

发布时间:2024-07-02 02:03:25


一、毕业论文格式及要求毕业论文格式一般说来,一篇毕业论文要具备相对固定的格式。这些提到的毕业论文格式仅供参考。学校有具体规定的,则按规定办。这里以文件中规定的毕业论文格式为准。①论文题目,有的含副标题。题目之下是作者署名,署名之前或下边一行写作者的校、院、系、年级。②“摘要”与“关键词”(或称“内容提要”),一般为300字左右。位于作者署名之后,正文之前。关键词,结合标题和正文内容一般选取3至5个。③引论。用“O”标示,常写作“引言”、“引论”、“绪论”,引言较短时可不标出“O引言”类小标题。引论的内容一般是交代选题背景,主要有:课题来源,本课题在国内外的研究进展状况。已有的研究成果,存在的问题。选题的意义,讨论的问题。本文分几部分,从哪些方面进行讨论,以及指导思想、论证方法等,均可根据内容的需要写在引论中。④正论。正论常分几部分写,分别标示“一”“二”“三”“四”等,有的加小标题,或以分论点的形式出现,以凸现论述的观点或主要内容。这部分是对研究过程及分析、归纳、概括的表达,体现出分析方法与思路,充分有力的论证。正论还要体现出明确的指导思想。⑤结论。一般用“结语”“小结”“余论”等标示。也可不标示“结语”之类的词儿,在正论之后空一行直接写结论或总结。 在毕业论文格式中,结论是对整个研究工作的归纳、综合或概括,也可以提出进一步研究的建议。若是在正论之后,对相关联的问题还想简短论述一下,或是对较为重要的问题再说一些想法,可写成“余论”。⑥毕业论文致谢。接上文另起一段。简述自己撰写毕业论文的体会,并对指导老师以及有关人员表示感谢。“毕业论文致谢”并非形式,也不是走过场,是一个大学生修养的表现。⑦注释与参考资料。注释专指“本文注”,即作者对论文有关内容所作的解释,一般用脚注(放在本页末)(属毕业论文格式的非必备项)。 参考文献专指“引文注”,即作者对引用他人作品的有关内容所作的说明,在引文结束处右上角用[1][2]等标示,序号与文末参考文献列表一致。同一著作或文章被多次引用时只著录一次。文后参考文献的著录格式见《参考文献格式》。⑧附录。收录和论文有直接关系的文字材料、图表、数据、试验结果等。中文方面的毕业论文 格式中作附录的情况似乎不多见(属毕业论文格式的非必备项)。以上是一篇毕业论文格式要求,是一般撰写毕业论文必需的表达形式,其中除“注释”和“附录”可有可无外,其他部分的毕业论文格式是必备的。毕业论文格式的其他要求:①毕业论文的字数要求。一般来说,文学、新闻、历史、哲学等方面的毕业论文在7000字以上,语言方面的论文在6000字左右,也有对函授学员、自考生要求在5000字左右的。我的想法是对字数不去“斤斤计较”,关键是在毕业论文的内容要有创见。一般说来,达到了内容的要求,相应地也会满足字数的要求。②表述要求。毕业论文是对自己研究成果的详细表述。要求论理正确、论据确凿、逻辑性强、层次分明,表意准确、鲜明,语言通顺、流畅,用规范汉字,不写错别字。一般情况下应采用计算机打印成文,若手抄则要求书写工整。③修改要求。论文初稿写好后,全文阅读,前后对照,检查论点论据论证和词句运用,修改好了之后,搁置几天或者一两周,再来挑毛病,经过多次修改、加工、润色,最后在老师指导下定稿。二、毕业论文的类型不同类型的毕业论文,表达方式也有差异。按学科可分成文科类毕业论文,理科类毕业论文,管理类毕业论文。从写作内容分,有基础研究和应用研究。基础研究包括理论研究,文学、语言、历史等学科的本体研究。应用研究包括教学研究、有关理论的实际运用研究,相关的实践问题研究。有的应用研究也可以出新理论,形成新的基础研究。基础理论研究和实际应用研究也有紧密关联的,有时是根据侧重点来划分的。由此,就有了(一)基础研究型毕业论文,包括理论研究型和本体研究型的毕业论文;(二)应用研究型毕业论文,包括教学研究型、理论实践研究型、实际问题研究型等类型的毕业论文。从表达方式分,有综合型毕业论文,专题型毕业论文和实验报告型毕业论文。就文学、语言方面的文科类毕业论文而言(如汉语言文学毕业论文),以应用研究型毕业论文居多;其次是本体研究型毕业论文,对学科本身的某个方面的新问题进行论述阐发,表述自己的心得,或者对原有问题发表新的看法或不同的评价。而理论研究型毕业论文,主要是探讨前人没解决的问题、没发现的规律,或是新理论、新观点,或是新的理论背景、研究方法的学术论文,这类论文难度较大。就论文表达方式而言,综合型毕业论文很少见,这种论文围绕一个问题收集一大批资料,综合介绍并论述这个问题研究的阶段、特点、主要理论成就及其著述,研究中最早的文献、有重大突破的文献,研究的发展状况、发展趋势等。见得较多的是专题型毕业论文,它的表达特点是突出一点,在已有研究成果或相关研究成果的基础上把这一研究从某个方面继续向前推进。如果说综合型论文侧重在“面”,那么专题性论文则重在“点”。虽说是“点”,但关于这个专题的研究成果、发展状况及发展趋势则是必须了解的,在专题型毕业论文的开头作个简述。实验报告型毕业论文多见于语言学方面的实验语音研究性报告、语言运用、方言调查分析报告类和文学作品社会作用调查分析性报告类。须说明的是,一般的调查报告不能算作论文,但可作为论文的写作材料。研究性调查报告不单是报告情况、数据、结论、提出一般的看法、意见,而是要“研究”,提出问题、详尽调查、作出深入的分析,并解决问题,有方法、有创见、有理论价值和实际意义。

1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。  2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)  3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。  4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。  主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。  5、论文正文:  (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。  〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:  提出-论点;  分析问题-论据和论证;  解决问题-论证与步骤;  结论。  6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。  中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:  (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。  (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。





1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。  2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)  3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。  4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。  主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。  5、论文正文:  (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。  〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:  提出-论点;  分析问题-论据和论证;  解决问题-论证与步骤;  结论。  6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。  中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:  (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。  (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。

一、毕业论文格式及要求毕业论文格式一般说来,一篇毕业论文要具备相对固定的格式。这些提到的毕业论文格式仅供参考。学校有具体规定的,则按规定办。这里以文件中规定的毕业论文格式为准。①论文题目,有的含副标题。题目之下是作者署名,署名之前或下边一行写作者的校、院、系、年级。②“摘要”与“关键词”(或称“内容提要”),一般为300字左右。位于作者署名之后,正文之前。关键词,结合标题和正文内容一般选取3至5个。③引论。用“O”标示,常写作“引言”、“引论”、“绪论”,引言较短时可不标出“O引言”类小标题。引论的内容一般是交代选题背景,主要有:课题来源,本课题在国内外的研究进展状况。已有的研究成果,存在的问题。选题的意义,讨论的问题。本文分几部分,从哪些方面进行讨论,以及指导思想、论证方法等,均可根据内容的需要写在引论中。④正论。正论常分几部分写,分别标示“一”“二”“三”“四”等,有的加小标题,或以分论点的形式出现,以凸现论述的观点或主要内容。这部分是对研究过程及分析、归纳、概括的表达,体现出分析方法与思路,充分有力的论证。正论还要体现出明确的指导思想。⑤结论。一般用“结语”“小结”“余论”等标示。也可不标示“结语”之类的词儿,在正论之后空一行直接写结论或总结。 在毕业论文格式中,结论是对整个研究工作的归纳、综合或概括,也可以提出进一步研究的建议。若是在正论之后,对相关联的问题还想简短论述一下,或是对较为重要的问题再说一些想法,可写成“余论”。⑥毕业论文致谢。接上文另起一段。简述自己撰写毕业论文的体会,并对指导老师以及有关人员表示感谢。“毕业论文致谢”并非形式,也不是走过场,是一个大学生修养的表现。⑦注释与参考资料。注释专指“本文注”,即作者对论文有关内容所作的解释,一般用脚注(放在本页末)(属毕业论文格式的非必备项)。 参考文献专指“引文注”,即作者对引用他人作品的有关内容所作的说明,在引文结束处右上角用[1][2]等标示,序号与文末参考文献列表一致。同一著作或文章被多次引用时只著录一次。文后参考文献的著录格式见《参考文献格式》。⑧附录。收录和论文有直接关系的文字材料、图表、数据、试验结果等。中文方面的毕业论文 格式中作附录的情况似乎不多见(属毕业论文格式的非必备项)。以上是一篇毕业论文格式要求,是一般撰写毕业论文必需的表达形式,其中除“注释”和“附录”可有可无外,其他部分的毕业论文格式是必备的。毕业论文格式的其他要求:①毕业论文的字数要求。一般来说,文学、新闻、历史、哲学等方面的毕业论文在7000字以上,语言方面的论文在6000字左右,也有对函授学员、自考生要求在5000字左右的。我的想法是对字数不去“斤斤计较”,关键是在毕业论文的内容要有创见。一般说来,达到了内容的要求,相应地也会满足字数的要求。②表述要求。毕业论文是对自己研究成果的详细表述。要求论理正确、论据确凿、逻辑性强、层次分明,表意准确、鲜明,语言通顺、流畅,用规范汉字,不写错别字。一般情况下应采用计算机打印成文,若手抄则要求书写工整。③修改要求。论文初稿写好后,全文阅读,前后对照,检查论点论据论证和词句运用,修改好了之后,搁置几天或者一两周,再来挑毛病,经过多次修改、加工、润色,最后在老师指导下定稿。二、毕业论文的类型不同类型的毕业论文,表达方式也有差异。按学科可分成文科类毕业论文,理科类毕业论文,管理类毕业论文。从写作内容分,有基础研究和应用研究。基础研究包括理论研究,文学、语言、历史等学科的本体研究。应用研究包括教学研究、有关理论的实际运用研究,相关的实践问题研究。有的应用研究也可以出新理论,形成新的基础研究。基础理论研究和实际应用研究也有紧密关联的,有时是根据侧重点来划分的。由此,就有了(一)基础研究型毕业论文,包括理论研究型和本体研究型的毕业论文;(二)应用研究型毕业论文,包括教学研究型、理论实践研究型、实际问题研究型等类型的毕业论文。从表达方式分,有综合型毕业论文,专题型毕业论文和实验报告型毕业论文。就文学、语言方面的文科类毕业论文而言(如汉语言文学毕业论文),以应用研究型毕业论文居多;其次是本体研究型毕业论文,对学科本身的某个方面的新问题进行论述阐发,表述自己的心得,或者对原有问题发表新的看法或不同的评价。而理论研究型毕业论文,主要是探讨前人没解决的问题、没发现的规律,或是新理论、新观点,或是新的理论背景、研究方法的学术论文,这类论文难度较大。就论文表达方式而言,综合型毕业论文很少见,这种论文围绕一个问题收集一大批资料,综合介绍并论述这个问题研究的阶段、特点、主要理论成就及其著述,研究中最早的文献、有重大突破的文献,研究的发展状况、发展趋势等。见得较多的是专题型毕业论文,它的表达特点是突出一点,在已有研究成果或相关研究成果的基础上把这一研究从某个方面继续向前推进。如果说综合型论文侧重在“面”,那么专题性论文则重在“点”。虽说是“点”,但关于这个专题的研究成果、发展状况及发展趋势则是必须了解的,在专题型毕业论文的开头作个简述。实验报告型毕业论文多见于语言学方面的实验语音研究性报告、语言运用、方言调查分析报告类和文学作品社会作用调查分析性报告类。须说明的是,一般的调查报告不能算作论文,但可作为论文的写作材料。研究性调查报告不单是报告情况、数据、结论、提出一般的看法、意见,而是要“研究”,提出问题、详尽调查、作出深入的分析,并解决问题,有方法、有创见、有理论价值和实际意义。

