

发布时间:2024-07-06 09:13:34


The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of The name "cheongsam," meaning simply "long dress," entered the English vocabulary from the dialect of China's Guangdong Province (Cantonese) In other parts of the country including Beijing, however, it is known as "qipao", which has a history behind  When the early Manchu rulers came to China proper, they organized certain people, mainly Manchus, into "banners" (qi) and called them "banner people" (qiren), which then became loosely the name of all M chu women wore normally a one-piece dress which, likewise, came to be called "qipao" or "banner " Although the 1911 Revolution toppled the rule of the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty, the female dress survived the political change and, with later improvements, has become the traditional dress for Chinese Easy to slip on and comfortable to wear, the cheongsam fits well the female Chinese  Its neck is high, collar closed, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full length, depending on season and  The dress is buttoned on the right side, with a loose chest, a fitting waist, and slits up from the sides, all of which combine to set off the beauty of the female The cheongsam is not too complicated to  Nor does it call for too much material, for there are no accessories like belts, scarves, sashes or frills to go with Another beauty of the cheongsam is that, made of different materials and to varying lengths, they can be worn either on casual or formal  In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm, elegance and  No wonder it is so much liked by women not only of China but of foreign countries as   Cheongsam Cheongsams their style gown by Manchu women from restructuring, it  Is the beginning of the Republic of China Chinese women wear, long gown with a traditional  Generally agreed that ethnic Manchu cheongsam dress is different from the "service flag", the modern cheongsam is a Chinese characteristics, to meet the West and adopt Western-style tailored aesthetic, and the rise in two decades on behalf of, on behalf of the fashion prevalent in three to four Because of the large-scale epidemic cheongsams and propaganda films in recent years, many people, particularly those with little knowledge of history to the young people of the country cheongsams served as China's  The view is not  Cheongsam is a fashion, a witness of the 旗袍因其式样由满族妇女的长袍改制而成,故称。是民国时期中国妇女开始穿着的、带有传统风格的长衫。普遍认为,旗袍不同于满族民族服饰“旗服”,现代旗袍是有中国特色,迎合西方审美并采用西式剪裁的,兴起于二十年代,流行于三四十年代的时装。 由于旗袍的大范围流行和近年来影视作品的宣传,不少人尤其是对历史了解甚少的年轻人将旗袍当作中国的国服来看待。这样的观点并不正确的。旗袍只是一种时装,一个时代的见证 回答人的补充   2009-06-08 00:44 Cheongsams their style gown by Manchu women from restructuring, it  Is the beginning of the Republic of China Chinese women wear, long gown with a traditional  Generally agreed that ethnic Manchu cheongsam dress is different from the "service flag", the modern cheongsam is a Chinese characteristics, to meet the West and adopt Western-style tailored aesthetic, and the rise in two decades on behalf of, on behalf of the fashion prevalent in three to four  Because of the large-scale epidemic cheongsams and propaganda films in recent years, many people, particularly those with little knowledge of history to the young people of the country cheongsams served as China`s  The view is not  Cheongsam is a fashion, a witness of the 




In flat vast Yudong

学术堂整理了20个服装设计论文题目,让你多一些选择:  1、针织服装设计专业"微工作室"教学实践探讨  2、谈中国传统元素在老年服装设计中的创新  3、预售模式影响下的服装设计教学改革  4、服装设计与两性关系初探  5、纤维艺术在服装面料创意设计中的表现与应用  6、定制服装的设计模式探讨分析  7、民族服饰元素应用于现代服装设计中的价值探讨  8、气冷式服装的设计及热舒适性评估  9、服装吊挂流水线柔性输送机构的设计  10、针织服装结构设计理论与方法  11、服装设计中的色彩语言研究  12、高职服装设计实训课程人才培养改革途径分析  13、浅谈现代服装设计中的装饰手法  14、民族民间艺术与服装设计专业教学的对接研究  15、服装设计大赛对高等院校学生实践的影响  16、"云层臆想"系列服装的设计与制作  17、面向个性化定制服装设计的虚拟人台及快速成型技术研究  18、牛仔服装中的装饰设计应用与效果表现  19、服装面料的二次艺术设计探究  20、现代服装设计中刺绣的运用手法探析








