

发布时间:2024-07-06 14:03:51



We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food isn’t So they often go out of school to buy something they like to But I’m afraid it’s bad for their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn’t healthy In my opinion, if our schools want more students to be back and enjoy lunch inside, they should make the food more delicious, and also they should offer our students a larger choice of food as


I think healthy habits are very important for As we know, we must have enough food to keep us Breakfast is It gives us energy for the We must also have the right kind of Science diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, keep a balanced diet to avoid high sugar, high fat food bandon bad habits more exercise望采纳

People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can However, many people don't know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in   First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good Avoid foods with lots of sugar and Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and Do not Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each Have a nap at noon if time Finally, we should exercise regularly, because'life depends on exercise' Regular exercise strengthens our hearts In addition, it prevents us from putting on   If everyone is to do so, there will be much less complaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our


写作思路:主要写出你给的建议,如何保持身体健康。正文:Health is far more important than Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our On the contrary, poor health leads to 健康远比财富重要。良好的健康使我们能够享受我们的生活,实现我们在事业上的期望。相反,身体不好就一事无成。How can we keep healthy Here is some Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat/which is rich in sugar and  我们怎样才能保持健康这里有一些建议。首先,对我们来说多吃水果和蔬菜是非常重要的,因为它们提供维生素,我们必须保持均衡的饮食。所以我们应该避免吃含糖和脂肪多的食物。Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make our bodies Besides, we have to avoid too much work Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and 第二,我们最好每天锻炼使身体强壮。此外,我们必须避免太多的工作压力。最后,我们必须改掉那些损害我们健康的坏习惯,比如喝酒和抽烟。In conclusion, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy 总之,如果我们坚持上述建议,我们将过上健康的生活。



国不可以一日无君,家不可一日无主,我们不可一天无运动。 我们的身体最重要的就是健康,而健康就与体育运动密切相关,多做运动,能强身健体,有益身心。所以,我喜欢体育运动。我喜欢的体育运动是跑步,它是体育运动最简单而有最有成效的一项运动。我喜欢慢跑,因为我不想错过,沿途中有很多美丽的风景,有能发触人的好奇心的人和事。如果慢跑,我就能把它们当多一段美好的回忆,而不会擦肩而过。每天早晨,太阳初升的时候,当落叶飘飘悠悠地从树上掉下来,当阳光透过叶缝的那一刻,我爱慢跑,一边感受大自然的恩赐,一边享受运动的无限快乐。套样辛苦了一天,正准备下山时,当树叶不再飘忽,不再飘忽, 而落叶满地的时候,我爱慢跑。一边看着太阳公公留下那橘红的弧线,一边眺着远初那碧绿的田园风光。在体育课上,我爱慢跑。因为我想跑在后头,看着看着同学门的背影,我想把他们留在我的眼里,留在我的心里,也留在我的回忆里。大家从五湖四海集在一个班里,也算是缘分,我不想错过这么美好的记忆。 今年是奥运年,是体育运动的象征,我爱满跑,我喜欢体育运动,因为他是我们健康的象征和灵魂的真缔。希望每个人都有一项自己喜爱的体育运动。 生命在与运动,运动能增强人体健康,运动也能给人带来乐趣。所以我热爱体育运动! 我喜爱跑步。记得小时候的我,跑步格外的慢,连比我小两岁的妹妹都比我跑得快。于是,从不服输的我就开始练习跑步。早上,天还未亮,我就起床,到附近的学校操场晨跑;晚上吃完饭,就拉着妹妹去比赛,无论我怎样奋力得跑,总是要比妹妹慢那么几步。但是,我并没有泄气,我开始更加刻苦练习,经过我长时间的练习,我终于超过了妹妹,我心里有说不出来的高兴,我对跑步也产生了更加浓厚的兴趣。 踢毽子我也十分喜欢。记得我上小学一年级的时候,我根本不会踢毽子,但是,我万万没有想到的是,班主任何老师却让我代表班上的女同学去参加区里的踢毽子比赛,就在那一瞬间,我惊呆了,老师明明知道我不会踢毽子,为什么要选我去,而不选其她女同学去呢?既然,老师选我去,我又怎么能辜负她呢。但是,离比赛的时间十分近了,就算我再怎么刻苦练习,也不可能打败那些参赛的同学啊!于是,我就趁下午放学,做完作业后的时间来练习。到了比赛那一天,结果我还是输了,我一分钟只踢了22个。从那以后,我就下定决心要学会踢毽子,超过别人。于是,放学之后,每当我做完作业,便拿出毽子努力练习,每天都是如此。终于,功夫不负有心人,我成功的练会了踢毽子,现在,我能连续踢上一百个呢。运动真是太棒了,不仅能锻炼身体,还能调节人体的精神状态。 其实,在许多的运动项目中,跑步和踢毽子还并不是我的最爱呢。你可能在此时会问:“那么跑步和踢毽子并不是你的最爱,那哪项运动才是你的最爱呢?”我也不用拐弯抹角的啦,实话告诉你吧,其实啊,打羽毛球才是我的最爱呢。羽毛球它是一项很好的运动。自从我在电视上看到我国的体育健儿们在羽毛球场上优美的健姿,我就对他们产生了羡慕之情,而我又是那么的希望自己长大后也能像他们一样,站在羽毛球场,与对手一决高下啊!我的姑父和我妈妈也十分热爱这项体育运动。每当吃完晚饭后,趁天还未黑之时,就拿着运动工具打附近的草坪去打羽毛球,当然,我也并不例外。开始和他们打的时候,我总是输,但逐渐逐渐,我的球技也越来越好了,虽然,还是不能打败他们,但还是能和他们打成平手。我相信,只要我坚持练习打羽毛球,总会有一天,让我有打败他们的机会! 我在运动中得到了一个启示:只要肯下功夫,坚持做下去,再怎么艰难的事情,你都会成功的! 以前,我经常感冒,身体不好,因为运动,所以我有了一个健康的身体。 我爱体育运动 ,爱它给我带来的一个健康的身体!朋友,你呢,你是否也经常生病呢?如果是的话,那你就赶快行动起来吧!让运动给你带来一个健康的身体吧!如果,你现在有一个健康强壮的身体,那么,你也千万不要放弃体育运动,坚持吧,可能有一天,你也会像我们的奥运健儿们一样,出现在奥运会上,一展自己的风采,为国争光