您的国际贸易实务方面论文具体是什么题目,准备往哪个方向写呢有什么要求呢论文是需要多少字呢开题报告 任务书 都搞定了不你可以告诉我具体的排版格式要求,论文想写好,先要找好相关资料,列好大纲,确定好题目,老师同意后在下笔,还有什么不了解的可以直接问我,希望可以帮到你,祝写作过程顺利。1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。002、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)003、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。004、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。00主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。005、论文正文:00(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。00〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:提出-论点;分析问题-论据和论证;解决问题-论证与步骤;结论。006、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。00中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:00(1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。00(2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。毕业设计(论文)是学生毕业前最后一个重要学习环节,是学习深化与升华的重要过程。它既是学生学习、研究与实践成果的全面总结,又是对学生素质与能力的一次全面检验,而且还是对学生的毕业资格及学位资格认证的重要依据。为了保证我校本科生毕业设计(论文)质量,特制定“同济大学本科生毕业设计(论文)撰写规范”。  一、毕业设计(论文)资料的组成  A.毕业设计(论文)任务书;B.毕业设计(论文)成绩评定书;C.毕业论文或毕业设计说明书(包括:封面、中外文摘要或设计总说明(包括关键词)、目录、正文、谢辞、参考文献、附录);D.译文及原文复印件;E.图纸、软盘等。  二、毕业设计(论文)资料的填写及有关资料的装订  毕业设计(论文)统一使用学校印制的毕业设计(论文)资料袋、毕业设计(论文)任务书、毕业设计(论文)成绩评定书、毕业设计(论文)封面、稿纸(在教务处网上下载用,学校统一纸面格式,使用A4打印纸)。  毕业设计(论文)资料按要求认真填写,字体要工整,卷面要整洁,手写一律用黑或蓝黑墨水;任务书由指导教师填写并签字,经院长(系主任)签字后发出。  毕业论文或设计说明书要按顺序装订:封面、中外文摘要或设计总说明(包括关键词)、目录、正文、谢辞、参考文献、附录装订在一起,然后与毕业设计(论文)任务书、毕业设计(论文)成绩评定书、译文及原文复印件(订在一起)、工程图纸(按国家标准折叠装订)、软盘等一起放入填写好的资料袋内交指导教师查收,经审阅评定后归档。  三、毕业设计说明书(论文)撰写的内容与要求  一份完整的毕业设计(论文)应包括以下几个方面:  1.标题  标题应该简短、明确、有概括性。标题字数要适当,不宜超过20个字,如果有些细节必须放进标题,可以分成主标题和副标题。  2.论文摘要或设计总说明  论文摘要以浓缩的形式概括研究课题的内容,中文摘要在300字左右,外文摘要以250个左右实词为宜,关键词一般以3~5个为妥。  设计总说明主要介绍设计任务来源、设计标准、设计原则及主要技术资料,中文字数要在1500~2000字以内,外文字数以1000个左右实词为宜,关键词一般以5个左右为妥。  3.目录  目录按三级标题编写(即:1……、1……、1……),要求标题层次清晰。目录中的标题应与正文中的标题一致,附录也应依次列入目录。  4.正文  毕业设计说明书(论文)正文包括绪论、正文主体与结论,其内容分别如下:  绪论应说明本课题的意义、目的、研究范围及要达到的技术要求;简述本课题在国内外的发展概况及存在的问题;说明本课题的指导思想;阐述本课题应解决的主要问题,在文字量上要比摘要多。  正文主体是对研究工作的详细表述,其内容包括:问题的提出,研究工作的基本前提、假设和条件;模型的建立,实验方案的拟定;基本概念和理论基础;设计计算的主要方法和内容;实验方法、内容及其分析;理论论证,理论在课题中的应用,课题得出的结果,以及对结果的讨论等。学生根据毕业设计(论文)课题的性质,一般仅涉及上述一部分内容。  结论是对整个研究工作进行归纳和综合而得出的总结,对所得结果与已有结果的比较和课题尚存在的问题,以及进一步开展研究的见解与建议。结论要写得概括、简短。  5.谢辞  谢辞应以简短的文字对在课题研究和设计说明书(论文)撰写过程中曾直接给予帮助的人员(例如指导教师、答疑教师及其他人员)表示自己的谢意,这不仅是一种礼貌,也是对他人劳动的尊重,是治学者应有的思想作风。  6.参考文献与附录  参考文献是毕业设计(论文)不可缺少的组成部分,它反映毕业设计(论文)的取材来源、材料的广博程度和材料的可靠程度,也是作者对他人知识成果的承认和尊重。一份完整的参考文献可向读者提供一份有价值的信息资料。一般做毕业设计(论文)的参考文献不宜过多,但应列入主要的文献可10篇以上,其中外文文献在2篇以上。  附录是对于一些不宜放在正文中,但有参考价值的内容,可编入毕业设计(论文)的附录中,例如公式的推演、编写的程序等;如果文章中引用的符号较多时,便于读者查阅,可以编写一个符号说明,注明符号代表的意义。一般附录的篇幅不宜过大,若附录篇幅超过正文,会让人产生头轻脚重的感觉。  四、毕业设计(论文)要求  我校毕业设计(论文)大致有设计类、理论研究类(理科)、实验研究类、计算机软件设计类、经济、管理及文科类、综合类等,具体要求如下:  1.设计类(包括机械、建筑、土建工程等):学生必须独立绘制完成一定数量的图纸,工程图除了用计算机绘图外必须要有1~2张(2号以上含2号图)是手工绘图;一份15000字以上的设计说明书(包括计算书、调研报告);参考文献不低于10篇,其中外文文献要在2篇以上。  2.理论研究类(理科):对该类课题工科学生一般不提倡,各院系要慎重选题,除非题目确实有实际意义。该毕业设计报告或论文字数要在20000字以上;根据课题提出问题、分析问题,提出方案、并进行建模、仿真和设计计算等;参考文献不低于15篇,其中外文文献要在4篇以上。  3.实验研究类:学生要独立完成一个完整的实验,取得足够的实验数据,实验要有探索性,而不是简单重复已有的工作;要完成15000字以上的论文,其包括文献综述,实验部分的讨论与结论等内容;参考文献不少于10篇,包括2篇以上外文文献。  4.计算机软件类:学生要独立完成一个软件或较大软件中的一个模块,要有足够的工作量;要写出10000字以上的软件说明书和论文;毕业设计(论文)中如涉及到有关电路方面的内容时,必须完成调试工作,要有完整的测试结果和给出各种参数指标;当涉及到有关计算机软件方面的内容时,要进行计算机演示程序运行和给出运行结果。  5.经济、管理及文科类:学生在教师的指导下完成开题报告;撰写一篇20000字以上的有一定水平的专题论文(外国语专业论文篇幅为5000个词以上。);参考文献不少于10篇,包括1-2篇外文文献。  6.综合类:综合类毕业设计(论文)要求至少包括以上三类内容,如有工程设计内容时,在图纸工作量上可酌情减少,完成10000字以上的论文,参考文献不少于10篇,包括2篇以上外文文献。  每位学生在完成毕业设计(论文)的同时要求:(1)翻译2万外文印刷字符或译出5000汉字以上的有关技术资料或专业文献(外语专业学生翻译6000~8000字符的专业外文文献或写出10000字符的外文文献的中文读书报告),内容要尽量结合课题(译文连同原文单独装订成册)。(2)使用计算机进行绘图,或进行数据采集、数据处理、数据分析,或进行文献检索、论文编辑等。  绘图是工程设计的基本训练,毕业设计中学生应用计算机绘图,但作为绘图基本训练可要求一定量的墨线和铅笔线图。毕业设计图纸应符合制图标准,学生应参照教务处2004年3月印制的《毕业设计制图规范》进行绘图。  五、毕业设计(论文)的写作细则  1.书写  毕业设计(论文)要用学校规定的文稿纸书写或打印(手写时必须用黑或蓝墨水),文稿纸背面不得书写正文和图表,正文中的任何部分不得写到文稿纸边框以外,文稿纸不得随意接长或截短。汉字必须使用国家公布的规范字。  2.标点符号  毕业设计(论文)中的标点符号应按新闻出版署公布的"标点符号用法"使用。  3.名词、名称  科学技术名词术语尽量采用全国自然科学名词审定委员会公布的规范词或国家标准、部标准中规定的名称,尚未统一规定或叫法有争议的名称术语,可采用惯用的名称。使用外文缩写代替某一名词术语时,首次出现时应在括号内注明其含义。外国人名一般采用英文原名,按名前姓后的原则书写。一般很熟知的外国人名(如牛顿、达尔文、马克思等)可按通常标准译法写译名。  4.量和单位  量和单位必须采用中华人民共和国的国家标准GB3100~GB3102-93,它是以国际单位制(SI)为基础的。非物理量的单位,如件、台、人、元等,可用汉字与符号构成组合形式的单位,例如件/台、元/km。  5.数字  毕业设计(论文)中的测量统计数据一律用阿拉伯数字,但在叙述不很大的数目时,一般不用阿拉伯数字,如"他发现两颗小行星"、"三力作用于一点",不宜写成"他发现2颗小行星"、"3力作用于1点"。大约的数字可以用中文数字,也可以用阿拉伯数字,如"约一百五十人",也可写成"约150人"。  6.标题层次  毕业设计(论文)的全部标题层次应有条不紊,整齐清晰。相同的层次应采用统一的表示体例,正文中各级标题下的内容应同各自的标题对应,不应有与标题无关的内容。  章节编号方法应采用分级阿拉伯数字编号方法,第一级为"1"、"2"、"3"等,第二级为"1"、"2"、"3"等,第三级为"1"、"2"、"3"等,但分级阿拉伯数字的编号一般不超过四级,两级之间用下角圆点隔开,每一级的末尾不加标点。  各层标题均单独占行书写。第一级标题居中书写;第二级标题序数顶格书写,后空一格接写标题,末尾不加标点;第三级和第四级标题均空两格书写序数,后空一格书写标题。第四级以下单独占行的标题顺序采用ABC…和两层,标题均空两格书写序数,后空一格写标题。正文中对总项包括的分项采用⑴、⑵、⑶…单独序号,对分项中的小项采用①、②、③…的序号或数字加半括号,括号后不再加其他标点。  7.注释  毕业设计(论文)中有个别名词或情况需要解释时,可加注说明,注释可用页末注(将注文放在加注页的下端)或篇末注(将全部注文集中在文章末尾),而不可行中注(夹在正文中的注)。注释只限于写在注释符号出现的同页,不得隔页。  8.公式  公式应居中书写,公式的编号用圆括号括起放在公式右边行末,公式和编号之间不加虚线。  9.表格  每个表格应有表序和表题,表序和表题应写在表格上放正中,表序后空一格书写表题。表格允许下页接写,表题可省略,表头应重复写,并在右上方写"续表××"。  10.插图  毕业设计的插图必须精心制作,线条粗细要合适,图面要整洁美观。每幅插图应有图序和图题,图序和图题应放在图位下方居中处。图应在描图纸或在白纸上用墨线绘成,也可以用计算机绘图。  11.参考文献  参考文献一律放在文后,参考文献的书写格式要按国家标准GB7714-87规定。参考文献按文中出现的先后统一用阿拉伯数字进行自然编号,一般序码宜用方括号括起,不用园括号括起。