Dress culture is introduced 服饰文化介绍 Hanfu clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese (Han -the predominant ethnic group of China) 汉服是中国汉民族传统服饰。 It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 4000 years since China originally 她从中华文明开端时就已经存在,至今已有近4000年的历史。(当然如果你喜欢你可以说成5000)However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty (the Manchu minority ruled dynasty) in about 300 The ruling class of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own This is why today's Chinese national costume was widely known as Qipao (Chi-Pao), a Manchu style of Our effort is to re-promote and advocate Hanfu to the public The main feature of Hanfu is wrapping the right side over before the There are casual wear and formal wear of 汉服的主要特点是交领右衽,包含礼服和常服两种。For the casual wear such as Shenyi (Shen-Yee): a long full body garment; Ruqun (Zu-Chin): a top garment with a separate lower skirt, Formal garments may include: Xuanduan (Shyan-Duan): a dark robe, this dress is mostly used in sacrificial ceremonies and state occasions; Yuan-Lin Shan: a closed, round collared robe, mostly used for official or academic Chinese civilization, also called "Hua-Xia" ("Hwa-Shia") "Hua"("Hwa") means the beauty of the dress & decoration which is Hanfu clothing; "Xia"("Shia") is the grandeur of rites and social 中华文明又被称为“华夏”,华代表服饰之美,夏代表礼仪之大。Many East Asian national costumes, such as the Japanese Kimono, the Korean Hanbok still share the basic style with Hanfu, as historically these nations were largely influenced by (Han) Chinese 东亚许多民族的传统服饰,比如日本的和服、韩国的韩服,都是在汉服的基础上发展而来。 Costume in the Han Dynasty 汉服 China's complete code of costume and trappings was established in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) The yarn-dyeing, embroidering and metal-processing technologies developed rapidly in the period, s中国完整的服装服饰制度在汉朝确立的。汉代染织工艺、剌绣工艺和金属工艺发展较快,推动了服装装饰的变化。

Cheongsams their style gown by Manchu women from restructuring, it Is the beginning of the Republic of China Chinese women wear, long gown with a traditional Generally agreed that ethnic Manchu cheongsam dress is different from the "service flag", the modern cheongsam is a Chinese characteristics, to meet the West and adopt Western-style tailored aesthetic, and the rise in two decades on behalf of, on behalf of the fashion prevalent in three to four Because of the large-scale epidemic cheongsams and propaganda films in recent years, many people, particularly those with little knowledge of history to the young people of the country cheongsams served as China`s The view is not Cheongsam is a fashion, a witness of the 旗袍的样式由满族妇女的长袍改制而成,它说。开始是民国时期中国妇女穿长衫,传统风格。普遍认为,民族满族旗袍礼服是从不同的“国旗”;服务;现代旗袍是一种中国特色,满足西方审美并采用西式剪裁,并增加了二十年代,代表着时尚流行的三至四年。由于旗袍的大范围流行和宣传电影,近年来,很多人,特别是那些对历史了解甚少的国家的年轻人旗袍作为中国`观。这种观点是不正确的。旗袍是一种时尚,一个时代的见证


