

发布时间:2024-07-12 13:02:18




好多好多呢比如 法国奢侈品 法国餐饮文化 对了是需要对比的还是?有没有其他条件不过最后别写文学的,法国人追求完美会比较挑剔环法自行车~~~

学术堂从法语文学、法国文化,社会生活、法语语言学和教学法三个方面整理了一些论文题目:  一、法语文学   浅析《茶花女》中玛格丽特的悲惨命运   从《忏悔录》看卢梭的灵魂告白   波伏娃《第二性》中女性主义分析   浅析《红与黑》中德瑞纳夫人的爱情观   浅析《包法利夫人》中的浪漫主义   《小王子》中的象征主义分析   《驴皮记》中瓦朗坦的人物形象分析   从电影《无法触碰》分析法式幽默   《昂多马格》的悲剧性命运分析   《欧也妮 葛朗台》中的金钱观分析  二、法国文化,社会生活   人口老龄化对法国社会的影响   法国养老保险制度分析/中法养老保险制度对比   法国奢侈品在中国的发展(或者具体到某个品牌 如香奈儿 LV等)   法国失业问题对社会的影响   法国葡萄酒文化   中法婚姻问题对比   法国甜点文化在文学作品中的体现   法国移民问题对社会的影响   中法饮食文化对比   法国TGV的发展分析  三、法语语言学和教学法   英语对法语语音和词汇教学的影响研究   基于微博公众平台的法语教学模式   法语复合过去时与未完成过去时的区分   多媒体环境下大学法语课堂教学模式探析   法语中的名词化现象分析   法语教学中的的文化引入   浅谈法国艺术对法语发展的深远影响   法语语言中的性别歧视   法语联盟语言课堂教学研究及对孔子学院的启示   从《巴黎圣母院》看法国音乐剧中的语言要素,


By succession accomplice


Criminal proceedings in relation to the other, it becomes all the more As a lawsuit based on the evidence, when compared to other proceedings, but will also show the importance Various items of evidence, particularly the dangers of illegal evidence! It relates to evidence in the course of the protection of human rights, or even related to the use of correct or not after the verdict that the suspect, the defendant, the fate of life or death Therefore, the illegal evidence exclusion is particularly important! In this article, in addition to the evidence of the concept, characteristics, classification, and the concept of illegal evidence, the scope of issues such as general discussion, the main expression of the author of China's current debate on illegal evidence exclusion of various items of legislation and practice of views and to build and perfecting the system of illegal evidence exclusion of the proposed

Because of the Criminal Code can be deprived of their freedom and even lives are unique, criminal proceedings in relation to the other litigation, it becomes all the more As a lawsuit based on the evidence, when compared to other proceedings, but will also show the importance Various items of evidence, particularly the dangers of illegal evidence! It relates to evidence in the course of the protection of human rights, or even related to the use of correct or not after the verdict that the suspect, the defendant, the fate of life or death Therefore, the illegal evidence exclusion is particularly important! In this article, in addition to the evidence of the concept, characteristics, classification, and the concept of illegal evidence, the scope of issues such as general discussion, the main expression of the author of China's current debate on illegal evidence exclusion of various items of legislation and practice of views and to build and perfecting the system of illegal evidence exclusion of the proposed


Cultivation of Ability to Solve Chemistry Problems for High School Student - Taking Chemical Process Chart as An Example


La recherche de Java Warehouse Management System

Training of Ability to Solve Problems of Biochemistry of Senior High School - Taking Chemical Process Chart as An Example



Of the thesis of translation论英语翻译Of the thesis of translation and interpretation论英语笔译与口译

29.中西文化面子观差异对比分析An Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Ideas on Face 30.中西文化中女性角色意识差异及其对职业发展影响Differences between Chinese and Western Role Awareness of Women and the Effects on Their Career Development 31.英语学习中文化障碍Cultural Obstacles in English Learning 32.从中西委婉语的对比透视中西文化差异Understand Chinese and English Cultural Differences through the Comparison between Chinese and western Euphenism 33.中英禁忌语比较A Comparison between Chinese and English taboos 34.从隐私权看中西文化差异A Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Aspect of Privacy right 35.中西社会习俗比较A Comparison Between Chinese and Western Social Conventions 36.言语行为理论及其应用Speech Act and its Application 37.湖北经济学院英语自主学习现状调查A Survey on the Students’ English Autonomous Learning in Hubei University of Economics50.Chinese and Western Culture Values in Advertising Language从广告语中看中西方文化观 51.The Differences of Family Values between China and American中国和美国家庭观差异 52.The Comparison of Chinese and Western Interpersonal Relationships中西人际关系比较 53.Cultural Difference Between Chinese and English on Politeness从中英文礼貌用语中看文化差异 54.谈跨文化交际中的“面子”观 On Face Perception in Cross-cultural Communication 55.委婉语在跨文化交际中的应用 The Application of Euphemism in Cross-cultural Communication 56.从英汉习语看东西方文化异同 Differences and Similarities between Eastern and Western Cultures in Chinese and English Idioms 57.中英文化中的礼貌对比研究A Contrastive Study of Politeness in English and Chinese Cultures 58.解析文化差异引起的语用失误The Study of Pragmatic Failure: From the Perspective of Cultural Differences 59.从文化角度论英汉语中的性别歧视On the Sexism in Chinese and English from the Cultural Perspective

On the criminal law to strengthen the legal protection of minors 我这个是正统。



----英语专业毕业论文题目1 商务英语的语言特色2 “商务行话”在商务交流中的运用3 商务谈判成功要素4 商务交流意义初探5 商务英语翻译技巧6 涉外商务的沟通技巧7 商标名称的翻译与策略8 商务英语信函的用语特征分析(An Analytical Term Features of English Business Correspondence )9 商务英语谈判中的礼貌策略研究(On the Politeness Strategies in English Business Environment )10 商务英语沟通中的文化因素(On Cultural Elements Integrated into Business English Teaching )11 商务英语谈判的文化差异毕业论文参考网整理收集论文12 商务英语谈判中“赞同”与“否决”句型的巧用13 The Features of Business English 商务英语语言特点14 Etiquette in Business Activities 商务活动中商务礼仪15 The Cultural Comparison in Business Activities 商务活动中的中西方文化差异16 A Study on Problems in Business Letter Writing 商务信函写作问题研究17 Business Communication Skills in a Company 涉外公司商务沟通技巧18 商号(商标、公司)名称等的翻译19 广告英语及其翻译

论文选题参考方向 1. 谈英语谚语的翻译 2. 谈英语幽默的翻译 3. 英语汉译技巧初探 4. 地方名胜古迹汉译英 5. 翻译中常见错误分析 6. 中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响 7. 会话含义的推导与翻译 8. 词汇的文化内涵与翻译 9. 语境在翻译中的作用 10.翻译技巧探索 11.商标词翻译 12.广告语言的翻译 13.论英汉互译中的语义等值问题 14.英汉文化差异对翻译的影响 15.英汉谚语的理解和翻译 16.浅谈颜色词在英语中的翻译 17.中西文化差异与翻译障碍 18.英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译 19.英语意义否定表现法及其汉译 20.浅谈新闻标题的翻译 也可以自己根据查阅的资料确定题目。