同学,是用英语写,还是用汉语呢?这篇材料主要是说明国际贸易产生的原因,但是说实在的,这个原因应该算是赫克希尔-俄林的要素禀赋理论的简略版吧,就是太通俗易懂不是理论层面的东西吧,你想要根据材料给的扩展一下呢,还是希望我帮你,从理论的角度分析一下呢? What is international trade ? the general meaning is : buying and selling among countries,including import trade and export trade in today’s world , no nation exists in economic isolation the high degree of economic coorparation reflects the historical evolution of world’s economic and political order then what are the force driving globalization ? the fist and perhaps most profound influnce is technological change : advances in transport technology have continued to bring people and enterprise closer together , the boundary of tradable goods and services has been greatly extended also continuing liberalization of trade and investment has made for an ever more unencumbered policy environment for economic relations among last but not least one : lower trade barriers and financial liberalization have allowed more and more companies to globalize production structures through investment abroad ,which in turn has provided a future stimulus to trade as the by adam smith said : the Exchange promote the division of labor, and vice And the division of labour lead to the exchange between then why world economic become more and more interdependence according to factor-endowment theory and comparative difference , there are two factors : labor and capital In defferent country , they have different endowments of factors so the relative commodities require different intensities of the factor in their production in this situation the price of relative commodity is different , the country will export the commodity for which a large amount of relatively abundant inputs is used , and this commodity will be more commpative in the world trade trade and the distribution of income between the different nations : both partner gain from trade if countries specialize in what they are comparatively best at production ,they must import goods and service that other countries produce best for example brazilians supply coffee and americans supply wheat the large production will make it possilble for brazilian to gain by using revenues from their wheat sales to purchase american wheat at the same time american will gain by doing the opposite ,by using the revenues from their wheat sales to purchase brazilian The american have comparative advantage in wheat prodution and brazilians have comparative advantage in coffee prodution 同学,看看吧。应该可以了吧

国际贸易相关英语词汇accepting bank 承兑银行 adept 内行 adulterated 冒充物agreement 同意书 air parcel 航空邮包 amendment修正书area 面积 bankrupt 破产 beneficiary 受益人bilateral trade 双边贸易 bill of landing 提单 bill of exchange汇票billing 开发票 blind competition恶性竞争 boom 生意兴隆delay延误 shoes store 鞋子专卖店 breakage破损 air cargo 航空货运 certificate of origin原产地证明 bulk cargo 散装货discount折扣 business is inactive 市面萧条 buyer买主cancel 取消 can not afford 买不起 capacity 容积capture market 争取市场 certificate fee 签证费 certificate of inspection检验证claim 索赔 close 结关 close date 结关日close door 歇业 collection 托收 confirm 确认commercial credit 商用信用 commission 佣金 consignee 收货人consumer 消费者 contract 合约 container 货柜costprice 成本价 cost & freight 货运及运费 cost & insurance 货价及保险cost insurance & freight (CIF)成本保险费加运费价 counter 货柜台 counterfeit 仿冒 customer 顾客 customs 海关customer broker 报送行 dealer 贩卖商 deferred payment 延迟付款deficit 亏空 delivery date 交货期 deliver from go down 出仓department store 百货公司 depression 不景气 destination 目的地direct trade 直接贸易 distribution 分销 documentary 押汇documentary acceptance bill 承况汇单 documentary payment bill 付款汇单double check 复查 drawee 付款人 dumping 倾销enlarge 扩充 export 出口 exporter 出口商export declaration 出品申请书 faulty goods 劣足迹 foreign exchange 外汇free on board (FOB,离岸价) gross weight 毛重 handle with care 小心轻放horizontal competition 同业竞争 import 进口 importer 进口商import permit 进品许可证 indirect trade 间接进口 inquiry sheet 询价单inspector 验货员 inspection sheet 检验单 instalment 分期付款international trade foreign trade 国际贸易 invoice 发票limited price 限价 loading port 输出口岸 main mark 正唛manufacture 制造 marg in profit 利润 managenment 管理制度manufacturer 制造商 market 市价 mass production 大量生产multilateral trade 多边贸易 negotiated purchase 议价 netback price 厂价net weight 净重 no transshipment permitted 不准转运nominal price 标价 notary 公证人 offer 报价on board 已装船 only one price 不二价 open tender 公开投标order 订单 output 产量 packing list 包装单partialloss 部分损失 payee 收款人 penalty 违约金,罚金paying bank 付款银行 peak season 旺季 place of delivery 交货地点post office 邮局 price bargain 讨价还价 price cutting 减价,削价price list 价目表 process 流程 production control 生产管制proforma invoice(一般译为“形式发票”简写为“PI”) purchase 购买quality control 品质管制 received for shipment 待装船 reduced price 减价regular customer 老主顾 reorganization 改组 repacking 改装restricted tender 比价 resume business 复业 retail 零售returned check 退票 retailer 零售商 sale 销售rock bottom price 最低价 sale on credit 赊账 salesman 推销员sea port 港口 service 服务 segment delivery 分批交货shipper 货主 shipping advice 装船通知 shipping company 船务公司或海运公司 shipping date 装船日期 shipping dock 装船码头shipping document 装船文件 shoddy 粗制滥造 unpacking开箱shopping rush 抢购 shortage 缺量 yielding 获利show window 橱窗 slack season 淡季 special customs invoice 海关特种发票 specification 规格 standard brand 正牌子steady 稳定 stock 存货 stylist 款式设计师supplier 供应商 supply & demand 供求 terminal market 批发市场telegraphic transfer 电汇(T/T) time of delivery 交货日期 trade company 贸易公司travelers checks 旅行支票 title 抬头 top quality 上等货total loss 全部损失 trade mark 商标 trial order 试销货unfavorable trade balance 逆差 uniform invoice 统一发票 unilateral trade 单边贸易warehouse 仓库 unsaleable 滞结 upset price 底价useful load 装载量 wholesaler 批发商 letter of credit 信用状revocable letter of credit 取消信用状 irrevocable letter of credit 不可取消信用状sight letter of credit 即期信用状 usance letter of credit 远期信用状assignable letter credit 可转让信用状 unassignable letter of credit 不可转让信用状destination 到达口岸 export declaration 出口申请表 quotation form 行情表