旗袍 旗袍是从满族古老的服装演变而来的。旗袍,满语称"衣介"。古时泛指满洲、蒙古、汉军八旗男女穿的衣袍。清初(公元1644年-公元1911年)衣袍式样有几大特点:无领、箭袖、左衽、四开衩、束腰。箭袖,是窄袖口,上加一块半圆形袖头,形似马蹄,又称"马蹄袖"。马蹄袖平日绾起,出猎作战时则放下,覆盖手背,冬季可御寒。四开衩,即袍下摆前后左右,开衩至膝.左衽和束腰,紧身保暖,腰带一束,行猎时,可将干粮,用具装进前襟。男子的长袍多是蓝,灰、青色,女子的旗装多为白色. 满族旗袍还有一个特点,就是在旗袍外套上坎肩。坎肩有对襟、捻襟、琵琶襟、一字襟等。穿上坎肩骑马驰聘显得十分精干利索。清世祖入关,迁都北京,旗袍开始在中原流行。清统一中国,也统一全国服饰,男人穿长袍马褂,女人穿旗袍。以后,随着满汉生活的融合,统一,旗袍不仅被汉族妇女吸收,并不断进行革新。特别随着辛亥革命的风云,旗袍迅速在全国普及。自30年代起,旗袍几乎成了中国妇女的标准服装,民间妇女、学生、工人、达官显贵的太太,无不穿着。旗袍甚至成了交际场合和外交活动的礼服。后来,旗袍还传至国外,为他国女子效仿穿着。 至20世纪30年代,满族男女都穿直统式的宽襟大袖长袍。女性旗袍下摆至(骨干)(小腿),有绣花卉纹饰。男性旗袍下摆及踝,无纹饰。40年代后,受国内外新式服饰新潮的冲击,满族男性旗袍已废弃,女性旗袍由宽袖变窄袖,直筒变紧身贴腰,臀部略大,下摆回收,长及踝,逐渐形成今日各色各样讲究色彩装饰和人体线条美的旗袍样式。汉族妇女为啥喜爱穿旗袍?主要旗袍的造型与妇女的体态相适合,线条简便,优美大方,所以,有人认为旗袍是中国女人独有的福音,可起到彩云托月的作用。而且,旗袍是老少宜穿,四季相宜,雅俗共赏。 根据季节的变化和穿着者的不同需要、爱好,可长可短,可做单旗袍、夹旗袍;也可做衬绒短袍、丝棉旗袍。并且,随着选料不同,可展现出不同风格。选用小花、素格、细条丝绸制作,可显示出温和、稳重的风韵;选用织锦类衣料制作,可当迎宾、赴宴的华贵眼饰。当中国旗袍在日本、法国等地展销时,很受当地妇女人士欢迎,她们不借重金,争购旗袍,特别是黑丝绒夹金花、篓金花的高档旗袍,最为抢手。旗袍正以浓郁的民族风格,体现了中华民族传统的服饰美。它不仅成为中国女装的代表,同时也公认为东方传统女装的象征。 Chinese Cheongsam The cheongsam, or Qipao in Chinese, is evolved from a kind of ancient clothing of Manchu ethnic In ancient times, it generally referred to long gowns worn by the people of Manchuria, Mongolia and the Eight-B In the early years of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), long gowns featured collarless, narrow cuff in the shape of a horse's hoof, buttons down the left front, four slits and a fitting Wearers usually coiled up their cuff, and put it down when hunting or battling to cover the back of In winter, the cuff could serve to prevent The gown had four slits, with one on the left, right, front and back, which reached the It was fitted to the body and rather Fastened with a waistband, the long gown could hold solid food and utensils when people went out Men's long gowns were mostly blue, gray or green; and women's, Another feature of Manchu cheongsam was that people generally wore it plus a waistcoat that was either with buttons down the front, a twisted front, or a front in the shape of lute, When the early Manchu rulers came to China proper, they moved their capital to Beijing and cheongsam began to spread in the Central P The Qing Dynasty unified China, and unified the nationwide costume as At that time, men wore a long gown and a mandarin jacket over the gown, while women wore Although the 1911 Revolution toppled the rule of the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty, the female dress survived the political change and, with succeeding improvements, has become the traditional dress for Chinese Till the 1930s, Manchu people, no matter male or female, all wore loose-fitting and straight-bottomed broad-sleeved long gowns with a wide The lower hem of women's cheongsam reached the calves with embroidered flower patterns on it, while that of men's cheongsam reached the ankles and had no decorative From the 1930s, cheongsam almost became the uniform for Folk women, students, workers and highest-tone women all dressed themselves in cheongsam, which even became a formal suit for occasions of social intercourses or diplomatic Later, cheongsam even spread to foreign countries and became the favorite of foreign After the 1940s, influenced by new fashion home and abroad, Manchu men's cheongsam was phased out, while women's cheongsam became narrow-sleeved and fitted to the waist and had a relatively loose hip part, and its lower hem reached the Then there emerge various forms of cheongsams we see today that emphasize color decoration and set off the beauty of the female Why do Han people like to wear the cheongsam? The main reason is that it fits well the female Chinese figure, has simple lines and looks What's more, it is suitable for wearing in all seasons by old and The cheongsam can either be long or short, unlined or interlined, woolen or made of silk Besides, with different materials, the cheongsam presents different Cheongsams made of silk with patterns of flowerlet, plain lattices or thin lines demonstrate charm of femininity and staidness; those made of brocade are eye-catching and magnificent and suitable for occasions of greeting guests and attending When Chinese cheongsams were exhibited for sales in countries like Japan and France, they received warm welcome from local women, who did not hesitate to buy Chinese cheongsams especially those top-notch ones made of black velour interlined with or carved with golden Cheongsam features strong national flavor and embodies beauty of Chinese traditional It not only represents Chinese female costume but also becomes a symbol of the oriental traditional

