and the elders of women in the number of people in the land together with "of oz" "( the the bride )席散后, 有的地方在阵阵欢快的喷呐声中,开始举行“除拜”(即拜亲) 仪式,“除拜”就是由新媳妇拜男方长辈,受她一拜的人都会得到她亲手加工制作的布鞋一双,上辈人接过鞋子,多少要给她几元钱或一点礼品。最后由新娘下辈人、邻里小孩一齐拜新娘,每人都会得到一份喜钱或一件礼物。Table, in some places in the mist of spray of blood, began to hold "in addition to worship him," ( ) worship ceremony, "the visiting" the bride and the elders, she worship of people will get her work to make a pair of shoes, 上辈人 took his shoes, much to give her a few dollars or a little finally, the bride and the neighborhood kids all 下辈 worship the bride, everyone will get a copy of the money or a 这时老者笑吟吟,小者心花怒放,围观的人常常在唢呐声中爆发出一阵阵欢乐的笑声;使婚礼增添了不少的欢乐和炽热的气氛。 待“除拜”结束,年轻人便一齐拥入洞房,一边品尝新媳妇由娘家带来的果品,一边在嬉笑声中开始进行闹洞房的风趣活动。The old man slipped and 小者 manner, and the audience in the suona the outbreak of happy laughter ; the wedding was a lot of fun and hot in addition to "worship" ended, and crowding the bedroom, sipping her bride by the field, the voices began to laugh at a the humorous joke


引用N_0_1的回答:白族民居民风民俗五十六个民族五十六朵花,五十六个民族是一家。每朵花都有着不同的民风民俗。白族也是有趣的一个民族。 白族人的服饰与我们汉族截然不同。 白族男女普遍崇尚白色,以白色衣服为重。大理地区的白族男子喜缠白色或蓝色包头,多穿白色对襟上衣,外套黑领褂,下身穿宽桶裤,系拖须裤带,有的还喜佩带绣有美丽图案的挂包。其他一些地区的白族男子,则比较喜欢头戴瓜皮帽,穿大襟短上衣,外套羊皮领褂或数件皮质和绸质的领褂,谓之“三滴水”,显得敦厚英俊,洒脱大方。 一直以来享有“金花”美誉的白族妇女的服饰,更是色泽鲜美,绚丽多彩。大理一带的妇女多穿白上衣、红坎肩或是浅蓝色上衣配丝绒黑坎肩,右衽结纽处挂“三须”、“五须”的银饰,腰间系有绣花飘带,上面多用黑软线绣上蝴蝶、蜜蜂等图案,下着蓝色宽裤,脚穿绣花的“白节鞋”。手上多半戴纽丝银镯、戒指。已婚妇女梳发髻,未婚少女则垂辫或盘辫于顶,有的则用红头绳缠绕着发辫下的花头巾,露出侧边飘动的雪白缨穗,点染出白族少女头饰和发型所特有的风韵。洱源西山及保山地区的白族妇女,常束发于顶,上插银管,再以黑布包头,穿右襟圆领长衣,系绣花腰带,衣袖和裤脚喜镶绣各色宽窄不同的花边。 白族的饮食也十分有特色。 因远白族的卷粉以本地品种“因远红谷米”为原料,并以手推磨磨成米浆在长宽约二尺的框内,架空于沸水锅上面熏蒸而成。其厚度薄如纸,软而具韧性,无论煮食或凉拌,味道都异常可口。米干由卷粉晾晒后可分别做成丝或片,由于它便于储存、携带,是白族民间馈赠亲朋好友的慰问品。 用“因远紫米”及糯米饭舂成的染色粑粑,晾晒后加盐、白酒浸蚀,再用刀切成粑粑果或用推刨刨成粑粑片。把粑粑糊放进镌刻着花鸟鱼龙、福禄寿禧等图案的模板内,压制而成的压模粑粑是因远白族传统饮食文化的一个特征,压模粑粑是白族春节、清明节、祭祖节及三月会等庙会必备的节庆食品和祭品。 各地白族的服饰虽呈现出某些地区性的差异,但色彩明快、映衬协调、挑绣精美、古雅端庄等,则又是共有的特征。 因远白族在漫长的社会生活中形成的饮食文化,既显示了白族雅而不俗的饮食文化气氛,也衬托出白族勤俭持家、热情好客的文明礼貌风格。




白族风俗习惯 白族基本上实行一夫一妻的小家庭制。儿子成婚后即行分居,父母一般从幼子居住。在地主阶级中,有少数是“四代同堂”的大家庭。同宗同姓不通婚,但例行姑舅表婚。婚姻一般由父母包办,要门当户对。有女无儿的可以招赘,无儿无女的也可以抱养同族弟兄的子女(过继)或养子。赘婿和养子要改名换姓,才能取得财产继承权。 白族在元代以前盛行火葬。元代以后,因受汉族的影响而改为土葬。丧葬仪式一般比较隆重。 平坝地区白族人民主食稻米、小麦,山区的则以玉米、养子为主。白族人民喜吃酸、冷、辣等口味,善于腌制火腿、弓鱼、油鸡棕、猪肝酢等菜肴,又喜吃一种别具风味的“生肉”或“生皮”,即将猪肉烤成半生半熟,切成肉丝,佐以姜、蒜、醋等拌而食之。白族人民还喜喝烤茶。 白族服饰,各地略有不同。大理等中心地区男子头缠白色或蓝色的包头,身着白色对襟衣和黑领褂,下穿白色长裤,肩挂绣着美丽图案的挂包。大理一带妇女多穿白色上衣,外套黑色或紫色丝绒领褂,下着蓝色宽裤,腰系缀有绣花飘带的短围腰,足穿绣花的“百节鞋”,臂环扭丝银镯,指带珐琅银戒指,耳坠银饰上衣右衽佩着银质的“三须”、“五须”;已婚者挽髻,未婚者垂辫于后或盘辫于头,都缠以绣花、印花、或彩色毛巾的包头。 白族住屋形式,坝区多为“长三间”,衬以厨房、畜厩和有场院的茅草房,或“一正两耳”、“三方一照壁”、“四合五天井”的瓦房,卧室、厨房、畜厩俱各分开。山区多为上楼下厩的草房、“闪片”房、篾笆房或“木垛房”,炊爨和睡觉的地方常连在一起。