First, WTO accession on China's financial industry the great challenges  China's huge, high-speed growth of financial markets and lack of financial deepening, long-term policy to protect China's financial sector to foreign financial consortium constitute the immense attraction of trying to a good opportunity for China's accession to the WTO to enter China's financial market has been the focus of their efforts The United States Commerce Secretary William Daley said the Sino-US WTO negotiations fell the most crucial questions, such as banking and insurance areas of financial   April 9, 1999, the United States Trade Representative Office unilaterally announced the so-called Chinese date for accession to WTO and the United States reached an open market These measures, according to the United States in China's accession to the WTO that it would begin to In fact, these so-called Protocol of the United States in fact just the asking price, of which only the agricultural part of complete agreement, other not yet fully The United States Trade Representative Office unilaterally announced the so-called China's accession to the WTO after the financial markets, the openness of the list, from which we can see that the United States and China, asking for specific financial services industry may be subject to the impact of the extent of:  (1) Banking  Between the two countries will continue negotiations on this However, China has agreed to join WTO, US-owned banks to foreign customers can immediately provide all the foreign exchange One year after WTO accession, the United States to the Chinese bank can provide customers with foreign exchange business, Sino-US joint-venture banks will be allowed to operate wholly foreign-owned banks will be allowed to operate at 5 years, foreign banks in two years will be allowed to conduct RMB business at 5 During the year the finance retail   (2) the securities industry  At present, the securities, the Chinese will still insist open B-share market, but the A shares should not The US side insists that the opening of the stock For this requirement, China still insists that financial sector liberalization must be gradual and orderly progress, if we do not do so, it will be further subjected to the crisis in Southeast Asian countries to   (3) the insurance industry  US demands China's accession to the WTO, life insurance companies in the foreign shareholding ratio can be up to 50%, add a year later, increased to 51% Non-life insurance companies and reinsurance companies will be allowed at a joint venture insurance companies hold 51 percent stake, and at two years to set up wholly-owned branch   With China's accession to the WTO will become the truth, China is striving to provide open financial markets to prepare:  (1) Chinese department director has been fixed for the opening of RMB business Open RMB business faster than most people probably would exceed expectations, in the "foreseeable future" is very likely at all large and medium-sized city open RMB   (2) add at WTO, China will be the first to open RMB business in life insurance and property & casualty insurance As capital markets belong to the securities industry, opening up the speed will be relatively March 20, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission Ma Yongwei, chairman, said the opening up of China's insurance market is a foregone conclusion in the near future, there will be a number of foreign insurance companies enter the Chinese   (3) foreign banks will be one year after China's accession to the WTO, China allowed to provide foreign exchange business customers, and two years later for the enterprise business to provide renminbi business activity, and after five years for Chinese individuals to provide financial People's Bank of China will be lifted this year, foreign banks operating branches geographical restrictions, from the current Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen and other 23 city extended to all central cities, while the United States formally approved the Shenzhen branch of Citibank, Bank of Tokyo JAPAN Shenzhen sub - Bank to conduct RMB   (4) of the securities market, foreign capital eager to enter, but the domestic securities market is not mature enough, and the RMB is not freely convertible, direct foreign investment and opening up is unlikely, in recent years, the China Securities Regulatory Commission once the proposal to examine the formation of Sino-foreign joint investment fund the possibility of us to consider the form of foreign investment funds to enter and take the establishment of Sino-foreign cooperative fund the possibility of   From the above analysis we can already feel that China's accession to the WTO, China's financial industry by the face of international financial integration of the great challenges:  (1) China's financial industry in the long-term barriers to retaining a high degree of policy evaluation, the WT O to add a high degree of market competition after the situation has required a process of Chinese bankers are much, for opening up banking reacted strongly consider in the next five years to completely open up the banking industry, time is very According to the World Bank has long been known as one pairs of Chinese banking industry experts Radi said that the need for around ten years, China's banking sector in order to prepare, in the face of foreign competition in the industry, and not in First of all, the Chinese banking system has yet to be market-oriented reforms to further deepen, at present, four major Chinese state-owned commercial banks are all the Ministry of Finance, the national bank assets accounted for more than 90% of Shenzhen Development Bank are so far the only listed Secondly, non-performing loans of domestic banks within five years, it is difficult to National plans to discount the portion of the debt or sell securities, but this process may be will need to spend a few years or even Reconstruction of the fragile Chinese banking system is that the Chinese Government to allow foreign financial institutions to gain full access to their markets, while domestic financial crisis will not lead to an important   (2) the financial services sector in our country's industry has been opening sequence in a relatively backward part of the opening of international financial competition environment has a process of China's financial industry must be