我建议你 要是很着急 就把悬赏分数提高 很快就有高手帮你解决了 希望你早点解决 祝你好运

Water-Sprinkling Festival (泼水节)  Water-Sprinkling Festival is a major festival of the Dai nationality that comes about two weeks after Qingming Festival in early A The first day just like the eve of Spring Festival, the third day just like the spring festival day, means a first of a new year, stands for new, happy and lucky On the morning of the first day of Water Sprinkling Festival, people of Dai nationality will go to Buddhist Temple for bathing their numen, and then begin to sprinkle with blessing each They are dancing as well as calling: "water! water! water!"  During the Water Sprinkling Festival, young Dai people like playing Throw Seven-barks game to look for girlfriend or Boating Race is also very necessary during the It will hold in Lancang River, which will add more fun and happiness on the days!    泼水节(泼水节)  泼水节是,大约两个星期后,清明节在四月初,傣族的重大节日。第一天就像春节前夕,第三天像春天的节日,是一新的一年,是新的,快乐和幸运的一天。在泼水节的第一天早上,傣族人会去寺庙沐浴他们的守护神,然后撒上互相祝福。他们也叫舞:水!水!水!“;  在泼水节期间,年轻人喜欢玩掷七代树皮游戏找女朋友或男朋友。划船比赛也是很有必要的时候。它将在澜沧河,这将增加更多的乐趣和幸福的日子!    As it is known to us all, there are 55 minority groups in China, each with its traditional customs, costumes and Now let’s take a look at the Tibetan M  The Tibetan Minority group live in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan P And the highest ridge in the world─beautiful and mysterious Tibet is their major habitat   As the fertilized prairie stretches around the habitants as far as the eyes can see, most people live on animal husbandry, raising sheep, goats, cattle and growing a special kind of plant called Q On account of the unique climate, people often wear warm and comfortable boots in winter, and they are always dressed in delicate robes which are made of the fur of Often they take off one sleeve of the clothes and tie it around their waists in order to work easily and use it as warm quilts at   Both men and women there like wearing silver ornaments, which look very mysterious and full of magical And they are good at singing and dancing, and the men there can have braids When they meet an important guest, they will present him or her a Hada, a piece of long white silk cloth to show their And they will also treat the guest to a special kind of drink called Suyou Tea, which some people find hard to   Besides, the habitants have developed both their own written and spoken languages, and the long poems they wrote play an important role in Chinese And there are many well-protected culture relics as well, taking the grand Budala Palace as an It is a historical museum as well as an art treasury, where people can share their spirit belief in Buddhism and get artistic entertainment of the carved paintings and the beautifully-written   The Tibetan ethnic group is also famous for its strange custom in Thinking that the soul belongs to the sky after a person dies, they usually put the body on a platform outdoors, spray on it and wait the condors to come to eat the In this way, they believe the soul goes up to the   The Tibetan Minority is brimming over with deep The people there are very zealous and hospitable and they live freely and happily on the spacious Their history and culture contribute to the diversity of China, so we certainly should protect them and get them popularized and let them receive great respect they   因为它是我们大家都知道,有55个少数民族群体在中国,各有自己的传统习俗,服饰文化。现在让我们看一看在藏族。  西藏少数民族居住在青海,甘肃,四川和云南省。和最高的脊在世界─美丽而神秘的西藏是他们的主要栖息地。  当受精的草原绵延在居民至于眼睛可以看到,大多数人生活在畜牧业,饲养绵羊,山羊,牛和成长的一种特殊的植物叫青稞。在独特的气候,人们经常穿着温暖舒适的靴子在冬天,他们总是穿着精致长袍是由羊的毛。他们常常把一套衣服,把它系在腰间,轻松的工作和使用它作为晚上温暖的被子。  男人和女人都有喜欢戴银饰品,这看起来很神秘,充满了神奇的力量。他们都擅长唱歌和跳舞,和那里的人可以有辫子太。当他们遇到一个重要的客人,他们将他或她的哈达,一块长长的白色丝绸以示他们的敬意。他们还将招待客人的一种特殊的酒叫素有茶,而有些人觉得很难享受。  此外,居民已经开发了自己的书面语言和口头语言,和长的诗写了中国文学中发挥重要的作用。有许多很好的保护文化遗产的同时,以宏伟的布达拉宫为例。这是一个历史的博物馆以及艺术宝库,在那里人们可以分享他们的精神信仰和佛教的雕刻绘画艺术娱乐和漂亮的书体。  藏族是著名的丧葬风俗。认为人死后灵魂属于天空,他们通常把尸体放在一台室外,喷雾和等待秃鹫来吃身体。这样,他们相信灵魂升到了天空。  藏族是充满了深深的情感。那里的人很热情好客,他们自由地生活,愉快地在开阔的草原。他们的历史和文化有助于中国的多样性,所以我们当然要保护他们,让他们推广和让他们受到极大的尊重,他们应得的。