As we know, health is more important, sports can keep ourselves healthy and What more, It is very important to exercise and eat the right kind of food to keep You needn’t spend all day doing exercise ,you can keep yourselves Such as, walking to school, cleaning the house or riding a but many people forget these simple and easy ways to keep Such as running, swimming and playing They make you feel They also help you do better at Because we become closer to nature which will help us keep a clear mind in


which is more important ,health or wealth?this problem have brought hot different people have different some people think that health is more important than wealth,money can't buy a healthy if people are not healthy,they can't work or study health is the most important thing in the world,they but some people disagree with them ,they think wealth is the most important thing without it ,people can't do although it can't buy health,but if people are ill,it can buy the medicine wealth can also help people lead a easy life in my opinion,the first wealth is health Once health is lost, it is no use having a lot of As far as I am concerned, I love wealth, but I value health Without health money becomes no one agrees that a wealthy person without good health can be So, juat do our best and keep






How to Stay Healthy(如何保持健康) 1.健康很重要; 2.如何保持健康?(可从适当的营养、充足的睡眠、经常的锻炼方向考虑) 第一段写虽然人们越来越重视健康,认为健康是最重要的财富,但对如何保持健康却不一定清楚,引出“我”的建议第二段写“我”有三条建议,一是吃富含蛋白质的食品、蔬菜和水果,不要吃得过甜、过油腻以及过量;二是保证充足睡眠,至少每天睡8小时,如有可能,也应午休;三是适度锻炼,因为“生命在于运动”第三段总结全文 People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can However, many people don't know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good Avoid foods with lots of sugar and Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and Do not Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each Have a nap at noon if time Finally, we should exercise regularly, because'life depends on exercise' Regular exercise strengthens our hearts In addition, it prevents us from putting on If everyone is to do so, there will be much less complaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our