limited to opening up the market to prevent the Asian financial turmoil the price of a repeat in C  (3) China's financial sector, especially state-owned commercial banks in the past the process of non-market operators have accumulated a lot of non-performing loans, which makes US financial sector competition in the market relatively heavy historical   Second, actively respond to  (1) Expand the financial inspection of assets and liabilities of financial institutions to find out the Chinese Government to further guard against financial risks, as well as opening up financial markets to meet the challenges faced, had started a period of 5 months of a general inspection of national financial work out a comprehensive financial institution's assets and the debt Work focused on financial institutions to check the financial position and its non-performing assets in order to regulators of financial institutions nationwide to find out the true state of This will not only help regulators assess the financial risks effectively, and to take appropriate response measures, the gradual elimination of financial institutions, large non-performing   (2) in an open domestic market before the director of China's financial department to deal with banks to restructure or to inject more funds into the bank to improve the operation and management principles and the rule of law and set up appropriate regulatory Too fast, opening up the financial industry risk is probably much higher than the strength of foreign investment China's domestic financial system, we should fully absorb the lessons of the Asian crisis: liberalization in the financial industry before, we must strictly regulate the domestic financial system, commercial banks are required to have proper access to capital injection and operation and   (3) change their concepts, to face up to the international financial integration of great International financial integration is one of the world inevitable trend of economic development, we are opening up the financial industry overall strategy is unchanged, just add WTO so that the subject had placed earlier in front of At the previous monopoly of the soil protection grew up China's financial industry should face up to the international financial integration of the enormous challenges, we must seriously examine their own point whether there is really strong enough to contend with transnational corporations, the core of our competitiveness where扬长up short, a positive   一、加入WTO对中国金融业的巨大挑战  中国庞大的、高速增长的金融市场和金融深化不足、长期为政策 保护的中国金融业,对外国金融财团构成了巨大的吸引力,试图通过 中国加入WTO的良机进入中国金融市场一直是它们重点努力的方向。 美国商务部长戴利称,中美入世谈判最关键的问题落在银行和保险等 金融服务领域中。  1999年4月9日,美国贸易代表处单方面公布了所谓中国迄今为加 入WTO与美国达成的市场开放协议。这些措施据美国称将在中国加入 WTO时开始实施。其实这些所谓的协议实际上只是美国的要价,其中 只有农业部分完全达成协议,其他仍未完全达成。美国贸易代表处单 方面公布了所谓中国加入WTO后金融市场开放程度一览表,我们从中 可以看到美国具体的要价和中国金融业可能会受到的冲击程度:  (1)银行业  两国仍继续此项目的谈判。但中国已经同意,加入WTO后,美资 银行可立即向外国客户提供所有外汇业务。加入WTO一年后,美国的 银行可向中国客户提供外汇业务,中美合资的银行将立即获准经营, 外国独资银行将在5年内获准经营,外资银行在二年内将获准经营人 民币业务,在5年内经营金融零售业务。  (2)证券业  目前就证券而言,中国坚持仍然会开放B股市场,但是A股不能开 放。美方则坚持提出开放整个证券市场。对于这个要求,中国仍然坚 持金融部门的开放必须循序渐进,如果不这样作,就将步遭受危机的 东南亚国家后尘。  (3)保险业  美方要求中国加入WTO后,人寿保险公司中外资持股比例可高达 50%,加入一年后,提高至51%。非人寿保险公司和再保险公司将获 准在合资保险公司中持有51%的股份,并可在二年内成立全资的分支 机构。  随着中国加入世贸组织将成事实,中国也正为开放金融市场做好 准备:  (1)中国主管部门已订出开放人民币业务的时间表。人民币业务 开放速度之快可能会超出多数人的预期,在“可见的未来”极有可能 在所有大中城市开放人民币业务。  (2)在加入WTO后,中国将首先开放人民币业务寿险及产险市场。 至于属于资本市场的证券业,开放的速度则会相对较慢。3月20日, 中国保险监督管理委员会主席马永伟表示,中国保险市场的开放大局 已定,在不久的将来,会有多家外国保险公司进入中国市场。  (3)外资银行将在中国加入WTO一年后,获准为中国客户提供外汇 业务,两年后可为企业商务活动提供人民币业务,而五年后可为中国 个人提供金融服务。中国人民银行今年将取消外资银行营业性分支机 构地域限制,从现在的上海、北京、天津、深圳等23个城市扩大到所 有中心城市,同时正式批准美国花旗银行深圳分行、日本东京银行深 圳分行经营人民币业务。  (4)证券市场方面,外资渴望进入,但国内证券市场并不成熟, 而且人民币尚不能自由兑换,直接开放外资进入的可能性不大,近年 来中国证监会曾经提出研究组建中外合作投资基金的可能性,我们认 为以基金的形式吸收外资进入,采取组建中外合作基金形式的可能性 极大。  我们从上述分析中已经可以感受到中国加入WTO后,中国金融业 所面对国际金融一体化的巨大挑战:  (1)中国金融业长期处于高度的政策壁垒护估之下,对于加入WT O后高度的市场竞争形势需要有个适应过程。 中国许多银行业人士,对于对外开放银行业务反应强烈,认为在 五年内彻底开放银行业,时间是十分急迫的。据世界银行一位对中国 银行业素有研究的专家拉迪指出,大约需要十年,中国银行业才能作 好准备,面对国外同业的竞争,而不致于陷入险境。首先,中国银行 业体制的市场化改革仍有待进一步深化,目前,中国四大国有商业银 行属财政部所有,占全国银行资产的90%以上,深圳发展银行是至今 唯一上市的银行。其次,国内银行不良贷款在五年内难以清除。国家 计划将这部分债务以折价或证券化的方式出售,但此过程也许将需花 上数年甚至更长。重建中国脆弱的银行系统,是中国政府允许外国金 融机构完全进入本国市场,而不致引发国内金融危机的重要先决条件 。  (2)金融业在我国的行业对外开放序列中一直处于较后的部分, 对开放后的国际金融竞争环境也有个适应过程。中国金融业必须有限 制地向外开放市场,以防止亚洲金融风暴的代价在中国重演。  (3)中国金融业特别是国有商业银行在过去的非市场经营过程中 累积了不少不良贷款,这使我们的金融业在市场竞争中历史包袱比较 重。  二、积极应对  (1)展开金融大检查,摸清金融机构资产负债 中国政府为进一步防范金融风险,以及迎接金融市场开放所面临 的挑战,已开始展开为期5个月的全国金融大检查工作,全面摸清金 融机构的资产和债务状况。工作重点在于检查金融机构的财务状况及 其不良资产,以便监管机构能摸清全国金融机构债务的真实状况。此 举不仅有助于监管部门能有效评估金融风险,并可采取适当的应对措 施,逐步消除金融机构庞大的不良资产。  (2)在开放国内市场以前,中国金融主管部门应对银行进行重组 或增加注资,改进银行经营管理方针,并建立适当的法治和规范框架 。过快开放金融业的风险在于外资实力可能大大超过中国国内金融体 系,我们应该充分吸取亚洲危机的教训:在金融业自由化前,必须对 国内金融系统严格规范,商业银行必须妥善获得资本金注入及经营管 理。  (3)转变观念,正视国际金融一体化的巨大挑战。国际金融一体 化是世界经济发展的必然趋势,我们金融业的对外开放的总方略是不 变的,加入WTO只是使这一课题提早摆到了我们的面前。以往在垄断 保护的土壤中成长起来的中国金融业应该正视国际金融一体化的巨大 挑战,要认真审视自己究竟有哪一点足以与真正强大的跨国公司抗衡, 我们的核心竞争力在何处,扬长补短,积极应对。


Protectionism Doesn't Pay The global financial crisis is no doubt a catalyst for trade As the world economy deteriorates, some countries try to boost growth prospects by erecting trade China calls on these governments not to replay history and revert to protectionism and economic Previous global economic crises were usually accompanied by frequent trade The United States' erection of large-scale tariffs in 1930, for example, triggered a retaliatory global trade During the two oil shocks in the 1970s and 1980s, trade frictions emerged when major economies attempted to increase exports by depreciating their And in the wake of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, there was a notable uptick in antidumping actions, countervailing duties and other protectionist The financial crisis is now spilling over into the real economy, hitting sectors like manufacturing and In almost all countries, factories are closing and unemployment is rising, creating political pressure and social More and more governments are strengthening intervention in their economies under the excuse of 'economic security' and protecting vulnerable domestic industries to curb imports from other countries, especially those in emerging Trade protectionism differs from legally acceptable measures to protect It is an abuse of remedies provided by multilateral trade This kind of protectionism is morphing into more complex and disguised forms, ranging from conventional tariff and nontariff barriers to technical barriers to trade, industry standards and industry With the economic crisis worsening, caution must be taken even in employing trade protection measures consistent with World Trade Organization At the Group of 20 Financial Summit in November 2008, world leaders called for countries to resist trade protectionism and committed themselves to refraining from erecting new barriers to trade and investment, a message strongly echoed by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit at the end of last year, and the World Economic Forum held in Davos last History tells us that trade protection measures hurt not only other countries, but eventually the country that erected that trade barrier in the first To counter the Great Depression, the US adopted the Smoot-Hawley Act in 1930, which raised import duties of over 20,000 foreign products significantly and provoked protectionist retaliation from other Faced with that crisis, other countries pursued beggar-thy-neighbor policies that slashed global trade volumes from $36 billion in 1929 to $12 billion in Among the victims, not the least was the US itself, where exports shrank from $2 billion in 1929 to $2 billion in Even in the US, the Smoot-Hawley Act was widely believed to be a catalyst that aggravated the effects of Great DGlobal trade is now in dire Thanks to shrinking external demand caused by the economic crisis, major trading countries have seen their export growth tumble or have suffered huge Germany's exports dropped 6% in November 2008, compared to the same period the prior year -- the highest one-month drop since China also experienced negative export growth in November, and a 5% decline last month, when compared to the prior Protectionist policies would make things even worse and the consequences would be hard to In the heat of the crisis, it's critical that all countries refrain from pointing fingers at each other or pursuing their own interests at the expense of The financial crisis reflects a chronic illness resulting from global economic structural imbalance and financial risk accumulation, and there is no quick fix to this The fundamental interest of every country is to step up consultation and cooperation and keep international trade smoothly Healthy international trade can help revive the world During the Great Depression, the US recovered from its economic woes because the Franklin D Roosevelt administration implemented the New Deal and shunned Today's unprecedented financial crisis has inflicted a severe impact on China and other countries as China's economic growth has slowed, exports have plunged and unemployment pressure has Yet even so, China still firmly believes that trade protectionism isn't a solution to the world's In 2008, amid a contraction in global trade, China imported $133 trillion worth of goods from countries around the world -- an 5% increase over the prior These imports are boosting the economic development of China's trading Since the crisis broke out, the Chinese government has decisively put forward a series of measures aiming at stimulating domestic Given the size and openness of our country, the growth in China's domestic markets can be translated into greater market potential and investment opportunities for other This year China will continue to increase imports and send buying missions abroad for large-scale purchase of equipment, products and China has always championed our mutually beneficial opening-up policy and advocated international economic We maintain that the Doha Round of global trade negotiations should be taken forward in a way that meets the interests of members and complies with the multilateral trading system already China is ready to stand together with all nations in the world to face up to the challenges of today, tackle the financial crisis through cooperation and guide the world economy into a new period of 贸易保护主义无法拯救世界经济对贸易保护主义来说,全球金融危机无疑是一针催化剂。近一时期,随着全球经济形势恶化,一些国家自危、自利、自保倾向抬头。有识之士为此感到忧虑,呼吁各国在出台经济刺激计划时,一定要防止贸易保护主义和经济孤立主义的历史重演。历次全球经济危机往往都伴随着贸易争端的高发。1930年美国政府大范围提高关税,引发了全球范围报复性贸易战。上世纪七八十年代两次石油危机时,主要国家放任货币贬值以扩大出口的作法引发了贸易摩擦。1997年亚洲金融危机之后,全球反倾销、反补贴和保障措施案件明显增多。当前,金融危机已蔓延到制造业、服务业等实体经济领域,各国工厂倒闭剧增,失业率上升,政治压力和社会问题接踵而至。越来越多国家以“经济安全”和保护本国虚弱产业为由加强政府对经济的干预,阻挠其他国家特别是新兴国家企业出口。贸易保护主义不同于正当的贸易保护措施,它是对多边贸易规则中救济措施的滥用。从传统的关税和非关税壁垒,到技术性贸易壁垒、行业标准等,以及产业保护主义,当前贸易保护主义的形式更加复杂多样,隐蔽性更强。在危机加剧的背景下,即使符合WTO规则的保护措施也应慎用,这已成为各国共识。在2008年11月举行的G20金融峰会上,各国领导人同声呼吁抵制贸易保护主义,承诺在未来一年内,避免设置新的贸易和投资壁垒。年底的APEC领导人会议和今年初的世界经济论坛达沃斯年会,再次发出了反对保护主义强音。历史是一面镜子。任何针对他国的贸易保护举措,不仅会损害对方,最终也会伤及自身。经验告诉我们,大规模的贸易保护措施将使金融危机下本已严峻的经济形势更加困难。1930年美国为了应对经济危机,颁发了《斯姆特-霍利关税法》,大幅提高超过2万种外国商品的进口关税,结果引起了其他国家的贸易保护主义报复。面对危机,各国以邻为壑,全球贸易总额大幅缩减,从1929年的360亿美元缩小到1932年的120亿美元,美国自身也深受其害,出口总额从1929年的52亿美元左右缩减到1932年的12亿美元。这一法案即使在美国国内也被普遍认为是大萧条加剧的催化剂。如今全球贸易形势已相当严峻:经济危机导致外需衰退,各主要贸易国的出口增速已急剧下滑,甚至出现大幅萎缩。德国08年11月份出口额较前月大幅下滑6%,为1990年以来的最大单月降幅。中国08年11月以来出口连续出现负增长,其中09年1月出口下降了5%。如果未来贸易保护主义泛滥,使严峻的形势雪上加霜,造成的后果很难预料。我们应该认真思索,这样的后果世界能否承受,又是否值得承受?危机当头,重要的是各国携手共克时艰,而非互相指责,以邻为壑。金融危机是全球经济结构失衡、金融风险积聚长期积累的结果,解决问题也不可能一蹴而就。当前加强磋商、增强合作,保持国际贸易渠道畅通,才符合各国的根本利益。国际贸易的健康发展,是推动世界经济复苏的重要力量。当年罗斯福政府实行新政,与贸易保护主义决裂,带领美国经济走出低谷,推动了全球经济的增长。在这场前所未有的世界金融危机中,中国与其他国家一样都受到严重冲击。去年第三季度以来,经济增速放缓,出口大幅下滑,就业压力加大。即便如此,中国仍坚定认为,贸易保护主义是条死胡同。在全球贸易萎缩的情况下,2008年中国从各国进口11331亿美元的商品,增长5%,促进了贸易伙伴的经济发展。危机爆发以来,中国政府果断出台了一系列扩大内需的措施。作为一个开放的大国,中国内需的提升可为其他国家提供更大的市场空间和更多的投资机会。今年,中国将继续扩大进口,积极组织企业采购团,赴海外大规模采购,进口设备、商品和技术。中国始终奉行互利共赢的开放战略,倡导国际经济合作。我们主张积极推进符合各国利益与多边贸易体制的多哈回合谈判。中国愿与世界各国一道,以开放迎接挑战,以合作应对危机,共克时艰,推动世界经济走向新的繁荣。

First, WTO accession on China's financial industry the great challenges  China's huge, high-speed growth of financial markets and lack of financial deepening, long-term policy to protect China's financial sector to foreign financial consortium constitute the immense attraction of trying to a good opportunity for China's accession to the WTO to enter China's financial market has been the focus of their efforts The United States Commerce Secretary William Daley said the Sino-US WTO negotiations fell the most crucial questions, such as banking and insurance areas of financial   April 9, 1999, the United States Trade Representative Office unilaterally announced the so-called Chinese date for accession to WTO and the United States reached an open market These measures, according to the United States in China's accession to the WTO that it would begin to In fact, these so-called Protocol of the United States in fact just the asking price, of which only the agricultural part of complete agreement, other not yet fully The United States Trade Representative Office unilaterally announced the so-called China's accession to the WTO after the financial markets, the openness of the list, from which we can see that the United States and China, asking for specific financial services industry may be subject to the impact of the extent of:  (1) Banking  Between the two countries will continue negotiations on this However, China has agreed to join WTO, US-owned banks to foreign customers can immediately provide all the foreign exchange One year after WTO accession, the United States to the Chinese bank can provide customers with foreign exchange business, Sino-US joint-venture banks will be allowed to operate wholly foreign-owned banks will be allowed to operate at 5 years, foreign banks in two years will be allowed to conduct RMB business at 5 During the year the finance retail   (2) the securities industry  At present, the securities, the Chinese will still insist open B-share market, but the A shares should not The US side insists that the opening of the stock For this requirement, China still insists that financial sector liberalization must be gradual and orderly progress, if we do not do so, it will be further subjected to the crisis in Southeast Asian countries to   (3) the insurance industry  US demands China's accession to the WTO, life insurance companies in the foreign shareholding ratio can be up to 50%, add a year later, increased to 51% Non-life insurance companies and reinsurance companies will be allowed at a joint venture insurance companies hold 51 percent stake, and at two years to set up wholly-owned branch   With China's accession to the WTO will become the truth, China is striving to provide open financial markets to prepare:  (1) Chinese department director has been fixed for the opening of RMB business Open RMB business faster than most people probably would exceed expectations, in the "foreseeable future" is very likely at all large and medium-sized city open RMB   (2) add at WTO, China will be the first to open RMB business in life insurance and property & casualty insurance As capital markets belong to the securities industry, opening up the speed will be relatively March 20, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission Ma Yongwei, chairman, said the opening up of China's insurance market is a foregone conclusion in the near future, there will be a number of foreign insurance companies enter the Chinese   (3) foreign banks will be one year after China's accession to the WTO, China allowed to provide foreign exchange business customers, and two years later for the enterprise business to provide renminbi business activity, and after five years for Chinese individuals to provide financial People's Bank of China will be lifted this year, foreign banks operating branches geographical restrictions, from the current Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen and other 23 city extended to all central cities, while the United States formally approved the Shenzhen branch of Citibank, Bank of Tokyo JAPAN Shenzhen sub - Bank to conduct RMB   (4) of the securities market, foreign capital eager to enter, but the domestic securities market is not mature enough, and the RMB is not freely convertible, direct foreign investment and opening up is unlikely, in recent years, the China Securities Regulatory Commission once the proposal to examine the formation of Sino-foreign joint investment fund the possibility of us to consider the form of foreign investment funds to enter and take the establishment of Sino-foreign cooperative fund the possibility of   From the above analysis we can already feel that China's accession to the WTO, China's financial industry by the face of international financial integration of the great challenges:  (1) China's financial industry in the long-term barriers to retaining a high degree of policy evaluation, the WT O to add a high degree of market competition after the situation has required a process of Chinese bankers are much, for opening up banking reacted strongly consider in the next five years to completely open up the banking industry, time is very According to the World Bank has long been known as one pairs of Chinese banking industry experts Radi said that the need for around ten years, China's banking sector in order to prepare, in the face of foreign competition in the industry, and not in First of all, the Chinese banking system has yet to be market-oriented reforms to further deepen, at present, four major Chinese state-owned commercial banks are all the Ministry of Finance, the national bank assets accounted for more than 90% of Shenzhen Development Bank are so far the only listed Secondly, non-performing loans of domestic banks within five years, it is difficult to National plans to discount the portion of the debt or sell securities, but this process may be will need to spend a few years or even Reconstruction of the fragile Chinese banking system is that the Chinese Government to allow foreign financial institutions to gain full access to their markets, while domestic financial crisis will not lead to an important   (2) the financial services sector in our country's industry has been opening sequence in a relatively backward part of the opening of international financial competition environment has a process of China's financial industry must be limited to opening up the market to prevent the Asian financial turmoil the price of a repeat in C  (3) China's financial sector, especially state-owned commercial banks in the past the process of non-market operators have accumulated a lot of non-performing loans, which makes US financial sector competition in the market relatively heavy historical   Second, actively respond to  (1) Expand the financial inspection of assets and liabilities of financial institutions to find out the Chinese Government to further guard against financial risks, as well as opening up financial markets to meet the challenges faced, had started a period of 5 months of a general inspection of national financial work out a comprehensive financial institution's assets and the debt Work focused on financial institutions to check the financial position and its non-performing assets in order to regulators of financial institutions nationwide to find out the true state of This will not only help regulators assess the financial risks effectively, and to take appropriate response measures, the gradual elimination of financial institutions, large non-performing   (2) in an open domestic market before the director of China's financial department to deal with banks to restructure or to inject more funds into the bank to improve the operation and management principles and the rule of law and set up appropriate regulatory Too fast, opening up the financial industry risk is probably much higher than the strength of foreign investment China's domestic financial system, we should fully absorb the lessons of the Asian crisis: liberalization in the financial industry before, we must strictly regulate the domestic financial system, commercial banks are required to have proper access to capital injection and operation and   (3) change their concepts, to face up to the international financial integration of great International financial integration is one of the world inevitable trend of economic development, we are opening up the financial industry overall strategy is unchanged, just add WTO so that the subject had placed earlier in front of At the previous monopoly of the soil protection grew up China's financial industry should face up to the international financial integration of the enormous challenges, we must seriously examine their own point whether there is really strong enough to contend with transnational corporations, the core of our competitiveness where扬长up short, a positive   一、加入WTO对中国金融业的巨大挑战  中国庞大的、高速增长的金融市场和金融深化不足、长期为政策 保护的中国金融业,对外国金融财团构成了巨大的吸引力,试图通过 中国加入WTO的良机进入中国金融市场一直是它们重点努力的方向。 美国商务部长戴利称,中美入世谈判最关键的问题落在银行和保险等 金融服务领域中。  1999年4月9日,美国贸易代表处单方面公布了所谓中国迄今为加 入WTO与美国达成的市场开放协议。这些措施据美国称将在中国加入 WTO时开始实施。其实这些所谓的协议实际上只是美国的要价,其中 只有农业部分完全达成协议,其他仍未完全达成。美国贸易代表处单 方面公布了所谓中国加入WTO后金融市场开放程度一览表,我们从中 可以看到美国具体的要价和中国金融业可能会受到的冲击程度:  (1)银行业  两国仍继续此项目的谈判。但中国已经同意,加入WTO后,美资 银行可立即向外国客户提供所有外汇业务。加入WTO一年后,美国的 银行可向中国客户提供外汇业务,中美合资的银行将立即获准经营, 外国独资银行将在5年内获准经营,外资银行在二年内将获准经营人 民币业务,在5年内经营金融零售业务。  (2)证券业  目前就证券而言,中国坚持仍然会开放B股市场,但是A股不能开 放。美方则坚持提出开放整个证券市场。对于这个要求,中国仍然坚 持金融部门的开放必须循序渐进,如果不这样作,就将步遭受危机的 东南亚国家后尘。  (3)保险业  美方要求中国加入WTO后,人寿保险公司中外资持股比例可高达 50%,加入一年后,提高至51%。非人寿保险公司和再保险公司将获 准在合资保险公司中持有51%的股份,并可在二年内成立全资的分支 机构。  随着中国加入世贸组织将成事实,中国也正为开放金融市场做好 准备:  (1)中国主管部门已订出开放人民币业务的时间表。人民币业务 开放速度之快可能会超出多数人的预期,在“可见的未来”极有可能 在所有大中城市开放人民币业务。  (2)在加入WTO后,中国将首先开放人民币业务寿险及产险市场。 至于属于资本市场的证券业,开放的速度则会相对较慢。3月20日, 中国保险监督管理委员会主席马永伟表示,中国保险市场的开放大局 已定,在不久的将来,会有多家外国保险公司进入中国市场。  (3)外资银行将在中国加入WTO一年后,获准为中国客户提供外汇 业务,两年后可为企业商务活动提供人民币业务,而五年后可为中国 个人提供金融服务。中国人民银行今年将取消外资银行营业性分支机 构地域限制,从现在的上海、北京、天津、深圳等23个城市扩大到所 有中心城市,同时正式批准美国花旗银行深圳分行、日本东京银行深 圳分行经营人民币业务。  (4)证券市场方面,外资渴望进入,但国内证券市场并不成熟, 而且人民币尚不能自由兑换,直接开放外资进入的可能性不大,近年 来中国证监会曾经提出研究组建中外合作投资基金的可能性,我们认 为以基金的形式吸收外资进入,采取组建中外合作基金形式的可能性 极大。  我们从上述分析中已经可以感受到中国加入WTO后,中国金融业 所面对国际金融一体化的巨大挑战:  (1)中国金融业长期处于高度的政策壁垒护估之下,对于加入WT O后高度的市场竞争形势需要有个适应过程。 中国许多银行业人士,对于对外开放银行业务反应强烈,认为在 五年内彻底开放银行业,时间是十分急迫的。据世界银行一位对中国 银行业素有研究的专家拉迪指出,大约需要十年,中国银行业才能作 好准备,面对国外同业的竞争,而不致于陷入险境。首先,中国银行 业体制的市场化改革仍有待进一步深化,目前,中国四大国有商业银 行属财政部所有,占全国银行资产的90%以上,深圳发展银行是至今 唯一上市的银行。其次,国内银行不良贷款在五年内难以清除。国家 计划将这部分债务以折价或证券化的方式出售,但此过程也许将需花 上数年甚至更长。重建中国脆弱的银行系统,是中国政府允许外国金 融机构完全进入本国市场,而不致引发国内金融危机的重要先决条件 。  (2)金融业在我国的行业对外开放序列中一直处于较后的部分, 对开放后的国际金融竞争环境也有个适应过程。中国金融业必须有限 制地向外开放市场,以防止亚洲金融风暴的代价在中国重演。  (3)中国金融业特别是国有商业银行在过去的非市场经营过程中 累积了不少不良贷款,这使我们的金融业在市场竞争中历史包袱比较 重。  二、积极应对  (1)展开金融大检查,摸清金融机构资产负债 中国政府为进一步防范金融风险,以及迎接金融市场开放所面临 的挑战,已开始展开为期5个月的全国金融大检查工作,全面摸清金 融机构的资产和债务状况。工作重点在于检查金融机构的财务状况及 其不良资产,以便监管机构能摸清全国金融机构债务的真实状况。此 举不仅有助于监管部门能有效评估金融风险,并可采取适当的应对措 施,逐步消除金融机构庞大的不良资产。  (2)在开放国内市场以前,中国金融主管部门应对银行进行重组 或增加注资,改进银行经营管理方针,并建立适当的法治和规范框架 。过快开放金融业的风险在于外资实力可能大大超过中国国内金融体 系,我们应该充分吸取亚洲危机的教训:在金融业自由化前,必须对 国内金融系统严格规范,商业银行必须妥善获得资本金注入及经营管 理。  (3)转变观念,正视国际金融一体化的巨大挑战。国际金融一体 化是世界经济发展的必然趋势,我们金融业的对外开放的总方略是不 变的,加入WTO只是使这一课题提早摆到了我们的面前。以往在垄断 保护的土壤中成长起来的中国金融业应该正视国际金融一体化的巨大 挑战,要认真审视自己究竟有哪一点足以与真正强大的跨国公司抗衡, 我们的核心竞争力在何处,扬长补短,积极应对。


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